October issue - Fishing and Outdoors Newspaper

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October 2018

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Massive threat to trout fishing Massive threat to trout fishing It has been a long time since freshwater angling in New Zealand has faced a threat from Government as large as the one it does at the moment. No party has come out against the proposed amendments. We ran a poll to all politicians and not one single politician was against the Bill. National supported the Bill through its first reading, Labour and Greens no comment. NZ First non-existent. We cannot remember any Government threat that has been delivered with the aggressive arrogance that Eugenie Sage and the Greens have used in trying to amend the Conservation Act, under the guise of The Indige-


Compulsory reading for anglers

Page 5 -

Jones aquaculture plan failure

Page 6 -

Letters to the editor

Page 8-

Who is driving Predator Free NZ

Page 16- Who and what is behind this madness? Page 17- Summer Fly Fishing Euro Nymphing Page 19 - Doc’s demonization of trout

nous Freshwater Fish Amendment Bill. The NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers Inc. has long advocated that our native freshwater fish deserve more environmental protection and are willing to go a long way to accommodate that. But it seems that the junior partner in the government coalition is only going to be happy if it destroys freshwater recreational angling completely. You would think, seeing as they have specific responsibilities under the Conservation Act, that Fish & Game NZ would have been party to any changes to it or at the very least, consulted. But no, this bunch of arrogant government bureaucrats and politicians didn’t even bother to tell Fish and Game NZ, let alone involve them. Perhaps that’s because the consequences of this pernicious piece of legislation ever becoming law would include: • directly threatening Fish and Game NZ’s ability to manage sports fisheries; • enabling DOC to remove sports fish from waterways; • enabling iwi and Treaty partners to own, possess and sell trout; • enabling the commercial farming of trout. Effectively this will give DoC the ability to declare trout a non-indigenous pest fish. If you are a freshwater angler that lives in NZ, or visits NZ to fish (or even wishes to); if you run a business that services or supplies anglers, then we urge you to support Fish and Game NZ in fighting this proposed legislation. Please visit https://fishandgame.org.nz/threat-to-trout/ to see how you can help. We can’t stress enough just how great a threat this is, and how important and urgent it is for you to lend your voice to this struggle.

Time is short (Govt has seen to that) and the future of recreational sports fishing in New Zealand is at stake. It is believed that DoC have been put under huge threat over recent years due to their incompetence in the management of Taupo Fishing waters and that public cries to have Fish and Game take over and manage the fishery has concerned them enough to take these drastic measures. With plummeting licence sales because of the poor quality trout DoC and Maori are looking to other means to combat the lack of revenue. They are not there to make money, as they are government owned. The tax payer already pays them and far too much. They are there to protect while working with the likes of Fish and Game along with other agencies to find solutions to better the New Zealand environment. It’s about making things better for everyone including the many overseas visitors to enjoy. When you step back and consider the huge revenue that recreational freshwater fishing brings to this country it becomes clearer that DoC want their share of this. Our children get so much enjoyment by going to well managed ‘trout fish out’ days run in numerous Fish and Game managed ponds around New Zealand. From here our future anglers get to enjoy the experience of catching their first trout. DoC is completely out of control and it seems that neither of the coalition partners is able to control them. Sage and her Green Party colleagues are a disgrace to New Zealand’s freshwater systems and she should resign. To embrace change to the environment is to include ways to help it thrive, not fill it full of nitrates and destroy it.

Eagle Fishing Kayaks $899 Chomp Snappernator $15.00


Tourism is by far our biggest economic earner and our freshwater system needs to support that. Read the summary that shows what is behind this proposed Bill and why the Greens and Sage are hell bent on destroying our freshwater angling.

Change is coming to commercial fishing But don’t hold your breath ……

http://www.fishingoutdoors.org/ fishing-information/freshwater-fishing-articles/3369-iucn-guidelines-forthe-prevention-of-biodiversity-losscaused-by-alien-invasive-species.html http://www.fishingoutdoors. org/fishing-information/freshwater-fishing-articles/3364-conservation-indigenous-freshwater-fish-amendment-bill.html http://www.fishingoutdoors.org/ fishing-information/freshwaterfishing-articles/3365-http-wwwfishingoutdoors-org-doctoxins.html http://www.fishingoutdoors.org/ fishing-information/freshwaterfishing-articles/3370-the-threat-totrout-and-fishing-from-the-proposedconservation-act-amendment.html Stuart Nash http://www.fishingoutdoors.org/fishing-information/freshwater-fishingarticles/3367-the-truth-about-aerialdropped-1080-poisoned-food.html http://www.fishingoutdoors.org/ fishing-information/freshwater-fishing-articles/3368-national-chemicalcontaminants-programme.html http://www.fishingoutdoors. org/fishing-information/freshwater-fishing-articles/3366-thestealthy-privatisation-of-doc.html

The Minister of Fishery Stuart Nash recently addressed the seafood industry annual conference. The Minister started great when he indicated he wanted to make sure he acted on opportunities to reduce the environmental impact on fisheries. While that sounds really good, there was no indication on what part of the industry he was talking about. Was it the thousands of miles of ocean floor habitat destroyed by bottom trawling or was it the depletion of a fish or sea mammal stock, like Hoki, Bluenose, Dolphin, or Tarakihi and the many others stocks

that have all been seriously depleted. Or maybe it was the fact that his hands are completely tied because of the influence NZ First has at cabinet level. NZ First will not allow Nash to undertake anything worthwhile for the fishery. When Nash took on the position he said that he stopped the camera rollout because the cameras weren’t fit for purpose. Under Guy if the cameras were implemented the receivers would not have received all the fish; cameras would not have been legal; they didn’t cover land based fishers; boats under 8 m were exempt i.e. – flounder fishers; they weren’t reliable enough – the footage was crap; and they didn’t work under deck lights plus there wasn’t going to be any real time footage. The fly in the ointment for Nash is NZ First. As we all know they have done back room deals with the industry and have Nash by the ‘old fella’. He can do very little. What Nash needs is an answer to sort out the deemed value and the fish receivers. This is the only way to sort out the inshore fishery where it’s a mixed species fishery, Story continued page 3...


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Ashton Crake 11 years old with his first legal Kingi caught few weeks back! He was so stoked pulling this on board.

Eedin Reymolds showing up the rest of the crew Ashleigh from H&F Thames slaying up with softbaits!

Fishing and Outdoors PO Box 10580, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3240 Ph 021 02600437 Editor Graham Carter mail@fishingoutdoors.co.nz 021 02600437 Graphics: Astro Creative Photography: Sandi Tuan Regular Writers: Graham Carter James Speedy Ben Hope Frank Henry Dick Featherstone Tony Orman Rhys Smith John McNab Rex Gibson Fishing and Outdoors is published by Ashwood Grove Ltd. All editorial copy and photographs are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions or comments expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the contributors, editor, staff and management or directors of Ashwood Grove Ltd. ISSN 1179-5034 Unsolicitored editorial, letters, photographs will only be returned if you include a stamped, self addressed envelope. www.fishingoutdoors.org Visit us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Fishingoutdoors Copyright © 2011 Fishing Outdoors Newspaper, All Rights Reserved.

Taino from Stryder Roofing in Pukekohe with a lovely 18 pounder. The team caught a heap of good sized fish out on Nadgee Fishing Charters.

Kura was back and snagged another big one

View the newspaper online at www.fishingoutdoors.org – and advertise online with us Cover story continued...

cameras can be introduced later along the same lines as Aussie and the UK where they work very well. Cameras are already on 70% of the offshore fleet and monitored. All the MPI wants to know is that if the commercial fishers catch 60 ton of deep water fish that they don’t just keep 20 ton and dump the rest. The next thing was that he indicated he was interested in promoting New Zealand’s global brand as a sustainable and high-quality seafood provider. There is no way the Minister of Fishery could or should be able to promote the NZ fishery as sustainable. The fact is the NZ export fishery is not sustainable at all because almost the entire commercial fishery has been overfished down to or below the unsustainable 40% of its original biomass. The shocking state of the fishery can’t possibly be the fault of this Government or the new Fisheries Minister. But it would be very bad form for the new Minister of the Fishery to mislead our overseas clients, and risk being caught out. Nash would be better to tell the world that the last National Party Prime Minister John Key gave the commercial fishers nine years to double the value of the export fishery and the result was a depleted fishery and that his hands are tied in cabinet decisions. If the Minister told the truth to the world and admitted that a fishery fished down to 40% from its original bio-mass, was the wrong way to manage a fishery, then the world and the NZ public would respect that and work with him to achieve a healthier ocean environment. The Minister then indicated he wanted to rebuild New Zealanders’ trust and confidence in our fisheries management system. That would never happen without absolute proof of a buildup (or rebuild) in the wild seafood stocks. That buildup of seafood stocks should also include the sea mammals and seabirds that continue to be decimated by commercial fishers as by-catch. Historically MPI always seek to increase the exports of its primary industries and as such, they have always allocated any abundance in the fishery to the commercial seafood exporters. What the over-educated dimwits in the MPI did by being too slow to reduce the TAC Total Allowable Catch) of a declining seafood and too fast to increase the TAC of a rebuilding seafood stock, made them the major culprits who have prevented a fishery rebuild. All over the world, countries whose

fisheries have collapsed have been as a result of fishery management trying to manage their fishery for the highest financial gain, rather than the highest ecological benefit. The MPI fishery should be shut down and its doors closed. There will never be any public trust or confidence in MPI. This government needs to throw out the rotten apples that still foul up the offices of the MPI fisheries and start again. Until that happens they will be regarded as the largest seafood predators. The Minister also wanted to encourage innovative fishing practices in the water and on-board vessels to support more productive and higher value commercial fishing. Mr Nash must realise he is not the Minister of Innovation or Fishery Production. For the last nine years, not one person in NZ fishery management has solely or independently represented the interests of the fish. As soon as any fishery manager takes into consideration, jobs, export value, local trade, customary fishers, commercial fishers or recreational fishers before the natural sustainable needs of the fishery, he/she has failed as a fishery manager, as did the former minister Nathan Guy. It would appear that what Mr Nash has been doing in his short time frame as Fisheries Minister is trying to mend the serious rift between the recreational fishers and commercial fishers, as well as gather as much up to date information on the stock levels of our fishery. The commercial fishers may have finally got the message that most recreational fishers now hate Graham Sinclair’s guts and that he actually represents nobody. Sinclair has done as much damage to the industry’s image as did Nathan Guy. So, it was no surprise when the Minister mentioned the commercial fisheries new friend Forest and Bird. Considering that this is the organisation that the whole country laughed at when they put Snapper on the endangered list, you can only assume that the commercial fishing stakeholders only want to be friends with them because of their lack of fishery knowledge. Then the Minister who armed with up to date information and some new friends gave the commercial fishers the heads up. The Minister informed the commercial fishers that change was coming. He told them that the cameras would be introduced but some changes to the dumping laws and the deemed values system would be needed first. The Minister indicated that he wanted as close to real-time infor-

mation on fishery catch as he could get so he could better manage the fishery. The Minister didn’t appear to be sucked in by the commercial fisheries new promise in the sustainable fishing TV campaign or code of conduct. The minister’s indications on this topic were clear, ‘talk is cheap.’ He let the industry know that their code of practice was good but they had to deliver on it. He then warned the industry that if they failed to deliver on their promise that it could have a negative effect. The Minister let the commercial fishery stakeholders know that he would be taking action to rebuild some species of fish by putting down the TAC for these fisheries for the next commercial fishing season and he mentioned Tarakihi by name. The Minister also did what no fishery minister since Jim Anderton had done, he let the commercial fishing stakeholders know that how they marketed their fish was up to them, but how they caught their fish was up to him. But all this is very well except he has not been allowed to lower the Terakihi limit. It is believed that NZ First traded flounder for terakihi to stay onside with commercial and that is why the flounder limit was reduced. What the new Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash did was inform the commercial fishing stakeholders of NZ that he was the top dog in NZ fishery management and that if he had the scientific information to support the reduction of the commercial catch then he wasn’t afraid to do so. All he needs to do now is put on some ‘big boys pants’ and show that he means to do something about it. The fact that Nash is trying to fix things in the fishery when he’s had just under a year in office shows up NZ First and MPI fishery for the cancerous scumbags they are because all they managed to do in the last nine years was cover up their ability to do nothing of value or significance. For this reason, Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash gets 10/10 for slowly sorting out the truth about how and why our public wild fishery of NZ is in such a depleted state. Furthermore, he appears to have been the first fishery Minister since Jim Anderton to put the responsibility on the stakeholder group that caused the decline, the commercial fishers not the recreational fishers. For their ability to concentrate solely on the image of the commercial fishing industry rather than acknowledge the failings of it and be part of sensible solutions, we give MPI and Graham Sinclair minus 10.

A storm is brewing in the Tauranga Marina Berth holders in the Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd are objecting to paying for a new sea wall to further protect the marina from Northerly storms. The berth holders say that they considered the new sea wall was capital an investment, the cost being estimated at 6 million. They say that their licences are a licence to occupy and the court agreed. They took a Declaratory Judgement case to the High Court in 2015, as Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd had 4 issues which needed clarification and they won on all 4. Then Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd did some work to strengthen A pier because of this lack of a new sea wall. The berth holders say that Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd increased operating expenses by 33% to pay for it when the money should have come out of a Refurbishment Account but that had no money because they

say it had been raided by the company which then refused to refund. Quite complex but the berth holders say it’s all about corporate greed. Currently Tauranga Bridge Marina Ltd have taken the berth licences from 5 berth holders because they refused to pay the extra 33% and now the berth holders have an injunction which has stopped TBML tendering the berths for sale. The berth holders sat that similar problems are happening in Auckland where there is a group representing 5 marinas which are battling similar rape and pillage attacks. The berth holders want some recommendations included in any new Marina Berth Licence. -A documented disputes procedure which should include representatives of the Berth Licence Holders Committee. -The removal of the ability of

TBML to pass on any of TBML’s legal costs to berth licence holders through any accounts to which berth licence holders contribute. -Under the current regime TBML attempts to stifle any dispute by burdening those who disagree with High Court Action and overwhelming legal costs. TBML can do this because they have berth licence holders picking up their legal costs so lots of incentive for TBML to make it as prolonged and as expensive as they can. Even when they lose in court, they pass on those losses to berth licence holders. -Currently there is no incentive for TBML to attempt reconciliation, mediation or negotiation. This must be addressed and documented in any disputes procedure. https://www.facebook.com/TaurangaBridgeMarinaBerthHolders/

Compulsory reading for anglers This article is a valid warning, as it has many common parallels to NZ and the demise of many historically rich civilizations. The video is very clear. The common denominators are intensive agriculture, nitrogen and phosphate (triazine’s). The uncommon one is they (Iowa in the corn belt USA) are victims of

‘rivers that cross their borders having become contaminated and having water abstracted from them’. We are very rich in freshwater because we have no borders over which our water supply comes. It is our responsibility to manage our freshwater however and do so by learning from mistakes like

this article is about and history. https://e360.yale.edu/features/ in-the-heart-of-the-corn-belt-anuphill-battle-for-clean-water-iowa Our Canterbury situation is in some ways worse than Ohio state. In Canterbury rivers they already exceed 10mg/L (ppm) in several places (Hinds and Ashburton rivers).

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The Canterbury issue differs from Ohio in two significant ways; 1. The cow is the primary source of excess nitrogen rather than direct fertilizer application which can be managed. How do we sell having less cows in this province to the bureaucrats and politicians? 2. Water flows vertically through sandy porous soils directly to the

underlying aquifer(s), (Lismore stony silt loams, Templeton silt, etc). In Ohio the polluted water travels laterally to nearby streams due to less porous clay soils. The farming industry knows this and DairyNZ has published several pamphlets informing dairy farmers of the issues. Unfortunately the solution is perceived


to lie with further research. Sadly our central and local governments have placed GDP above the environment. The Public Health implications outweigh the threat to recreational fishing and other water users. ECan has failed its residents.

OBC leads in sustainable fishing

Outboard Boating Club’s member, Manuel Greenland caught and released this 82cm whopper Snapper in the Hauraki Gulf. Manuel is a huge supporter of ‘send the big ones home’.

Auckland’s Outboard Boating Club (OBC) has taken a responsible and important step by changing the rules of all its fishing competitions to ensure its members remain at the forefront of recreational fishing good practice. The Executive Committee voted last night (30 Aug 2018) to run all of the club’s fishing competitions on a measure-only basis, giving anglers the choice to either keep or release their catch while still being eligible for prizes. Grant Blair, a director of NZ Fishing Media and founder of the DB Export NZ Fishing Competition, a national annual on-line contest fished on a measure basis, applauds the move. “Using length measurement as

the criteria for assessment provides the foundation for anglers to make the best decisions for our precious resources,” Grant says. “Fishing contests have traditionally focussed on killing and weighing the biggest fish and the prognosis for a dead fish isn’t exactly rosy,” he says. “Instead, photographing the fish on a length measure empowers contestants to keep the best eating fish while releasing the rest of the catch. That means OBC members can still be rewarded for a significant catch and also have the option to release it.” The OBC’s CEO, Brian Hood also comments, “Responsible Kiwis no longer want to see the biggest snapper die

just for the chance to win a prize. A length competition gives you the opportunity to release a large prize-winning snapper to spawn another day. Anglers now have a choice to put back or keep competition eligible fish,” Brian says. Changing the competition rules at the OBC to ‘length’ rather than ‘weight’ is a great example of the club being on the right side of the sustainable fishing effort, providing opportunity to help protect the resource of the Hauraki Gulf” Brian says. OBC Commodore, Russell Watson adds “The main point is to encourage a change of mindset from weight to length as the way of measuring one’s fishing success, while at the same time helping the sustainability of our fisheries”. Leading from the front is nothing new to the OBC, whose adoption of the measure-only concept makes it the first club in Aotearoa to do so over all its events. Over the past two years the club has piloted the Kai Ika Project, which has diverted over 16 tonnes of fish off cuts to a community healthy food programme. The project involves LegaSea and the Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae in Mangere, and saw the club put in a state-of-the-art filleting facility that incorporates three chillers with space for the trimmings for members to donate to the scheme. The marae utilises the fish and frames/heads to provide nutritious meals for the community, with other waste dug into their vegetable gardens as fertiliser. The OBC have also gained their Blue Flag accreditation. One of the world’s most recognised environmental accreditations awarded to marina and waterways operators across the globe. Club volunteers are also leading the eco-system restoration on Motuihe and Motukorea (Browns Island).

The official measure allows the angler to take a picture of the fish, upload it to a leaderboard on the www.fishingcomp.co.nz website, then release the fish, if they wish.

Ospri’s lies hold no water The thing is TB is at an all-time low in NZ. Possums are no longer reasonable for carrying TB as there aren’t enough of them. The under the tail testing for TB is a proven failed test. Unregistered cattle movement is by far the largest cause of TB infection in cows. Main stream media are underestimating the true toxicity of synthetically made 1080 in bait form. Dozens of deer killed, simply not true. That figure is nowhere near what the true figure is likely to be. They used deer repellent in a small part of the 60,000 ha drop zone, it still killed them. They did not do this as possum control for TB; this is not the type of country to hold large numbers of possums. They did this drop targeting deer, getting more bang for their buck because the deer were in fawn. They just dropped this toxin and walked away. No-one from DoC or OSPRI did any follow up analysis or studies into the full impact. This deceptive undermining of the truth by Doc actually increases the risks to workers, forest users and the general public. The RSPCA in spite of the huge public outcry sat back in front of overwhelming evidence of animal cruelty to the highest levels – did nothing. Many hunters believe that DoC had every intention of poisoning deer – it was deliberate cruel act. Deer hunters self-funded an aerial survey of the historic 180,000-hectare Molesworth Station in the South Island after a 1080 (monosodium fluoroacetate) drop in October last year by TBFree NZ was feared to have unintentionally

wiped out as many as 345 red deer. The final number of carcasses spotted lying on the vast farmland is yet to be publicly-released, with the Marlborough branch of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) saying its scientists are still writing their comprehensive report. Meanwhile, Ospri, the governmentbacked company, formerly the Animal Health Board, which is fighting to eradicate tuberculosis (TB), has deferred any further drops on Molesworth Station “until at least next year”. Ospri say that the deferment was decided after the initial possum control operation in 2017 killed more deer than expected, that they may need to use deer repellent over a wide area. Ospri state they are now undertaking further research and testing into alternative repellents, which could also prove “significantly more cost effective”. Ospri’s TB free nine-year programme is designed to eradicate bovine tuberculosis from Molesworth, which has a long history with TB infection in its cattle herd and wildlife, dating back to the early 1960’s. Offers by local hunters to shoot as many deer as possible before the 1080 drop were not taken up by DoC. Ospri said that until an alternative to 1080 is found, it remains “the best tool in the toolbox for controlling the introduced predators that transmit TB between wildlife and livestock”. Yet they completely ignore trappings and other more humane methods because they get no financial gain using these mother methods. Richard Prosser former MP asked

the Minister of Primary Industries the following question: “How many cattle have been tested for bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand for each of the last ten years in each district and of these, how many were classified as TB reactors requiring further testing?” The answer received on 9/6/2015 gave tables for each district showing: The numbers of - Primary skin tests performed on cattle from mid-2006 to mid-2015 Cattle that tested positive to the skin test. - Cattle among the ‘skin test positives’ that reacted to a blood test and were therefore slaughtered. Cattle found with gross signs of Tb on slaughter. The results from the middle of 2006 to the middle of 2015, 41,222,555 dairy cows were tested for bovine Tb. First they had a skin test and 59,119 cows tested positive for Tb. Then, those 59,119 cows were given a blood test and 6,737 reacted positively for Tb. Next, those 6,737 cows were slaughtered and it turned out that only 1,725 of them actually had Tb. And what this means is that only 11% (approx) of the cows that had a positive skin test, also had a positive blood test, and only 26% (approx) of the cows that had a positive blood test actually had Tb. Overall this means that only approximately three percent of the cows that had a positive skin test actually had Tb. So we have a hugely unreliable skin test and a hugely unreliable blood test and what, one wonders, are the figures for the false negatives? The cows that didn’t react to either test but actually have Tb? Because with that level of unreliability it seems a possible scenario.

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make my own barbecue and then to win using it in New Zealand and then end up at the biggest barbecue show in the world. Wow. The best the team achieved in Texas got was 27th out 418 competitors for their BBQ chicken. A huge thanks to my sponsors Team BBQ wars Butcher Jack, House of knives, UFO From the early days of making Cookers, Total Solutions and ‘the tank’ to winning the final One-stop cutting shop. And a round of the Jack Daniels barbe- big thanks to Samba Charcoal cue competition ‘Team BBQ wars’ Without samba ‘the tank’ wouldn’t came in as New Zealand’s grand have got to America. It was the champion on the last round. most photographed barbecue at Then getting the opportunity to join the show by a long shot and went up with ‘big tent meat revival’ and viral on the Internet. The Ameritravel to the USA for the biggest bar- can people and the barbecue becue show in the world - the Royal. community were so good to us. This was an amazing opportunity A good show for people to come and a dream that came true to along and check out ‘the tank’ is the

Resource consents for Aquaculture New Zealanders need to get ready to object to the new wave of aquaculture resource consents that will be applied for by business investors around NZ. What politicians tend to do when they have run out of ideas or money for their countries economy is they turn to their biggest free resource, the ocean? The NZ aquaculture industry is without question one of NZ’s biggest environmental disasters. Any person walking on a beach within 10 miles of any marine farm can see the evidence of that. The NZ aquaculture industry wants to have the same financial return for marine farming as Norway, but

without the cost of the environmental protection or the cleanup cost of the bottom fouling and plastic debris washed up on the beaches. The high stocking rates of fish farms do occur in nature but big schools of fish don’t stay in one place. If they did they would die of disease and starvation very quickly. This means that the only way a marine fish farmer can keep alive such a large stationary school of fish is with unnatural products introduced into the food chain of the poor unfortunate trapped fish. What the aquaculture farmers have missed looking through their greed fill eyes is that all over the world now consumer resist-

ance to farmed fish in favour of wild-caught fish is growing. For NZ to go from selling the best organic wild fish with a high flavour profile to high intensity farmed chemically rescued fish living in their own excrement is not only the high of stupidity but completely immoral. Fish farming is not the Kiwi way; the Norwegians can have it and all its toxic problems. We want our fish to be free to live on fresh seafood in clean water and taste good with no more additives than salad or chips. Both the consumers and the fish deserve better, fish farming should be illegal in NZ.

Outdoor Council Agrees Nelson Marlborough Mining Crazy A government decision to call for prospecting mining permits for public lands in Nelson Marlborough is not only short-sighted and disrespectful to the environment but treachery says the Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of NZ (CORANZ). CORANZ chairman Andi Cockroft agreed with Forest and Bird’s calling of the government decision as “crazy”. “This flies in the face of government assurances, indeed by Prime Minister Jacinda Adern in November, that there would be no new mining exploration on the public’s conservation estate. It’s a U turn that’s totally unacceptable,” he said. NZ Petroleum and Minerals part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment recently reo-

pened 7828 square kms across the top of the South Island for prospecting permits. Included will be Nelson Lakes and Kahurangi National Parks and the Howard conservation area. Andi Cockroft praised Forest and Bird for their opposition. “This is public land. It doesn’t belong to the BIME ministry bureaucrats in NZ Petroleum. I repeat it is public land and the ministry boffins are public servants.” Andi Cockroft said he would have expected a more forthright note of concern from the Minister of Conservation. While a mineral permit might be approved, and resource consent to mine declined, there was a danger in giving overseas mining corporations a “sniff of an opportunity.” “The mining corporations won’t go prospecting unless they know

there’s a good chance of getting a mining right. It’s dangerous,” he said. Andi Cockroft was hopeful that the prime minister would reiterate her November promise. “The Ministry bureaucrats need to be pulled into line,” he said. Andi Cockroft also drew attention to the previous National-led government’s decision to open up public lands and offshore marine areas to mineral exploration. He said the then energy minister Simon Bridges had signed off public areas for exploration and when asked about the Victoria Forest Park in the Lewis Pass area, confessed he did not know where it was. “Such ignorance just isn’t good enough,” said Andi Cockroft. “Public property i.e. public lands is involved.”

One Stop Bait Shop for sale Salty Towers is a Coromandel icon passionate about bait and berley that has been successfully supplying Coromandel far and wide for the last 12 years. Awesome location on Tiki Road (SH25) the Coromandel fishing highway, Salty Towers has huge exposure from the high daily traffic flow that passes by en route to Coromandel Town or all places North, East, West or South, like Whangapoua, Matarangi, Kuaotunu, or Whitianga, where fisherman find Salty Towers a popular stock up on supplies stop. Whether you’re towing a tinny or launch there is plenty of room, easy parking and turn

around on this 1.1 hectare site. Salty Towers have a numerous contracts in place with local mussel farmers and specialize in making their own special mussel berley which is very popular with the “fish” and anglers throughout New Zealand, they also offer wholesale prices to bait suppliers and charter boat operators. This is a one stop shop, with its own salt ice processing plant, huge range of bait, berley and fishing supplies that doesn’t let any angler get away. Other premium services are offered onsite, such as the very popular fish filleting drop off and pick up service, with the added option of also hav-

ing your fish smoked on request. You also have the great option of a 3 bedroom house and extra accommodation, living onsite makes the running of the business so much easier and you have staff on hand so you can have some flexible working hours. The present owners have created a fabulous Eco award winning business with ongoing growth, potential and return, but they have instructed us to sell and opportunity knocks. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today for an appointment to view this very profitable business.

Fo sin r S es al s e

UFOs in the USA

Big Boys Toys event in Auckland on the 17th and 18th of November 2018. The tank took more than 200 hours to build, it weighs 1286 kg, it takes one and a half hours to heat up and runs on samba hotshots, the wood of our choice mainly apple or peach. “If anyone is interested in hiring us coming along to do a social workplace event for them just give us a call will use all money to fund raise to get to our next event we have three more events for this year including one in Sydney,” says Wayne from UFO cookers. We also manufacture offset barbecues to your requirements any shape or any size is possible it’s just time and money thanks to everyone who is supporting us and she’s a song to get this far.

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Jones aquaculture plan failure Shane Jones showed his support for the commercial fishing industry recently; when he boldly let the commercial fishers know that his $3b taxpayer chequebook was open. What a nice fella Jones is to support some of the richest people in NZ with money that should have been earmarked for the sick and homeless of NZ. Jones is more like Robin Hoods sick scumbag evil twin brother, who is taking from the sick and poor to give to the rich. The re-elect Shane Jones fund is more likely to cost hard-working small business their livelihoods as Jones creates jobs for unemployed people, while at the same time creating competition and hardship for existing business in those areas. Aquaculture looks to be on the good idea list of Jones. This comes at a time when aquaculture all round NZ has been caught polluting our beaches and seafloor with

plastic and sea bottom fouling with toxic unnatural sediment. What the public of NZ can expect is the complete destruction of the marine seafloor and beach habitat within 10 nm of any marine aquaculture high-intensity farm structure. Jones aquaculture plan is no more than a complete betrayal of the NZ people as Jones uses our public marine natural wonder for his political party’s friend buying campaign. Thank God that everything Jones has done so far has been a miserable failure. The money Jones will spend on the commercial fishing industry won’t buy him one more vote on election day, because commercial fishers have always voted with National. Worse still though, is that because Jones and Winston Peters are stonewalling any attempt by Labour to fix the drastically depleted wild public fishery of NZ,

- By Rhys Smith

NZF is essentially preventing the Labour Party from fulfilling its promise to rebuild the fishery of NZ. NZF belongs in the gutter with the convicted criminals and sodamites that’s for sure, but to pull their coalition partners with them to the political sewer is an act of selfish anti-patriotism. The selfish self-centred hidden agendas of the NZF Party are possibly the greatest acts of in your face public betrayals in the history of NZ politics. A final thought, what happens to a political party that spends $3b of taxpayer money to get reelected when they only get 2% of the votes, well they should have to pay the money back, but they won’t, the losses from NZF will cry to each other’s egos that they are no longer famous and NZ will be $3b more in debt.

Iwi can apply for fish farming consents The Waikato is on track to establish the North Island’s first offshore fin fish farm which will be for a new commercial species – kingfish. Along with the current mussel farms in the Gulf this is likely to ensure that the area will become one of the most polluted sea areas in New Zealand. Fin fish farming has caused many issues in the Marlborough Sounds and this is likely to be the same here. Waikato Regional Council has granted Pare Hauraki Kaimoana authority to apply for resource consents to occupy 240 hectares of fin fish farming space in the Firth of Thames following a tender process. The space, known as the Coro-

mandel Marine Farming Zone, is located about 10 kilometres offshore of Coromandel Town. Pare Hauraki Kaimoana propose farming kingfish in the space and the authorisation means they now have two years to prepare and submit an application for the necessary resource consents. “Pare Hauraki Kaimoana are already a major player in our regional aquaculture industry and their tender proposal demonstrated a deep commitment to achieving environmental, economic and social outcomes for the region,” said the council’s chief executive, Vaughan Payne. Money speaks and the shellfish

Hoki fishery collapsed Comm fishers have reported that they are struggling to catch hoki in the nation’s largest fishery. Incredibly hoki was recently recertified with the Marine Stewardship Council tick of sustainability, which is laughable and shows how corrupt the MSC is. NZ has five hoki areas and four are still fishing okay, but for

how long. With the West Coast fishery not producing the industry has taken a 22% cut. The fishing industry only has itself to blame. It doesn’t matter what the MPI or anyone else says – as the industry has refused to acknowledge any science that suggested it could be in trouble. Like any of the large players that

farming brings in employment and great monetary benefits but mussel farming in the area is directly responsible for serious pollution under the farms and the audits ignore this. Several years ago there was strong interest in farming kingfish and hāpuku in the region. The Coromandel Marine Farming Zone was subsequently established in 2011 by a central government amendment to the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan. But due to the global financial crisis interest in fish farming waned. Then in mid-2016 there was renewed interest from the aquaculture market in taking up space in the zone, resulting in the call for tenders. industry has now dreamt up the reason – climate change. The collapse has nothing to do with overfishing or greed. Yeah right. The industry is likely to continue exporting hoki and supplying the large consumers while NZ consumers will miss out. This just shows that if they can’t look after their own managed deep water fishery they can’t be trusted in the inshore fishery.

Commercial industry losing ground Ray Hilborn a US fishing professor at the University of Washington is highlighting the effectiveness the lobbying by anti-fishing NGOs which are leading to public concern about the environmental impacts of fishing, are leading to increasing restrictions on commercial fishing far beyond any regulation needed to as-

sure the sustainability of the fishery. Commercial fishing as a livelihood and economic activity is under threat in much of the world because of the greed of the large corporates and the lies and deceit from the industry. Cover-ups, fraud, and backhanders to politicians have let them get away from

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prosecution many many times. New Zealand groups are being very effective at demanding more restrictions on fishing and the public relations by these groups has caused the New Zealand public to believe that marine fish are more threatened with extinction than the native terrestrial animals where roughly half have gone extinct. The reason that these groups and this newspaper have been so effective is that the MPI and government have been caught out in the lies and deceit, especially the national party. In Europe, anti-fishing groups have great power in the European Parliament, successfully banning trawling in waters deeper than 800 meters, enacting a no-discard ban that could cripple commercial fishing, and recently banning electrofishing with trawls, which largely eliminates bottom contact and reduces fuel use. The argument is that the commercial fishing industry uses a public resource for their own profit largely without foresight and is riddled with illegal practices, such as fishing in closed areas, discarding protected species, misreporting, cover-ups, protection by the Seafood Industry with PR campaigns and from main stream media who don’t want to lose the advertising revenue. Recent convictions of well-known fishermen for these crimes reinforces the public view of fishermen as pi-

rates, thugs and the scum of the sea. The commercial fishing industry is losing the battle over the social license to operate. To maintain the social license to operate, the fishing industry needs to step forward and accept levels of transparency in fishing activities that were unimaginable a decade ago. If fishermen were to have detailed position monitoring for all vessels available to government regulators, and 100 percent atsea coverage of catch and discards by cameras, there would be no argument that fishing is taking place in closed areas, or that discards and bycatch are not being recorded. This will provide assurance that licensed vessels are fishing where they should, and closed area restrictions are being obeyed. In conjunction with at-sea camera coverage of

catch and landings, vessel tracking will assure that vessels are correctly reporting the location of landings. There are strong incentives from the industry not to report bycatch and discard, especially of endangered or threatened species. The public doesn’t trust commercial fishermen, and there are enough bad actors in the fishing community that this distrust is warranted. The only way the public will accept estimates of discards and bycatch is if there are onboard or electronic observation systems. The technology is advancing rapidly; costs are coming down, the fishing fleets need to accept such monitoring as a necessary condition of operation. The political and economic power of recreational fishing groups is far greater than commercial fishing. The Fishing industry needs to have a government regulated and public monitored programme for position monitoring and at-sea catch


monitoring so the public can access how the public resource is being fished with real time monitoring. The technology is now in place for accurate position reporting and electronic catch monitoring is advancing rapidly at very low cost, and it is a matter of only a few years before it will be practical for almost all vessels. The only real question is whether fishing industries will put these systems in place, on their terms, or the anti-fishing NGOs will get governments to do it. Fishing provides highly nutritious food at a very low environmental cost, yet commercial fishing groups need a concerted public relations campaign that is truthful and not concocted PR campaigns we have seen recently by the industry to portray a sustainable environmental industry, which is so far from the truth it hurts.

Snapper Bill The snapper in the Hauraki Gulf are proving to be in top condition as fishos are slaying them out around the 30-40 metre mark. I was in at Salty Towers Bait shop recently and the boys were flat out filleting some really nice big snapper. Things went a bit quiet on the fishing about a month ago but as picked up dramatically. While the water is cool it is still relatively warm compared to last year. The boys at Salty Towers said

that the fish being stored on salt ice when bought in for filleting were a lot easier to work with compared to fish not kept on ice. They were in better condition and not starting to go off. Some of the fish not on ice were almost rotten especially after being kept in a hot chilly bin all day. The weather looks to be improving for Labour weekend and I plan to head back up and get my share.

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Letters to editor 1080 is a very “tricky” poison Dear Sir You cannot know that you were exposed because you cannot see it, taste it or smell it. You cannot know that it has made you ill because the symptoms are like those of common ailments. Tests cannot diagnose it because the only specific test is likely to become negative before the sample is obtained. There are other tests that do indicate cellular damage but do not confirm that 1080 caused the damage. There is no antidote or effective treatment for 1080 poisoning. Death from 1080 is because of organ failure, which could have been caused by some other pathology, therefore 1080 is not looked for. What is undeniable is that 1080 is a lethal poison that has killed many people. As DoC says it is terribly efficient and effective at killing all species that metabolize oxygen, especially mammals. You and I are mammals. No other country allows 1080 to be used as it is in New Zealand. They have looked at it and assessed all the evidence and decided that it is just too dangerous. 1080 KILLS PEOPLE. That is an indisputable FACT. The only way to protect people from 1080 is not to allow it to be present in the environment. We are told that there is no evidence that 1080 is harming people. The reason that there is no evidence is because it is not being looked for. Lack of evidence of harm is not evidence of lack of harm. Anyone involved in science or Medicine knows and understands this. I can understand that this might be difficult for you to believe. I would prefer not to believe it either. I started looking into this issue in order to reassure myself that the anti-1080 people were WRONG. As I learned more, I understood that I WAS WRONG and the people in all the countries that have banned or severely restrict and control the use of very small quantities of 1080 are right. New Zealand is WRONG! The bottom line is simple. 1080 KILLS PEOPLE and using it as we do is therefore knowingly endangering people’s lives. We must stop doing this!

democratic right to protest it is disappointing to see some of the latest developments given publicity on TV. I am referring to the defacing of Council, DoC signage and road signs with ban 1080 messages crudely sprayed painted on them. This type of protest action must stop as it is doing unspeakable harm to the Ban 1080 movement and just giving ammunition for the movement’s critics to use against them, let alone the cost the ratepayers have to pay to rectify their crude work. What to do instead? Join the Ban 1080 face book site, sign the petition, write letters to newspapers, hunting mags, your MP but make sure you are giving the true facts and your own personal experience, phone up radio talkback shows, display ban 1080 stickers on your vehicles, turn up for public meetings and show signs etc telling of your opposition to the use of 1080. Let’s see more degrees of peaceful non-property damaging protest and show we are decent law abiding citizens who are deeply concerned over this 1080 issue. Anything else will just get the authorities and people’s back up which is the last thing we need. By Trevor Coker

Concerned Bird Lover

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They of course don’t use it know, but on the back label it says “This poison is never to be released in any waterways, lakes, rivers, streams etc and yet these idiots running our country drop 1080 In every river, stream, and reservoir and have the bloody cheek to say it’s perfectly safe. Well hello we are dealing with a lot of brainless idiots here. There is enough filth and rubbish in our waterways now, which we can’t clean up, so we don’t want 1080 as well, no wonder there is lots of cancer in NZ and we all drink water. It’s very simple I wouldn’t put 1080 in your water DoC so flipping well don’t put it in my water. You people have no respect for anyone.

all their life on farmland, DOC do not do 1080 drops on farm land so these birds don’t get poisoned they are flourishing as we speak and all these predators don’t seem to be affecting these numbers and makes you wonder do these so called scientists know what they’re talking about. 26 million birds slaughtered by predators every year in New Zealand. Sounds a bit like the 70 million possums destroying our native trees every night bull shit from Dick Featherstone DOC but hey it keeps the big money Thames coming in which keep the DOC W Telford Hamilton

Contamination of water supplies Dear Sir “...A reliable method for assessing 1080 contamination of water supplies has not been used historically. Such a method should be identified and applied extensively because of the risk to human health. A review of the information on 1080 (www.1080science.co.nz) used in its reassessment by ERMA in 2007 showed that this chemical has an amazing ability to spread. Again and again in research, “control” samples have become accidentally contaminated with 1080. Because 1080 poison is highly soluble it spreads very fast in water and also up food chains. For example, researchers found 100% mortality of aphids on broad bean plants grown in 0.00005% 1080 solution. 1080 has been shown to pass readily into milk and meat. In mammals, it causes birth defects, reduced fertility, damage to reproductive organs and other organs including the brain and heart. Claims that 1080 poison does not cause mutations arise from a study on mice, that ERMA was unable to get a full copy of, and no research at all has been carried out on whether it has carcinogenic effects. Therefore its possible presence in water supplies should be taken extremely seriously...” Is Indiscriminate 1080 Poison Use Causing a Rat Plague in NZ? http:// therongolianstar.com/2014/09/14/ is-indiscriminate-1080-poisonuse-causing-a-rat-plague-in-nz/

Dear Sir I was reading the review in the weekend Herald Warriors for wildlife conservative estimate of the number of native birds slaughtered by predators every year 26 million do these people have any idea how many breeding pairs of birds we would need in the bush to hatch out and raise 26 million young birds and do they not realise half hour bird population I’m not even native birds. I have been breeding wild birds and domestic birds for over 50 years now so I think I know a bit more than these so called scientist’s. I hunt and fish a lot and spend much of my time in the bush and on farmland all over New Zealand and over the last 30 years I have seen vast reduction in our birdlife in fact things have got so bad I don’t think I have seen or heard enough wild birds in the past 10 years to hatch and raise 3 million Young never mind 26 million, but what I have seen in the past 20 years Richard Dods Dr Charlie Baycroft is 3 of our birds have done very well! The hawk, Canadian goose and DoC and Govt total liars Message to 1080 protesthe pukeko each have grown in tors numbers tenfold. And the reason Dear Sir Dear Sir While acknowledging it is your is these ground resting birds live All we hear about on Radio and TV is for further use of deadly 1080. I notice TV won’t have any anti-1080 interviews, i.e. starting with the Graf boys would be a good start, instead of it being totally one-sided. So the public is only hearing from the likes of Kevin Hackwell, Lou Sanson, Nicola Toki and a few other total bullshitters. I hear they are terrified and hanging on by a shoe string. If only I could find that shoe string I’d cut it up with my new pocket knife. The other day on TV Nicola Toki said that DoC has no record of a kiwi ever being killed by 1080. What a bloody liar she is! We have dates, lab reports and areas where many kiwi have died through 1080. Kevin Hackwell said on a TV we do kill by accident the odd bird. What a lot of bullshit. DoC kill thousands of native birds and non-target species of all kinds every drop, and tagging up behind like a lap dog, Lou Sanson lying as well, but he is totally shattered trying to pick up the pieces as the whole lot of the lying buggers are slowly falling to pieces. The best thing that NZ could happen, good bye to a horrible deadly poison. The thing is with 1080 it’s not just 152 Queen Street, Cambridge a tiddily winks little mouse on any Phone 07 823 4206, Fax 07 823 4209 poison, it is a deadly serious dangerous poison which is banned Trevor 0272 515 822, Jenny 0272 823 420 all over the world by people who fortunately have a few brains not like the idiots running NZ. I’ve got copies photographed of the original 1080 bags from America.

Forest and Bird abhorrent Dear Sir Forest and Bird’s use of the Nicola Toki’s rant is abhorrent. Forest & Bird obviously can’t read two simple documents, the 1080 label and the chemical data sheet. 1080 is not safe and never was. To use DoC’s Nicola Toki to attack Clyde Graf, who is showing the effects of the 1080 label and chemical data sheet quite factually and openly, is a new low for them and very malicious. When Forest & Bird can explain what remedial actions are undertaken to mitigate the effects of the Government giving OSPRI dispensation from 1080 label and chemical data sheets, I will listen. I have experienced OSPRI cavalier, corrupt and deceitful attempt to aerial spread 1080 over tracks I use for schools and tourists and over 3 camp spots and 2 river exits used by outdoors providers. For Forest & Bird to ignore the evidence of these actions all over New Zealand that threatens the health and lives of many humans is in its self-corrupt and deceitful. Forest & Bird and Nicola Toki are no longer credible when they are prepared to support placing humanity at risk by none regulation use of 1080, but are prepared to ridicule Clyde Graf for simply explaining what is happening on the ground because of the dispensation the Government has given OSPRI to disregard the 1080 label and chemical data sheet. There are safer, proven methods to help save birds. Forest & Bird need to get off their backsides and reintroduce, and promote these safer and ecologically better methods of control. To attempt a malicious destruction of Clyde Graf who is simply showing the evidence of why 1080 should not be used is a disgrace, abhorrent, and counterproductive. Norman Brown Ed: DoC apologist - and 1080 poison-pusher - Nicola Toki took a nasty swipe at Clyde Graf’s effort to raise awareness about the mass-poisoning of New Zealand’s wildlife, ecosystems and waterways. She refused to be interviewed.

Government fess up Dear Sir Yes awesome isn’t it good on you Graham Carter, an excellent newspaper. When was the national announcement that hunting wild game was going to be stopped and all wild game poisoned? And if there hasn’t been one why not - because all evidence is showing that is what the agenda is and right now its covert and comes out in statements that defend the use of a aerially dropped poison to rid the bush of non-native species which all wild game in NZ actually is - so either the government fess up and make a national announcement or they stop aerially poisoning. Jenese James

Government’s lies Dear Sir On the late TV 1 news recently our Prime Minister says that something must be done about all the plastic in our seas and on the beaches. We must preserve and look after our beautiful wonderful clean green image.

I’ve never heard such a crock. What about all our once were beautiful clean lakes and rivers plus our forests which have being drenched for the last 60 years with green deadly 1080 pellets and the aerial drops are getting larger by the day. The hundreds of millions governments have spent over 60 years could have gone towards hospitals, better wages for the real workers who keep this country going. We have and always will have thousands of possums, rats, stoats, mice, rabbits and ferrets running around. So where do these dreamers in our governments, DoC and Councils come from believing that NZ is going to be totally pest free by 2050. All these idiots must of come up in the life watching to many Disney films. Now Morgan and Sage want to kill every feral cat in the country because they have killed a few birds. What a joke when DoC and 1080 are killing millions. The public of NZ needs to get off their butts and protest about their drinking water being poisoned. There is so much dishonesty going on with these slime bags running the country something will have to change to make these slimy critters accountable. Dick Featherstone Thames

Humane values Dear Sir Animal welfare activists are calling for humane treatment of animals to be taught in schools Hans Crick of save the animals from exploitation teaching values and attitudes of compassion in respect to animals needs to be part of our curriculum. I think that they would need to put more of their time into trying to teach values of compassion and respect to animals to our current government how can our school kid’s be expected to have any compassion or respect for Animals when they see our government and the DOD blatantly poisoning or our wild animals with 1080 poison in they can all see this happening on their phone’s on social media as these animals died the most horrific deaths you could imagine this generation of school kids will also grow up having no respect for Animals until the government changes their attitude towards animals nothing else will change. W Telford Hamilton

Larger, shadier forces at play Dear Sir The document explains the behaviour of bureaucrats and some NGO’s. But in my experience, most politicians have two over-riding concerns. Firstly to get elected, and secondly to get into positions of power and influence (not to mention the cash). That makes them vulnerable. Bureaucrats on the other hand hate being exposed to the light. Have you noticed how the likes of Nicola Toki and her colleagues in DoC, plus the collective idiots of F&B, PFNZ, etc, etc. hate being named and shamed? They invariably counterattack and play the victim, even if it means making up fictitious threats. So what initially might appear as strengths in their armour, are also their weaknesses and can be attacked. Most people are aware that there are larger, shadier forces at play internationally. And I am sure that they have the likes of Lou Sanson firmly in their pockets. But as DOC is beginning to show, if they have to fight widespread opposition, the local foot soldiers can get fatigued and simply give up. That makes it more difficult for any higher powers to exert influence. You get this strange situation such as we have at present where what Government Departments are saying is diametrically opposed to what everyone else is saying or wants. Oh, they will wriggle and try to influence the young and stupid, but there is the very real risk that they are simply disestablished. People, like businesses, will always act in their own self-interest

before the interests of others. Brian Jones Auckland

Learning about our Clean Water Dear Sir The media in New Zealand are scared to print the truth about our unclean water. In this video Sue Grey talks about how to be heard and take action when it comes to limiting poison use in New Zealand. The media need to get into this issue, so we must engage with them by putting together well written stories that they will publish. Real stories about real people that can’t be ignored. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?t=325s&v=D3iY0ZL1_ kg&app=desktop Concerned Wairarapa

Medical Tests for 1080 poisoning Dear Sir Many people want to confirm 1080 poisoning but can’t get or afford 1080 testing. The following research by Peter J Savarie stated in his peer reviewed paper titled toxic characteristics of fluorocitrate, the toxic metabolite of compound 1080. The accumulation of citrate in organs is characteristic of fluorocitrate poisoning. And Fluorocitrate poisoning is characteristic of 1080 poisoning. So test citrate levels in blood or tissue or bone. The liver is less effected than the brain heart kidney or spleen. Fluorocitrate causes extensive kidney damage but the testes are most sensitive to sub-lethal doses. So test for elevated citrate levels. Easy and cheap enough. And available at local med labs. Brett Power

Nash captured by commercial Dear Sir If anyone needed confirmation that Nash is totally captured by commercial interests his Tarakihi decision is it. From 1 October the allowances for recreational fishers will be reduced from 652 tonnes to 221 tonnes. This represents a 66% cut, which reflects the decline in recreational catch based on current harvest estimates in these depleted fisheries. Moreover, Fisheries New Zealand is consulting on daily bag limit reductions for recreational fishers which will reduce the public catch further. Ironically he stuffed recreational for the 65% cut instead of commercial who caused the problem. And the commercial MLS is still 25 cm! Quota owners will be laughing into their pinot noir. The strategy of recreational cozying up to ministers is a failure and clearly will continue to be so. Camera roll back was a huge neon sign that Nash is bought and paid for – unheeded. Iwi leaders will not vote for anything that diminishes their lazy money and power. The Quota Management System must be destroyed and re balanced. Rec need to alter course and speed or be happy to sail into the empty blue yonder where the fish are no more. Blunt force trauma on the ego of captured Nash and every word issued would be a start. How he can survive given the manifesto. Nash has bosses who ought to know how far off beam he is. Pissed off customary fisher

NZ Public is being deliberately deceived Dear Sir, The article https://www.newshub. co.nz/home/rural/2018/08/1080activism-going-down-the-conspiracy-wormhole.html is all well and good at having a light hearted look at a very serious issue. I, and other trappers, have done what DOC and OSPRI have said

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is not possible and we have done what 1080 is claiming to do all within the budget that has been allocated to 1080 application. In 2016, after over 20 years of battling, I finally received all the possum monitoring data that DOC holds. Much of it had, in DoC’s own words, been “lost or destroyed�. After I had analysed the data it became clear that aerial 1080 has never been killing the numbers of possums claimed. At this point, I forced DOC into negotiations that would allow trappers to submit proposals that would compete with the 1080 contractors on output (only paid on final results) contracts. The 1080 contractors refuse to sign output contracts and will only work under input (paid for work done regardless of results) contracts, so, we were left talking about how output contract trappers could be used. Just before the election, DOC broke off the negotiations citing “DOC has no appetite for change�, my response was “Well, we will have to increase DoC’s appetite�. I then asked for the rat monitoring data for Kahurangi National Park. Upon analysis it became apparent that the same thing is happening with rats, i.e. 1080 is not killing the number of rats claimed After the election, I forced DOC back to the negotiation table and we went through DoC’s SOP Planning Procedure to look for changes that needed to be made in order for trappers to be able to submit proposals that compete with aerial 1080. There were no changes needed, what was needed was a willingness for DOC Conservancies to follow the SOP procedures. Conservancies have been unable to follow the SOP procedures because instructions have come from Wellington to not allow consideration of any other method of control where Wellington has dictated aerial 1080 be used. What I am talking about here, is not any sort of conspiracy theory, it is factual and deals with simple and basic business and financial common sense where you tender for work and the most cost effective option will win the tender process. In this case, the normal process of procuring government funded work is being circumnavigated by the people in charge of the NZ Government owned poison industry. I don’t know why DOC, OSPRI, MPI, successive governments, Forest & Bird, etc have been deceiving the NZ Public as to the cost and result effectiveness of aerial 1080. There has to be a reason as the deception is deliberate and has been going on for 30 years. It could be as simple as there being money to be made by stopping open, fair and transparent competition, or, there maybe another agenda. The fact is that the 1080 industry, that includes government funded agencies, has deliberately deceived the NZ Public. Back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the only “anti-1080� people were trappers, that were being forced out of the bush, and we were easily maligned by the accusation that we had a financial self-interest and wanted to be paid to “farm possums�. Today here are more anti-1080 voices and their arguments vary from trappers that are still saying “we can do a better, more cost effective job and please let us prove it by submitting output contract proposals�, to ever more radical claims as to why the NZ Public is being deceived. The fact is, the NZ Public is being deliberately deceived and there must

be an underlying reason for the deception and, without any change in wild animal control procurement policy, the only assumption. That can be made, is the deception is happening with the full knowledge and support of the people right at the top of the decision making chain. You can continue down this track of light hearted banter about anti-1080 people and, at the same time, support the 1080 supporter’s deceptive propaganda without question, or, you could take this opportunity to do some real investigative journalism to find the truth. Please remember that trappers are in negotiations with DOC, DOC has accepted that trappers can do the job and DOC is going to allow trappers to submit competitive proposals that compete directly with aerial 1080 contractors. Martin Foote

Politicians are just cowards Dear Sir This is the only country in the world that intentionally pollutes the environment that people live in with chemical weapons that Kill People. Our elected officials talk about environmental issues while intentionally allowing and creating worse ones. They allow our rivers to be polluted and permit the loss of water. They refuse to discuss what is being done with the people whose lives are being affected by the poisoning. They hide in their palace on the hill to avoid confronting reality. Preening their egos and talking the talk while death and destruction fall from the sky to kill innocent and helpless animals, birds, fish, insects, microorganisms and anything else that comes in contact with 1080 including people. We have 100 plus gutless politicians in Wellington who know exactly what is going on but do nothing because they don’t want to lose votes. They have the power and the warrants too stop any pollution immediately but have no guts. They are the most gutless cowards that have ever walked this earth and don’t deserve to be there. Shame on you for allowing these horrible things. Brian Jones Auckland

Predator Free 2050 Dear Sir Henry Tait, founded the predator free 2050 through Connovation Limited One of the directors has a multimillion dollar property on Waiheke Island, hence no 1080, pitched through media as a win for Winston. They are the ones paying big money to Cawthron Institute to develop chemical weapons under the illusion of conservation and funded by the Todd Family. Scary shit, these guys are seriously bad people, wonder what else they have planned? They own the police, politicians and courts, this is why protest will never win sadly. Keep safe, I’m out of this game now as all the arguments are with employees of the state which is controlled by the wealth.

The court decision was that Roundup was a cause of the plaintiff’s cancer and that the company lied and covered up evidence. Glyphosate is one active ingredient of Roundup and other glyphosate based herbicides (GBHs) of which there are 92 “registeredâ€? in this country-92! GBHs contain adjuvants that are more toxic and facilitate penetration of the plant cell and our gut bacteria that produce many essential vitamins and enzymes; they are not “inertâ€? compounds as stated by the companies and our regulatory authorities thus misleading the public and Parliament and withholding information from them. Of more concern than the causing of cancer (serious and distressing as it is) is the fact that GBHs have serious deleterious effects on public health, and of women and children in particular, becauseThey are Endocrine disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) They reduce the level of essential minerals Glyphosate is an antibiotic which reduces certain bacteria that produce essential vitamins and enzymes for us Glyphosate is a cause of leaky gut and therefore involved in the many neurotoxicological conditions that affect children and young people particularly, e.g. autism, ADHD, depression and suicide The enzyme system that glyphosate disrupts in plants and our gut bacteria also interferes with the production of thyroid hormone, serotonin essential for the development of the nervous system. All the above are based on peerreviewed published data and have a probability of .90% Readers should refer to the PSGR website, www.psgr.org for our recent paper on glyphosate. The argument has not been settled here in NZ as stated in the article. I agree with Prof Cox that this judgement is “not an appropriate method of developing health policy in NZâ€? BUT‌. Neither is it appropriate to base health policy on the non-published, non -peer-reviewed findings of companies that cover up and lie about findings as demonstrated in this court case; that is the situation here in NZ and needs to change. We have the right to be provided with all the information and we also have the right to pesticide -free food and water and we do not have it. Frank Rowson, B.Vet. Med., retired veterinary surgeon, Matamata

Takahe demise

Dear Sir Can you enlighten me please? At the weekend I had a couple of well-known people in New Zealand Maoridom stay overnight on their way south. Over Kai on Saturday night one of them remarked that they had been told that the Takahe that had been recently released (Down south somewhere?? not sure where) had all been taken out by 1080 and John Gascoigne that iwi were far from pleased. Has this been mentioned anywhere? Waiheke He also mentioned that efforts were ROUNDUP COURT DECIbeing made to keep it under wraps. SION I have heard nothing anywhere else other than what they had Dear Sir heard and passed on to me. Both In view of the recent remarks these individuals are highly rein an August NZ Herald edi- garded throughout NZ, one more tion a few facts are in order: so and has a very high NZ profile.

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To them it was news but still essential for long-term success. an unsubstantiated whisper. Alan Rennie Does anyone have any contacts/ Managing Director Ark Construction news on this. Or is it old news. Just asking as I have heard nothing else The eradication of sports anywhere else, confirmation or fishing otherwise. I know no other details. Dear Sir Ken Hanson It beggars belief that this Labour TB and Possums led coalition, which only governs with a paper thin majority and alDear Sir ready has trouble singing from the In the early 1970’s not long after I same song sheet should be decame out of the Army I met up with ranged enough to now wants to a possum trapper the late Bill Broad- alienate 100000 trout and salmon foot who at the time was living in anglers with its toxic amendan old ex Cherry’s sawmill house ments to the Conservation Act, the in what is now Rotoaira Forest. worst of them are outlined below: Bill was a WW2 veteran who learnt Clause 6 exempts anyone authorhis possum trade off the late Dave ised under Treaty settlement legisOdey who was living at Horopito. lation from restrictions on taking, Dave had spent a life time in possessing or selling sportsfish. the bush and had pioneered Clause 6 allows the Crown and the export possum skin trade iwi to set aside present rules to the London fur auctions. as part of a treaty settlement. I went in with Bill trapping pos- Clause 6 allows the removal of presums and it was hard work but the sent bans on the sale of fishing rights. money was good if you stuck at Clause 6 allows the removal of preit and put the time and effort in. sent bans on the sale of sports fish. One day we were talking and the Clause 6 removes the requiresubject of TB in possums came up. ment for occupiers of land to Bill had been told by Dave Odey that comply with trout fishing rules possums never had TB until farmers and regulations, although had started putting cattle out into they would still need a licence. the bush during winter when the Clause 6 opens up the potential for farm food supply was getting short. direct conflict between Treaty settleKnowing both men and the fact that ment legislation and sports fishing. they were honest men of integrity I While this bill, promoted by Green have no doubt that this would have Party Conservation Minister Eugene been Dave’s opinion formed over the Sage, claims to protect native fish many years he had spent possuming it does so by demonising trout and starting back in the days when you salmon (and by association Fish needed a licence to catch possums. and Game, which manages these Now with New Zealand officially TB sport fisheries) as the prime threat free by world standards why is 1080 to native fish survival. However, it is still used and spread wholesale? quite ironic that this coalition now You still see signs from EPRO Bo- targets trout as pest fish while still vine TB poison operation. Why? allowing the commercial slaughter Where I live there have been no of whitebait and eels and the ongopositive reactors in deer or cattle ing destruction of aquatic wildlife on farms for ages. Ospri should also habitats. Reading clause 6 and some be wound up as the original reason other clauses it is quite clear that this for its existence no longer exists. coalition has chosen that the best Trevor Coker way to destroy trout and salmon is to destroy Fish and Game Councils Turangi that are the statutory managers of The concept of deterrence the publicly owned fresh water fish and game resource. Part of this multi Dear Sir prong attack on F&G is to designate It really concerns me the way this trout and salmon as bargaining country is going, fish gone, cats, chips for treaty settlement. Let me dogs, all these so called pests, now remind these Green Party Morris a farmers cattle and he gets offered Dancers that F&G has already chama few bales of hay as compensation. pioned the fight for clean rivers, waHere are my thoughts about all ter conservation orders and protecgroups joining together, hunters, tion of wetlands when the Founder fishers, fresh water groups, boat- Greenies were still stoned on dope at ers, hunters, everybody that cares their Coromandel communes. Over for this country, I have 2 great un- several decades F&G license holders cles that fought and died for a free have spent millions on publicity and country, I am doing this for them. court     action    to   protect     our   precious      We suggest multi approaches be- lakes and rivers. License-holder stats yond those already being taken. show that of the 100000 plus anglers The first is to credibly announce the vast majority are men and many that any state or non-state or- of them are in their second half of ganization that even tolerates the life. Only a self-deluded administraacquisition of A1 toxic poison by tion would assail for no good reapoisoners within its borders will be son this senior, conscientious voter subject to the full wrath of the Courts. constituency that has the power It must be clear that the New Zea- to make or break governments. land public will lower standards Herb Spannagl of evidence in ascribing guilt New Plymouth and may violate sovereignty. We could only do this with joint Things haven’t changed fishing club members numbering much in 20 years at least 1.5 million in agreement. The concept of deterrence is both Dear Sir too limiting and too naive to be After recently reading some old applicable to the war on poison. hunting and wildlife magazines It is important to conceive an in- 1996 I have come to the sad conclufluence component of strategy sion that things haven’t changed that has both a broader range of much in the 22 years. One letter from coercive elements and a range Tony Orman lessons from the elecof plausible positives, some of tions NZ first MMP election has been which we know from history are held with the position at the time of

writing being a stale mate as the coalition talks it seems NZ first holds the power with the likelihood coalition with labour or national. From the hunting and fishing publics perspective NZ first probably held a certain degree of appeal possibly more than the other parties. There parties and environment spokesman made it very clear that the party apposed the indiscriminate aerial spreading of the poison 1080 used to kill our small and large game animals there was some confusion within the party when allegedly former national parties influences within NZFirst diluted the manifesto into a conservative document however many of the dear stalking public would have been heart heartened by the fact that here at last was a party accepting big game management. Anyway NZ first got in and did nothing about the 1080 drops. What can the hunting and fishing public learn from this? It seems that there is a considerable slice of the voting public who has lost faith in all the major parties. If the combined alliance and NZFirst vote is considered. Roll on 22 years NZ first told us that if we get into parliament we will stop the indiscriminant aerial spreading of 1080 poison. Well they have not done what they said they would do, do we have to listen to there lies again for the next 22 years or are we going to do something about it. This may mean standing on our 2 feet on the solid base of 1.5 million New Zealanders who cares strongly about their hunting, sea fishing and fresh water fishing. William Telford Huntly Waikato

What has this to do with Fishing and Outdoors? Dear Sir Let's start with all living organisms, bacteria, fungi, insects etc that help produce healthy soil are affected by these pesticides and no-one is measuring levels of pesticides that are in plants, water supplies, animals No-one is measuring the combined effect of GBH’s together with the host of other pesticides in the environment- 628 pesticides “registeredâ€? in the last 10 years and the latest Total Diet Survey of foods in NZ shows heaps of them in many foods, 26 in raisins for example. BUT they do not include GBH’s in this survey-WHY? No-one is measuring the combined effects of the pesticides, and the heavy metals most of them contain  and   are   in   the   environment         from        other sources like chemical fertilizers, on life forms. What we do know is a)that GBH’s and arsenic which they contain are causing huge incidence of chronic kidney disease in workers using the pesticide. b) these heavy metals are also in the s... they use to fluoridate water supplies No-one is raising the fact that these pesticides affect everything that is involved in maintaining healthy soil, soil that retains carbon and moisture and withstands erosion thus keeping waterways cleaner. Enough? MPI and EPA are allowing all this to continue and in some cases are ensuring that it continues. The pressure needs to go on these agencies to do their job and protect the health of NZ Inc. Peter Trolove Canterbury

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Who is driving Predator Free NZ By J. James

The neo liberal New Zealand Government and its Green Party influence have in their infinite wisdom declared war on every living thing in this country. NZ First has refused to honour their promise to ban 1080. Every year the government pays to carpet-bomb the entire country with enough toxic 1080 anti-coagulant poison to kill the entire human population four times over. It has killed horrendous numbers of native and domestic birds, mammals, insects, invertebrates, micro-organisms, fish and aquatic life - and untold unquantifiable numbers of humans have been poisoned or made sick. No other country is doing this to its own people - yet much of the mainstream media, and some of the public, are still colluding in this genocide and ecocide. What is driving the Pest Free NZ Agenda and the hysteria in eradicating non-native species? The answer is - International agreements and a global agenda to purge all non-native species of animals and plants around the world. It’s wise to know that when you stand up to protest against DOC for the tortuous deaths it is perpetrating on innocent animals, that you are confronting not just DOC or the current minister or politicians but a host of unelected bureaucrats who manage all the various global agreements NZ has signed up for…. These bureaucrats ensure that things run smoothly. The minister and the politicians are an interface between us and them. John Key called these global organisations - the clubs. NZ is part of a much bigger extremist idea under the guise of protecting biodiversity – or purism - where everything and anything non-native and not productive to human use will be destroyed


The practical application and act of killing so many innocent species unlucky to find themselves in another country is horrendous to contemplate and makes me wonder about the sanity of this human race. Nature abhors a vacuum and will do anything to balance her eco system and can usually do it – it’s called adaption; or evolution. When ‘man’ decides to play god then unintended consequences abound and we are all put at risk. That we now stand at the edge of this psychopathic agenda of death, we must pause for a moment and consider how industry with the approval of governments have deforested the planet to feed its voracious appetitive for money for economic growth at all costs. There has been a huge cost - industry enabled by governments has destroyed so much of the world’s natural habitat that species extinction has become so obvious. The shock of this has forced the agenda of biodiversity loss using eradication of nonnative species as a means to address it Here in NZ it is seen most noticeably in the dropping of poison out of helicopters into pristine eco systems, rendering them silent. When New Zealand announced its Predator Free NZ vision it wasn’t as if suddenly someone in the department of conservation woke up with a great idea – it was a directive NZ had to follow as part of being a member of the United Nations. They never mention this. There is a global agenda to rid every nation in the world of any and all nonnative species – animals and plants – nonproductive species that is – cows and sheep bulls and horses and domestic pigs will stay because they are part of industry and form the back bone of many economies. But the rest

2nd Hand Boat Bits

are: Environment and Conserva- gone out that all creatures great What this document says is that they tion Organisations NZ; Royal Forest and small that are not indigenous want pests eradicated but it doesn’t and Bird Protection Society, Kevin to that land will be terminated. It’s say how. There is nothing in this docuHague is their face and voice; World not just New Zealand, it’s global. ment that says DoC and the NZ govWide Fund for Nature, New Zealand. This website shows you the ernment have to use 1080. This manhttp://www.issg.org/ date is no excuse for killing and using that are not needed will be eradicated. They all aim for ecological integrity. detail: the riskiest method for killing pests. This is the global agenda and All over the world the word has pdf/guidelines_iucn.pdf. its time we knew where this kill mentality actually came from. New Zealand is a member of the IUCN which stands for International Union for Conservation Loss Caused By Alien Invasive Species of Nature – on the international stage NZ is part of the Oceania group run troduction of, control or eradicate tinued. Biological resources constiby the Department of Conservation those alien species which threaten tute a capital asset with great potenits government agencies are: ecosystems, habitats or species….” tial for yielding sustainable benefits. New Zealand Conservation AuthorThen there is the CBD which is Urgent and decisive action is needed ity, which is an advisory body to Convention on Biodiversity and to conserve and maintain genes, the department of conservation; is a legally binding multilateral species and ecosystems, with a view members include Kerry Prendertreaty from the UN which NZ is a to the sustainable management gast currently chair of the EPA – NZ member. It has three main goals: and use of biological resources...” tourism board amongst others. “...The Convention has three main goals The Invasive Species Specialty Group Landcare Research New Zealand including: the conservation of biologi- Their mission statement states: “.... Ltd - Landcare Research is one of cal diversity (or biodiversity); the sus- The Invasive Species Specialist Group seven Crown Research Institutes tainable use of its components; and (ISSG) aims to reduce threats to natu(CRIs) formed in 1992. CRIs function the fair and equitable sharing of ben- ral ecosystems and the native species as independent companies but efits arising from genetic resources. they contain by increasing awareness are owned by, and accountable In other words, its objective is to of invasive alien species, and of ways to to, the New Zealand Govern- “….. Biological diversity faces many develop national strategies for the prevent, control or eradicate them....” ment and Antarctica New Zealand. threats throughout the world. One of conservation and sustainable use of When you hear the DoC and the MinisThe IUCN was founded in 1948 “… the major threats to native biologi- biological diversity. It is often seen ter for the Environment talk of eradicatlocated near Geneva, Switzerland. cal diversity is now acknowledged by as the key document regarding sus- ing species this is what they are talking The Union brings together 86 states, scientists and governments to be tainable development. The Conven- about. This is what they are instructed 120 government agencies, 825 na- biological invasions caused by alien tion was opened for signature at to do as a member state of the UN. tional and 92 international non- invasive species. The impacts of al- the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro Here in NZ we are watching the governmental organisations, 34 ien invasive species are immense, on 5 June 1992 and entered into force eradication of wild game - food that affiliate organisations and through insidious, and usually irreversible. on 29 December 1993. At the 2010 many rely on to feed their families its Commissions about 11,000 ex- They may be as damaging to na- 10th Conference of Parties (COP) to - hunting is as kiwi as rugby - but a perts and scientists from more than tive species and ecosystems on a the Convention on Biological Diver- wild food industry is being slowly 160 countries around the world...” global scale as the loss and degra- sity in October in Nagoya, Japan, eradicated under the guise of PFNZ . The IUCN’s mission is to influence, dation of habitats “…. its goals and the Nagoya Protocol was adopted...” NZ has no wild mammals as such, encourage and assist societies objectives are ….sound familiar. or said another way all wild game including trout existthroughout the world to conserve “……to prevent further losses of bio- Protecting Biodiversity: “....The current ing here now is non-native and earthe integrity and diversity of nature logical diversity due to the deleteri- decline in biodiversity is largely the re- marked for eradication, despite them and to ensure that any use of natu- ous effects of alien invasive species. sult of human activity and represents a being brought in over 100 years ago. ral resources is equitable and eco- The intention is to assist govern- serious threat to human development. The various NZ bodies of these organilogically sustainable. The Union has ments and management agencies Despite mounting efforts over the past sations do not come out directly and three components: its member or- to give effect to Article 8 (h) of the 20 years, the loss of the world’s biolog- say this of course, instead they are ganisations, its six scientific commis- Convention on Biological Diversity, ical diversity, mainly from habitat de- doing it by stealth, and the best tool sions, and its professional secretariat. which states that: “Each Contract- struction, over-harvesting, pollution in the box for this eradication appears IUCN is the only environmental organ- ing Party shall, as far as possible and and the inappropriate introduction of to be the deadly Sodium fluoroacisation to official observer status at as appropriate: ...(h) Prevent the in- foreign plants and animals have con- etate commonly referred to as 1080. the United Nations General Assembly. NGO’s connected to this in NZ The doctors expressed concern at the casual approach by public officials specially since the effect on humans is little researched. “Studies show that 1080 affects the reproductive organs, the cardiac system, Doctors Damn Auckland 1080 drop the health risk of depositing poi- and respiratory system in mammals. Nineteen doctors have called on the soned baits over 22,500 hectares of There is no safe minimal level known government to cease using 1080 as the Hunua water catchment area. and water testing and sampling afthe medical effects of the poison Specifically, we are concerned about ter aerial 1080 application cannot were unknown and had potential to Sodium Fluoroacetate (SMFA/1080), prudently protect the public from be damaging to human health. In an a known deadly poison which is risk of exposure from this poison.” open letter to government written on known to cause sub-lethal effects The doctors said in their profesSeptember 21, the doctors expressed on reproduction and is classified as sional capacities they had a re“extreme concern” over a drop of the a teratogen, having potential to con- sponsibility to human health. oxen planned fir Auckland’s water taminate the Auckland water supply. “Therefore, we ask the government supply area in the Hunua Ranges. There is no effective antidote for 1080 to immediately stop the usage of so“We are extremely concerned about poisoning in humans,” said the letter. dium fluoroacetate,” the doctors said.

IUCN Guidelines for the Prevention of Biodiversity

Stop Press!

DOC to Poison Heaphy Ecosystem by John McNab

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The Department of Conservation is to poison the Heaphy Track area every twelve months in response to rising rat numbers following past 1080 drops. But opponents say the high rat numbers are the result of 1080 as proven by research studies of the impacts of aerial 1080 on species. Tony Orman, conservationist and author, said the high rat numbers was not surprising but the surprising aspect was DoC seemed completely ignorant of science which clearly showed after poison operations, fast breeding species like rats surged back in numbers.. A letter from Jess Curtis, senior ranger, Bathurst Project, DoC said “The Department estimates that each pest control operation will provide a window for native species to breed and thrive that lasts

around three to six months before rat numbers start to build up again.” Tony Orman said DoC ignorance was appalling. “Landcare Research (Ruscoe) in 2008 showed spasmodic aerial broadcast 1080 operations cut rat numbers but the surviving breed in the ideal food conditions and numbers recover quickly and within 18 months be two to three times original numbers before poisoning operations,” he explained. A female rat can breed at six weeks of age and have litters of 8 or 10 or more and are capable of 4 or 5 litters a year. “So just one female can within the year produce 40 young,” he said. Besides rats (kiore) had been in NZ since the 1300 Polynesian migrants and the 18th century

(ship rats). Birds and insects cope with rat introductions and their acclimatisation as long as interference like 1080 doesn’t tip the balance in the rat’s favour. DoC said “The Department estimates that each pest control operation will provide a window for native species to breed and thrive that lasts around three to six months before rat numbers start to build up again.” Department graphs showed after just five months, rat numbers were higher than before the poison drop and were continuing to climb. “DoC doesn’t seem to understand,” said Tony Orman. “It’s laughable except public funds are being used to disrupt the ecosystem with drastic consequences for bird and insect life.”

1080 Injunction goes to Māori Land Court An injunction has been lodged in the Māori Land Court Te Taitokerau in Whangārei to stop DoC making 1080 drops over public or private land. Lodged by Northland men Riki Ngatoki and Hayward Brown, it was prepared with the help of Nga Tikanga Māori Law Society Inc. DoC is due to drop 1080 poison over Russell State Forest and part of Cape Brett in the next few weeks, weather permitting, af-

ter laying taster bait last week. DoC has been forced to call off all planned drops until the outcome of the injunction is known. The injunction did not specify the Northland drops but applied to the use of 1080 anywhere over Māori land in New Zealand. Nga Tikanga Māori Law considers the matter its injunction is based on is about land and ownership rights. It is understood Māori Land Court

injunction refers to land boundaries and legal descriptions in the intended Northland drop zone. The underlying argument is about returning to tangata whenua the right to say what happens on Māoriowned land. Poisoning the land and water was not part of the values of past generations or of Tikanga Māori.

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POISONED COWS AND ABORTED CALVES Paula and Mark Stone thought they were doing the right thing when they agreed to DoC’s request to aerially poison the bush part of their farm with 1080 poison. They were told the operation would be well managed; it was safe for their stock and necessary to control predators. DoC would run the operation and ensure everything was done correctly. They were not told about alternatives – for example that the 4 hectare mixed bush and pasture block could be trapped. Nor were they told that pasture exposed to 1080 pellets could not be used for many months due to MPI restrictions. The farmers moved their cows before the drop to a paddock nominated by DoC. They were assured by DoC that DoC was responsible for the operation and for all security. Eight dead cows and two aborted calves and many sick and lethargic heifers Days after the poison was dropped they found 8 of their prized cows dead and two aborted calf foetuses were found in the paddock where the cows has been put at DoC’s request. Some of the surviving heifers were lethargic and obviously unwell. DoC have their PR spinners changing the sequence of events on numerous occsions in an abysmal attempt to discredit the farmer. “The cattle did not enter onto Mapara bush reserve!!! Our cattle were in the paddock we left them on our property. Our cattle were rising 3 year olds. Our cattle were in the paddock next to a small 4 ha block of bush on our property. The 4ha of bush on our property was hit with 1080, the waterways and the paddocks outside the buffer zone. Come on Doc get it right,” says Paula. DoC’s persistent and deliberate twisting of the facts is disgusting. No poison baits were found in this paddock- but that is not surprising as the cows would have eaten them as they look like supplementary feed pellets. 1080 poison baits were found spread widely over pasture in the next door paddock well outside the bush in the adjacent paddock. DoC

says the dead and sick cows must have broken into that paddock, eaten some of these pellets then returned to the original paddock and died. The Stones are not so sure. DoC sent a vet to test the cows. The vet suggested these cows may have died from Clostridium- the bacteria responsible for botulism. This was the same disproven illness that Waikato hospital initially claimed was responsible for the prolonged hospitalisation of three members of the Putaruru family last year. This was despite the cows being healthy immediately prior to the poison drop and the 1080 baits being found on their pastures. As with the Putaruru family the bulging eyes, and other symptoms matched the classic symptoms of 1080 poisoning. DoC’s response: they arranged to take samples to test for 1080 poison. The Stones have taken their own samples. they offered a security guard, 8 bales of baleage and to bury the dead cows. they sent a small digger which the Stones felt was dangerous on the steep hillside. they was unable to provide health and safety certification so the mass burial operation was stopped. Until now Paula and Mark Stone trusted the government and DoC. Since living through this nightmare they warn other farmers that this was a huge mistake. They felt under pressure to do their bit for conservation, and were assured the poisoning would go to plan. They were not told about the risks or the alternatives such as trapping this 4 ha block or that poison might go on their pastures. They felt under pressure and agreed to poison being used in the bush based on what they were told by DoC. Their advice to other farmers is STOP. Ask more questions. Don’t make the mistake we made. Don’t agree to poison being spread on your land unless you fully understand all the risk to your stock, your business and the massive emotional toll. It is unclear why DoC decided to aerially poison this 4 ha mixed

bush and pasture block. The Stones believe trapping would have been a much safer option but this was not offered to them. Video and Photographs show bees harvesting secretions form the dead cows. The closest hives are owned by Comvita. It is unclear why DoC did not warn the beekeepers about the poison drop as bees are known to harvest 1080 baits and risk contaminating honey. MPI has restriction on the use of pasture exposed to 1080 for food safety reasons. It is unclear why DoC did not warn the Stones about this. Enquires are underway with MPI to check on the fate of the other cows in the herd that may have been exposed to 1080 and what withholding period is require for the pasture where the poison baits were found and where the cows died. Investigations are continuing to find out how the poisoned cows can be safely disposed of. The Stones want them taken away from their farm. Photos taken by Dan Lefeuvre, which show the proximity of the remaining poison baits to the dead cows. They also show the proximity to the homestead, which is about 120 metres away. The farmers were told there was to be a 50 metre buffer zone, back into the bush! The farmer has said that the baits were all around the cows, when they stood in the bottom paddock, and right up to the bush edge, and only 4 metres from the stream. The cows had been raised on meal, so the baits would have been very attractive to them. There were no baits immediately around the dead cow themselves, but they probably ate them all!!! Not only have the farmers been offered no compensation by DoC ( other than some silage to compensate for the fact their pasture there is now unusable for a long time) but DoC appear to have been dishonest when talking to the news media! The farmers’ story is certainly a very different one to the one has been on the news.

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(2001) Identified 13 bacteria and 11 fungi that defluorinate 1080 in Australian soils, and indicate that, in the drier areas the abundance of the organism numbers are greatly influenced by rain. It can be accepted that not all the organisms that can defluorinate 1080 have been identified and that an area has to be tested to know whether any of such organisms occur in that locality. The difference of opinion and variations in the literature on the speed of breakdown of 1080 in baits and the rest of the environment can be explained by the fact that the breakdown happens due to the bacteria and fungi. If the organisms are present in the environment or bait, defluorination happens quickly. If the bait is uncontaminated the 1080 remains toxic for months or even decades. It has been found that various animals, including predators, developed resistance to 1080 where plants with 1080 in them occur. This indicates an unacceptably high

stability of 1080 in the food chain. Large numbers of scientific publications that indicate secondary poisoning. Possum carcass remains deadly to a dog even 75 days after the poison was placed. As Prof. Naude indicated the citrate remains in the body of the dead animal. Insects eating the baits may pose a threat to insectivores. Vomiting constant symptom and pose danger to non-target animals. Anti-vomit drugs has been tried and met with limited success. “The sensitivity of a species to 1080 poison is difficult to predict from toxicity data for other closely related species.” (McIlroy 1986). With the PWG project, extrapolation is done even from unrelated exotic species. This is not acceptable. Prof. G Swan, Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Onderstepoort faculty came out in opposition of registering 1080. The Veterinary Association of SA has released a press statement, opposing 1080. Should we try to act responsi-


bly to our environment or should a product be pushed through and registered on third world standards just because we might be able to get away with it? M.J de Wet cannot imagine why anybody would consider a toxin with this amount of variation and promote it as a viable solution to the current problems with poisons and it certainly has no advantages over the current strychnine. All his knowledge and experience with jackal cause me to believe that the dropper bait system has practically no chance of succeeding. It takes no cognition of known aspects of jackal behavior and phenomena like neophobia. The current experiment is based on indirect data – results will be based on default and not positive data. There certainly are a number of negative aspects, as well as lots of uncertainty on the desirability of 1080 in our environment – enough to invoke the Precautionary Principle of the environmental legislation and stop the registration of 1080.

FOREST AND BIRD ARE GOOD AT LYING In a previously published Forest and Bird Fact Sheet, they stated that “Soil micro-organisms and water break 1080 down harmlessly into salt and vinegar.” 3. Blackman A (2002). Inside the workings of a controversial killer. Chemistry Matters: a monthly column from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Otago. This article first appeared in the Otago Daily Times on 03 June 2002 Conclusion: The information given to the public, about the breakdown of 1080 into harmless products is in-

complete and incorrect. This needs to be acknowledged by the agency responsible, namely Forest and Bird. The possible breakdown products when the C-C bond is broken in sunlight, over time and in solution, are sodium bicarbonate and methyl fluoride. Methylfluoride is a banned fluoro carbon. From Landcare scientist Charles Eason, “1080 is not safe. I have never and will never say that.” 1080 is classed as a “super poison” by the US EPA.

And on the issue of 1080 being naturally-occurring, plants produce fluoroacetic acid, but manufactured 1080 is sodium monofluoroacetate. Mr Eason stated in April 2002 that “Anyone comparing 1080 poison with the naturally-occurring substance is stupid.” When water is added to sodium monofluoroacetate it “dissolves” but does not lose its integrity. It is diluted as the molecules are spread out in water, but the molecules remain as sodium monofluoroacetate molecules.

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The dots are an indication of area only, not number of baits or cattle. There were masses more a1080 baits than are marked here with the dots, and there were 8 dead cows, not 6. Red dots - signify area dead cows found Green dots - signify area of poison baits Pink lines - bike tracks Red line - boundary fence Blue circle - homestead

SOUTH AFRICA - EVALUATION OF FACTS IN REGARDS TO THE REGISTRATION OF 1080 After studying the literature received from the Poison Working Group Mr M.J de Wet found nothing to support the registration of 1080. The information supports his viewpoint and with a final summery of the negative attributes that render 1080 unsuitable he remain committed to oppose the registration of 1080. One of the major problems of 1080 is variation and inconsistencies. In his review of hazards by 1080 to some live organisms in the United States of America, Eisler (1995) summarises some of the environmental findings well. In distilled water solution at room temperature 1080 showed no breakdown in ten years. In an aquarium with plants and inver-

tebrates 1080 was undetectable within 100 hours, but in a stagnant algal laden pond 1080 did not lose its biocidal properties in 12 months. Bait preparation techniques and different kinds of baits have produced different amounts of detectable 1080 in the baits. This is attributed to biochemical reaction rather than physical loss of poison (Kramer et al 1987) Some species showed increased tolerance for 1080 after repeated sub-lethal dosages, while others showed cumulative effects until a lethal dose is reached (McIlroy 1981) We know that defluorination happens through enzymatic action from microorganisms and that their presence vary from area to area and because of rain, heat and pH

of the soil. Where the organisms occur in the soil, defluorination can be about 90%, but sometimes it is only 2% of the applied 1080. Fluoroacetate is detoxified by defluorination – In contrast with claims by Gerhard Verdoorn and Willie van Zyl that 1080 is a very labile molecule, Goldman (1965) indicated that this chemical bond has “great stability” (it withstands boiling, non-concentrated sulfuric acid, fusion happens at 500º, and refluxing in 30% NaOH is needed to achieve complete liberation of fluorine). However, the break can be achieved enzymatically by a number of bacteria and fungi, such as species of the genera Pseudomons, Nocardia, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillin) Wong et al (1992). Twigg & Socha

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1080 - frightening to the public We know some people have concerns about 1080 baits in water. Dr Jan Wright, who was the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, supposedly spent two years investigating all aspects of 1080 and its use in How could she take the data from water breakdown in arid, warm, Australian environments, and then apply that to the clean, cold NZ waters? All the while the ‘safe’ levels are based on ‘no’ studies and ‘no’ evidence. It’s a made up figure with no backing. It’s amazing isn’t it, there are two things in life that are quite the opposite, one is Theory, and the other is Practice. The theory is what this Jan Wright is quoting, she’s been told, or officials have written it in a book, and she has read it, she has no idea about the true story. It’s called total ignorance and you will never see the truth in this unless you get off the seat in your office and take a real look at what’s happening out there in the forests, that’s called practice. So what has happened to common sense? You simply don’t poison our wild back country for whatever reason. Are we so slow in learning – just look at DDT, 247T, and asbestos use. Human fixation with the fluorine

atom extends to use in medicine, effective sledge-hammer treatment, but well known DANGEROUS contra-indications, “permanent serious side-effects” especially worrying for development of children! The fluorine from 1080 does not disappear from the environment it is thrown down on! Fluorine atom is seriously toxic. Fluoride (ion) is said to be moderately toxic too. Moderately!!! ...but it kills too and creates multitude of adverse health effects in low doses. By itself it is toxic to everything on accumulating in the environment! Why would a Government blanket spread it over land and forests to have it build-up year after year, in the ground (soil), leaf-litter, into the food chain, especially into the food of rural people, accumulating for 60 plus years? It’s funny how here in New Zealand, we have different views to what is recognised overseas by such outfits as the WHO, FAO and America’s FDA, to name a few. One of the objections to 1080 in the U.S. - is that it may be used as a chemical weapon against humans by contaminating water supplies. That’s because 1080 is water soluble, it dissolves in water.

But here in NZ, we say that 1080 practically disappears, when it hits water. Our authorities tell us its safe because it biodegrades. Then there are manufacturers conditions of use of 1080 that were provided: The warning label clearly states - all outdoor placements must be placed in tamper‐proof bait boxes or deeply into burrows; collect and dispose of all dead animals and unconsumed bait properly; keep out of any body of water;. Clearly these instructions are not being followed, which is quite disturbing and frightening to the public. Why does NZ ignore these conditions? Obviously these conditions were important for a reason. Eisler’s Encyclopedia of Environmentally Hazardous Priority Chemicals https://books.google.co.nz/ books?isbn=0080547079 Ronald Eisler - 2007 - ‎Technology & Engineering - Commercial 1080 was commonly colored with 0.5% nigrosine and sold as a compound containing >90% sodium monofluoroacetate, to be mixed with foods at 2226.0mg/kg in preparing baits, or dissolved in water at 3756.0 mg/L for poisoning drinking water in indoor control of rodents

1080 is not working

world market again for the skins and meat, remember Kiwi Bear and you would find lots of people would start killing possums again and help lessen the problem. Don’t say that ground trapping is impossible in rough terrain. When possum skin prices were high at ne stage up to $17 for an A grade skin there wasn’t a bit of country holding possums that was not trapped. The anti-fur lobby helped kill off a good export earner. People overseas were under the impression that possums were some rare endangered species. I took the time to write to an MP who shall be nameless urging the government to make a film showing how much damage possums did to the vegetation and being vectors to pass on TB. Result, no reply. Trevor Coker Ex Possum Trapper

A recent article in a paper headed up “Misinformation a dangerous thing” by Ewan Kelsall an environmental adviser for Federated Farmers who has worked on pest management for ten years. According to him the DoC estate of eight million hectares has ‘tens of millions of hungry possums”. I would like to know how he arrived at the figure of tens of millions of hungry possums? DoC estimated that in 2008-2009 that there were 30 million. Even how DoC got this figure is unknown. It’s obvious that the 1080 program of wholesale application is not effective with these numbers still present. It’s like the estimate of 22,000 tons of vegetation consumed each night. If that was so how come we aren’t living in a desert with no green forest left? New Zealand uses approxi-

mately 90% of the world’s total production of 1080 which is applied at the rate of 2.5 kg/hectare. With the amount of 1080 that has been dropped nationwide in the previous years there should be a remarkable drop in possum numbers. New Zealand uses a testing system of cattle which is done by a mark on the tail. This method has shown to be unreliable and many so called TB infected cattle when killed at the works have proved negative for TB and are sold as meat on the NZ market. The only true test is by taking a blood sample and lab testing. This is not done mainly one would presume for cost reasons. Anyway NZ by world standards has been TB free for years. Take the tax off possum skins, find a

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper vertically downwards then distribution from a greater height is okay except that the baits are longer in the air and are therefore more susceptible to wind currents moving them out of the intended delivery zone. Trying to maintain an accurate height above ground in steep and broken country while trying to maintain groundspeed and avoid terrain creates a scenario ripe for failure. 3. Accurate delivery relies on the baits exiting the hopper and dropping onto the spinning distribution disc at a constant rate. This is highly unlikely. The greater the head (weight) of baits in the hopper the greater is the pressure available to push the bottom baits out. As the hopper level reduces the pressure reduces and so the flow of baits also reduces. It is possible that there is some compensation for this negative affect provided by the reducing friction losses

Main Stream Media in New Zealand has reached an all-time low with its biased and reporting of the 1080 protests which took place recently at over 43 main cities around New Zealand. The clear mis-reporting was so obvious that it made Sage, Sanson and DoC look like angels when compared to the blatant lies and deceit that they have broadcast. Forest and Bird is no better as they have changed their stance on the use of 1080 and deserve no credit whatsoever. While Doc and Sage say they take the supposed threats seriously the Police have found that these threats were frivolous and didn’t appear to waste a lot of time on time on them. The misreporting failed to hide the fear on Sage’s face as her de-

ily controlled but over steep terrain (where the helicopter is most ‘useful’) every act of climbing and descending to match the contour changes the ground speed. This is difficult to control because the pilot (if he’s smart) will be concentrating on terrain avoidance and personal welfare to the detriment of accurate groundspeed monitoring. Another negative factor is wind speed and its degree of crosswind (or even tail wind) component. Again, in level terrain the crosswind component is relatively constant and can be allowed for but in broken country wind changes are legendary including lift, lee turbulence, rotor action, and a raft of others which sensible pilots do their best to avoid. The changing wind speeds and directions rapidly change the aircrafts airspeed indication for which the pilot must compensate to maintain the target groundspeed. It also rapidly changes the aircraft direction of travel and rate of climb which has to be constantly corrected. When you combine terrain avoidance with constant altitude changes and violently changing wind speed and direction it is not hard to see that accurate distribution of baits is not likely. 2. The height of the machine above the ground during the delivery run. It is assumed that the hopper delivery system is designed to produce a certain pattern on the ground when delivered from a certain height. If the delivery is from a lesser height then the pattern will not have reached its full dimension and a narrow strip of high bait concentration will be laid. If the delivery is from a greater height than the target then the delivery pattern may be wider with reduced bait density. If delivery from the ideal height results in the baits falling

meanor showed the face similar to that of a person caught with her hand in the lollie jar. When DoC, Barry, Sanson and Sage are finally recognized as the criminal element in our government process, they must by prosecuted for crimes against New Zealand Wildlife. Not one single person working in or with DoC deserves to continue in their employment. They are a despicable, disgusting bunch of gutless criminals hiding behind the lack of science and evidence that it is doing any good. With the evident erosion of our Fourth Estate, the main stream media, demonstrated particularly by the TV1 bias following the Directive from Forest & Bird last week which told all NZ media NOT to give positive coverage

to the Hikoi, it is a good time to brush up on what activism means. We are seeing perception management around language, e.g.: ‘protest’, ‘activist’, ‘predator’ ‘terrorist’ reframed as somehow bad, and this is social engineering. DoC and Forest & Bird are desperate to retain control. We must not give up at the 11th hour. We are part of a healthy functioning democratic society and it is still our basic human right to speak up about activities that can harm us, and for animal welfare. A healthy functioning ecosystem is one with biodiversity (lots of different life) and a predator-prey relationship exists. One without that is what we call ‘a Zoo’. If 1080 is as safe as DoC portrays it to be how come their contractors dress up in white suits?

Nationwide protests against 1080

By Murray Dench

“The distribution of the baits from a helicopter is far from certain. While DGPS has allowed more accurate placement of the aircraft there are other factors involved:1. The groundspeed of the machine during the delivery run. Over level terrain this is quite eas-

sity from a moving 360° rotating disc. It is assumed the applicators mitigate against this effect by overlapping each delivery run so the low distribution density strips along the edges are ‘double dosed’to achieve the target density. Again it is assumed this need to overlap is programmed into the tracks to be flown under GPS guidance but is another error inherent in the entire delivery system. Unintended by-kill is closely correlated with bait distribution. Having a DGPS in the cockpit of the delivery aircraft is certainly a help but many other factors need assessment and controls added to improve the chance of accurate delivery. ERMA failed to investigate and understand the variables associated with bait delivery and how poor distribution might easily result and instead nominated DGPS as a ‘cure all’ which it cannot be.”

Crocodile Tears and misreporting

Aerial dropping 1080 poison not an accurate process In 2007, following the ERMA Review, Murray Dench wrote to Andrea Eng, General Manager Hazardous Substances, ERMA on Differential Global Positioning Systems with regard to dropping 1080 baits. What he wrote is very interesting. Here it is :

against the hopper walls as the hopper level falls but given slippery carrots and free flowing cereal baits it is hard to imagine this mitigation being enough. It is a pretty safe bet that the distribution density of baits at the start of a run is greater than at the end. 4. Overlap. If a circle of material is continuously dropped while in motion then the path along the centre line of the circle will receive twice as much material as the edges. This is because the material which is thrown forward is added to by the material which is thrown backwards over exactly the same path whereas the material thrown to the extreme edges cannot be duplicated. This provides a distribution pattern with the highest concentration along the centre line of the direction of travel gradually reducing to the minimum distribution density along both edges. It is not possible to produce an even distribution den-

Thousands of protesters across the country recently marched against the use of 1080 recently imploring the Government to stop the use of the controversial poison which causes animals to die a cruel and vicious death. DoC’s poor response was to come out guns blazing calling on the weakkneed Forest and Bird Society to try and prop up their extremely weak argument that 1080 is good for our forests in their lame attempt to justify spreading poison everywhere.

The 1080 Predator Free 2050 programme is so flawed it will never happen. Then DoC brings up their continual lies about the stale loose wheel nuts which start to get a bit boring when you consider then against their eco-terrorism, when you consider that even the Police ignore them. Protesters carried a range of signs reading “Ban 1080” and “It kills everything” gathered at 40 sites from the top of the north to the bottom of the South Island. Outside Parliament, hundreds stood and chanted with some wearing skull and crossbones capes, chemical hazard suits and masks while others dressed in black with white crosses to symbolize the loss of the wildlife. DoC, Federated Farmers and Forest and Bird are the only groups which support the use of 1080 but they all have a hidden agenda – money. Most people were not aware of the dangerous effects of the poison, but almost every province in New Zealand is having a protest because people have realised the lies and deception by DoC. Media coverage of the event was

The best tool in the toolbox 1080 increases rats and mice ten- fold and this is why the Department of Conservation “need” to keep poisoning year after year because their clever 2050 poison plan is not working. These facts are true, recorded by DoC and the real reason why they keep using it.... supposedly it is the best tool they have to fight possums and rats etc but after they’ve used it the food supply increases due to lack of demand and eventually incoming populations spiral out of control and breed to crazy “legendary biblical proportions” and they think dumping more solves the problem.... it doesn’t.... all it does is increase the need to continue to use the toxins and continue to kill everything.... this is money making not conservation. DoC must be disbanded into smaller groups as they have far too much power. No bureaucratic bunch of bunglers should ever be allowed to take this much power away from the government.

When you have a person like ‘Sage’ and ‘Barry’ who have betrayed the people of New Zealand to this extent then the department has reached and overgrown its potential. The funders of the 1080 movement have become so powerful that they are now directing agencies to do what they want. This in turn has caused Doc to become so powerful that the Crown doesn’t know how to deal with them. The damage that the 1080 protesters are doing to DoC’s image globally is horrendous. Jacinda is asking some very pertinent questions about how DoC are performing as she is concerned about the effect on the Labour votes. She doesn’t seem to care about the damage to our waterways, wild animals and native species but she should and unless she takes urgent action, no vote should go Labour’s way. The maths don’t add up. Whether you like the poison or not,

left to a few seconds on TV and the back pages of print media, which would appear to show that they have been restricted on what they will publish as they focussed on the poison pushers rather than what the event was actually about. Sources say the NZ First is in deep discussions with the Labour Party to ban 1080 in their attempts to regain their supporter’s votes after turning their backs on them after the elections. Many former supporters state they will never again vote for NZ First as have come to realise NZ First lied to them over stopping the pillage of the inshore fishery and the use of 1080. A planned 1080 drop in Whangaroa was postponed when Iwi representatives in the area say the consultation with DoC was “a lie”. Some residents were shocked to see their names listed by DoC as “fully supportive”, when in fact the opposite was true! Another drop planned for the Hunua Ranges was stopped by an injunction which was ignored by the Auckland City Council when they continued with pre-free drops. using any poison that kills your breeding stock is brainless and pointless. What the 1080 lovers don’t know or don’t want to know is that it is not about TB, saving native birds or anything else other than economic reasons. In the deep bush few possums come down out of the trees, they don’t need too. Our native birds live and eat off the ground. Owls eat only vermin on the ground. Where the farms are the food is on the ground. Ground traps where the possums come out or where the other pests dwell. This is about our economy and the government will do anything to increase export earnings. All parties need to look at the real reasons behind what this poisoning programme is really about. If you want to move away from eating NZ beef and lamb because of the possibility of being poisoned go to the Mad Butcher as he imports solely Australian beef and lamb.

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The worst tool in the toolbox Polls show 1080 not wanted

By Charlie Baycroft

Wanting to have our ecosystem free of hazardous chemicals does not mean that we are opposed to sensible and safe ways of managing introduced species at all. There are sensible and safe ways to deal with perceived problems and there are potentially dangerous and irresponsible ways of doing this as well. There is plenty of evidence to support the opinion that there are other ways to address the perceived problems caused by introduced species without harming or endangering the species that we wish to protect including we human beings There is evidence to support the opinion that these alternatives might even be less expensive, more effective and definitely less potentially hazardous and harmful that polluting the ecosystem with broad spectrum chemical weapons. The problem that we are trying to confront is really the unfounded belief that there is only one way and that way is extermination of the introduced species by using hazardous chemicals. Our message to DOC should be. Yes we do agree with you about the problem but NO we do not agree with you about the solution you are committed to because that commitment impairs your ability to properly assess and implement alternative solutions, which might be equally or even more effective and acceptable to the vast majority of citizens.

The problem for all people is that once we become convinced that there is only one way to address problems we become too emotionally committed to that way of thinking to properly and logically consider alternatives. When we become so emotionally committed to an opinion or belief our ability to think rationally and objectively is impaired by our desire to support and defend that commitment. That is what I think has happened with this Predator Free Ambition. The people that 1st proposed this did NOT advocate the use of chemical weapons but it was taken over by people who decided that this way “the only way” and defense of this belief has turned it into what I call a cult. The name of this group is Church of Poison Free New Zealand, which suggests to me that we are opposed to polluting our environment with hazardous substances and prefer alternative and less dangerous solutions for perceived problems. Let’s try to be positive and instead of being another Anti-1080 group (there are plenty of those already) continue to be a ProHealthy Environment Group, that wants a safe healthy and unpolluted ecosystem which is as free as possible from toxic and harmful hazardous chemical substances. The concept of civil order and a safe society is based on the belief that violence and killing is not an

acceptable way to solve problems. Violence and killing do not solve problems because they are greater problems that must be avoided. There are better ways of solving our problems but to find and implement them we must first stop following people that advocate and demand violence and killing because they are so often wrong and have agendas that are not in the interests of the greater good. Poisons and all other violent solutions should not be regarded as the “best tools in our toolbox” just because they are powerful and efficient. They should be regarded as the worst tools and an admission of our failure to be able to find safe and acceptable solution for perceived problems. If such tools are to be used then it should be only in extreme circumstances when human lives are imminently at risk and when there is clear and valid evidence that the benefit of using them very significantly outweighs the potential risks. The way to achieve a better environment and society is not by fighting against people with whom we disagree. It is by appealing to the inherent decency, morality and ethical principles that most people believe in. Perhaps some people might misconstrue what we say and not understand us properly.

One month after 1080 chemical assault on Kakaramea and Pihanga, Turangi, this is what is being found! Dead native birds everywhere. Eugenie Sage Conservation Minister publicly stated that “Of course no natives are slaughtered”. The people living on the edges of the area are seriously concerned with their water supplies and are sending distressed messages to family and friends – they are distressed at the lies and one-sided commentary in our news media to do with the Ban-1080 protests, distressed by the claims from DoC that anti-1080 people are violent thugs, distressed by the lies being told by DoC about the dead heifers near Te Kuiti... and more. The government and their flunkies (the Department of Conservation,

Forest and Bird and Federated Mountain Clubs) are fighting back. Having employed numerous PR gurus to write and disseminate ‘news items’ these groups are going to huge lengths to discredit the anti-1080 people. But the anti-1080 people have a right to protest, they don’t want the poison but it is being forced upon them. The opinion polls show what is happening. The Marlborough Express poll last week showed 85% of nearly 4,000 people want 1080 banned. The comments poll on The Project NZ showed even higher figures against 1080, almost 90%. The protests on September 8th, nationwide, despite being made up of mainly rural dwellers, had over 5,000 people out in the streets! Of course they are trying to discredit 1080 opposition. Of course the government is using their shackled media to do their dirty work. Of course they claim we are going to shoot down helicopters, loosen wheel nuts, and make death threats. These complaints are frivolous and the NZ Police are ignoring them. Why – because they are blatant made up lies. Ask yourselves this - where is the evidence? Official Information Act requests have produced nothing... there is no validity to these claims at all.

The genie is out of the bottle and it can’t be put back, no matter what dirty tactics the government uses, and no matter how much they ramp up their 1080 poison campaign.

Water in the carburetor

WIFE: “There is trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor.” HUSBAND: “Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous” WIFE: “I tell you the car has water in the carburetor.” HUSBAND: “You don’t even know what a carburetor is. I’ll check it out. Where’s the car? WIFE: “In the river”

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Coastguard’s ambassador Sue Tucker launched their new Coastguard app at a function at Kev and Ian’s Marine in Manurewa recently.

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Dairy effluent discharge into creek

An angler/farmer came across this dairy effluent leak near Invercargill recently and rung Environment Southland who came out took water samples and followed the leak up stream to find the source and they stopped it. “It ran for at least four hours but may have been running through the night before for all I know.

doubt it is dairy ruining out into the waters here and talking to ES yesterday they said this happens daily when the milking season starts. I’m not impressed and quite stressed about it to be honest. It’s not always the farmers fault when these occurrences happen but if drastic action is not carried out immediately a lot of damage can be done in just a few hours. There are plenty of answers and remedies and farmers must be tagged by Councils to ensure that these remedies are put in place. There is something seriously wrong with our government and its view of democracy when this sort of behaviour is allowed to repeat itself It’s an open ditch that runs in the time and time again, without any Opio and in to Otautau Stream form of protection for our rivers. then into the Aparima River.” Some Councils do a fantastic job “It’s not the first time I’ve noticed it in responding but the audits of and in our back farm I’ve seen the many farms is lacking and when creek there run green twice. Those you consider the current state times on the back farm it leached of our waterways there is much from an effluent pond but after hidden from the public eye. ringing to update yesterday I have The EPA and Ministry for the Envia high doubt the farmer will face ronment, DoC, MPI and every remore than gional council know this behaviour a smacked is a continuing saga with the inhand.” crease in corporate intensified dair“This concerns ying yet what action are they taking me as a keen to reduce the impact. Drinking tea angler and a and forming committees is a long father of two. way off actually doing something. I’ve fished Hats off to Environment Southhere all my land for taking action – let’s life and since see what the outcome will be. dairy moved It’s likely the farmer will be given a in things have warning until he is caught again. turned to shit there’s no

IS NZ READY FOR TOTAL ECOLOGICAL DESTRUCTION? The IUCN document which NZ is a signatory is totally focused on killing all of our alien species. The Guidelines 6.2 states that ‘Eradication should not be attempted unless it is ecologically feasible and has the necessary financial and political commitment to be completed.’ What the general public does not know is that the lengths and the depths of this Predator Free programme is TOTAL DESTRUCTION. The madness in the Green Party and Sage is that they are only carrying on what the National Party started. So who are the politicians or bureaucrats that signed NZ up to this agreement? However the big issue is that the ‘Predator Free 2050 Plan’ isn’t going to work? It is completely unfeasible unless DoC

put a fence around a block of bush and stop all animals from reentering the area. Is this their plan to ring fence our National Parks and Conservation areas. Because to abide by this IUCN document this is really the only way this plan could even remotely work. The manner that DoC are going about the aerial dumping of 1080 and the idiocy behind the plan, they would basically have to move every person off - say the North Island and blanket the area with 1080 poison to completely annihilate every living creature and it might work. Then reintroduce native species once the land was poison free, maybe 10-15 years later. But all this does is highlight the stupidity behind this plan? The IUCN document says that any-

The Lemon Picker

thing less than total is not going to work so either DoC have to use more and larger amounts of 1080 which is likely to have serious effects on our economy and all life in New Zealand. If 1080 is detected in our waterways, streams and rivers then it raises the bar to poisoning all human and animal life here in NZ. DoC have not revealed what percentage of kills are they getting as anything less that total destruction and decimation is breaching rules and is not going to work. Doc can bring a whole lot of documents and quotes from this IUCN document to the table as justification for increasing the amounts they use to catastrophic proportions on all human life.

Sally Mulligan from Tauranga decided to take one of the jobs that most Kiwis are not willing to do. Sally applied for a job in a lemon grove and seemed to be far too qualified for the job. She has a liberal arts degree from the University of Auckland and had worked as a social worker and a school teacher. The foreman frowned and said, “I have to ask you, have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?” “Well, as a matter of fact, I have,” she said. “I’ve been divorced three times, owned two Skoda’s, voted twice for Helen Clark, also for John Key and once for Winston Peters.” She starts in the morning.

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Forest and Bird have sold their souls Forest and Bird are on the wrong side of the 1080 fence. When their members discover the truth about how many native birds have really been killed by 1080 they can expect to lose public support entirely. For an organisation whose very name represents a group of wellminded people who are passionate about the welfare of our native forests and its birds. The current attitude is shameful. 1080 kills in a horrendous way causing the animal a long and painful death. But it doesn’t stop there. The poison kills anything that eats the unfortunate victim. This includes the contaminated worms, micro-organisms, invertebrates, and water as well as any insect the birds may eat. 1080 has been found to have been absorbed by plants that have in turn killed the insects that live on them. The poison Doc is using to save the birds is, in fact, having a catastrophic effect on their very survival. Forest And Bird have, by supporting 1080 dropping on NZ bush, effectively have publicly endorsed the killing of native birds and the poisoning of our native trees and insects. What could possibly be the reason a conservation group like Forest and Bird endorse a poisoning system that is essentially an indiscriminant wildlife holocaust? Forest and Bird have effectively sold their souls and principles just for a seat at the big political roundtable. Essentially what Forest and Bird want is to be the conservation group that people, like politi-

even more new cats appeared. These newcomers did not enter traps. As a result the abuncians, councillors, media and Forest and Bird should concentrate dance of cats actually went industry leaders consult with. on protecting the forest and the up in areas being trapped. But the problem with organisations birds and butt out of things that and people like this is that when they really are none of their business. become the ‘consulted group’ they Has Forest and Bird sat down seem to achieve very little for their and asked themselves why cause other than spending money are 85% of kiwis against the Seven people have paid the of our forests? price for poaching from the on travel and accommodation. poisoning It does no good and achieves little to What makes them believe that DoC Te Tapuwae o Rongokako MaReserve in Gisborne. have a meeting with people who are are telling the truth when so many rine only being nice to you so they can documents have been discovered All of the individuals who were stop you objecting to their business. where DoC have told blatant lies? sentenced in the Gisborne DisFor example, when Sir Peter Tal- Are Forest and Bird members re- trict Court this month were ley announced to Forest and Bird ally that gullible? It seems so. caught in a joint operation late that he also wanted a sustain- Perhaps they are getting some form last year between the Ministry able fishery, Forest and Bird should of benefit or financial gain. Because have asked for proof. But they just they are definitely on the wrong path. sat back and bathed in the glory. What action will Forest and Bird When Forest and Bird were told take when our last native bird is by Doc that 1080 would even- killed? Will they disband the organitually save our native bird life, sation because they have failed? they should have asked for proof. When you analyse why politiDoes Forest and Bird really have cians undertake these ventures, the expertise to assess documents it is not for economic reasons and scientific reports to see if they or the good of the country or have been misled or hoodwinked? anything in the country. It is When it comes to our ocean, For- purely a vote gathering exercise. est and Bird have been sucked Politicians only do things that The recent announcement by the in by the very experienced fish- will see themselves getting votes government to Conservation Indiging industry that has hidden at the next elections. And this is enous Freshwater Fish Amendment the continuing depletion of precisely what the Green party Bill has taken my world to a place I our fisheries from the public. is about. They are the vilest dis- didn’t want to go and factually here The next time the fishery in- gusting group of criminals that is why. Nothing stirs up feeling and dustry gets caught in a lie, For- have ever entered Parliament. emotion with many Pakeha like the est and Bird will also have to The very people protesting threat, actual or perceived, of iwi betake some responsibility for it. against the use of 1080 are those ing permitted to farm or sell trout. The next time Doc kill a large directly affected by the use of Any reference to that is like pouring a number of their own tagged and 1080, farmers, hunters, anglers thousand litres of petrol on a bonfire protected birds with 1080, then and housewives. Those that have and evidence of that is the massive Forest and Bird will have to take re- had their pets and animals killed. amount of comment, and not all of it sponsibility for the deaths because And where is Forest and Bird, - polite on social media that’s going on they are 100% supporters of 1080. counting their financial reward? at the moment. I spend a lot of time

Poachers pay the price for Primary Industries (MPI) and the Department of Conservation (DoC) with assistance from Police. The individuals stole a total of 39 crayfish and 238 kina from the protected area that covers 2,400 hectares of coastline. One group of the people sentenced, took 193 kina and 13

ping and removal resulted in a doubling of the size of the ferret population over pre-culling levels.

crayfish. One person received a $2,000 fine and was ordered to pay $130 court costs. Another received a 1-month prison sentence. Seven more people who were also caught poaching from the reserve around the same time are due to be sentenced later this year. “It was pre-meditated offending and often done under the cover of darkness.

Didymo Dave


Culling cats will backfire A recent study shows that culling can backfire badly. Wildlife biologists in Tasmania decided to test their ability to reduce abundance

This is not an isolated bit of weirdness: similar effects have been found elsewhere. For example, a study of ferrets on a British island showed that trap-


of feral cats. They surveyed cats in four large areas of native forest, and then trapped and removed animals for a year in two of those areas.

This seemed to go really well: at first they caught lots of cats, then trap success rapidly dropped off, suggesting most cats had been removed. The problem was that monitoring with remote cameras showed that as resident cats were taken out

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on riverbanks etc and I’m absolutely appalled and saddened by the tone and content of what people are saying to me. There are many upset people. So I ask myself the question how did this unpleasant happen? Also, who caused it? Well it certainly wasn’t any of my Maori mates, nor was it any of the rangers who work for

the Department of Conservation so don’t vent your frustrations on them! Quite simply, The Minister of Conservation and her advisors came up with the proposed amendments and released it without proper consultation. That was a massive mistake because if they had given it to Fish and Game and other parties for review then had a cup of tea with them there are people in Fish and Game and other parties that would have said “hang on, this could cause trouble”. But the Minister of Conservation didn’t do that, instead she released it and Fish and Game, very concerned about it took it to Sir Geoffrey Palmer for him to have a look at and he found some serious issues and BOOM away it all went! The result in my world is all sorts of emotional stuff with many of my Pakeha friends and Maori friends feeling aggrieved. When I have to do race relations damage control on

riverbanks because the Minister of Conservation didn’t stick to an agreement with Fish n Game is no .surprise. I’m one very unhappy camper and quite simply she is not fit to be a Minster. But, trying to be fair I thought before I write this article I’ll give the Green Party a chance. So I rang Parliament on 04 817 9999 and asked the receptionist to transfer me to the office of Marama Davidson who is a Green Party coleader. I tried, with pleasant words and tone of voice to explain what was going on but I got absolutely nowhere. It’s my belief that our country deserves a Conservation Minister who is a leader in the protection of beautiful New Zealand and they should act in a way that brings the people of our country and all the various groups together as best as possible. Eugenie Sage may think she is an experienced politician. I think she needs to be sacked! As usual I’m prepared to front up to anything I say or write. My phone number if you want to discuss what I’ve written is 027 240 9603.

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Who and what is behind this madness?

The management of trout was originally the responsibility of regional Acclimatisation Societies that acted as semi-autonomous entities under the Internal Affairs Department of central government. The Acclimatisation Societies got herded into the Conservation Dept. Fish and Game was set up as a separate (subset) under DoC to manage sports fish under the Act. Politicians liked the idea because it was self-funding, i.e. its only revenue was through license sales. But it is still governed by (1) the Conservation Act, (2) DoC, and (3) the Acclimatisation Boards who have the power to determine where species can and cannot be established, for example. They have had a policy for many years that trout cannot be introduced into waterways where they haven’t existed previously, and are pretty heavily influenced by the native vs introduced narrative. Because they come under the Act, Fish and Game have to report to Parliament annually. So as long as sports fish are managed under the Conservation Act, DoC is the primary agency responsible. That has been fine until now because the status of sports fish

have been protected under the Act, and in the RMA, including the prohibition on farming or selling them. And it is managed by Fish and Game so they don’t have to worry about it, apart from Lake Taupo which is quite a big enough headache for them. It is this that Eugenie and her wee green friends want to change. Because there are two distinct directions that this Bill is heading, it is suspected that there are two distinct processes going on. Firstly, the Greens want to save the whitebait and our native species. Nothing wrong with that, except they have swallowed the Forest and Bird dogma that the reason they are being threatened is because the nasty introduced trout are eating them all up. So to save our native species, the introduced species such as trout have to go. Some of the proposed changes to the Act will enable this. The fact that the argument doesn’t stand up to scrutiny at any intellectual level is beside the point, - we are talking about blind dogma here. But the direction of the second group of changes (i.e. to Section 5B of the Act) is more interesting. Because some of them are quite unnecessary to achieve DoC’s new Green agenda. It exempts both Treaty parties and fish farms from the provisions protecting trout in the Act. Now we know that Government is continuing to be lobbied by the aquaculture industry to allow the farming of trout. And we know the formidable size of the donations that the industry makes to the political parties. So it may be that the Government is caving into that pressure. We also know that Chris Finlayson deliber-

ately allowed Ngati Tuwharetoa to own trout under the terms of the settlement treaty, despite knowing full well that their aspirations were illegal under the Conservation Act. But will Labour want to implement National Party policy that even they weren’t prepared to try on. So Central Government is under significant pressure from industry, from the treaty process, from its own Ministry (MBIE) and from Regional Government who want to grow wealth generations in the regions. This is where the second string of the changes to the Act comes from. The Greens don’t have the wit to be looking at the commercialisation of trout; they just want to poison them. So ask yourself, who is involved in Fisheries, treaty issues and regional government? The answer that comes up is - Shane Jones. I think that the Greens/DoC have done a coalition deal with NZ First to get this bill through Parliament, and the price of that deal is the commercialisation of trout, by iwi and industry. It may be quite wrong, but that is the way it reads. In which case, it is going to be a whole lot harder to head this thing off at the pass. But the fact that NZ First hasn’t been open about it may mean that they don’t want to be publicly associated with it, and if we could force them into some straight answers, they might shy away. If this is true it will be the finish of NZ First, there are more than enough voters to ensure that Jones madness will destroy them. But which party will have the guts to stand up, fight this idiocy and collect NZ First votes.

Habitat Simulation – RHYHABSIM – The Work of Fiction? Part One - Introduction

For the past three decades River Hydraulic Habitat Simulation (RHYHABSIM) has been misinforming

commissioners at New Zealand water allocation hearings resulting in over abstraction of water from our valued rivers and streams. The worth of habitat simulation has been the subject of much debate and even legal challenges internationally as hydrologists seduced by the simplicity of the assumptions on which the models are based have clashed with

biologists who are concerned that the models cannot replace comprehensive biological studies of the interactions between aquatic inhabitants and their environment. Whether you side with those that see habitat simulation as nonsense or those who come to its defense, both groups agree that habitat modelling alone is not a substitute for a comprehensive Instream study – IFIM of which habitat modelling plays a small part. In New Zealand we have got it wrong and drifted from completing the detailed river specific studies that make up IFIM. We have been seduced by a simplistic Weighted Useable Area (WUA) “habitat” model because of the quantitative

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“answers” it gives. Where “habitat” or space in a river is not limiting, habitat modelling is meaningless. [“There is extensive ecological literature on habitat selection modeling which indicates that a simple selection of flow recommendations from a static set of WUA versus flow curves is not a credible approach (for example Marthur et al. 1985, 1994; Osborne et al.1988; Gan and McMahon 1990; Elliot 1994; Castleberry et al.1996; Ghanen et al.1996; Williams 1996; Lamouroux et al.1998). It has long been recognized that WUA versus flow relations alone lack biological meaning. Instead, the flowhabitat relations as a component of IFIM are intended as input for evaluation of habitat analyses (Stalnaker et 1979; Stalnaker et al.1995; Bovee etal. 1998; NRC 2005a, 2005c.)There is no justifiable way to base flowmanagement recommendations on habitat relations alone. This limitation of WUA has been recognized for more than 30 years, but WUA continues to be inappropriately used by some as a shortcut approach for selecting flat-line “minimum flows”…. [Hydrology, Ecology, and Fishes of the Klamath River Basin. NRC of the National Academies, 2008]] Bovee et al. (the originators of IFIM) stated: “IFIM … is widely misconstrued, misinterpreted, and in some cases misused”. A Critique of IFIM-instream habitat simulation in the New Zealand context. Science for Conservation 231 Hudson et. Al. 2003, is a detailed 68 page review of IFIM – instream habitat simulation written with the objective of encouraging a critical re-evaluation of IFIM and improving the way in which IFIM is used in New Zealand. Having witnessed the misuse of RHYHABSIM, the New Zealand habitat model, at two consent hearings I say enough is enough. For the sake of what is left of our rivers it is time for an independent review of the model to determine whether it should be dropped &/or its limitations exposed. RHYHABSIM – The model Put simply proponents of RHYHABSIM believe populations of aquatic species of interest can be predicted from simple hydrological measurements. Habitability suitability curves (HSCs) have been developed from observations of the presence or absence of species of interest at different flows, depth, and substrate averaged over multiple (57) New Zealand rivers and streams. The physical space in the river is then measured by dividing the stream into cells of variable width, length, and mean water column velocity measured between transects. Estimates of the point suitability of each cell for the specific

species of fish or insect of interest are made by multiplying the habitat suitability weightings at that point. The cells are summed to produce the Weighted Useable Area (WUA) of the “habitat” which is then plotted against simulated flows. The resultant curves show a “break point” where reducing flows begin to sharply reduce the amount of modelled “habitat” or space in the river which has been estimated to suit the fish or invertebrates. This modelled “break point” is presented to hearing commissioners as answers as to how a proposed water abstraction will affect the river. Using this method Ian Jowett, John Hayes, and Maurice Duncan (2008) have determined that; Benthic invertebrates have an optimal flow requirement of 15 m3 Large trout require flows of 10 m3 Trout fingerlings have optimal flow requirements of 2m3. Ian Jowett, John Hayes, and Maurice Duncan were the authors of “A guide to instream habitat survey methods and analysis”- NIWA science and technology series No. 54. Ian Jowett goes so far as to claim this RHYHABSIM enables him to “improve” rivers by reducing their flow to the optimum predicted by this model. No wonder the model finds favour with corporate water users and these experts are hired to feature regularly at consent hearings! Despite vast increases in computing power allowing more sophisticated data management and elaborate graphics, habitat simulation involves a form of modelling that has never been validated nor verified. Along with a large body of biologists and fishermen I believe these experts are wrong. (They are wrong because the assumptions on which the model is based are inconsistent with my observations and experience. Have you ever seen a New Zealand river that has been “improved” following significant water abstraction? A river must be viewed from a catchment wide perspective. This is why piecemeal NWCOs fail.) I believe this model would have been exposed and discarded but for poor study design, unethical science, baseless/dishonest assumptions, and the selfinterest of those that earn their living through selling their “expertise” to corporate water raiders. [HSCs must be river specific. HSCs can vary strongly with environmental and biological variables, such as temperature, turbidity, habitat structure, and fish density. As a consequence mixing habitatsuitability data from a variety of sites and conditions may produce criteria that represent no site. NRC Klamath Study, 2008. The point was also stressed by Dr Richard Laven.] Ethics in Research

Ethical research is important it requires; Honesty - Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data. Do not deceive colleagues granting agencies, or the public. Objectivity - Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data interpretation, expert testimony and other aspects of research where objectivity is expected. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception Integrity - Act with sincerity: strive for consistency in thought and action Avoid Carefulness - careless error and negligence. Critically examine your work and the work of your peers Respect Intellectual property Responsible publication Publish to advance research and not just your career Social responsibility - Promote social good or mitigate social harms through research, public education, and advocacy. Competence [David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D. “What is ethics in Research & Why it is Important” NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.] In a recent article in the Dominion Post, Dr Mike Joy speaks of “Agency capture” of the Ministry for the Environment which he accuses of concentrating on making the policies of the government of the day look good. The focus of Mike Joy’s concerns are the tricks used to cover for the problems of irrigation and water pollution in particular the inappropriate NPS FW Management Standards Dr Joy introduces the term agnotology which is defined as “culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data to spread confusion and deceit, usually to sell a product or win favour. This definition could readily be applied to the way expert witnesses (deceitfully) present RHYHABSIM evidence at consent hearings despite the expert(s) having sworn to abide by the Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses in the Environment Court. Perhaps this explains why RHYHABSIM is listed on the MfE website as the “gold standard” for water allocation? Crown Research Institutes, (CRIs), and not for profit institutes such as NIWA and The Cawthron Institute are also vulnerable to the pressures of having to pay their way. What client would accept studies that found against their needs? Unfortunately their clients are government and corporations wishing to mine our water resources. To be continued in the next issue of this Newspaper. The full document can be viewed online at http://www. fishingoutdoors.org/fishinginformation/freshwater-fishing-articles/3363-http-wwwfishingoutdoors-org-habitat.html

Stop Lake snow spreading The invasive pest lake snow has been discovered in more North Island lakes. In mid-winter, it was confirmed the microscopic algae – known as Lindavia intermedia - had been found in the Waikato and Manawatū-Whanganui regions for the first time. In the South Island, the algae has developed into mucus-like strings known as lake snow or lake snot. While it is not a known health threat, it can clog fishing and boating equipment. The algae is already confirmed in Lake Taupo, Lake Rotoaira and Lake Waikaremoana. Testing by

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Horizons and Waikato Regional Council has now found it in three other Waikato lakes - Karāpiro, Ohakuri and Waipapa, although the pest’s abundance is said to be low. The discovery is unwelcome so be vigilant when cleaning your equipment after a day out on the water. Report anything that looks like lake snow to the Ministry for Primary Industry’s pest hotline: 0800 99 66. The Check, Clean and Dry methods used for didymo are also appropriate to prevent the spread of Lindavia intermedia or lake snow. For more details, look here www.mpi.govt.nz/check-clean-dry

The rain was pouring down. There standing in front of a big puddle outside the pub was an old Irishman, drenched, holding a stick, with a piece of string dangling in the water. A passer-by stopped and asked, “What are you doing?” “Fishing” replied the old man. Feeling sorry for the feeble old man, the gent says, “Come in out of the rain and have a drink with me.” In the warmth of the pub, as they sip their whiskies, the gentleman, being a bit of a smart aleck, cannot resist asking, “So how many have you caught today?” “You’re the eighth”, says the old man

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2018 Commonwealth Flyfishing Champs ing Team represented New Zealand in Omagh, Northern Ireland over 2nd – 8th September 2018. Team New Zealand comprised Team Captain: Neil Hirtzel; with team members Johannes Venter, Craig Gutry, Johannes Krill, and Peter Scott. The teams results - after all five session 5 were: 1 Northern Ireland; 2 Canada; 3 Scotland; 4 South Africa with New Zealand 12th. And the New Zealand team placJohannes Venter received the biggest fish on ings were: 35 Neil Hirtzel; 39 Johannes Venter; 57 Johannes Krill; Woodford (58 cm) at the Commonwealth Fly 69 Peter Scott; and 71 Craig Gutry. Fishing Champs in Ireland. Congratulations The total number of from NZ. The 2018 NZ Commonwealth Flyfish- fish caught was 1369.

Serious concern amongst freshwater anglers The recent leak of a deal being hatched between The Crown and Ngati Tuwharetoa over trout farming has created a huge ripple of concern amongst the freshwater angling community. To rewind a little: Way back in 1987 when DoC was established so too was the Taupo Fishery Advisory Committee (TFAC), a body of eight wise men & women to act as advocates and as a user’s advisory group for the Taupo fishery area, as administered by DoC. Among the chosen few were representatives from the Professional Fishing Guides Association, local angling clubs, the NZFFA, a boat charter association, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Fish & Game and DoC. Meetings have been infrequent, the last some three years ago when a major review of a then failing fishery was undertaken. Despite many recommendations being forthcoming there is little evidence of any of these being implemented, other than a reduction in the minimum size of takeable fish. However TFAC was set up to work together over all concerns relating to the Taupo fishery, particularly as it is there to represent the interests of some 30,000 anglers› licence purchases and over $1 M in revenue per annum So, it was something of a shock to learn that DoC issued a letter to TFAC stating that “Ngati Tuwharetoa’s Agreement in Principle includes redress proposals concerning the Tongariro National Trout Centre (TNTC)”. The bottom line of this is a proposed treaty settlement that enables Tuwharetoa to gain ownership and control of the TNTC and allow for: - Arrangements for Ngati Tuwharetoa to use a raceway and any other existing facilities not required by the Department of Conservation (DOC), and the ability to construct new facilities (with approval from the Trust) for the purposes of raising trout to harvest for important occasions; - DOC to work with Ngati Tuwharetoa cadets to develop the skills required to raise and harvest trout at the Tongariro National Trout Centre.” In short, to allow trout farming with all the attendant risks of introducing disease into wild stocks and monetizing trout which incentivizes trout poaching. After all, the discharge from the trout farming would go into the Tongariro. These risks could kill the very goose which lays the golden egg of why people go and stay, spend money

and enjoy the Turangi facilities. And it’s not just Taupo at risk as every river, lake and stream between the Tongariro and Port Waikato would be exposed to any disease. That includes water fished by the Hamilton Anglers Club. The Agreement in Principle raises some important legal, moral and strategic issues. The fact that Tuwharetoa want to use the old raceways (originally put in as a contingency trout raising environment should a volcanic eruption decimate the valuable fishery) speaks volumes, particularly as a noted fishing personality of the region estimates these have the capability to hold up to 30,000 trout, clearly a lot more than needed for “important occasions”. Secondly, the TNTC has been built and operated out of the licence monies from the very anglers whose sport is at risk and who have not been consulted. Thirdly, as trout were introduced into NZ in 1867 and into Lake Taupo in 1887 these liberations post-date the Waitangi Treaty and therefore could not legally be considered as relevant to any subsequent Tribunal claim. Fourthly, trout farming has consistently been resisted by anglers under any guise simply because of the risks to the future of the fishery and the millions of revenue it generates. Thus the proposed settlement whereby anglers’ Taupo licence money will effectively be used for trout farming (by ceding ownership and use of the TNTC to the trout farmers) feels like a kick in the balls and the head by the Crown. The letter continued to spell out that Lake Rotoaira would also fall under Tuwharetoa control and that a Trust would be set up to administer and charge for a distinct licence to fish the lake. The letter concludes with the line that “OTS (Office of Treaty Settlements), DOC and THF (Tuwharetoa Hapu Forum (THF), on behalf of Ngati Tuwharetoa) will begin deed of settlement negotiations for these proposals shortly”. So there you go, the very body set up to protect and represent the interests of Taupo area anglers, TFAC, has been told that the Crown and Tuwharetoa will negotiate the future of the TNTC and by definition, the health and future of the Taupo fishery, without any involvement of TFAC. Make no mistake - this is not DoC’s gig, it is the Office of Treaty Settlements. One wonders how such a process fits into a democratic egalitarian society such as ours.

Sage forced to postpone tahr hunt Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage has been forced to postpone the mass tahr cull she ordered to start this weekend because of huge pressure from recreational hunting and tourism industry, National’s Conservation spokesperson Sarah Dowie says. “Sage personally ordered the culling of tens of thousands of tahr without adequately consulting with the hunting industry and recreational hunters who would be directly affected. “While I welcome the fact that Sage has delayed her cull this weekend, I am disappointed it has come to this. “While National supports managing tahr numbers the Minister has no excuses for not adequately

consulting with the hunting industry and recreational hunters. “The hunting sector is advocating a responsible plan to manage tahr numbers rather than the slaughter of tens of thousands of animals. If Sage had properly consulted, she would have a better understanding of this. “Sage must halt the cull until she has listened to advice from hunting representatives like the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association who have proposed a managed hunterledpopulationreductionoverthreeyears. “Almost 23,000 concerned New Zealanders have signed my petition calling on her to stop the cull. She must listen to them.”

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Summer Fly Fishing Euro Nymphing

With the opening of the fishing season on us, give some thought to a different more exciting method of fishing your local river other than the traditional nymphing method, perhaps fishing waters you never had before, no floating line, no indicator, barbless hooks, and you will be surprised how close you can get to a fish, it is my opinion with the lighter rods 5,4,3 weight the angler tends to put less pressure on the fish therefore landing them much easier than using heavier weight rods !, evident by the number of fish up to 8lb I have beached in fast water, and released without actually touching the fish due to barbless hooks. My first introduction to Euro Nymphing came three years ago with Roman Heimlich member of the world

champion Czech team , I recall being a little sceptical using three and four weight rods on the Tongariro especially if hooking into larger Trout, asking Roman did he think this method would handle our larger specimens, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said maybe, by days end in excess of thirty fish had been landed, the last fish of the day was a 14lb Brown, Roman looked at me and said does that answer your question? Time of year was March. My other tutor Finnish champion and Vision Fly Fishing representative Antti Vappula. I am still learning and by no means an expert but have three years of intensive Euro nymphing experience under my belt, at the Creel we specialise in Euro Nymphing I have fished all the Euro Nymph Rods we have so feel semi qualified to offer advice in this forum on the subject of Euro Nymphing if I might dispel a few myths, ultra ,heavy nymphs are not required, depends on the water depth and the time of year ,meaning if Trout are actively feeding or not, with the use of a zero weight Euro fly line a six metre leader is not actually required, my preference is about 9 or 10 feet with a point fly and dropper above it, about 600, the method works best with a minimum 9ft 6, Rod, purpose built for the task as it is more flexible in the tip and stronger in the

butt section, in my view the more flexible the rod, the easier to cast smaller flies out and the more accurate, Czech nymphing is when fishing close ,generally in faster waters, French or Polish Nymphing when using longer leaders and fishing further away. But all come under the term Euro Nymphing Once mastered or part way to mastering it we would recommend you try several models before buying as each of these rods is very different more so than regular nymph rods, a service we offer, three or 4 four rods to demo. If you are thinking distance is your objective then stay with regular nymphing, you are on the wrong track. It also takes a while to learn to flick rather than cast the line (adapt it once mastered of course). Euro nymphing on the Tongariro makes smaller rivers a dream to fish winter and summer, more so in summer when fish are actively feeding and fly size is critical. Consider mov-

NZ goes against worldwide trend A report ‘Trends in the development of mammalian pest control technology in New Zealand’ released by Charles T. Eason, Lee Shapiro, Shaun Ogilvie, Carolyn King & Mick Clout states that rodenticide and vertebrate pesticide registrations have declined worldwide over the last 30 years. New Zealand has not followed this trend, instead retaining essential toxins and traps, improving their use and exploring new mammal control tools.

Looking to the immediate future, as well as continuing to improve the use of existing tools, there are opportunities for further advances in emerging technologies such as wireless technology for species recognition and aiding trapping programmes, self-resetting traps and toxin-delivery systems to be enhanced with advanced lures, and new toxins which increasingly combine ‘low-residue’ characteristics with selectivity and humaneness.

More selective baiting and delivery systems will enable more targeted control of possums, mustelids and rodents. The use of new toxins with advantages in specific settings should be complemented by improvements in resetting trap technology, barrier approaches, and novel biocontrol and genetic concepts. Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) and other important tools have been retained; we have the ingredients for transfor-

The beginning of Corporate NZ The 1980’s ‘Think Big’ projects were a bipartisan agreement for the long term “economic” benefit of NZ. It was the beginning to Corporate NZ and MMP has allowed The Green party to sway votes or swing elections. DoC is not what it was in the 1970’s. Actually NZ Forest Service existed then and there was no DoC. They were formed in 1987, the same year Dow Chemicals stopped making dioxin poi-

sons 245T and 24D in New Plymouth. The Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sages’ partner, a Mr John Suggate, happens to be the son of a Pat Suggate a NZ Geologist. The rest you can research and connect with our politics of the 1970’s and 1980’s. It is believed that DoC’s long term plan is to go for the land oil exploitation Mr Suggate talks of. Conspirators will tell you 1976 re-

search is the popular opinion, a long time after Mr Suggate gave his reports to Parliament, which was in 1968? It is believed that his research is being manipulated by this bipartisan plan. 1080 is a means to an end. A dead forest is not “pristine”. This forms a part of the ‘precautionary principle’ written by Charles Eason for Forest and Bird. This is about the destruction of our conservation areas and reducing

- By Grant Alley

ing up a stream casting to likely places with only flies landing in the water, sinking immediately and rolling naturally over the stream bed, no indicator, no line splash, other considerations are nymph size, style and weight, in my view the whole process more exciting and challenging than other methods, though each has its place of course, and each to his own, shall we say then that Euro nymphing fits in when done correctly. In my opinion the European Rods are better designed because they have been using the method longer than other makers such as VISION of Finland, HANAK of Czech Republic, having said that the Echo Shadow 10 ft 6, the Redington Hydrogen 10 ft, the Orvis 10 ft Euro Rods all perform very well. Visit creeltackle.com, feel free to email us if you have any questions. Creel Tackle House & Café , Turangi

mational change, and new tools are emerging from a research and development pipeline. However, there has been limited practical experience with emerging technologies compared with traditional or 1080 baits. Additional investment and practical experience is imperative, at this stage, to enable the potential of new toxins and other tools to reach their potential. It is also important for the future of New Zealand’s biodiversity that research continues to be focused on emerging technologies as well as on completely novel ideas. them to ‘dead lands’. They can then be used for agriculture purposes. Ask yourself why Animal Control Products is owned by the Treasury and MPI. Why is Orillion the company that buys 1080 from ACP owned by Dairy NZ, Beef and Lamb NZ and Venison NZ. There is one little word that prevents mining virgin land and we should be asking Parliament for an assurance that Corporate NZ will not be engaging in Land Oil Exploration and the killing of our conservation areas.

Poaching still prevalent in Turangi

With anglers and hunters around New Zealand disgusted at the incompetence within DoC it is no wonder that poachers around Turangi are having a ball. We were fishing the Waiotaka recently and my angling mate noticed a gill net hidden behind a flax bush at the crossing nearby the Rongomai Marae. A couple of days later, we went back there to pick it up and it had gone. When was the last time anyone saw a ranger in the region checking on licences. We went to the Turangi RSA and a fellow patron told us that someone is netting fish at the crossing at nights and there are very few fish upstream, in fact one Angler who has been fishing this stream for 30 years will not go there any-


monitor regularly, and again we have not had any issues there lately, but we will keep looking.” more because licence sales and must be stopped. In today’s age the technology is the fish are few So it will be interesting to see readily available to watch these and far between. if DoC can drag their butts out known sites via video link so why He also knew from in front of their heaters and are DoC not taking positive action. about the netting put a stop to this. Or better still Maybe it is because their funds are at the crossing. return the fishery to Fish and used poisoning our waterways. These poach- Game who will do something. “The activity seems to be happeners are catching Dave Conley from DoC says “we ing during the night, when the most of the fish have had recent reports of ac- rangers have finished their 8 hour on their way up tivity at the Waiotaka, so have day. In order to catch these poachand spoiling it for recently stepped up our compli- ers it looks like it will be necessary everybody else. ance of the site. To date we have to monitor the situation at nights. A little while ago not seen anything of concern, We hope that some of the local we went down to but we are still monitoring it.” rangers are asked to work through get some water for a brew and there “Likewise, the Tokaanu stream the night to catch these hoodlums. was a car there with a few young is a known hotspot which we guys just sitting there. We didn’t think much about it at the time, but I’m sure they were there to get (since 1850) some fish. Recently I took my mate Turangi there (just below the Power Station where the Tokaanu Stream has been diverted parallel to the tailrace, you get to it by turning right towards the Power Station, then turning right immediately after crossing the www.creeltackle.com bridge over the Tokaanu Stream) and there were a HUGE number buy online free post in N.Z of fish under the bridge (maybe around 150 or so - my friend took N.Z agent for VISION of Finland photos), A couple of days later ORVIS authorised agent there are NONE This illegal activity is probably also happening at night. HANAK Central Nth Island Agent This illegal netting or taking by other means is hurting the anglers and will have an impact on

Creel Tackle House & Café

07 386 7929


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The Green Parties plan to destroy trout fishing Along with the backing of NZ First the Green Party plan to destroy our freshwater fishing industry. Our fishing tourism industry are about to get bludgeoned to death with this idiotic policy put forward by the government. Who is to blame? We are running a poll with every politician to ascertain who will stop this garbage and identify those for it. This is a fantastic opportunity to get rid of NZ First and the Green Party at the next elections as the votes of over 100 thousand fresh water anglers is likely to tip the votes in favour of National. We have asked Judith Collins (the likely next leader) and Simon Bridges for an appointment so we can work with them to oust this coalition and show the people of New Zealand once and for all that they cannot work together for a better New Zealand. The Greens and NZ First appear to be blackmailing the government to get what they want and Labour just hasn’t got the gonads to deliver. If National will accept that there are significant changes to be made environmentally and that they will deliver then we have a very good chance to help them get relected. But if they won’t accept this and fail to deliver then there are other up and coming parties that will. New Zealanders are sick and tired of lying politicians that make promises to get votes then sit on the fence and fail to deliver. We want honest truthful men and woman in Parliament not the scumbag politicians that are working behind the scenes to get what they want and not what the people that elected them want. The Greens and NZ First plan to introduce trout farming and the sale of trout will have catastrophic impacts on our international tourism and given the fact that they

plan to make this a treaty settlement is beyond disgusting. We are then likely to see Maori given all the lakes and rivers around NZ which will impact heavily on trout fishing. It seriously looks like Forest and Birds influence in the Green Party will see the eradiction of trout all because of the lies told by them to politicians in spite of overwhelming evidence that they have it completely wrong. No angler wants to see the demise of our native species but the misinformation by the Green Party has to be shown to dispel any crap they are putting before the government. The article ‘Predicting New Zealand riverine fish reference assemblages’ By Adam D. Canning​https:// peerj.com/articles/4890/ shows that biomonitoring is a common method to monitor environmental change in river ecosystems; a key advantage of biomonitoring over snap-shot physicochemical monitoring is that it provides a more stable, long-term insight into change that is also effects-based. In New Zealand, the main biomonitoring method is a macroinvertebrate sensitivity scoring index, with little established methods available for biomonitoring of fish. This study models the contemporary distribution of common freshwater fish and then uses those models to predict freshwater fish assemblages for each river reach under reference conditions. Comparison of current fish assemblages with those predicted in reference conditions (as observed/expected (O/E) ratios) may provide a suitable option for freshwater fish biomonitoring. Most of the fish communities throughout the central North Island and lower reaches show substantial deviation from the modelled reference community. Most of this deviation is explained by

nutrient enrichment, followed by downstream barriers (i.e. dams) and loss of riparian vegetation. The presence of modelled introduced species had relatively little impact on the presence of the modelled native fish. The maps of O/E fish assemblage may provide a rapid way to identify potential restoration sites. This study is important as it shows that salmon, brown trout, rainbow trout, perch and one or two other introduced fish species have only about 1% impact on native fish. The other 99% comes from what imported human beings have done and are doing to the environment. While the Labour Government accepts the Green Parties lies, we are confident that National given the opportunity will repeal this Bill with the right coalition partner and that is not NZ First. At the moment this fight is with a few complacent New Zealand trout fishermen. Is it not time to step the fight up so every tourist operator could see financial losses and ruin and the effect these changes will have on the New Zealand economy. I’m sure more than ever we need the backing of the country. Oh that’s right immigrants from Asia don’t question their governments. We recall when Maori wanting to harvest Rotoaira and Taupo and 3 Maori were charged for poaching. Those local Maori needed to feed their families and believed the Treaty of Waitangi allowed them the ability to harvest fish. Will those convictions now be over turned and will Maori be compensated for their convictions? The neo liberal government and its coalition partners are trying to screw NZ tourism?

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A Hatchet Job on Hatcheries? Fish & Game have commissioned a report entitled “A review of contemporary salmonid stocking practices in New Zealand” by the Cawthron Institute. Its key recommendations were: The practice of releasing juvenile life-history stage trout into rivers and streams should be discontinued. All hatchery release programmes should focus on creating put-and take style lake fisheries in waterbodies where it can be demonstrated that natural recruitment is limited. Releasing juvenile salmonids in open river systems has a high chance of failure and there can be negative consequences for wild fisheries. F & G should develop an interRegional peer-review process for all hatchery release programmes. The burden-of-proof that demonstrates benefits should be placed on all release programmes. The arguments about the value of hatcheries seem to surface every decade or so. The thoughts of an “expert” or two have invariably been overwhelmed by the democracy of angler opinion; as expressed through their regional councils. These recommendations, above, were greatly expanded upon in the document. That is where the fun started. This has to be the most poorly edited and convoluted piece of “scientific” reporting on New Zealand freshwater angling for some time. The regional case study on North Canterbury is eight pages of opinion founded on the writer’s inability to understand the New Zealand salmon fishery. The North Canterbury staff has written a concise rebuttal but one wonders what damage has been done by what is, in effect, primarily a tirade of prejudices and opinion. The report and its rebuttal bring into doubt the writer’s ability to communicate effectively with the many Fish & Game staff and volunteers concerned. These are people with centuries of combined knowledge and expertise in salmonid enhancement husbandry whose competence and integrity is being doubted. Be assured; the South island’s braided rivers and their salmon fisheries are “in crisis”. This report erroneously criticises almost every attempt made to salvage this fishery. The most unfortunate aspect of this is that the writer bases much of the criticism on comparisons between production/commercial hatchery data from North America (much of it outdated) with enhancement hatchery data in New Zealand. It is like comparing apples with artichokes. The impartiality of Cawthron must now be an issue. The report digresses into the nebulous worlds of myth and politics. It states “When people who support this principle [the introduced predator free movement] learn that trout are not a native species, and that they are predators, it is a short logical step to determine that this is undesirable.” Really! This deliberate terminological inexactitude (Winston Churchill’s term) is a relic of the mentality of the former government’s hired hands in DOC management and/or dairy industry spin doctors.

Montrose hatchery’s Dirk Barr (right) on a recent Open Day

A staff member at the Hakataramea (Waitaki) hatchery c 1907

Nature is built on food chains where predators are a balancing mechanism. Trout are an established part of aquatic ecosystems from Northland to the Bluff in equilibria that date back well over 100 years. In the limited cases where trout present ‘harmful’ predation to any native species it is always where the habitat has been ravaged by the activities of settlement and agriculture by the ultimate predator – humans. Why was this topic even broached? The writer admits “Many of my scientific peers, as well as influential water managers, see the protected ‘sports fish’ status of salmonids as an inappropriate privilege afforded to the species largely by way of our colonial history”. Interestingly all of my scientific peers are anglers, or are highly appreciative of the role that anglers play as “eco warriors” in monitoring the rampant destruction of aquatic ecosystems that industrialised farming is inflicting on New Zealand’s environment. As for “influential water managers” it is very easy for non-scientists to read “irrigators”; again, enough said. The relevance of the full page (plus) attempt to intellectualise the antitrout prejudice has little logical relevance in a report to Fish & Game, who know all this, on stocking practices (i.e. ‘hatcheries’). This section of the report aligns Cawthron with the anti-angling cohort. Why else would you waste so much verbage on it? The report is equally notable for what it fails to address; the salmon crisis in the South Island, the dewatering of rivers across the country for irrigation and the dramatic increase in chemical additives into the trout waters in recent years; all of which impact on stocking practices. The report’s consideration of salmon issues focusses on (often) outdated and foreign data, primarily from commercial hatcheries. It ignores completely the fact that smolt from the Montrose hatchery are imprinted in secondary streams that do not see wild salmon returns; therefore negating much potential competition. It ignores the likely plight of returning salmon (currently used for stripping) in the degrading Rakaia spawning grounds. Assumptions on genetic differences in Montrose and ‘wild’ salmon in New Zealand have no evidential backing; nor have those about survival traits. It also produces only opinion, and not evidence, about percentage thresholds for intermingled wild and hatchery stocks to be genetically detrimentally affected. Evidence is also lacking on assertions/implications that there are detrimental effects on wild fishes spawning in New Zealand. What may have happened because of commercial hatcheries in North America has not been replicated in studies here. Another real worry which is completely ignored, is the broad issue of agricultural chemicals influence on wild fisheries. The data is only starting to come in on the impact of run-off (and some-

- By Rex N. Gibson

times direct application) of glyphosate on river flora, including microflora, and insecticides on the invertebrates that salmon smolt feed on during their journey to the sea. Fertilizer and effluent run-off are equally ignored in the need for hatchery enhancement. The wild populations of trout and salmon, especially in the Rakaia and other braided river catchments have also been subjected to significant temperature changes in the seaward migration sections of the river from two causes which will have reduced the survival rate of smolt. These are the temperature increases resulting from irrigation off-takes producing shallower braids which heat up much quicker than before; and the same effect from fluctuations in electricity providers diversions into Lake Coleridge. These justifications for salmon enhancement were inexplicably ignored. Anglers are poorly served by reports which ignore decades of local research in favour of literature searches of foreign or largely dated data. We have an environmental crisis in New Zealand and it is not just in the Waikato and Canterbury that our waterways, and thus fisheries, are in trouble. A report such as this should have focussed on what can be done to enhance angling and thus the environment that supports salmonids. It needed more evidence and a lot less opinion. It failed to substantiate any of the five “Potential consequences of stocking” listed in its Executive Summary. It did not show that releases of hatchery fish in New Zealand: Reduced available resources for existing wild fish through competition Introduce domesticated fish genetics (thus reducing overall population fitness) Retard the process of local adaption Place increased predation pressure on native fauna Inflame negative perceptions towards Fish & Game (and salmonids in general) because of the perceived impact of stocking introduced fish on native fish. Not one of these assertions about stocking and hatcheries in New Zealand was supported by evidential data. Unless Fish & Game were simply after verbage that could support a hatchet job on hatcheries, for reasons you can only speculate on, it is clear that they did not get value for money.

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Doc’s demonization of trout The New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers is aghast over plans by Greens MP Eugenie Sage to introduce a bill (Conservation [Indigenous freshwater Fish] Act Amendment). NZFFA President Graham Carter says “If this bill goes through as is, it could spell the end of Freshwater Sports Fishing in New Zealand, as it exempts residents who are authorised under the Treaty of Waitangi Act from restrictions on taking, possessing or selling sports fish” “Next thing we know there will be wholesale netting of trout as

they will be worth money and there will be no fish left for the angler who enjoys the activity of sports fishing” Carter says. The NZFFA have emailed all Angling Clubs imploring them to submit to their members, details of how to respond to this threat. Furthermore, this has been the subject of some broad social network activity. Uptake on the facebook page has been widespread and response to club emails has been widely accepted and we are encouraged by their support.

are fully compliant. So how does one explain the damage to the pasture, forestry slash and contaminants being dumped into the river? Council – they are fully complaint. Andy got a reply from Mathew Allen the minister’s private secretary saying that on behalf of the Minister that the Minister cannot get personally intervene in the operational running of the prison and that the email has been referred to the Department of Corrections and that he should get a response in due course. His onsite meetings with Corrections have got worst not better. When you stand on the new bridge and look to either side you can see environmental laws broken and one flood will create an environmental disaster. With many years’ experience in the things that Corrections are do-

Politics and the Outdoors It’s time for the Labour Party to realize it is also in a position of power and stop backing down to its coalition partners. It is now time for Jacinda Ardern to act like a leader with guts and work on the Labour Party’s pre-election promises. To be clear, it is not prudent or fair to blame the Labour Party for most of the country’s problems. The 1080 drops, our filthy unsafe or empty rivers, the shockingly depleted fishery or the people problems of the thousands of homeless, the underfunded health and emergency services or the unsustainable rate at which immigration flooded into the country causing a housing crisis of supply and price escalation. John Key is responsible for all of these problems that exist in our environment and for our NZ people. But John Key never promised to fix these problems because he considered them acceptable casualties of a buoyant economy. Winston Peters or the NZF Party is polling at 2% because they have not kept any of their pre-election promises, so there is no way the party

would risk holding onto a principle that might force an early election, they just aren’t ready for Shane Jones. The Green Party is keeping their preelection promises and their green supporters are growing because of it. But it would be brainless of the Greens after so long in the political wilderness to blow its chance to finally give its supporters some headway on its purely green policy’s. If an early election was called it would be a certainty that the Green Party would not be in coalition and the National Party would undo everything the Greens had changed in about a week. This should give Jacinda Ardern the confidence to tell her coalition partners that she has given them enough and it’s time for her to lead the country forward for the future. It is time now for the Prime Minister of NZ Jacinda Ardern to tell the bully Winston Peters “we will have the Kermadec Reserve” “we will have camera’s on commercial fishing boats” “we will have the promised

Fishing Just Got Cleverer

This bill effectively takes any authority away from Fish and Game and surplants it with the Department of Conservation. As a group, we find this absurd, where Fish and Game are responsible for the fishing and hunting licences but if this bill goes through, they will have no jurisdiction on the fisheries. “We expect there to be a huge backlash from the public” says Carter. The Green Party should be worried that their voting public are totally against this bill and that this could cost the Greens severely in the next election.

Environmental damage allowed by Minister

The Macnicol’s live next to Waikeria Prison and are concerned about the environmental impact the new Prison build is having on the Puniu River. Andy Macnicol says that he has tried to work with Corrections staff and the local Councils to no avail. They promised to fulfil the Resource consent obligations and had done nothing to stop the further degradation of the Puniu river. Andy emailed Kelvin Davis the Minister of Corrections and sought his help as he believes that the local Council and environmental departments have been and still are breaking the laws to push the new Prison build. He says that he has tried iwi, corrections and councils to do something about this gross disregard for our Countries environmental laws and the laws that govern our Corrections. Councils answer – they

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ing Andy is at wits end. How do you stop a government agency that is blatantly breaking the laws of the land? They just do not care. The Councils say it is all being pushed by Corrections and that the laws and environment don’t matter. People and their property do not matter. We’ve got government representatives pretending that this is alright and it’s not. It is not okay to continue to damage our environment. When you have Council and Iwi promising to clean up our rivers yet let this happen it is a disgusting insult to every breathing kiwi. Over the years the river has moved 1520 metres and is now washing behind the Macnicol’s reinforced retaining walls which they put in at their own cost down the boundary of their property. Andy believes that the Waikeria Resource Consent is border line illegal and should be scrapped. A poplar tree fell down from the Prison side of the creek blocking it and it is still there after over three and a half years. Another incident occurred when Andy came home one afternoon and saw that Corrections had put in silt containment pits on the Macnicol’s farm track. He contacted the Council and asked how this silt trench was on our property when we gave them access and they put a silt trap in a flood zone. Andy asked if they had done geotech reports and they have nothing. The Regional Council did nothing. Andy pointed out that the flood zone is a metre higher than all the silt containment. It is just waiting to be a disaster. This is about the environment and injustice. Andy says that with the environmental experience and knowledge that he has on the issues, that his mother would be likely to lose everything on that boundary. The prison has pushed it through. The council said that the reason that they hadn’t notified anybody was because that Corrections had put a gag order in place and they were not allowed to tell anybody what was happening. They were getting ticks on their resource consent because they weren’t going to the affected people.

recreational only fishing reserves.” It is now time for the Prime Minister of NZ Jacinda Ardern to tell the Green Party “1080 dumping is a cruel holocaust type killing of all living things in our native bush and it will stop” “we won’t stop dairy farming as kiwi’s like milk” “we can’t all ride a pushbike to work so we will have fossil fuel for the next fifty years”. If the Labour Party doesn’t do this the voters will blame them not their coalition partners for the country’s failings come next election. If the Labour Party was to call an early election because they would not concede on something NZF or Greens did, their supporters would vote them in all by themselves. Then we would have a Rob Muldoon or Helen Clarke type government with guts, like them or hate them it’s the stability that NZ desperately needs. So show some guts Jacinda and lead the country with self-respect and pride, show some leadership and tell Helen Clark that her reign as Prime Minister is long gone and over.

Are you a fisherman who has found yourself wondering if there was a way to surf cast without having to enter the water, or getting wet and cold; so as to cast your line to that sweet spot? Maybe it’s time you turned your attention to fishing with the AeroKontiki – a revolutionary fishing drone that introduced a new way of fishing to the world in 2014. Fishing drones have since then become growing trend and is fast gaining

popularity amongst fishing enthusiasts all over. It is a great alternative to using a torpedo kontiki or even a boat. The Aerokontiki is similar to a traditional kontiki in that it can haul out a long line with 25 hooks but there the similarity ends and for the better! The Aerokontiki drone is only used for casting the line and is not involved in pulling the line back into shore. Rather a traditional game reel & rod spooled with 1200m of 80lb braid is used to haul in the multiple fish caught. A long line with 25 traces is attached to this 80 lb braid and the other end to the AeroKontiki drone on the beach. Then it is flown out off shore and with the flick of a switch on the radio controller it releases it where you wish even if its 700m or 1000m away, the Aerokontiki automatically returns to you after the line is released in the water. The Aerokontiki weighs 2.8 kg making it easy to carry in one hand freeing your other hand to carry your fishing rod in. Both fit into your car and motor home leaving spare room for rest of

your gear such as the AeroKontiki’s Trace board that can hold traces (short lines with floater beads and hook at the end) as well as the longline to which the traces are attached. A Hi-Tech UAV designed specifically for long line fishing, the Aerokontiki, can carry 2.5 kg of baits and sinkers in total out to 1 km in winds up to 40 kph. To make it user friendly and failsafe the AeroKontiki drone has a multitude of practical features. If the drone sets off and realises that it is running low on power, it will return. This way it isn’t going to go off shore 1000 metres and not have the battery power to get back. It will also let you know if you’ve overloaded it, and it will always drop the fishing line and return to land to its home point automatically. It has its own altitude hold capability, auto landing and positioning sensors making it the easiest fishing drone to fly. What will it cost? As with everything in life, the best systems cost the most, and it’s up to you what system you can afford and be happy with. The AeroKontiki Evolution III, released this month, is equipped with the latest drone software and is purposely designed for fishing for people with no flying skills, with multitude of fail safes and to be very reliable. If you want to increase your chances of catching fish, then try long line casting with the Aerokontiki for only $6650. You will find all the advice you need to get started from the local developer and limitless after sales support. Visit the website www.aerokontiki. co.nz, where you will find information on, fishing game reels and rods tested to work synergistically with the AeroKontiki. The site gives you access to other accessories and testimonials from customers using it since 2014. There is also advice on where and where not to fly your drone. Check them out on Facebook, LIKE and SHARE to be in to WIN a FREE launching trace board.

World’s First Fishing Drone able to Cast a Long Line with 25 traces/hooks 1000 m from the beach and return

No prior experience required Deploy Bait in 3 mins No Calibration before flight Handles 35kph winds Water Resistant 4 kg lift tested 1 on 1 Training Travels 3000 m Weighs only 2.8kg Compact easy to transport * The Smartest Way to fish from land, no need to enter the water, or leave your valuable Kontiki out at sea. Suitable for all ages, seniors and people with disabilities. “Coupled with my Game Reel to haul in my catch it is the easiest and most effective fishing system. 9 out of 10 times I will go home with plenty fish for the family. It’s reliable and so much fun.” Keith Southoun
























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