Fishing and Outdoors newspaper December 2017

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December 2017


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DoC thugs attack senior citizens

The sinister side of DoC is starting to emerge as it appears DoC were caught off-guard while illegally


MPI nominated for 2018 Seafood Champion Awards

Page 8 -

Introduce fishing to school curriculum

Page 9 -

Labour fails first fishing test

Page 10 - Firearms generating public discord Page 16 - Fishing is part of the Kiwi way of life Page 19 - Heavy Metals found in popular pet foods

storing, and handling 1080 poison in a public carpark in Whitianga recently. There were no notices stating the parking spaces were reserved as a DoC work place, there were no notices stating it was a hazardous area, the trucks were not separated by barriers with poison signs, there were no poison warning signs on the trucks, this was undoubtedly a clandestine operation where DoC were caught off-guard by people who recognised what the trucks were loading in a public place with 1080 dust everywhere. Were they witnesses to criminal activity? If this had been a bona fide activity there would have been no cause for DoC staff to get alarmed and throw their weight around. DoC has militarized aerial poisoning instead of using trapping and alternative methods for pest control by local industry and thereby creating employment as Coromandel residents place strong emphasis on the role of forests in recreation, employment and training of youth in bushcraft and self-reliance. After a senior citizen Mr Graeme Sturgeon was allegedly assaulted in front of several witnesses, and

while being filmed DoC has come out and charged Mr Sturgeon with assaulting a DoC Security guard. By all accounts Mr Sturgeon was initially sitting in his car when first assaulted and was dragged out of his car by security staff who ripped his clothes in the process. Mr Sturgeon was part of a group of people preparing to attend a rally in Whitianga to oppose the aerial deluging of a World Health Organisation, Class 1A, EcoToxin 1080 poison onto their land and particularly onto their “home patch” and precious waterways. Just because these people oppose 1080 aerial poison dropping does not mean that DoC should stoop to this level of thuggery and give them a licence to have people assaulted. A DoC security guard allegedly assaulted Mr Sturgeon in the Liquor King carpark, Whitianga, where 20 tonnes of 1080 poison was illegally stored for six weeks in secret, in Whitianga’s CBD, adjacent to residential homes and supermarkets, without appropriate signage, all unknown to the building’s other tenants and unknown to the fire department. Dr. Wendy Pond, secretary of a local conservation group, and retired University lecturer one of the witnesses to Mr Sturgeon’s assault was also assaulted. While sitting in her car, a DoC thug illegally opened her car door to remove the ignition key, and attempted to pull the key out to detain her. He then assaulted her. Diana Halstead another witness was also assaulted. All these people are senior citizens in their seventies. According to one of the witnesses who can personally recognize Mr Steve Bolton, the Head of DoC operations for the Coromandel was present and saw the assault on Mr Sturgeon. Mrs Diana Halstead is an art-

ist, Graeme Sturgeon is an author and conservationist and Dr. Wendy Pond is a retired Senior Lecturer from Victoria University. There are so many things wrong with what happened in Whitianga, but fortunately there is a lot of photographic evidence for the Police to be able to identify the DoC thugs and understand the sequence of events. 1. Storing, loading and handling a highly toxic substance in an urban area public carpark. 2. Storing, loading and handling 20 tonnes of 1080 poison near two supermarkets. 3. The proximity of 20 tonnes of one of the most lethal poisons in the world to food outlets is alarming to say the least. 4. The Whitianga Fire Brigade was not aware of this substance being stored in the middle of their town. Businesses in the Liquor King building had not been informed that staff and clients were adjacent to a “skull and cross bones” ecotoxin poison held in storage. 5. The Thames Coromandel District Council had not approved the storage. 6. None of the workers loading the poison were wearing safety gear - gloves or masks when handling the poison. 7. The security guards at the 1080 drop zone had no ID and their vehicle had had its number plate removed and its registration and diesel labels removed from their window sleeves. 8. Most seriously of all, three senior citizens, who were doing nothing wrong and were in a public place, were assaulted by DoC security guards who refused to give their names. 9. No medical attention was offered by DoC or Police even though it is protocol to call for an Ambulance, and DOC staff would have had a First Aid medical kit available. 10. The clandestine operation was first uncovered earlier that even-

ing by a member of the public who while driving round the building and that the smell of 1080 was recognizable, indicating that 1080 is a contaminate carried on the air. 11. DoC used a public space for transfer of dangerous goods. There was no signage on the trucks or in the car park to warn the public that a toxic substance with no known antidote was being handled in the open. 12. A DOC agent assaulted a senior

citizen who drove into an area that was known to him as a public parking area. There was no signage stating that the area was closed to the public. 13. There was no reprimand from the DOC managers when the security guard under their supervision committed an unprovoked assault by beating up Mr Sturgeon and two other senior citizens. 14. After the DoC agent committed Cover story continued page 2...

Xmas Gift Ideas Snorkel and Fin Sets Dive Boots

Ski Biscuits

Ski Ropes Life Jackets, Smokers Plenty of Rods/Reels/Tackle & Gift Ideas in Store. Boogey Boards Xmas is coming Layby available.

Check Out Mike’s Specials


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Cover story continued...

the assault DoC managers allowed the agent to leave the scene before the police arrived and without providing his identity when asked. 15. DOC managers left the scene without calling a doctor to examine Mr Sturgeon. 16. Local DoC staff that were looking on and known to the three elderly people did nothing to stop the assaults from happening. 17. Did the security staff have authority in a public car park, and authority to stop and detain members of the public? If DoC’s actions were lawful, why were they conducting activities after dark in a clandestine manner and why did staff react with excessive aggression against three elderly people all over 70 who entered a public car park. All three people laid assault charges when the police arrived that night all three subsequently received infringement notices as well, to acknowledge they had laid charges. The Department of Conservation must be charged for breaches of

Editor Graham Carter 021 02600437 Advertising Sales Tracy Fairey Bay of Plenty 027 884 7156 Graphics: Astro Creative Photography: Sandi Tuan Regular Writers: Graham Carter James Speedy Ben Hope Frank Henry Dick Featherstone Tony Orman Rhys Smith John McNab Fishing and Outdoors is published by Ashwood Grove Ltd. All editorial copy and photographs are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions or comments expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the contributors, editor, staff and management or directors of Ashwood Grove Ltd. ISSN 1179-5034 Unsolicitored editorial, letters, photographs will only be returned if you include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Visit us on Facebook Copyright © 2011 Fishing Outdoors Newspaper, All Rights Reserved.

Public Safety by storing Toxic Poison in a public place, ignoring public health and safety and ignoring its own regulations and controls. DoC staff appear to have been taught to think of the activists not as scientists, ecologists, skilled bushmen, good men making a living, but as hippies and druggies - mongrels Maggie Barry calls them – is this is how the military are trained to think of common people as the enemy? DoC staff doesn’t give credibility to public knowledge, although worldwide the term “citizen science” recognizes that the public conservation movement is observant and articulate. Instead, a wide discrepancy has developed between “DoC science” and its militarization, and on the other hand public awareness of the harm to the mauri of the forests from the alien chemistry of the poisons used by DoC for predator control, and a strong sense in rural communities that we are entitled to a say in how our forests are managed.

MPI nominated for 2018 Seafood Champion Awards The Ministry of Primary Industries has been nominated for the prestigious 2018 Seafood Champion leadership Award for its innovative role and sustainable leadership of New Zealand’s fisheries. First presented in 2006, the Seafood Champion Awards annually recognize leadership in promoting environmentally and socially responsible seafood. The 2018 nominations were opened by SeaWeb president Mark Spalding, who highlighted the value of the Seafood Champion Awards in his remarks: “The future of humankind is linked to the future of the ocean. The wellmanaged fisheries and farms we are building today will provide an enormous benefit in quality of life tomorrow. The Seafood Champion Awards celebrate the people and organizations who are working for that future. The categories are:

Seafood Champion Award for Leadership An individual or entity that displays leadership by organizing and convening seafood stakeholders to improve the sustainability of seafood and ocean health. Seafood Champion Award for Innovation Seafood Champion Award for Vision Seafood Champion Award for Advocacy The 2018 Seafood Champion Awards will be presented at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit, held June 19-21 in Barcelona, Spain. SeaWeb and Diversified Communications jointly produce the SeaWeb Seafood Summit. The MPI were nominated because since 2009 they have demonstrated outstanding leadership in managing New Zealand’s world leading (or not) fisheries. Specifically, their dysfunctional and dim-witted conduct has

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper been exemplary by demonstrating dishonesty, deceptiveness, a lack of integrity, corruption, cover-ups of industry deceit, alienation of the recreational sector, facilitating the extinction of critically endangered marine mammals (e.g. maui dolphins), hiding large scale investigations into dumping and misreporting of commercial catches, facilitating and encouraging the commercial fishing industry to maintain the use destructive fishing methods and practices, lying to and misleading politicians and the public, and embracing industry capture of their fisheries management, science, and enforcement functions. The MPI have been extremely effective in supporting and ensuring that the New Zealand Seafood Industry (under their protective wing) have been able to rape and pillage NZ inshore fisheries to the point of commercial extinction in some areas. Numerous reports of fish dumping, under-reporting, trucking, illegal fishing have been deliberately hidden to enable the Ministry to deny, ignore and obfuscate NZ’s overfishing problem and the failure of the world famous Quota Management System. No other ministry has ever had so many senior managers appear on radio and television and so convincingly lie in the face of indisputable evidence of fish dumping to the contrary. The delays and excuses offered by the ministry not to ban set-netting in the inshore fishery to save the last few remaining Maui dolphins from extinction, is nothing short of a remarkable and outstanding feat. So good were their efforts that the indiscriminate killing of mammals is allowed to continue. So successful have the MPI been that our newly minted Prime Minister, stated that they were a dysfunctional organization worthy of dismantling. The MPI were nominated because of the many ways their conduct positively affected the seafood industry, or mitigated negative impacts on them, namely: 1. The MPI and their partners the NZ seafood industry have initiated the introduction of electronic monitoring of all commercial fishing vessels by Octo-

ber 2018. This will have an enormous positive public relations impact on the industry, and particularly on the industry owned and controlled company that won the monitoring contract. Result: The new Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash has decided to put on hold the installation of electronic monitoring, because by MPI’s own omission it does not work as claimed by MPI. 2. The MPI have allowed the Commercial Fishing Industry to continue using diamond net mesh, despite knowing about the damage this method has on fish stocks and their ecosystems. This allows business as usual for the industry, thereby mitigating the additional costs of operating truly sustainably. 3. Despite the development of a very effective and innovative cod end that reduces bycatch, the MPI have refused to require industry to use them. Instead the MPI gave three large fishing companies NZ $26million to develop their own. The general public of New Zealand have been penalized by the MPI and their birthright has been sold to the NZ Seafood Industry for free. Industry in collaboration with the MPI have used every piece of deception available to them to reduce recreational catch allowances while facilitating and maintaining the use of destructive fishing methods that have resulted in thousands of tonnes of fish being wasted on a daily basis. All this, and the annual export of fin fish has returned very little to the economy which has resulted in the Westpac Bank advising it is not a good investment model or good for employment. The model used by the MPI is a classic model of industry capture that shows international fishing agencies how to effectively deceive and blatantly lie to government ministers, politicians and the public on how to allow fishing companies to wantonly destroy fisheries in concert with a ‘world leading’ label. However the MPI is naively dim-witted and led by clowns. They thought the public and even their own staff would blindly accept being misled. But, some members of their own management team were so disgusted with their

ministry’s extraordinary efforts to hide the truth that they became a valuable tool in exposing MPI’s deception. Reference to Papers on website mpi-and-commercial-fishinginfo/2636-failed-fisheries-management-costing-nz-economy.html mpi-and-commercial-fishinginfo/2020-nz%E2%80%99s-qms-system-biased-and-not-sustainable.html mpi-and-commercial-fishinginfo/1936-operation-overdue.html mpi-and-commercial-fishinginfo/1924-westpac-bank-study.html

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Has NZ First has let us down? On March 15th, 2017, NZ First leader Winston Peters said: “Before any further aerial application of 1080 is permitted to be undertaken, (we will) resource and initiate comprehensive and accurate surveys to ascertain both native and pest populations in areas currently regarded as “inaccessible”, in order to justify, or exclude, any possible recommencement or continuation of the aerial application of 1080, or its alternatives, in these areas.” On 9 August, 2017, NZ First MP Richard Prosser said: “I don’t think I can be more direct than reiterating the points about there being an immediate halt that I imagine will be in place for at least three or four years, and I further imagine that after that time, the other methods that have been rolled out in the meantime will stay rolled out, because it is still our policy, position, and stated intention to end the use of 1080 altogether.” Three weeks after that, Richard Prosser, the only MP in the whole of government to have been vocal about stopping aerial 1080 poison, was demoted from 3rd on the NZ First Party List, to 15th place - effec-

tively kicking him out of the Party. This signaled that NZ First were not serious about ending aerial 1080 poisoning. Unfortunately there were also many who believed that “Winston will end 1080”, and consequently NZ First received a large percentage of the NZ First Party vote in the General Election. The Green Party’s Eugenie Sage was announced as Minister of Conservation. That very day, on National Radio she praised the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Jan Wright’s work. Jan Wright, lest we forget, loves 1080 poison with a passion. Sage said “we need more of it (1080)”. She said it is “the major tool in the toolbox”. Now we find that the Private Secretary (Conservation), Office of Hon Eugenie Sage, Geoff Woodhouse, is a DoC 1080 poisoner from way back, for approximately 20 years, involved in many 1080 poison operations here in NZ. Eugenie Sage’s simply rubbing our noses in it by appointing a monster as her Parliamentary Secretary . . . she’s as big a disaster as Maggie and Winston and needs

to get her to pull her horns in! We have not heard from Winston Peters on this issue since the new government was formed. We can only hope that Winston will address problem considering the mess our last government left and honour his word otherwise its likely NZ First will be gone in the next elections. The sacking of Richard Prosser was the writing on the wall for any hope NZ First would do anything toward stopping 1080 use. Winston used those opposing 1080 to get their vote and many didn’t see through this ploy. Richard Prosser while he did a great job, was demoted because of his following in the community. That was a strategic move on NZ First’s part to minimise the 1080 voice. The anti-1080 vote helped to put them in power and since have lost a lot of support with that decision. It is very disappointing that these people were chosen, and certainly understand why so many feel let down. The public will make a judgement based on what he does.

Napier Council at it again Napier residents are up in arms over half a million litres of sewage being dumped into the estuary if an outfall pipe from a new $21 million wastewater plant had been working at its designed capacity. Has Napier City Council gone to the pack, dumping sewage in the estuary? Have they no regard for the environment? The outfall pipe, built in the late 1960’s, flows into the ocean from a $21.5 million biological trickling filter wastewater plant that began operating in 2014. Napier City Council decided to discharge wastewater into the

from flowing into city streets. The regional council was concerned because the wastewater system should have been able to cope with Ahuriri inlet after heavy rains the weather event which it said “was from ex-Cyclone Debbie over- not of such significance to occur on whelmed the system last April. only the very rarest of occasions”. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council At present the council’s Long Term investigated the incident but chose Plan includes $3.8 million of pronot to prosecute the city council. posed work to address sewer caThere are no excuses, the CEO pacity over the next three years, and Mayor should be fired as though none of this involves work this is completely unacceptable. on the outfall. In 2026-2029 the The council said an Olym- council has budgeted $11.4m to pic swimming pool worth of replace or upgrade the outfall. wastewater, about 2.5 mil- And there was no apology to the lion litres, was discharged. boaties who were originally blamed. Twenty per cent was sewage. The Napier City Councils is reThe council said it had been neging on it’s core responsibilinecessary to discharge “a small ties, sewerage and fresh water. amount of wastewater” into the estuary in order to keep it

Sharpening Hooks: Get the Point? If the hooks I use are sharp enough to stick in my skin, why would I bother to sharpen them? Those 10 percent of anglers who catch 90 percent of the fish know that the difference between a kind of sharp hook and a very sharp hook is often the difference between just a strike and an actual hook up. If you have spent a lot of time and money acquiring the best gear you can afford, why would you not take 30 seconds to ensure that the contact point between you and your quarry is as effective as it can be? Right out of the package, most hooks are very sharp. However, even

sitting in a tackle box for several months can start do dull the point, especially if you put your hooks back before completely drying them. But the main causes of hook dulling are the rigors of actually fishing. You should inspect your hook point frequently and hone the point anytime that you sense it has dulled. If you feel the hook is dull, it’s time to sharpen. There are a number of hook hones and files on the market, and almost any of them will do the trick. You can probably also find something at your local hardware store for less money. As long as the surface is rough

enough to file the metal and fine enough to allow you to sharpen small hooks, you’re in business. To sharpen a hook, hold it against the hone and draw it toward you. A few strokes are usually all you need to resharpen a hook, unless there’s obvious damage, such as a bent point. Don’t just sharpen one side, though. Perform the process on each side, as well as the bottom. To check if the hook is sharp enough, pull it across your thumbnail; if it sticks, you’re ready to fish again. This is a reminder that most saltwater anglers don’t need. The hooks are much bigger and saltwater species often have very hard mouths, so the utility of hook sharpness is clearer.

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Will Sir Humphreys Still Pull Ministers’ Strings? by Rupert Pye

George Monibot, 54 years of age, is the UK author of the bestselling books that often have a strong environmental theme. In a recent column Monibot discussed global warming but has recently revised his thinking now putting it in 3rd place after commercial fishing and agri-chemicals on the environment of the planet. The two he rates above global warming are industrial fishing -“now causing systemic collapse” and the “erasure of non-human life from the land.” - e.g. chemical poisons killing birds, insects and other life. He wrote “the scale and speed of environmental collapse is beyond imagination.” George Monibot went on to discuss science. He wrote that in the “distorted funding of science there is no end of money for finding out how to kill insects, but almost none for finding out the consequences.” Now you could liken this to the 1080 debate. Two retired skilled American scientists analysed the science used by the Department of Conservation to back the bureaucracy’s policy that 1080 is needed to combat rats. There is a lot of pseudo science on “how to kill” as George Monibot put it but little or none “for finding out the consequences.” The two scientists found no credible science to back DoC’s

widespread use of 1080. Well this is where it gets messy. 1080 is not a pest poison. It is “broad spectrum” which means it kills pests but other life too. You see it was first developed in the 1920’s as an insecticide. Then it was realised it kills other life besides insects. So it will kill most so-termed “pests” such as rats and possums, but it kills invertebrates such as insects, worms and other organisms and publicly valued species such as deer. “Broad spectrum” poison can be defined as an ecosystem poison. A DSIR scientist the late Mike Meads did a study at Whitecliffs in Taranaki of the effects of aerial 1080. He warned of long term adverse ecological effects. DOC immediately moved to shut down Meads’ research and discredit both the scientist and his findings. They took similar action against another scientist whose research was along similar warning lines of Mike Meads. New Zealand has now a new government with new ministers. Behind the public face of the ministers are the faceless bureaucrats who were there advising Environment Minister Nick Smith and Conservation Minister Maggie Barry. Consequently nothing is likely to change as the bureaucrats in classic Sir Humphrey’s style of “Yes Minister” TV fame, feed

the minister advice commensurate with their mistaken policies. New ministers Eugene Sage of Forest and Bird background and David Parker as conservation and environment ministers respectively. Sage should shed her cloak of Forest and Bird ideology. But will she have the strength? David Parker, highly respected in the corridors of Parliament, hopefully will have the independence and integrity to take a hard long look at DoC’s and OSPRI’s use of 1080 and its sister poison, brodifacoum. The same will apply to fisheries. Sir Humphreys abound in the new Ministry of Fisheries. Some have gone but some will remain. New minister Stuart Nash however will have a chance to give fisheries policies a searching scrutiny and also the much vaunted, much flawed Quota Management System. Of course National came under profound influence of corporate companies who donate heavily to political parties in order to gain extra favour. Also were National influenced by party officials who allegedly held shares in at least one corporate fisheries company? It will be very interesting to follow the moves over the next several months of Sage, Parker and Nash.

Auckland’s got 16 filthy beaches Despite their beauty, sixteen of Auckland beaches have been given the lowest grading possible, D, on the council’s new water quality forecasting system – Safeswim, marked too polluted for swimming. All 16 blacklisted spots exceeded World Health Organisation standards. This is truly a sad state of affairs, and screams out about the local visitors to such beaches who don’t give a toss about defecating in a formerly pristine environment. Perhaps a bounty for a photo identifying any offender could be instigated. But Green politicians have got their blinkers on as they can only see cows and will blame the farmers anyway? Meanwhile Sage is busy dumping tons of poison everywhere. Or is it time New Zealand realise that our water quality issues are everyone’s responsibility. Human and animal faeces swamped some of these beaches and swimmers risked illness if they dared take a dip. Many freedom campers and day-trippers have been seen defecating at such lagoons especially in the summer months

when the public facilities are quite full, or at times are closed Auckland Council says that faulty septic tanks were part of the problem. The Wairau Outlet near Milford, on the North Shore has been contaminated for at least a decade. Water that meets swimming guidelines can pose a risk to swimmers, from low level contamination and other factors that affect beach safety. The council-controlled organisation had three major works in the pipeline to improve water quality across the city. Council would invest $6 billion to Watercare over the next 20 years for wastewater infrastructure. NZ needs to get on top of the destruction of the environment. The marketing hype of 100% Pure is sure to show how green we are, with sewage floating through our waterways and beaches. Councils need to stop going through the motions and get our sewage under control. Central government needs to legislate to force local government to focus on core business instead of making excuses. The much time and money is wasted on consultants and future plan-

ning when the money could be spent on dealing with the problem. Education and vigorous monitoring of our beaches is essential and infrastructure like public toilets needs to be improved. Auckland city council could help by keeping our storm water drains cleared and making sure the people with septic overflows that run into them are notified and given notice to fix them. Beaches are not high on Labour’s list to clean up and with Auckland council working on a 20 year plan. Really start dealing with it now and stop making excuses. They are likely to spend thousands on consultants over the next five years with little effort on clean-up. SafeSwim does not recommend swimming in these beaches due to poor long term water quality. Te Henga (Bethells) Lagoons, North Piha Lagoon, South Piha Lagoon, Fosters Bay, Armour Bay, Laingholm Beach, Cox’s Bay, Meola Reef, Little Oneroa Lagoon (Waiheke), Weymouth Beach, Waitau Outlet, Titirangi Beach, Wood Bay, Green Bay, Taumanu East, and Clarks Beach.

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Coro Fishing - Fishing time in the Gulf

Not how you keep your catch – salt ice needed.

Have you booked your holidays in the Coromandel yet? There are plenty of fishing competitions around the Gulf, and some decent sized snapper being caught which is proof that there’s plenty of fish around. So the good ol Coromandel is proving that its the place to be if you want a feed of fresh snapper early morn-

ing or late evening. Don’t forget your salt ice and for goodness sake take some decent bait and berley. Ledger rigs were the go and all you needed was the head of a pilchard with a small piece of squid, placed on the hook first then wrapped around the pilchard to hold it in place. If in doubt ask one of the skippers on the Joint Venture or Ruben Jack, two of Coromandel’s most infamous charters. If you are going to spend your hard earned cash on a charter book one that knows what they are doing. Most of the Coromandel charter operators have been enjoying the influx of Tauranga fishers for some time, who are sick and tired of the decimation there. Coromandel Fishing Charters are taking bookings for small and medium sized groups to fill up each charter so if you have a couple of mates but are a few short of a

boat load don’t worry just give Tom and call and he’ll help you out. Coromandel Fishing Charters work in unison with Salty Towers Bait and Tackle shop who offer a fish filleting service along with bait and tackle supplies and they have fresh mussels available to take home as well. Rec fishers need to realize that Salt Ice is as essential to fishing as bait, especially if you want fresh fish for the family after being out in the sun all day. Anyone that doesn’t take out ice to put the fish under doesn’t deserve to take anything home. Coromandel Fishing Charters offer more than a fishing experience as there is a lot more to the Hauraki Gulf than people imagine. To Book your Charter or Christmas function call Tom or Lorraine on 0800 267624 or 027 8668001 or the office at 07 8668928. Email:

The Silent porpoise Whales, dolphins and porpoises sleep with half a brain Ever wondered how and where whales, dolphins and porpoises sleep? New work by University of Canterbury researcher Andrew Wright at the released this week reveals for the first time that harbour porpoises sleep during diving. As part of Dr Wright’s PhD research in Denmark before coming to the University of Canterbury’s Gateway Antarctica, he attached behavioural loggers to porpoises and discovered a new type of dive in the subsequent data. The dives are slow, low energy and low in echolocation clicks – the biosonar that porpoises use to find food. Cetaceans – whales, dolphins and porpoises – sleep with only

half the brain at a time because they spend their lives underwater and must return to the surface to breathe. This unusual behaviour is also seen in many migrating birds that sleep on the wing. Life underwater means that we know little about sleeping in wild cetaceans, Dr Wright says. Applying behavioural criteria for sleep that was developed in terrestrial mammals to behavioural data from the porpoise tags, Dr Wright identified a roughly semicircular dive form that measured up. “Stereotypical in not only dive shape, but also the swimming movements throughout the dive, the dives are typically quiet,” he says.

This discovery raises the possibility that sea animals sleeping at depth might be more susceptible to becoming entangled in fishing nets because they are not echolocating. Dr Wright says the work raises some interesting possibilities for resolving the conflict between fishermen and cetaceans around the world, including New Zealand’s own Maui dolphin. For example, it may be possible to reduce entanglement rates if fishermen can avoid setting nets at the depths that the porpoises and dolphins sleep at, he says. “Although the dives make up less than 10 per cent of all the activities for each animal, even small reductions in fisheries bycatch can

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make a big difference to the longterm survival of many endangered cetacean species,” Dr Wright says. However, the finding also has implications for scientists, he says. Passive acoustic monitoring technology is becoming more common. Detecting marine mammal sounds as whales and dolphins swim past, such devices were thought to detect all porpoises as they were be-

lieved to produce clicks at all times. “However, the existence of quiet dives means that not all animals will necessarily be detected. This means the finding also has implications for industries that rely on passive acoustic monitoring to protect marine mammals from harmful effects, such as the oil and gas industry,” Dr Wright says. Source: Andrew J. Wright, Tomon-

Coastal Claims process Earlier this year, under the Marine and Coastal Area Act, Maori tribal groups claimed the whole of New Zealand’s coastline, many times over. Everyone interested should examine individual claims with a view to providing a comprehensive resource that can be used by groups countering the claims, when they come to Court. The NZCPR New Zealand Centre for Political Research and CORANZ – the Council for Outdoor Recreation Associations of New Zealand – and others, to ensure that every claim in the country is opposed. The NZCPR while doing some

research on the claims process, came across a document that they believe everyone concerned about this issue should read. It outlines all of the matters that have been taken into consideration by the Crown when deciding whether or not a tribal group’s claim for customary rights is valid. The document is available on the Ministry of Justice website here: https://www.justice.govt. nz/maori-land-treaty/marineand-coastal-area/applications/ agreements-and-orders/ – it is the last document in a long list of other interesting evidence.


ari Akamatsu, Kim N. Mouritsen, Signe Sveegaard, Rune Dietz, Jonas Teilmann. 2017. “Silent porpoise: potential sleeping behaviour identified in wild harbour porpoises.” Animal Behaviour Vol 133, November 2017, Pages 211-222. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.09.015

What is so concerning about this information is that evidence that you would normally consider would show that a customary rights could not exist – such as the area used to be used as a public road, which means it couldn’t possibly have been used by claimants “exclusively and continuously since 1840” – appears to have been disregarded. Have had a look at the Minister’s summary of evidence, and what action, that we could take to ensure that this does not become a precedent for the whole claims process. If claims are dealt with too liberally, the whole coast could end up under tribal control.

Disappointing result for MPI not surprising Given the attitude of the MPI it is not surprising that rec fishers are non-complying. When you punch a rec fisher in the guts and then give his catch to commercial to squander what do you expect? A fisheries compliance patrol on Northland’s West Coast has yielded disappointing results with non-compliance noted for almost 100% of inspections. A combined team of North Shore and Northland fisheries officers converged on Kawerau and Tauroa - an area well known for high levels of offending. When you consider the high prices that the general public pay for local trade supplied fish through super-

markets it is no wonder that poaching is rife. A supermarket chain around Auckland is renowned for dumping 4-6 skips of perfectly good eating fish on a daily basis just so there is a demand which keeps prices sky high. Team manager fisheries compliance for the Upper North Island, Steve Rudsdale, says the objective was to conduct inspections to assess compliance with fishing rules. “The most disappointing aspect of the patrol was that of the 30 or so people we came across, almost all were not complying with the rules,” says Mr Rudsdale. Many others spoken to during the

patrol will receive warnings and/ or fines ranging from $250 to $500. “MPI is serious about targeting rec fishers and hypocritically turn a blind eye to commercial breaches. When a commercial fisher is caught breaking the rules they have a list of excuses to offer which are generally accepted by the MPI. For this reason AIS and cameras must be installed asap on every commercial fishing boat. “We will not tolerate any level of offending,” says Mr Rudsdale. But failed to explain why commercial excuses are accepted for far more serious breaches.


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Rubber Ducky Traditional Sunscreenz

I never get over the number of anglers who think winter is the only time to fish the Tongariro, that fish only come up it during winter, old habits take a long time to change, similarly with barbless hooks or lighter weight rods? Take a look at the fish photograph - this beautiful rainbow was caught recently, in prime condition was one

of seven, three were spent albeit. Many anglers report catching fish on the dry of late, given the numbers of trout in the Tongariro over the past six months I would think dry fly fishing should be excellent this summer. South Island high country rivers are taking a pounding already, this from guides and friends, has it finally got to saturation point, there

are excellent rivers around the country which receive very little pressure, all you need do is “suss” them out, or if fishing some of those “abused” waters change tactic learn to Czech nymph, (properly) it will eventually lead you to fish water previously ignored?, I hear the comment often while teaching people “ I would never have fished that “, a tremendous advantage on popular waters. Come on in to the Creel and take a look at our selection of applicable rods/reels czech nymph lines by Sunray etc we will even give you a couple of hours of tuition, call or email us we will post anywhere in New Zealand. Not sure about you but am a little over Facebook being inundated with fish photographs by some tackle manufacturers after all fly fishing is not just about the catching ( the objective yes) but there is so much more to offer, the river, the pool or run. wildlife, the company etc. Heli fishing, mentioned before, have some respect for anglers who have trekked a long way to get there, give them sufficient river to fish or go elsewhere, as I have been jumped after a long slog and also flown in learn't what that feels like, we used to advise clients should we spot anglers on a river that we would be going elsewhere which may involve additional flying time.

Rubber Ducky Sunscreen is essentially the cherry on top of 30 years creating healthier and more water resistant performance sunscreen formulas. Rubber Ducky has quietly lead the sunscreen industry in development, first with SPF, then paba/paraben free, then with waterproof product, manufacturing under a variety of names. Now with their 100% natural product, the company’s purpose is to bring to the consumer safe and effective sun protection products that go on clear, clean and

dry, and stay on during water sports or other athletic activity. They took and already fantastic sunscreen formula that was light weight and 8-hour water resistant performance sunscreen and created even more healthy and ecofriendly sunscreen options, with their No-Ox (Oxybenzone) Rubber Ducky SPF40 60ml, no Oxybenzone, Air Travel Friendly, Rubber Ducky SPF44 Original 100ml and Rubber Ducky SPF30 100ml, all 100% natural sunscreen, broad spectrum UVA/UVB, created for watersports, safe for kids and sensitive

skin, chemical and paraben free, fully biogradable, hypoallergenic These products are all 8-hour water resistant globally tested, zero skin irritants, eco-friendly, gluten free, paraben free, reef safe, and approved for restricted surf and dive sites. If keeping your skin and the environment healthy and beautiful are a priority, you owe it to yourself to try Rubber Ducky Sunscreen and take it with you on your adventures this year! Wholesale enquiries are also welcome.

Declining participation in trout fishing? Everyone realizes sales of trout licences in the Taupo region have sadly fallen in recent years but nobody seems to know how to encourage the younger folk into taking up the gentle art of fly fishing. With the advent of rising costs for commercial operators it is likely this will affect licence sales as well. Didymo Dave has been seen offering ten free flies when they join the local Taupo Fishing Club to encourage youngsters to take up the challenge. This falling participation is even more of a major problem with fly fishing when the commercial success of tourist accommodation suppliers relies on it. So it is serious. It is so simple… Taupo trout fishing needs promotion!!! The Taupo Council admits they have not promoted trout fishing for over 25 years? They blame the fishery managers, DoC who are supposed to promote it? The 2013 Taupo Fishery Review (initiated by DoC) stated: “A study by APR Consultants, commissioned

as part of this review process, has confirmed the importance of the Fishery to the economic and so-

ing remedies – in relation to the destination product: 1. Define and brand the full ex-

cial well-being of the region, with an annual economic contribution of up to $29 m per annum and close to 300 jobs dependent on it.” A key trigger point was the declining participation and falling licence sales. The report suggested follow-

tent of the Taupō Sports Fishery; 2. Develop and implement a marketing and communications plan to raise the profile of the fishery nationally and internationally; and 3. Initiate the development of a collective vision and a strategic


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100% natural sunscreen, broad spectrum UVA/UVB Created for watersports, safe for kids and sensitive skin Chemical and paraben free, fully biogradable, hypoallergenic Formulated for water sports to stay on longer than regular sunscreens. Features the Ducks-Back water repellent system, which has been tested for performance in global 4 and 8 hour tests. Passed US-FDA and several globally recognized tests in Australia-New Zealand, regarded as the toughest sunscreen tests in the world, and passed both SPF (UVB) and UVA. Naturally tinted so that when applying to skin, the product goes on invisibly. Applies clean, stays in place. Excellent as both a sports sunscreen and daily wear. Made with multiple essential oils, which bring benefit to skin.

For more information contact Cliff Blumfield Phone 06 867 9450 Mobile 0274 469 526 Wholesale enquiries welcome

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plan for the Tongariro River to address the competing demands on the river and surrounding land. So what has been done since? Anglers are struggling to identify any changes…

Could someone please update anglers as DoC aren’t. The woeful lack of young anglers was evident in the 2013 Taupo Fishery Review. It explained why licence sales are diminishing so

significantly. The existing licence holders are rapidly dying off! Demographic breakdown of licence holders 5 years ago:

Lake Taupo Foreshore and Seabed dilemma Concerns have been raised by some who opposed National and their repeal of the Foreshore and Seabed Bill – which gave The Crown (Government) oversight of NZ’s foreshore and seabed – in favour of recognising Maori as having oversight of the foreshore and seabed. So can this Lake Taupo issue of fees for commercial users by Tuwharetoa be applied to all NZ’s foreshore (beaches) and seabed areas in the future. Well actually there’s no point in people that use Lake Taupo getting their knickers in a twist. Commercial tourism groups have been paying for Lake Taupo use for years. It was also part of their Treaty

settlement and had been in a long standing agreement with DOC. That agreement with DOC is also why a percentage of the Taupo licence was always given to Tuwharetoa. It is now a fixed payment. It gives that Iwi a stake in providing continuing support for the tourism (internal and international) potential of Lake Taupo as a tourist fishing destination and for protection of spawning streams. As Northland (Nga Puhi) is the only large settlement to still be settled, the precedent concern is misplaced as Northland is hardly a trout fishing paradise. It is only really accessed by locals & Auckland folk. The Lake Taupo matter had

nothing to do with the sea bed and foreshore issues; which concerned salt water coasts. That Act only applied to the <1% of the shore line that had been in continuous use for food gathering by an Iwi and which had continuously occupied that area for the last 167 year! Very few claims have ever been processed. There is quite a process for the Iwi to go through and does not exclude people who are not Mana Whenua (multi-generational residents). It just gives them rights to set local limits and issue special permits for particular functions. Let’s not look for reds (browns) under the bed. We need to court, rather than alienate, every potential ally.

Sage promises Government will address salmon decline The Salmon Symposium held in Ashburton recently was a huge success – and a very well run event by Fish and Game. As anglers prepare for the salmon season over the next few months – many will come away empty handed as salmon numbers have declined extensively in the South Island’s salmon rivers, including the Waimakariri, Rakaia, and Rangitata rivers. Salmon spawn in early winter and remain in the river catchment until 3-6 months old before migrating to the ocean. Up to four years later adult salmon return to their original spawning grounds to breed, and die. No one knows for sure how the sea affects the number of salmon returning to spawn. A fisherman who has been visiting the same spot for 40 years says he’s never seen the Rangitata River mouth so absent of fish. Salmon catches at the Rangitata River mouth have been poor in what have been the worst salmon runs on the river in recorded history, Fish and Game New Zealand state. Fish and Game says the drop reflected a pattern in other South

Island rivers and that the losses may be happening at sea, as there were huge numbers of kahawai in the sea which were having a significant impact on juvenile fish. But its position has been challenged by long-term anglers who say the decline is linked to the development of irrigation raceways. They blamed the development of nearby irrigation ponds for the drop, noting they had seen smolt in the ponds and wanted the smolt trapped and returned to the river. The Rangitata South Irrigation Scheme was commissioned in October 2014 and had been operating for less time than the threeyear life cycle of a salmon. Salmon go to sea when they are born and return as adults three years later. Any effect this scheme may have on the salmon run could not be measured right now, however the same can’t be said of the RDR or the Crocroft stockwater take, both of which still divert large numbers of fry out of the river and are clearly a major issue that needs addressing as so as possible. Other issues include loses of valuable spawning areas and there is the issue of climate change.

The catch rate had filtered through the angling community. The huts and camping ground appeared to host fewer fishermen than in previous seasons. The quality of information was very good as were the presentations, highlights including the presentation from Canadian fisheries expert David Willis which was very informative and gave insights as to the way forward to save the salmon fishery one of New Zealand’s pristine tourist attractions for overseas anglers. New Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage was equally interesting as she gave the audience hope that the new Government will address many of the environmental issues impacting on our river. The weekend ended with some words of wisdom from retiring Fish and Game head Bryce Johnston - who suggested this was perhaps our last chance for these rivers and therefore the salmon fishery - when you consider what we once had - took for granted for so long - we can’t afford to lose the King of fish and the King of our rivers - and so the fight to save the last of the salmon has begun.

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Reflections on the world we’re leaving for our grandkids By John Patterson

During the election the state of our rivers was well to the fore and it’s about time they were. Most parties seem to want to do something about it but they don’t seem to know what or how. I was born in 1936 on the banks of the River Tyne in northeast England. It was the most polluted river in the UK and we had been polluting the river for hundreds of years. We had been mining coal along the riverside since the 1300s. The coal industry grew and grew and the coal went

down the river to Newcastle where it was shipped all over the world. We had coal and we had iron ore, put them together and we had the industrial revolution. Big factories sprung up around Newcastle and shipyards were built on both sides of the river from Newcastle to the sea and the lower reaches of the Tyne became a big open drain, there was oil, tar, sewerage and every other filth you can think of. The river was so filthy you could almost walk on it. My dad told me that salmon used to come up the river and I never believed him. If a salmon got within ten miles of the river mouth it would be dead. The lower reaches of the river were at its worst from the late 1800s to the 1950s. In 1974 I brought my family to New Zealand and we went to live in Southland and it was wonderful seeing all the beautiful clean rivers. We built a house in the bush near the Oreti River, that’s the river Bill English said he used to swim in. It was a beautiful place. Anne and I went back to Tyneside in 1996 and stayed with my cousin in Chollerford, a gorgeous little village on the North Tyne, right on the Hadrian’s Wall. A few miles upstream is the Kielder Forest, another lovely place to visit. Since we left they have built a dam over the river and

now they have a big lake in the middle of the forest, this is the reservoir for Newcastle’s water supply. They have also built a big weir in the river in Chollerford. The first morning I was there I had a walk along by the weir and got talking to a man who was standing there, he was the fish ranger from the Kielder dam. His job was to make sure the flow of the river was kept right for the fish and to my astonishment there were salmon leaping up the weir, not just one or two but hundreds. The engineers who built the weir built a fish ladder in the middle but none of the salmon were using it. Salmon always leap up the highest part of a waterfall because the biggest and fastest water flow comes over the lowest part and that was where the fish ladder was. The salmon could work this out but the engineers couldn’t. The ranger got his stop watch out asked me to help him count the fish over a certain time. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. My dad had been right; the Tyne was a salmon river. I left the most polluted river in the UK in 1974 and here I was 22 years later on the best salmon river in the UK. So what happened?

It all started to happen when they started closing down all the coal mines, then the iron works. Then they closed the ship yards and all the big old heavy engineering factories. The river had been polluted by people who put money before the environment. Yes, it provided a lot of jobs but it was the owners of the pits and shipyards etc. who made huge fortunes and to hell with environment. The workers made enough to live on --- just. Hundreds of people lost their jobs with the closures, some of us came over here many stayed and now they are all working on something else. Life has gone on. Making money by stuffing up our water is not a recipe for success. So it seems obvious to me that if you want to clean pollution from a river then just stop polluting it – simple. I have heard some mad arguments over these last few weeks – who owns our water? Do we all own it or does nobody own it? And the arguments go on. So I ask who owns the sun, the clouds, and the rain that falls from the clouds. These are the things that every single person on this earth needs for their very survival. Has any person got the right to pollute this precious water that every living thing on this planet needs to survive? I am not pointing the finger at any individual or group because we are all guilty. We all have to take a long hard look at the way we live. We think of ourselves as the most intelligent species on this earth yet all of us, whether we live in town or country, are messing in our own nest. The only conclusion I can draw from this is my salmon at Chollerford are far more intelligent than we are.

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Introduce fishing to school curriculum FREE TROUT FLIES.......... Didymo Dave and Taupo Fishing Club organiser Shirley Fraser came up with an idea for new members to the Taupo Fishing Club. When a new member joins they

the noble art, they asked. You simply add it to the school curriculum. Fly fishing fits in naturally Other sports, hobbies and rec- with algebra and environmental reational pursuits often suffer science and botany and geography falling participation problems. and history as just another subject. The addictive delights of fly fish- It is the perfect specialist subject ing are struggling to compete with for their “gap” year after leaving iPads and iPhones and all that stuff school and before more serious as well as more funky fashions like university studies commence. skateboards and bungy jumping. As soon as Eskil Roekke made the Of course it takes basic skills booking Ross Baker from TRM practice to become proficient pulled in support from the local plus a small investment in gear ‘heavies’ to provide a more profesand an understanding fam- sional introduction and technical ily to pay for accommodation etc. instruction. Before they even arBut most of all it requires pa- rived at TRM they went directly tience which appears to be such to the Trout Centre where DoC a rare commodity in all youth (Department of Conservation cultures. But how does trout fish- are the Taupo Fishery Managers) ing attract younger participants? were waiting to ambush them. The Tongariro River Motels in Turan- The students were such keen angi recently hosted a group of Norwe- glers that they even missed lunch gian young “students” from the Nor- to get there on time. That reflects wegian Fishing Academy who were extraordinary, almost insane enthuvisiting NZ for a month on a “study siasm from a group of ever hungry tour” to learn about the greatest teenagers and clearly confirms wild trout fishing river in the world. fly fishing should be included on Anxious to discover how they every secondary school curriculum. tackle the problem of attract- Eskil Røkke – who teaches at ing young people to take up the Norwegian Fishing Acad-

Study looks for lessons from NZ QMS

Students and teachers from the Norwegian Angling Academy

emy and organised the course has visited NZ several times so is familiar with the fishy places he wanted them to visit and learn. The ‘Academy’ is a boarding school designed to provide a course for the gap year after these students – aged about 18 – finish secondary school and are trying to decide on career options before University studies commence. The education tuition is free – state funded – but they need a student loan (interest free until they get a job) of up to $20,000 which covers full boarding accommodation, all meals etc., inclusive of fishing trips such as a one month “educational” trip with all expenses paid to NZ. About half the students are expected to continue in fishing related occupations – such as rangers or guiding, etc. We particularly noticed their dedication to “CHECK, CLEAN, DRY” – they knew all about Didymo and were making sure they could not spread it.

Minister of Fisheries faces trawling dilemma Since 2015 the former Ministry of Primary Industries significantly changes the Fisheries Act so that today it is absolutely nothing like it was. Basically the Ministry has allowed the commercial fishing sector to do what they like and the ministry is off the hook. Stuart Nash became the new Minister of Fisheries after labour dismantled the MPI so the fishing industry could be in for some major changes as Nash reports he’s already facing pushback from various sectors over data relating to fish dumping and camera monitoring. Mr Nash says there are “issues” within the Ministry for Primary Industries and didn’t rule out the possibility of a commission of inquiry.

The only way that the corruption within the bureaucrats can be revealed is to have a full enquiry that delves into every aspect of the Commercial Fishing Industry in NZ. “What I am getting is a little bit of pushback from certain areas, who are doubting the data from one side, who then doubt the data from the other side.” The Ministry for Primary Industries was split up, after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that fisheries are an area of particular concern. “There are issues and dysfunction in the ministry that need to be worked through”. Mr Nash confirmed the fisheries division of the ministry is facing some challenges.

New marine sanctuary A marine mammal sanctuary off the South Taranaki coast is a priority for the Green Party, new Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage says. She has directed DoC to provide advice on the best way to establish the sanctuary. The investigation will focus on how to protect against the effects

of oil and gas exploration “rather than the impacts of recreational or commercial fishing on marine mammals,” she said. Any sanctuary would have to be implemented using the Marine Mammals Protection Act which requires consultation and stakeholder engagement. Meanwhile commercial fish-

“There are issues around bycatch, around dumping, around inshore trawling.” Former MPI senior managers stopped an MPI report, written by its own scientists, which concluded that video footage from trawlers was of such poor quality that it couldn’t be relied on for prosecutions in court, from being published. An email from an MPI staff member in April stated that “MPI are shelving the video paper”, and that former fisheries management director Dave Turner “insists the paper be buried”. Recreational fishers, supported by Northland iwi Ngāpuhi, are also calling for change.

ers are being told to stay out of the Kapiti Marine Reserve after an increase in illegal fishing. Guardians of Kapiti Marine Reserve chairman Ben Knight said there had been four incidents reported in only a few days. “To knowingly fish in the reserve is incredibly disrespectful to all those law-abiding fishers who respect the reserve and the conservation values it supports,” he said.

New patrol vessel for Gisborne

Fisheries patrol Te Haeata boat.

Gisborne fisheries officers have welcomed a faster, sleeker, more advanced patrol vessel to the fold. Acting team manager Fisheries Compliance Mid-Central North Is-

land, Adam Plumstead, says the purpose-built vessel provides significantly more capability. “This vessel has a far greater range, allowing us to go further – unin-

get a bag of goodies including CHECK CLEAN DRY info and a voucher for 10 free trout flies tied by Didymo Dave. But to get the 10 free trout flies you have to meet up them which means the new member gets educated about CHECK CLEAN DRY in return for the 10 free flies. Dave has been buying heaps of materials and tying up dozens n dozens of flies. Got more to tie but I’m he’s ready for the 1st new member at Taupo Fishing Club!

terrupted – than we’ve gone before. The vessel’s state-of-the-art electronics and features will allow us to track vessels at sea further out than we currently can. “It’s also pretty quick with a top speed of 45 knots or 83 kilometres an hour. “We’ve got a top-class seafaring vessel now. The team’s very happy.” Mr Plumstead says the new vessel replaces one that was recently decommissioned after coming to the end of its working life. It will be used to conduct all enforcement activities at sea including recreational and commercial patrols. The 7.5 metre, Picton-built Naiad, Te Haeata, was blessed by local kaumātua, Tāina Ngārimu, recently.

New Zealand fisheries’ Quota Management System is being presented as an international example by a prominent US-based conservation group. The long established The Nature Conservancy, one of the world’s largest conservation organisations and a leader in coastal and marine management, released an extensive report on the QMS aimed at enhancing the development of fishery management programmes internationally. The 132-page report, titled Learning from New Zealand’s 30 Years of Experience Managing Fisheries under a Quota Management System, “offers lessons relevant to many other countries that are contemplating fishery reform efforts”. Multiple international studies have ranked New Zealand’s fisheries management system at the higher end, the report said. New Zealand scored amongst the highest of 53 countries in an evaluation of compliance with the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s Code of Conduct for responsible Fisheries and was again amongst the highest in a 2009 study of international fisheries sustainability and the overall effectiveness of management. A 2017 study of 28 major fishing nations had similar findings, ranking New Zealand fifth overall.

However, the New Zealand public’s perception of the status and management of fisheries does not necessarily accord with the positive government and international assessment, the report notes. “Among the factors that different stakeholders identify are a lack of understanding about the QMS, its origins and achieved outcomes.” It said work to change that perception included a Seafood New Zealand-sponsored initiative that included the adoption of an industry-wide code of conduct and videos of the stories of people who make their living from fishing. The report said that although the use of a rights-based fisheries management system is not unique to New Zealand, no other country has developed and used a QMS that is as comprehensive or as widely implemented for as long a period. However what the report completely misses is the huge wastage of caught fish. For the NZ public to believe what these scientists state would be a complete change in commercial methods and practices which will ensure the stoppage of fish waste. Using current practices every time commercial fishers put there nets down up to 2/3 is wasted. The damaged fish gets sold on the local trade market at export prices.

Labour promises change With the opening of Parliament recently, the Government began our legislative agenda. This is where the real change begins. Jacinda Ardern said: “I want the way this Government runs to be different. It will be a Government of transformation. We’ll put people right at the heart of our agenda – every decision will be assessed on its impact on people and at every turn, our Government will be guided by kindness and compassion.” “As well as our values, we laid out

our policy plans for the term today. They’re firmly focussed on making New Zealanders’ lives even better. We will fix the housing crisis, build up our education system, ensure everyone can get the healthcare they need, take action on climate change, develop our regions and raise everyone’s incomes. “Making real progressive change in this country isn’t going to be easy though. We’re up against an Opposition who seem frustrated the majority of New Zea-

The report added several commentators had noted there have been no effective means of bringing the various parties together in a constructive manner and this had frustrated attempts to continue the evolution of the QMS. New Zealand also stands out in an area the industry would prefer was not the case – that is the funding of fisheries management. “Most countries fund fisheries management as a public good from general taxation funds,”the report states. “New Zealand is unique in that it has adopted a comprehensive regime of direct taxation (called cost recovery) to fund commercial fisheries management costs, including enforcement costs.” The cost to industry this year is nearly $30million. The basic tenets of what it takes to achieve sustainable fisheries are wellknown, the report said. “Only take as many fish as can be replaced and maintain the environment that is essential for producing fish.” TNC is looking to research other marine and freshwater issues “to learn from New Zealand’s long experience and many achievements in conservation and resource management in order to aid conservation in other places facing similar issues”. landers didn’t vote for them.” So the forty dollar question is. Will our new Prime Minister honour her word? Recreational fishers want to Ban Commercial fishing inside the 12 nautical mile limit; 60 per cent of kiwis want the aerial dropping of 1080 poison stopped and rec fishers want the recreational fishing reserves promised by National for the last three elections. Time will tell and if she doesn’t keep her promise then she is no better than the National mongrels.

A man bought a new Mercedes to celebrate his wife leaving him and was out on the Waikato Expressway for a nice evening drive. The top was down, the breeze was blowing through what was left of his hair and he decided to open her up. As the needle jumped up to 80 mph, he suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind him. “There’s no way they can catch a Mercedes,” he thought to himself and opened her up further. The needle hit 90, 100.....Then the reality of the situation hit him. “What am I doing?” he thought and pulled over. The cop came up to him, took his license without a word and examined it and the car. “It’s been a long hard day, this is the end of my shift and it’s Friday the 13th. I don’t feel like more paperwork, I don’t need the frustration or the overtime, so if you can give me a really good excuse for your driving that I haven’t heard before, you can go.” The guy thinks about it for a second and says, “Last week my nagging wife ran off with a cop. I was afraid you were trying to give her back!” “Have a nice weekend,” said the officer.

A young ventriloquist is touring Sweden. One night doing a show in a small fishing town with his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes. Suddenly a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting. “I’ve heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes”. What makes you think you can stereotype Swedish blonde women that way? What does the colour of a woman’s hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It’s men like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community, and from reaching our full potential as people. It’s people like you that make others think that all blondes are dumb! You and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general... pathetically all in the name of humour!” Embarrassed the ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells: “You stay out of this! I’m talking to that little shit on your lap”.

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Coromandel’s tailor made fishing trips Smokin Reels Fishing Charters located in Coromandel formally known as Coromandel Barge Fishing, are offering tailor made fishing trips to suit your specific requirements. If you want to target separate species they will plan a trip to suit your specific requirements Your hosts Mitch and Hannah Green, operate out from Hannaford’s Wharf on Te Kouma Road, just south of Coromandel Town. They offer half and full day fishing charters out around the Mussel Farms or to areas targeting the target species around the beautiful Coromandel. They cater for all fishing levels, from the beginners

to the most experienced. Mitch and Hannah are a young fishing-mad married couple who are living the dream owning a fishing charter and living in the beautiful Coromandel. They both come from fishing/boating backgrounds and have been fishing since forever. Both have lots of experience and they know the waters well. Mitch has worked on several charter fishing vessels in Australia chasing gamefish and completed his skippers ticket in Australia and transferred it over to New Zealand. Hannah’s parents also own a fishing charter in Coromandel and Mitch’s parents have owned several com-

mercial fishing boats in Australia. They would love to have you on their charter and show you some new sights, skills and offer you an awesome day out fishing. Their prices are pretty competitive and require a minimum of 4 passengers with a maximum of 8, at $70 per person for a half day trip. For a full day trip the boat booking (max 8 people) is $1,000 with boat bookings require a $200 deposit at time of booking. Bait and rod hire is available if requested but will need to be organised at the time of booking. Call Mitch and Hannah Green on Mobile 021 114 4485 or at

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper for, from the new Labour-led Government”, says Mrs Rose of her organisation and its supporters. “We’ve asked new Conservation Minister, Eugenie Sage, what the Green Party’s position on this move is”. “As it was, electronic monitoring failed to cover important fishing impacts from all sectors such as purse seine and pair trawlers. The 100% observer

our waters are being managed and caught sustainably, however with a captured and dysfunctional MPI and commercial deceit, the industry is fast becoming exposed to world scrutiny. Former Minister of Conservation Maggie Barry who had nine years to rectify the problems and did nothing, said the new Government has caved into fishing industry lobbying and the influence of New Zealand First. Topics she is very knowledgeable about. The Green Party is complicit and missing in action instead of advocating strongly for our threatened Maui dolphin. This admission by Barry shows how pathetic her term in office was. Nash covers his appalling decision by saying “This is an important initiative to get right, and we will not be following the hasty timetable set by the previous Government.” “I am working with MPI officials on options for timing and these will be communicated once a decision has been made.” Clearly Nash has no idea that MPI and Conservation has been trialing electronic monitoring and cameras for over 10 years that goes back to the previous labour government. Christine Rose, Chair of Maui and Hector’s Dolphin Defenders NZ, an NGO advocating for better protection of the world’s smallest marine dolphins, found only here in New Zealand, says “The Government’s delay to the introduction of electronic fishing observer coverage is a huge setback for conservation. Electronic observer coverage is essential to properly manage by-catch. Evidence from electronic monitoring trials showed horrific, unreported fish dumping and the death of Hector’s dolphins”. “Robust research from the University of Auckland Business School showed indiscriminate gill net fishing led to the capture and dumping of non-target species, undersize fish, and endangered dolphins such as Hector’s dolphins, all which jeopardises the marine ecosystem and undermines this country’s reputation for sustainable seafood”.

Electronic monitoring had been considered essential to get on top of by-catch, waste, underreporting and non-compliance. “The National Government was no friend of conservation, but the new Labour government has shown itself in this move, to be no friend of science, or conservation either”, says Mrs Rose. “Research shows up to three times as many fish (and non-target species) are caught and dumped than are landed and recorded in catch records. That’s clearly unsustainable. Electronic monitoring trials proved this point, with clear evidence of undersize, non-target species caught, and even the capture, killing and discarding of Hector’s dolphins”. Mrs Rose refers to Operation Hippocamp and Operation Achilles, where camera footage revealed “appalling’ practices wasting lives of marine species and squandering precious resources. Labour criticised National’s response to the revelations in these reports, but now in power are making matters worse, pandering to the fishing lobby and putting whole species at risk. Rose says “Minister Nash seems not to have considered all the relevant evidence before making his decision to delay the electronic monitoring programme”. “He says he’s made this decision after consulting with stakeholders. Really? He has been selective in that consultation as he clearly hasn’t referred to the science, consulted with scientists, conservation groups, or the public”. “Once again environmental management decisions have been made in isolation, with reference to just one sector, the powerful fishing lobby, rather than the wider interests involved”. “Both the Minister, and the new Ministry of Fisheries have failed their first test – with this decision taken in isolation from historical evidence of dolphin threats, what’s needed for proper, responsible fisheries management, and wide spread public concern”. “It’s not what we expected, or hoped

management, not pulling it back”. “We encourage the new Minister to live up to this Government’s promise and do more to ensure sustainable stewardship of our oceans, for Maui and Hector’s dolphins, for the viability of the fishing industry, for the sake of other species, and for the credibility and integrity of the Labour-led Government”.

December is big snapper time

Labour fails first fishing test Following a meeting with Tim Pankhurst and Craig Ellison of Seafood New Zealand on 9th November 2017, the new Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash instructed officials to look for options for postponing the implementation of Integrated Electronic Monitoring and Reporting System (IEMRS) stating there was a “range of issues” that still needed to be worked through. At the meeting Nash confirmed to Pankhurst and Ellison that he intended to stop the rollout of IEMRS, pending further consultation with Seafood NZ. Following the meeting Jeremy Helson CEO of Fisheries Inshore New Zealand Ltd sent out an industry wide email stating “as per previous advice, simply keep reporting as you have”. In other words, business as usual boys! It’s another win for the fishing industry over fisheries sustainability. So has Stuart Nash been captured by the fishing industry like his predecessors? If so, he’s been captured in record time. If not and Nash thinks he could negotiate with industry he’s delusional. His predecessors pursued that misguided approach and this country ended up with a dysfunctional ministry, video tapes and lies, and depleted fisheries. Industry will lie, cheat, con and threaten him just like the ministers before him. Nash cannot be a champion to both sides. He must put New Zealand’s deteriorating marine environment first. It will be to his peril to ignore what has been going on in his own backyard. Hawkes Bay is a good example of everything that’s gone wrong since the QMS was introduced. One of the most important and essential problems around the inshore fisheries catastrophe has been the complete lack of oversight and accountability. The observer programme has been an utter failure. For inshore fisheries to survive, cameras and monitoring on commercial fishing boats are needed – period. Digital monitoring will give confidence to kiwis and consumers from around the world, that fish from

coverage for Maui dolphins promised by the National Government was never delivered. Endangered Maui and Hector’s dolphins, and other vulnerable marine species such as NZ sea lions, other dolphins, and penguins, need more protection, not less”. “Any responsible fisheries manager/ Minister would be looking at extending marine protection and fisheries


Even 4 pm can be a bit early but twilight fishing is the time to be on the water through November and December. The difference between early morning and twilight fishing is quite significant as Snapper spend their daytime hours spawning and frolicking around and then late afternoon they get hungry. Bite time. Big baits, patience and a clear evening sky help as snapper do what they want to do. The exception of course is when you find the dolphin or birds working as they will feed anyway but you have to be a long way out. Sometimes if you get the tides and current right they can be in close August is the worst month for targeting big snapper and in September you can spend a lot of time trying to find them. In October they are back in the mussel farms, and November they

are following the anchovies and in the deeper water. However in December the snapper are everywhere, just take your pick at any spot as they have finished spawning, with nothing in their guts, they just want to eat, eat and eat. You still have to get the tides and current right though. So send the good lady off to the Mall with your card and get out there and get some for Christmas unless she’s a bloody good sort and wants to join you. This good fishing takes you through into January to when the wind turns to easterlies and then when all the holiday makers boats turn up it’s all over. The fish are still there through the day but they just don’t want to bite. They churn up the water big time and the snapper go off the bite. But if you don’t get out of bed early and later in the day just forget it as while the snapper are still there the number of boats making noise puts them off feeding until twilight. The charter boys have it sussed though as they can fool the fish pretending to be mussel harvesters. Then as soon as the kids go back to school the fish come on again as the boat action is much less.

It’s the constant noise from the boats that affects the snapper. There are definite patterns to when the fish are there and when they aren’t and to get the big snapper you have to be prepared to get out of bed early or stay late. So through January leave the daytime hours to lying on the beach with the girlfriend and cooking on the barbeque. And the most important thing to remember is take salt flake ice and quality berley or stay home as you are doing the fish a dis-service. A couple of good sized snapper caught out on the Nadgee Fishing Charters this November.

Half and Full day Fishing trips in the Hauraki Gulf and Mussel farms

Day trips are 8 hours (min), Free ice , Free tea and coffee, good toilet, barbeque available . BYO bait - Rod hire $10 per rod Skipper is ex commercial fisherman with 40 years local knowledge

Call Mitch and Hannah Green on Mobile 021 114 4485 or at

Phone 022 3002201 - 07 8668172


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DOC accused of irresponsible scaremongering The Department of Conservation has been accused of “scare mongering” in claiming people opposed to the department’s widespread and growing use of 1080 poison had threatened to release sika deer in north Taranaki. Laurie Collins of the West Coast and spokesman for the Sporting Hunters’ Outdoor Trust, was responding to statements by DoC’s CEO Lou Sanson and supported by the NZ Deerstalkers’ Association that the threat to release animals was “eco-terrorism”. Sika deer which were released about 1900 in the Taupo area were a prized game animal because of their elusiveness and challenge. DoC’s director general Lou Sanson said the sika species was confined to the Kaimanawa Range, east of state highway one. Laurie Collins said the DOC statements seemed another attempt to smear the integrity of the growing number of New Zealanders

opposed to the department’s policy of dropping more 1080. It was relevant to recall the 2015 scare over a threat made to contaminate baby infant formula with 1080 when the department accused hunters of the wrong doing. The accusation was totally false and it turned out to be a businessman employed in the “poison industry” seeking financial gain. Laurie Collins said DoC’s director general Sanson seemed out of touch with reality as from several reliable reports, sika deer have been present in Taranaki for many years, probably due to natural spread. “Contrary to DoC’s claim, sika deer have been present east of state highway on the southern slopes of Mt Ruapehu for decades. In the 1970s sika deer were known to be present in the headwaters of the Wanganui River. From there it is a short distance for sika to filter through to Taranaki,” he explained. “Other reliable independent reports

indicate sika were present in north Taranaki in the 1980s - 30 years ago.” Laurie Collins who began his working career in the 1950s, with the Forest Service on the first use of 1080 poison in New Zealand, said based on his first-hand experience, he was strongly opposed to the ecosystem poison which affected all wild life from invertebrates to birds and animals,. “The scare mongering by DoC and strangely supported by the NZ Deerstalkers Association is irresponsible.” Sika deer were not the “bogey threat” to vegetation which DOC painted and browsing by deer was considered to be a general replica of browsing by millions of moas and other birds over millions of years, he said. “We intend to take this matter up with the respective Ministers of Conservation and Environment in the new government,” said Laurie Collins.

Firearms - generating public discord Firearms policy and gun laws are often hotly-contested by antgun lobbyists and the police, whereas most hunters, shooters and firearms owners treat firearms with the utmost respect. They don’t need to argue the point about firearms as they know full well it comes down to basic common sense. Most of the firearms users are hunters; others just enjoy shooting firearms for the sport. The biggest issue with firearms in New Zealand is the gang culture and their ability to acquire and use firearms at will. Yet we see again another gathering of these anti-gun lobbyists to discuss a well beaten subject.

Around a decade ago when Alpers was attempting to solicit support for his crusade - from NZ District & City Councils - several firearm enthusiasts were invited to a Carterton District Council meeting to discuss Alpers crusade. Georgina Beyer was the Mayor at the time - and a great supporter of shooting sports. About a dozen went along and Joanne Winter - whose husband was killed in Tasmania - was representing Aplers. The enthusiasts went through the legal requirements that a person wishing to own a firearm has to complete: TAKE A COURSE OF STUDY PASS A FIREARM SAFETY EXAM

BE CONSIDERED BY THE POLICE AS A FIT & PROPER PERSON TO HAVE A FIREARM HAVE POLICE APPROVED SECURITY FOR FIREARMS Joanne responded “I NEVER KNEW THAT!” and that was the end of it and we took her to the pub and got on really well. This is really an example of Alpers not knowing anything about our firearm laws - long considered to be the world’s best. The Police are the problem in this country with regard to firearm users. They only act on response to a situation, but know full well that many gang members carry firearms. There is little the police can do use-

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less a criminal commits a crime using a firearm. We have more than enough laws it is just they the ones we have are not applied. When you look at the track record of the NZ Police and their use of firearms it is abysmal, and they are the very policing authority. All too often we see the neoliberal idealists debate the public policy and other aspects of firearms in New Zealand and all too often these boffins haven’t got a clue about the range of firearms users, the enjoyment they get from using the weapons and the various sports around firearms. These boffins have one agenda to blame responsible firearms users and legislation for every incident involving the use of firearms. They classify themselves as experts coming from Police and university backgrounds, often teaching about the legislation. But really they are just trouble makers expecting and often attempting to voice change in our gun laws.

Are these neoliberalists concerned that the general population may rise up and tip the corrupt government over. No amount of legislation will stop accidents from occurring. If a person is going to choose a weapon for a crime they have many options to choose from, a vehicle, any hand carried piece of equipment, and a raft of other options. The use of any weapon comes about generally by the person’s mental state at the time. Owning a firearm is common in New Zealand: and estimates range from one to three million firearms in our population of 4.8 million. But this figure is just hype as many firearms owners have several weapons. These boffins make firearm safety an issue in public health because of gun-shot deaths and injuries and other health effects; which is to be expected when you look at their idealistic backgrounds. You can’t argue with these nitwits they don’t listen to reason and can’t

see where the real problems lie. Few lack common sense – they want to deprive responsible gun owners from their sports and recreational pursuits. Very few community or business groups and government agencies, such as the Police, have an interest in the importation, sale, use and safety of firearms as the current firearms policies work extremely well. These idiots are trying to raise the awareness of likely future directions affecting health, safety and well-being? The firearms scene in New Zealand, covering injury prevention and firearms safety training, issues of including licensing of owners and registration of firearms, gun culture, public health issues is more than adequately covered by responsible organisations which are often interfered with by these meddling boffins. No revitalised public discussion about firearms is needed or required.

Molesworth Post 1080 Poison Survey The 1080 operation in the Molesworth is a nine year project that sees the Molesworth divided into three sections with one section being poisoned each year. This cycle has continued until each section has been poisoned three times, hence the total of nine years. The sow rate used for battle for our birds is 1kg/ha, where as in the Molesworth they are using 2kg/ha as the sow rate. The Marlborough NZDA initiated a research project to determine the effect that the 1080 operation has on the resident Red Deer herd. They have sorted a lot of scientific advice to ensure that their methodology will stand up if challenged. Due to the terrain the most effective method is to use a helicopter to fly randomly generated transects over the poisoned area. There are two trained observers

per side of the helicopter. They all independently record both live and dead deer that they see. Simulated deer carcasses are placed well in advance so we know the percentage of dead deer that the observers find. All areas are flown over twice in subsequent days. One fly over will be early morning the other late afternoon, times when deer are most active. Once the survey is completed they will return to animal carcasses to take tissue samples. These will be tested in a lab to see if the death was a result of 1080 poisoning. Once they have real facts on the impact of the 1080 operation on the Red Deer they can then adopt strategies for how to address future 1080 drops. If they find there is not a significant percentage of the Red Deer herd that is killed then this is a great out-

come. If they find that a large percentage of deer are being killed this will help us to demand more EDR is used, request a lower rate of application per square km, or that the drops be made at a different time of year when there is more feed for deer so they are less likely to feed on pellets. This all comes at a high expense, both in terms of man hours and dollars. A large number of volunteers are putting in hundreds of hours of work. The work of Bill Frost must be acknowledged. For him this has become almost a full time job. The dollar cost of helicopter hours and tissue sample testing is huge. The total cost is rapidly climbing and they could be in the vicinity of $20,000 for this year alone. To help them fund the operation they have set up a ‘givealittle’ page.

The Greens oppose Game Animal Bill The Green Party oppose this bill because of the supposed pre-eminence that it gives to introduced deer, tahr, chamois, and pigs in the management of our public protected lands, and the way that that cuts across the statutory purpose of conservation legislation. The bill creates the Game Animal Council as a statutory authority, and in so doing, elevates and gives special status to hunting and problem animals such as deer and tahr. They believe it is poisonous for conservation, and particularly our indigenous plants which are very vulnerable to the heavy browsing and trampling of big introduced herbivores such as tahr and chamois. The Greens stupidly believe that our conservation lands should be managed to protect their indigenous ecosystems and provide for a range of recreation, not managed as game preserves for hunting. They believe that these game preserves are in direct conflict with the purpose for which conservations lands are managed, and that is to protect our natural indigenous ecosystems, wildlife, and habitats. But that dumping tons and tons of 1080 is acceptable. They say that they have seen how many hunters are interested in protecting deer from by-kill through 1080 operations have opposed and raised a lot of public concern about 1080 in order to protect their hunting interests, and that same tension will be evident with this Game Animal Council. Eugenie Sage in voicing her warped attitude doesn’t mention the fact the Game Animals bring in thousands to our economy and that many NZ families have been able to survive purely through venison their hunters have been able to put on the table. This economic return is huge. The bill would enable the Minister to designate herds of special interest, and allows the Game

Animal Council, not the Department of Conservation, to manage areas of conservation lands for hunters and recreational hunting. In giving this privileged status to hunters and hunting, the Greens seem to have forgotten how incompetent DoC are and have shown a complete disregard for the sporting interests of NZ families. Deer were wrongfully declared noxious animals in the 1930s, and it was the Department of Internal Affairs and then the New Zealand Forest Service that employed professional cullers from the 1930s right until the end of the 1980’s to eradicate deer from New Zealand. And they were unable to succeed. Hunting is a popular recreational pursuit and a tourist activity in New Zealand with numerous books and magazines published on the topic. Unlike most other developed countries with a hunting tradition, there are no bag-limits or seasons for hunting large game in New Zealand. Hunting in National Parks is a permitted activity. Sadly many conservationists and greenies don’t share the same opinion and violently oppose hunting traditions. Acclimatisation societies were active for a period of 60 years from

the 1860’s in having introduced animals established in New Zealand. The majority were introduced for food or sport. In the 1980’s Recreational Hunting Areas (RHA’s) were set up to support recreational hunting on conservation land. The Wild Animal Control Act 1977 regulates commercial and recreation hunting, and established the RHA’s. In 2011 the New Zealand government established the Game Animal Council to manage game animals. As well as managing tahr, chamois, deer and pig the Council will promote hunters’ safety and improve hunting opportunities. The New Zealand Deerstalkers Association and Tourism Industry Association welcomed the formation of the Game Animal Council but Forest and Bird a large nationwide conservation organisation, and the Greenies see it as an impediment to recreational hunters. Hunting is a hugely popular recreational activity in New Zealand and as a result it brings with it competing interests and concerns over the best way to manage wild game animals. The Game Animal Council will give hunters a greater say in the management of our big game resource while

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also providing the Minister of Conservation with a valuable stream of advice regarding the management of tahr, chamois, deer and pigs. Hunting is an integral part of the

Kiwi way of life, and gives hunters a greater say in the future of their sport while preserving their right to hunt these animals for free. The primary source of funding is

proposed to come from a levy on the export of trophy heads from New Zealand, with Crown funding of $100,000 in the first year and $50,000 each year thereafter.

1080 in Honey a very Real Danger! sugar in a batch that attracted bees who took it back to the hives. Inspection of honey comb showed green cells from the dye used in the jam bait to prevent birds eating it. “Wallaceville testing found 2.2mg/kg of 1080 in the green honey, but were unable to find the 1080 in the dead bees”. Today sugar or sweeteners are also used in vertebrate toxic baits for rats, possums and mustelids.” https://www.nzbees. net/…/5652-whats-theconnection-between…/ Bill Simmons, Sales and Marketing Executive, Animal The pictures of the hives in very close proximity to Control Products, Whanareas with 1080 warning signs. 1080 is an insectiganui. ( ACP is the governcide which kills the bees and the bees make trips for ment-owned factory that several hours bringing the poison back to the hives produces NZ’s 1080 baits before they succumb to the poison. and other poison products). Mr Simmons said sweetDon Mac posted this com- eners are still used in 1080 baits. ment in NZ Beekeepers Forum: “How else would we at“There has been a docu- tract possums?!” he said. mented connection between He wouldn’t disclose the exact 1080 and poisoning of bees. sugar percentage but said, cryptiBack in 1988 ‘jam bait’ containing cally, that it was two figures and 1080 for possum control was used. it wasn’t a three - which means, Unknown to the manufacturer the I presume, that the baits are besupplier of the raw material used tween 20% and 30% sugar and

will therefore be attractive to bees. Don Mac posted the above comment along with the two photographs below, (dead bees, and green cells in a honeycomb), so one can assume the green cells are the ones referred to in his sentence “Inspection of honey comb showed green cells from the dye used in the jam bait ...” Of course bees will also bring 1080 back to the hives on their bodies and in pollen and nectar in the form of toxic 1080 dust. Now if the countries that import our Manuka honey became aware of this our export industry could suffer dearly. Why does the NZ Department of Conservation takes such a huge risk with our exports by dumping hundreds of millions of poison baits in our environment? pulse/scientist-reveals-department-conservationmisleading-new-clyde-graf/

Family poisoned after eating wild boar A Waikato family poisoned after eating wild boar is recovering. Great news. But the true reasoning behind the poisoning could take a while before the truth is revealed. The various agencies involved are obviously desperate to test for everything other than 1080 and brodifacoum, for something else they can pin the blame on. Botulism seems to be the blamed cause. But is this the truth. International infectious disease professionals have been discussing the case of the Waikato poisoning here in New Zealand. They say the following things: 1. This does not seem like botulism. The onset is much too rapid. The US CDC does document a case of botulism occurring in as short as 4 hours. However, this is

rare, as the usual onset is generally 18-36 hours post ingestion. 2. Under certain circumstances it could be mistaken for botulism to an untrained eye. [In my mind, the very rapid onset of symptoms (15 minutes) after ingestion of the suspected food (the cooked boar meat) speaks against this being botulism. The onset of symptoms of botulism usually occur 18 to 36 hours after exposure (range, 6 hours to 8 days) A 2008 publication regarding a 2006 outbreak of severe botulism caused by commercially produced carrot juice (Sheth AN, Wiersma P, Atrubin D, et al: International outbreak of severe botulism with prolonged toxemia caused by commercial carrot juice. Clin Infect Dis. 2008;47: 1245-1251) Abstract: “Investigators reviewed medical re-

cords and interviewed patients and family members. Foods from patients’ homes and samples of the implicated commercial beverage were tested for botulinum toxin and _C. botulinum_ by standard methods. Results: The patients presented with cranial neuropathies and flaccid paralysis; all patients required mechanical ventilation. The 3 Georgia patients had consumed carrot juice from the same bottle before illness onset. An additional case in Florida and 2 in Ontario, Canada, were subsequently identified in patients who had consumed carrot juice. Conclusion: This outbreak was caused by commercially produced, internationally distributed carrot juice that was contaminated with botulinum toxin. The severity of the cases is impressive but the incubation period, when able to be measured, was still 14 hours or more. ProMED would like more information about this outbreak and the etiology. Additionally, I would think that if this was botulism, a response as reported would not have occurred yet. As if there was that much toxin to cause paralysis so fast, since the bound toxin is not neutralized by the antitoxin, it would take quite a while for any improvement. Botulism is caused by a sporeforming obligate anaerobic bacterium, _Clostridium botulinum_. It was once known as sausage disease, because the 2 meats most associated with this condition are sausage and ham. It can be found in other meats especially smoked meats as well as inappropriately persevered vegetable, notably home canned products. Smoked meats set up the perfect environment for this bacterium to flourish, as it does not reach a temperature capable of killing the bacterium. We are not told how the meat was prepared in this case in New Zealand but time of onset, a half hour, would likely be the shortest ever recorded, it confirmed. Furthermore, with rapid medical assessment there is an antitoxin, which can be lifesaving. We are not told any antitoxin has been

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administered to these people. _C. botulism_ typically causes a descending paralysis. This article does not mention any clinical signs. The lack of any mention of antitoxin, or clinical signs, and the extreme rapidity of onset, all should cast strong doubts on the theory of botulism. However, a recent media article did mention a very rapid response to anti-toxin, which is very unusual. This situation paints a picture of extremely rapid deterioration from what is allegedly believed to be botulism and an equally rapid response to the antidote. The extreme rapidness of onset and response, is further reason for doubt as this being botulism. Most patients with botulism present with cranial nerve dysfunction; difficulty swallowing, dysarthria, blurred vision and diplopia are among the most common early complaints. Weakness of the upper extremities usually follows these problems related to cranial nerves, followed by lower extremity weakness. Myasthenia gravis

and the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome are the major differential diagnostic concerns in cases of possible botulism. The Miller Fisher variant of the Guillain Barré syndrome, while quite rare, closely mimics the cranial nerve findings of botulism, and since it may follow a diarrheal illness the prospect of a food-borne disease is apparent. There are no routine laboratory tests that will aid in the diagnosis or differential diagnosis of botulism. The best bedside study is repetitive nerve stimulation at high frequency (20 Hz or greater). While the presentation does not resemble botulism, the diagnosis is confirmed by recovery of toxin from the serum or stool; this is still done using a mouse assay. Portions of this comment were extracted from:.http:// www.infectiousdiseaseadvisor. com/…/b…/article/610341/. Mod.TG [In summary, if this is proven to be due to botulism, by identification of the toxin in either the patients

Research into roadkill Landcare Research’s investigation of road killed hawks has revealed that 78% of the hawks scraped off the road and tested for anticoagulant poisons, had at least one, and as many as four different types

of anticoagulant toxins in them. Penny Fisher who did this research has recently returned to Australia because there was little interest in New Zealand in pursuing this kind of research.

Using quality berley As a recreational fisherman, having decent bait on board is an absolute must if you are going to catch good fish and as such, is as much an essential part of fishing as decent tackle. All to often you go to a garage or supermarket that charge heaps for poor quality bait that breaks

off the hook or just doesn’t catch fish it becomes really annoying. However to enhance your quality bait get some decent berley and learn how to use it. When fishing shallow water place the berley near the surface so it gets spread around with the current


and/or in the food, the description of the time of onset of the symptoms would make this reportable as 15-30 mins post ingestion is highly unusual. - Mods. LL/TG/MPP After many similar cover-ups it’s is doubtful that the public can rely on any of these agencies to reveal the truth. The Waikato Regional Council dishes out tons of brodifacoum every year, like lollies at a kindergarten party. New Zealand is a very toxic nation. As an example - there’s enough 1080 poison spread across our forests and waterways every year, to kill 66 million people. The likely reason is, the officials are dodging the truth, looking for any possible alternative to the truth. Health authorities said the cause of the illnesses was under investigation but someone with a conscience will leak the results eventually.

The new Labour government needs to review our laws relating to use of toxins such as brodifacoum and 1080 before we lose the precious wildlife we have left. And commit to using pest control alternatives that are more humane and more ecosystem-focused


and if in deep water put the berley on the bottom. Don’t forget to give it a good shake now and again. Salty Towers in Coromandel make a mean mix with paua, kina and mussel. They make their berley to suit the fisher and it comes in various sized to suit most berley pots. This brew attracts the snapper like a red light attracts the boys in town.

Great for a Christmas gift


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Book reviews

Barry Crump - Collected Stories published by Potton and Burton price $49.99 reviewed by Tony Orman Barry Crump needs no introduction for his first book, “A Good

Keen Man” an enormous best seller published in 1960 has become immortal in New Zealand literature. He went on to write another 23 books. Barry Crump was a deer culler and reliable word was that he gleaned the tales from other cullers, accounts that at the time, were probably enhanced by lubrication with brown ale. For all that they are highly entertaining and funny and even more exaggerated by Crump’s superb style of telling it doesn’t matter a jot. The man was a closet entertainer. This new volume by Potton and Burton is 528 pages long but predictably there’s never a dull moment. The volume has no illustrations, a slight pity, but the tales probably don’t need any enhancing visually. They spring to life so vividly in the reader’s mind thanks to Crump’s laid-back, likeable style. Highly recommended.

nomic activities such as fishing, mineral exploration and exploitation. And of course trout anglers, hunters and trampers frequent the ranges of Kahurangi National Park. The characters that feature as chapter stories or emerge during narratives, are often colourful such as “Little Biddy” a diminutive gold mining woman at Lyell in the Buller Gorge, Eric Taplin of Taplin’s Hut, Forest Service ranger Max Polglase and Henry and Annie Chaffey of Asbestos Cottage fame and others. The tales involve near tragedy such as the remarkable 30 day saga of a lost tramper in the Aorere wilderness and tragedy such as the loss at sea Kahurangi Stories - More Tales of two crayfishermen. I personally from Northwest Nelson knew Max Polglase who was a true by Gerard Hindmarsh, gentleman and remarkably skilled published by Potton and Burton, with his often ingenious construcprice $39.99 tion feats in the Mt Arthur TableGolden Bay writer and author lands area, e.g. Gridiron Shelter. Gerard Hindmarsh has written a Gerard Hindmarsh has skillfully resequel to his “Kahurangi Calling” searched and recalled the history and it’s a great read. Northwest and its people. If you know the area, Nelson is an area of special ecologi- it’s a must to read. Even if you don’t cal interest and a diverse history of know the area, read it and its odds exploration, with much gold min- on you’ll find the book a great read. ing, outdoor recreation and eco- Reviewed by Tony Orman

The Killing Nation by Reihana Robinson In her just-released book, The Killing Nation, environmental activist and researcher, Reihana Robinson, explodes the carefully cultivated myth of New Zealand as the “Clean and Green” paradise of the South Pacific. While the government and tourism industry promote images of exotic native bush, rare avian species, clean running streams, and untainted farms, Robinson lays bare New Zealand’s “Dirty Little Environmental Secret” – the wholesale poisoning of the landscape with one of the world’s deadliest poisons to kill wild animal species, all in the name of “conservation”. Reihana Robinson has devoted her life to the protection of Coromandel’s wild life. There has been a noticeable depletion of wild life since wild life poisoning began here in the early ‘90’s. The evidence suggests more strongly than ever that we cannot expect any resurgence of our wild life until the poisoning is stopped. However the government is determined to keep poisoning. Reihana explores

what is really behind this determination. The poisoning regime defies all environmental logic and is acting as a divisive tool among outlying communities. Reihana lives in one of these outlying communities, regularly facing government intrusions which will affect their way of life. Reihana has been tireless in lobbying to change government’s approach to wild animal control. She has already published four books recounting the effects of this government-driven wild animal control policy upon the Coromandel communities. The Killing Nation is the fifth in the series. One is surprised at the enormity of government callousness and lack of human consideration in every chapter. She does not name these attempts by authorities to intrude but they are a form of Tyranny. It is not just the callousness but the level of callousness which is revealed in these chapters which surprises. And when you are just getting used to such as callous government Reihana takes you into the breath-taking skullduggery, some may call it ‘corruption’, which has been involved in

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keeping the poison industry afloat. Some may even call it a conspiracy but Reihana refrains from any namecalling in this factual, peer-reviewed and well-documented and surprising history of New Zealand’s unusual and failing attempt to poison its way to a clean environment. The Killing Nation is a volume of classic investigative reporting and detailed research which exposes

the conflicts and professional intrigue that keep the poison flowing. Dr Wendy Pond says Robinson’s investigative journalism gives credibility to the observations of common people and to the movement against poisoning wildlife. Wildlife now has a Nicky Hager. “The Killing Nation” is available at Carson’s Bookshop in Thames and Amazon from December 9, 2017

High Country Stations of Lake Tekapo By Mary Hobbs Published by Potton and Burton $59.99 Lake Tekapo, with its dazzling blue glacial water and backdrop of the Southern Alps, is one of the major drawcards of the South Island’s Mackenzie Country. While most people’s experience of Tekapo is the bustling tourist village, there is also another whole community beyond this settlement of iconic high-country stations that occupy the sweeping tussock land surrounding the Lake. This book tells the stories of these courageous and tough farming families, who choose to live

and work in this spectacular, but unforgiving country with its extremes of cold and heat, devastating snowfalls and huge winds. Author Mary Hobbs, a long-time resident of the Mackenzie Country, has unraveled the history of eight stations from around Lake Tekapo – Godley Peaks, Lilybank, Mt Gerald, Richmond, Mt Hay, Tekapo, Balmoral and Glenmore. Using both old accounts and interviews with current station holders and many others with connections to these stations, she has assembled a set of stories that capture the flavour and character of a unique part of rural New Zealand. Heavily illustrated with both contemporary images and many old, previously unpublished photographs, this is a fascinating and beautiful book. It is a sister volume to Mary Hobbs’s bestselling The High Country Stations of the Mackenzie, which focused on the stations around Lake Pukaki, and will be another much-loved addition to the legacy of New Zealand writing about the high country. 1970’s, NZ Deerstalkers Association president John Henderson both an ardent deerstalker and conservationist, spoke in presidential and university addresses of the need to set a population limit. He advocated 5 million as the absolute limit. Currently NZ is poised at 4.7 mil-

lion to break the 5 million barrier. Just get a copy, read and think about it. Footnote: “A Plague of People” by John Robinson is published by Tross

Publishing, Wellington. Copies may be obtained from the publisher or Paper Plus and some other bookshops.

Nitrates stored in rocks leach into waterways A paper published by researchers at the British Geological Survey that nitrates can accumulate in rocks then leach into waterways – which then leads to long-term pollution. The authors estimated up to 180 million tonnes of nitrates are stored in rocks worldwide, perhaps twice the amount stored in soils. Massey University ecology and environmental science senior lecturer Mike Joy said the impacts were already being seen in New Zealand: “What we’re seeing in rivers for short periods is big masses of algal growths. It drives fluctuations in oxygen.” Dr Joy said the report was another nail in the coffin for artificial nitrate fertilizers. “It’s another facet that I hadn’t really thought about before, I mean we knew there was enough problems without adding that to it.” Hydrologist and lead author of the report Matthew Ascott said that with big investments being made to reduce water pollution, it was important to understand what pollution was already in the environment.

“When this pollution is released it will continue to impact water quality for decades, in some cases, even where controls on fertilizer use have been put in place,” he said. Federated Farmers National Environmental Spokesperson Chris Allen said they were already addressing the issue. “Look, we’ve got a thing called a national policy statement of fresh water and it sets - or directs councils - to set water quality limits. “We also have a drinking water quality standard, which is internationally recognised through the World Health Organisation.” Mr Allen said New Zealand was at the forefront of countries improving on nitrate use. Dr Joy said it was never too late to stop intensification and reduce the addition of artificial nitrogen. “We lived without it a hundred years ago and we can certainly do without it in the future.” He said food and milk production with oil was unsustainable and needed to be stopped.

Today’s Short Reading From the Bible... From Genesis: "And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the earth." Then He made the earth round...and He laughed and laughed and laughed

WHALY – all the advantages of an inflatable – without the worry and maintenance New Book Slams Economic Growth Obsession by Tony Orman A new hard hitting book by a former university professor has slammed the “suicidal culture of growth that is destroying modern society and the environment. John Robinson, a university lecturer and research scientist, says “the world is full of too many people” but governments and many people ignore it at peril for the future. “The situation calls for a change in behaviour, but instead there is denial.” He says the potential crisis is now only 20 years away with Earth a finite planet. Warning signs have been evident for centuries but have quickly become ever more urgent in recent decades. About thirty years ago a Commission for the Future was set up, lived a brief life and disappeared under a National government. In addition, independent science disappeared with the disbanding of DSIR. In the 1980’s with “Rogernomics” any growing global awareness of over-population was crushed and the call for material growth took an even firmer hold. “The world faces massive problems of over-population, potential water and food shortages, resource usage and the end of the age of boil, species extinction, economic collapse and climate change. The question is one of survival.” John Robinson says the forecast is for collapse around 2030 due to “a selfish, outmoded culture of growth.” He calls for urgent debate to develop ideas of a new economic and social philosophy to replace the growth-oriented market-based global capitalism. John Robinson’s urgent call is timely because of its urgency but it’s not the first time. back in the

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Nicki O’Sullivan

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Zac Mills caught a tarakihi

Coromandel Gold

This group of anglers recently had an excellent day winter fishing out from Coromandel catching a bin full of snapper out on the ‘Nadgee’ a 13 m Australian hardwood trawler which has been converted to a Charter Fishing Vessel. With space for up to 15 passengers and 6 passenger berths for overnight trips, by prior arrangement, the Nadgee Charter Fishing is based around the Scenic Coromandel Islands, Mussel Farms, and Hauraki Gulf. Contact Skipper Russell Chesnutt, Nadgee Fishing Charters on Phone 07 866 8172; Mob: 022 300 2201 or email Website:


Louie’s been out twice so far, 2-3 hours each time. Hooked 5, landed only two smaller ones, but had some sizzling runs. So far the big ones have eluded me, but my hot orange fly still getting the bites!

Gordon Davis



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Final Warning – use Salt Flake Ice PARKER PACKS A BIT MORE PUNCH

Anyone that takes the time to go out and catch a feed of fish at this time of the year and fails to place their catch in a decent container

and cover the fish with Salt Ice doesn’t deserve to have the privilege of catching fish. Not only is it an insult to the fish it is downright stupid. Placing your fish on quality salt flake ice means that you can have a jolly good time out in the sun and know full well that your catch will be as fresh when you get home as it was when you caught it. Simple end of story.

Phone: 09 267 4999 Email: 18 Mahia Road, Manurewa Auckland

So if you can’t be bothered or With 18 KO’s in 24 fights and as yet are too miserable to spend a few undefeated, few can refute the powdollars on salt ice – stay home. er behind the Joseph Parker punch. Outside the ring the WBO heavyweight boxing champion is fortunately far less intimidating, despite his 6’4” frame. Between fights and training, fishing is always first on the agenda. When it came to choosing an outboard that could deliver an abundance of power, Team Parker turned to the classleading performance of EVINRUDE. With the arrangements finalised we meet early morning at the Maraetai Boat Club for the big day. The brand-new Team Parker Stabicraft 2400 Supercab glides effortlessly into the water and the twin 115HP Evinrude’s purr into life. The anticipation is palpable. I do a quick headcount: Kevin Sharp from Evinrude New Zealand, Kevin Griffin from Kev & Ian’s Marine Services, Daniel Upperton from Stabicraft, Evinrude presenter, Brooke Houia, media guru, Jeff Strang, and then of course the Parker’s; Joseph, dad Dempsey and uncle Rudi. A second Stabicraft from Kev & Ian’s Marine Services shadows the Team Parker Boat as it heads out towards Waiheke Island. “One of my earliest memories is falling asleep in the front of Stabicraft 2050 the boat,” says Joseph smiling. Supercab “We have been fishing here and around Half Moon Bay for as long as I can remember,” he adds.

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Evinrude power guides the Stabicraft to where flocks of seagulls show us the best fishing spots. Within minutes Joseph hooks the first fish of the day and soon we are having Sushi for breakfast. Team Parker starts hitting their straps. Snapper and Kahawai are plentiful and practically jumping into the boat. Joseph cranks up the stereo and can’t resist demonstrating a few funky dance moves. Between tracks, Dempsey belts out some Elvis: “Are you lonesome tonight?” seems to attract even more fish. Joseph starting fishing with his dad at a young age. “We do everything together as a family,” says Dempsey. “Fishing is part of our life,” he admits offering us some freshly filleted Kahawai. “What’s the best fish you ever caught?” someone asks Joseph. There is no hesitation from the big man: “We were on a charter boat in Samoa,” he says. “I caught a Marlin. It put up a pretty good fight and took about thirtyfive minutes to wind in. We took it back to the village and shared it. It was a pretty good feed,” he recollects. The Parker family have had a long-standing relationship with

Using Quality bait A good example recently was a fisho who purchased two bags of pilchards from a supermarket in Hamilton and paid $8.50 per kilo, he showed me the till ticket. This stuff was imported Indonesian herrings or pilchards, and very small fish. Check with your local Bait Shop to see if they can supply NZ Pilchards as many of the imported varieties when it is put on the hook it pretty much falls off and disintegrates. The problem with this stuff is that in comes into the country as a frozen block and is thawed and rebagged as free flow bait. In a lot of cases it doesn’t state that it is imported bait. When you put it on your hook it

breaks off very easily when frozen, defrosted and refrozen, and doesn’t last past one bite when thawed again – a very frustrating exercise when you have to keep pulling in your line after every bite, knowing the bait will have gone. I have no problem fishing alongside some fisho using crap bait if that’s what he wants to do but, it is annoying to me to see these young fellas getting ripped off with poor quality imported squid and pilchards. In my travels around the Waikato and Coromandel it’s good to see many smaller fishing retailers selling top quality bait. I have noticed that while fresh pilchards work well around the farms,

Stabicraft and Kev & Ian’s Marine and look forward to their new adventure with Evinrude power. “Matt said Evinrude is the best,” says Joseph. “Basically, we wanted more power and use less fuel and we get that from Evinrude,” he adds. Joseph tells us about his recent fishing trip with Matt Watson in Kerikeri. “It was a great experience to go up there and catch all kinds of fish we’ve never caught before,” he says. Joseph hops behind the wheel and guides the boat to the next spot for some more filming and interviews. Everyone is in a contented state of mind as we head back to Maraetai later that afternoon for a drink and a bite to eat. Driving home I reflect on the humility of the Parker family. Despite his amazing record in the ring, Joseph Parker is welcoming and approachable, a trait shared by Dempsey and Uncle Rudi. “This is what it means to be a part of “Team Parker” I realise.

when you get out fishing some of the islands the pillies work better if they are two days old. I put them inside a squid bait. The fresh shiny pilchards seem to bring in the barracuda whereas the old bait doesn’t. I don’t use bonito around the farms only because yellowtail mackerel love it. Squid and pillies are the way to go. However to enhance your quality bait get some decent berley and learn how to use it. When fishing shallow water place the berley near the surface so it gets spread around with the current and if in deep water put the berley on the bottom. Don’t forget to give it a good shake now and again. Salty Towers in Coromandel make a mean mix with paua, kina and mussel. This brew attracts the snapper like a red light attracts the boys in town.

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Fishing by aerokontiki

Les and his first catch

Kiwi fishers are discovering how easy it is to cast 16-25 baited hooks from any spot within your sight up to 1000m out to sea! The latest Hi-Tech drone engineering concepts, the Aerokontiki has proven since 2014 to offer over hundreds of customers in NZ to be a tough and powerful drone to use for beach line fishing. With personalised training, and after sale support, customers with no previous drone flying experience become confident and satisfied owners of an Aerokontiki. The method is very simple: Step 1: Fly drone with 25 hooks on a leader line to your targeted fishing spot within 3-4 minutes. Step 2: Release line then wait for drone to return and land itself on the precise point it took off from. Step 3: Reel in your line after 30 minutes using your electric game reel and enjoy your catch. If you are interested and would like the opportunity to get a 50% discount on our trace board designed for launching your baits visit our web page and submit an enquiry before 30/12/17.

Phone Kyle or Shima on 092746293 or 0221265503. Visit our Facebook site to see our Aerokontiki community. Testimonial: Just a note to say how impressed I have been with the Aero Kontiki and the level of service you and your team have provided since I made my purchase about 3 months ago. The training, the follow up, the communication, the quality of the products have all been excellent and my expectations have always been exceeded every step of the way. The biggest thing for me has been the follow up service and communication. You have always been available by email, phone and text for any queries or challenges that I might have in learning how to operate this system. For someone like me who has had no experience with drones (the only thing I have ever flown before was a kite) this level of service has made the experience so much more pleasurable and stressless. By way of background I have had a lot of experience with Kontiki fishing over the last 40 years or so.

I started out with my Dad when I was a youngster using balloons to take the line out. I then moved on to kites and then in later years the torpedo and associated ancillary equipment. The only thing I haven’t tried is the ‘galloping gertie’. The AK is by far the best form of Kontiki fishing I have ever experienced on a number of fronts: 1) The gear is light. I can fish on my own quite easily. 2) Beach accessibility. Because the gear is light a lot more beaches and fishing locations are accessible. 3) Catches are significantly higher. This is because I have more hooks in the fish zone for longer than any other system. This is particularly so when fishing in big rips as I do quite often on Muriwai beach, e.g.: with the AK in a 3 hour period I can do three sets with the hooks in the zone for 40 minutes per set (totalling 120 mins) whereas with the torpedo I would be lucky to do 2 sets with hooks in the zone for about 20 mins per set (totalling 40 mins) before the line gets washed up on the beach. 4) More fun. The AK is a lot more fun. I have probably done 30 or 40 sets so far and even now I get as big a thrill seeing the line being taken out as I did the first time i used it. 5) Versatility. I haven’t tried it for anything other than snapper fishing at the moment but I have heard of guys using it to catch salmon and trout using a spinner which I am keen to try one day. Overall as you can see I am very impressed with the whole system and would certainly encourage anyone interested to give it a go. As I mentioned the other day I haven’t had so much fun since my honeymoon. Cheers Les Viskovich Auckland

Negative social impacts of aquaculture Marine farms may exclude some human uses of the coastal marine area, including water sports, recreational boating and commercial fishing although legally vessels are permitted to transit through marine farms and small powered vessels often do for recreational fishing purposes. The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park is the most highly utilised area for commercial and recreational boating in the country, with the number of yachts and launches predicted to increase significantly over the next 20-30 years. Marine farms can be a navigational issue for vessels if located in popular cruising routes. They have the potential to be a navigational hazard during the day and night time if not well marked. Marine farms should not be located in areas suitable as safe anchorages for vessels as these are essential for safe boating and are becoming increasingly over-crowded with the growing number of vessels. There can be noise and disruption impacts on adjacent landowners, and the opportunity cost from using public space for aquaculture instead of for other purposes. Accumulation of organic matter on the seafloor can provide hard substrate for other organisms to grow on, potentially increasing species abundance and diversity, including more predators (e.g., starfish), scavengers (e.g., sea cucumbers) and decomposing organisms (e.g., worms and bacteria). As marine farms require very high water quality they act as a sentinel in the environment. For example, seawater at shellfish farms is intensively monitored for bacterial contamination and harvesting is sometimes halted following any rainfall event due to the presence of E. coli in runoff from land. Monitoring of the environment sur-

rounding aquaculture farms, when targeted towards strategic issues, could assist in developing a better overall picture of the health of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park, the impacts of aquaculture, including both positive and negative impacts as well as cumulative effects, and the influence of water quality (in particular sediments and nutrients). There are potential adverse ecological effects associated with aquaculture that need to be well managed. In general, fed aquaculture is intensive, has external inputs into the water column and has the potential for greater adverse effects than non-fed aquaculture, but it typically has a smaller physical footprint. Non-fed aquaculture is more extensive (requiring a larger area to be economically viable) and so typically affects a greater area, but the ecological effects are less intense. Biosecurity Aquaculture is unlikely to be the cause of a new pest incursion into New Zealand, but marine farm structures provide potential habitat for pest organisms to colonise, which become a reservoir for further spread. Movement of equipment, vessels and stock is a potential mechanism for the movement of pests (as are recreational and commercial vessels). Biosecurity risks are not just non-native species arriving but include diseases, pathogens, parasites and other biological threats. The effect of diseases on farmed populations has raised concerns in New Zealand. For example, the effect of a herpes virus, especially between 2009 and 2011, on the introduced Pacific oysters. Water-column effects – shellfish farming The main effect on the water column from farming shellfish is the extraction of phytoplankton, zooplankton and organic par-

ticulates by the farmed shellfish. Phytoplankton forms the base of the marine food web; depletion therefore has the potential to impact on other species. Zooplankton includes fish eggs and larvae and its depletion therefore could potentially affect localised fish stock recruitment. The short-term composition of plankton communities can also be altered. The depletion zone usually only extends a short distance from the farm and is influenced by flushing rates, currents, depth, wind, etc. Depletion can be minimised by locating farms in areas with good flushing and/or high natural levels of phytoplankton. On the other hand, shellfish farms benefit from some land-sourced nutrients and can assist in mitigating negative effects of land sourced nutrients through extracting nitrogen. Water-column effects – fin fish farming Decomposition of fish faeces and uneaten food releases dissolved nutrients into the water column and can result in nutrient enrichment, impacting water quality. It may also change the species composition of phytoplankton with flow on effects in the food web. Potential problems can be minimised by good management, locating farms in areas that are deep and well-flushed, not overstocking them and avoiding areas which are nitrogen enriched. Seabed effects Both shellfish and finfish farming result in deposition of organic matter on the seabed. Negative impacts of accumulated organic matter include organic enrichment, reduced diversity and elevated levels of organic carbon. These impacts are much greater with fed-aquaculture, due to the deposition of high-nutrient faeces and uneaten feed on the seabed, which can transform well-aerated sediments into low-oxygen zones. In extreme cases the seafloor can

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become anoxic (lacking oxygen) as all the available oxygen is consumed in the decomposition of the organic matter. This eliminates all life except mats of bacteria. These conditions

have been seen under salmon farms in New Zealand, but never under shellfish farms. Such effects can be reduced through good management, avoidance of overstocking


and locating farms in deep, wellflushed areas and away from ecologically significant seabed areas.

TCDC working to improve boat ramps The TCDC have finally recognized the huge need to develop and upgrade Coromandel Harbour facilities with visitor numbers and the usage of the wharf and boat ramp increasing. The Council says there are different pieces of work being done to improve boat ramp and wharf facilities around the Coromandel Harbour, which comes under the umbrella of their Coromandel Harbour facilities project. The feasibility of an upgrade to Jack’s Point boat ramp is still under consideration. The Council monitored ramp usage and found on average only 5 boats used the ramp each day, which is no wonder considering the state of the ramp. Did they bother to do a survey of potential ramp users to ascertain whether boaties would use the ramp if it was improved? No they decided to waste thousands of dollars on a double dredging and the ramp has silted up again and is really only usable an hour either side of high tide. The Coromandel-Colville Community Board has been updated on the revised design for the proposed new ramp and pontoon at Jack’s

Point at an estimated cost of $700K+ but no-one is holding their breathe. The current ramp acts as a silt trap, so the new ramp will provide a much-improved orientation (allowing natural water flow towards the harbour rather than perpendicular to it). This in itself will provide an element of self-cleaning, A new Marine Service Zone is being proposed by the CoroMFA for the Sugarloaf Wharf area and has been put a hold on until clarification is reached after an appeal to the Council’s District Plan is resolved. For the CoroMFA, this proposed new zone is preferable, as leaving it un-zoned would have meant mussel farming wharf operations at the Sugarloaf would mostly have non-complying activity status, says a CoroMFA spokesperson. The huge noise amount created from this facility is annoying bach owners and residents at Te Kouma who purchased properties to get away from the ruckus. Originally built for commercial and rec users the Mussel farmers have encroached on the rec fishing boat ramp area forcing the boaties to go elsewhere. Meanwhile the Council has also

implemented several health and safety improvements at Sugarloaf including new signage and the introduction of cones to help keep recreational users and industry separated as much as practical when industry activities are in progress. Currently the Coromandel Mussel harvesters are dumping thousands of tons of debris over the side of the harvesters when stripping mussel lines. Of course they emphatically deny this but anyone can tie up next to a barge when it’s operating and see for themselves. On a positive note though the TCDC is working to improve the district-wide demand for boat ramps with the aim of spreading the recreational fishing load across the Coromandel to help alleviate pressure on our most busy facilities during peak times. They have visited a number of existing boat ramps between Thames to just north of Coromandel with the Regional Council and a coastal scientist to see what enhancements they can make. They are looking for any potential sites for a new boat ramp.

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An extremely powerful longline fishing drone designed for NZ Coastal Environment and able to haul 16 - 25 hooks and cast up to 1000m in 5 mins. *

Easy to Operate Training Strong Carbon Fibre Frame Powers through 40kph winds Customized Canopy After Sales Service in NZ 100% NZ Owned & Made Static Load tested to 4 kg Quick release payload control Automatic return to home * Range depends on visibility and eyesight, as under CAA Rules all drones of this type must be able to be seen with the naked eye.


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Fishing is a part of the kiwi way of life Many New Zealanders are concerned that declining fish stocks are threatening the future of recreational fishing, a hallmark of Kiwi life. Randall Bess from the New Zealand Initiative is on a crusade travelling around New Zealand attempting to convince fishers that there is a better way – his way. He proposes the introduction of a fishing licence and rec monitoring with the introduction of rec fishers into the QMS system with a proportional allocation. This will supposedly enable the MPI to accurately measure the amount of fish actually taken by kiwi fishers. Any balance not caught from the rec fishers allocation could then be given free to commercial fishers to export overseas. Dr Bess IS deliberately targeting recreational fishers, when for the last 30 years recreational fishers have had several big hits - bag limit reductions while commercial catch has pretty much remained the same. Dr Bess has totally left out the fact that fishery ministers in the past have all totally disregarded any consultation from recreational fisher in favour of commercial fishers who export our wild fish stock for profit. Therefore there is no point taking money of recreational fishers to give to a national recreational fishing body so the fishery minister can disregard what its members want. Dr Bess totally ignored the fishing policies of both Labour and NZF when both polices have the solutions the fishery need to be sustainable. The report released by Dr Bess called The Future Catch is already out dated and vastly unsupported by recreational fishers. It appeared that because the public meeting by Dr Bess were unsupported and in some cases black listed by recreational fishers the only place he could find support was on the west coast of Australia who’s fishers were sucked into recreational licences years ago.

His complete package is seriously flawed and is a complete crock. While Bess has wasted many thousands of dollars travelling the globe looking at various solutions none of them actually fit the NZ situation and especially the West Australian model he represents, for example the Aussies don’t have any large fishing companies to contend with, just a few local small fishing companies. Plus there are no freshwater boaties or trout fishers to contend with and even fewer surf casters and beach fishers. Bess professes that rec fishers need to come under one body to unify all rec fishers. While it sounds nice there is no point. The kiwi rec fisher comes in many different perspectives and most just want to catch a feed for their families. Only a small fraction of the recreational fishers belong to Fishing Clubs and fewer to the selfappointed Sports Fishing Clubs that have set themselves up as the potential benefactors of Bess scheming. But more importantly Bess is coming completely from the wrong angle targeting rec fishers and misses the point of why the inshore fishery for the most part is completely shagged. When you consider that rec fishers have taken several punches in the guts from the MPI with catch reductions the commercial have benefitted and done very well – thank you very much. And this is exactly where the problem is. Customary are already challenging the rights of commercial through the Courts and needs to be completely supported by rec fishers another fact that Dr Bess didn’t understand. Cameras MUST be put on every single commercial fishing boat and tomorrow is not soon enough as this will solve the problem almost immediately. If Nash does not follow through on this then he MUST go? Commercial oppose this simply because they know that they cannot continue to fish in the old manner with cameras. Already some commercial have come

up with a better system which not only works better for the commercial fisher it works better for the fish this is a fact that Dr Bess was aware of but disregarded in his report. The way he singled out recreational fishers as a potential threat to the inshore fishery while trying to preserve the inshore fishery for the commercial fishers who since the introduction of steam powered trawlers have been disrespecting and wasting up to 2/3 of the fish they catch for close to a hundred years. Recreational monitoring and licences are completely unnecessary and a waste of time money and effort. They will never work plain and simple as our situation here is quite different. It doesn’t matter how many boat ramp surveys or aerial boat counts you undertake you will never get an accurate count on the rec fish take. If Bess was genuinely serious about saving the inshore fishery all he needs to do is spend a wee bit of time looking at the real problem. The continued use of commercial fishing practices still means that every time a commercial fisher puts his net down up to 2/3 is wasted. The damaged fish gets sold on the local trade market at export prices. Currently the NZ public pay export prices through supermarkets who sell the minimum amount of ‘fresh’ fish and dump 4-6 skips of perfectly edible fish every day – just to keep prices up. For the inshore fishery to come right all the public of NZ need is for commercial methods and practices to change which will ensure the stoppage of fish waste. When you take a close look at the economic value of the commercial fishing for the year 2016-2017 this has dropped significantly by $40 million so far, the fin fish industry will add Aquaculture to its exports to make this look better to the public and politicians. When you look at the dividends paid on some fishing indus-

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper try share values it’s about 2%. Not a good way to attract investors to your door. So is it really worth commercial fighting for the small amount of value they get or put into the economy. Another point many have missed is that this whole charade could well be to ascertain a more accurate value of the recreational fishery. The point is that currently it is all guessimation and now that the fishing companies have had the daylights scared out of them in order for them to put together an exit strategy so they can either sell their quota in the inshore fishery or get compensation they need to maximize the inshore fishery value. In order to do this the require rec monitoring and a licencing system. As it stands its worth about $240 million but with no accurate value no buyer is likely to come forward and pay that amount for something that has no guarantee. The public must take preference over commercial take and any politician stupid enough to miss this point will not last long through the ballot box. You have to ponder how Dr Bess can get his fishery project so wrong. The answer is simple and should have been blindly obvious to even a simpleton. Dr Bess had preconceived ideas of how to fix the fishery, and then went about trying to sell those ideas to the recreational fishers.

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One of the only people who supported his ideas was recreational turncoat Graham Sinclair who himself has lost recreational support of the recreational fishers. What Dr Bess failed to recognise is that Legasea filled halls full of recreational fishers and politicians got thousands of nasty letters and e-mails that forced a back down from Nathan Guy who tried to put the Snapper day catch limit down to three in Snapper 1. Any politician who hurts the recreational fisher to this extent by implementing any part of Dr Bess’s ridiculous one sided document that singles out and blames all recreational fishers and any potential recreational fishers who haven’t even been born yet for the demise of the inshore fishery will be out of parliament in quick order. Considering Dr Bess worked for MPI and the former Minister of Primary

Industries for 13 years tells us his loyalty is still with the primary industry of fishery export rather than the local fishers of NZ. Dr Bess also holds a master’s in public management. So now we are clear Dr Bess has been paid very well to blame the recreational fishers for the demise of the fish stocks in the inshore fishery and his document The Future Catch is his way to (manage the public) con the recreational fishers into paying the price of the rebuild so the commercial fishers can export more recreational fish. Bess supported the Mexican system that saw commercial fishers fish all year and recreational fishers only three days a year. Dr Bess, please go back to Canada because you clearly don’t know what is important to Kiwis.

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Research finds herbicides cause antibiotic resistance Herbicides are chemicals used to control weeds. Because they kill organisms, they are biocides. As their primary purpose is to kill plants, their effects on some non-target organisms are not as well studied. Antibiotics are also biocides. Antibiotic resistance allows bacteria that previously could be controlled by antibiotics to continue to cause disease and remain infectious for longer, even in the presence of antibiotics. Resistance to at least one major clinical antibiotic is now found in all human pathogens, and some important pathogens can be resistant to all but one antibiotic, or even all antibiotics. New University of Canterbury research confirms that the active ingredients of the commonly used herbicides, RoundUp, Kamba and 2,4-D (glyphosate, dicamba and 2,4D, respectively), each alone cause antibiotic resistance at concentrations well below label application rates. UC Molecular Biology and Genetics Professor Jack Heinemann, of the School of Biological Sciences,

in UC’s College of Science, says the key finding of the research was that “bacteria respond to exposure to the herbicides by changing how susceptible they are to antibiotics used in human and animal medicine.” The herbicides studied are three of the most widely used in the world, including New Zealand, Professor Heinemann says. “They are among the most common manufactured chemical products to which people, pets and livestock in both rural and urban environments are exposed. These products are sold in the local hardware store and may be used without training, and there are no controls that prevent children and pets from being exposed in home gardens or parks. Despite their ubiquitous use, this University of Canterbury research is the first in the world to demonstrate that herbicides may be undermining the use of a fundamental medicine-antibiotics.” The new paper led by University of Canterbury (UC) researchers also finds that inert ingredients (surfactants)

Operation to protect eel fishery The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) recently ran an operation inspecting whitebaiters and eel fishers along the west coast of the lower North Island. Ten MPI fishery officers were involved in dusk-till-dawn patrols from Waikanae to Tangimoana, with a strong focus on educating fishers on the regulations for glass eels. MPI fisheries compliance manager Mike Green says it was good to see the majority of fishers knew the rules and were already throwing glass eels back.

“New Zealand longfin eel sustainability is a growing concern so a significant part of this operation was to get out there and educate fishers to help ensure the long term sustainability of this fishery,” says Mr Green. “Our fishery officers talked to fishers about identification and differentiation of glass eels and whitebait species, and which catch methods and gear was legal to use. “Out of the 157 inspections the team issued 2 infringements, 2 warnings, one file will be passed onto the De-

that are commonly used in some herbicide formulations and processed foods also cause antibiotic resistance. The new study found an antibiotic resistance response was caused by both the tested surfactants, Tween80 and CMC. Both are also used as emulsifiers in foods like ice cream and in medicines, and both cause antibiotic resistance at concentrations allowed in food and food-grade products. “The United States, for example, estimates that more than two million people are sickened every year with antibiotic-resistant infections, with at least 23,000 dying as a result. By 2050, resistance is estimated to add 10 million annual deaths globally with a cumulative cost to the world economy of US$100 trillion. In other words, roughly twice the population of New Zealand will be lost annually to antibiotic resistance.” The paper, “Herbicide ingredients change Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium and Escherichia coli antibiotic responses”. partment of Conservation (DoC) and 2 lots of fishing gear were seized. “Whitebait compliance is normally the responsibility of DoC, so this type of patrol was unusual for our fishery officers, but it is important that we raise awareness of eels among whitebaiters”. The recreational regulations for glass eels are exactly the same for adult short and longfin eels. Six eel per gatherer per day and any eel caught in a net, must have net mesh that is larger than 12mm in size. Ensuring and promoting sustainable fisheries is a collective responsibility. We encourage people to report poaching or illegal activity by:

The old favourite Ledger Rig Most fishermen that I know regularly use the old faithful ledger rig for bottom fishing. This rig is tied with a sinker on the bottom and a couple of loops off the main line where the hooks are usually placed. It’s natural to place these hooks so they face outwards from the line. Hint: Try attaching the hooks so that

they face in towards the line. By doing this you will find that when a fish takes the bait, the point of the hook is down in line with the bottom jaw. This makes it easier to hook the fish. Few fish are caught with the hook in the upper jaw. The fancy flasher rigs are not always necessary. Try using a simple one hook rig using a 100mm loop off

the main line with a No 6/0 hook. Another thing you can try is to use a sinker that is just heavy enough to get your line to the bottom, and raise the sinker a little off the bottom. This makes it easier for the fish to run with the bait and will give you more hookups.

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Early Bird Bait & Tackle Report Early Bird Bait & Tackle Report What a change in the weather!! …..... Already, the farmers are crying out for more rain but us fisherman want less rain, more sunshine and bugger-all wind. Over the past two weeks it has been great, with plenty of happy fishermen braving the seas and easterly breezes to bring home a full bin of Snapper, Gurnard and Trevally. With most of the winds being Easterly, there has been plenty of shore fishing going on and surprisingly some good fish. Quite a few 10 – 15lb fish where pulled out of the bays around Manaia and Kereta and two young gentlemen just north of Colville where targeting Kingfish and managed to land eight fish all over 45lb with a few monsters getting away with their poppers still attached to their mouths. The islands around Papa Aroha are not fishing that well at the moment but there are big ones to get if you have patience and berley. I cannot believe the amount of people who don’t use berley regularly. If you want to improve your catch, you will have a much better chance by dropping a berley bomb down to the depths or just dangling one from the side of the boat. The trail will travel hundreds of metres and anything in that area will home in like a guided missile on the source of the smell. Of course you don’t only attract what you want to catch so make sure your gear is heavy enough for that unknown factor. While we are talking about the unknown, one very well-known factor is that at this time of year we do get passing thunderstorms. When you are out on the water and a storm is passing, “DO NOT FISH”. Lighting, if there is any will find the shortest route to the ground and when the sea is level and someone sticks their nice new rod up in the air you are asking for trouble. Normally the storms don’t last that long so have a break and live to tell the tale. Reports from the Mussel Farms are rather sketchy to say the least but while some boats are slaying it, others are only getting a few fish.

This is normal for this time of year and moving around does pay dividends. Good snapper are not only on the Farms but nearer the shore as one boat load of Guys and Gals found out at Tapu. They went out to the Farms, moved around a bit but with not much success. After a few hours they decided to drop their lines just 400m from the shore near Tapu and “Bingo” everything was on. With everyone getting their limit they stopped off and got their ice from me and told me what had happened. Overall, the fishing is not that bad with plenty of good sized Snapper being caught everywhere. Gurnard, Trevally and Kingfish are also on the menu along with very big Kahawai. Soft baits, slow jigs and divers are all working to catch the fish but Pillies and Squid in my eyes are still tops. Down in the shallows opposite Thames in just two to three metres of water is also paying off but the breezes do make it difficult and unsafe at times. Many of my locals only spend an hour or two out there and return with their quota. There are good fish in the shallows but most at the moment seem to be in the 37cm to 45cm range. There are a few big stingrays about which will give you a bit of fun and of course lots of small sharks but despite these it’s all on and its fun. For all you people who only come up the coast once or twice a year, let me point out that there are only two retailers who specialise in similar products as bait and berley and who are dedicated to the fisherman, these are myself (Early Bird Bait & Tackle in Totara) and (Salty Towers in Coromandel). With Salt Ice available throughout the year you can’t go wrong by stopping in and having a browse. Salty Towers also do a fil-

leting service that is second to none. We both open early in the morning so you guys don’t have to lose out on anything that you need or have forgot to pack. We are dedicated to supplying the best so you can have a memorable occasion out on the water. I have attached a photo to my report of Pamela, who caught two nice Snapper of 6.5lb from the Mussel Farms. This is just a good example of the fine fish getting caught at the moment, so get out there and go for it. With Christmas just around the corner please call in to Early Bird and brouse around the huge Tackle and Gifts range. If there is anything special you need and I don’t have it, let me know. I’m here to help you and make sure you have a wonderful Christmas. For the adventurous, I have a good range of Air Rifles, Spear Guns and Knives so really, there is something for everyone. By the time the next report is out, Santa will have been and hopefully you will have got what you really want. With all that in mind, stay safe, drive carefully and “Tight Lines”. (Oh … I nearly forgot MERRY CHRISTMAS .. Ho Ho Ho).

The perfect time of the day By David Smith

It happens twice a day, That time when the big and little hand on our clocks get together at six To make six thirty the call. The only times that the pendulum of time and life, Is for that briefest of moments in perfect balance, Before the two hands on the clock part company. Oh, but we could glue them together or freeze the moment in time. The question must be asked though, Does the pendulum we keep in our head, That we use to bring some balance to our lives, And to give us a proper sense of perspective, Mirror the actions of the pendulum on the clock. Or do we have the ability to keep it always on six, So that the need to build an actual perfect pendulum, Becomes a purely academic question. Should we make regular checks on the pendulum in our head, For signs of mental fatigue, And who should we sue if the cracks appear, Because of undue pressure, From too much clock watching.

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Heavy Metals found in popular Pet Foods There are plenty of regulations intended to keep human food safe, but there are new concerns about the levels of heavy metals in pet foods. Have you ever wondered why your gun dog has come down with a mysterious illness or died for no apparent reason. In many cases, the pet owners don’t know what in the foods made their pets sick. We’re talking about high levels of lead, copper, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. Instead of nutrition some petfood companies have focused solely on profits and marketing and severely neglected food hygiene and safety. Contaminates have been found in products from nearly every brand tested, although levels varied dramatically from product to product within each brand. In the USA a project called ‘The Clean Label Project’ worked with Ellipse Analytics to test 900 of the bestselling pet foods and treats for over 130 contaminates and toxins. Foods are branded, organic, they’re this, they’re that, but the reality is that most of the foods just have to comply with basic food safety standards and they haven’t been researched or properly tested. Animals can be more tolerant than humans to many contaminants, however it’s important to know what is in your pet food. Contaminants vary because there are different ingredients Some branded pet food claim that it’s biologically appropriate on the label and it’s website claims they use human grade ingredients. However, the lab says it found lead in at

least one dog food product, at levels three times the Food Safety guidance for lead in certain human foods. So, exactly how much is too much lead, arsenic, mercury or cadmium for pets? Food Safety standards have no set limits. In the absence of any regulation for pet food, the testing laboratory had to rely on something that could really help consumers understand the levels they were seeing. The Clean Label Project used the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act as a benchmark and is now calling for more disclosure and limits on these contaminants, something many pet parents would like to see. Pet food companies said they were surprised by the heavy metals standards which Clean Label decided were appropriate to measure dog and cat foods against. Cumulative exposure to cadmium has been associated with elevations in blood pressure and renal dysfunction in human beings and rodents. Cadmium appears to be the largest single contributor to autoimmune thyroid disease. It is a very powerful and toxic metal which seems to be placed at the very center of the thyroid story. Not only does cadmium appear to play a very pivotal role in thyroid disease, it is a very unique mineral. It is extremely toxic and has toxic biological effects at concentrations smaller than almost any commonly found mineral. Despite this great toxicity, there is some evidence that cadmium is an essential nutrient with biological function. One of the greatest effects of cadmium is that it depletes sele-

nium in the body because selenium is essential for cadmium removal. As a precautionary measure to reduce consumption of potentially toxic substances (such as cadmium as well as lead, cobalt, chromium, arsenic, mercury, selenium, copper, fluoride and uranium) which gradually accumulate in various body parts, the internal organs, especially livers and kidneys, bones and fats (which can also accumulate lipophilic pesticides and dioxins) of mature animals should not be recycled into the human, companion animal and farmed animal (including farmed fish) food chain. Some of the offal from the very large number of culled cows over two years not able to be consumed by humans goes into petfood in substantial quantities. Does the heat need to be turned up the Councils and Fertiliser Co-Ops to at least have cadmium levels in pet food tested? The connecting theme of this entire article as you more than most will appreciate is the horrifying nature and pervasive nature of the microecological effects of herbicides, poisons and fertilisers are having on whanau, whenua and wai-ora. It is an even more deadly Silent Spring because the much longer freshwater food chains only have silent slithery eels, and customary Maori fishers as senitals, not bald eagles! Mind you with the large amount of smoked breeding stock that are exported to Europe. We wonder what the cadmium levels are in the fat in their flesh.

Why we need cheaper local trade

Two Gisborne men have been fined more than $10,000 between them for a range of crayfish offences. Thirty-nine-year-old Aaron Andrew McKay was fined $6,000 after he pleaded guilty in the Gisborne last week, to 2 offences, one for selling 35 crayfish and the other for being in possession for crayfish for sale. And 66-year-old Sunia Ha’unga,

was fined $4,500 after admitting 2 charges – one being in possession of excess crayfish and the other, intending to gain some benefit from possessing the crayfish. Both vehicles used in the offending and gear were forfeited to the Crown. In addition to his fine, Mr McKay was also ordered to pay $3,000 for the release of his car.


“In Mr Ha’unga’s case, he had packaged up 130 crayfish, which is more than 21 times the legal daily catch limit, among 5 boxes of oranges that were destined for family members in Auckland in September last year. “There is no excuse for this sort of offending. The law is clear. The MPI lowered the commercial take size from 54cm to 52 cm a coule of years ago because the cray fishers had overfished stocks to a state where they were unable to meet quota demands. These sorts of stupid policy changes is what creates demand and leads to this type of offending. “The impact of black market poaching restricts the rights of both recreational and customary fishers to access the crayfish stock. It also limits the potential growth in the size of the New Zealand rock lobster industry. “Crayfish is a very sought after commodity and the fishery is already under a lot of pressure. It’s obviously very disappointing to note this sort of offending. “In Mr McKay’s case, if he offends again under the act, he will be banned from fishing for 3 years”.

Two well-dressed ladies happened to start up a conversation during an endless wait in the Auckland Airport Terminal. The first lady was an arrogant Aucklander married to a wealthy business man. The second was a well-mannered elderly woman from the Waikato. After a little while the Auckland woman started by saying, “When my first child was born, my husband built a beautiful mansion for me.” The lady from the Waikato commented, “Well, isn’t that fantastic?” The first woman continued, “When my second child was born, my husband bought me a beautiful Mercedes-Benz.” Again, the lady from the Waikato commented, “Well, isn’t that fantastic?” The first woman went on, “Then, when my third child was born, my husband bought me this exquisite diamond bracelet.” Yet again, the Waikato lady commented, “Well, isn’t that fantastic?” The first woman then asked, “What did your husband buy for you when you had your first child?” “My husband sent me to charm school,” declared the Waikato lady. “Charm school?” the first woman cried, “Oh, my Lord! What could they teach you??” The Waikato lady responded, “Well as an example ... instead of saying, “Who gives a f**k?” I learned to say, “Well, isn’t that fantastic?”

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Ban commercial water bottling In 2016, dedicated community members in the small town of Cascade Locks in the USA championed a successful ballot measure to ban commercial water bottling in their county. They responded to the threat of losing their cherished local spring to the water bottling giant with a hard and dedicated fight. Despite the clear message sent by this community and Nestlé’s claim to respect the democratic process, the company continued to look for loopholes and to push forward with plans to open the plant.

Recently, Oregon’s Governor, Kate Brown, stepped up to defend the voices and the votes of this community. In a letter, the governor directed the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to stop an exchange of water rights that would have been crucial for the plant to move forward. After a nine year battle, the people of Oregon have won! They never doubted that a victory like this was possible. Time and again, when communities stand together in the face of corporate interests, they win.

It’s not always easy, but it’s always possible, and we wanted to share the good news and thank you for your support -- it makes victories like this happen. 1. “Oregon scraps water rights deal for Nestle’s Cascade Locks bottling plant”. Oregon Live. October 30, 2017. 2. “Plans for Nestle water bottling plant in Cascade Locks moves forward despite ban”. Fox 12 Oregon. October 18, 2017.

New Zealand’s snapper to be known by another name because the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the body that regulates fish names, says we can no longer export the species under the snapper name. The reason is simple: our snapper is not technically a snapper. In the world of complicated fish names, the only consistent international rule is the agreed scientific name. In New Zealand snapper is the legal common name for the species Pagrus auratus.

However, according to the FDA, Pa- based on Old World experience. grus auratus cannot be called snap- They did the same with tree speper, that is reserved for species orig- cies, but most have fallen by the inating from the Lutjanidae family. wayside and the established And New Zealand’s prized catch Maori names are now preferred. actually belongs to the Spari- Snapper, our iconic inshore spedae clan, also known as porgy cies, will now be known as - hardly a marketer’s dream. sea bream in the US market. Snapper is not the only It still needs to be approved, but fish with dual identities. sea bream, and variations of it Our blue cod is really a sea perch. are used for many of the 154 speFish names can be a high- cies included in the Sparidae famly confusing business. ily, making it more likely to be acSome of the problem stems cepted by the American regulators. from early European settlers who incorrectly named fish

When a snapper is not a snapper

Set-nets cause for penguin decline A researcher is pointing to set-nets as a cause for the continued decline in the endangered Hoiho (Yellow eyed penguin) population. The Hoiho have a colony on Codfish Island, in Foveaux Strait. Researchers recently returned from the island and said the once thriving pop-

ulation had dwindled significantly. One researcher said that as penguins foraged in the same area and depth as set-nets, it was possible they were the cause of the decline.

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DoC’s Name Calling Reflects Failed Policies Labour and NZ First voters betrayed by John McNab

The action of the Department of Conservation in labelling those of the public opposed to 1080 as “ecoterrorists” reflects the weakness of justification for government’s widespread use of the poison says the Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of New Zealand (NZ). Conservationist and CORANZ co-chairman Bill Benfield said the department had increasingly been “name-calling” anyone opposed to 1080. “A shrewd person might analyze that it shows even the bureaucrats in their heart of hearts know the falseness of the spin and propaganda being put out to back their seriously flawed policies.” Bill Benfield said the recent furore over sika deer which DOC claimed had been illegally released into North Taranaki forests and the department’s attempt to then link it as “part of a protest against 1080” was a wild attempt to discredit the public. Lou Sanson, DoC’s director-general, reportedly slammed the release of sika as “sabotaging community projects that are working towards Predator Free 2050” and described it as “the action of selfish and short-sighted individuals working against the aspirations of many

thousands of people in local communities, including Taranaki, to keep our forests intact and return them to their rightful inhabitants.” “The sika deer could spread tuberculosis, threatening nearby farms”, Mr Sanson was quoted as saying. As well as the deer-release, DoC claimed department vehicles had been sabotaged. Forest and Bird CEO Kevin Hague said he was appalled by the reported behaviour of deliberate vehicle tampering. Mr Hague also said 1080 was not his preferred method of pest control but agreed it was effective. However CORANZ’s Bill Benfield said DOC seemed so frantic to defend its long time and increasingly widespread use of 1080 that it had become irrational. “It’s wild and often frenzied statements defy credibility so that reports of attacks on cars have to be scrutinized closely as to authenticity.” He said reports from the Coromandel over DOC staff wearing body armour and allegations of staff assaults on peaceful protestors suggested an “inner departmental paranoia and persecution complex.” Bill Benfield is the author of two topselling books on the culture of terming wild animal pests and its associ-

ated use of eco-systematic poisons such as brodifacoum and 1080. “I recommended all DOC staff and Forest and Bird members read the two books,” he smiled. DoC’s director-general’s outburst over sika deer in Taranaki seemed to be “far fetched fear-mongering.” On bovine Tb he said deer rarely carried the disease. “Nor do possums as shown by figures released last year in Parliament where of 9830 possums autopsied, not one had Tb. Besides New Zealand has been Tb-free for the last 10 years under international standards.” He said authentic reports from a former DOC employee indicated sika deer were in the upper Wanganui River area in the 1970’s, which was a short distance as a wild deer might walk west to north Taranaki. Other reports from hunters indicated sika deer were present in north Taranaki’s Awakino area in the 1980’s. “Frankly it looks like a beat-up and the public should not be misled. It is taxpayer’s money oiling the spin.” Footnote: Bill Benfield’s books “The Third Wave” and “At War with Nature” are published by Tross Publishing and available in Paper Plus bookshops.

Another sewage fill dump District Council, and the Ministry of Health’s public health protection unit who had instructed HDC to carry out an investigation. Horowhenua District Council Water and Waste Services manager Paul Gaydon confirmed two truckloads of sewage-contaminated fill from Bartholomew Road in Levin had been dumped at the site by the contractor, along with some road work waste from Fairfield Road.

Contractors have dumped an unknown quantity of sewage-contaminated fill without permission, just metres from the Ohau River. You would have to wonder about the mentality of these guys given the nation-wide publicity on the pollution of our waterways. Do people really not care? The fill was spotted by a member of the public who saw that a

large amount of fill that had been recently dumped upstream of the town’s water treatment plant, which had old sewage pipes sticking out of it, and was accompanied by an overwhelming smell. The man said he had previously seen a large contracting firm taking a truck carrying bluey coloured urban waste up to the site. He had contacted Horowhenua

He said they were never given permission to dump the material there. “It was a mistake,” he said. Gaydon said the contractor had been asked to remove the material on Friday, however they removed some, but covered other material over. HDC Group Manager Infrastructure Services Gallo Saidy also said the contractor did not have permission to dump the material there, but thought it was an error on the part of the truck driver. The site was an area where the dumping of other clean fill had been permitted before. He said on Tuesday that most of the material had now been removed, although the witness said it hadn’t and the only tyre marks visible at the site could not have belonged to the type of vehicle needed to carry that out. It had been covered up, the person said. The Horowhenua Chronicle visited the site on Monday evening, and much of the material still seemed to be present but covered over. Gaydon confirmed on Tuesday morning that some of the fill had been removed by the contracting firm, but that some remained and had been topped with clay. He said he didn’t know if or when HDC had first been in communication with the Ministry of Health over the issue, but the authorities had been in email correspondence. For the material to be contaminating the river, it would have to be flowing through the ground, and the council hadn’t seen evidence of that. Saidy said HDC had investigated the situation, and said the town’s water supply was not in danger. “In terms of contamination of the water supply, it has no direct link at all,” he said. He said it was important not to alarm the public unnecessarily. Because the water take was about five metres below the river gravels, it wouldn’t be affected. The contracting firm was unavailable at time of print.

….as the Green Party commit political suicide This has to be the most terrible start for a new government to take office. Labour and NZ First have betrayed their supporters by allowing Eugenie Sage to take on the position as Minister of Conservation. Many voters supported some good ideas from the Green Party but they are driving a wedge between many strong conservationists who hunt and fish themselves. It is such a shame to see an intelligent, thoughtful strategy from strong environmental and conservation groups be discarded like this. Top of Form Sage is way out of touch with her supporters and worse than Maggie Barry ever was. This is a particularly strong issue within rural Maori, especially amongst hunters who see the damage 1080 does to native birds and of course can’t hunt deer and pigs. Tuhoe are particularly against it and had this huge battle with DOC around their tribal boundary and basically told DoC to bugger off in no uncertain terms. The Green Party lost an astronomical amount of votes during the last elections and almost disappeared, and maybe it is because they have some radical MP’s like Sage with their own agendas. It would appear that the only way some got into their portfolios was to blackmail the coalition partners that they would go with National if they weren’t given

this role. Well it’s not likely to last. Anyone that forces themselves on another gets found out and this is what’s likely to happen here. Many hunters and fishers voted for change and supported Winston to be betrayed by the very parties they supported as Labour and NZ First have allowed this woman to vent her personal agenda on our land. Winston voiced a need to ban 1080 but was this just a lie to get votes as now those supporters are disillusioned with this betrayal of confidence which could well see NZ First and the Greens seriously lose out in the next elections, as they can’t see Winston following through on his promise. In March 2017 Peters stated: “Clearly 1080 isn’t working.... clearly it’s causing serious harm... and clearly something has to be done...” And on gaining office NZ First will immediately do the following: Before any further aerial application of 1080 is permitted, resource and initiate comprehensive and accurate surveys to ascertain both native and pest populations in areas currently regarded as “inaccessible”, in order to justify, or exclude, any possible recommencement or continuation of the aerial application of 1080, or its alternatives, in these areas. God help this country with people like Sage making decisions and

the parties we support lying to us on the future of our environment. Then we have the new Labour ministers Grant Robertson and David Parker who are now believed to be share-holding ministers in Orillion, the state-owned poison business that, amongst other things formulates 1080. How could this be? So many people turned out to support these two parties believing that they would finally dump National’s idiotic policies surrounding the extinct of many native bird species to be betrayed by this woman. The Green Party stated that they want nature to thrive and that is why they’re committed to doubling the number of DoC’s frontline rangers and doubling the funding for pest control. What this really means is that another new 720 DoC staff will enable DoC to spend at least another $47 million by 2021 on controlling possums, rats, stoats and other pests to help protect threatened species and our natural landscapes. They don’t say what the ‘other pests’ are but many voters believe that it is an orchestrated attack on wild deer and wild pigs which have now been classified as Game Animals. Have the NZ First and Labour voters been completely sucked in, as the Green Parties conservation policy is archaic, and out of touch with reality.

Labour ditch irrigation funding

The new Labour-led Government gave their recent Speech from the Throne, which focused heavily on the significant challenges New Zealand faces around water quality and climate change. Read by Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy, confirmed that taxpayer money will no longer be used to support irrigation - a key driver of the expansion of industrial dairy farming.

Ditching any new taxpayer irrigation funding and supporting a shift towards more sustainable

farming is a great first step by this Government to clean up NZ’s rivers. Big irrigation schemes drive more intensive dairy conversions, and more cow’s mean more polluted rivers, so it’s great to see these schemes will no longer have the Government’s stamp of approval. The new Government also indicated they will give more support to Regional Councils to better monitor and control nutrients and sediments in waterways. Stopping irrigation will only slow the expansion of intensive dairy. If we want clean rivers, we urgently need fewer cows, and it looks like the Government also has a strategy to achieve this. The agricultural sector is going to have to go through a significant transformation towards regenerative farming methods that look after our land, climate, and rivers. Farming leadership have so far held up progress on the necessary transition to cleaner farming, which has created dirty rivers and huge public upset. Now the writing is on the wall all they need to do is actually step up and do their job to lead farmers through this transition.



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Empty promises from Fonterra Nelson council is a cancer

Fonterra plan to clean up New Zealand’s waterways is little more than a joke as Fonterra has failed to address the real problem which is very simple - farms are overstocked with too many cows and that causes nitrate to leach down through the soil and into our waterways. Fonterra has now realised it must act quickly to meet public demand for better water quality instead of relying on spending millions on slick PR campaigns promoting the dairy industry. The Parliamentary Commissioner

for the Environment and several other scientific institutions has repeatedly drawn a clear link between intensive dairying and water pollution. Nitrate pollution from too many cows cannot be fixed with fences and planting. The only way to have clean rivers and safe drinking water is to have fewer cows. Farming needs to clean up its act. Fonterra was part of the “swimmable rivers” pledge made by farming leadership just before the September election which was widely criticised for its failure to address cow numbers. Until Fonterra and Federated Farmers commit to reducing the national dairy herd numbers, our rivers will continue to suffer. Fonterra is not going to win back public opinion easily, or help farmers by issuing empty promises and spending megabucks on flashy ad campaigns trying to convince us all that everything is fine with the dirty intensive dairying model. Since Fonterra started we have seen cow numbers soar, irrigation explode and water quality plummet as more than six million cows have inhabited regions like Canterbury where dairying was once uncommon, there are now one and a quarter of a million cows. The environmental impact of that

volume of untreated dairy effluent being dumped on land is the equivalent of the raw sewage produced by tens of millions of people. By Fonterra’s own admission, sediment, nutrient and E. Coli levels in our waterways is increasing or indeterminate in up to nearly 80 percent of the small number of rivers it refers to in its report. Make no mistake, the present dire situation has been caused by Fonterra’s single-minded focus on increased production at all costs, aided and abetted by weak and toothless regional councils. It is ironic a multi-national corporate which relies on New Zealand’s clean green image for its marketing has severely damaged that clean green reality. There announcement shows the power of public opinion yet falls short of tackling the increased fertiliser applications which are killing rivers with the introduction of heavy metals including reducing the volume of nutrients being dumped on our soils. New Zealanders are fed up with the plunge in water quality – that’s why it became one of this election’s defining issues. Public anger is now at a level where Fonterra’s social licence to operate is under serious threat and they’re being forced to respond. Every kiwi is watching how Fonterra will fulfil its environmental promises. New Zealanders, and our rivers, deserve more than empty headlines from Fonterra.

Nelson Council says they have recently given consent for a pest company to spray Rotenone into the Waimea Inlet in the Waimea Estuary next to Rabbit Island next year to kill ‘pest fish’! So just how bad is this council, as Rotenone kills everything else as well..... what an idiotic thing to do! With 1080 and brodifacoum coming at you from the hills and the Brooke area, with dead animals washing up this is really going to be a great look for the tourists. You have to ask if there anyone on council with an active brain cell? Rotenone is used to poison fish including trout in small lakes, and it works in the top metre or so of

water however grey duck, mallards, teal and swan etc are affected. It was used in Zealandia at Karori where large numbers of waterfowl died - the horror of dead birds in the media was pulled. Rotenone is an odorless, colourless, crystalline isoflavone used as a broadspectrum insecticide, piscicide, and

Green Party to ensure native bird extinction Eugenie Sage said “Doubling pest control will increase the area where 1080 is used so that our native birds don’t go extinct. Current application rates use very small amounts of 1080 per tonne of bait.” Under the guise of protecting our native birds the Green Party will almost certainly ensure their extinction. For her to believe aerial dropping 1080 will control pest animal’s shows how brainlessly stupid this idea is. And for Eugenie Sage to side with those twisted and warped ideas shows how naive she is, showing her real colours to her supporters. Thanks to 1080 much more extinction is a guarantee and a hell of a lot faster than predators could do it. The science has been orchestrated to support the political policies of those parties that support it and has nothing to do with conservation or the environment. For example look back thirty years to how the then government and its paid scientists supported DDT and the ensuing result. Will we ever learn? DoC has manipulated, lied and twisted surveys to suit their agenda, in conjunction with Forest and Bird and other radical groups. When you have the majority of voters supporting the ban of 1080 and the politicians ignore that their turn in Parliament is limited. National has learnt the hard way and the Greens and Labour will follow. This is quite a radical departure from the Greens previous pest control poli-

cy, which was available on the old website. What happened to ‘last resort’ and research into alternative methods? No mention in the new policy statement. Green has become a dark shade of brown! 1080 hasn’t worked for the 60 years it’s been used and its taking money away from other more humane ways of targeting individual pests. DoC needs to be removed as they have proven how highly incompetent they are, their meddling has decimated animal species all over the country, the only place you can get a morning chorus now is on private land. Eugenie Sage MP: stated: “I know hunters don’t like 1080 because of risk to deer but without 1080 our native forests & birds are being destroyed by pests like possums and stoats.” “We want to stop 3000 native species going extinct.” The statement just shows how shallow and deluded she is when there is more than sufficient proof to show that 1080 isn’t working. Do the Greens ever stop to wonder why they have never been successful in government. The only reason the Green Party is in government now is only because the Labour and NZ First need them to form a co-alition. This madness will surely end this relationship and the Greens Party will be gone - hopefully forever. More people are saying if you drop 1080 then they will drop you, than a positive response. Are the greens getting the picture?

The Greens should go back to their benefit fraud and leave conservation to someone else that actually cares for the outdoors. There are many alternative methods which are being ignored by DoC yet their own workers use them like the GoodNature resetting traps which need to be rolled out nationwide. If the government started a campaign to get New Zealanders involved in pest control, you could guarantee you’ll have thousands around the country keen to help put these in place. Cruelty is cruelty and to call any animal a “pest” is very anthropocentric. However to Sage’s defence we have heard that the new government has made an announcement about trialling alternatives to 1080 poison. More support will be given for National Science Challenges, including piloting alternatives to 1080……..” That’s an acknowledgement at the highest level that the voice of the people is finally being heard. All those letters, petitions, protests, and submissions over many years WILL bear fruit! Patience perseverance and persistence will produce progress!! The new Minister of Conservation stated she was not keen on GMO type gene-editing practices and it was currently not permitted under New Zealand law. So if it is not 1080 then what will it be? Hopefully it is not brodifacoum.

Win for Shooting Club

revoked the C of C on the grounds of perceived lead contamination discharges to land and water. If the Council stance had been upheld it could have heralded the end of shooting ranges in New Zealand.

A win for the Auckland Shooting Club and all NZ Shooting Ranges With financial assistance from PNZ and COLFO. They are pleased to report that

the Auckland Shooting Club has won its legal Battle with Auckland City Council to have its certificate of Compliance reinstated. The Auckland Council had

Dead Penguins

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica? Where do they go? Wonder no more!!! Significant research by well-known scientists say that it is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life. If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried. The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing: “Freeze a jolly good fellow.” “Freeze a jolly good fellow.”

pesticide. It occurs naturally in the seeds and stems of several plants, such as the jicama vine plant, and the roots of several members of Fabaceae. Rotenone interrupts aerobic cellular respiration by blocking electron transport in mitochondria through the inhibition of the enzyme NADH ubiquitone reductase, which prevents the availability of oxygen for cellular respiration. Rotenone is the piscicide most often used to kill fish. Rotenone is a naturally occurring compound derived from the roots of certain tropical and subtropical legume plants.

Rotenone is classified by the World Health Organization as moderately hazardous. It is mildly toxic to humans and other mammals, but extremely toxic to insects and aquatic life, including fish. ... Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/ stelprdb5325948.pdf In 2011, a US National Institutes of Health study showed a link between rotenone use and Parkinson’s disease in farm workers who used it as an insecticide.

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Fisheries minister congratulated THE FUTURE OF FARMING for destroying Chinese boats The Indonesian Fisheries minister must be congratulated for her stance on sinking vessels found fishing illegally in Indonesian waters. A leading Chinese trade publication has been labeled Susi Pudjiastuti a “mad woman” for her policy as she has overseen the sinking of 170 vessels since 2014, according to “Dong Pin Dong Lue” (Chilled Foods Strategy), a publication covering China’s food and seafood sectors.

When you lay this policy alongside the gutless National Parties fishing policy of laying out the red carpet for Chinese vessels it shows how unworthy our previous government was. The newspaper blasts Indonesia’s Fisheries Ministry for the policy’s impact on Chinese industry and questions whether the destructions are legal, given the disputed nature of the waters of the South China Sea – most of which is claimed by China.

Taking a tough stance against the poaching thieving Chinese vessels has shown that her strategy may be working. Industry figures inside and outside of China have suggested that a large increase in Indonesian exports to China in 2017 is due to more rigorous tracing of catches and booking by Chinese vessels at Indonesian ports.

MSC criticized for tuna FAD policies A group of UK politicians is calling for the Marine Stewardship Council to change its standards to eliminate its allowance of tuna-fishing boats to catch both certified and non-certified fish in the same trip. All are affiliated with the “On the Hook” advocacy group, which was created earlier this year to challenge the MSC’s recertification of the tuna fishery in waters controlled by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement. Currently, MSC’s standards allow vessels to utilize fish aggregating devices (FADs) on the same fishing trips where they catch MSC-certified, FAD-free tuna. The practice is common in the

Parties to the Nauru Agreement’s MSC-certified fishery, which is currently under review. The MSC recently announced it will be reviewing its standards, but the process will not be completed until August 2018 at the earliest – long after a decision is expected on the PNA fishery’s recertification. The UK MPs have been keeping a very close eye on the situation with the re-certification of the PNA while NZ politicians appear to be ignoring what is happening on our own doorstep. Although presented with several opportunities to do so, the MSC have failed to allay the fears that their standards are good enough.

It is unacceptable that a vessel and crew can use the same fishing nets one day to catch tuna sustainably – receiving the MSC certification – and then on the same day, be hauling tuna along with turtles, sharks, juvenile tuna and other protected species unsustainably. People expect a product with an MSC logo to have been sustainably sourced from a wholly sustainable fishery. If that is not what the logo means anymore, we simply cannot trust the organization. The Marine Stewardship Council is the only show in town in terms of accreditation of sustainable fisheries. Seafood Source

USA could sanction NZ Seafood labels Mexico plans to appeal a World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling that denied its challenge to the United States’ “dolphin-safe” labeling rules. Mexico contends that U.S. “dolphinsafe” labeling on tuna products unfairly penalizes the country’s fishing industry, while the U.S. has objected to Mexican fleets’ method of catching tuna that involves chasing and capturing dolphins in nets. “Mexico does not agree with the legal reasoning of the WTO ruling,”

said Mexico’s Secretariat of Economy after the decision, per a Reuters report. Mexico was seeking sanctions against the U.S. for the tuna labeling rules since other regions did not face the same stringent rules. In addition, Mexico said it has cut dolphin deaths to minimal levels. However, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer praised the WTO ruling. “I am pleased that WTO panels have finally agreed with the overwhelming evidence

that U.S. dolphin-safe labeling requirements are accurate and fair,” Lighthizer said in a statement. “The Trump Administration is committed to defending U.S. rights to enforce environmental measures that protect wildlife and facilitate fair trade,” he added. With New Zealand’s refusal to take adequate action to save the Maui dolphin it is likely that the US will also take action against importing NZ Seafood products.

Seafood company investors in the dark on product origins A new report published by the Fish Tracker Initiative states that many publicly-listed companies with revenues from seafood are failing to provide sufficient information for investors to assess material sustainability issues. “Empty nets – How overfishing risks leaving investors stranded” recognizes that there is growing global demand for seafood with limited supply, creating major opportunities for profitable investment in the sector. But it insists that these profits will only be realized if resources are managed with long-term sustainability considerations in mind and investors are given a much better understanding of the status of the fish stocks utilized by companies. The report can be read here: The report states that there are 228 companies listed on the world’s

stock markets with exposure to seafood production, with combined revenues of USD 70.6 billion (EUR 60.7 billion) and it estimates that this represents between 8 percent and 23 percent of the reported global production volume. However, it adds that only 16 percent of these companies provide sufficient information for investors to understand sourcing and the product mix. Despite the disclosure challenges, Fish Tracker said that it was able to link 19 of the companies with the most significant fishing exposure to many of their sources and found that 11 had links to fish stocks where overfishing was occurring. Furthermore, just 10 percent of companies currently provide assurances to investors and customers through a publicly disclosed sustainability policy.

“These findings highlight sustainability risk exposure in the seafood sector, alongside insufficient evidence of good management,” said the report. “Investors have a long-term interest in ensuring that the companies in which they invest are sustainably exploiting the fisheries on which they depend. To do so, investors should ask companies to adopt sustainability policies and practices that address the suite of environmental and social challenges faced by the sector.” Fish Tracker said that future reports would include extending its analysis to aquaculture; reviewing downstream activities, with more detail on processing; and broadening the financial analysis by considering the seafood sector’s use of debt.

The New Zealand Tax Office believed a boat owner wasn’t paying proper wages to his help. An agent from Wellington was sent to the fishing village of Coromandel to investigate the boat owner. Tax Agent: “I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them”. Boat Owner: “Well, there’s Clarence, my hired hand. He’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $200 a week plus free room and board. Then there’s the mentally challenged guy. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, and pays his own room and board. I buy him a bottle of rum and 3 dozen stubbies every Saturday night so he can cope with life. Also, he gets to sleep with my wife occasionally”. Tax Agent: “That’s the guy I want to talk to - the mentally challenged one”. Boat Owner: “That’ll be me. What’d you want to know?”

By Alfred Harris

Katie Milne, National President of Federated Farmers, says it is time to cast aside the division which fuelled the election campaign because townies and cockies all have the same hopes and aspirations for their families and communities. Katie says Federated Farmers is looking forward to getting around the table with the new government and talking about primary sector issues because the primary sector is the backbone of the New Zealand economy. Discussions about future primary production policy must include an evaluation of the performance and future role of MPI in all areas of primary production. Created in 2012, MPI was tasked with doubling the value of primary industry exports by 2025. To achieve this, primary industry needed an average value growth rate of 5.5% per annum. According to the National Business Review, there was a nominal 3.3% average increase in the value of exports between 2012 and 2016. This meant that achieving the 2025 goal required an average increase in export value of 9.5% per annum per year from 2016. MPI predicted that primary sector exports would grow only 3 percent for the June 2017 year. The incoming government and Federated Farmers need to ask why the previous Government’s goal of increasing the value of exports now appears unachievable. One possibility is that tax-payer funding for research was given to the wrong people. MPI flagship Primary Production Partnerships largely funded research by the current big processors of commodity products. These processors (e.g. of dairy and meat products) have huge amounts of capital invested in commodity production. The substantial costs involved in developing new added-value pro-

cessing technologies and penetrating new markets made little sense in booming commodity markets. When those markets crash (think milk powder) financial assistance to shareholders rightly takes priority and shareholders themselves become increasingly resistance to change. History suggests that innovative added-value products and reduced-cost technologies will come from new players without existing capital commitment to current technology or commodity products. That may well be the Maori owners of production and processing capability. In addition to poor targeting of tax-payer funded research, policy makers and primary sector representatives need to ask whether MPI, existing large primary producers or processors were ever fully committed to the Government added-value policy. Since the 1980’s all governments and Federated Farmers believed, incorrectly as it has turned out, in international free-trade in primary production. It is likely that the previous government believed free-trade would also give them the necessary legup needed to achieving the target of doubling the value of exports by 2025. Since Brexit and the election of Trump international freetrade in primary production seems about as likely as the All Whites winning the next soccer world cup. Without free-trade, how can farmers or fishermen achieve productivity increases averaging 5.5% per annum? Farmers and fishermen will simply shake their collective heads at such a suggestion. Unlike some economists and politicians, they know that no biologically-based system can achieve such productivity without either significant environmental damage or depletion of fish-stocks. However all may not yet be lost.

Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord on Climate Change has increased the resolve of European and other signatories to impose international carbon tariffs. It is likely that the economic value of future NZ primary production exports will, at least in the higher value markets, as much about reducing greenhouse gas emissions as food quality. The previous government, through MPI only invested in the Global Research Alliance on Greenhouse Gas Research objective to measure agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Government investment in the objective to create profitable production systems while reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions will benefit farmers, the NZ economy and the environment. NZ is also an almost entirely passive signatory to the French 4 per 1000 Initiative resulting from the Paris Accord. This initiative is designed to improve international food security and combat climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil. NZ agriculture could provide world leadership in this field. nz/FFPublic/Media-Releases/2017/10/Feds_ready_to_engage_and_work_with_new_ coalition_government.aspx about-mpi/our-strategy2030-growing-and-protectingnew-zealand/the-export-goal/ nz-goal-doubling-primary-sector-exports-64b-2025-remainsstretch-target-mpi-says-b-190432 funding-and-programmes/ environment-and-natural-resources/international-greenhouse-gas-research-era-gas/ https://www.newscientist. com/article/2126495-how-tosnatch-carbon-emissions-victory-from-us-climate-u-turn/

1080 developed in WW11 to poison Japs In his book ‘Prairie Dog Empire: A Saga of the Shortgrass Prairie’ Paul A. Johnsgard wrote: During World War II, sodium monofluoroacetate, or Compound 1080 was discovered. It was found to be extremely lethal to canines in almost microscopic quantities but required up to eight hours to cause death, during whixh the animal was in agonizing pain. Compound 1080 had been developed as a military weapon, with plans to induce mass

poisoning among the Japanese civilian population by introducing it into their water supplies. According to Edward Raventon (1994) government trappers in the Black Hills pursuing coyotes would shoot a wild range horse, pck it up and set the pieces out on the prairies after injecting them with 1080. s?id=v1DKQL0OBigC&pg=PA107 &lpg=PA107&dq=did%20America%20have%20plans%20to%20

poison%20with%201080%20Japanese%20water%20supplies%20 during%20WW2%3F&source=b l&ots=yYrHU0UBbW&sig=AldkU Eh_xNGtvIWNknqHNf82V0&hl=e n&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiitZzRg7 rXAhWJopQKHZInD2wQ6AEIJzA A#v=onepage&q=did%20America%20have%20plans%20to%20 poison%20with%201080%20Japanese%20water%20supplies%20 during%20WW2%3F&f=false

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Will Labour keep its fishing promises The proposed relocation of salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds may still go ahead despite a breakdown of the MPI. According to the Environmental Defence Society chief executive Gary Taylor who said he expected the proposal to move the salmon farms would be dropped altogether. “Labour, in its environmental policies, said it would repeal section 360A of the Resource Management Act, the section being used by King Salmon to override rules set by the local government,” Taylor said. However New Zealand King Salmon chief executive Grant Rosewarne said a new Labourled government should not affect the outcome of the proposal. “I expect it will go ahead,” he said. “We will have to see how the coalition agreement will go, at this point, but it would be inconsistent to go ahead with that if they com-

Coca Cola – not always the real thing Greenpeace has produced a spoof Coke ad showing the scale of ocean plastic contamination. As Coca Cola launch their new ‘Holidays are coming’ Christmas TV advertisement, some of the brand’s fans have been viewing a version that’s a little more realistic. In an attempt to take advantage of Coke’s huge PR push at this time of year, Greenpeace has produced their own Coke Christmas ad, launched on the same day, highlighting an unfortunate side effect of bottled fizzy drinks. The video shows a montage of happy family Christmases, with spookily familiar music and lots of subtle signs that all is not quite as it should be. Just out of shot, a redlit truck casts its rosy glow on the

celebrants as it passes by. The final scene shows the dump truck, laden with plastic waste, driving across a beach and into the surf, where the Santa-suited driver tips his load into the sea, and throws the Coke bottle he is drinking from after it. The film’s final message reads – A truckload of plastic enters the ocean every minute. Coca-Cola produce an estimated 110 billion plastic bottles a year. Many of these end up in landfill, on beaches and in the ocean. Don’t let Coke choke our oceans. “The world is waking up to the plastic crisis in our oceans. We produced more plastic in the last ten years than during the entire twentieth century, less than ten percent of it gets recycled, and it lasts for cen-

turies, for the sake of products we only used for seconds. Two million tonnes of plastic bottles are made each year, and many of them end up in our oceans, where they choke sea life and gradually break down into plastic dust that spreads throughout the food chain, from plankton to your plate,” says Elena Di Palma, Greenpeace NZ plastics campaigner. “Coca Cola is the world’s biggest soft drinks producer and the source of over a hundred billion disposable plastic bottles every year. They have the power to change how drinks are packaged, and how that packaging is managed. This Christmas, they’re asking Coke to show some goodwill to our oceans and shrink their enormous plastic footprint.”

mitted to repealing that section.” But it appears that this is just bully boy’s tactics to put pressure on the new Minister. The sites in question were of environmental significance and the local communities made it clear in their submissions they opposed the plan, Taylor said. Recreational fishers welcomed the news of a stand-alone fisheries minister and look forward to changes in accordance with the fishing policies of the three co-alition partners who promise to ban commercial fishing for export outside 12 nautical miles. Marlborough Recreational Fishers Association president Peter Watson said he was “optimistic” the ministry would make recreational fishing a top priority, or at least equal to commercial fishing. When you consider the value that Recreational fishing brings to the economy it would be political suicide

Understanding the Tide Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon. When the moon is closest to the earth (Perigee phase) it causes a strong gravitational pull, which tends to pull the sea water around the earth’s surface into wave patterns. The rotation of the earth moves this wave pattern around the surface. When waves reach the coastlines they create a rise in water levels, and when they retreat the water levels drop, which causes the tidal cycle. When the sun and moon are pulling in the same direction we get a higher tide and when they are pulling across each other a lower tide is caused. A new moon is when the sun and moon

are on the same side of the earth and a full moon is when the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth. Twice a month, at new moon and full moon stages, the tidal waves are built up. When the sun and moon are at right angles in the first and third quarters it is called a ‘spring tide’ and when we have a lower than normal tide it is called a ‘neap tide’. Spring tides create a higher than normal rise and fall depth of the tide and faster tidal flows. A Neap tide is a lower tidal wave and slower tidal flow. The periods of the tide are always the same but the range differs











when it is a spring or neap tide. Referenced from Auckland Tide Table High Low Hr.Mn Hr.Mn Cape Colville (Port Jackson) -00.30 -00.12 Coromandel Harbour -00.16 -00.06 Whitianga -00.13 -00.04 Tairua -00.14 -00.09 Thames -00.31 -00.24 Tauranga -00.11 -00.06 Whakatane -00.33 -00.16 East Cape -00.56 -00.47

There is a whakataukī (proverb) in Māori that says: Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourouka ora ai te iwi or ‘With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive’.

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for the Labour party to back down. The Ministry for Primary Industries announced a proposal to move six salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds from low flow to higher flow sites in January. Residents and environmental groups opposed the plan at hearings earlier this year, citing environmental concerns, but the arrogance of New Zealand King Salmon stated that their proposal would bring both environmental and economic benefits. Commercial fishing had been given “blatant” consideration over recreational fishing, he said. Watson hoped the “reborn” ministry would adopt a wider approach to fisheries management, meaning more numbers of fish. “If the habitat’s not right, which it isn’t, the food supply is diminished, then fish numbers suffer.”

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