Fishing and outdoors newspaper jan 2018

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January 2018


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Our Future Catch - an orchestrated litany of deception Despite some powerful interests at work behind Bess’s New Zealand Initiative Future Catch report, the backlash from recreational fishers was swift and came as no surprise. Bess’s attempted to dupe the Minister of Fisheries failed, but he will not give up. Nash made the correct decision albeit naïvely Now we see the reinvention of the two failed supposedly recreational fishing representative groups New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC) and FishFuture. They are nothing more than an extension of the commercial fishing industry who they have strong links to. These groups claim to represent recreational fishers but they have received funding from the commercial fishing industry and their captured MPI. The NZRFC and the commercial fishing industry see Bess’s report as an opportunity to improve fisheries management, by bringing recreational fishing into the failed quota management system. Keith Ingram chairman of the NZRFC is looking to reaffirm the Councils mandate over all recreational fishing and take up new opportunities offered by Bess’s report to solve the overfishing problem. Research by MPI and NIWA shows that overall participation in recreational fishing is stable despite recent population growth. Around 600,000 Kiwis and about 100,000 tourists fish at least once every year. Excluding aquaculture, recreational fishing conservatively represents – Less than 3% of the total take from New Zealand’s marine waters. Less than 20% of total take


Snapper boom predicted

Page 4 -

Sustainable mussel farming is not true

Page 7 -

Fish and Game Mag has become a patsy

Page 8 -

The Green Party must pay the price of betrayal

Page 14 - Fishing report dead in the water

from the inshore fisheries - inside the 12 mile limit which the public mostly fish. Recreational fishing has a significant impact in some shellfish fisheries and a few inshore finfish stocks such as snapper and kahawai on the northeast coast of the North Island and blue cod at the top of the South Island. Most other inshore fish stocks are dominated by commercial fishers. Existing controls have proven to be effective in managing recreational fishing. Generally, recreational take is less than the allowance set aside by the Minister. But, many fish stocks do not have an allowance set aside by the Minister because they have not been reviewed since at least 1986. Bess’s New Zealand Initiative report, “The Future Catch”, is nothing more than a conspiracy to defraud the public of its fish. Its launch to media came to a sudden halt in Auckland recently, when its author Randall Bess was confronted with strong rebuttals on why his biased, misguided and disingenuous recommendations that strip recreational fishers of their birth right, won’t work. Caught off guard by the onslaught Bess appeared to run for cover and disappeared out the door before finishing his lunch, ‘stating that he had a flight to catch’, leaving his CEO to wrap up the meeting. Hardly the actions of a man on a mission to improve the recreational fishing experience. Bess’s 76 page report under the deliberately misleading banner, “Preserving recreational fisheries for the next generation”, focuses on three main recommendations: 1.) The formation of a new ‘Peak Body’ to displace LegaSea and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council. On page 49 Bess states that the Fisheries Minister wanted “some distance between himself and certain people in the recreational sector.” Having a Peak Body would be important for “keeping the lunatics away”; 2.) Licencing coupled with user-pay charges for “the recreational right to fish”; 3.) Restricting recreational catches to a share of the total allowable catch. As the population grows the recreational proportion may be increased by compensating commercial fishers for an increased share of the total allowable catch i.e. establishment of a willing-buyer, willing-seller system. These recommendations are not new. Industry has been pushing for proportionality since 1991. Bess’s disingenuous report has industry written all over it. Bess admits that

“the policy recommendations in the consultation draft of The Future Catch largely reflect the views” of those who went with him to Perth to assess the Western Australian Recfishwest system. Five of this group of nine, were from industry and one was Dave Turner, the former Director of Fisheries Management, who was caught lying on TV3 last year about why the Operation Achilles commercial fish dumpers were not prosecuted. Bess, admits that recreation fishing is under treat, the cost recovery system has failed, and that the Ministry only has poor quality data on many of the inshore fish stocks. Not surprising given the industry controlled self-reporting system. Bess recognises but demonstrably fails to address the biggest threats – dumping and misreporting by the commercial fishing industry, substandard science, lack of leadership at MPI that’s failing to meet their responsibilities under the Fisheries Act, and industry capture of the Ministry for Primary Industries and political processes.

search with a seemingly predetermined outcome in mind. It seems Bess has travelled the world to find a fishery that will fit his predetermined model for NZ. His arguments, conveniently overlook that NZ has a distinctively different fishery; in size, in abundance, the range of species, and by the diversity of kiwi fishers. The Western Australian Recfishwest system that Bess is pushing has few commercial fishers and those that are there are small family sized businesses with small quotas. When you compare that to the large litigious fishing companies that dominate the NZ industry, it clearly shows that the Recfishwest model should not be generalised to NZ. Importantly, Western Australia do not have Maori nor the Treaty of Waitangi to consider. Most Maori fish as recreational fishers and to suggest an Australian model caters for the Maori world view is absurd and frankly offensive.

Bess’s disingenuous report dismally fails to address a range of issues, particularly: Bess is strangely focused on the 2.7% 1. Commercial trawling and of the total allowable catch that seining in close to camping and recreational and subsistence fish- holiday areas during the sumers (including most Maori) take for mer months which leaves areas a feed, rather than the 97.3% that decimated for weeks afterwards. commercial fisheries self-report. 2. The massive levels of wastage Targeting recreational fishers is a and dumping by commercial red herring as it dodges the real is- fishers that has yet to be resolved. sues which plague NZ’s fisheries. This problem was long denied by the industry and MPI, even Throughout his report he deni- when Operations Achilles and grates LegaSea and the NZ Sports Hippocamp were paraded through Fishing Council. He rules out the the media. The problem was only New Zealand Sport Fishing Council admitted after QC Heron released taking on the role of a peak body his report that highlighted the because of the “relentless confron- long standing problem and tation, deliberate misrepresenta- inappropriate conduct by the MPI in tion and intolerance for contrary not prosecuting commercial fishers. views, which characterise LegaSea’s 3. The absolutely necessity to approach, [which] would be a sig- have cameras and real-time reportnificant liability, if not a barrier… ing on all commercial fishing vesLegaSea’s lack of commitment to sels as soon as practicable is down constructive engagement. Its pref- played. This is despite the fact that erence for negative campaigns is MPI’s own reports have detailed the divisive and shown to be ineffective disturbing scale of the wastage by in influencing key decision makers.” commercial fishers. Only after the Bess must be referring to LegaSea’s camera provider and monitor was very successful 2013 snapper 1 exposed as industry owned, did the campaign, which resulted in the commercial industry cry foul. This is Minister stopping MPI’s proposed a very clear signal from the industry large cuts to recreational bag limits that despite denials they know what and a corresponding increase in the they have done and continue to do. commercial catch. LegaSea’s efforts 4. Some commercial fishers also saw the minister announce the have recognized that their practices roll out of cameras on commercial and methods were not working fishing vessels to stop dumping and have gone out of their way and misreporting. This was to address the issue. When asked hardly an ineffective campaign. what Bess’s thoughts were on the Clearly Bess had lied and unsur- cod end developed by a Hawkes prisingly, his report is full of holes, Bay commercial fisher that allowed showing biased and simplistic re- small fish to escape as opposed

to the mythical $52 million Preci- sustainable methods are unable sion Harvesting Net, Bess stated to catch their quota. They seem to that he was not aware of the in- blame recreational fishers for this. novation. The answer to the 8. The Fisheries Act clearly states commercial problem has been that customary and recreational fishsitting in front of Bess all along ing must be addressed before comyet he completely overlooks it. mercial interests yet Bess’s report 5. The national Government conveniently misses out this imporpromised recreational fishing re- tant part of the fisheries legislation. serves prior to three successive elec- tions and while they have not im- One has to wonder what motiplemented them, Bess’s report fails vates someone to write such a to even consider the benefits that biased report that deliberately recreational reserves would have. targets recreational fishers while 6. It is very clear that the in- ignoring Maori recreational fishdustry while promoting ‘sustain- ers, and completely leaves comable fishing practices’ are doing the mercial fishers out of the discussion. opposite, in order to maximise the value of exports. High-grading and Bess and those involved in the redumping of low value fish is an im- port have set up a Minister, new to portant profit-maximisation prac- his Portfolio, with a fraudulent protice. The fact that the industry has posal that if adopted would see him spent millions on TV coverage to and his government vehemently prop up their failing public image, attacked by Maori, recreational shows the lengths they will go to fishing, and conservation interests. protect their ‘business as usual mod- Recreational fishers will not cave el’. By omission Bess endorses this. in to the commercial fishing in7. The economic failing of the dustry. It was a mistake in 1980s industry with regards to fin fish is and it would be a bigger misappalling yet it appears that Bess take now. The damage that has has failed to mention that the been done too many inshore commercial industry using old un- Story continued page 2...

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Cover story continued...

Recreational fishers have taken large cuts since the QMS was introduced and Bess fails to mention this, in fact he avoids it. The point is that if the commercial industry stopped high-grading by adopting sustainable practices using appropriate gear and accurately reported their catches, the inshore fishery would be sustainable for all users in next to no time. The fact that the previous minister Nathan Guy reduced the daily catch bag limit from 9 to 7 along with an increased size limit while failing to drop commercial catch is missing from this report. Nathan Guy was intending to reduce the bag limit to five but quickly reversed his decision when faced with a public backlash and the potential damage it would

do to Nationals election campaign. Bess’s recommendations have little credibility. They are in fact dangerous, rather the problem could easily be tackled by implementing a commercial discard ban and prohibiting commercial fishing for export inside 12 nautical mile limit. Bess report slags off at Legasea and the New Zealand Sports Fishing Council, the one national recognized body that many recreational fishers subscribe to and see as their natural voice to preserve fisheries for future generations. Instead Bess appears to want to drive a wedge between Legasea and the Sports Fishing Council to undo the respect and influence that they jointly command. His attempt to discredit their good works is silly, childish, and unhelpful.

Bess’s final slap in the face to recreational fishers is in the conclusion of the report. Bess recommends that doing away with minimum legal sizes and letting fishers keep all fish until their bag limit is reached could help re-build stock by limiting the amount of fish killed. This really takes the cake – a recreational minimum size is needed to protect the fish stocks. Unlike commercial bulk harvesters, fish returned to the sea by recreational fishers are very much more likely to survive. Hopefully the government and Minister Nash will not be captured by this slipshod report that is nothing more than an attempt to defraud the public of its fish. Ultimately, for Bess it’s about preserving recreational fisheries for the next generation of commercial fishers.

PNA to pursue longliners vessel-day scheme The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) recently announced they will seek to move longline vessels fishing in its waters into a management format currently in place for tuna purse-seiners. The chairman Glen Joseph from the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority Director, which is composed of eight Pacific Island nations that jointly run a zone-based fishery management area, said implementation of a longline vessel day scheme will increase oversight of the fishing industry operating in PNA waters. “PNA’s management scheme – the VDS – has served us well. We see value in expanding it to longliners,” Joseph said in the PNA’s monthly newsletter. “We recognize it is a different fishery, but it has been left unmanaged for too long.” The PNA’s VDS for purse-seiners sets a

limit on the number of fishing days allowed in the region, requires an independent fisheries observer on board and the collection of detailed catch data, and includes an annual threemonth moratorium on the use of fishaggregating devices (FADs) and in-port transshipment for further monitoring. Currently, longliners operating in PNA waters are not required to have full observer coverage and do not collect or report adequate data on catch tonnage, bycatch amounts, and transshipment, Joseph said. “These are the reasons it is urgently needed for the longline industry, particularly on the high seas where there is almost no verification of catches by independent observers or other management systems,” he said. One reason the group is pushing for a longliner VDS is its economic ben-

efit. Revenue to PNA countries has risen from USD 60 million to nearly USD 500 million in 2016 as a result of implementing the VDS, he said. Secondary economic benefits have included fishery training, the construction of new airports and air routes, wharfs, and fleet service facilities. One of PNA’s primary goals “is to make sure our people are involved in the fishery, not spectators,” and that the group will pursue efforts to increase the capacity of the local fleet. The PNA’s strategy of seeking to grow the domestic commercial tuna fishery may create tensions between the current overseas fleets fishing in PNA waters. From the increasing revenue, hospitals are being built, roads are being paved, government operations are being funded.

Fishing and Outdoors PO Box 10580, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3240 Ph 07 8551833 Editor Graham Carter 021 02600437 Advertising Sales Tracy Fairey Bay of Plenty 027 884 7156 Graphics: Astro Creative Photography: Sandi Tuan Regular Writers: Graham Carter James Speedy Ben Hope Frank Henry Dick Featherstone Tony Orman Rhys Smith John McNab Fishing and Outdoors is published by Ashwood Grove Ltd. All editorial copy and photographs are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions or comments expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the contributors, editor, staff and management or directors of Ashwood Grove Ltd. ISSN 1179-5034 Unsolicitored editorial, letters, photographs will only be returned if you include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Visit us on Facebook Copyright © 2011 Fishing Outdoors Newspaper, All Rights Reserved.

in the Ross Sea on the formation of one of the world’s largest marine sanctuaries in Antarctica. The ground-breaking international agreement was signed last year and this one and half million square kilometres is effectively in New Zealand’s back yard. The Ross Sea is home to around 16,000 different kinds of animal species including 11 different birds, 12 species of whales and more than 95 different kinds of fish. After six-years of political wrangling one of the world’s largest marine sanctuaries has come

Our oceans are in deep trouble and these marine sanctuaries will help manage this, largely from over fishing and pollution but climate change is really going to hit some of our marine systems as well. While most of the sanctuary will be closed to fishing, the government has admitted that monitoring such a large and remote area will be challenging and given their track record of not stopping illegal fishers it’s unlikely even our ammoless Navy will be able to do anything even if they catch poachers.

Snapper boom predicted According to the scientists New Zealand can expect a brilliant summer for recreational fishing, with a resulting boom for snapper if the seas continue to be warm. Dr Malcolm Francis principal scientist for NIWA says the rise in New Zealand’s sea temperatures - up to 6 deg in some areas - means we can expect an influx of gamefish. As well as this, fish that spawn in warmer waters - like snapper - can expect a “big boost” if this continues. Snapper spawning starts in the Hauraki Gulf when water temperature reaches about 16 deg, and is likely to start earlier in warm years. “The number of snapper larvae that survive and settle to the seabed as juve-

Rainbow Marble Cake

6 oz. butter 6 oz sugar 2 tsp vanilla essence 4 eggs 1/2 cup milk 12 oz self raising flour 2 tsp cocoa

few drops of red colouring Cream butter, sugar and vanilla. Beat eggs separately, add them alternately with flour into wet ingredients. Add milk and fold mixture together. Split mixture into 3 bowls.

niles is positively related to water temperature - in warm years we get more recruits, leading to what are known as strong ‘year classes’,” Dr Francis said.. “The last three summers have produced higher than normal temperatures, so we predict that the number of young snapper in the Hauraki Gulf will be greater than normal in future years. “If summer 2018 is another warm one, then there should be a big boost to snapper numbers in the Gulf as a result of several consecutive years of good recruitment.” It might take a few more years for the snapper to reach the minimum legal size, so in the meantime it might be time to bait up the hook and target larger species.

Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. ‘In honor of this holy season’ Saint Peter said, ‘You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.’ The Englishman fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. “it’s a candle”, he said. ‘You may pass through the pearly gates’ Saint Peter said. The Scotsman reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, “they’re bells.” Saint Peter said ‘You may pass through the pearly gates’. The Irishman started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women’s knickers. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, ‘And just what do those symbolize?’ The Irishman replied, “These are Carol’s.” And So The Christmas Season Begins...

Add cocoa to one, red colouring to the other. Gently mix each. Grease your pudding bowl and spoon a little of each mixture into the bowl until it is all in together and forming a marble effect. Don’t mix it together. Either cover with a fitted lid if using a steam pudding basin, or with buttered grease proof paper if using an ordinary bowl. Seal the greaseproof paper with string so no water gets into the pudding. Add 4 litres of water into the base of the UFO, add one basket in and place your pudding into it. The water should be just around the base of the pudding bowl. Steam for 2 hours and serve hot with custard, cream or ice cream. This recipe will feed approx 10 people and this can be steamed in the top basket among the veg if cooking it at the same time as a hangi. The perfect all round meal!

Summer of Freediving & Spearfishing Training

Come join us and one of New Zealand’s most experienced freedive Instructors and learn the skills and gain knowledge to safely & effectively increase your dive time through a range of streamlining, stretching, relaxation & breathing techniques and consistently bring home the seafood. Whether you’re completely new to freediving or fairly experienced and looking to improve your techinto force in Antarctica’s Ross Sea. nique, this course is for you.

World’s second largest marine sanctuary New Zealand has been at the forefront for fishing restrictions

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We try to run a course once a month through the summer period. No skills needed previous to course as it caters for beginner to intermediate. James Young, the instructor from Primitive Aquatics is an excellent instructor. The course focus’ on the freediving and breath hold techniques on the first day and second day spearfishing techniques. Courses are limited in numbers to 5-6 people for best instruction. You can use your own scu-

ba wetsuit, mask, snorkel, weight belt, fins, boots and gloves to do the course, but it will be a lot easier to learn the techniques with the correct gear. There are different spear guns to try on the course so they will give you help and guidance as to what might best suit your requirements. Call 07 847 7675 to enquire.

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Sustainable mussel farming is not true The Aquaculture Industry is about to be challenged under the Resource Management Act (RMA). Councils around the country issue resource consents for Aquaculture farming and they hold the responsibility of compliance over the allocation of water or land space of this public resource. What gives a mussel or salmon farmer the right to set up shop in the middle of your favourite bay or harbour and effectively shut you a member of the public out of this area? The RMA gives the mussel farmer the right, but you can object to this placement. However if you do object to a new marine development in your area you should get out your cheque book or be prepared

to mortgage your house because what’s been happening so far is the councils have been in full support of new aquaculture and they have the money and the backing of the MPI behind them because of the export value of this industry. The councils pay token gesture to looking after the environmental issues created by the mussel farms and overlook many of the problems that they create. This Mafia style bulling by our elected officials and the big business entities involved has in the past seen a raft of one sided victories for aquaculture developers who have developed a smug disregard for the NZ public and ensuing environmental issues..

The good news is that a group of environmentalists won a court case against a salmon farming company in the South Island. The result is that next year the aquaculture industry will be taken through the environment court to explain a few things about their farming practices. Sure they say they have a ‘code of practice’ which is pretty much ignored in their day to day harvesting methods. It is clear in the RMA that all industries must account for their industry waste and any public and environmental impact that they may have. What does a mussel barge do with its wastewater when it harvests? Well it seems to be a clear breach of the RMA - they do nothing!

What does a mussel farmer do with the mussel waste under the mussel farm that exists as a result of the farm being in one place for 40 years? - they do nothing! How much visual impact is too much? Is an area that has had five salmon farms for 10 years suitable for 20 salmon farms today given the increased environmental impact? How much noise is too much noise from the marine industry? Should the industry be allowed to operate between 10.30 pm and 06.30 am? Should a member of the public be forced out of his home or holiday bach because he can’t sleep, due to aquaculture operating all night? The large amount of waste dumped

over the side of every harvester every single time they carry out harvesting operations fouling under the farms estimated at around 25% of landed catch. Should the mussel barges be allowed to operate at night while working around Great Barrier Island when the area is one of the best astrological dark reserves in the world? All these things are accounted for in the RMA and have been mostly disregarded over a cup of tea with the right MP or councilor in an effort for the failed finfish industry to take credit for extra seafood exports. So the message to the aquaculture industry, you have promoted yourself as a success with strong sustainable attributes.

Photos show the areas being irrigated around NZ in dark blue. Massive irrigation like show in the Canter-

Now the environmentalists are now looking at the cost of that success and the process of how hundreds of people have to pick up aquaculture waste on public beaches at their own expense only to be side stepped by the slippery scummy councilors that they protest too. Our sources tell us that a case is being built against aquaculture as we speak to answer these questions and hold accountable the big businesses involved in aquaculture. For the first time those councils that may have deliberately not taken action on these compliance issues while be exposed. It could well be that the get out of jail free card has expired for the aquaculture industry and its local body drinking buddies and finally the buck will stop in the right place and those responsible will be held accountable in the environment court.

bury is a major negative for the environment and attached ecosystems

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Coro Fishing and summer charters With hundreds of tourists flocking to the Coromandel region this summer now is the time to book ahead and make sure that you can get your place on one of Coromandel’s most popular fishing charters. Coromandel has proved that it’s the place to go if want a feed of fresh snapper. Either early morning or late evening works well, as the fish tend to go off the bite a bit through the hotter part of the day. Ledger rigs were the go and all you needed was the head of a pilchard with a small piece of squid, placed on the hook first then wrapped around the pilchard to hold it in place. If in doubt ask one of the skippers on the Joint Venture or

Ruben Jack, two of Coromandel’s most infamous charters. Most of the Coromandel charter operators have been enjoying the influx of Tauranga fishers for some time, who are sick and tired of the decimation there. Coromandel Fishing Charters are taking bookings for small and medium sized groups to fill up each charter so if you have a couple of mates but are a few short of a boat load don’t worry just give Tom and call and he’ll help you out. Coromandel Fishing Charters work in unison with Salty Towers Bait and Tackle shop who offer a fish filleting service along with bait and tackle supplies and they have fresh mus-

sels available to take home as well. Rec fishers need to realize that Salt Ice is as essential to fishing as bait, especially if you want fresh fish for the family after being out in the sun all day. Anyone that doesn’t take out ice to put the fish under doesn’t deserve to take anything home. Coromandel Fishing Charters offer more than a fishing experience as there is a lot more to the Hauraki Gulf than people imagine. To Book your Charter or Christmas function call Tom or Lorraine on 0800 267624 or 027 8668001 or the office at 07 8668928. Email:

Concerns Regarding Salt Water Fisheries Management Hon Stewart Nash recently called for comments on proposals about Sea Fisheries Management and Inshore fisheries in particular ie: predominantly within the 12 nautical mile limit. Graham Sperry on behalf of members and the executive the NZ Wildlands Biodiversity Management Society wrote to Mr Nash to express concerns regarding the current news releases by Hon Stewart Nash pertaining to salt water fisheries management. We regard certain principles to have overarching natural laws which should be inviolable except in extreme circumstances such as natural or unnatural climatic or environmental disasters. Natural Oceanic and inshore aquatic life is “wild” and one of the few vast natural resources available to all people worldwide for sustenance and recreation. People will normally only access and pay for commercially caught fish when they do not have access to, or do not want to catch wild fish for themselves.

Unencumbered access to the natural resources of wild fish for food is a basic human right. It follows that access to the wild resource for commercial fishing for profit must be relegated to second place where the resource size is limited; this in order that the basic human right to freely harvest natural foods is not compromised. That the wild resource requires monitoring and management is accepted; however this again must recognise the natural rights of people to harvest for personal sustenance; and that this personal “ take” must always be the baseline to be fully met over and above the desires of commercial interests to fish for profit. While it may be argued that commercial fisher interests are only harvesting “wild” fish to meet market demand, it is more true to recognise that if commercial fishing did not exist then there would be no risk to fish stocks from recreational / sustenance fishing alone

in managed and protected fisheries. It is inevitable that exploitation of natural resources for profit results in destruction, often without replacement, of such natural resources (and often destruction of environmentally associated resources as well.) Exploitation of natural forests is a classic example of this. While the praiseworthy quota management system goes some way to ameliorate over exploitation of the fisheries resource by commercial fishers it is not morally or ethically justifiable to use the quota management system as a lever to deprive people of their natural rights to access a healthy natural resource in order to sustain or increase commercial interests. While human populations do continue to increase along with recreational/sustenance fishing take, and assuming (for example a finite sustained yield resource of fish), this should simply mean from a human rights aspect, that commercial fish-

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper ing “take” must retrench accordingly. While market demands may continue to increase, so will commercial fish values, and an economic balance will develop, but this must not compromise basic human rights to freely access natural food or recreation. The suggestion of licensing of recreational fishers is abhorrent and potentially could extend to the prosecution of children for recreational fishing. (I have personally experienced this as a very young child, being prosecuted by NZ Fish & Game for fishing from a kayak for trout (I had a licence) in a part of a lake which I did not know was not allowed to be fished from a boat) The suggestion of compulsory registration of private family fishing vessels

is similarly abhorrent in the context of assisting administration of commercial fishing. Such registration could perhaps be justified solely on the basis of boat recognition for enforcement of Maritime Rules or Rules governing allowable private fish take regulations (as currently exist, such as numbers and size of fish by species allowed to be taken for personal use) but his would bear no fiscal or other relationship with fisheries licensing or as a way of subsidising commercial fishing administration or ancillary interests. Regarding the costs of administering the sacrosanct recreational / personal use fisheries: these fisheries must be protected and policed (as is currently the case) and there are costs in this.


Since the sheer numbers of citizens who partake in recreational and sustenance fishing for “wild” fish is so high a proportion of the general population, and MaF is already publicly funded via general taxation, we see no need to impose specific taxes or fees onto private fishers. In short, the common law rights to access the natural resource indicates that management of that right must also be “common”. Administration of commercial fishing is a fiscally separate and definable issue. The principles of The International Declaration of Human Rights and Common law rights must take precedence over commercial exploitation for profit.

Shut the gate on polluters Corporate dairy giant Fonterra spin doctors are hard at work trying to convince the public with its expensive public relations spin ‘open the gate’ campaign that all is well on the farm when the reality is that environmentally they need to ‘shut the gate’ on its worst suppliers. Fonterra opened the gates on 40 of its farms to show people what it is doing to protect waterways, which is seen as a pathetic way to dodge the real issues. Selecting the best 40 farms Fonterra is missing the point with regards the environmental issues New

performers is a good place to start. There are some farmers who refuse to accept our rivers, lakes and streams are Zealanders are facing with the in- being fouled by bad farming practices creased pollution on our waterways. and insensitive corporate farming. These Top 40 farms are setting the Fonterra must do more to turn things benchmark for the rest of the dairy around and make hard decisions for industry and Fonterra now needs to the future. The bottom line is there apply that standard to all its suppliers. are too many cows and herd numNow Fonterra need to get their bers need to be cut until they are heads out of the sand by focussing in balance with the environment. on its 40 worst suppliers and make Other equally aggressive measthem lift their standards or get out. ures also need to be taken, includIf Fonterra doesn’t act, it will con- ing protecting small streams and tinue losing public support because reducing the volume of nutripeople are angry at corporate farm- ents being dumped on our soils. ing’s impact on the environment. Getting rid of the dairy industry’s poor

Canterbury lakes closed Fish & Game has closed two Canterbury lakes, Lake Grasmere and Lake Sarah to all fishing. The lakes have been closed while they investigate the discovery of trout living there which have unusual rashes and spots on them. The symptoms have been found on both brown and rainbow trout.

Fish & Game has gathered samples of these fish and sent them for analysis by experts at the Ministry for Primary Industries. MPI and DoC have been alerted to the discovery and access to both lakes has been closed. Signs have been put up notifying anglers of this. At this stage, it is not known

what is causing the rashes. Results of the scientific tests are not expected for several weeks. While we do not know if there is a threat, Fish & Game is always very concerned by such discoveries and believes it is prudent to act immediately and notify licence holders.


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Happy New Year to everyone, do hope you did not get too much blood in your alcohol? Who said that. Good news by now the Blue Pool Road should be open to the upper pools, I recently raft fished the upper Tongariro exiting of course at the Blue Pool, with the harvesting of the trees it is what you would expect to see not as bad as I had imagined, neither is the topography I had always imagined, the loggers have left a lot of native, give it a couple of years from planting it will look great. Seeing the machinery that has been working in there it is totally understandable why they did not want people cruising around, holy cow. People who watch the Genesis water flow charts would have noticed a spike recently on the Tongariro the

reason was a mini weather bomb which gave us 40mm of rain in 1 hr, which went down as quick as it came up to around 26 cumecs. My angling friends forget the pools during the day get into the runs and riffles (dare I say it Czech nymphing comes into its own) do come and take advantage of learning to Czech nymph if your purchase the appropriate rod (two hr lessons) rods start at $250 and double as dry fly or nymphing rigs in the lighter weights. In my opinion one of the best rods in recent times for weight the Redington Hydrogen 6 wt 9ft “er” for any method. Another great item in stock currently, backpack dry bag, never worry about getting the valuables or your sammies wet while crossing a river again these are brilliant includes an outside weather proof pocket, a water bottle pocket and a range of straps to hang stuff on. Waxing on about the upper Tongariro rafting/fishing what a truly stunning place we are so lucky that the only way to see it is via a raft or if you are into it kayaks, “pristine” is the word that comes to mind.

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Didymo Dave Biosecurity vs Access

The mighty Tongariro never fails to impress me after all these years, she simply changes the game to match any season, currently we are seeing browns sneaking up, rainbows are recovering or have done so, there was a small run of silver bullets recently, dry fly during the evening when conditions are right to behold, dry fly during the day if you know where, you cannot beat it for a river which is open all year round. We have been offering FREE tuition for kids aged 12/16 during the holidays, must be accompanied by a guardian and have a Taupo licence we call it “Get out there give it a go” is a two hour intro to the wonderful sport of fly fishing, a how, what, why and when scenario. Any ways tight lines for this month.

Lake Otamangakau has been in the news recently over access issues. While access to the boat ramps remains unchanged gates have been erected preventing vehicle access to the northern and western parts of the lake. This resulted in an outcry of protest, comments, people saying greedy landowners and all sorts of rubbish. So let’s just get down to the facts. Firstly, the landowners had some genuine health and safety concerns. They had simply had enough of the ongoing diesel thefts from machinery and other carry on including freedom campers on the edge of the lake lighting fires in the summer. Its private land up there, if you owned a forestry block and people were lighting fires on your land in the summer what would you do?

Now I know this has been going on because for the last 10 years I’ve been involved in the biosecurity fight to look after Lake 0 and I don’t know how much time I’ve spent up and down tracks intercepting freedom campers with fishing gear that has not been cleaned, duck shooters with dogs that have been in other waterways name it! So if we consider the long term health of this trophy lake, shutting down the access to that area was the best Christmas present I could have got! But it’s not the only place with issues. In May DoC shut down all access to a lagoon in Northland with a type of weed in it they didn’t want transferred anywhere else. They allowed duck shooters to build temporary maimai’s 50m away from the fences around the lagoon but banned all access for shooters and dogs.

Then there is the Kauri dieback issue in the Waitakere ranges where access is now restricted. Now it’s the same challenge in all 3 of these examples, a few people are stuffing it up for the rest. If people had behaved around Lake 0 there would be no gates. If DOC could be sure that the duck shooters would Check Clean Dry their gear and dogs they would allow access to the Northland lagoon and if people obeyed the biosecurity requests in the Waitakere’s they would still be open. Simple. So the problem isn’t the land owners, the problem is the behaviour of a few stuffing it up for the rest and if the majority of people accessing the outdoors continue to leave the biosecurity to a few of us, then closing down access is the best way to protect our country. That will be very sad, but it will be the responsible thing to do

Outdoor Access for Kiwis Must Come First A river and trout fishing advocacy has welcomed news that the new Labour-led Government will tighten rules around farm purchases by foreign buyers. Graham Carter President of the Federation of Freshwater Anglers said many New Zealanders would be delighted at the Labour-led government’s decision. “Tightening the rules around is well overdue and very welcome,” he said. The announcement live by Environment Minister David Parker along with Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage was that the new government had pledged to strengthen the Overseas Investment Act. “The Overseas Investment Office (OIO) has fallen short in many of its

obligations over recent year and in particular has affected those Kiwi recreational users wanting access to areas some of which have been closed off by the new foreign owners wanting exclusive capture of the public’s recreational resources of these areas,” said Graham Carter. The national government had many opportunities to act and failed to do so which created considerable frustration among the outdoor recreation sector who were saddened at the privatisation of many of New Zealand’s wild places. In recent years oversea buyers have been to the forefront in restricting public access to the freshwater areas that have been cooperatively used by a wide range of recreational users


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for over 150 years. The ‘reigning in’ of these foreign buyers is vital for the preservation of the outdoors culture which is a part of the Kiwi Psyche.” “This exclusive capture of our recreational access and resources shows how the National government has bullied its way into a ‘scratch the back’ of those wealthy overseas hunters and fishers that supported National’s way of doing business.” It was very important that the new Minister ensured that the rights of kiwi hunters and fishers came first and foremost and that the OIO in future must properly implement the law governing sales of sensitive land to foreign buyers. “Locking kiwi’s out of their own backyard is deplorable,” said Graham Carter.


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Lake Otamangakau road closing point Fisherfolk and happiness By Rex N. Gibson

The public have access on legal roads (Rotoaira Rd) as of right. Genesis Energy has an agreement with DOC to allow public access on its roads (Access No 4 and No 5). Access beyond here is with permission of the landowner which, it appears, has now been withdrawn, as is their prerogative. Genesis also allows public access on the lake and around its shores which are part of their land so the entire lake is still accessible on foot or by boat, including the northern arm. Historically part of the “tradeoff” for damage done to the Tongariro River - as a world famous trout fishery - by hydro dams etc. was to form Lake Otamangakau and stock it with Brown and Rainbow trout. It is now highly regarded as a wild trophy fishery. Many overseas tourist anglers who NZ Forest Managers have You will see that Rotoaira Road visit this region for this lake alone warned anglers that they were (SH 47) is the nearest legal road will be very concerned at this loss of blocking off road access to to the lake. Access Road No 4 be- access and have already expressed the northern arm of Lake Ota- longs to Genesis Energy and their their concerns by cancelled bookmangakau in early December? title ends at the red dot just north ings. This northern arm has been an The current situation regarding of the Otamangakau dam which established popular camping area road access to and around Lake is where the new gate is sited. during summer holiday months Otamangakau of the attached From here northwards and for anglers and others - i.e. nature map from the Walking Access Map- around to Access Rd No 5 at the lovers, bird watchers, etc. for many ping System (WAMS) shows legal Wairehu Canal the formed road years and could be lost forever. roads as purple lines and public is private on land owned by conservation land as dark green. the Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust.

Fish and Game Mag has become a patsy - a pro-DoC, pro 1080 glossy! Fish and Game have announced their open censorship of 1080 information and that they “must be nice about DoC” in a statement from Fish and Game NZ and Fish and Game Magazine. Anyone who writes or mentions anything negative about the aerial dropping of 1080 or brodifacoum poison in any article will find that its unlikely to get published. NZDA’s Hunting and Wildlife also stopped printing any letters that criticised the DoCs 1080 campaign. And it appears that the NZDA, GAC.are also sucking up to the whims of DoC and OSPRI. A regular contributor to Fish and Game Magazine, who wrote a column for the magazine for over 10 years and often wrote feature articles on request as well, has resigned in disgust. He says the reason was that he con-

tributed a feature article (one that was requested) on the 1080/Predator Free 2050 issue. It was deemed unacceptable by the editor and every mention of the word 1080 was removed, along with 250 words. The contributor rewrote it, removing anything that could be considered even remotely offensive. He was then informed that the rules of the magazine had changed, and that everything now had to meet the approval of Fish and Game NZ’s CEO, Martin Taylor. The editor of Fish and Game Magazine, Hamish Carnachan said to him in an email: “The decision on whether to publish this is, I’m afraid, out of my hands and with the communications manager. There has been an edict from the new CEO that we are not to touch the 1080 topic and nor are we to endanger relations with DOC. “

The magazine contributor wrote: “Fish and Game Magazine is now no longer an organ of free speech. It has become a tame house journal, propagating the views of its owners, and censoring all alternative views. In other words, it has been gelded. “ Fish and Game Magazine was bought in its entirety by Fish and Game NZ about a year ago. The former writer says “Up to that time, owned by Fairfax Media, it accepted all points of view.” However it appears that the purchase of the magazine contravenes the legal statute that prohibits Fish and Game from making a profit and that there was no prior consultation over the purchase due to commercial sensitivities and raises the potential for ongoing liabilities.

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Snake Creek stabilisation;

Recently I listened to a psychologist talking on Radio NZ about the difference between happiness and pleasure. Like all experts he slipped into klingonese-type jar-

Snake Creek weir

gon about hormone interactions of the likes of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, but he also came up with some simplifications. Pleasure was basically a short term “fix” to be followed by the desire for a repeat (asap), while happiness is a satiated pleasant and stable state of mind. I interpret that as pleasure coming from hooking/fooling the fish, whilst happiness is that contented feeling we get when walking leisurely home after a great day fishing; whether we caught something or not is often irrelevant. We are captivated, even

it, others assist different people to enjoy it, and many are fighting to save it for the generations to come. I recently joined a F & G led group who set out to restore a spring creek that flows into the Selwyn River. It had been modified to a straight ditch; the plan was to reverse that “straightness”. The name “Snake Creek” is interesting. Perhaps it was its original shape. It had become choked with weed (watercress etc.) and the spawning red counts of trout there had dropped from 357 in the 1980s to 57 last year. E. coli, phosphorus, lack of biodiversity and sediments were all issues for this stream. Eight different organisations are listed as involved, but manpower still had to be supplemented with volunteers. That is where several of us ‘fisher folk’ got involved. The work included filling bags with gravel to support the banks and create bends, riffles and pools, by bagging and planting the banks with a very strong carex grasses/tussocks and creating weirs. Waders, grubbers and spades were all part of the equation. Apart from my aging back balking at bearing the weight of the gravel bags (over the fence) the work was quite pleasurable. The results were quite easy to see after just a few hours. The fisherman in me was happy to see the original patterns of nature being recreated. This project is a part of a major, if belated; attempt to revive the Te Waihora/Ellesmere catchment. The greatest project for volunteers locally, to ‘put something back’, has been the Take a Kid Fishing day each October at the Groynes Park (northwest of Christchurch city). I have seen pleasure and happiness, and occasionally other emotions, on the faces of children, parents and grandparents at this event for over 25 years. The ‘guru’ for TAKF in Canterbury is Dave Denton. He is a former fishing-gear retailer who is the guiding force behind the trust that runs the event. They have a very well-oiled ‘machine’ to deliver the fishing experience to the children; several thousand each year. I get one of the good jobs – assisting on the pond, there are four, which caters for the “under eights”. Although it is up to four metres deep it is quite small so only float fishing is permitted. Predictably pellets and shrimps ‘out-fish’ the artificial worms. The days of getting 5 – 7 year old to impale a real worm on


their hooks have faded into folk lore. This year the pond was dominated by family groups with more mums than ever there encouraging their children’s efforts. For the volunteers the day was mainly spent helping with the rigging-up, demonstrating how to cast, netting and administrating the last rites. Without exception we were thanked, and the overly assertive behaviours of some parents in years past have gone; hopefully forever. At times the pond’s banks looked like they had been visited by a bus load of Japanese tourists as kids, and sometimes families, posed for their triumphant photos. Each catch was often photographed several times. The Groyne’s ponds are open all year

The Groynes “under 8s’ pond”

round, and restocked often, for children to fish. It is a great asset for the future of the sport. Despite its rural, non-pastoral setting, the nutrients in the waters have encouraged prolific growth of the Lagarosiphon type of weeds. A few weeks before the event in became obvious that “crop harvesting” would be needed

Happy fisher;

if fish were to be caught. Volunteers worked with the Trust members to cut and then remove excess weed. We had some unusual help from the periodic detention “inmates”. They loaded the trailers and disposed of the harvest. They got a cup of coffee and biscuits at the start, which their supervisors also provided for us, and a sausage, bread, etc., at lunchtime. Along with fellow volunteer, Alan Ball, we operated a dinghy, and Story continued on page 8...

Snake Creek’s new riffle

hypnotized, by the ambiance of the environment, the absence of everyday stress, and the quality of the company (often just our own!). Another aspect of happiness was that it often comes from doing something for others. These may be individuals, mankind in general or, in some cases, your trusty and trusting dog. It is invariably a consequence of “volunteering”. I am always impressed with those who give something back to the sport of angling. Some people write about

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Story continued fro m page 7...

Alan’s weed clearing efforts.


with a rake dragged ashore the floating mats of cut pond weeds. They were “bloody heavy”, but the former oarsman (Captain) Alan did the hard work as the galley slave. The PD boys took it from there. They perked up when we reminded them that could tell their mates that they had spent the day harvesting “weed”. The Kids Fishing Charitable Trust is

DoC Security Guards Not From a Registered Security Firm Graeme Sturgeon was the senior citizen along with Wendy Pond and Diane Halstead who were assaulted in the public carpark of the Liquor King Building, Whitianga, on the night of 17 October, 2017. Mr Sturgeon was hauled from his car by a “security guard’, his clothing was torn and his nose bloodied. This was witnessed by other people present. A small group of people had come across a 1080 poison-loading operation – with no signage, nothing to say that there was no vehicle access, the poison was being handled in a residential housing area with food outlets on either side, seemingly a clandestine operation. DoC employees were loading 20 tonnes of 1080 poison, in the dark, from a storage area at the rear of the building in preparation for an aerial 1080 poison drop the next day. In a remarkable turnaround the NZ Police have charged the assaulted person, Graeme Sturgeon with assault and refused to accept his version of events or to accept his complaint of assault. The DoC senior manager of Operations was present and it appears that the Police were deliberately late in attending the incident? No first aid assistance was offered to Mr Sturgeon. The person who attacked Graeme, and who is now being declared by Police to be the one attacked, is ‘security guard’ Mr Richard Steven Perry Lane, who is supposedly a director of a security firm, VIP Security Con-

sultants Ltd. It would appear that Mr Lane is not a qualified Security Officer. This firm was only registered on the 12th December 2017 as VIP Security Consultants Limited and was incorporated under the Companies Act 1993 on 12 December, 2017. Could it be that DoC employed unqualified people to act as security guards? They didn’t have any visible ID. At the drop zone the next day they wore sunglasses and beanies and no ID. They didn’t give their names when asked, at any time. Their vehicle the next day, on a public road, had no mileage sticker, no registration sticker, and no number plate. How could a 69 years old senior citizen Mr Graeme Sturgeon, an author, conservationist, and Vietnam war veteran, attack a person who was probably much stronger and less than half his age, when he was seated in his car, when he was hauled from his car by a ”un-registered and untrained security guard’, his clothing was torn, his nose bloodied and even his car door handle was broken. This whole affair seems rather strange, and certainly not a good look for DoC or the NZ Police as it is alleged that there has been a complete cover-up. The case came before the court in Thames on November 30th, 2017. The police produced the “summary of facts’ in time for that hearing. Graeme Sturgeon pleaded ‘Not Guilty’. The case comes up again in Thames on 16 January, 2018.

Fishing Company catch spawning salmon

Fishing Company Sanford’s, is being praised for halting trawling operations near Banks Peninsula to avoid catching salmon, while other fishing companies have yet to respond. Sanford is believed to have instructed its skippers not to fish in the Salmon Conservation Area (SCA) near Banks Peninsula because there are too many salmon there. The fact that they already know this fact which is incidental to the fact that they fish there anyway, targeting other species while the salmon are gathering for their spawning runs.

They have done that for many years. Sanford’s say that their decision was prompted after one of its vessels caught nearly 400 salmon as by-catch recently. Some of the salmon were had believed to have escaped from salmon farms and others were wild bred fish. Sanford’s vessel was targeting red cod and barracouta within the Salmon Conservation Area and legally landed the salmon as by-catch. Why they were targeting these species during the salmon spawning is ridiculous and quite unnecessary. In previous seasons when the bycatch has been relatively high, so has the return of salmon to rivers to spawn. So, from that respect, this big by-catch suggests anglers might look forward to good runs of salmon back to the rivers over coming months. Sanford’s decision to stop fishing in the area comes amid increasing concern over the state of New Zealand’s wild salmon. The salmon live at sea for most of their life before returning to spawn in the rivers where they hatched. Anglers prize wild salmon, and during their summer spawning runs, flock to Canterbury’s braided rivers in the hope of catching one.

strongly supported by several of the Christchurch fishing clubs; Canterbury Anglers, Canterbury Fly Fishing Club, Christchurch Fishing and Casting Club, The Lure Fishing Club, NZ Salmon Anglers, and more. F & G and the Isaac Conservation & Wildlife Trust are essential contributors to resourcing the event with 800+ fish (mainly salmon) each year in Christchurch. TAKF is however a nationwide phenomenon; from Lake Pupuke (Auckland) down to Te Anau. The TAKF days are spread throughout the season. The timing depends on the local conditions. All rely on happy volunteers who get pleasure from participating in the event; dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and all.

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Nothing like the new Ford Truck!

I bought a new imported Ford F250 - Tri-Flex Fuel Truck... Go runs on either hydrogen, gasoline, or E85. I returned to the dealer yesterday because I couldn’t get the radio to work. The service technician explained that the radio was voice activated. ‘Nelson,’ the technician said to the radio. The radio replied, ‘Ricky or Willie?’ ‘Willie!’ he continued and ‘On The Road Again’ came from the speakers. Then he said, ‘Ray Charles!’, and in an instant,’ Georgia On My Mind’ replaced Willie Nelson. I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I’d say, ‘Beethoven, ‘I’d get beautiful classical music, and if I said, ‘Beatles,’ I’d get one of their awesome songs. Yesterday, some guy ran a red light and nearly creamed my fabulous new truck, but I swerved in time to avoid him... I yelled, “F*****g Idiot!” Immediately, the radio responded with: «Ladies and gentlemen, an address from the Leader of New Zealand first, Winston Peters.» Damn, I love this truck... Wife: “I have blisters on my hands from the broom.” Husband: “Next time take the car, silly”

The Green Party must pay the price The Green Party advocates in its policy that New Zealand’s indigenous plants, animals and ecosystems must be protected. Yet with Sage’s stance on increasing the use of 1080 she is condoning cruelty to animals. Anyone that has witnessed the vile, inhumane and particularly cruel way that this 1080 poison kills any animal or bird and condones its continued use should be forced to suffer the similar consequences. Extinction from Parliament. The Greens further add that the health of our natural areas must not be compromised by economic activity. Yet this is exactly what the use of 1080 is allowing. The owners of the 1080 manufacturing facilities are making a fortune. The Greens state that they will ‘Protect Threatened Indigenous Species’ yet with the increased use of 1080 which not only kills the targeted possums rats and other pests it leaves their carcases lying around for other small animals to dine on, and as the carcases break down they kill every living thing in the environment. In order to ensure all threatened species have a recovery plan in place by aerial dropping of poisons they are effectively destroying any chance these species have survival. Look at the colossal number of native birds, and other invertebrates that die as a result of every drop. The Greens state clearly that to ‘Reduce Pest Threats to Biodiversity’ they will develop and fund national pest management strategies; significantly increase funding for pest eradication and control; and support replacing poisons with humane and safe biological and physical animal pest controls wherever practical. Really the Greens hypocrisy must be considered in the next elections and this complete betrayal of Green Party supporters and every single animal lover in New Zealand must be emphasized on Election Day and they must pay the penalty. The Green Party vision is for thriving biodiversity, no further extinctions, and restoration of healthy populations, habitats and ecosystems. In order to achieve this, the Green Party seeks to eradicate pest plants and animals that threaten significant ecological values wherever possible, and to control them where eradication is not possible. So how do they justify the aerial dropping of 1080 which not only kills every living creature where it is spread, the resulting death of every animal including pets, drawn out over a four day period which is agonizingly cruel. The Greens only advocate aerial operations because they are generally a cost effective means of controlling animal pest species yet they support the use of poisons on a large scale, particularly near people’s homes, which pose ecological risks and raises community concerns. All of which are ignored. Now we have an activist group running around threatening the lives of DoC staff (Department of Cruelty) with some jus-

tifiable cause. Why because they can’t stand by and watch animals and birds killed in this manner.

animal lovers to use as a disgusting example of animal cruelty. 1080 IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE POISON FOR ANY REASON, it kills The Greens say they want that animals and our native birds parcontrol of pests to be done hu- ticularly slowly in a very inhumanely and with regard for the po- mane and cruel manner over an tential negative impact of poisons. agonizingly cruel four day period. They admit that where possible Then we get to the possible ‘don’t poison’ as this is a posi- cover up of the Waikato couple tion that sits between green val- that was poisoned through eatues (poisons are problematic) ing a potentially poisoned wild and conservation values (endan- pig. And DoC blame botulism yet gered species won’t survive). the symptoms see to be very difIt is completely impossible to ferent. The symptoms of botueradicate all predators in NZ, and lism are very well explained here: increasing concerns about the ideological stances that are being journal/read-the-journal/all-istaken without thought for the re- sues/2010-2019/2015/vol-128alities on the ground. “The Green no-1425-20-november-2015/6731 Party cannot win the argument for With the Department of Cruelties wrecking ecosystems. Their alterna- widespread use of 1080 you would tive is to wreck environmentalists.” think that our NZ Laboratories would Where is the discussion about be able to test for 1080 poisoning. the non-poison methods that NZ There have been several instances could be developing and putting of people that have died through in place, particularly in the context the suspected consuming of 1080. of other needs like regional de- In 2006, a shocking story in more velopment and employment? The ways than one. Shocking and easiest way to get 1080 use less- sad for the family of this young ened is to create viable alternatives. woman, Whitney Robie, who was Now the Green Party through only 23. She had been hiking in DoC are targeting school children the South Island, in a 1080’d area, which they justify through their felt unwell, and after retiring to twisted propaganda as teaching bed, died in her sleep of a sudden our children about pest animals. cardiac arrest it was later ascerAnd Sage appears to be condon- tained. She had no previous hising violence on senior citizens as tory of heart problems. A cover-up? well. Three senior citizens were The Doctor concerned said he beaten up by DoC thugs in Whi- had gone to the hostel and spotianga recently by under watch- ken to the other guests straight afful eye of Sage’s henchmen. ter she died. Later when he heard Sage’s ‘Licence to kill’ must be re- her death had been recorded as membered forever, this woman a heart attack, he advised and should never ever be allowed pressed the authorities to run tests anywhere near Wellington ever relating to possible 1080 expoagain, let alone Parliament. sure. He was told however that the Her condoning and allowing ani- matter was now ‘officially closed’. mals to be cruelty tortured and Her heart was sent for post mortem killed in the inhumane and vile and was lost by the govt laboratory. manner should be written in This Dunedin GP was so concerned the annals of history to allow all that he made a submission to ERMA

in 2007 that included this account. It was his opinion that the most probable cause of her death was 1080 poisoning, and that many others in NZ over the years have also died from it but that their deaths are either mistakenly or deliberately misdiagnosed.” Unexplained early deaths of people working with 1080: cancer-deaths-from-1080 Then in 2016 a trek through the Tararua Forest Park turned into tragedy when two trampers died in mysterious circumstances on one of the park’s tracks. Two men, aged 32 and 39, were found dead in the park. A member of the public made the first grisly discovery at about 10.25am, and Search and Rescue found a second body a short distance away at 1pm. The men set off on an overnight tramp to Alpha Hut from the Waiohine Gorge campsite on the southeastern side of the park. Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths. Wellington City Council showed that the temperature in the Tararua Forest Park was 4C at Cone Peak, which was “nothing exceptional” and typical for the area. Cases of hypothermia generally occur when trampers are in an exposed area at high altitude and had become wet. Not the case here. Hypothermia or another cover-up? Where are the biochemistry, immunology, and histopatholgy results on these poor people. That’s the only thing that will tell the true story and no doubt they will be hidden away for the public never to see. Why are NZ Labs unable to carry out these tests? Why do we have to wait weeks for overseas labs to carry out these tests. There is no known anti-dote for this poison which was developed during WW2 to kill humans.

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Introducing the Snappernator

The new Released Tackle Product for the 2017 Summer Fishing Sea-

son is the SNAPPERNATOR. This is the perfect pink colour and sold

with the pink 9cm octopus and 60 gram lead lure, two 5/0 circle hooks come as standard. Again with some squid bait and normally as soon as it hits the bottom chomp!!! Flasher Rigs are the traditional hook and sinker with the tinsel added to attract more fish, using the special Mitsu Hooks which always catch the fish in the lip and never bend. The most popular have been the little 0.4/0 hook and the larger 5/0 hook and the bright pink tinsel. Add a little squid as bait and the fish all want to chomp and come home for your dinner.

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Chomp Eagle fishing version which has the rudder and the adjustable rod holders. The recreation model Chomp Sunrise no rudder and is their suppliers most popular model selling in Australia, again has four flush rod holders and one adjustable rod holder and the high back seat and paddle. Then two models of Paddle Boards SUP10 and SUP12 featuring EVA foot pads, waterproof hatches, plastic handles, drain cover and black bungee and of course the paddle. The larger items Kayaks and Paddle

Chomp Fishing Products offers the online store to make it easy for

Chomp Sinkers are always in demand and sold in bag lots, again with discounts if you by in quantity bag lots. Spare hook sets are sold in bags of five sets and these have the 1/0 Circle hook. New production of spare hook sets have one 0.4/0 and one 5/0 Mitsu hook and five sets sold per bag. The Chomp Flasher rigs are sold individually or you can get an extra discount when you order ten or fifty pieces. The Chomp guys support the Charter Boats and Retailers and are looking to find retailers and offer discounted prices to shop owners who want to stock and sell the Chomp products, the shop owners can then order online and pay online when ordering using their credit card and their goods are sent out. Chomp branded Kayaks and Paddle Boards have been added this season as a trial, some really amazing colours in the range and the product features set the standard of quality. The Chomp Kayaks include the

nator tackle, kayaks and paddle boards to get you out on the water. The Full Range of Chomp Fishing Products can be viewed and ordered online at and your goods are delivered to your door. All online credit card payments are processed using payment express secure online system and BNZ merchant services. The Quest To Catch That Big Fish & The Excitement When You Do ! Get Hooked On Fishing! – Use CHOMP !!

Fed Farmers - a cancer to NZ’s water

Chomp products available online customers to order and offers delivery to your door by courier. The Chomp range of products has come a long way over the last six years since it all began in 2011. They started with the range of Chomp Softbait, then after catching all the big ones, released the Chomp Flasher rigs. Chomp is a registered trademark in both New Zealand and Australia and the family members behind the venture are Stephen Hudson and his two sons Jonathan and Michael Hudson. Spare sets of Octopus containing two of each - Pink, Green and White, 9cm long complete your snappernator fishing kit.

Boards are delivered by Mainfreight. The warehouse is situated in Coatesville just north of Albany, in Auckland, so if you prefer to visit or to collect an order you can visit by appointment. The Chomp range of products also includes kayak accessories, spare high back seats, spare paddles, the Chomp Fishing Products include floating Chomp branded Bait and filleting knives, lucky fishing caps, boat fish landing nets, sinkers, flasher rigs, softbait, jig hooks, flasher rigs, grouper rigs, snapper-


Just a few days after taking this photo in Foxton I received an article by the creator of the Eden Project in UK in the Times newspaper based on his talk at a farming conference. Basically he said “Don't get involved with NZ-just don't” referring to our Pure New Zealand slogan which he called a scam. He said “It's so pure the people of Christchurch won't even swim in the Avon. Most of the lakes are full of algae. It is like a beautiful person with cancer.” The people of Foxton not only won't, they dare not, swim in their river, in fact they dare not come in contact with it. There are no ducks, birds, frogs or fish in what is a lovely spot which at one time must have been a popular, safe swimming spot for Foxton residents; it is now another “beautiful person with cancer” and it makes me

ashamed and fearful of the future for my great granddaughter we were on our way to see when I took the photo. But not to worry, commenting on the article, Bruce Thorrold, head of strategy at Dairy NZ, said “We acknowledge that not all of our waterways are pristine but compared to the rest of the world, New Zealand’s are in good condition” - yeah right. I suggest he takes a trip to Foxton and also reads the report by Dr Richard McDowell mentioned in last month's edition which will explain why the riparian planting that has gone on was not addressing the problem at source; and anyhow I thought regional Councils were supplying the trees at reduced cost, surely a subsidy, the public's contribution to rectifying a problem caused mainly by the actions of someone else. Although passage through Palmerston North will contribute to Foxton's problem, there are many kilometres of farmland on very sandy loams and flood plains with large numbers of dairy cows to explain the situation. In the case of the Waihou in Waikato only Tirau township could possibly contribute to the situation referred to in last month's edition lower down

the river; but, cow numbers have shot up and there has been a huge increase in crop farming, mainly potatoes and onions with huge pesticide inputs, and poultry industry which uses thousands of tonnes of mainly GE imported feeds; these are known to contain unknown, unmonitored levels of pesticides - I know because I tested some but MPI refuses to do so. Surely MPI and EPA, as so-called guardians of our health and environment, have failed, and continue to fail, in their duties of care, of impartiality, of loyalty, of accountability and to maintain public trust in government. Government officials, elected, appointed or hired, have special ethical obligations to the public and to act within the laws of this country and, 20 years on, Sir Jeffery Palmer's judgement of the Horizons One Plan is applicable still, in the case of Foxton's water and in other areas, both geographical and constitutional. Foxton's water is just one of many external signs of the cancer within and we have little enough time to bring government, both national and regional, back into line, acting ethically and legally, by our pressure on these public servants of ours. Fishing, both marine and fresh water, and the environment will not survive unless we do.


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Hunters had a ‘gutsful’ of DoC’s lies In a letter supposedly sent to DoC a group, calling themselves ‘the New Zealand Hunters’, have threatened to mount a war against the use of 1080 poison . “We are going to bring you bastards to your knees,” the letter reads. “This will be a war like no other, you watch this happen around you. We the hunters of New Zealand have had enough of your bloody lies.” These anti-1080 protesters are vowing ‘all-out war’ against the DoC with threats to take down the helicopters used to drop the poison around Egmont National Park. DoC and the police have confirmed receipt of the new threats and were investigating. The letter says the group fully intends to pick up pellets and target open milk vats and the inside of meat processing companies and to

be warned that these hunters have more guns than you or the police. “There is no respect for you bastards any more. Let the war begin. Just be very careful, stop using 1080.” However DoC is renowned for inventing this type of propaganda to defend its pro-1080 stance in a failed attempt to gain public support. Does the heads of DoC really think that kiwis will buy into this baloney created by their PR machine. In October the group purportedly released at least 30 sika deer around the region and now claims tit will release another 25 in areas from Waverley to Waitara. The move was described as «eco-terrorism at its worst» by the DoC’s director-general Lou Sanson who heads the Departments intimidation and beatings of senior citizens. Sanson says he is appalled that someone would threaten his staff like this

thodically sweep the area, having planned the survey in advance. Branch treasurer Wayne Smith said members had been concerned but failed to comment on why his about the effect of 1080 on deer staff is responsible for poisoning people’s pets, waterways and generally affecting its own eco-terrorism campaign on the general public. DoC is renowned for not telling While last month’s super simple subthe complete truth about the dan- mission on firearms security was incredgers of 1080 poisoning and have ibly successful the Gun Lobby Group is created this monster themselves. going to need to step up their game. Most New Zealanders (over 60%) are Every legitimate firearms owner against 1080 aerial poisoning and will is encouraged to make a subDoC has completely ignored this. mission to the minister next year. They are now believed to target- Stuart Nash the Police Minister ing children in schools and de- says police and the wider commanding that they study and munity have concerns about gun write about the positive aspects of laws, and safety relating to firearms. 1080 ignoring the cruel and inhu- This is a matter he intends to admane ways that 1080 kills animals. dress, and part of that conversation It is also believed that DoC has been includes considering law changes. instrumental in forcing Fish and Game Changes to the gun laws could to not publish any anti-1080 arti- be on the cards amid police concles in the Fish and Game magazine. cerns gaps in current firearms legislation are being exploited. Criminal activity, combined with changing technology and marketing, have highlighted additional gaps in the legislation which, when Station was even necessary. exploited, have safety implications.. “I believe possum numbers out there The gaps also presented adminisare very light. The very nature of the trative challenges and police were Molesworth terrain tells you there’s forced to rely on the “overall purnot going to be many possums out pose” of the act to inform decisions, there. There’s no shelter for them.” in the absence of explicit legislation. Ospri said “earlier surveillance” of the The Arms Amendment Bill was station showed a high density of TB- first introduced by the Labour-led infected possums and livestock, but government in 2005, since then it decided there was no need for new the proposed law had stagnated. surveys before the October operation. In the interim, there have been “Although possums are the main substantial changes in the lesource of wildlife infection, it is difficult and costly to directly detect TB in the possum population itself, because the disease often only occurs in small population clusters.” Hunters have paid for scientists Read the full story on Facebook to fly over the site of a 1080 drop, thought to be behind hundreds of dead deer, to count carcasses. graf/videos/1753678841344112/ The Marlborough branch of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association The Rangitikei Environmental Health then hired two helicopters to me- Watch published an excellent article

any 1080 drop, so it was expected there would be deer killed at Molesworth. I would expect if someone is aware of 345 deer, the actual number will be much higher than that. “I have seen deer killed by 1080 in the upper Wairau Valley and the Waihopai. You can tell it’s 1080 because they’ve obviously gone through agony, and there’s usually foam or blood coming from their mouth and nostrils.” Orman described the use of “ecosystem poison” 1080 as “appalling”. “At this time of year the hinds have just dropped their fawns, and they are probably only a week or two old and unable to look after themselves and will probably starve to death if they aren’t poisoned. If a farmer killed his sheep and left his lambs to die he’d be dragged into court. There’s a double standard here.” He questioned whether possum control at Molesworth

around the country,” Smith said. The goal of the study was to get a better idea of the numbers of deer that would likely be killed in a 1080 drop, and inform public debate, Smith said.

Firearms owners urged to put in submissions

Fawns left to Die of Cold and Starvation DoC owns Molesworth Station, southwest of Blenheim, and gave Ospri permission to conduct the drop as part of the national TBfree programme, aiming to eradicate bovine tuberculosis in possums by 2040. An Ospri spokesman said the Molesworth aerial operation covered 61,200 hectares with a toxic bait application on October 28 and 29, following “significant” public consultation. Eight helicopters used GPS to spread 2 kilograms of 1080 per hectare. Ospri was aware of the risk of deer “bykill” in 1080 operations, and was aware of “informal reports” of dead deer after the October drop, the spokesman said. Marlborough hunter Tony Orman was pleased some official numbers would be collated, having found deer killed by 1080 drops himself, though not at Molesworth Station. “We’ve known for a long time there’s always a heavy by-kill of deer from

for many years, reporting large numbers killed in the operations. “As soon as we heard about the latest 1080 programme we got in touch with scientists

gal and illegal civilian armoury. New Zealand had relatively high levels of firearm ownership for recreational, sporting and employment purposes. As part of administering the law, police were committed to ensuring the control, safe use and storage of firearms. However Police have tended to focus on and penalize the legitimate firearms owners allowing the criminal element to get off scot free. If Nash planned to state in government as an elected MP the he needs to seriously consider the implications of what the Police are really trying to sneak through. The number of firearms-related incidents in New Zealand accounted for about 1.4 per cent of all violent crime, which was low compared to most countries. A Law and Order Committee report from last April said police believed most illicit firearms entered the illicit market through theft, through firearms dealers, illegal transfer to unlicensed owners, or illegal importing. The overriding majority of firearms users in New Zealand were law abiding, the report said, but more work needed to be done to reduce the flow of firearms to criminals, gangs, and those who did not have a licence, without unfairly imping-

ing on law-abiding firearms users. In the briefing document, Police Commissioner Bush said there was more that could be done to keep Kiwis safe and ensure public trust and confidence in the firearms regime, which included modernizing the legislation but failed to mention the dictatorial attitude the Police had towards legitimate firearms owners. Police have a long way to go too rebuild the trust and confidence of New Zealand firearms owners regarding their attitude. Nash said he would continue working with police and other interested parties on how best to address the issues of safety and fair administration of firearms law, including considering law changes. Nash said that he was receiving information from the community that some people have concerns the Arms Act is not being applied consistently across the country. He said that he has asked his officials to consult with stakeholders and come up with a work plan on any necessary changes around firearms. The importance of putting in submissions will be reflected in the outcomes and changes ahead.

Wild Boar Botulism Family Speaks Out

by Pam Vernon - exposing both the

cover-up involved in this story, and also the appalling lack of investigative reporting in this country. The news reports were written by reporters who were more worried about their pay packet and about NOT mentioning the words "1080 poison", than getting to the truth!


Why have the criminals not been charged?

By Jack Montgomery.

On November 30th a senior citizen that was attacked by DoC thugs appeared in the Whitianga District Court charged with assaulting these thugs. Has our country stooped to such a level that a crime syndicate can determine who goes before the Criminal Justice

system while the victims get charged with the crimes they committed. No arrests or charges against these DoC thugs has resulted. Steve Bowden the Operations Manager of DoC was present during the attacks. He oversaw the assaults and failed to

render assistance to any of the victims. Yet his Department are able to press charges.. Have the NZ Police been directed to ignore the truth in the matter and allow the thugs to walk free? The Police investigation according to the OIC of the Whitianga Police is continuing. So what has happened to the CCTV footage that must show who the guilty parties are? Surely this footage wouldn’t have strangely gone missing? The public of New Zealand and these victims demand justice. Surely these thugs should feel the strong arm of the law and not be allowed to walk free or is this another bungled Police investigation? Sgt Andrew Morrison said: “I can confirm an incident occurred at Whitianga related to the D.O.C 1080 drop on the 19/10/17. This incident has been investigated and a decision made to put one person before the court.”

MPI rebrand woeful waste of resources National’s Primary Industries spokesperson Nathan Guy has been slagging off Damien O’Connor regarding the splitting up of the MPI. What Guy’s misses in his bleating is that he and he alone is the main reason behind why O’Connor has to waste tax-payers money. Guy’s destruction of the inshore fishery along with a host of other atrocities is the reason this had to be done as the corruption and collusion within the MPI was breathtaking. When you consider the overall damage that the National Party has allowed to happen to our environment, rivers and inshore fishery under the direction and leadership of John Key, the whole blessed lot of them should be incarcerated for life. “Damien O’Connor has announced

that almost $20 million will be spent on splitting up a well-func-

tioning Ministry all to appease the demands of Labour’s coalition.

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1080 poisoning a social issue taking the cheaper option cised for not being transparent. There should be control forests, like Te Urewera, seeing it is now recognised as a person, (and who poisons people on purpose?), that is never poisoned and observe differences.

The University Of Otago, Geography Dept, recently released the results of a 1080 survey in Te Anau; a social science analysis of one of New Zealand’s most controversial environmental debates. While it deals with the social impact, it fails to acknowledge the factual side of the anti-1080 argument, that NZ is the only 1080 country in effect and the ‘paid’ corrupted science used by DoC. Any sensible, intelligent person would have to be extremely concerned about the future of this country when young students believe that “because it’s cheaper” that it is acceptable to slowly torture animals and birds to death. Quite frankly it’s extremely disturbing and sickening. “The Fiordland College Students exemplified how local discussion and scientific education can conflict. We wonder how many of these students had witnessed an animal die from 1080 or watched videos of animals dying. Supply selective material and you get no debate, supply all available material and that change’s quickly In class, students had analysed various pest control methods and the science behind them with data from their own trapping on the Kepler track. A student noted that for “almost the entire class, the conclusion for that internal was, we recommend aerial drops of 1080 because it’s cheaper and poison is clearly the only way to reduce the numbers. Are the students brainwashed as well. When they believe gross cruelty and death better because it cheaper...

The students came to this decision having been exposed a combination of information sources on which to base their opinion: educational, actively involved experience, emotional experiences, social media and local or family discussion. The type of knowledge available and visible to individuals can influence what information is used to form an opinion. It is an interesting result that these students came to similar pro-1080 conclusions despite being no doubt being exposed to visible anti-1080 rhetoric’s within the community. An assumption that is severely flawed. An example of such a relationship is between DoC and the Wapiti Foundation. The Wapiti Foundation is an organisation that leases land from DoC in Fiordland National Park to run a hunting scheme for the prized Wapiti deer. The business is a big market for game hunting and has an international reputation. In other words we won’t dump 1080 on the Wapiti areas if you support 1080 poisoning. The severity of mistrust of DoC causes problems for their public popularity. The issue of DoC’s lack of transparency exemplifies the knowledge, communication and trust nexus, where the information DoC releases to the public either gains or erodes the public’s trust in them. DoC describes the need to release good news stories over failures due to the pressure to maintain that public trust by being viewed as successful in their job. The back-lash DoC receives for bad news stories entices them not to share them, only then to be criti-

Doc targeting school kids Mt Aspiring College students have allegedly been asked to do a project on 1080 poisoning and were told it

was to be pro-1080, not anti-1080, although it is yet to be confirmed. The Chambers Compact Dic-

Kepler Mountains aerial 1080 poison drop. HeliOtago loading from Supply Bay Road, Manapouri, September 2016 - Photo Carol Sawyer Top of Form It’s time for our government to step up and look after the people they represent now that NZ First have dropped the ball. All tests for the Putaruru family that were poisoned through eating wild pork on botulism have so far been negative. No one has tested for 1080, fluorocitrate, brodifacoum or sodium nitrite - all things that have been found in wild pigs as a direct result of pest control programmes run by government agencies and councils. Currently all three are conscious but they’re not aware of their surroundings. They spasm often, so they’re moving involuntarily. There’s no response to proper stimulus. Doctors fear it will lead to some form of permanent disability. 1080 poison causes spasms as the muscles run out of energy through disruption of the Krebs cycle. The government has refused ACC to this family before fully investigating what has caused this medical nightmare. Their bills are now a six-figure sum and donations only amount to $16,000. This family doesn’t deserve such shoddy treatment from the government.

tionary describes conservation, noun: the protection and preservation of the environment. The question needs to be asked, in relation to the on-going poisoning of our land, especially with 1080. Fiona McQueen, a former medical professor and keen outdoors enthusiast, recently produced a damning indictment on DoC’s disastrous aerial 1080 policy in her book The Quiet Forest. DoC’s sensitivity over the issue has led to attempts to stifle dissent and threaten freedom of expression. What’s going on with this government department? Clear censorship and opinion manipulation? Most people struggle to believe that a government department would be party to such a huge deception that is costing the country tens of millions of dollars. According to DoC those who support the anti-1080 side are just a bunch of Greenie nutters, lifestylers and Facebook sites, along with the small Ban 1080 Party? Yet the reality is that opposition to aerial 1080 is growing, with over 60% of kiwis against DoC’s cruel and inhumane killing of wild animals and native birds. DoC, has some powerful allies, including Federated Farmers, Forest and Bird, TB Free NZ, OSPRI and now apparently Fish and Game NZ. Enough for Otago University to carry out a major research activity on the issue based around Te Anau. There is also a growing Facebook

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group call led FATE – Farmers Against 1080 which Fed Farmers are shocked about as more and more solid citizens, principled scientists, honest academics and openminded students are waking up to the disastrous impact of 1080 on our wild life and native bird populations which are dwindling fast. Yet DoC continues to claim it is saving them, and the insects they feed on. Despicably, Forest and Bird has got in on the act of indoctrinating impressionable primary school children. A cartoon strip on the value of 1080 drops was distributed to schools and included birds talking about the poison. One bird advises another not to eat the bluey-green pellets. The advice is taken and the next year there is a full nest. Over the year’s various tactics have been by DoC to keep the realities of 1080 out of the news or to apply the spin. Recently DoC announced that some kea had died in areas where 1080 had been dropped, but because of a public backlash, little more was forthcoming. National magazines like North and South and The Listener seem scared to cover the topic, even though a big mainstream media scoop awaits them. Are they worried about an advertiser backlash? Advertisers supporting anti-1080 local papers have been threatened before. A regular contributor to Fish and Game Magazine, who wrote a column for the magazine for over 10

years and often wrote feature articles on request as well, has resigned in disgust. He says that the reason was that he contributed a feature article … on the 1080/Predator Free 2050 issue. It was deemed unacceptable by the editor and every mention of the word 1080 was removed, along with 250 words. The contributor rewrote it, removing anything that could be considered even remotely offensive. He was then informed that the rules of the magazine had changed, and that everything now had to meet the approval of Fish and Game NZ’s CEO. The editor of Fish and Game Magazine, said to him in an email: “The decision on whether to publish this is, I’m afraid, out of my hands and with the communications manager. There has been an edict from the new CEO that we are not to touch the 1080 topic and nor are we to endanger relations with DoC. “ Fish and Game Magazine is now no longer an organ of free speech. It has become a tame house journal, propagating the views of its owners, and censoring all alternative views. In other words, it has been gelded. New Zealand Deerstalkers Association’s “Hunting and Wildlife” also stopped printing any letters that criticised the DoC’s 1080 campaign. All the NZDA, GAC (Game Animal Council), F&G are doing is sucking up to the whims of the DoC and OSPRI. Its time fishers and hunters woke up. The interesting thing with Forest and Bird is that our new Min-


ister of Conservation is a fully fledged F and B campaigner. After seeing the damage done to the South Island fresh water fisheries by Ecan with Eugenie Sage on the board, approving every application for water rights to destroy the lowland river system, and then after being sacked to graduate to Minister of Conservation, must be some sort of record? So we question whether she is the right person for the job? What the Green party fail to admit is in 2010 she was sacked from ECan when the Government Commissioners had to take it over… This raises some very interesting issues as to her official attitude on recreational fishing? Having regard to her Forest & Bird and ECan background she may retain a questionable history of preferring to remove trout to protect kokopu? Sage was a field officer and spokesperson for Forest and Bird[ before being elected as councillor for the Selwyn-Banks Peninsula Regional Constituency of Environment Canterbury at the 2007 elections. She lost her seat when the Environment Canterbury Council were replaced by Commissioners on 1 May 2010. In October 2010 she was appointed as a community member to the Selwyn-Waihora Zone Water Management Committee of Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS).

Fisheries announcements expected The Ministry for Primary Industries will not be split into standalone ministries but details are still scarce on how the organisation will operate with three Ministers across different sectors. Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash said he was still working through

the details with Forestry Minister Shane Jones and Biosecurity Minister Damien O’Connor. “Be assured that our focus will be on how to deliver a value proposition to the industry that hopefully exceeds expectations,” he said. “We will certainly hope to an-

nounce our plans in this space before Christmas.” The new look Ministry could come with a review of the Quota Management System, with Nash saying an announcement on whether there would be an investigation was also due by the holidays.


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Letter to editor 100% Political Rubbish

Dear Sir Here we have DoC after spending thousands of dollars of Tax Payers money trying to eradicate TB from our country. These complete idiots have been lately injecting possums with TB and releasing them into four forest areas with the excuse afterwards that they have to do a huge 1080 drop to stop the TB spreading. Idiots like these should have been shot at birth. Now we have 1080 green patches showing up in beehives because the bees are feeding on the 1080 pellets, wait till this gets out to the rest of the world. Talking 1080, NZ First said this and that about banning further 1080 drops and all the rest of the rubbish, and now their main man Richard Prosser who was going to ban 1080 use forever isn’t it even in the picture anymore. Now the new government wants all us Rec fishers to keep all fish 150mm upwards. Myself and all my mates will never change taking 330 upwards. When the commercial fleet starts cleaning up its act and cameras are fitted to their boats will the high grading and dumping stop. We all use a wet rag when releasing fish we don’t want or are too small unlike our TV fishing shows which show people holding fish by either gills and bare hands all over their fish prior to release. I’ve cooked a lot of things in my day and I have yet to try what a kiwi tastes like. If it’s good enough for DoC to kill off all of our native birds off with their filthy cruel 1080 its good enough for me to try the odd bird. As from now I won’t let any politician past my gate and certainly not in my house for fear of them soiling my plants, fruit trees etc. They are all full of it and 100 per cent vermonized.

Dick Featherstone Thames

Bess for Business

The “fishing overhaul” recommended by former MPI employee Randall Bess is just a veiled attempt to absorb the public’s recreational fishing into the Quota Management System where it can be manipulated to give corporate commercial fishing companies a slice of public property. Bess spoke in Blenheim along with Geoff Rowling of NZ Recreational Fishing Council. Both were unimpressive, unable to answer searching questions from the audience. Bess as ex-MPI Fisheries, should well know there is no need to pirate recreational fishing but instead to efficiently manage the total fishery. It was disappointing to see Rowling and NZRFC supporting such piracy. The mishandling damaging fiasco on blue cod in the Marlborough Sounds and the precarious state of the Sounds scallop fishery due to commercial company plundering under the nose of a lame MPI are two prime examples of mismanagement. A well-managed fishery benefits recreational, commercial and customary. The comments of Graham Carter of “Fishing and Outdoors” newspaper admirably summed up the shallowness of Bess’ recommendations it seems Bess wearing the Business Initiative hat, is acting in the interests of the corporate companies and not the fishery, nor the recreational public.

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper proved and looks more and more like a hoax. No evidence has been forthcoming from the Police who are meant to be investigating the releases. Then we have the ‘Hunters Group’ that have allegedly made threats against DoC. Again this elaborate scaremongering to gain public sympathy is looking more like DoC spin doctors making up this rubbish. The Police again have not come up with anything concrete and refuse to reveal the supposed letters. The letter revealed to media recently looks like an elaborate attempt by DoC to prove the threat is real when everyone with half a brain knows the Police would never do this. Its past time that DoC was disbanded - Jack Patchet talks about his experience after 1080 was dropped around his property - https://www.

Industry has colluded with so-called scientists to take away our fishing rights. LegaSea has outgrown the NZSFC, and its future role could be reconsidered. LegaSea is now very political and their advocacy is now reaching high up the political ladder. First thing is to use this window of opportunity to knock over the crime based monopoly that is the commercial sector. How far we can get who knows, but the target is the QMS and the commercial wastage. Nash must introduce cameras asap. It will take a government with the appetite for a fight, not sure we have that yet. Good work and thanks Graham Carter Barry Auckland

DoC’s misinformation taken to new levels

Dear Sir As Lou Sanson Director General of DoC seems to be panicking regarding the fast growing public disgust at the cruel and inhumane manner in which DoC is killing deer and pigs, and allowing new born fawns to die of exposure alongside their mums. DoC have been permitted under the Animal Cruelty Act to carry out this practice which is a shocking portrayal of the depths this department will go to too carry out its disgusting predator free campaign. Anyone that has witnessed the cruel manner in which these animals die is absolutely disgusted with this practice. Peter Watson Sanson appears unable to take the pressure his spin doctors have inPresident vented new ways of attempting to Marlborough Recreational Fishers Assn gain public sympathy which is starting to be revealed as absolute lies. Criminal Conspiracy The supposed release of Sika deer Dear Sir It is a criminal conspiracy. The Fishing in the Taranaki region has yet to be



Fish and Game toothless

Dear Sir Fish and Game don’t get their funding from DoC. It all comes from their approximately 100,000 licence holders. However to get any regulations passed they need DoC’s support, so DoC have a sort of veto effect on Fish and Game. That is why F and G don’t wish to endanger their relations with DoC. Fish and Game is beholden to DoC for any legislative initiative. Fish and Game has an explicit order of priorities : 1) The environment; 2) The resident NZ anglers who own the fishery; 3) The NZ-based guiding community; 4) Non-resident and all other anglers. The fact that DoC gets in the way when it tries to do things is neither here nor there when it comes to priorities.” The Conservation Law Reform Act which the old Acclimatisation Societies and presumably former CEO Bryce Johnson had input into and which set up the legislative framework for the new Fish and Game Councils, were made directly responsible first and foremost to the government of the day via the Minister of Conservation. It was very dumb. I’m puzzled why a person of Bryce Johnson’s intelligence did not see this danger because it has made Fish and Game a toothless watchdog. No doubt bureaucrats and government would have quietly chuckled with glee to realise in that 1987 Act they had got control of Fish and Game. I still think FGNZ CEO Martin Taylor and FGNZ’s first responsibly is to the public. They should show some spine. So the law’s an ass - ignore it. This explains why the then Conservation Minister Nick Smith reportedly delivered a tirade with expletives as punctuation marks, at FGNZ that “he’d close them down.” cheers

Dear Sir True blue ‘Greenies’, conservationists and environmentalists are calling on the Prime Minister that something must be done to stop the cruel and inhumane 1080 drops. The link depicts a video which explains the terrifying truth and the possible reason that the Putaruru family that ate wild pork were the first human lives to be on life support to this poison! clyde,graf/videos/172898847155445/ Botulism toxin has been widely refuted by all but our beloved MPI who as far as we know refuse to test for 1080 poisoning and if they have tested for it are keeping the results of those tests under wraps. Why do they have to send samples to Australia as we have brilliant scientists here in NZ that are more than Barry Wilson capable of ascertaining the truth? Christchurch 1080 kills all Waikato Legasea need to grow


Dear Sir LegaSea has outgrown the NZSFC, and its future role could be reconsidered. Many fishers that we know will never join or become members of Legasea while they remain as part of the NZSFC. If Legasea is going to survive and overcome the likes of the commercial fishing backed Rec Fishing Council and Fishing Future they need to seriously consider their future. Steve Te Puna

Loss of democracy and truth

Dear Sir While he was Minister for the Environment, Nick Smith brought consents for aerial 1080 in under the Hazardous Substances Act, under Environmental Protection Agency, under his own jurisdiction, and removed the avenues for public representation we had had under the Resource Management Act. Smith amended various Acts in order to legitimize 1080 aerial poisoning. The result is a body of law full of contradictions. We have to keep critically examining what is going on until enough people say the loss of democracy, and the loss of truth and good science and humanity, are intolerable. New Zealand statutes ostensibly protect human health, eco-systems, and animal welfare: animals are sentient and are assured humane treatment under the Animal Welfare Act. On the other hand, aerial broadcast of a toxin cannot avoid poison baits falling into tributary streams; dust and poisoned carcasses generated by aerial poisoning are hazardous to human health; native birds are found dead following aerial poisoning; animals and birds show signs of prolonged agony when poisoned by 1080. How is it possible for aerial poisoning to serve the purposes of the NZ statutes? The clumsy attempts of the minister in amending the Acts to facilitate aerial poisoning puts us in no doubt that the government is

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View the newspaper online at – and advertise online with us aware that aerial poisoning cannot serve the purposes of the legislation. In amending the statutes to make aerial poisoning lawful, as it never can be, the NZ government has created statutory contradictions. But this is the state of New Zealand government. At the same time as the Fresh Water Fisheries Regulations 1983 have declared gambusia a pest fish, Government has permitted its sale in pet shops. At the same time as long-finned eels have been declared endangered, schools and boy scout clubs hold eeling competitions and local papers report the eels strung up for judging. At the same time as Government has introduced foreign wasps to provide predators for larvae attacking agricultural crops, it has run a national campaign to make New Zealand predator free by 2050. (The wasp has adapted to native caterpillars.) At same time as Government has amended RMA s15 to facilitate aerial poisoning of water supplies, it has run a national campaign to clean up New Zealand rivers. At the same time as the Animal Welfare Act recognizes that animals are sentient, aerial poisoning is subjecting animals to prolonged and agonizing deaths. Aerial poisoning is random in its effects and the effects cannot be managed, so the purposes of the RMA are not served. Vertebrate Toxic Agents are unbearably cruel to mammals and don’t serve the purpose of the Animal Welfare Act. The process was structured so noone could challenge the use of aerial poisoning in our own environment. Wendy Pond Ed: Check out the full document at http://www.

Spread of Sika

Dear Sir Bravo to Laurie Collins for exposing the nonsense charges of DoC’s CEO about a mischievous release of Sika deer. Just how competent is the Depart-

ment of Conservation when it is unaware of the range of this fine sporting deer; and how pathetic of the New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association to blindly back the DoC complaint.

are all good with our products for much longer. Already more sophisticated tests are being done on honey and neonictinoids have been found, Once 1080 is proven to be in our prodOld Timer ucts then trade figures will be impacted. Why do DOC and TBFree ignore this risk. Whanganui Surely the Ministry of Primary Industries are taking into consideration the The truth is getting out risk of 1080 and brodifacoum poison about 1080 in honey, wine, timber and dairy prodDear Sir ucts when undertaking risk manageThe truth is getting out about just ment assessments on our exports. what 1080 is doing despite the Geoff Guenole strident efforts of DOC and the Wellington NZ media to suppress the truth. Will be interesting to see just what happens here. Lou Sanson the Di- Winston’s Mistake rector General is extremely quick Dear Sir to shout from the roof tops if any- The latest Colmar Brunton poll shows one even talks to his staff about NZFirst polling at 5%, this is down the ecocide DOC is committing. just over 2% from their election reSanson is off in a flash to issue false sult. The NZFirst Party can’t blame a claims about deer being released by quiet Winston Peters for this. The deprotestors and car damage and get his mise of the NZFirst Party started 15 buddy the Commissioner of Police to minutes after Shane Jones came out issue media statements about alleged of his dark quiet Hotel room to exthreats to DOC staff. Here we have cept the nomination for Whangarei. \ the boot on the other foot and where This was a choice made by the NZare Lou Sanson, the Commissioner of First Party that the Party loyal didn’t Police and the New Zealand media. want and were not consulted over. Silent as a church mouse. The people of Whangarei didn’t want Sorry guys we will not tolerate the Jones and neither did the public of NZ double standards. DOC do not have who didn’t trust Jones not to change much credibility and what they do the colour of his political jacket if it have is disappearing fast. It’s time for suited his personal need. This fall in a re-think and a return to consulta- the polls by NZFirst proves that the NZ tion about the environment instead public don’t even trust Jones enough of deciding on a strategy and then to except a gift from his big billion getting spin doctors and psycholo- dollar Santa sack, but the NZ public gists to bulldoze the public into think- have instead treated Jones potential ing the DOC way is the only way. gifts as you would if they were lollies There are many well qualified people from his pocket that came with strings who can make a valuable contribu- attached. Labour had the Jacinda tion to conservation and the envi- effect and are now in government ronment in this country. Labelling because of it. NZFirst has the Shane everyone who disagrees with you Jones effect and will see themselves as a crank and a crackpot is not con- homeless next election because of it. ducive to ensuring the best for NZ in Rhys Smith any field of endeavour. DOC you need Thames a culture change and the resignation of Lou Sanson and others at the top of the organisation is essential. Our trading partners will not accept bland assurances that things

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Couple Sue Police Over Bugging by John McNab

A Golden Bay couple who were openly against 1080 poison are annoyed to find police “bugged” their house during the 2015-16 police investigation over threats to contaminate baby infant formula with 1080. Rolf and Ute Kleine, operate teahouse and bakery “Takaka Infusion”, were shocked to learn from police documents their lawyer procured last month that their house was bugged with a surveillance device 20 days prior to a police search of their home in 2015. The Kleines have lodged a statement of claim with the Nelson High Court and intend suing police. But the culprit in the baby infant formula scare was not an anti-1080 person but was one from the poison industry.

Sixty year old Jeremy Kerr who threatened to spike infant formula with 1080 was jailed for eight and a half years in 2016. Kerr owned a poison company that made the Feratox poison. Meanwhile the Kleines allege both searches and their warrant applications were unlawful and illegal. Ironically the couple said they used to joke about their place being bugged never thinking police would actually do it. On now learning it actually happened, they are shocked. Back in 2015, Rolf Kleine had written signed letters to Fonterra expressing concern 1080 was being dropped near dairy farms. Thereby he became a prime suspect. A report in 2015 said the Kleines were visited by police early

in the morning and made to feel like criminals. The couple was eating breakfast when four unmarked cars pulled into the couple’s driveway and 10 police officers got out of the cars. Two search warrants were thrust in front of the Kleines. Police officers shadowed the pair individually even watching while Ute Kleine brushed her teeth. Then they were taken to separate police stations for questions. Rolf was questioned for six hours and Ute for four. When they returned home they found police had left the verandah door open, rubbish had been tipped out on a bench, insulation ripped from a ventilation system and dirty boot prints were on the floor.


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Government had no right to give ownership away


Send your photos into

Nick Hill catching a prize snapper which he released after having the photo taken on board Nadgee Fishing Charters

Anglers out from Coromandel on the ‘Nadgee’ a 13 m Australian hardwood trawler which has been converted to a Charter Fishing Vessel, Matua Elvis with a nice snapper and Esther Ka with the Mahitahi Trust from Manukau

Dave from Compac Homes Te Kauwhata caught this noce snapper out from Coromandel on the Nadgee Fishing Charters

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Callum Vigus with his PB snapper weighing 16lb. Caught on an Ocean Angler rod with Penn Slamer reel out in the Hauraki Gulf

The last election had a few surprises for everybody with its outcome and in the formation of the new coalition government. There are MPs in cabinet who didn’t expect to be there and others looking for a new job who didn’t expect to be doing so. The new coalition has MPs wrestling with large portfolios, who must be battling with the enormity of the expertise needed. As far as recreational fishers are concerned there have been some very big issues that warn us to keep our eyes on the prize of protecting the inshore fishery for generations of NZ families who want to experience the age old enjoyment to gather seafood for their dinner table. Recreational fishers have sent this new Government and its new fishery Minister Stuart Nash some clear messages. Shane Jones is a corporate MP, conflicted by his relationships with the commercial fishing industry and should butt out of fishery management completely. Recreational fishers do not expect to be monitored, registered or to pay a licence fee to go salt water fishing in NZ. Rather the Minister should be entirely focused on addressing the huge wastage of fish from the use of destructive commercial fishing methods. Cameras on commercial boats, and electronic monitoring and reporting of commercial fisher’s activities must go ahead and must be able to make any prosecution stand up in court. The days of MPI failing to prosecute commercial fishers for dumping and misreporting, and turning a blind eye to the use of wasteful destructive methods have gone. The recreational lobby group Legasea and their supporters will most likely strongly object to changes to the QMS or Resource Management Act, where government pays lip service to sustainable or environmental concerns. In order for Legasea

to fully represent and gain the full support of recreational fishers they should be politically aligned and not apolitical. Any recreational lobby group funded by the MPI must be treated as industry captured. Commercial fishers and the Aquaculture Industry have lost social licence and can expect legal challenges from four fronts this year. Customary fishers have also had a gut’s full of watching commercial boats depleting inshore fisheries, only to see it exported by a wealthy few for profit. Environmentalists will take aquaculture back to court this year over industries and MPI’s arrogance in addressing bottom fouling from static fish and shell fish farming. Mussel farmers will face the Environment Court next year because they have considered their own self-importance to be of more value than the environment. Mussel farmers made the same fatal mistake the fin fish commercial fishers did. They have been drawing attention to themselves, self-promoting themselves to the public despite misgivings to the contrary, celebrating huge new off shore mussel farms and creating awards to pat itself on the back. The massive new mussel farm being developed off Opotiki has already been declared an environmental disaster by environmentalists. This will in the very least hold up any progress, if it doesn’t stop it entirely. Where is all the thousands of tons of plastic mussel farm rubbish going to float off too? How many thousands of sea mammals is this going to kill and keep on killing because this type of plastic has a life span of 350 years? Even the recreational fishers who fish on the farms are repulsed by the farm waste washing up on their beaches. The aquaculture industry ought to pay to clean up their rubbish

and bottom fouling. The seafood industry will pay the price for the near extinction of the Maui Dolphin when the USA ban NZ products as they did with Mexico. The USA has started the process by declaring the Hectors and Maui endangered and yet the commercial fishers are still fishing with gill nets in the Maui habitat. It would serve the industry right if the USA stopped all NZ trade because the commercial fishing industry have put a target on themselves. Last but not least the recreational fishers now have the strength of numbers to effect much needed change. The Labour Party must seek to have a stand-alone victory in the next elections to effect positive long term change. To do this they will need the recreational fishing vote. These last elections recreational fishers walked away from NZ First because they were stupid enough to choose Shane Jones over Richard Prosser. Recreational fishers need to be prepared to walk away from the Labour if they do not follow through on their fisheries campaign policy pledges. Most recreational fishers have had a gut’s full of corporate recommendations from people with dubious university qualifications and no common scene or understanding that recreational fishers don’t want to share their fishery with an outdated bulk harvesting export industry that puts no other value on a fish, than the price per tonne. The moronic MP’s who gave a majority portion of the public owned NZ fishery to commercial fishers in 1986 had no right to do so. The fight the recreational fishers embark on will be generational and will never end until the public inshore fishery at least is returned to abundance and its rightful owners – the recreational and customary fishers of NZ.

Independent inquiry into fisheries management

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In response to the release of the Future Catch report by the New Zealand Initiative, the EDS has called for a wide-ranging public inquiry into New Zealand’s fisheries management system. “There are many worrying problems with the current fisheries management regime, and these are far broader than recreational fishing,” said EDS Policy Director Raewyn Peart. Recent research has shown that confidence in the fisheries management system is at an all-time low and there are serious questions about the capacity of the Ministry of Primary Industries to turn this situation around. The Government’s stated an intention to split up MPI. The options for rebuilding fisheries management capacity need careful consideration, including mechanisms to avoid agency capture and the potential establishment of an Oceans Agency to provide independent oversight. There are important questions about industry’s relationship with the regulator that need proper investigation. Many inshore stocks are being inadequately researched and poorly managed. For example, more than 70% of the Hauraki Gulf’s finfish harvest is from stocks of unknown status. Only 5% of the harvest is from stocks identified as likely or very likely to be above their target size. The sign of a depleted fishery is having an abundance of small fish, i.e.: the Hauraki Gulf. New Zealand is well behind other developed countries in addressing the environmental impacts of fishing. In particular, there is an urgent need to address the ongoing damage that fishing is causing to seafloor habitats. Such impacts are chronic,

cumulative and difficult to reverse. They are impacting important juvenile habitats and helping to drive some of our coastal ecosystems towards dangerous tipping points. The aggregation of quota into few hands is restricting access to the industry, driving out independent fishers and creating perverse incentives. Our commercial fisheries are still largely based on bulk harvest methods, which deliver a low value product at often a high environmental cost. We need to incentivise fishing practices that deliver high quality fish, generating a high eco-

nomic return for the country, while minimising the environmental impacts on our precious oceans. A public inquiry should be tasked with making recommendations on the changes required to ensure that our fisheries management system is up to international best practice, meets Māori and public expectations, and delivers the greatest overall benefits for the country. The effective management of New Zealand’s fisheries is a matter of considerable public importance. We need to get it right,” concluded Ms Peart.

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Aerokontiki fishing system a winner

Spoils from our inaugural flight

I wanted to go land-based fishing from the beach across from our holiday home. However, I was worried about losing a torpedo in the strong tidal flows that occur in the area. The Aerokontiki system is marvellous! 1000m of line flown to the area of choice in just a few minutes – hit the release button and the aerokontiki returns to land safely, all under GPS. Easy! More-so, I included a rod and electric reel combo, so the laborious task of reeling in the line is no problem. Further, I have the rod and reel for the occasional times when I go

deep-sea fishing. Designer and marketing manager Kyle Parshotam has put the underlying complex system into a very usable package for the likes of me. I have found aftersales backup is no problem with great service, and he has always responded promptly with useful information on the queries I have had. It has been a pleasurable experience! Richard Cross, Tauranga. After retiring my wife and I purchased a caravan in order to spend time touring New Zealand. Having boat-fished all my life, the thought of surfcasting just didn’t cut it. Normal long line torpedoes would be too bulky and heavy to carry in the caravan, and would also be too difficult for us to manage whilst travelling. The Aerokontiki was the perfect and complete solution to our problem. As a fishing system

Poo and DoC I had to laugh to see a news brief item in “The Press” published in Christchurch. It said “a rat has been ruled out as being the culprit for a dropping found on Codfish Island - a DNA analysis of the single dropping ruled out the rat, among other things. DoC operations manager Tony Preston said he was thrilled with the result—the dropping is now thought to be from a kereru “ I thought about this and came to the conclusion DoC are just dopey. It could be a laugh but for the fact, we the taxpayer’s fund this crowd who

mistake a bird poo for a rodent poo. The trouble was when DoC was formed a lot of good, knowledgeable field workers in the Forest Service, Wildlife Service and Lands and Survey, were made redundant. They were replaced by academics and know-it-alls who know nothing in practical terms. Then we have the irrational outbursts coming from managers in DoC over the alleged sika deer release in north Taranaki and name calling the taxpaying public who are concerned about 1080, as “eco-terrorists”. Then on top of

An extremely powerful longline fishing drone designed for NZ Coastal Environment and able to haul 16 - 25 hooks and cast up to 1000m in 5 mins. *

the Aerokontiki works. It is also very easy to manage and store. What sets this AK above the rest? Two reasons: (1) It is designed for fishing and works. (2) The after-sales support. This is not a case of when you buy a product, the moment the cheque clears, you are “on your own”. We have found Kyle to be genuine. He believes in his product, he is passionate about fishing and, most importantly for us, has been Kyle’s availability to take calls to discuss whatever questions we have had. Russell & Carolyn Gibson Palmerston North this DoC blesses a 1080 drop on Molesworth that from my information has killed a terrible large number of deer, many no doubt being hinds about to give birth to fawns or worse still having dropped a fawn which without its mother will die slowly from starvation. Is it not time for a shakeup of DOC? For readers who may not know the Molesworth is basically open country with small patches of scrub in the gullies. Possum numbers are very low. Just wondering after Codfish Island stupidity, can DoC tell the difference between deer poo and possum poo? Fergus McDonald Christchurch

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Nash confirms fishing report dead in the water Recreational fishers will be relieved to hear that Stuart Nash appears to have completely rejected the recommendations of a report that would have brought onerous compliance costs on them. The public policy think tank, the New Zealand Initiative, yesterday released the findings of a five year study into the state of New Zealand’s recreational fishing sector. Among its recommendations are imposing a licensing regime on recreational fishers, introducing a registration system for boats and requiring recreational catch reporting. “The Minister has gone from a reserved positon on the report last night, to being unequivocal today and rejecting most of its recommendations. “In answering my questions in the House today, the Minister provided welcome confirmation that recreational fishers will not be required to get a license to catch a fish in the marine environment, they will not have to register their boat, and will not have to report their catch. “Now that he has clarified the long held positon (as outlined in the report) that recreational fishers “will have priority status where the abundance is insufficient to support both commercial and noncommercial fishing” the question arises; will he move to compensate commercial fishers for reduced total

allowable take in over-fished areas? Unfortunately probably under pressure from the commercial fishing sector the Minister recently announced he would put a stop on the roll out of digital monitoring on commercial fishing vessels until he has reviewed the National Government under the table proposal which was full of holes. Fortunately Nash seems to be far more responsible and clear thinking than Nathan Guy ever was and certainly doesn’t appear bent towards the rorte Commercial fishers have pulled for years. Nash seems to have recognized that recreational fishing has taken a hit ever since the QMS was introduced and the Bess’s catch report fails to mention this, in fact it avoids it. This Bess report is a complete red herring and dodges the real issues which the Fishing Industry want to protect. That is the monetary gain which allows their shareholders and quota holders to make huge profits. The point is that if the Commercial Fishing Industry adopted true and authentic sustainable practices and started using sustainable methods there would be no need to put cameras on their vessels and the inshore fishery would be suitable for all users in next to no time without all this expense and unnecessary waste of funds. The 76 page document outlines

every reason Bess could think off to justify recreational monitoring and licensing and fails to address a single one of the issues caused by commercial fishing. First and foremost The Catch Report fails to address the waste by the Commercial Industry, instead it focusses on wanting recreational fishers to be monitored and licenced. The fishing companies want to increase the value of rec fishing to the industry by putting a value on it so that they have something to sell as an exit strategy. They can see the rec fishers taking control, along with the loss of water space. If any rec monitoring shows that the rec fishers are not catching there allocation then the commercial industry want any deficit which will deplete the fishery even further. Bess is strangely focused on the 2.7% of the total allowable catch that recreational and subsistence fishers (including most Maori) take for a feed, rather than the 97.3% that commercial fisheries self-report. Targeting recreational fishers is a red herring as it dodges the real issues which plague NZ’s fisheries. Most Maori fish as recreational fishers and to suggest an Australian white man’s model caters for the Maori world view is absurd and frankly offensive.

Politics Are Politicians so Shallow and Stupid? by Rupert Pye

An article in the December issue caught my eye. It ran “Has NZ First Let Us Down?” It set me thinking so with pipe puffing one evening and slippers on and a cup of hot cocoa before

bed, I got to do some thinking. That reminds me too. Richard Prebble of the Rogernomics era, once said he’d been thinking. That is a debatable point I reflected. That evening I rang a journalist

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My friend observed as a journalist that prior to the election he got a flood of emails from NZ First and very good material they often were. Winston Peters speeches featured frequently. But here is the contrast. Since the election, the emails from NZ First have ceased. What is the difference pray you may ask between September 1st and when the coalition was announced in late October? The issues have not gone away overnight. As last month’s “Fishing and Outdoors” observed NZ First promised to get rid of aerial 1080 application. Sadly the one NZ First who stood up and quizzed National’s inept MPI minister Nathan Guy on 1080 and Tb incidence in possums, was within NZ First demoted from number 3 on the list to number 15. That was unjust. Mr Prosser was one of the better performers well deserving to be in the top three of the list. Methinks there may be factions at work within NZ First. It is usually about cliques and a lust for power. Last month’s paper said “We have not heard from Winston Peters on this issue since the new government was formed.” Well there has not been any-

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friend down in the South Island. A comment from him set me thinking on the subject of other politicians and the contrast between when they are in opposition and when they are in government.

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thing heard from NZ First since it went into coalition with the Greens and Labour. The credibility of NZ First and Winston Peters is at stake over the 1080 and other promises. Are politicians so shallow and stupid to think the public does not notice such things? When in opposition politicians cry foul and the sky is falling. Then miraculously on being elected, everything is rosy and the sky has stopped falling. It is shallow and insincere. Are politicians so stupid to think the public is more stupid than the public are? No wonder politicians are held in such low regard. When are politicians going to haul the “Sir Humphreys” into line. Last month I wrote about the bureau-

crats who dictate to ministers and who in turn lamely go along with the bureaucratic advice. Too often the advice is not in the public interest. Too often it is self-serving to the bureaucrats who at times are lap dogs to the corporate interests. A fine example is fisheries management with the ministry seeming to be mesmerised by the corporate companies. Is it corrupt fisheries corporates donate heavily to any parties likely to be government? With the September election that would be National, Labour and NZ First, perhaps the Greens, getting sizeable donations from the large corporate fishing companies. Is it not time for openness and transparency?

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New Government and new Ministers The Fraser Coast Fishing Alliance have congratulated the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labour for winning the majority Government which has been welcomed by the recreational fishing sector who backed Labour again based on their previous support and commitment to ongoing fisheries reforms. The alliance have are petitioning the minister to end damaging commercial netting in the Great Sandy Marine Park which is the only Marine Park that allows commercial netting. Ending damaging commercial netting which has already been ten-

tatively listed as a World Heritage Area, will bring a much needed boost to an environment deserving of proper marine protection. The Alliance have asked the Government to commit to ending destructive commercial netting operations and adjacent waterways under the current full term 10 year review to restore fish stocks and help protect the Queensland urban coast’s largest dugong population. In New Zealand the National Party have reneged on every front with regards the rec fishing sector. They

have not delivered on any of their continual promises and basically stabbed rec fishers in the back. National does not deserve the support of rec fishers until they get their priorities right. To date the Labour party here has supported the rec fishing industry said to be worth as much as the commercial industry and certainly growing whereas the economic value of commercial fin fish is falling. They are not to be trusted as they have no answers and are sore losers.

DoC has shed responsibilities (special report) The Department of Conservation came in for a criticism at the annual meeting of the Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of NZ (CORANZ) held recently. In the annual report by CORANZ cochairmen Bill Benfield and Andi Cockroft, it said recent events showed DoC had moved away from its responsibilities for recreation and the environment. One change had been DoC no longer holding its non-government-organisation (NGO) meeting with groups. “Presumably DoC’s CEO Lou Sanson believes he has no need for them (NGOs).” Another example cited of DoC’s change of emphasis was the department’s decision to appeal Forest and Bird’s legal decision over DoC using conservation park land as a swap for flooded land that would result from

a proposed dam in Hawkes Bay. Treaty of Waitangi settlements came in for criticism too with the previous government’s use of land and resources to settle claims being questioned. “There seems no end to the claims.” CORANZ believed the treaty was about one people, not one divided on ethnic grounds said the report. “Ironically the situation has developed into a reverse apartheid situation.” One example was saltwater fisheries regulations where customary fishing has no regulations whereas commercial and recreational are bound by regulations. “While government weakly and naively acquiesces to demands, the divide will widen. Perhaps a binding referendum would be in order certainly far more important than

a $35 million flag referendum?” The CORANZ report was also critical of the lack of advocacy by national bodies prior to the election. While CORANZ prepared an election charter for political parties and took advertisements to highlight pertinent election issues, other groups such as Fish and Game and NZ Deerstalkers Association appeared to do little to inform voters. “Fish and Game by law is responsible to the Minister of Conservation while NZDA had put its faith in the Game Animal Council which is by law directly responsible also to the Minister of Conservation. Sadly CORANZ stood alone in informing the public of outdoor election issues.” Officers elected:- Co-chairmen Bill Benfield (Wairarapa), Andi Cockroft (Wellington) Secretary: Hugh Barr (Wellington)

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper agement as fishing companies are legally allowed to dump what is not used in order to keep the prices out

In this country where Fishing Companies win awards and proclaim that they fish sustainably here we have several photos showing skip bins full

could be so any surplus is dumped, so the supermarket benefits. This highlights one of the problems that we have in the MPI fishing man-

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trawlers what is

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Goodbye MPI – hello Fisheries NZ It’s good news for the recreational fishers with the creation of a dedicated body to be known as Fisheries New Zealand which marks a major milestone on the way to improved management of this valuable natural resource. The reorganization of the Ministry for Primary Industries will create four new branches with a specific focus on fisheries, forestry, biosecurity and food safety. Mr Nash says the changes strike the optimum balance between enhancing fisheries management while minimizing disruption to staff and operations within MPI. “The establishment of Fisheries New Zealand is a tightly focused change which will go a long way towards improving public confidence in the way fisheries are managed. “The reorganization provides clearer lines of accountability for fisheries management decisions. “It means that as Minister I can have confidence in the way fisheries officials carry out government policy.

It means that the many individuals, un-biased organisation, and that legagencies, iwi and businesses with a islation will be passed to prosecute stake in fisheries have a clear picture every breach of the Fisheries Act. of accountability within the sector. The commercial fishing industry has “It also means Fisheries New Zealand had it to good for too long having corcan be upfront about its work and rupted the MPI and many politicians. its expectations for how the fisheries Rhys Smith an independent Fisherresource is harvested and protected. ies Consultant said that without the “The new body will work to strengthen introduction of cameras its business relationships with iwi, recreational and as usual for commercial fishers. The commercial fishing representatives, cameras are the ​only thing that will the environmental sector and other come remotely close to stopping local communities,” Mr Nash says. the wastage. ​ The public of NZ will “The need to ensure the sustain- not except any more excuses from ability of fisheries stocks and to mini- commercial fishers who refuse to mise the environmental impacts of adopt the more sustainable methfishing are important concerns for ods of harvest that are now available all of us. Fisheries New Zealand is ex- to the commercial fishing industry. pected to lead efforts in these areas. Nash’s report says he is going to “The changes announced today strengthen iwi relationships, which are an important first step to- could mean he is supportive of the wards ensuring a sustainable and Hawke’s Bay Seafood Company facabundant fishery,” Mr Nash says. ing 300 plus charges in Wellington. Hopefully Nash’s next step will be This company is in business partners the introduction of cameras on all with iwi, which is not a good look. commercial fishing vessels which are monitored by an independent

Early Bird Bait & Tackle Report

Why fish in supermarkets is so expensive? of perfectly edible fish being dumped on daily basis to be turned into fish meal or blood and bone fertiliser. A supermarket chain that operates its own fish processing plant takes orders from its supermarket outlets and then processes its own freshly caught fish to send out regularly to the supermarkets outlets. They only process what the supermarket outlets can sell. Obviously because of the high prices in the outlets demand is not what it

of the reach of many consumers. Again this shows how effective our Quota Management System is.


I am starting this report of the same as last year at this time as my reports are almost identical. Santa has been and gone now, leaving you hopefully with a nice new Rod and Reel and some of the latest sliders and soft baits. So now you’re thinking where can we go to test it all out.

If I told you the fishing here on the Firth of Thames was good I would be lying because it really is exceptional. Obviously at this time of year we expect the fish to get smaller but there are so many that most charters are getting their limits with ease and the size of the fish being caught is nothing shorter than fantastic. You can expect Snapper over 40cm and Kingfish well over 80cm around the Mussel Farms and a lot of guys have told me stories of being busted off by very big fish. You don’t have to go very far up the coast if you want a feed as most of the rocky outcrops beyond Waiomu are producing good sized Snapper and plenty of Kahawai. Gurnard are in abundance, and if you put your berley down with the anchor and move off the mussel farms you should pick up some very nice specimens. Baby sharks are always a problem in December and January and avoiding them is very difficult but with patience and perseverance you should come out on top and get your limit. Further out in the Firth, plenty of good Snapper are being caught both on the drift and anchored. Bite times have been spot on recently so check them before you go out fishing. Berley is a must so get a bomb down to the bottom and wait. The fish will come to you!!! Judging by the comments I have received from the guys returning from fishing, there doesn’t seem to be any special bait that out fishes all of the rest. Fish are fussy sometimes and what might not work on the incoming tide will be a killer on the outgoing. Always carry a mixture of bait so you can keep your options open. Put some Berley Chum in the water to entice them to take your bait but be aware of the bigger sharks. They will attack your berley pot without hesitation but this doesn’t happen very often and if you do hook up with one of these monsters they can be good fun

for a short while until your line gets cut. More and more people are launching further up the coast now from Te Kouma, this being an all tide place to get the boat in and out. However, there have been reports of theft of trailers and vehicles being broken into. Make sure your trailer is secure and wheels are locked or clamped. ‘The Mongrels’ will always be there so don’t make their job easy. The holidays are an ideal time for these guys to make a killing on your behalf so have a good look around and maybe take a note of their vehicle registration. The MAF Guys are normally not too far away so talk with them. Please be reminded about fish limits and of course taking fish that are undersize. I have attached a couple of photos to end this year, the first being a young lad called Caleb Millar, a young lad aged 7 who was very proud of his medium sized Snapper caught out on the Mussel Farms. The second photo is my buddy Greg, who caught this 10.5lb on soft bait again on the Mussel Farms. He was only out a few hours and managed to land some good fish, this being his biggest on the day. As I’m typing this out the heat is sweltering and I need a çold one’ so have a great holiday, drive safely and if you are out on the boat remember to wear your life jacket. Tight Lines


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Boat Servicing

Bait & Tackle

Fishing Charters

Accommodation at the Waitahanui River, Taupo Lakeside cabins

Fish cleaning area

Tackle shop

2-minute walk to Waitahanui river

Rods and waders for hire

027 2042808

Recommended by Lonely Planet travel guide

116 State Highway 1, Waitahanui, Taupo Phone 0800 104 321 Email Website

Help Didymo Dave and his team of helpers clean up the Waitahanui and Hinemaiaia Rivers. YOUR DONATION WILL HELP helpdidymodaveandhisboyscleanup thewaitahanuiriver


You must know how to fish. You want someone to show you the river,

Grant Alley, former pro guide, 0274 700783

NZ oldest Tackle Shop

Taupahi Road, Turangi 07 3867929 Phone ahead for a coffee

Phone: 07 8668928 - 0278668001 NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers Inc ‘Advocacy for Freshwater Anglers’

Phone 022 3002201 07 8668172

NZFFA Facebook Website Email


Want to fill the freezer with venison?

Book a Wilderness Hunting trip Phone 021 334464 - 07 552 4885 or email

Winter hours: 6am - 6pm



Boat Storage


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Jasmine Saussey 0221755254

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Help Didymo Dave clean up the Waitahanui and Hinemaia Rivers Call 021 02600437 for drop off points North Island wide

0274 537940

DOC/OSPRI Cruelty Dear Sir

I refer to the Ospri (TB Free) 1080 drop on Molesworth Station. This is cruelty in the extreme. You know if this was a farmer slaughtering a cow after it had given birth to a calf and leaving the new born to die, there would be an uproar, a court case and a heavy fine. At least the farmer in that hypothetical case would be quickly killing the

cow whereas Ospri using 1080 is causing the mother to die a slow, terrible death over days or even weeks. Ospri should be in court over this. So should DoC because they have the option to say “no” to the use of 1080 (that’s a bad joke isn’t it?) and besides Molesworth Station is publicly owned (Crown) with DoC administering it. DoC is an accomplice to the cruelty. Here’s some facts for Ospri, DoC and better throw in Federated Farmers to think about. 1. Molesworth is not good possum habitat - numbers are low by the

very nature of the open, scree terrain. 2. Possums don’t spread TB as Minister Nathan Guy admitted last year in Parliament to questions from ex-NZ First MP Richard Prosser (of 9830 possums autopsied, none had TB Guy said). 3. Molesworth is the only farm in Marlborough with TB. 4. Ospri continue to use antiquated skin tests with 25% error rates likely. So TB will remain. 5. If Ospri honestly wanted to be rid of TB on Molesworth they could do it over-night. 6. Anyhow NZ is TB free by world stand-

ards and has been for some years. World standard is to be under 0.01% of cattle at slaughter. NZ is 0.0019%. Ospri is on a gravy train existence. It is milking the taxpayer and farmers through levies. Ospri has no reason to exist. As for the cruelty to deer and new born fawns, when will justice come to the fore? I look forward to the new Minister of Agriculture standing up on this. Also the Minister of Conservation? Farmer-Hunter North Canterbury

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Ramco Boats now available in Hamilton authorised SUZUKI dealer

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