Fishing and outdors june 2018 issue

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June 2018

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Export Fishery is Stealing Our Fish Black market seafood is recreational seafood catch that is sold or traded for financial reward. This would appear to be straightforward and should be clear to any MPI fishery officer that catches you selling or trading in seafood without commercial quota. The fines imposed are based on the number and retail value of the seafood confiscated by MPI. However, when you investigate a little deeper into the black market trade, the size of the offending, and the ownership of the harvested sea-


Pureora hunting comp results

Page 6 - 2018 Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships Page 7-

Commercial still dumping fish

Page 8-

Fisheries New Zealand launched

Page 9-

Waikato Council gives Taupo rights to Maori

Page 11 - The greens and sage have to go

food, things start to get a little murky. Let’s make one point very clear, at this time, any recreational or customary fisher who catches more than their daily catch allowance or catches and lands undersize seafood is a greedy scum bag, because those limits have been set to ensure sustainably of the fishery. The commercial fish wholesalers are the sole reason the black market of our seafood is so prevalent. They have a legal, MPI supported monopoly over the tonnage and price of the seafood released onto the NZ local market. When New Zealanders have asked for fresh reasonably priced seafood from our commercial fishers, what they got was a slap in the face from the seafood wholesalers who export all the top quality fish and purposely strive for higher retail prices for our favourite seafood. Most of our local trade fresh fish is export reject – fish that has been squashed in the nets or damaged while being caught.

One the reason the commercial fishers hate recreational fishers is because they are catching seafood they consider to be theirs, for free and are not buying it at the outrageous prices from one of their retail shops or supermarkets. The reason commercial fishers hate the black market poachers who supply local trade, is because if the poachers supplied enough cheap same day fresh seafood to the market, they will have to drop the price of the commercially caught seafood that had been sitting in the fish hold of a commercial vessel for four days before being landed. It’s funny how commercial fishers call four-day-old fish – fresh fish. The supermarkets have been known to dump into land fill or fish meal plants tons of fish that has gone past its usable date because the fish was five days old when they got it. There is no valid reason why recreational fishers couldn’t sell part or all of their recreational catch to

one of the licenced fish receivers that are in most small seaside towns. If you turned up at a local seaside restaurant with a few nice Snapper on ice the chef would know that this fresh iced fish will please his customers. The owner of the restaurant could then record the recreational fish and send the return to MPI. We should have the best seafood restaurants and seaside cafes in the world, but we don’t. This system would shut down the unrecorded poaching by creating competition and force those poaching scumbags who insist on catching hundreds of fish or shellfish over their daily limit to have their fish recorded. As a bonus, it could create thousands of part-time jobs for young people looking for a bit of extra cash. As a result, NZ’ers would have same day fish to eat in their restaurants, to supply our highest earning industry, Tourism. There are many seaside cafés and restaurants that have export trucks

full of commercially caught fish and shellfish going past their door every day and yet the fishing companies only ever offer frozen fish as supply. In many of these small seaside communities, where the cafés are based there are retired people who recreational fish, they go out most days and could easily bring back some same day rod and reel caught fish. In restaurants around the world, consumers are now looking on the menu to see if the seafood is line or hand caught, but not our commercial fishers, they still catch it by the ton. Seaside cafes and restaurants around the world have locals supplying them with fresh same day hand caught fish, but not our cafes and restaurants that would be a crime. Wholesale fish suppliers around the world supply reasonably priced seafood for their citizens, but not our commercial wholesalers. Our fish is cheaper in Australia and is so expensive in NZ that many of the staunch Catholics

have had to by-pass fish on Friday. The crayfish and paua industry need congratulating as they have exploited and over fished their industries to the point that now if you can find some to buy, it is now more expensive than methamphetamine. That’s really cool, because now the drug dealers now have two jobs, poaching Paua/Crayfish and dealing drugs, and for them the economy is looking good. The police are never going to stop the manufacture of P because P is a poison and could never be made legal. To do so would increase the poison on our streets which kills/ poisons and destroys the lives of thousands of NZ’ers each year? The police and MPI could make local supply of seafood easier and reduce the poaching market of opportunity. The result would be more fresh healthy seafood for our people and seafood is something we want to have more of as opposed to P.

Fishery Stolen from NZ Customary Fishers There is something about the quota system that has puzzled us for a long time and that is how did any NZ government get the right to manage or give away the fishery of NZ to private commercial fishers? In 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in an attempt to resolve some of the conflict between Maori and Pakeha settlers. But there were significant differences between the Maori and English versions of the

Treaty. The most important difference between the two versions, with regard to fisheries, is found in the second article. While the English version grants Maori “exclusive and undisturbed possession of their lands and estates, forests, fisheries and other properties”, the Maori version guarantees Maori unqualified chieftainship over their lands, villages and treasures (Treaty of Waitangi Information Programme 2006).35

So Maori believed that they retained control of their resources while the settlers believed that the Crown could, from that point on, impose regulatory controls on resources within New Zealand. Both versions of the Treaty grant Maori ownership of their lands and fisheries. The QMS was introduced in 1986 because the commercial fishers had overfished and over exported much of the NZ fishery to the point that

recreational and Maori fishers were tician came up with the concept of unable to catch a feed for the table. rewarding the greedy unconscienSo something had to be done. It tious large commercial fishing opwas clear that the crown governor- erators that destroyed the fishery ship or management of the fishery while filling their pockets with cash had failed. What was needed was in the first place, with the ownerthe better management of the ship of enough fish to keep them in fishery with a system that put the their business of ecological plunder. brakes on the exporters while there The crown could have bought into was still enough fish left in our wa- legislation an effective manageters to rebuild the fishery naturally ment system without giving away We are not sure what slimy rat poli- Story continued page 2...


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Jackson Murray fishing at Te kaha with his first Kingi

Send your photos into

Coro Fishing <Brendon Watene from Huntly with a nice fish Stef Tuan Hamilton with one of her many fish>

Fishing and Outdoors PO Box 10580, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3240 Ph 021 02600437 Editor Graham Carter 021 02600437 Advertising Sales Tracy Fairey Bay of Plenty 027 884 7156

Above L-R Ronnie Horner, Riley Pert and proud hunter Toby Ardern with his goat.

Graphics: Astro Creative Photography: Sandi Tuan Regular Writers: Graham Carter James Speedy Ben Hope Frank Henry Dick Featherstone Tony Orman Rhys Smith John McNab Fishing and Outdoors is published by Ashwood Grove Ltd. All editorial copy and photographs are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions or comments expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the contributors, editor, staff and management or directors of Ashwood Grove Ltd. ISSN 1179-5034 Unsolicitored editorial, letters, photographs will only be returned if you include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Visit us on Facebook Copyright © 2011 Fishing Outdoors Newspaper, All Rights Reserved.

<Sarah Hills centre with her first ever animal and surrounded by a group of delighted hunters – L-R Demelza, Ronnie, Charlie, Bianca, Livvy and Calista.

<Riley Pert with his best goat to date

Club Member Stella Clark with her doe on the 2015 Take A Kid Hunting Day

Cover story continued... ownership or the fishery or granting a property right to the commercial fishers in the way that it did. To be assigned quota in the initial allocation, individuals had to be deemed a commercial fisher. According to the Fisheries Act 1983, to be a commercial fisher an individual or company needed: • earnings of NZ $10,000 or more from fishing and to earn more than 80% of their income from fishing; or • earnings from fishing to form a vital part of their income. With the new requirements, a large number of part-time fishers, many of whom were Maori living in rural areas, were removed from the industry. These part-time fishers were supplying local trade and their loss

caused a lack of fresh fish being available to local people and fish and chip shops in their areas. This effectively gave those commercial fishers who were lucky enough to get quota gifted to them by the crown, a monopoly over price and supply of local trade fish supply. For the Maori fisher who had chiefship of the fishery under the Treaty and was supplying his local community with fresh same day fish the future was bleak. The parttime Maori fisher without quota was then classed as a recreational fisher and for him to the supply or trade his catch in his local community then became a crime. For the crown to remove the ownership of the fishery from Maori when they didn’t possess ownership under

the treaty is a breach of civil rights that was no different to the Americans allocating native Indian land to the settlers via a ballet system and then using the cavalry to drive off the Indians when they protested. The inshore fishery was never meant to be exported at all. The inshore fishery has always been and should always be for local trade locals to supply and trade with local communities. The sustainable fish supply is there to do this easily, but there is not sufficient fish or shellfish supply for the exporters to feed the world. Under the Treaty of Waitangi, the inshore fishery is customary New Zealand and no Government has the authority to change the Treaty. The next brainless act of idiocy from the crown was to use the fishery

as a cash settlement for Maori. The problem with this is that if the fishery gets fished out like it has been, then that settlement has no value. There is only one possible solution to this mess and that is to right the wrong that has accrued to Maori and the New Zealand people by a government who breached a treaty and gave away for free a national and cultural asset that didn’t belong to them. Remove the illegal ownership of the fishery given to the commercial fishers because it is in breach of the treaty. Allocate the entire offshore fishery to Maori for settlement and for export. Declare that inside the 12nm limit shall be customary New Zealand only and not for export. Never again should the citizens

of NZ be denied a healthy inshore fishery because the exporters are getting a good price for fish in Hong Kong. The inshore fishery and our vast NZ coast is a public wild resource, it is not farmed by the government and therefore they do not have the right to overallocate its natural resources to the point of depletion for the sake of a better export balance. All a commercial fisher is, is a person with a boat who goes to sea and catches what he finds and sells it for profit. That most defiantly does not give them the right to own that wild fish. The politicians got away with giving away our fish to those who didn’t deserve it and we customary family New Zealand fishers want it back.


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Pureora hunting competition 2018

The Pureora hunting competition is a red deer hunting competition hosted during the roar between 19th March to 29th April 2018. All hunters required a valid hunting permit for Pureora Forest Park and surrounds to enter, so all that was needed was a trophy head! The competition is open to all hunters. Pursue your love of hunting through the roar in Pureora, and enter DOC’s annual hunting competition. 2018 Prize Winners: 1st Prize: Glen Wilcox, Turangi, Douglas Score 310 3/8, Points 12; 2nd Prize: Allan Juno, Waitomo, 308, 16, 3rd Prize: John Gunn, Pirongia, 289 3/8, 12; 4th Prize:

Jim Clark, Otorohanga, 286 6/8, 12; 5th Prize: Carrie Peddle, Otorohanga, 284 6/8, 13; 6th Prize: Cody Marshall, Turangi, 278 6/8, 13; 7th Prize: Allan Juno, Waitomo, 275 4/8, 16; 8th Prize: Carrie Peddle, Otorohanga, 268 2/8, 12; 9th Prize: Graeme Tremain, Rotorua, 264 7/8, 14; 10th Prize: Wayne Lincoln, Mangakino, 264 4/8, 13. Major Mystery Prize: Mark Neill, Taumarunui. Deer Jaw draw: Will Kemp, Te Awamutu. Ugliest or most unusual head: Carrie Peddle, Otorohanga. Lady’s shot: Carrie Peddle, Otorohanga.

On Wednesday the May 9th the Whangarei Boys High School Clay target team attended another Secondary School’s shooting competition held in Kaitaia. They came in First Place Overall (Team) with 423/475; High Over All Boys - William Hamlin 91/95; Point Score - Jacob Kennedy 1st with 59/60; Single Rise - William Hamlin and Zack Houghton had full scores. 20/20; Single Barrel - Zack Houghton and William Hamlin both scored 14/15. Zack placed 2nd and William 3rd after the shootout.

Anti-Introduced Phobia Has No Place in NZ - Scientist by John McNab

The dislike of introduced species which often amounts to hatred has no place in New Zealand’s management says an environmental scientist Dr Jamie Steer. The ”Kapiti Independent News” website featured an article on Dr Steer’s views in which he supported the concept of accepting the present mix in New Zealand’s environment. The reality was New Zealand cannot go back and re-create the ecosystem of pre-settlement days. “Hundreds of species of plants, insects, birds and animals have been introduced since humans arrived, mostly by European settlers. Many of them didn’t survive, but those

that did have often thrived in the new environment. Radiata pine trees are a good example,’ he said. He slammed the pest phobia prevalent today. “Pests are not always pests. Some people think that if we leave nature alone all we’ll be left with will be rats, stoats and possums. This is nonsense,” he said. “These three have been around in the country for a long time and haven’t wiped out native birds.” Many species were brought in and many didn’t survive. “However, many have done very well especially those that were introduced in huge numbers and protected e.g.: possums, mallard

ducks and radiata pine,” he said. Dr Steer said in New Zealand the preoccupation with natives versus introduced had gone too far and he disliked the “emotive, militarist” language used by the eco-purists, e.g. “Battle for the Birds” and “Predator free”. “The desire to kill things we don’t like is abhorrent and has aroused criticism around the world. There is a serious ethical question here - are we against life? The implications of the war-like approach on living things are terrible.” The reality of the natural world was that all introduced series challenge the natives and that has always been the case. Things change in the ecosystem whether we like or not. Not only are there advocates for wiping out introduced species, some people were obsessed even about growing native trees in areas where they are not endemic. Last year a group was intent on seeing pohutukawa trees removed from the Wellington-Kapiti area. “Such an approach is deeply hypocritical and there is a clear need for moderation. Our biodiversity is what we’ve got – natives, introduced, birds, bugs, possums, rats, gorse, stoats, sheep, pigs, cattle, blackberry,” said Dr Steer.

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Mystery over DOC and World Bank VIP Fiordland Junket by James Speedy

Mystery as to the actual motive surrounds the Department of Conservation’s recent hosting of top world banking persons on a taxpayerfunded helicopter tour of Fiordland. Six Squirrel helicopters were chartered from Alpine Helicopters, Wanaka. Reports say DirectorGeneral of Conservation Lou Sanson and other departmental people, took a group of international bankers among them Hong Kong-based head of Goldman Sachs for an aerial tour of the national park. The party went to Fiordland – landing in the Murchison Mountains, (Takahe), Chalky Island (Kakapo) in Chalky Inlet, and Resolution Island in Dusky Sound. A website Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch asked some searching questions. “What were the heads of DoC and the ‘bank that rules the world’ out purveying pristine South Island sights for? What does Goldman Sachs have to do with the conservation of NZ’s flora and fauna?” The Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch suspected ulterior motives. “As we found out last century, the predatory funding of the banking fraternity comes with conditions. Doesn’t bode well in my opinion,” editor Pam Vernon. A reader of the website wrote to the Minister of Conservation seeking answers under the Official Information Act 1982 as to the purpose of the recent helicopter tour of Fiordland by international bankers and hosted by DoC boss Lou Sanson. One of DoC’s bureaucrats Martin Rodd with the title Director Partnerships advised “that the purpose of the charter flights on 14 March 2018 was to show The Nature Conservancy’s Asia Pacific Council conservation work that is underway in Fiordland, specifically work

to recover kākāpō and takahē.” “The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a charitable environmental organisation, pursuing solutions to conservation challenges, and working with partners including indigenous communities, businesses, governments, multilateral institutions, and other non-profits. TNC are significant donors to conservation around the world and across the Asia Pacific region and covered the costs of this helicopter charter.” But enquiries revealed prominent among the partners were corporate giants such as Dow Chemicals, Walmart, Shell, Rio Tinto and Coca-Cola to name a few. Critics are unconvinced by DoC’s platitudes and pointed to the new government’s recent signing of the TPPA deal, virtually unmodified despite NZ First, Greens and Labour parties in the election campaign opposing it. Skepticism as to the real purpose, prompted observers to point to the strong military presence at the recent Wanaka Air Show, recent visits by immediate past US president Barack Obama and would-be US president Hilary Clinton and other related events. “One could be forgiven for being somewhat suspicious of this company of people,” said Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch’s Pam Vernon. “Call me conspiratorial if you wish but add to that the fact it’s all a bit timely, especially with the fast and furious sale of South Island property to offshore wealthy folk.” The latter was reference to US president Donald Trump’s right hand man Peter Thiel buying Damper Bay in Wanaka Otago. US news anchor, Matt Lauer’s purchase of Hunter Valley Station, Hawea. Other events furthered suspicion such as the proposed release of genetically modified insects. New Zealand was ‘favoured’

for this ‘experiment’ because of its island status said Rangitikei Environment Watch. The other question was how the Fairfax dominated media ignored the visit and never reported on it when DoC is always so eager to get positive publicity to counter its poor public image over matters like 1080. A number of readers of Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch suspected mining was the secret agenda for clearing off public lands with 1080 of all things living. “I suspect its multi-purpose. Personally I know of folk who have heard poison contractors boast they’ve increased 1080’s strength in order to kill deer.” The public’s wild lands were becoming less viable as sources of wild food given the risks now involved, as shown by the recent poisoning of the Putaruru family eating wild pork. Meanwhile what is really behind the Fiordland junket hosted by DoC? Ed: When the NZ Government borrows money from overseas banks, Crown-owned assets (including National Parks) are included as collateral for the loan(s). This has occurred in the past. Yes, the bankers were, indeed, having a tiki tour on the basis of their donations for kakapo recovery or whatever. However, you can be sure they were also surveying the collateral which the NZ Government uses to cover their loans. I’m guessing that the helicopter passengers included bank loan analysts and risk assessors, who have nothing to do with nature conservation. https://envirowatchrangitikei. doc-says-the-30-internationalbankers-touring-fiordland-lastmonth-were-about-recovering-ourkakapo-and-takahe-yet-still-nomention-in-mainstream-media-2/

2018 Fishing and Outdoors Eco awards We proudly announce the winner of the 2018 Fishing and Outdoors Eco Award. This award is done without any fuss and bother. We simply look around at which company is and which isn’t looking after our environment. We it comes down to recycling this company do it all. As a part of Salty Towers Wholesale Bait their aim is to let people know that Coromandel Town is ecofriendly as it can possibly get. This company has a close relationship with the mussel industry and in particular Goldridge Marine Farm Ltd. Salty Towers have been being environmentally clean and green asset to Coromandel. With around 50 ton of reject broken and small mussels processed into fishing products annually. Salty Towers doesn’t stop there.

All the packaging has been recycled and they go the extra mile ensuring that all the wash-down clean-u area waste is recycled to fertilize citrus plants and their vegetable gardens on the property. With an eco-award under their belts it would be hard to beat this company or even come close to beating this company. There motto – take your rubbish back to shore that way we will always catch more. Our oceans, as most kiwis are aware, are one of our most valuable natural resources and while some of our regions have suffered from storms and floods and washedaway roads, the Coromandel has suffered what seems to be one of the worst storms in decades. Unfortunately, being part of the ‘consumer generation’ we keep on

producing waste, much of it being discarded carelessly at dumpsites, from where it could end up in riverbeds, rivers, and our oceans. So while we each have a personal responsibility while out fishing or boating, those that use our oceans have a greater responsibility by ensuring that their waste is collected and discarded correctly and aquaculture industry has been one of the worst offenders. As part of our Eco awards we are working on ensuring that those businesses that use our oceans are doing it right. May this small message make a big influence on the use of plastic, so apply your mind and join us to REDUCE, RE-USE and RECYCLE, where ever possible.

Commercial still dumping fish Under the noses and with the nod from Fisheries NZ officials commercial fishing companies are still dumping fish. This blatant continued offending shows that they are snubbing their noses at Fisheries management. Reports from commercial fishers;

that have had a complete guts full of being blamed, who are sick and tired of the few commercial fishermen that completely disregard the law and keep dumping unwanted fish, e.g.: a recent report was that a commercial fisher from Tauranga recently landed 5 ton excess were which was refused by the licenced fish receivers and he didn’t get paid for it, so the fisher had to steam out into deep water, cut the fish so they sank and dump the lot. The reason they do this is so no-one can see the fish floating. It happened because they caught their quota in the first couple of days of their trip. This highlights the biggest problem with fish dumping and high-grading which is the QMS system, as it can’t force a private fish receiver to except fish.

happen all the time where a fisher catches excess fish to his quota. Let’s say he has quota for catching 2 ton of snapper per trip, yet pulls up 5 ton. When he takes his catch into port to sell it, the receiver will only take the two ton allocated and refuse to take or pay for the excess three ton. What is the fisher to do? He has caught excess fish and the receivers won’t pay him. His options are to ring around to see if another receiver will take the fish or steam out to sea and dump it. The redeemed value for over quota fish only works if a fish wholesaler will receive them and or has a market for them.

The wholesale fish marketers are striving to keep the price of retail fish up, so they would rather When a comm fisher puts down a force the commercial fisher to ‘shot’ he has little control over the dump them at sea rather than variety of fish he catches. ‘Accidents’ dump them on the local mar-

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ket or turn them into fertiliser. The dumped fish could have been processed and frozen for our local trade fish and chip market but there is no legal requirement to ensure this happens. This is the perfect example of why large volume vessels should not be allowed in the inshore fishery, their mistakes are too big and could damage the sustainability of a fishery before Fisheries NZ can react. What the receivers are doing is encouraging dumping and high-grading. A commercial fisher who did not want to be named for fear of reprisals said that the ‘Santa Maria’ a Tauranga based vessel was ‘one of the worst’ for discarding unwanted fish through the in-hull cutters on board. He went on to say that cameras are a must. This behaviour will not stop until we have cameras above and below decks. He believes that the reason cameras are not going ahead is political. He said: “Shane Jones is involved and the Maori’s don’t want cameras at all. What’s Jones got to do with poking his nose in about cameras?” When we come into port we have to bring in every fish no matter what the size of the fish, all the undersized gurnard and gemfish, everything is weighed and taken off our quota. “However another fishing company weighs absolutely nothing. We complained to the MPI who were said they were aware of it but we were told by them to “not even go there” and to forget about it. Leave the Maoris alone as it’s a political issue.” “We are sick and tired of copping the blame when the MPI guys

turn a blind eye to it. We are more than happy to put cameras on our boats which will quickly put those that are doing the high-grading and dumping out of business.” “If they do bring in the 60% cuts on bluenose and hapuka it will put a lot out of business. If they put cuts in on the tarakihi, which are the main inshore fish the dumping will have to increase or even more will go out of business.” The fisherman believe that the size limit should be removed on all fish commercially caught and also that the fishery should be closed during the spawning season. It is believed that these cuts are commercial decisions by the larger companies that want to put many of the smaller fishers out of business so their larger boats will be more profitable. Another commercial fisher was recently beaten up in a Manganui hotel by locals after fish were seen washed up on the beaches. The Maoris threated to shoot them if they came in the Manganui harbour as they don’t want the harbour destroyed. A leaked fisheries report reveals that some of the country’s biggest fishing companies have been under-reporting their hoki catch by hundreds of tonnes. The report has been kept secret from the public by MPI for seven years and casts doubt on industry claims that lucrative hoki is being fished sustainably. These companies include Sanford and Talley’s which shows a complete disregard for the health of the fishery. Hoki is one of the first big white

fish fisheries in the world to get Marine Stewardship Council certification and New Zealand goes around telling the world what a great fishery this is but the truth, as has been revealed by the government’s own secret investigation, is that it’s anything but. The report showed undersized fish or those the boats did Stefanny Tuan with her best ever fish and not have quota for were hid- enjoying her day out having binned up den by being ground in to fish meal for fish and poultry farms. the old hands how it was done. It said up to 2000 tonnes It was her first time on a boat of fish was disposed of in and first time fishing and the this way in a single season. way she handled a rod, baiting In spite of all the propaganda and her own hooks she looked like TV media campaigns the public DO she had been fishing for years. NOT trust the industry or the MPI. She certainly caught some The key issue with this report is nice snapper as did sevabout trust, because the public eral other fishers on board. needs to be able to trust the in- Having confidence in a charter dustry and we need to be able to operator to deliver makes a huge trust the government department difference when you are travelling that is responsible for regulating the industry and every time a report like this becomes known about it just undermines that trust. The fact the report had not been officially released showed there was a need for an independent inquiry into MPI and the fishing industry. This report is deeply disturbing for a number of reasons and not least because the hoki fishery has been held up as a standard bearer for sustainable fishing in New Zealand. We’ve got to remember that fishing quota is a right but with rights come responsibilities and the practices that have been set out in this report, these are the opposite of responsible.

cast day and if you get the tide right it sure makes a big difference. Jordan as always knows where the fish were hiding and took us to one of his spots that delivered some nice fish however after a

some distance to catch a few fish and Coromandel Fishing Charters most certainly do that. They deliver almost every time, trying spot after spot until they find the fish. Then while you are catching the skipper and crew get involved, taking your fish off so you don’t get spiked through mishandling and after ikying your catch they put in in your chilly bin and help any new chum new to the sport to sort out what are doing. A day to remember. It was good to finally see the mussel harvesters taking notice and not throwing there plastic ties and offcuts into the sea. We could clearly see them putting the bits into bags. Well done guys doing their bit to keep plastic out of the ocean. It’s a shame that over the years they have been allowed to dump tons of plastic by


Councils not doing their jobs. Coromandel Fishing Charters work in unison with Salty Towers Bait and Tackle shop who offer a fish filleting service along with bait and tackle supplies and they have fresh mussels available to take home as well. Coromandel Fishing Charters offer more than a fishing experience as there is a lot more to the Hauraki Gulf than people imagine. To Book your Charter call Tom or Lorraine on 0800 267624 or 027 8668001 or the office at 07 8668928. Email:

Snapper Bill

A day fishing is better than a day working With a strong 1.5 metre swell, a grey overcast day and rain threatening we headed out of Te Kouma on the Joint Venture for an early morning fish on the mussel farms. Fishing is always better on an over-

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half hour or so the bites stopped so he moved to a new spot and bang we were into it again. Almost everyone binned out in no time, with a new fisher girl Stefanny from Hamilton showing

We want to take you fishing on our unforgettable adventures in Coromandel, New Zealand!

Coromandel Fishing Charters specialize in affordable fishing experiences that give you the opportunity to catch snapper and other New Zealand fish species. We offer the highest standard of customer services!

Coromandel, Firth of Thames, Hauraki Gulf, Cuvier and Great Barrier Islands are well known for great fishing opportunities, we are renowned for big snapper found within the many mussel farms the area is famous for. Two vessels are available: Joint Venture and Ruben Jack. Both are modern, comfortable, fast and offer the ideal fishing platform. We cater for individuals to large groups including children, disabled and families and can tailor trips to your requirements.

BOOK YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE Ph: 0800 267 624 Mb: 027 8668001 Em:

I snuck up to the Coromandel again last week and had the privilege to go out with Jordan on the Joint Venture from Coromandel Fishing Charters. What a morning this chap laid on for us. We met at Hannifin’s Wharf at 6.30 and were back in at 10ish. Not only do the icky your fish for you they take it off the hooks and make sure it’s the right size. I had a look on the Salty Towers website and was rather impressed at the local information that is available check them out. And while we are talking about Salty Towers don’t forget to take your salt ice with you as it ensures your catch is kept fresh. It’s amazing how

The real Snapper Bill

many people pay good money for a charter then have the ignorance to put their catch in a plastic bag.

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Tongariro River gravel works – an exercise in futility set up the Trust. Is this what is behind the apparent destruction of the fishery? Certainly the hierarchy and the politics from the senior management on DoC is disgusting. They shouldn’t Photos after the most recent rainfall show the river almost back be allowed to manage the fishwhere it was prior to the earthworks. ery whatsoever. How come New Zealand and over- Tuwharetoa insisted on the appointseas anglers have this world-famous ment of a Maori DoC manager hence trout fishery where the only man- Kim Turia being appointed on beagement plan is for flood protection? half of Tuwharetoa. She had no fishWhy is there no catch- ery knowledge or skills in this area. ment management plan? The Tongariro River or “T” is a globWhy is there nothing to protect ally famous river of significant environmental, recreational or national interest with regards the any other interests and values? world famous brown and rainbow Why is there is no plan or require- trout fishery which has a particular ment to acknowledge or recog- aura about it and tourism value. nize these interests or values? This river brings in many overseas Doc is lumbered with the anglers and its tourism potential trout management in the Ton- must be enhanced not destroyed. gariro River yet regard trout The recent gravel works are a prime as the possum of the rivers. example of DoC’s and Waikato ReMake no mistakes - DoC work for gional Councils incompetence with Tuwharetoa and if it wasn’t for poor consultation. The two organithe agreement with Tuwhare- sations bought into the flood protectoa trout would be non-existent. tion guise but didn’t seek responses Tuwharetoa appear to be arming from other angling clubs even themselves to take over the river though many were known to them. and its fishery – look what’s hap- The WRC have recognized their pened at the Tongariro Trout Centre. failure in broader consultation According to report from Turangi lo- as few people outside of Turangi cals, Tuwharetoa plan to invest huge knew of the proposed works. amounts of money into the Nation- Had other organisations had input al Trout Centre facility by building the works may not have gone ahead. a hotel, with exclusive fishing for The kind of mentality which says overseas tourists, in fish only ponds. that if there’s a bend it needs to They have changed the rules and be straightened out and widened; the original Trust has been changed rather than using their brains so decision making and agreement and seeking advice that would is difficult for the volunteers who enhance the river significantly.

Engineers have straightened rivers around the world with a complete disregard for the value of the environment. Interestingly the WRC did not offer any alternative but there any many. WRC even ignored their own report on river management: https:// for_vegetation_and_water.pdf It doesn’t take much to enhance this fishery but with a lack of imagination and insensitivity it could be destroyed rather quickly. When you consider the Bridge Pool which is probably the most popular trout fishing pool in New Zealand and the pool below would be the second most popular, providing easy access, and good fishing. To take this out of action by diverting the water flow into a straight canal shows the complete disregard for the fishery. Rather than use deflection with groynes and thereby creating trout holding areas the WRC have created a sterile run which the fish will still go up as they have no choice, but have destroyed the habitat. The WRC says it was necessary for flood protection and to protect the stop bank from being damaged and undermined. Really. Does the Council really believe that they have enough power to control what the water does? Water is highly unpredictable. Locals cannot understand why they pushed loose aggregate from the centre island in the river under the stopbank when they must have known that this loose highly volatile material will most likely wash away with the next serious flood and clog up the river further down creating a worse hazard to the town.

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They forget that this river is a very important river of significant historical interest and an ‘must do’ destination for anglers’ worldwide. If you are going to deploy machinery use a little bit of imagination and create something that would hold fish and attract fishermen. Fish holding fish friendly features rather than a straight canal. There are places where intervention is necessary but proper decent consultation is paramount and it would be a win win for

every one instead of the WRC and DoC being regarded as a vandals. Look what the river down to Delatours where gravel has been extracted. The river is pretty much stuffed, sure you can catch trout there but it is not the river it once was. Two big issues were lack of consultation and timing of the works. There are more than enough people available that would be prepared to work with Council to create something spectacular. The whole thing is of course, an exercise in futility. We don’t know

who advises WRC, but anyone with a brain between their ears should be able to figure out that, given the huge quantities of water that can come down the Tongariro in winter storms and the power that can generate, as long as the river is making a right hand turn just above the bridge, it will continue to erode the right hand bank below the bridge (looking downstream), before swinging left. It is what rivers do, gulp, surprise!

2018 Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships The New Zealand Silver Flies Fly fishing team which will compete in Ireland for the 2018 Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships is:

Neil Hirtzel, Captain - Neil started fly-fishing in 1970 when he returned to NZ after travelling around the world for 8 1/2 years. He had always been interested in fishing but never had the opportunity to really take it up as sport. He first entered competitions in late 1990s and made the NZ team in 2005. He has been a regular member of the Silver Flies team since then, competing in World, Commonwealth and Oceania international competitions. He was selected as captain on three of those occasions and has won team gold and bronze medals and a silver individual medal in Wales. Neil is looking forward to leading the NZ team as captain for the Commonwealth Championships in Omagh, Northern Ireland.

Johannes Krill - Johannes first held a fly rod in his hands in 1981. Ever since he has difficulties letting go of one, once it is in his hand. Emigrating to NZ fuelled the desire to fly fish even further with the opportunities abound. Pleasure fishing New Zealand rivers and lakes became his passion for more than 3 decades. About 15 years ago he expanded his fly fishing activities into the salt water. Since then he has fly fished many rivers, lakes and flats in New Zealand, Australia, North, South and Central America, Europe and Russia. His interest in competition fishing was first spawned as a controller in the 2008 World Championship held in NZ. Since then he has competed in many competitions at home in NZ and overseas.

Johannes Venter - Johannes spent many years salt water fishing for pelagic fish in the city of Durban South Africa. Immigrating to New Zealand 20 years ago was introduced to fresh water fly fishing by Johannes Krill and he has been his mentor ever since. Johannes asked him 8 years ago to do some controlling for him at the national river competition. That was the year the competition bug bit him. Johannes has since represented NZ in the 2017 Oceania completion and looks forward to competing in Northern Ireland Commonwealth 2018. Craig Gutry - Craig Gutry is from Paraparaumu and was first introduced to fly fishing in 2012. He has always been competitive in sports from hockey, sailing, ka-

rate, ballroom dancing and was a national champion in water-skiing. Now a chef who shares time with his wife and five children and competing on the fly fishing circuit. Craig’s philosophy is “In my world all things are possible”. After only four months of being introduced to fly fishing he won a regional fly tying competition. He spends a lot of his fishing time in the Wellington region and Taupo. From last in his first fishing competition to consistent placings over the last two years, he has earned a position the Commonwealth fly fishing team. Thanks to coaching from international competitors Cory Scott, John Gummer, Paul Dewar and Paul Baker, Craig is improving in all aspects of fly fishing.

Peter Scott - Peter is the President of NZ Sports Fly Fishing, and one of the most capped fly fisherman, ex. NZ national fly fishing champion, and well know fly fishing personality.



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Regulations for the aquaculture industry must be enhanced Some submissions on the proposed National Environmental Standard for Marine Aquaculture show the complete arrogance of the industry in relation to how they view their ability to use the water space with complete disregard to the Resource Management Act, the Public that use the areas for recreational purposes and the possible effects on the ecology of the areas. This blatant arrogance beggar’s belief, these people seem to forget that the water space belongs to the people of New Zealand and must be treated with respect. If a change to the RMA by government was seem as bullying of a breach of public right to public water space, the protesters would most likely take their action to either a legal or illegal action to prevent any further erosion of their public rights. With the recent exposure of corruption at the Cawthron Institute

questions have to be asked as to their reliability and bias towards NZ Aquaculture Industry. While aquaculture is the heart of many regional communities the deceit and corruption by some mussel farmers beggars belief. While the industry provides employment for these areas it must not be forgotten that the environment and the negative effects of dumping and disposal of plastics into the water is not acceptable. The checks and balance that the industry states are in their Code of Practice are not being followed or adhered to by both Councils and the mussel farmers. Areas are being over farmed and the resulting poor quality mussels are dumped over the side of the harvesters the result of which pollutes the bottom under the farms. The regulations for the aquaculture industry must be enhanced and

strictly adhered to by the regulatory Councils. The industry must not be involved in this in any way. The proposed National Environmental Standard is biased towards the aquaculture industry. Excerpts from the submissions are that submitters agree that: Allowing councils to have a more lenient approach encourages proactive planning in accordance with the NZCPS Policy 8; areas zones specifically for aquaculture should be exempted from the provisions of the proposed NES relating to replacement consents for existing farms; The submissions can be read at news-and-resources/consultations/proposed-national-environmental-standard-for-marine-aquaculture/submissions/

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numbers of work-related deaths and illnesses in New Zealand. The Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017, Section 3.2 spells out how those storing extremely toxic chemicals like Compound 1080 should ‘Manage the risks’. That includes unplanned emergencies like earthquake, fire or tsunami. For instance, 1080 is highly soluble and toxic to aquatic life and also, when burnt, 1080 poison generates extremely toxic Hydrogen Fluoride gases, so in the event of a fire, special equipment and evacuation maybe necessary. Inevitably, fires in pesticide poison storage sites do occur. On 10th October 2006 18 people were hospitalised after a hangar apparently storing Brodifacoum caught fire in Murupara, near Rotorua. Recently, on the 19th January 2018 a fire broke out just after 1am at a Horizon Council depot, within a residential area. The building was

storing various hazardous substances, including 1080 poison and other pesticides. But it appears from the Incident Reports that 1.5 hours after the firefighters arrived on site, Horizons Regional Council claimed incorrectly that they had ‘no records relating to that building’. And hours later (when Horizons finally admitted it was their depot) council workers were unable to contact the emergency key-holder. As the roof collapsed, aerosols exploded in the heat and fire spread, it is a miracle that no-one was seriously injured or even killed. Understandably, without the MDSS and important signage, there was confusion from the fire-fighters about what to do. The serious shortcomings within this fire event should have been reported to Fire and Emergency HQ in Wellington. However, until our telephone a month later with Kerry Stewart ‘Policy and Doctrine Advisor, National Operations’


(13 February 2018), the incident was apparently a mystery to them. WorksafeNZ define this kind of danger as a ‘notifiable event’. But Claire Morris ‘Response Manager’ at Worksafe confirmed they have declined to investigate the matter. Fire and Emergency NZ have provided us with a risk assessment form, but no evidence that this is enforced at extremely hazardous sites like the Levin depot, which makes that document – along with the health and safety laws surrounding it - worthless. So the dangers from lethal, toxic fires continue, along with the “she’ll be alright” attitude to health and safety. And as the amount of aerial operations using 1080 poison increases in quantity, location, toxicity and regularity, so does the risk to the public. Is there a deadly 1080 poison storage depot near you?

Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation 14-15 June 2018

Seafood industry opted out of Tourist trade If our New Zealand politicians only ever see our inshore fishery in economic terms, then why has the inshore fishery not been reserved in support of our biggest economic success, tourism. Tourism has grown so much and so fast that there has been a shortage of facilities to service the industry needs. Our restaurants have Chef’s desperate to show off our local fresh in-season products. There are farmers and growers the full length of the country that take pride in producing the very product that has the best flavour and texture in the world. The memories this creates for our

Tourist is then shared through social media all over the world too many different cultures and in many different languages, for free. Our seafood industry has for the best part opted out of the Tourist trade by choosing to restrict supply and or charge ridiculous wholesale prices for fish caught outside the seaside restaurant window. Would you take your tourist bus to Ohakune so they could eat carrots, not likely? But they do take Tourist buses to Kaikoura to eat crayfish or to Bluff to eat oysters. Restauranteurs are now trying to create memories with fish like Red Cod/Ling or the fla-

vourless Hoki. Chefs now spend hours creating fancy sources with hot spices and heavy flavours like garlic and time to prevent the fish dish from being bland. The best way to have our seaside cafe’s serve three-star food is to the supply that cafe with fresh same day fish, like Snapper or Blue Cod and let the Chef pan fry it in a little butter and olive oil, then season it with salt and pepper and put it on a fancy plate with some salad and chips. So next time you are in the supermarket of in a restaurant ask for same day inshore line-caught fish, if they don’t have it walk away.

Hidden Dangers of Pesticides in Storage By Mary Wood

A series of responses from Official Information Act (OIA) questions have highlighted the shocking dangers to the public from stored pesticides. Public concerns about the risks from New Zealand Governments’ continued widespread use of pesticides (many that are banned in the rest of the world) are regular debates. But what about the risks to health from poisons like 1080 even before they are spread by helicopters over our land and water? Well, many tonnes of the poisonous cereal bait and perhaps even the highly toxic raw poison itself has to be stored somewhere. Nationally, there are hundreds of ‘highly hazardous’ storage sites, most deliberately kept hidden from public knowledge; essential warning signage and evacuation instructions are absent.

Prior to aerial application, DoC, our councils and commercial companies often store tonnes of 1080 and other highly toxic poisons like Brodifacoum, illegally. For instance, a 1080 storage site at Tua Marina near Blenheim has apparently been without any valid risk assessment and associated emergency plan since 2016. And similarly, in October 2017, prior to a poisoning operation in the Coromandel, 23 tonnes of 1080 poison was stored in a public carpark near a supermarket in Whitianga CBD. Neither the Fire Services nor the local DHB had been informed. These are only two events that have come to the authors’ attention; no doubt there are numerous other high-risk sites throughout New Zealand. But no-one seems to care about the risks, even when

the Health and Safety at Work Acts clearly states it is the “duty of the Person Conducting the Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to obtain and provide access to Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)” and that includes short summaries for the Emergency Services. Gaps in scientific evidence about the risks from 1080 poison are enormous. We simply do not know the impact of dust exposure over the long-term; potential chemical reactions when mixed with other chemicals; effects of consuming sub-lethal doses through food/ water or the harm from inhalation of toxic fumes when it’s alight. Health and Safety Laws are constantly being updated and attempts to increase accountability and decrease the disproportionately high

New Zealanders disgusted at the lies and deceit published by DoC are invited to join us the Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation. The march to protest against the continued poisoning of New Zealand. They will be posting events in most major towns on our route as they go. They hope to stay about a week ahead of themselves with posted plans so people have time to meet up with us. They will be organising many events/protests along the way, as they feel that this hikoi should be as organic as possible otherwise known as going with the flow. There will be no date set for our arrival at Parliament until later on they estimate between 5 and 6 weeks. The start date is confirmed as the It seems that the 2020 elections will be just an intelligence test for Kiwis.

15th of June in Bluff at dawn and Cape Reinga at dawn on the 14th. The organisers realise that feelings run deep on this issue and it effects many people from all corners of New Zealand some quite remote that would like to attend especially at Parliament we would like that no man, woman or child that wishes

to be there should be left behind so everybody should do what they can to make sure this happens Keep up to date by liking their facebook page hikoiofapoisonednation/ posts/772449902945788


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Announcing the new Fisheries NZ You can put an overcoat on a turd – but it is still a turd. It might look different but it still smells as bad. When you have scum working for you and you change the name you still have scum doing the job. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. There has always been a clear conflict of interest between MPI, recreational and customary fishers. MPI is export focused and sees the fishery value in monetary export dollars. There collusion with the Commercial Fishing Industry and Fishing Companies has been atro-

cious and no matter how many dollars they throw at main stream media to clean up their image, the public won’t believe them anymore. Look at Seafood NZ with their ‘Bounty” TV series. Must fishers saw it as a con job. For the new Fisheries NZ Ministry to be effective and to gain public trust the complete staff needs to be changed. MPI was driven forward by a financial policy mandated to it to double the value of the exports by 2025 by the Key government. Once this rot set in - it became firmly established and saw the demise of Scott, Gallagher and Coleman as their ruses were uncovered and exposed. This policy was applied to the wild

fish harvesters of NZ who had little choice but to discard all caught fish of a lesser value to achieve this goal. MPI turned a blind eye to the overfishing and under reporting from commercial fishers and the result was a deleted inshore fishery. Worse still was the fact that MPI was in full legal defence of these unsustainable fishing practices. It could be that MPI was in breach of its own legislation to provide for recreational and customary fishers. But some smart arse changed the laws so they can continue with their bad behaviour. A new name pfffff, they need new uncorrupted staff.

Fisheries New Zealand launched What could possibly go wrong? Fisheries New Zealand was launched by Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash at Parliament recently with no major announcements other than repeating his pledge to engage with key stakeholders in a meaningful way. He said “we all want the same thing that is “abundant” fisheries.” Nash critical of the Ministry for Primary Industries, believes it had lost its way. Labour’s fisheries policy pre-election cited a decline in fisheries management capability, a long list of promises never delivered, slow pace of operational decisions and a scarcity of dedicated fisheries officers and observers. NZF has a similarly strong policy but has so far betrayed its voters by disregarding the sensible solutions in their fishing policy in favour of corporate interests the same as they did there 1080 policy. The big question is however - will the new Fisheries New Zealand under Nash be any different? Dan Bolger, son of former Prime Min-


ister Jim Bolger is the new head of Fisheries New Zealand. He is nothing more than another National party stooge who agrees with everything one says and then does nothing. Is he another MPI snake? The proof will be in the pudding. The minute Bolger puts commercial interests before that of sustainable measures as required by the Fishery Act to sustain a healthy wild fish stock then we will know he has been politically corrupted by big business interests. The position was never advertised, as he is Nash’s preferred appointee, but by all accounts he is decent, quiet, mild-mannered, determined and prepared to listen rather than dictate, but cited the importance of the seafood sector to the economy. “The science tells us that the majority of our fish stocks are okay, the basis and platform is sturdy,” he told invited guests from across the various stakeholders at the parliamentary function. Is he already industry captured?

The former MPI science has been proven to be false and nothing more than guesswork on almost every front. None of the scientists should have continued employment. MPI Fisheries relations had been tested to breaking point with Nathan Guy and the previous government. Guy and National did nothing for recreational fishing other than to blatantly lie, cover-up issues as they failed to deliver promised recreational fishing areas. He proved beyond all doubt what a nasty little man he was and that he couldn’t lie straight in bed as his two-faced escapades with the commercial industry were revealed time and time again. Guy should be jailed for the damage he allowed to occur in the inshore fishery. This damage has been left to Nash and Bolger to repair, which is typical of any National government. The citizens of this country deserve much better. So, now we have a new Minister who is active and prepared to engage with all fishers, or so he says

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posedly strong support staff. But did Nash and Bolger get rid of all the former scummy MPI staff that lied,

were corrupted and colluded with the Commercial Industry? Time will tell.

How do you fix an overfished fishery? The new Fisheries NZ Minister Stuart Nash has a difficult task ahead to try to rebuild the depleted stocks of our inshore fishery that were deliberately overfished by the National Party. The new minister probably has worked out by now just how many of our fish stocks has been mismanaged by the previously corrupted MPI. Every time Nathan Guy refused to cut commercial catch of depleted fish stocks because he didn’t want to cause the commercial fishers financial hardship, he failed in his legal responsibility to maintain the fishery at its maximum sustainable level. Nathan Guy should have been removed from office for this deliberate breach of the Fishery Act in the least; he should have been prosecuted because he even explained why he breached the act” so as not to impede the commercial fishers financially.” Nathan Guy should be rotting in a jail cell somewhere because it could take

as long as sixty years for the damage done by him and the financially focused MPI to the wild fish stocks of NZ. How do you fix an overfished fishery? The first thing everybody thinks you should do (including new fishery ministers) is put the quota of fish caught down. That is wrong and in fact the worst possible solution to a dwindling fish stock. The best example of what sort of disaster that is to the depleted fishery is what happened to Scottish commercial fishers in the North Sea. They still caught exactly the same amount of Cod, only then they had to dump it over the side. If you are commercial fishing with such an archaic system as bottom trawling then you will still be as destructive to the fishery as you were before the quota was put down. There are only two ways to rebuild a depleted fish stock, one is to stop fishing in that area, the other

is to fish with a different method. If the commercial harvesters fished with a square mesh that let the juveniles go on the bottom, then they would breed and the stock would rebuild. If the fishing areas were smaller, then the minister could shut those areas and the juvenile fish would grow and the stock would rebuild. The fishery minister in Scotland introduced a land all catch scheme and supported it with up to 12 surveillance cameras on the vessels. This forced the commercial fishers to use a bigger square mesh called T90 that left the small juvenile fish on the seafloor un-caught and therefore able to breed and grow. The Minister must introduce the surveillance cameras on commercial fishing vessels before he reduces the Quota or TACC/ ACE to avoid large-scale dumping and un-reporting of eatable quality fish.

Kai Iwi Lakes Trout Fishing Contest The Fishing Friendly Kai Iwi Lakes Trout Fishing Contest will again be held near Dargaville, Kauri Coast, Northland over 7th & 8th July 2018. This contest is undoubtedly the highlight of the 2018 Northland Trout Fishing calendar. Anglers who have not experienced angling Kai Iwi style should make this the year to sample Northland trout and experience the Kauri Coast hospitality. Tales of fishing this contest are talked about throughout the angling fraternity and feedback from anglers who fish this event annually is that they enjoy it because it is family and fun focused. The event is to encourage new anglers into the sport of freshwater angling

and to encourage this Fish and Game allows free entry for children and junior anglers into the competition. Lakes Taharoa and Lake Waikare are stocked annually with 1 year old rainbow trout fingerlings, which can live in the lakes for up to 2-3 years. The trout grow very well with the varied diet the lakes and their environs provide resulting in a wonderful eating fish. Tickets are now available from sporting goods stores Hunting and Fishing and Nolas Sports in Dargaville, Hunting & Fishing, Okara Drive, Whangarei and from the Northland Fish and Game office and online. For those last minute deciders, tickets can be purchased from the Fish-

ing Headquarters, at Lake Waikare from 7.00 am on Saturday 7th July. Fishing commences on Saturday 7 July from 7.00am until 12 noon on Sunday 8 July. Hot food will be available at the Weigh-in and Prize Giving on Sunday from 12.30 pm at the Fishing headquarters This year along with our regular sponsors we also now have two new wonderful sponsors As well as the section prizes this year there will be some bonus lucky draws taken from ticket holders with the major prize draw being a kayak which has been generously donated by Viking Kayaks.

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Waikato Council gives Taupo rights to Maori The Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board and Waikato Regional Council have worked closely together putting in place a disgusting agreement to hand over Taupō Waters to Maori. They recently had the audacity to celebrate this betrayal with the addition of Taupo waters to the joint management agreement (JMA). Taupō Waters include Lake Taupō and the tributaries flowing into and out of the lake. Previously the JMA solely addressed the upper Waikato River catchment. Waikato Regional Council and Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board have angered many people that are against this dodgy deal and see this as a complete betrayal of trust. It’s getting closer and closer to WRC signing over water rights to the tribe, and right under the public’s noses. Waikato Regional Council chief executive Vaughan Payne said the natural resources under the umbrella of Taupō Waters would benefit from the new co-management arrangement with a typical bureaucratic bungling yodel. “We have seen the value of the inter-generational vision that Ngāti Tūwharetoa brings to the council’s decision making, including their extensive experience and knowledge of freshwater resources, which are some of our region’s most significant taonga.” This statement shows that the Council has completely betrayed public trust and God only knows how the Maori intend to abuse it. The Taupo waters are controlled

currently by DoC who has been heavily involved in 1080 operations poisoning our National Parks and this betrayal comes as no surprise. An unsubstantiated report says that Tuwharetoa plan either an exclusive Hotel in Turangi or to start trout farming which goes completely against the legislation banning it. Many fishers want the Taupo fishery handed over to Fish and Game after repeated bungling by DoC. The drop in licence sales speaks for itself as fishers shun Doc and their mismanagement of the fishery. The agreement sets out how the regional council and the trust board will work together when carrying out specific legislative duties and functions, including exercising powers under the Resource Management Act. Waikato Regional Council and Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board have also agreed to develop a framework over the next 18 months. This framework will consider transfer of duties, functions and powers pursuant to section 33 of the Resource Management Act. You can read in the “Cultural Rights” bit about the tribe being able to undertake aquaculture activities - being able to contaminate our waterways with fish food and fish crap etc. 17 – CUSTOMARY ACTIVITIES 17.1 The Parties will explore whether customary activities: (a) can be carried out by Ngati Tuwharetoa on the Waikato River and Taupo Waters, without the need for statutory au-

thorisation from the Council; and (b) Can be provided for as permitted activities in the Waikato Regional Plan 17.2 Subject to, and where consistent with, RMA principles and requirements, the Parties will explore opportunities to enable commercial freshwater aquaculture activities and associated research to be carried out by Ngāti Tūwharetoa on the Waikato River and Taupō Waters. https://www.waikatoregion.govt. nz/assets/WRC/Community/ Your-community/JMA/Joint-Management-Agreement-Taupo-Waters-Tuwharetoa-Maori-Trust-Boardand-Waikato-Regional-Council.pdf The Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board has permitted 1080 poison drops across the Taupo area for many years, against the will of the local Maori people that hunt and gather food on some of the land. The councillors on the committee are Alan Livingston, Kathy White, Tipa Mahuta and Kataraina Hodge. Stu Kneebone is an alternate on the joint management committee. He wasn’t there when this was initially discussed by the committee. However, it went to full council for the final vote to adopt this. The only regional councillors that voted against it were Kathy White, Jayne Hennebry, and Stu Husband. Half of the Waikato Regional Council Joint Management Committee Members are Maori, so this whole saga stinks from the bottom up.

The battle lines have been drawn The beaches will become a battle ground in our inshore fishery as many local Maori around NZ put in coastal claims. These local tribes have watched their inshore fishery stocks be depleted by commercial and recreational fishers. There are many non-Maori coastal local residents who would agree that the wild stocks of shellfish and Crayfish, in particular, have been seriously depleted because of overfishing. The Treaty of Waitangi gives Maori Chiefship over their People, Land and Fishery, but the Crown has governance over NZ. The treaty and its crown governance also gave the small under-equipped population of Maori the same international protection the new settlers to NZ got under a Commonwealth flag. Our Maori Battalion fought with distinction in world conflict as part of a Commonwealth allied force. Today NZ is still a small under-equipped country heavily reliant on our allies under the Commonwealth and UN flag. As far as the fishery goes had it not been for the crown governance of the NZ fishery with the Commonwealth diplomatic protection a foreign fishing entity would have taken our fishery in very short order. This very real threat is now worse than ever as the big fish users like China and Russia failed to recognise or care that our oceans are depleted. At a recent fishing conference they told every fishing nation that they plan to increase their fishing effort with these destructive fishing methods. The same thing can be said about the management of our inshore fishery. Can the crown protect our inshore fishery from our growing population or the ever more hungry export trade? The National government only ever saw our fishery as an export earner and as a result, the NZ people have been left with a depleted inshore fishery. Maori are now putting in coastal claims all around the NZ coastline. This will bring into question the very ownership of the fishery and in particular the shoreline shellfish and crayfish that many people without boats have access to. Maori should not be able to own

the foreshore because they don’t have the means to govern and protect the fishery from plunder that would see the fishery fail again. Maori should have chiefship and therefore an ability to work with the government to stop the overexploitation of an inshore fishery by population or exportation. Both the National party and the Maori party totally disregarded the locals who were protesting about their shallow water fishery being exported under their noses and now the Maori party is gone and the Nats are in opposition. The new minister of fisheries will no doubt be under pressure from all the Labour party Maori MPS to give ownership of the foreshore to Maori, but he must not. The government must retain governance over our foreshore and seabed as they are the protector of it. Maori must have a say in the inshore fishery and if they want some protection through closure then the crown should assist in this by closing the fishery to commercial, recreation and customary until the stock has been replenished. Joint public management is the only way forward for our inshore fishery. The use of rahui becomes more of an issue in the context of the 580 claims by iwi/hapu regarding the ownership of the marine and coastal area. Of these, 380 claims have been referred to the Minister of Treaty Negotiations who will decide whether customary rights exist. The Minister is likely to ask for public submissions on each of the claims that are accepted for consideration, although the Minister alone will decide and there is no appeal process. The other 200 claims have been referred to the High Court. In those cases, those who file a Notice of Appearance as an interested party (and pay $110 per claim) can be involved in the court process and have the right of appeal. The claims cover the entire New Zealand coastline and the seabed extending out 12 nautical miles from the coast to the edge of the Territorial Sea. In most cases there are multiple competing claims for the same area. In essence, the claims are for ownership and absolute and uninterrupted rights to extract the resources (shellfish, fish, minerals, etc), impose

levies, restrict access, and so on. The applicants appear to be claiming ownership on the grounds that they have occupied the area in accordance with tikanga since before 1840, and they have used and occupied the area from 1840 to the present day without substantial interruption. The statutory test of “exclusive” use and occupation is likely to be a critical point of legal debate in this current round of claims. Unfortunately court rulings on the matter of aboriginal title have been contradictory and political interference has added to the confusion. The end result is the current legal gravy train where a multitude of lawyers are extracting eye-watering fees, funded by taxpayers. All of this works against those who wish to have a say in the process. It is very difficult to find the detail of the claims, and a layperson would find it impossible. To find the claims one must first obtain the case (CIV) reference number from your local council (and in our case our local council was not able to provide all of the CIVs) and then contact the High Court and ask for the claim details. Something that could be very easily posted on a website by the local council or the High Court, isn’t. This issue is important. If you think access to beaches and harbours will remain freely available as they are now, then think again. It will be at the whim of the Maori owners whether there is a rahui in place and you too will be confronted by an individual saying, “Clear off…You can’t swim here, you can’t fish here, you can’t play on the beach, so get out of here”...... Any riparian rights are historical, but they are also being removed over time. If any such properties are subdivided or changed through resource consents in any way, the riparian rights are cancelled as a condition of the consent. So the amount of ‘Riparian’ area owned privately (including by Maori) is tiny and is reducing. Further, any private property owner (maori included) has every right to prevent access. Yet further, There are approx 12,500 private titles (PT) to the F&S, of these some are ports, marinas, whitebait stands, community boat ramps etc, they also include ar-

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eas where erosion have occurred. Included in those 12,500 PT’s are approx 3,000 which are Maori PT’s, which is equivalent to approx 25%, when Maori only equate to 15% of the population of NZ. Furthermore Maori PT’s on average are much larger so in fact they may already own more area of the coastline in PT than non-Maori.

See link > The Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 set up the Waitangi Tribunal as a permanent commission of inquiry to examine any claim by Maori over any law, regulation, or acts, omissions, policies, or practices of the Crown that may have given offence. THE ACT ALSO GAVE THESE HAND-


FUL OF UN-ELECTED TRIBUNAL MEMBERS THE EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY TO INTERPRET THE TREATY. THE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL IS A RACIALLY STACKED PRO-MAORI LOBBY GROUP and is not a court authorised to make binding authoritative statements about NZ law, they can only recommend.

Cawthron’ deception affects mussel farms Are the Hauraki Gulf Mussel farms illegal? Up until very recently, NZ has had a good reason to be proud of our scientific achievements for such a small Country. However, things have changed and it now seems that the science can be manipulated to enhance a result for the person who pays for the work. They do this by only studying very specific elements of a project so as not to report the bad stuff or they do a full scientific report and then the person who commissioned the report holds back the bad stuff from public release. This unfortunate pattern seems to be increasing more and more in our Scientific Organisations. As when the corporates (our bureaucrats) in local and central government find bad stuff in a scientific report their first instinct is to cover up any possible public conception rather than fix the problem that has been discovered. A great piece of investigative journalism by a News Desk reporter has dropped the level of trust in the Cawthron Institute to zero. Read the full article here. https://www.newsroom.

ture-of-silence-or-a-cover-up# How MPI (directed by Scott Gallacher), Cawthron, and Sanford destroyed almost the entire farmed oyster sector. Where will the rest of the industry will go without major changes? The Cawthron Institute is used by many in the seafood industry to do independent assessments and audits by Councils for Aquaculture to determine any environmental impact. These impact reports/studies are considered accurate by councils when issuing resource consents. We don’t believe that these reports that have been commissioned by the aquaculture industry should be accepted as part of the resource consent process because the content of the reports belongs to the aquaculture farmer and as such, they can choose what part of the report the council gets to see. Given the recent events and the doubt that has now been cast on commissioned science by Cawthron Institute, all the resource consents Cawthron was involved in should be suspended and environmental corrective action taken if necessary. The previous National government’s funding system is far-

cical and nothing more than corporate and science welfare. To give millions more of taxpayer’s money to Cawthron is reprehensible. Cawthron has to be the biggest risk to aquatic biosecurity in the whole country because their processes are so lax and that there were some parallels with the Marlborough Sounds salmon disease fiasco …. This effectively renders every single aquaculture resource consent invalid. With Nick Smith as a director of Cawthron it has to be the biggest conflict of interest in the history of New Zealand aquaculture. Keeping this a secret is disgusting and outrageous and requires an investigation to ascertain Smith’s involvement. It is important that we don’t attack the scientists as its most likely the upper management and the Institute themselves that is corrupt and not to be trusted. So this means that the mussel farms in the Hauraki Gulf could well be illegal! Or contrary to the Resource Consent permits or requirements. The Cawthron Institute brings into question the validation of every single Resource Consent.

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Letters to editor DOC Scaremongering

I just came across an interview on internet with DOC boss Lou Sanson last year over the supposed illegal release of sika deer in north Taranaki. What did he base his reaction to an anonymous note when he name-called the anti1080 public as “eco-terrorists”? Who wrote the note? Was it an “eco-terrorist”? Or was it written by someone on the pro-1080 side trying to “frame” the anti-1080 public? Remember the baby infant scare and how the anti-1080 public were vilified and in the case of the Takaka couple bullied by the police. Who turned out to be behind the baby infant formula scare? A businessman involved in the poison making industry! Did the police as public servants apologise to the public and especially there Takaka couple. What the police and Lou Sanson need to realise is, they are public servants, paid from the public’s taxes. Were sika deer released in Taranaki? I know a very good experienced Waikato hunter who while goat shooting in the the 1980s, in the Awakino Valley in North Taranaki, heard the sika deer’s alarm whistle. It’s very likely sika have spread over decades, from the upper Wanganui area - just 45 kms or so. I think Lou Sanson should stick to facts instead of scare mongering and spying on the public as was recently revealed. Taxpayer Hunter Waikato

Sanson’s Hysteria embarrassing to DoC

Department of Conservation director general Lou Sanson is repeating ad nauseum wild accusations about sika deer in Taranaki. I received on my email, Sanson interviewed late last year by National Radio’s Morning Report said he had received a note threatening to release sika deer in north Taranaki. He said it was “eco-terrorism at its worst.” Sanson’s wild accusations would be laughed out of court by my reckoning. He reckoned Taranaki was “completely free of sika deer.” He and his field officers are so out of touch. Sika deer could well have filtered through slowly from east of north Taranaki. In actual fact sika were released well over a century ago. They are not an invasive species as Sanson would say. Their spread has been very slow. Sika

have not spread wildly through the Ruahines although one or two stray animals have been shot there. So Sanson can relax and not get hysterical. “But wait there’s more!” as the TV ad says. I went googling and read on Newshub “the Game Animal Council is furious at whoever it was that released illegal sika deer in north Taranaki.” The Department of Conservation (DoC) said it was “selfish and shortsighted eco-terrorism, and a threat to New Zealand’s goal of becoming predator-free by 2050.” DoC also said the deer could spread tuberculosis. Game Animal Council chairman Don Hammond said it’s disappointing.” Somebody has taken it on themselves to do something that hasn’t really been thought through very well. It’s pretty damn stupid really,” he told Newshub. Federated Farmers condemned the alleged liberation. Pretty disappointing to see the Game Animal Council jumping in. But then the GAC is really by an act of parliament, an arm of DOC is it not? Federated Farmers should know sika deer do not spread TB. There were one or two red deer many years ago in the Western Bays of Taupo which had Tb. Where is the hard data on sika carrying Tb? Possums are not Tb spreaders. Feds must be aware of National’s Nathan Guy admitting in Parliament, just under 10,000 possums were autopsied. Not one had Tb. I suggest Lou Sanson, GAC chairman and Federated Farmers get some tranquilliser tablets so they can think sensibly and straight. “Cervus Nippon” Taupo

NZDA and Fish and Game don’t want to rock the boat Dear Sir I write in response to BIll O’Leary’s letter to you about the use of 1080 poison, he states that there is no evidence that 1080 poison is being used to kill deer and wild pigs in our national parks. The evidence is there, all he has to do is look for it. I think the problem is that NZDA and Fish and Game just don’t want to rock the boat when Doc first started using 1080 poison each pallet contained 2% of the poison to a possum or a rat only had to eat 4 or 5 pallets to die that horrible death and if a deer or pig was to eat a few pallets it would usually survive. Then DoC came up with the idea if we increase the amount of poison we would kill deer and pigs so they increased the poison to 8% knowing that if a deer was to eat 3 or 4 pallets it would die. So the evidence is there as plain as the nose on your face so for Doc to say they don’t target deer or pigs is total lies and for a large deer hunting organisation like NZDA and Fish and Game to sit back and let Doc get away with this is unforgivable. We look back now and say how the hell did we let the ‘Nazis’ kill 6 million men woman and children in years to come, our great grandchildren will be looking back saying how the hell did our grandparents let this happen for so long. No-one or no animal should have to die such an agonizing death when there is other ways to keep them under control. Name withheld

DoC using scare tactics

Dear Sir We called into the Furey’s Creek Garage to pick up a copy of your terrific newspaper as the shop near us in Auckland had run out and were told by the old gentleman there that DoC had threatened to cancel their fuel contract with them if they stocked your newspaper. So we didn’t buy any fuel there and went to the BP service station and picked up a copy there. Keep up the good work as to stoop this low – revealing the truth on 1080 poisoning must be starting to hurt them.

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Didymo Dave PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES As I write this our country is in the midst of fighting Mycoplasma Bovis, one of the biggest biosecurity problems we have ever faced that has got into New Zealand through a possible biosecurity breach. I say possible because it’s not known, certainly not publicly anyway how it got here. I have been keeping a keen watch on statements from the Minister of Agriculture about this issue and by the way that’s where our information should be coming from, not your neighbour, some commentator on the radio or Jock down at the pub. What has been very clear from the Minister’s statements is that some farmers, and I stress some farmers have not adhered to the animal tracking system which was supposed to allow the fast tracking of animals should a disease break out. The Minister has spoken of this and also about cattle being moved

untraced on the black market. The result of non-compliance to the tracking system by a group of silly farmers has made tracking animals from infected farms very difficult and the whole problem is much, much bigger than it ever needed to be and the taxpayer will be forking out tens of millions of $$$ as a result. But before we put the boot into the group of farmers for not adhering to their biosecurity system I think we should ask a question of ourselves? Freshwater users have a biosecurity system too which is called Check Clean Dry and how many people are adhering to that? I was involved with 5 major events in Tongariro National park this summer and all of them had pre-race information on the Check Clean Dry programme and requests to show up at registration with clean gear. The total number of athletes involved in all 5 events was approxi-

mately 4,500 and we had to send approximately 10%, that’s 450 athletes to the cleaning stations. Now what about fishermen moving between the Taupo tributaries? I would wager a bet of $100 that the compliance to the Check Clean Dry between the Taupo Rivers is less than 50%. There are banners, spray bottles on posts on the rivers, signage, articles in papers, CCD logo on the licence and all sorts of publicity we have tried and still people won’t clean their gear. It absolutely staggers me. So people of New Zealand, it’s time to wake up. It’s time for us to realise that biosecurity is not someone’s job. With as much international and domestic travel as there is these days, as a country we are wide open for new pests, disease etc to hitchhike into our country. Biosecurity which is protecting our country from unwanted incursions is everyone’s responsibility and its time we got our act together!

NZDA and Fish and Game don’t want to rock the boat Dear Sir I write in response to BIll O’Leary’s letter to you about the use of 1080 poison, he states that there is no evidence that 1080 poison is being used to kill deer and wild pigs in our national parks. The evidence is there, all he has to do is look for it. I think the problem is that NZDA and Fish and Game just don’t want to rock the boat when Doc first started using 1080 poison each pallet contained 2% of the poison to a possum or a rat only had to eat 4 or

5 pallets to die that horrible death and if a deer or pig was to eat a few pallets it would usually survive. Then DoC came up with the idea if we increase the amount of poison we would kill deer and pigs so they increased the poison to 8% knowing that if a deer was to eat 3 or 4 pallets it would die. So the evidence is there as plain as the nose on your face so for Doc to say they don’t target deer or pigs is total lies and for a large deer hunting organisation like NZDA and Fish

Loopy Forest and Bird Well I never read so much loopy lingo. Here’s what Forest and Bird CEO Kevin Hague said over the budget money ($181 m over 4 years dished out to the Department of conservation):“With your support, we have been campaigning for greater investment in predator control to protect our ancient forests from collapse, and to defend our most vulnerable native species from extinction. The Government has now committed to an $81 million increase over 4 years for sustained, baseline pest control that will lead to 1.8 million hectares of public conservation land being protected from pests.”

It reminds me of the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Kevin Hague should know forests are healthy. When he travels the ferry through the Marlborough Sounds what was once mainly clear farm land is now covered with regenerating bush despite the presence of opossum, deer, pig, goats etc., When Hague travels through the West Coast he should open his eyes and observe. Truth is Mr Hague, the ancient forests ain’t collapsing. Besides contrary to what you say, predators don’t eat leaves. Everything was “hunky dory” until DoC was formed and aerial 1080 started in full. Result birds dying. Yeas gone, moreporks gone, falcons gone, tomtits and robins gone and the list goes on. Forest and Bird do some good work in one or two places, e.g. rivers

and Game to sit back and let Doc get away with this is unforgivable. We look back now and say how the hell did we let the ‘Nazis’ kill 6 million men woman and children in years to come, our great grandchildren will be looking back saying how the hell did our grandparents let this happen for so long. No-one or no animal should have to die such an agonizing death when there is other ways to keep them under control. Name withheld but they are really loopy in others and damaging of birds and the ecosystem with their paranoid fear of predators and “introduced species.” You Mr Hague are an introduced species. The food you eat comes from introduced species. The sad news is Forest and Bird have infiltrated parliament. The late Kevin Smith was head secretary to the Minister of Conservation in the 1990’s. I wonder how many of DoC managers are Forest and Bird members? Now the Minister of Conservation Eugene Sage is a devout Forest and Bird fanatic. Apart from my little protest via this letter, why is not the NZ Deerstalkers Association challenging the extreme loony views of Forest and Bird? It used to when the late John Henderson was NZDA president. “Tararua Ted” Wellington

Councils are misleading us!! Would you like to do some Research on Past events to find out if what we are being told is the truth? Google Papers Past. https://paperspast.natlib. You can search by Title, Name etc and discover how much misinformation we are being given since 1839. How did New Zealand evolve? When freshwater fish were first introduced? Discover how our early settlers managed and cared for our environment An interesting fact is that many archeologists have not done crossreferencing with past info and events Some legislation like the Domains Act, and the Fencing Act to search and dis-

cover how Councils are misleading us and destroying historical places of significance by not fully disclosing what happened and how some of these trees, rivers, parks and significant places were donated for public use. The damage to ecological system is all tied into one environmental disaster by Councils. A Tree landscaping Company whose founder is part of the Predator Free Programme is cutting down trees of significant importance around NZ with the support of Councils, trees planted as living memorials since before the 1950’s. A shameful action.

Scottish Independence

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If Scotland gains its independence in any forthcoming referendum, the remainder of the United Kingdom will be known as the “Former United Kingdom,” or FUK. In a bid to discourage the Scots from voting “yes” in the referendum, the British Government is intending to campaign with the slogan “Vote NO, for FUK’s sake.” They feel the Scottish voters will be able to relate to this.

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Former 1080 Poison Workers Damn the Poison Proposed poison drop Pihanga/Kakaramea by Frank Schumaker

ger as he sees taxpayer-funded agencies like DOC and OSPRI trying to justify their use of poison. “It’s rubbish and absolute lies. 1080 kills everything,” he said. Laurie Collins said DoC’s lack of case for 1080 is shown by their name calling of anyone who opposes 1080. “They call me and thousands of others deniers, eco-terrorists and activists which is a sign of weakness. They don’t want to discuss facts so they lash out. Worse still they’ve forgotten they’re public servants. I will not accept the “doctored information” that DOC and OSPRI peddle.” He says any science that DOC tries to push across is not credible. Laurie Collins - DoC’s lies and deception “It’s paid science, commissioned by DOC or OSPRI and paid Two former pest operators have for with taxpayer money.” damned the use of 1080 poison He pointed to the independand the ”propaganda” the Depart- ent assessment scientists Pat ment of Conservation uses to repel and Quinn Whiting O’Keefe did the public opposed to the toxin. of DoC’s research. The two anaLaurie Collins of the West Coast lytical scientists said DoC’s quotbegan work as a teenage Forest ed science lacked credibility. Service cadet and one of his first as- Laurie Collins was supported by signments was working on one Andi Cockroft of the Council of of the first major 1080 opera- Outdoor Recreation Associations of tions on fallow deer in the Caples NZ (CORANZ) He reiterated that an Valley, Lake Wakatipu. By 1961 assessment of 1080 poison was when working in the Urewera made by two US top qualified scihe realised 1080 poison was kill- entists now retired to NZ - Quinn ing thousands of native birds. and Pat Whiting-O’Keefe. They “At Minginui in the Urewera, follow- concluded after auditing Departing a 1080 drop, I was given plas- ment of Conservation scientific retic bags and told to pick up the many search involving over 100 scientific dead birds. He remembers one papers, that “the results are startling bird in particular, a rifleman, that and belie most of the department’s was in death throes of the poison. claims. There is no credible scientific “It couldn’t fly properly. I picked it evidence showing that any species up and felt so sorry for the poor of native bird benefits from the wee creature going through ag- dropping of tonnes of 1080 into our ony from this inhumane, cruel forest ecosystems, as claimed by the poison. The evidence was there department and Kevin Hackwell of - the poison was killing some pos- Forest and Bird. There is certainly no sums but it was destroying na- evidence of net ecosystem benefit.” tive birds. It just didn’t stack up. Laurie Collins said the WhitIt was senseless and dishonest.” ing-O’Keefes’ have no connecThe dishonest tag came from tion with hunters, trappers the fact that evidence of dead or government departments birds was being destroyed. and were 100% independent Looking back on those years of and therefore entirely credible. being involved in 1080 poison- Another pest worker who worked ing operations, Laurie Collins for Environment Waikato for two said his shame has turned to an- years, has termed 1080 poison as

cruel and destructive of bird life. Graeme Merekara Shelford, now resident in Australia, said he had a mixture of sadness and anger over the inhumane nature of the poison and that contrary to what authorities claimed, it was killing the majority of bird life. “Numerous times I was told 1080 doesn’t kill anything but possums. I was just ignorant of the damage because of what I was told, but I learned first-hand that is just not true,” he said. Graeme Shelford was involved in trapping, using 1080 and also aerial drops of the poison, which often involved visiting farmers’ properties to talk to landowners before using 1080. His boss was frequently involved in arguments with farmers. “The farmers looked at us as if we were taking their farms. They didn’t want the toxic stuff. Many of them knew how nasty 1080 is.” Graeme Shelford as a keen hunter had heard, prior to working with Environment Waikato, of numerous pig dogs killed by the poison. “Yes I had suspicions, but then Environment Waikato told me 1080 was okay,” he said. However one day he went to park on his usual place on a green, grassy hill. He noticed the grass and soil had been gouged with what looked like plough marks. His mission was to put fresh poison in pots. Graeme got through the gate and then noticed the most experienced member of the team had left a toxic pot too close to the fence. “The cows had got to it and in their agony they ran up and down that hill in a crazy fit, tearing up half the hill,” he said. “It was horrific. Ugly!” Six cows were dead, blood oozing out of noses and ears, with rabid-looking froth mixed in, and eyes popped out. Graeme Shelford was also told by his managers that bird life benefited from 1080. He remembers graphically going to a farm which has a block of native bush. On his first visit and others subsequent to poisoning, the bird life was thriving. “The birds were deafening you with their songs of life,” he recalled. The Environment Waikato team pre-baited it with non-toxic baits to get possums accustomed to the lure. Two weeks later poison baits were laid out. The poisoning team returned to renew the 1080. Graeme was saddened by the morguelike silence. “I went back to load fresh poison and it wasn’t hard to notice the eery silence - no birds at all. That was enough for me,” he said. Graeme Shelford feels a strong sense of shame that he was part of the destruction by 1080. “I know we could have trapped that block, and a lot of the other blocks, instead of using poison. I’m not proud of being part of the 1080 spreading. It makes me sick just thinking about the amount of wildlife I helped to kill”, he ruefully said. He gave a strong message of encouragement to the anti-1080 poison advocates. “Keep up the good work. Keep NZ green, and not that toxic green either ! Peace !” he said referring to the green dyed 1080 baits.

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Dear Sir Again not long after the previous drop you seem to think the same areas as done before needs doing again. I would like some answers please? I first lived in this area where I live now some forty odd years ago when I was possuming with the late Bill Broadfoot. I still hunt the area and have noticed no possum pads, n clear tracks over fallen logs, no scratching’s on trees and no fur or droppings at all. In the past contract ground poisoning operations we had to survey and mark an area and then do faecal count to get an idea what the possum numbers were. This operation was repeated after poisoning to give an idea of how successful it had been. Likewise after a couple of weeks a 100 traps were set if any more than 4 possums were

caught you hadn’t done your job. Has OSPRI ever done this? What number of positive TB reactors has been found from cattle and deer in the area? I am aware that the usual way of testing has had animals sent to the works which have been found to be negative for TB. The present test method is unreliable and the only way to improve on this is by a blood test which costs too much money apparently. Is DoC wasting its time doing pest control around Lake Rotopounamu if the area is going to be 1080 dropped? Last time the area was dropped, when I told your man where our water supply came from I was told the water would be tested and a 100 metre exclusion zone put in place above our water line intake. I was also told this area would be ground done by stapling Feratox

to trees. This was never done. What about all the streams etc., feeding into our water supply stream above our intake? The water testing was a joke. This was done before the poison drop. It should have been done 8 hours after the drop and 24 hours after that to get a truer picture. This method allows DoC to state that 1080 has never been detected in water samples. What a crook of BS. As for saying that it kills rats then stoats get secondary poisoning from eating dead rats this is debatable. DoC has even said that rat numbers increase after a 1080 drop. I could go on but won’t bother as I feel I will only get the same official line trotted out. May I have some answers please? Trevor Coker Turangi

The greens and sage have to go Eight months the Greens nearly didn’t make it back into Parliament which is incredibly unfortunate. They have done nothing worthwhile in this time period other than to increase funding to kill off our deer and wild pigs. The way the animals suffer such a long painful death when killed by 1080 poison must be a clear breach of the Animal Cruelty Act. This cruelty is animal holocaust at its worst. The people who plan such atrocities against innocent victims such as Owls and Fantails must be without the ability to feel kindness and compassion for others. What gives the Green Party the right to create to create an animal’s version of Shindler’s List, where they decide what animal is worthy to live or die. Worse still is the callous lack of respect of the animal or bird victims as they are killed without purpose and are left to rot and bleach the poison into the soil itself. The Green Party are long campaign-

ers against man’s harsh influence on our natural world, yet they have now become the beast of power and privilege that kill harmless creatures without true cause or purpose. The Greens are creating history as the most destructive and damaging political party we have ever had towards our environment Sage has to be the worst ever Minister of Conservation New Zealanders have ever had sit in Parliament. Today, we must start planning to ensure that not only will the Greens disappear in the next elections that they are so badly beaten they will never ever rise up again. The ranks of activists, volunteers, MPs, voters and green supporters have all done their bit to ensure that our environment is in the worst hands ever. Destroying our wildlife so that future generations will never enjoy the freedom of the outdoors, to go and shoot their dinner or view

our native birds in their habitat increases daily while Sage and her terrorist organisation are in power. Never ever again do we want such a forlorn short-sighted dismal group in government. The last National Government made extensive cuts to DoC’s baseline funding, thwarting urgently needed conservation work across the country. But the Greens have done so much more damage than Nationals evil plotting ever did. Securing $181.6 million over the next four years to decimate our natural environment has to be the biggest disgrace this country has ever seen. This funding surge will do nothing to protect our native wildlife and natural areas from predators other than to cruelly kill more of our native birds and insects than ever before. You can’t get more destructive than that!


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Scientists say ‘No Credible Evidence’ Two renowned scientists that reviewed over 100 of DoC’s so-called scientific papers have stated: “That there’s no credible scientific evidence that shows that any species of native bird benefits from 1080 drops” Yet the drops continue, in spite of the clear scientific evidence it is not beneficial to our ecosystem. Mr Quinn and Patricia Whiting-O’Keefe: “We have audited Department of Conservation scientific research and produced an 88-page monograph reviewing more than 100 scientific papers. The results are startling and belie most of the department’s claims. First, there is no credible scientific evidence showing that any species of native bird benefits from the dropping of tonnes of 1080 into our forest ecosystems, as claimed by the department and Kevin Hackwell. There is certainly no evidence of net ecosystem benefit. Second, considerable evidence exists that DoC’s aerial 1080 operations are doing serious harm”. 1080 is killing large numbers of native species. There is now a familiar litany of scientifically insupportable claims about what great things aerial 1080, a universal poison, is doing for our forest ecosystems. The people of New Zealand have a right to know the truth about what the scientific evidence shows.

They have repeatedly challenged DoC and Mr Hackwell, a representative of the Forest and Bird Society, to come forward with the hard scientific evidence for their “dead forest” claims. They have not. Second, considerable evidence exists that DoC’s aerial 1080 operations are doing serious harm, as one would expect, given that 1080 is toxic to all animals. It kills large numbers of native species of birds, invertebrates and bats. Moreover, most native species are completely unstudied. In addition considerable evidence shows there are chronic and sub lethal effects to vertebrate endocrine and reproductive systems, possibly including those of humans. Third, DoC claims that one can drop food laced with 1080, a universal poison (World Health Organisation classification “1A extremely hazardous”) indiscriminately into a semitropical forest ecosystem and only negatively affect one or two target “pest” species. That is counterintuitive and scientifically improbable. Fourth, as far as we can determine no other country in the world is doing (or has ever done) anything remotely similar – mass poisoning of a semitropical ecosystem on the scale that the department is now doing to ours. Fifth, and perhaps most disturbing, is that what the department-

sponsored research shows has been habitually misrepresented – entirely unjustifiable assertions regarding 1080’s benefits and lack of harm. Statements like those of Mr Hackwell that the forests will be “dead” without poisoning them with 1080, and from John McLennan (Landcare Research) and Al Morrison (then Director General of DoC) that 1080 is existentially necessary to Kiwis is pure demagoguery and scientific nonsense. What is at risk by continuation of this extraordinary practice – and it is unique in the world – is the ecological integrity of our forest ecosystems, our reputation as an environmentally sane and responsible country, and our existence as a society in which reason and rationality can triumph over bureaucratic prerogative and budgetary gain. Since Galileo Galilee first discovered the moons of Jupiter in the 17th century, the way to resolve this kind of disagreement has been to do the experiment and examine the evidence, and that is precisely what we urge everyone to do. Don’t believe DoC. Don’t believe Mr Hackwell. Don’t believe us – believe the evidence. To that end we will provide a copy of our report and the source scientific research papers to all who would like to read them. Source Envirowatch Rangitikei

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Poisoning ruled out as risk of by-kill too great

We have been sent this extract about the hunting of NZ Canadian Geese, which according to the Dept of Conservation, can be culled as ‘pests’.

However, as this extract from the Fish & Game information factsheet states, Canada geese may be hunted any time utilising any

DoC’s pest fish poison programme not working Doc workers in Nelson recently admitted that they have lost the war on gambusia pest fish and that they have come back with a vengeance after several Rotenone poison drops. Rotenone has been used for centuries by fishermen to harvest fish. More recently, scientists and fishery managers used rotenone to eradicate fishes and remove unwanted species from freshwater systems around Nelson.

But how does this toxic chemical work so effectively to kill fish, is it toxic to other species including humans, and are the benefits of using this chemical worth the risks? Freshwater ecosystems are vulnerable to invasion by pests and weeds because it is very hard to detect them until they are a problem. In recent years there has been a rapid expansion of some species of introduced freshwater fish.

Coromandel icon business for sale Kaimai’s could be 1080’d Well reputed with a regular and repeat trade and retail business Salty Towers Wholesale Bait is on the market for sale. This long established and popular local well renowned Fishing Bait, Berley and Salt Ice business is situated on the southern approach road into the coastal town of Coromandel, Property with flexible living accommodation

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cludes all stock, tools and equipment including a salt flake ice machine. This very well stocked bait and berley retail shop includes an array of fishing tackle and everything you would need for all types of fishing in the Hauraki Gulf mussel farms. If you want to hook up with a thriving business opportunity giveTrinity a call.

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method – with the exception of poisoning because “the Minister of Conservation ruled poisoning out as the risk of by-kill of other protected species was too great.” How utterly paradoxical is this statement, when everyday DoC are aerially poisoning NZ land and waterways with an indiscriminate and inhumane poison: Compound 1080? They know full well that native species are suffering as a result of these poisoning operations - in multiple ways. Full document available here:…/Uploads/Canada-Geese-status.pdf

There have been a number of posts on social media recently depicting that Wallabies have been found and shot in the Kaimai ranges. Waikato Regional Council has a requested in their Draft Long Term Plan seeking additional funding to develop a Containment Plan for Wallabies due to the fact that they are ‘moving outwards’ from their feral range in the general Rotorua Lakes area. This Containment Plan is a working document to develop sound research and monitoring methods to ascertain exactly where the wallaby are, plot

confirmed sightings and also devise the best way to prevent them spreading further towards our area. They say they are not going to 1080 the Kaimai’s however they haven’t denied that DoC, TBFree or Ospri aren’t or that they would use another form of poison. Some person had phoned Environment Waikato and advised that they’d seen a hunter up Thompson’s Track with 2 wallabies over his shoulder. When asked where they’d come from, the hunter supposedly said, ‘just in the bush up here’. EW has done extensive monitoring of various kinds and found no trace of any wallaby up there at all. The EW Pest Management Team has been contacted and told that a ‘hunter has now been seen at the carpark at Waiorongomai Loop Road with two wallabies over his shoulder. And that

DoC says that once pest fish have invaded a waterway and become established it is very difficult to remove them because they are able to spread through a whole river catchment. It is very important to prevent pest fish from invading into places where they aren’t already. It is suspected that the Gambusia may migrate out to sea where they multiply and return similar to Salmon. he’d just put them in the boot of his car and drove off’. The staff member was also told that ‘people are regularly shooting wallabies out there’. The Pest Management Team at EW have asked for accurate information and feedback from creditable sources if you see a wallaby or any wallaby sign. It is understood that poisoning is being discussed at committee level and that when the WRC decide to go ahead there will be very little notification as government has passed legislation that permits the dropping of 1080 without the requirement for resource consent. It’s about time hunters started speaking up as there is very little heard from that apathetic group via the NZDA. Hunters believe the true reason would be to deplete the Park of deer and wild pigs. There is no mention of excess wallabies on DoC’s hunting website? Because they are such low numbers there are not classed as a hunting game animal.

Green Party Accomplice to Poisoning the Land by John McNab

A web site Kapiti Independent News has accused the Green Party of “poisoning the land” through its MP and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage. “It is a supreme irony that a party that calls itself “Green” is committed to poisoning the land,” said the website’s editor Roger Childs. “The Conservation Minister is delighted with the increase in budget cash for her portfolio, but tragically much will be spent on poisons to kill birds, dogs, cats, cattle and insects, as well as some rats, possums and stoats.” The “increase in budget cash” was announced the Budget, a gain of $81.3 million package over four years. Eugene Sage said it would help ensure endangered wildlife was protected on a sustained basis over more than 1.8 million hectares – about the size

of the North Island from Auckland up. But Roger Childs said, the reality was “1080 kills birds and doesn’t save them”. He quoted fourteen opinions of silent forests. Among them were:Dr Charles Baycroft -”On the 1080 front, the battle to save the birds seems more like a mad scientist experiment to kill off every living thing, including birds, in our environment. 1080 also Kills People !” Fiona McQueen, author of The Quiet Forest The Case Against Aerial 1080. “Twelve months previously while camped on the shore of Lake Wilmot in the Upper Pyke Valley, we had been deafened by birdsong at 10 o’clock at night, just on dark. Twelve months later it was just completely silent. (In the intervening period the area had been poisoned with 1080.)”

Kids Goat Shooting Trip By Riley Pert (8 years)

We drove to McDonalds in Otorohanga and we met the others there. After that we were off to the woolshed. I was the 1st one there and it was dark, it was raining hard. By the time we got all our stuff in the woolshed we were all wet. We got to stay up to 10 o’clock. Finally, it was morning, we set off, we drove our motorbikes to where we were going to start walking on the 1st day. On the 1st day we got 11 goats. We got to sneak up to some piglets too and we just about caught one. The farmer had asked us not to shoot any pigs if we saw them.

We walked back to the motorbikes. We went back to everyone, they said “how many did you get” – “we said 11”. Later on that day we got to take people on the motorbikes one adult brought his gun - we shot 2 big goats. That night we got to stay up to 11 o’clock. Soon it was morning again and we set off. That day I got the biggest goat of the trip. We got 18 goats altogether.

Scientist Jim Hilton - “There was a family of kea parrots living on the Karamea Bluff Road at the time of the first aerial 1080 poisoning. They disappeared after that. I was not the only one to notice.” American born, retired library manager, Leslie Clague - The shock for me was that New Zealand uses 90% of the world’s supply of 1080. It has been banned in almost every country and is only used in the state of Wyoming in the U.S. (to battle coyotes) and here in our ‘pristine’ land. The other horror is that animals, birds, insects ingesting 1080 die a slow, excruciating death. The game plan seems to be to kill off all life in our forests and then re-introduce those native birds raised in Forest and Bird sanctuaries, back into the wild. It was the best day. It was me and my dad and I got a 7 year old goat and then we drove all the way back home.

TVDA Riley Riley Pert in the hills hunting goats

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In conversation with JOSEPH PARKER

may even fight in New Zealand next,” he adds. We have slowed down and study the fish-finder and soon the rods come out. We drift slowly and the birds lead the way. JP is the first to hook a couple of decent-sized Kahawai and the mood is relaxed. “How are the engines performing?” I ask. Joseph answers without hesitation; “Brother, they get me to where I want to go quicker and with less fuel. I end up saving money and can spend more time fishing.” I decide to get a bit more technical and ask about oil usage, knowing that this has always been a talking point for two stroke engines. “I don’t need to hook my boat up and take it to a dealer for a service,” he says. “Not only does that take up valuable time, but it’s expensive. I top up the oil myself and it take a minute. It’s cheaper for me.” We spend the rest of the day talking about fishing and boxing and then slowly head back, a chilly bin full of Snapper and Kahawai. “Next time we get a Kingy,” says JP. Good boating to you all Kevin Sharp

formidable power of the E-TEC’s can catch you off guard, JP opens the throttle and the boat jumps onto the plane. We race to meet the streak of orange light on the horizon. JP tells me he started going out with his Dad from the age of two and has never looked back. “I really love fishing,” he admits. “It’s relaxing and gives me a sense of freedom.” Joseph popped in to visit us at the Evinrude 2018 I ask about his recent Hutchwilco stand. fight with Amid the frenetic energy of Anthony Joshua, and the recent Hutchwilco Boat JP says he can’t wait show, I took some time out to fight him again. for a spot of fishing with Evin- “It was a tough fight, rude brand ambassador, Joseph and we have some reParker and a couple of mates. building to do before The sun is just starting to peek we get there again, over the horizon as JP launches but we have already the twin Evinrude-powered Stabistarted with plans craft from Half Moon Bay and we for the next fight. “ drift silently towards the light. Even though the loss Our destination is Waiheke Island, to AJ was a setback, one of Joseph’s favourite fishing I can see that JP is spots. Everyone is in good spirits brimming with confiand looking forward to catchdence. I see the detering some Snapper and Kahawai. mination in his face. “We may even get a Kingy,” JP says. “I will have a few Having checked that everyone is fights to get back “holding on” knowing that the to the top he says, we Catching the first fish of the day off Waiheke Island

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Salmon – no cause for alarm – and advertise online with us

Late November 2017 Fish and Game were alerted to a Sanford fishing vessel returning to Port Timaru with a number of fish bins of salmon. This initially excited them as this usually indicates signs of a good return to our rivers. Fish and Game then contacted the owner of Pegasus Fisheries, Tony Threadwell, a prominent quota holder of Red Cod and Barracouta around Banks Peninsula, who immediately contacted one of his skippers who had just returned to Lyttleton. The skipper indicated they had also landed a number of bins of salmon. Mr Threadwell was quite alarmed at this, as there is a maximum of 5,000 kg permitted each year as by-catch amongst the parties who signed this agreement and he feared this would be exceeded very quickly and force them to exit the exclusion zone around Banks Peninsula before the area was opened to all vessels. These vessels have an exclusive right to fish here under the Salmon at Sea Agreement.

Mr Threadwell informed Fish and Game that they caught several ton of escaped farmed salmon, total under 5,000 kg, however very few wild salmon, with the total across the whole east coast estimated to be a few hundred kg of wild salmon for the season (at an average of 4 - 5kg, only 60 - 70 salmon). 20 years ago there were a number of vessels with restricted horsepower permitted in the exclusion zone/period, however today only 2 – 3 boats operate there during this period. Mr Threadwell said this had been a very poor season for Red Cod, Barracouta and Blue Warehou, their three main quota species which tend to have similar abundance periods as salmon. He also said ocean temperatures were 2 – 3 degrees warmer than usual and that the ocean conditions were very unusual this year. Many keen salmon fishermen and former volunteers for Fish & Game have gone on one of these Salmon By-catch Monitoring trips into the “Salmon Conservation Area”

to ensure that the operations are carried out according to the rules. North Canterbury and CSI F&G Councils decided they were not going to continue to send observers on these vessels about ten years after the Salmon at Sea Agreement was signed, as on trips post this agreement, very few salmon were caught. For the first 15 years of the Agreement it was compulsory for the named vessels fishing in the SCA to carry FandG verifiers. After this it was at the discretion of FandG to provide verifiers on a random basis. A volunteer verifier was on the Sanford vessel prior to the 17/18 Salmon At Sea season at Sanford request. That vessel landed 394 salmon of which 22 were wild and 372 were farm origin all of which were processed by the verifier. After that catch Sanford voluntarily decided not to fish the Salmon Conservation Area during the season because of the high salmon bycatch. FandG say that this cannot be determined until they are landed, however these were all a consistent size and smaller than wild salmon. They heard of the escape from Akaroa Salmon just after hearing of the salmon landed and it was obvious the salmon landed were these escapee fish. Farmed salmon are very easily distinguished from wild salmon as any Twizel hydro canal angler will attest – their tails are worn flat. Unlike the MPI and DoC, Fish and Game take their responsibilities more seriously and monitor what happening in this area.

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Coromandel Seafood Festival huge success

This year’s annual Seafood Fest was another successful event bringing large numbers of people to the town. There were many types of dishes on offer that included locally grown Coromandel harbour oysters, fish, squid, mussel fritters, skewered bacon and scallops to name a few. On top of the food stalls where a variety of other items on offer that featured art, clothing and educa-

tional features including coastguard. It’s clear that there is a large demand for local seafood with everyone tucking in to the offerings and making the most of the entertainment on offer with live music. The food demonstrations went down a treat and many different dishes were produced by Derek the chef and chefs who work in local restaurants or cafes. This year they changed the event layout

to include separate marque for cooking demonstrations and stage for live music that was a large truck appropriately supplied by the Mussel Kitchen. This certainly worked well and will be utilised again for the future. Even though some thought the event was smaller this was not the case with more stalls and activities on offer this year. Despite this some food stalls underestimated the demand for seafood running out before the end of the day. All in all it was a great day and enjoyed by many families also. We look forward to making some improvements for next year’s event and will continue to make it even better. The committee thanks the following sponsors for their support: Colonial Cottages, Coromandel Fish n Dive, Coromandel Area School, Coro Cowboy Charters, Coromandel Four Square, Facility Works, Fishing and Outdoors Newspaper, Gold FM, Harcourts, Marine Farm Association, NZ Kayak Fishing - Yak Fish Productions, Richardsons, Salty Towers, and Strongman Diesel.

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Terrorist Acts by DoC alleged A letter given to the Westcoast Regional Council to cease and desist dropping 1080 poison under the Terrorism act is not a criminal offence, but poisoning is. Yet the police and news media have given this a different slant. What sort of action do they want to happen? This is another form of peaceful protest which the public have a right to do. Westcoast Police say “The 1080 programme is lawful and the belief that anybody associated with this is committing an act of terrorism is absolutely incorrect.” “While all people have the right to freedom of speech as well as peaceful protest, I wish to make it clear that threats made towards individuals or organisations that are involved in the 1080 programme will be treated seriously.” He seems to have missed the point that the government changed the legislation in 2017 to make their unlawful acts – lawful. To change any legislation to enable a government department to put the nations citizens at risk through this type of behaviour is absolutely shocking. What Doc, TBFree and OSPRI have done is completely against the public interest. DoC has been dropping 1080 poison for the last 64 years and it has been proven that it is not working. Why is the poison aerial dropped onto rivers, streams and waterways clearly in breach of the label instructions? Are the Police investigating this offending? Legislation clearly states that poisoned animals should be removed and buried. The cost of this exercise which has never been done caused the Minister to change the legislation purely to allow poisoned carcases to remain in situ, thereby allowing other animals, and the possibility of humans (especially

children) to come across and touch those carcases. This is clearly a breach of the ‘public interest’ whereby a Minister of the Crown exerts his or her authority to cover-up and allow that department or other departments to break the law just by changing legislation when in fact it exemplifies the danger to the public. DoC flight charts are official records of the various poison drops where the toxic baits are distributed. They show the baits are dropped directly into almost all running water. These are the official records, so will stand up to scrutiny. The evidence of 1080 killing nontarget species i.e: fantails, kea, kiwi owls etc., outside the allocated 1080 ‘drop zones’ is horrendous. DoC’s testing has become rare, and dishonest. Nothing has changed in the way the poison is used, except greater areas are now covered. TB infected pigs were released near Kawhia and no-one was informed. Once 36 people had been diagnosed with TB DoC said there was an outbreak and that they needed to poison the hills behind Kawhia and Raglan where the locals source their water from. Doc then admitted they had released the pigs a year prior to track the spread and infection rates in the name of science. This is not science it is eco-terrorism. Doc has orchestrated a campaign against 1080 protesters and falsely alleged that DoC staff and equipment has been tampered with – without the slightest bit of evidence. The Police need to do their homework and start telling the truth, showing the public the truth is not terrorism. Regulations define terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of

political or social objectives”. Serving a paper against a public servants criminal acts is not terrorism. DOC is in dereliction of their duty. A former DoC worker Ms Wirihana says she worked for DoC and that they do drop 1080 by water and livestock, even though they are not allowed to. They had so many phone calls that domestic stock animals were killed, cattle, horses. These animals were tested then buried and DoC pretend it didn’t happen. One farmer lost 275 bulls he had to shoot 5 and the rest were euthanized, and tests showed traces of 1080. The net of criminal liability is no longer limited to those directly involved in causing the disaster, but may now extend to those involved in the response, as well as officials whose derelictions in office helped create the risk. Since public officials make decisions that allow hazardous activities – such as spraying dangerous chemicals - while acknowledging risks to innocent people, property, and ecosystems, it is surprising that they are not often targeted for prosecution. International law holds to principles - Nuremberg principles created in response to Nazi atrocities - holding government officials responsible for violations of international law, even when they are acting under orders of superiors. Whitney Robie died from brushing against 1080 gel in bush near Queenstown, DOC stopped gel use soon afterwards. The Doctor who attended sent her heart to a government lab to test for 1080 poison and guess what - the lab lost her heart. Her parents have waited 6 years for the NZ government to respond. Two ladies in Reefton area were poisoned and the medical officer of health won’t release their medical notes, they still suffer, there are others around NZ suffering as well. A list of 1080 atrocities in online at

Visit us on www.facebook/Fishingandoutdoorsnewspaper hunting-information/huntingarticles/122-1080-articles/3058poison-events-innz-and-1080-poisons-register.html The significant issue is whether the benefits of monofluoroacetate aerial drops out-weigh their costs and adverse consequences both known and unknown. The burden of proof must fall on the government and DoC and the other advocates of this practice that inherently, fundamentally and intrinsically violate the most basic principles of ecosystem management.

Yet, as noted above, there is not one scientifically sound paper establishing either the ecosystem benefit or the extent of almost certain ecosystem harm. Of course, there is no shortage of bland anecdotes such as the statement by DoC’s John Gaukrodger recently: the Pureora Forest “has greater diversity of bird species and population densities than almost any other area in New Zealand”, and the one of Douglas Wright, xxxx, “the use of monofluoroacetate has had many positive effects.” In recent months DoC, trying


to deflect growing public criticism of its use of 1080, has filled the newspapers with assertions of this type averring the benignity and benefits of aerial 1080. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States (1801 -1809) wrote, in 1787, “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere.”

Politics Politicians anywhere are just Public Servants by Rupert Pye

In my years of dealing with and writing about politicians I am bemused to the point of being frustrated at how the bigger majority of politicians forget one fundamental obligation of being accountable back to the public who voted him or her in. The failing applies not only to politicians in parliament but in local councils and even fish and game councils. Fish and game councillors are public servants to the fishing and shooting public. An executive member or president of an organisation such as the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association is responsible, answerable and accountable to the members of NZDA. A NZDA branch president or committee member is responsible to members of that branch. Yet in most cases the elected individuals forget their obligation. I was reminded of this again the other day when talking to a councillor of the local Fish and Game. It was obvious he was not listening and any concerns raised were met with a defensive attitude to the point of arguing back instead of listening and considering. It is a human failing of elected persons but one which most elected persons need to take stock of and ensure they are public serv-

ants in the true sense of the phrase. It was interesting and frankly not surprising to hear of the leaked report - years old - that two corporate fishing companies Sanford’s and Talleys have been catching more than their hoki quotas and not reporting it. It begs the question as to why the Ministry of Fisheries kept the report hidden in their bowels. Have the Ministry officials forgotten they are public servants? The fishing industry needs a shakeup. The involvement of two large corporate companies begs the question also as to the power they wield over the ministry and cabinet ministers. The “Star Sunday Times” ran an article back near election time where it was revealed Talley Fisheries made substantial donations to political parties and especially NZ First. It is rumoured Talleys donates to other political parties likely to be involved in the elected and formed coalition government. That puts the donor in a strong position to exert influence for policies out of the new government that are favourable to the companies’ exploitation of fish stocks. Very selfserving sly strategy some might say. I chanced to talk to a Ministry of Primary Industries fisheries officer and

asked if the demands and pressure of corporate companies hampered fisheries management. His reply was that it was a major headache. NZ First had an excellent outdoor recreation policy as put out by their outdoor recreation spokesman Richard Prosser. It promised to “ensure the maintenance of sustainable fishing with guaranteed access for recreational fishers and the protection of existing game fish species” and “no licensing for recreational saltwater fishers.” But in an inexplicable, unexplained NZ First party list shuffle, Richard Prosser was demoted from number 3 on the list to number 15 which effectively removed him as a MP. Was it pressure from corporate fishing companies or perhaps a company? Another promise from NZ First’s outdoor recreation policy was to put “an end to the use of aerial 1080.” NZ First voters are waiting. Promises are very hollow when politicians forget they are obliged to the public and not corporate donors. In opposition they can be vocal crying “foul” but once elected they forget. Political party donations deserve full and open accountability and transparency.

28th - 29th - 30th June, 2018

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