Ian arthur buchanan death by 1080

Page 1

New Zealand )eath Certificate 'lixrigilcfl taluJis)

Regi*trati*n Number 196703$933


Arthur Surnnjn*r'tjfltjl).naill* Blchanan

ll.i',2'ift*ar Firstigir-t:t lliillli:{$i}t f*at

*h$.zi Surnafi..fumily



let t?etilni





*i d*a{r

I{acr of


Cl*le ru

ca{$i:,r of






? $eptember 1968 Pr*blic HosFital Sunrdin

Coroner's Firding Srntral fierv$u$ systam rlepression accompa*ied by respiralsty and rardiac failurs dse ta 1080 poiso*i*g

ili a{fiit'irq di:ct1{

i\1r - .\] r+i"n ,i.. 1 llr j,,,,iij



Se.t AA0 (fld datâ‚Ź $l'bifirL

Plare *f l:irtl: lf



?3Y llal Record*d Swaka

iorn in New Zpala0d nrrlter s{ ynars lirsi, h*r{


ljsual ltr:ae ltldr*i-s {,is*tl cccup$iiolr irtot*ssilrn or ioh I)ate rrf bririal tri crrrnarirrn lla<:t: rri hurial oL rrttnirtirr;t Ag* ol'*ach daug.htrr Agt rr{ elch r*;r



$urnar:"re/lamils" ra*':e

iridi-fee$ JDrr


Fi$t"giren ilaile{'.} at i'}ir*l rflt el hirth

Surmme,/lk*til-v n






Surna**l{ami};r' na:n* Fir(ligr..,cr) nrmetrr:rt hirrlt

18 {ana gtreet &lalaura

Concrete.Wodrar $ Soptemb*r1966 Malaura x1M





lfil*b! $ar*ld Be*jarnin Buchanan

SurtHil]eif**'iily r}i:n* at birth


*fintr *t

rime r:f death

!l*latiorrskip tlpr 1L9e rrf'deteaied :r *r;e*t 'Pli:':i a,':*:rr: :::-li . ,r rl :;:l'.:: SPOtlSEi First'giten trr:rurer


Serrnanr*,'ki:*i1y name


l.lot Rec$rded 17

*lva Lorraine Ruth Hyde

Srx AAe ailis'n1{i

*eftif{od trut cr}y lssued



p*riic$lars r*ordeil by

uxler rhe:eal nf*e Rrpislrar




6ms\ \

1? August 2008


f,{{,Yi*i ta

- ,{*} ps#rn *hs {.t} {irlsifi$ .txt al tltt p**ital*n on tltit .4rir{a*, ,. {3) ur{i it !,rcs$alifi, wfut &a l:inr$ Act 1941.


kue, k}revint it 9}






XXlNNelN. * X* $,as tn** ?!* police :rere repres*nled . letective possible ts say w&ether clea*& by U:ief fns&ici xas &or*icidaX, suieidal, or *e_ W. ilcllinshead and beter_ *he 3}ei*c*iN Cor*ner, ti.ru Senior Sergeant -ei*ental, N. H. Il{r J. D. Mu:.ray, S.}I., said -Bennett. Mr A. B. R. Bror.rm 3,esterday al atl inqriest into appeared for ihe relatives *f i..{:e rleatk *{ }ar: &rt"X.:ur the. deceased, ancl Mi. i{. I(en_ Su*hanall, a6:e* ,i, seagogal S?]i lcr l.be Colonial Mutual r,vtlrker, *f lKataura. Life As$uraace $ociely. Bucl:anan, a part-iime opos,1,{r i-viurrav said the cii.cumsllm hilnf er, dled in lrospital staitces thc case were n"lytx $epl*xber ?, five elays ift*r sterious,oflargeiy because ans_ being taken il1 wifl: sevrrâ‚Ź rve.rs to many questions couki ?gri:;ting. nor he obtaincd. . Ai. the time of Xuchana::,s death, when the pr:st n*rtem rvas cair.ic<i oui. ji rva.s thoughi thal death eould be attributeri


i* ::atural causss.

An aaaiysis of samples had . srr.engthened the possibiiiLy of porS0ning tr'r ait extent r,zi:ei.e it lofi/"appsarecl iha.i the carxe cl cteath lvas. l0g0 poisoning. It lyas only then I,eporteri to him r,nat a pos_ribJe cause of death was poisoning. Silh*ul ::lam_ lrq alt.vone,, the dejay in r.eflort. rng. itacl seriously hampei.ecl poltce .in their inr.estigalions.the NO.I OBTATNA-tsLE because of ihis de_ ,_O.llrrr. IaY: the ans\ver to the que_.tion -"pi,l icoulrl not be oUt*i,ruJ,

l.iurrn3, ssi6. i_ Tlo Corcrrrer fouud that B.uchanar: died fi orn a rienres_ J st01t of ll:e eexl;:ai n*irn* I ac(rornparried ht ;;;" -11,slem' anci rcspiratoly failure. itl,Ju.Ta: impossibie t; nnf a.S; .1l tiris finding, he sarrl. fii I



::,111 $uicid.o,



id the


_ rtrr:nqty againit

or hr:micids.




3' The go&thkna Tlrres, tsdday, Juxa



I.quest trnto Death

slan i: qlr !$&ataura ' 1




, t, ta ^^tl ^.: ^* a1 eall*d,at to-be i*n o* L? witn*sses irqreslffi tLi oeattr oi Ia* orf Mpjpura' were worker, l'*i:33:lt13:1 t,'â‚Źster.liay nefeire the Dunedin Coroner' h*ard ";&Wi,,EgESgU4t Mr J. D. MurnaY, S.i!I. said that Buchanan, a Part-Lime' with Buchanan. the dettion exce without ln'-nos'I oDossum hunLer, died pital on September'7, tgbb' ceased alwaYs used c.vanide' Kcith Goueh Nelmes, or five daYs after being. taKert of-the Southland Waimate, vomiting. itt wittr severe Rabbit Bbard's Poison suPPl.Y possibility uc.lrg of I'he centre. said i[ woutd be imi 080 pbisrn ih opotsunr nossible for an individual io t, huntinq was discussed suPPlies of 1080 vesterdaY, T'ii ieceive . ivirnesies poison from his certre. tiearing will- coriinue todaY. 'I'h e no I i ce trvere rep resenterl bv -W.Deteciive Chiet

f:. l-iollin"sheacl and I)etective Senior'St:rgeant N, {'1 . Bennelr. l'1r A. it. ll.. IJrcr,vn aPt:*ar*d frrr lh.* relatise$ *f rhe <lece*sed, ant{ Mr K. Itendall for


ilr:ionial Mulual l-ife Assttr-

,.q1ce .Socie1y,


Not Pitctical

'fh+ {atlr*r rit *lsceased, of W*ilsne, sald his sou never spoke of 1080 Poison. !IarLrlij Suchanan, e'aretaker,

His son hunted opossums on his property, arld he woulcl nol have allcrwed 1080 on the property. Witness ,l,U80 sard he underpo.ison was not slrlrrd practical for oPosstlms ber:ause thev would move swa], fronl the poison line iurrl not be fodnd. After skinning the opossums, hie son fed the car$asses t0 the dngs, who were sti{l alive. Had the opossu/ns been kiiied by 108$, he be' lieved tha dogs wou;ld r:aw be dead. t'lr Buchanerr gaid he was quite siiie his sciti would not take his cwn life. To the cororer, Mr Buch.aaan seirl he was unable lo explain how a tin containing 1080 poison was iater found at the home. Poisor Lins Tlre wife of deceased, Elva

Continued next page.

?ects; Sindiags

Ilr T. Y. O'Donnell, associate nrof esso:.' of medicine at the

l)taEo Medical $,chaol; said that afbe*r tests and as a resu{t +f fincl-


he considered. ,Eu'chanan had r{i6d'as * result *f J"0'80 p*ison-

inc --

1*80*- could be clisestecl, irrhaleelu *r' peneirate tl#ough the skin' ?s 31r Brcw"lt, the witnes* said this B'a$ hir *rst c&s€ of

b.tt" poison

he had -derlt poixcning ' *riitt Xis opinion was ha*ed o* the informatisx svailebl*' Tl.le x"i{x€s$ **id he harl issur-d t1:* tlexlh eertifieet*- He hartr, on ihat, given the *au.**' *f dealll as f 08il

c:uenr ini*r:r:raiirix he n*w betieved the likelY cei.:se *f, dta*h r:,:as iespil'ai*r1- failure. ancl fPnt"r'al n*r"rroils slstem depre$$]on clu* tg 1"*8{} P*isoxingTh* pericd- of *q!9{ 5ry4-$ '}onger than he had rea.d of ii,[. *ther elinical accor:xts of rlsaths frqm tO,g0,. anrl. sugge.sted !ho.t the atut,ii:rt ,pi;esetlt in the -trr"rd)' \\'a's nol snot.rllous, but suflieient to ciirlse a totiil P<lisoning. He i:ail reatt of 18 cases of lt)80

r*lsolllng recot'c{e{ in .'nre'diea1 iournals up to Lg60 in the rvbrld.

Of the*e, l"le beli€ved six haci'been fatal, H. M. i$tone, a scientific of'ficer with ihe I).'S.I.F"., saicl tests of tissue snmples shox.ecl the p1'ese,&ce of 1080. IL, was alss locatecl in a lin cvf stra*'ber:'y jam" If thc 1*8{} h*t{"bc*n in tirc toP scction o.f fh* lin of jar:, iL wnultl 1i

This one also talks about other cases and the amounts it takes for a person to be poisoned.

Foison Linr _ Thq r.r,.ife ,:f deeeased, Hlya Lci.rraine Rrith gucha;an, said she kner.v her husttinci lvould be latc home n" tir"

iri.qlrt of Friclay, Septemilei hecar-r-se he wbulcl'# i;;" ?, ing I poison Iine. fre iirivJA ai abr:ut 7.30 p"n:. i , At. I ^p.Jn. hi) comnlainecl about feeling unweli. ,,He \,vas up r.omiting all nisht.', Mrs Buchanan saia. clecease<i suffered ^ Thea stomach Iriinr rrJcer.^ ancl

freqiren t l;,- hitel irrrrclachi,r.'.{ he ,r'e1t'. oefrtre hrs deatlr had been ill ir bed 'ft:r: three nron ths.

-d;: - V/itness said that at fi.l5 the 1'ollolving rnorning ceased told lier.: ,.Get the doctor or I'll go rnad.' "I ke1:u askin.g him if Irc .had be err poisorrecl, anci he said it coirlcl not be that.,-. IIrs BLrciralrarr sa ici.

When rhe clcct*r haei stil; t"r*l art'iv*rl sire rralizrri h*r hushan(l ri,iis cir.ing i-ler lrus-

bancl hacl la1:s*.ci iiiro a uiit qi' unconsci*r,r:nes$ arA-kJ !*gr,,', tr; l'rr>rlr ar. llte .,ui,rt

A c**six hed .trrir,eel ix .** .sponse to hrr re(liiesl l'or


*ssistance, and he haei c*llerl the..doclor again. tfi* (lochlr, *n al'rir.al, had taker l:ne liol< ei i.,ei "fi,iuba:ld and *rclrred his n*t,roilut

[o Irosnira]. I-i* irari clrr_,cl i; hospiral on .serrtember 7, Mrs Buchanan saiil- she' recallcd her husbancl purchai'or

jam. gjg tlyo Ia-rS9 tins l ne ttn ot jam containirrs

rvas in a cupboard nea'ii t.l,e hacl< d*or'" 1.080

Used Cyanide ,iol:n Noe I lVloore, rl,ho

used to go opossurn huntine i.r'ith tlre deceased, saicl theii a Iryavs ursed .v"niad. luit H.rian. Jr.rhn DalS', who ha<j arso Deen oJ)ossum huniinq

&. *.. li*u*fl*ici**{ {i*



*m K&md

K*x$g}x? $wr {P.A.)

ffi*me&e nUNEDTN

was x*rt possibie to say wh*ther death w;l$ ho*nieidaln sali*idatr, or aecid*ntal, tke Xlu::edin Cororeer, Mn 3, *, Murray, S"&{", said yesXerday at an ir:qn*st ixts the rl*atk cf Xan Arthur Suctrarann ag*cl ?3, s*asonal w*rker, Xt



8ucI:anan, a part-time oporsum hunter, died i;r hospilal 0n $epternber 7, five da5's after be ing taken iil :Ajlih severe vomiling" The poliee wer* represented by Detectivo Chiei Itispector 'W, fl, Hollii:shead


Perhaps, i:eca*se

of tlis

delay, the answer t0 ti:e qLr*stion coulii not be abtained, Mr Murray said. ?'he Coroner found that Bucira:':a:r died frr:m a depression of lhe eeltral nerYous system, accompanied

and Detective Senior Ser- by cardiae and respiratory geait N. !t. Sennetl. Mr A. It r,lras impr:ssible 8. R. Brox'n appeared for faili"re. lo enlarge on thls fi:rding, he the relatives r:f tire de- said. Mr Murray said the ceased, a:rd Mr K. Xerdall evidence came otrt stror:gly fr::: the Colo::ial Muluai Life a;4ainst suicide, or hornicidrr, Assuranee Society" Mr Mur:y said ll:re ri;'of the case 1ve.e rious, largely beeaus* ans:aers t0 many que:li*ns could not be obtained. Al the time of Suchana*'s

cumailances myste

deati:, when the post rxcrlem was c*rried orit, it was t"houghl tiral f,eath could he

atlributed t0 natural







had slrengtherred the possi" bility r:i polsonirr.g a0 an extent u'lrere it norv ap]:eared th*t lhe cause of death was 1080 poisoning. It was only thec reporled !o hirn that a posslble cause of death was poi;oning. Without blamixg anyon., the de)ay in reporl" ing lhe possibiliry of poisoni:'ig had seriously hampered the police in tireir investiga-


5q;if lt}*_, X f;;,Tf^^*

ffiwed M&tra-. ffiew resqw wwew YK&ffiffi ffieKffi&ryx !il

i 'r^r !'

x3xjI{xmx&:. * yen ** x.? witnesses *c be carred at an inque*t i*t* d*a*h of xax &r{herr &xchanan, e*, ;;*;;"*1 worker, o* B{ata:.xra, &*ard yes**rday 3:*for* the suaed;ru a*r*:a*::, &xr .f" g3" nr"rray, X&r: *i:q'

- l3uii:*::,*:t, & opossi.tlr't

parf-time lieved the dogs would now :rrnter" died in hos- he deaC. p1r.al -on Sepr,embe r T, 1966. Xr: Buchanan said he ,:ras hvc days after being taken quira,si:le his str: rnould not ill with seyere vomiling. take hir own life. possibiliry of using To the coroner, I\{r , *6uchanan saic ^Th. ti 5(r. polson 1n opossunl ,r he was un_ hrrnLing was discussed by able to expiain how a itn r,vitnesses .- yesre;-tiay. ffr"e conraining 1080 poison neanng wiii contjnr:e today. laier found at thb home. was ?he_ pciie* we:e rrt:r:e- - ?hq ',vife cf d*sased, Eiva sented by Detect:ive Cti:ief lorraine Ruth euCii*in, tnspector W. E. Holjinshead sairi she k;:ew her husba::ri and Deteelir.'* $enior-Ser- rvquld be iate home on the geant N. H. 3en::ett. Mr A. niqi:t, of Friday, Septembei B. R. Brorarn appeared for /, hecause he woulC he layrhe- reiilives cf thL cieceased, ing a poison line. tIe airiv'dd and NIr K. Xeriiall fcr at about 7.30 c.m.

icJ*rial Mritual Ula Assu::ance Societv. j fnp. f*arh-er of deceasecl, "_ i Haro ld Brrchanan, careraker., of \l'aitane, saiii his *,i I 'l_9ter spoke of 1080 poison. llis son hunled {.\pcssun.}s on

ta hospiia!. He had died in irospital on September TMrs Bucnanan said she re., called hcr husband purchas. gC tryo large tins 'of jar:' The tin of -jam contai;ins ll 080 was in a cuoboarri neai the baek d*or.

Joh:: Noei Moara


to go opossum hunting with the deceased. said thei. alwai,s used cyaniclc. !"d Brian John Dal.y, wiio had also been opossurn hur,tine us.ed


with Buchanan, said thal without exception lfre cleceased alwevs used cl'atricle. Keith Goirgh Nelmes oi' Waimate, of the Southland,

At 9 -p.m. hb complained " aSout feeling unweli. .,FIe Rabbit B*ard's paison

supply: y;as Ip .vomiring ali night,r centre, said it would be imjv.{rs uucha:-ran said. pr:rssible fcr an individual tal


deceased srrffered receive supplies of - Thea stomach from utce., ant poison from his centre. rreortenl]y hari heat"laches. A , nrs propertl', and he would year before hi* dcath l":e h ar.'e allowei.i I 080 on had been ill in bed for rhree lot roonths. Lne prol)erty. , Wiin:ss ;aid he urd*r- _ Witness said that at 6.15 srood 1080 p,rison was the following mo.'nin.q de.,Gei pracrical for opossL.li;ts not he_ ceased told her-: (:ause they tvor.rld move dc:lcr or I'11 go ::tad." r"he away frr.rm lhe poison line "i -k:',:t a:l<ing hirn if he "nad. anc[ nol lle foLrnd. heen pc:soned. ancl he After skinnlng the opos- 13rc{ ir could nor be:hat," 1su:rs, his son fed the car- },{rs Bu*Lana* said. casses Lo the dogs, who were When thc doct*r had still stiil alive. Had ihe opossums not. arrived she reaiized her baen killed by 1081, he be- Ilusband w'as d1,i11g, Her husi::and had .rgs lapsed rq}JrEu iiio rrlLU d a sLaLg stat* i oi unconsciousness anC had legu:t t0 frotl"l a! the m*ufh. A cousirr had arrived i:: !e" spnnre


t0 her request for,

a-ssistance, and he harl caliedi

the doctor acain. The doctoi, on arrival. had takerr one look at her 'husband and ordered hls xmoyal



i$m &tsf{xlrro *trlsn's Declff? I


was no.t pos:ibla

fo say-whether daalh was honricidal, suicidal or accidenlal, Mr J. D. Murray, S.M., said rt an inquost into tlre death o{ lan futhui Bushanan wot(er, of Maiaura, in fhs'coroneir. C;,#f - '--' {23}, ---------. vvutl t-- I r seasonal i;ti"r;d,'"' TElrqteqy, ! couicr be suilering, To lfr ir*uchanan, a part-tirnelBuchanan Brown. Dri ppossrm h.yn19r, . (lierl -inlfrom poisoning. fo,Donneii said i,t njas thei 'lli.t"Tr,"J. T3ffX"fful;'1,1i*3;9.,1-trytr_#:,#r,*t ffii#lXJ---------------,f tla;. noisoninr i

j, l{te.coroner,


vomiitng' lwhere desnire treatmrrni hisl ?'o the coroner, nrl ' ncsevcrc porree werc r11t1e;lcondilion deteri,orated, l0'Douneil said blood levels i;'ilj?X,"llL'f;,'"-*?'J;i,,,.lll:f i"l,.i*,;;#',o' *r.o.l$;,Fii,d;$ ir,.'i,li'i[iriti iwill .r



ilr${h{*{ffii'T#i&q'--1.l;e*#*}tr:lrg#;i*ihi'*iffi * itrX$rff,#fiklJilffi:#i:Htffi ffi#'fnglli:$'iiffi 'tr.#l*xx

,y"rriffi?*+,g"ffi.*trig:W,ffi :#HiF"#l ;#:#;ifi ;iylJ*",,:i!lli.1H =1111.".#*IX-J*'[T.*04 * .rhe l,shrp'o{



x'qr-'tg'mq ti&s-ho haaf$.rrmat$.,loh:-A,,entl1 nr"vsteriou; ia"e*ly ,iii;11ii"ed, woulci .vorir opi,rion 'ansryers to many be vt di as the ulc callse rqc cause of 'trould r.^rr]rt not nar he h. obtained. ulcer rvhich novo"lBow 0t ulcâ‚Źr whicb_.had.ncv-erj;"* denal ulcer had nevp.rltrt. whieh ls -uy. r! ^hroi_or,i,"*",.,,dcnal idcnat prot'e,i'-''-tfi6t"si;rd; 'r 'i,i.r,I-ulJir*n* I believe nflw beao rratrect rariirvlosirrallu ldeatlt? at"ti,e ii*cnanail'slbeen




1fi,",|f"',i. '. --.^--:- ,. pnn ldoork tsal respirarory tdeath tas Qr.r Febnrary r. _ rsm,l!11\ore antl central nervcui;

:dcrih, wfren thcr post.nrortenri

i;ililir;ffi ii,i-"*iiffi'lliill

rv rN

iii'-*iti:'"iiliiuirii' ;ri'r *eCiul:;:l',,1, t'u"-'iiit,ri',ii.,i''"il;if,,:.J1,!ttu,,t6-,ilf,tiliilif.9$f"6",1,&:?f;l.p3#fu. :? rvas..longer loitger than lhat anti that' a]9.nld, 'lvas An analvsi,c , .q,n amly;is of of samplesile 3n.i. about. He spent alYttlq i'clinical "^-.to"iup accounts of: of sui rveeks itr bed:;li:i"A ihad. strengthened 6ii"'$;::ltAtal

q**lm,rm,lHqr;m;rl*iWi "t"Ii,a*,lid;1"*:" "Jir-"i",,,";$;i:tith.{'F;d'urt poisoning"' if+lq*ff iii hin' .;;' . p.iiili"'*uii iwtricu Il

ratar clependeni,, m I cotdd. aceount t q Lhai Ito ,. --H1--^Lry this opinion" onj lof deuth wrls poisonirs.lsl'mp"oms displayed by de-le.:(Pres-sing Dri llVitnout blamins adycn". {1.ritceased. He could find nolF.1 cbemical analysis,-the'ncs-ie$idenee 'naai said. of a harmfttl 6[gio'Lnnnell harmful IIe iie fuugit;'.l,onneu hadi idoiar in reporiins ia;#-i"-;;oofio?^'i#'n"cslieviaenee moutlt or oni;'i'1tf, oni:'',t'1'f$ .:fl:...oj 11 gt?*li of poisdnins triAji3-By_chanan's moutrt lsibility_ l::?",;11,, l;xiil' T'JJun'n'' 5:i#;,# l:Ji#; i Dr B. Jackson. whojuP to 1960, sjx wcre'fatal.i lpolice i; theii:-il;;riisutio*.li -of Penhaps bacause rhlriconducted a post-iuortenr i Yu""y illcEwen Srone, n i ,delay the &nswcr to the clutrc-lexamirtation oo Buchanan.l-scientist ryith the Depaxi ;on eorrld rist (lirrl,! ulcrlt nl('irt . oL of screnn"llie f 'on eolllil .sealp :rnd sair'l tlle the .scnlp and (lilrl,r Scientlt'ie aud nrt l)e be c.btaine:i. ctrtained.Ir sal(! auc.l $r MrEF6y*s,si6, "": l$Spâ‚Źared noYnd,:.fte,merm.ltttiustriat-''1 I'AS,ye!fi0n*""de., : Thc coroner formd l6nlibrane cor,'ori:rg the brainiscribedrfliriing a higir eon. jBuchanan ciied fri:nr a tte-ish_o-1'ed vascular- congest'iott. jcenkation o-f the -poiso: tuuu o.Il Tlre (}nt.lre. entire brair" Draufi, lnelud.i{gf on ffie the upper contentr, rlelldiqgf lCtS0 coirteqtr. ner,l ".'l'he ]pression of t,he central ner,J lpression jvou.s system acconrpaniea uvlthe cet'ebellutm ard brainfof a tin of jam. There was ,cardiab arg rispiratorilsheitt was gro.ssly S*Hu- and[uotte of the poison in :filas t*;;;i,ilisoft causing distortion o{ th-elopo*ym earcass& le traitt itaaluie. ;ta enlarge .on tlri,s ^linciint,ligl,l.3pijr:111u." ;drllon ltlere l \l-ere . area'S of r'r!'v lheI ;Alq. ,;aid. rAT&t ?$sg --:'-l t:rain D'$L'l &: the 'Dr" fKr i\tlln'ay Sa.id Xi-itiun'ay said tire tlle evi-i11o--"'"'ruG5e evi-i!.Tyorrhage in lnce earne d*nce carnc our out stmngtyislem. YJ gtottT, trflr -stca*l asairst suicide or fuoraicide.i INFLAT{&Trort{ fairst suiclge INFLAU&TIOIIa; lsa*e;;li::rafesjl-1ftt*j.cs*J rdnged fm:n 50*:s t$ B$*xs.i "r -a

* rrg*lxr


"{i-ad'lexamjned' riioo"uLliistem' i ly tu#i.A;.| I

Continued next page.



r,;iiiJiaiil rNrr,AlrArroni, 'ui'iao _ illi,i;j'1}1il"il,{d f iil,jfi: IIEADACIIE llicrosconic e.raminatio-niiie'"-*", unabre to sav i Dr D. L. Thonrpson, oflshowed - num-erolls - sntaUlwhether the poison could cet


[e ba6 knonni,$eas lvbâ‚Źre death of ,nervefinto the tin accidentally, a * paticnt {c,rltissue had,occtlrrn(t an(l Alsol "''^'lo,Edu'artl rr..l r.^lyyo,ao rar,a Lawrence Jolni irri.*'""ii.rii #iJi.; bi,.liwrdespreuo ,nir]n,lLio,,'l *;a6.. "o,i-s*i,t".iiii; - ill_tl3*;l- .,.: -,*L1,, T*l;1ft31?';t dffrJ*uirf*Xlii arr{yed at ru*iianax,s homei!fl}-ud.,T".il! H:il"".:HliJie.icr, ;*fi,';;:d 'ffi;;i i:: response to a eatt froririwntle *n ulttolo1tiito3ffilgg"rn1,*,.be*a deceastd's wxo wha said het:rotng resplra-^-;;; -:---il0s0 ,miiofitd irr a cas, nr! lfJi"2#i Irad suffered a " tirumpin*,'ltuti:3.ll,S.r'..roii,$iJ.w.r.ii{1,L'^.8*,n z to rv lo smg l'sl 5n 'crurn -rBE tissue ncrl lpscrrnalr$ Specin:ens of oI lllisue wercl;.:--wereilil'"' I 3. he-adache-ai1 headaClfe all- night, night. woulrl be aa lethall ,c.ont rn the rhp Government;*ot'l[}|f cnvo.nnmrrnl pro.lBllogram ni to *os.lBllogram Government wheu he iiil*a at. !d0se ffi 1r.{5iil:lil tcr -*ffi]X,,f a !ru:rr,ril, l;?r',",'J.1ii Si" a.m. Bueriaaun'""* ",r*j,iLr:lrrnuu ii"ltrh.itu the $;*';il.-'illi:"uffir:tt"iij no1-rr1i19rq -rlimg snellss finerinss rhe .ofi,t98,9,.-Yi:uaeoaseious. iIe did nrr ret'ilrc o'.d*.},t'S$t&: i[-lunrlerwent i"i:l"r*i*t;;d; -r** 1 ".t i*-* *ij:l :1j ^ -, " ilii.,!" ll"I'jiit.ii'iT"' q' a;"lenansrr&r*;. Sffoscet"rtEr Constablt IJ. J. Steyenson. -,ll i^ ;;"ui*.S. f,ff iff Xft t:"a{rrt(}*1r1'5 p|sse.rl etlt l,rr tn thâ‚Ź:Gore, ruE:uore, sald said that thgre there was 3{: no B, i e!d&'&e :rrLror1Slffifl,-it-. jussues, pos'.-ietidence that a&y 10g0 !.}*re. n'11ofiii o" trnor,Egs tindi,ugs or1 pof.;ievidence on tissues, the -l'o"'*.'* noison ;tqiditfj''. :i;;;;; hp rpE mortom eannot bejg*Tqi-was regaxiedj-was missing or oi"ttr.i-dryJn_ that anyono ,\Iataura, said Buchan'an as





ilotgt,:l!,TgJ ff

]a.s. specrus?ily dlag:osrl.e orihad given Buchanan an-v oI ,,f,1#"[n'iil"'-iiltun+lrl;t1i,:,i]J,]f poisou, TheH/ffi ithls- confi_t{on,. ,.r JacEsonl&e onlv riiaao S ii!!-e'ih#ffiH'_Etrf

Identical cnalge.sl1$gQ charg"sligSO'poisrm jsa:o.- " toentlcat poisrrn was fouid- was lsairi..', lare tn Slia an-open'tin iinown to occur occur gt_,,alin iare linown of str;;be;; "--^^-lnumber in a cupboardi 'f unretatedo :.:X*ifi.&[i.ti'd'is"#'fi ,".1'1""11it. til*'iii:f.T"'*p"J,';'"T:xiil*:-p".ff lff lcoma l$rtn anrnctal l*j.Pttl;l Detective Chief lnsp,ector; ition. Howtrver. i, i^:-t^:iiw:'E:ii;1fusjread raid therp I the knorvn bioioeicat trtitfNl*as no u'riduii.'.i,iil"-r "iiiiii i

I j

"Io" "'J,i,^p,.,on amst :l3*,'*,,"T:::l::.r1'j'i*l ;;,i wirhi p,ji-"-iliiSil-I:l'on ii[;;i'' ril"';;d;. " -connected iiv ir, i, i i" il' ! ildt,,: ;l; *-,.ii, i1 *, 11. Ii, _'lill,,.i.l: |


as the ca-.* *'ias there werc'in'iie,'irili,i-i; J




i""."" oprx..roN l:t"T',ij;#"ll#'int. l'ilil,i conctqde that dcathlnoison cfri bo br io"e,;6:l "I

was eaused by oon-specificlanan's body. I degeneralive ehauges- andl Dr E. G. McQuceu, diree-, haeurorrhages in the brainjtor of .t"be National Poisons: siem t'itlr broneho pueu-[Inforrnation Centre, Druredi.u. monia as a contributory fxs.lsaid ,ihe rmusually-prolon-sed, tor," Dr Jackson said. jirterval between irre.lutiea 'fo Mr Kendall, Dr Jachliugestion and lhe -onset *f son said the eoudition of thelserious sym.plorns was prob" brain and central llervousiably becauss the amouit in-i system t.t'as eonslstent ruitl'rlgested was not grossly in ex. rnq *xh'm :r:,.* tlr -,1*". fonnd r08S poison. liame s'q*I, of thelnmorurt of .lrlh ^I "u:il{t,:o the {poiso:1 " condilions spparent rvere f in l.he body wouki alrnost

rvith encephalitis. lcertaialy have provecl letha]. asso, jlle therefcre therefore considereri considererl lhati l,hatl ciate professor of medicine at death ha:L been caused by the- Otago ;\Icdieal Sclrool, 1080 poi*oning. said . th*i in his opin{ori To Mr Brolrn, 0r Blceseen co_r:sistent

Dr T. V. O'Dnnncil,

s*id that a* a reien{ist }s poison could be colld not exclude the possifhs iing. 'iagested, -b**n inuchanan die* otri6eo p,liso;


absor}ed through t&e s&in.


bility that death had caused hy another poison"

tha ow,wPt*q Ss-h;,r'&s {c.-oe tolh. tyd V.




r{ :,zi X \A:ro, iJdi' tqLl,


/4s ornru






?oisonlug bT

sodiuru 6qcroacetat*:*1$8**eould :rot be eqelu{ed ' as thc ra$se af tlsath of *in Arth'ur Bu*han4n; nged . 2il, se*aonal worker, of Mataura, a pathotog:i*ti Dr $, Jaikson, tot* the Ccroner, Mr I. D' Murray, S.M., in the Coroner's Court this morning. Ilueh*nan, a p*rt-time opossum h*nter, dier{ in hospital on Scptenber ?, five days after being takex ill rvi*h. ,sg?erg vonriting at his horne. Ten witnmg*s'ytirel lt**r*:ye*terday; and further *e{i.dsnro lras glven. this ruorningr*mcstly of a nedithl''an*'seterrtlfid. a?ture. The police wer.e represented by Detective Chief 'Iasp.qcl*r 1&'" X. Hr{lirishcad and, Set?*XlYri Senirx $ergbaxt N; H. Benxett. Mr A. B" n. Brown, of diore. appear:ed for the relative.s of *he {ec*a**d, ancl *i*i" nr"iriar-'tii; I\tr It. Kendall fcr ttoe 'Colonial Mutdal Life i A*surance Socloty. ible f(]1' fol tlle the (!e{:eas?{ tn <tc,:nas*cl to Dl' B. Jacl<xon, reg:istrtr c.f ne pflssrl}le patholog5' at the llrriversity of re*elre-al fatal dr:rse tal<irrg lhe dose by t*.!ing (kerc hoYn rvac c l*u'orr rtrtrrenp lvas. l:'lver: eon(enOtago Medical School, who con- iam. tltrcted & uost-mortem examlna- trtatian of 1*80 i* the bottom i tion. r:ai11 iaur,Jrlos of tisstre had lavels of the jam. The \r'itr*ss eslinr'*tetl oar:,.be err sietlt lo the Snver*urefrt thi*i o[ I g]ainmâ‚Ź *rf 1080 rvoultl l .{.rrai5 st. i Whiist the lintlings irrrlicated an lr*: a frlal' dose. $tone'slrirl ho conici not s*y'how i aunr"eeialilc amotrnt of sodinm the tis- {0$,0 ep! into lhe jam. at6:t,u6w6ffiuorry IIflLi:roacetatr:-1080-*in :




sue*, ths'findiagiF on



i !)r()rii-'.rn o(imlu{tiaA-,

leqsrdccl as sn(icifically


tic'of the cindition. ldentieal chanses ttere knolm to occur in q" noorin, of r.rnrelated conditiond the forenrost of whieh in this hr' itance .a* pr:olonged coina n{th altifi cial r*rPieation. -,by this agent could Poisoninr t. hoq.rsvai, hmt'evir. be excl excluded as the nct, ealse of .de*th.

Cause Of Deeth .Tacli*on ,said that in su'mmary. he conciucied ihe rleath rvas caused hy non-sirecifit riegenera* tive changes and 'lttrelnol'r'hages in Droncnowith bronchostem wlEn I the 0rBlII brairi gEem



pneumonia as a coniributory fac-


iior. i-i To $1r Kentlali. 111p q'i!1e5s said l tl:e condition of. the brain aqd lcenh'el nervous system rvas in 'keeotng u'ith the consump[ion of '1i]8i1, I | I



'I'tre ooison uitected the hearr,


and briin-the central norvous ,systenr, I{e could not exclude the i n"ossi.bilitv of a pre-ec<isting 'brain



ion<lition, althotig{r this would be

lh*rd to



in this case'

f'**tsl Findirrgs




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