5 minute read
Catching tucked-away cod
WANGARATTA Robbie Alexander
December is a time of year where we see quite a lot changes to the fishing in North East Victoria, and by far the biggest news item each December is the opening of the new Murray cod season. MURRAY COD
Thursday 1 December is the opening day of the 2022 Murray cod season, and I have no doubt that there will many keen anglers gathering at their favourite cod fishing spots as there is each year… provided they can get to them!
We have had a very wet spring here in North East Victoria which has led to widespread flooding right across the region. To make matters worse, the forecast (as I type this) is for more flooding rains, so who knows how the rivers will look in December. My prediction is that the Ovens River will be quite high, but fishable (fingers crossed). I have a feeling that those fishing with bait will have the most success, but in saying that I have caught cod in high water on lures before.
When fishing in high water, the key is to look for pockets of slower water right up tight against the bank. Recently I was bait fishing with worms in the Ovens River, trying to catch a springtime yellowbelly. The river was very high but not have not caught a yellowbelly in the Ovens River all spring, but at the same time I have only been bait fishing in good redfin sessions in both Lake William Hovell and Lake Buffalo in December in the past, although they try and pick up a few smaller fish. Something like a Damiki Disco 38mm is ideal.
Once you have caught a
Anglers using bait to catch Murray cod should do well when the season opens on 1 December. In this case, the bait was fresh chicken in the lower Ovens River.
This yellowbelly was caught on worms in Wangaratta just before cod opening last year when the river was very high and dirty.

Buffalo, using that lure has a real possibility of catching a by-catch Murray cod. TROUT
December is often a time of change for the region’s trout streams. As the summer heat warms the water up, and the stream flows drop away to their summer levels, the trout will often make their way upstream in search of doesn’t happen at all.
I am expecting this December to be a fantastic month to go trout fishing in North East Victoria. There should be more water than usual, and it should be cooler than usual. And with cod season opening, there will be fewer people on the streams harassing the trout.
Bait, lure or fly will
the Ovens once thanks to regular flooding. The one time that I did go was in between flood events!
The Ovens River can be fished during times of high water flow, provided you can find a slow backwater. When it is flooded it is near impossible, but as soon as it drops a bit and you can get a line in, it will be worth doing so.
Most of the yellowbelly that I catch in the Ovens usually fish their best after Christmas.
Lake Hume always fishes very well for redfin in December, although that is a bit further away.
If you don’t like the idea of choppy water or lots of boats, as are usually found at Lake Hume, lakes Buffalo and William Hovell will be worth fishing for redfin in December. I would try trolling a small deep-diving minnow close to the edges to

This lovely fat Murray cod was caught in Lake Buffalo last December on a small OneWell Lunch mini lure while targeting redfin.
flooded. I caught a Murray cod around 50cm hard up against the bank – I am talking 30cm from the edge of a steep bank.
If you think about it, it makes sense that the fish would behave this way. When it rains we seek shelter, when it is really windy we try and stand behind a tree, or a building to escape the wind, and I suspect that Murray cod are no different. When the river is running hard, they will be found tucked away in pockets of slowermoving water.
At the time of writing I River are caught using worms as bait, although I have picked up the odd one on a lure while targeting Murray cod.
Nearby Lake Nillahcootie on the Broken River is probably the most popular yellowbelly fishing spot for many Wangaratta anglers, with Lake Hume being a close second. REDFIN
Redfin are a funny species; they are very hard to predict, and local knowledge is always an advantage. They vary so much from waterway to waterway.
I have had some very This yellowbelly was caught in the lower Ovens river on a large Wilson Slickback lure intended for a Murray cod last year.

couple of small redfin and increased your confidence a little bit, try switching to something larger and deeper diving, like an RMG Crazy Deep 8+ and then troll some deeper water. In Lake cooler water.
There’s no saying when that will happen on any given year, but I suspect that it will be later rather than sooner this year. Some years it happens in October, and other years it all be worth trying this December. I suspect that any of your favourite trout fishing techniques will work.
December is a great month to go yabbying in North East Victoria. Try and look for really dirty water, and a dam that hasn’t been inundated with too much fresh water.
Wet years tend to lead to an expansion in the carp population, so I am expecting carp numbers to increase dramatically and quickly. Lake Moodemere will be worth a try for those anglers wanting to tangle with a mud marlin. Just keep an eye on the Murray River water levels as the river floods into lake Moodemere. The carp fishing will be best once the Murray River at Corowa drops below minor flood level.