communication proposal

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Lingqi Zhang





Content 1. INTRODUCTION 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 3. METHODOLOGY 4. OVERALL ANALYSIS OF FASHION MARKET 6. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION • Case study of Coco Chanel / ID / VOGUE • Re-identification of beauty • Factors contributing to changes in notions of beauty, role model and identity






With fashion revealing its popularity, many topics related to it have been discussed. The purpose of present essay is to provide a critical reflection on the behavior change within fashion, communication, and promotion, in the hope of being helpful for future study. First of all, an overall market analysis is going to be presented. Following this, the research method used by the present report will be discussed. Then it comes to the focus of this report, critical analysis of the success of brands or companies; Based on previous explanation and analysis, recommendations and strategies for the future fashion communication and promotion are supposed to be provided as a professional. Finally, based on the whole discussion, a consumer profile will be provided.

Over the past years, the pursuit of fashion has presented an increasing tendency, which indicates a changing notion of beauty, identity, etc. Fashion communication and promotion have also become more effective and efficient with the help of publishing, advertising, social media, digital technology and so on. Such changes are considered to have an impact on consuming behavior, and in turn, the changing behavior will also have an influence on fashion communication and fashion. In other words, these two aspects are closely interacted with each other (Bergstrom, 2008). Therefore, a comprehensive consideration is needed when discussing the topic.





Behavior change can be referred to any modification and transformation of human behavior. Fashion communication and promotion is one of the areas of mass communication and promotion. A number of factors including social media, digital technology, notions of beauty and diversity, are regarded to have an influence on fashion communication and promotion (Boyle, 2004). A number of studies have been conducted to investigate fashion, communication, and promotion. Some conducted studies focused on fashion design, some emphasized on fashion production, and there were also some paying attention to the communication between designers and consumers. In terms of the main focuses of previous studies, it is able to be hypothesized that most of them have centered on individual aspect (Crow, 2003). Few studies have been conducted to the combination of several aspects, not to mention the interaction between behavior change and fashion communication and promotion, which becomes the focus of the present essay.



METHODOLOGY In general, primary research and secondary research are very important for this project. For the primary research, a questionnaire was made in order to know what consumers think beauty is. For the secondary research, face to face interview was made to obtain much more information. Then an in-store research was undertaken in order to find out useful marketing strategies, such as the window design, visual merchandising and advertisement. After that, two strategies including qualitative and quantitative research are used for the conduction of research as well; the aim is to gather elaborate data related to a certain market phenomena and to be more objective.This essay presents a qualitative study to investigate the behavior change within fashion communication and promotion. To be specific, case study of Chanel, ID, Vogue, typical fashion brands and companies, will be conducted to investigate its success.


figure 3

figure 4

Based on what has been discussed, this section will mainly focus

on critical analysis of behavior change within fashion communication and promotion by conducting case studies.


figure 2

Overall Analysis of Fashion Market The overall fashion market is now demonstrating a growing tendency, especially over the past years. The traditional fashion markets are mainly located in France Italy, UK, US, and Japan. The well-known Milan Fashion Week held in Italy includes a variety of fashion shows. The fashion market in these countries has led its way to expansion. In order to develop fashion industry, a number of countries begin to formulate their own fashion market. As a matter of fact, the fashion industry in Russia, Singapore, and South Africa has presented distinctive improvement over the past few years (Gruneberg & Holefin, 2003).For instance, the South Africa government has supported its fashion industry as part of the economic development program, and an increasing number of domestic brands are emerging over the last years, such as Sun Goddess (Figure 5), Stoned Cherrie·(figure 6,7,) which have obtained recognition around the world. According the success of different fashion industry, contribution from the promotion and communication could not be ignored, publishing like magazines for instance.






Analysis and discussion • Case study of Coco Chanel / ID / VOGUE

After the overall fashion market has been analyzed and this section will specifically investigate the success of the Chanel, a typical brand in fashion industry, which has already demonstrated its success in several aspects. In order to clearly figure out how Chanel is leading the way, this section is going to explain their success from packaging, marketing, visual merchandising, social media, and digital technology. The logo of Chanel is presented in the following.

The picture(figure 8) shows that Chanel has done pretty well in product packaging, and it is considered that the excellent packaging has to some extent contributed the success of Chanel. Unified packaging around the world, employment of new materials, and packages exuding a luxury feel. All theses have led to Chanel’s excellence in packaging, which can be proved through the above packaging. (Klanten, 2010).




The distinctive feature of Chanel marketing lies in scene marketing, attempting to demonstrate consumers an outstanding picture in the process of product sales. Such kind of demonstration can be a stimulus to consumers’ purchasing behavior. Scene marketing employed by Chanel is conducted by providing consumers a real experience.

Another contributor to the success of Chanel is considered to be visual merchandising. The purchasing behavior is believed to be influenced by personal factors. Given impacts from these factors, Coco Chanel attempts to provide consumers with a comfortable visual effectiveness in design (figure 9), which contributes the success of it. The picture presented above has clearly explained the effectiveness of visual merchandising employed by Coco Chanel.



ashion communication and promotion can be done through various social media, such as TV,

mobile phone, Internet, publishing etc. While the focus of the present essay will be put on publishing, an effective approach to brand advertising.





s a traditional advertising approach, publishing still reveals its popularity among potential

consumers. The presented picture that brand image and brand identity can clearly demonstrate through publishing (Lardi & Fuchs, 2013). 15.

figure.10 figure.11


Besides other social media, the major attention is still being put on publishing, which

has also be proved effective for fashion communication and promotion. ID and Vogue are the successful examples of publishing company in fashion industry. Packaging of ID and VOUGUE is designed to targets’ attention, and it is supposed to have an impact on whether the consumers purchase the product or not. Considering packaging, it is necessary to take innovation and creativity into consideration. Analysis of consumers is central for ID marketing (Klanten, 2010). Being the premise, the analysis of consumers’ needs is supposed to be conducted in a series of tools. The ID and Vogue Company have always been focusing the needs of their consumers when marketing, which explain its success in fashion industry. Despite the objective reason, the key factor of why the two magazines are becoming more popular is because they have been becoming international. More models with black and yellow skins are showing in the cover page (figure10,11), they opens their way to every excellent model all over the world regardless which races they are. In order to achieve success in business, it is central to be innovative and creative. Given the significance of creativity, the ID Company has always been attempting to provide new products and services, such as inviting a number of artists, photographers and designers to interview, which in return is recognized around the world. ID is also good at visual merchandising; its layout is simple but outstanding to show a minimalist feeling.


figure. 12

The development of technology, especially digital technology has proved its impacts on fashion communication and promotion. New digital technology enables to provide consumers with more effective information through effective presentation. For example, most pictures of Chanel brand have been photo-shopped, aiming to produce an outstanding picture on magazines like ID. Another example(figure12 ) is the apps on Iphones and Ipads, such like “shop style�. Consumers could read fashion information about Chanel, Zara and other brands (eg: new in clothes) on their apps anytime they like, even the fashion week information. In a word, the success of Coco Chanel can be contributed to the effective employment of packaging, marketing, visual merchandising, social media, and digital technology. Leading the success of Chanel, contribution from publishing like ID could not be ignored.


•Re-identification of beauty People believe that everyone has the right to pursue beauty, and different people hold different notions of beauty. Therefore, it is needed to identify what beauty is. The topic of beauty has been discussed and presented pictures before, named “What is beautyâ€?. The photo shoot (figure 13, 14 ) demonstrated beauty is traditionally perceived to be the beautiful appearance of a person, product, etc. However, with the increasing awareness of beauty, people have changed their notions about what beauty is. The re-identified beauty has become more comprehensive and meaningful. It is considered that contains not only the beauty outside, but also inner beauty and identity. It is the same true in fashion industry, especially the identity of the brands (Breward, 2003). In other words, brand identity relates to brand image of company and the product of this company; it could affect the purchasing behaviour gradually if the product could be accepted by customers widely.


figure.13 figure.14


•Factors contributing to changes in notions of beauty, role model and identity

As time goes, the notions of beauty, role model, and identity are unavoidably changing, and a number of factors are perceived to have an impact on the changing. In order to gain a clear understanding of the factors, this section will focus mainly on culture, feminism, social status etc. Culture refers to the features of a particular community, and is defined by everything from religion, language, social habit etc. Every culture is distinctive from one another because of its own characteristics. It is those differences demonstrated in various cultures that make the world colorful. People in different cultures may present their notions of beauty, role models, and identity in different ways. For instance, western culture and eastern culture are extremely different in various aspects, including perceptions of beauty, identity, etc (Lockhart & Paine, 2006).

The appearance and development of feminism has greatly improved women’s social status. With the increasing awareness of feminism, notions of beauty, identity have also been changed. Analysis of women’s needs have been taken into careful consideration in business, especially in fashion industry, because females hold their distinctive perceptions when compared with males. Nowadays, more than half of fashion brands put females as their targets, such as LV, Hermes, and Gucci etc. Social status could also consider as a factor contributing to the changing notions in communication process (Cumming, 2004). People in various social statuses differ in their experiences, feeling, and all these are possible to influence their notions of beauty, identity, role models etc. Besides, such factors as race, shape, inner beauty, gender, and individual thinking pattern and knowledge can also present their influence on notions of beauty, role model and identity. For instance, an increasing number of role models in black and yellow have appeared over the past few years, which indicate that people’s original perception of role model has changed with time going.


Another example of increasing passion for flat breast can also explains the changing notions of beauty, Agyness Dyne (figure 15) for instance. Furthermore, male and female will show their perspectives of beauty in different ways because of their thinking pattern, knowledge, etc. For instance, male may consider a good body as beauty, while female may perceive inner beauty as the real beauty. Based on what has been discussed, it is considered central to hold a critical viewpoint of beauty, identity by taking various factors into consideration.

figure 15





figure. 16


Several theories of behavior change have been provided by researchers,

while given the specific context, the present essay will adopt the social cognitive theory which proposes that people are intrinsically motivated , but by external factors. The presented model shows that human functioning is able to be explained by a triadic interaction of personal factors, environmental and behavior (Kawamura, 2005). These variables may also interact in behavior change process. Based on social cognitive theory of behavior change, it is recommended that a new fashion vision regardless races, ages, etc., should be reformed. First of all, awareness of fashion vision is supposed to be renewed. The renewed fashion vision should the notions of beauty, body image, size, race etc, which means there will no boundaries about fashion. This has also highlighted renewed notions of beauty and identity. Every brand should develop their own brand identify to recolor the diversity in fashion industry. Secondly, approaches and devices used to fashion communication and promotion should be enlarged. Besides the traditional communication and promotion means, new devices like visual merchandising should be highlighted by using digital technologies. There is no doubt that all the new changes in fashion industry will definitely have an impact on consumer behavior as well as behavior change within companies. Consumer behavior will also be influenced by these changes from both external and internal factors. For the cultural factors which are able to fundamentally determine people’s ideas and behavior. (Lipovetsky, 2002). Furthermore, it is considered that individual’s perception plays an important role in influencing consumer behavior. Besides, consumers’ values, beliefs and attitudes are also proved significant to consumer behavior.




For photography, more Asia models,(figure 17) like Japanese and Chinese could be considered as market could be expanded, and attention could focus more on photography because this kind of two-dimensional communicates and promotion approach costs less than the three-dimensional one (Gianfranco, 2011). Social media have been widely used in fashion communication and promotion. Various social media could be employed to enlarge the number of its potential targets. Given the distinctive features of various social media, publishing, TV advertising, mobile phone, and the Internet can all be used for fashion communication and promotion, while one or two of them should be highlighted (Gentle, 2012). Digital technology, such as PS, has been widely used in fashion industry, and it has proved to be effective in fashion communication and promotion. Therefore, such skills in the light of digital skills are supposed to be widely promoted to attract consumers.

be specific, strategies from aspects of packaging, marketing, visual merchandising, social media, and digital technology are supposed to be highlighted, in terms of the success of Chanel, so as to communicate and promote fashion brand (Young, 2003). First of all, packaging is supposed to demonstrate its own features of a brand. In other words, brand identity should be focused in order to attract consumers’ attention. For instance, in terms of what notions the brand is going to convey, packaging can be designed into simple style, abstract style, colorful style etc. As for marketing, four elements including product, price, place, and promotion are supposed to be taken into careful consideration (Holkham, 1995). Furthermore, visual merchandising is considered effective and enables to attract the attention of potential consumers because both products and services are able to be presented to highlight their benefits and features.


figure 17



onsumer Profile ...


Name: Kathy Wang Age: 18 From: Japan Lifestyle : watch movie, shopping, reading books and magazines. Shop at: online shopping, shopping centre Favorite brand: topshop, zara, ubran outfitter Ways to know about fashion: magazine, internet, Apps Favorite publishing: Vogue

Name: Xiaoyang Ma Age: 21 From: China

Lifestyle : go shopping. Read magazines. Exercising Shop at: mostly purchase online. Randomly go to different malls Favorite brand: AIR JORDAN. Ways to know about fashion: Internet, magazine, people around me Favorite publishing: Esquire. ID. Sole, Milk

figure. 18/19



ros and Cons...


The strengths of these changes enable both consumers and companies to have a renewed fashion vision, which is good for the development of fashion industry in the future. Besides, the employment of new digital technologies can provide more direct information’s about product and service, thus consumers enables to have a thorough perception about the brands. The weakness lies in that it may not easy for some people to accept (Galun, 2012). With these changes, more opportunities emerge for the development of fashion industry. For instance, companies have more opportunities to be competitive thorough adjusting to new changes. Also, models from different races could obtain more opportunities. Consumers could gain more opportunities to get the information of what they desire. The primary threat is considered from competitors because companies will grab every chance to develop themselves in order to be more competitive in fashion industry. All in all, a critical investigation of these changes is needed for the efficient development of fashion industry in the future.





To sup up, a critical investigation of behavior change within fashion communication and promotion has been presented in the essay. A number of factors enable to influence fashion industry and behavior change. People’s awareness of fashion and their notions of beauty, role models, and identity are always changing impacted by both external and internal factors. What is supposed to do is to follow the trend and take measure to adjust these changes, including changes of consumers and within companies. After the implementation of strategies, a critical analysis of them is needed so as to figure out what needs to be improved in the future.



References Bergstrom, B. (2008). Essentials of Visual Communication. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.

Boyle, D. (2004). Authenticity: Brands, Fakes, Spin and The Lust for Real Life. London: Harper Perennial.

Breward, C. (2003). The culture of fashion: a new history of fashionable dress, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Crow, D. (2003). Visible Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics. Switzerland: AVA Publishing.

Cumming, V. (2004). Understanding Fashion History, London: Costume & Fashion Press.

Holkham, T. (1995). "Label Writing and Planning – A guide to good customer communication", Chapman & Hall.

Galun, D. (2012). Visual Merchandising for one-two-three-for-five (1st ed.) London: Piter.

Gentle, A. (2012). Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation (2nd ed.). Laguna Hills, CA: XML Press.

Gianfranco, G. C. (2011). Visual Merchandising: Mirror and soul of a point of sale (1st ed.) USA: Creative Group.


Gruneberg, C. & Holefin, M. (2003). Shopping: A Century of Art and Consumer Culture. Germany: Hatje Cantz Publishers.

Kawamura, Y. (2005). Fashion-ology: an introduction to Fashion Studies, Oxford and New York: Berg.

Klanten, R. (2011). Art and Agenda: Political Art and Activism. Berlin: Gestalten.

Klanten, R. (2010). Staging Space: Scenic Interiors and Spatial Experiences. Berlin: Gestalten.

Lardi, K. & Fuchs, R. (2013). Social Media Strategy - A step-by-step guide to building your social business (1st ed.). Zurich: vdf.

Lipovetsky, G. (2002). The empire of fashion: dressing modern democracy, Woodstock: Princeton University Press.

Lockhart, H. & Paine, F.A. (2006). "Packaging of Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Products", Blackie.

Theories of behavior change (2006). Communication for governance and accountability program. USA: CommGAP. Young, J. (2003). A Technique for Producing Ideas. London: McGraw-Hill Professional.



figure1 figure 2 figure 3 figure 4

figure 5 figure 6 figure 7 figure 8 figure 9 figure 10 figure 11 figure 12

figure 13 own image

figure 14 own image

figure 15

figure 16

figure 17

figure 18 own image




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