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Marking its 10th anniversary year, the Let’s All Dance Ballet Company is thrilled to be presenting its biggest and most ambitious show to date, with a glittering new production of Cinderella.

Known for its shows especially designed for young audiences with stunning dancing, crystal-clear story-telling and gorgeous music and visuals, this fresh and innovative company will grace the beautiful Great Hall stage at Blackheath Halls, South East London on Wednesday 12 April 2023.
The Let’s All Dance Ballet Company ensures all its productions are accessible to children and families with narrative and character led storylines, colourful sets and costumes and beautiful soundtracks. The company also provides magical experiences with their post-show photo opportunity for children with the dancers on stage after every performance.
Cinderella is produced by the Let’s All Dance Ballet Company, which was founded by Artistic Director Orit Sutton in 2010, providing dance classes and parties across London. Using her skills and experience in professional dance and theatre, Orit produced the company’s first show, The Princess & The Frog, in 2013. The success of the production led to many more productions including Alice in Wonderland, The Ugly Duckling, The Nutcracker, The Magic Word, The Princess and the Pea, Sleeping Beauty and Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
Orit Sutton knows that the beauty, grace and strength of professional dancers can be truly inspirational and believes that every child should have access to high quality productions of live dance. The shows produced by the Let’s All Dance Ballet Company are educational, highly engaging and extremely good fun. They are suitable for all ages, boys and girls, and those with or without special needs.
The Details
Wednesday 12 April 3.00pm
Tickets: £16 | £14 u16s
Blackheath Halls, 23 Lee Road, London SE3 9RQ 020 8463 0100 blackheathhalls.com