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The Details
To find out more about their innovative curriculum visit www.qe.org for more information, where you can book on their next Open Day on 11 March 2023.
testing. Students are instead assessed formally at three points during the year using standardised and moderated “common evaluation tasks” - these are used to track progress and identify what each student can do and what they could do to improve further. This decision allows us to focus on delivering those skills that the students need to be successful in Key Stage 3 and beyond.”
“Our all-encompassing, holistic approach to developing the whole student, which is at the heart of everything we do here at QE, creates a supportive, vibrant and caring school environment throughout

King’s Magna. We are committed to equipping our students with the skills and knowledge they need to move seamlessly to our College or Faculty at the end of Year 9, growing and maturing into their teenage years with confidence.”