fishpondsvoice April, 2019 — ISSUE 51
Battle begins to save cricket field from housing development A CAMPAIGN has been launched to protect a sports pitch where up to 50 homes might be built. Stapleton Cricket Club’s ground in Park Road has been listed as “appropriate for development as self-build, custom housebuilding or community-led housing” in Bristol City Council’s local plan review, which is currently out for consultation. The council stresses that building on the site would be “subject to identifying an alternative playing pitch for recreational uses”. And the club says “no discussions have taken place” with the council over its future. The ground is one of 70 sites in the city where the council believes more than 2,500 homes could be built to help tackle Bristol’s acute housing shortage. In the Fishponds area there are a total of seven potential sites included in the review, which the council believes could provide space for 180 new homes.
Councillor quits Labour Sultan Khan, one of two Bristol city councillors for Eastville, has quit Labour, blaming "infighting' over selection of candidates for the 2020 local elections. He intends to continue as an independent. PAGE 3
Studio flats get green light Plans for 31 studio flats for young people in a "modular' development on Alexandra Park car park have been given the go-ahead. PAGE 4
Schools expand to meet demand
Thumbs up for learning through play These staff and children at Fledglings Day Nursery are happy that it has now been judged Good by Ofsted, just months after another
inspector rated it inadequate. Meanwhile, Rozey Days Nursery is rated outstanding following its first inspection. Reports: Pages 8 & 9
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The two large secondary schools in Fishponds, Bristol Metropolitan and Bristol Brunel, have increased Year 7 places for September to help meet demand. PAGE 7
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