Fisk Focus - Volume 1, Issue 1

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FISK Focus A Monthly Electronic Publication for Alumni and Friends

Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside this issue:

From the President

STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Opening Honors Convocation Student Leadership Jubilee Day Miss Fisk

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ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Living Learning Centers 6 Academic Excellence 7 & Student Performance

ALUMNI RELATIONS Remembering A Fisk 8 Son “Ever on the Altar” The1866 Legacy Circle 9 Alumni Goals 10

ADVANCEMENT & FUND RAISING Annual Fund Monthly Cumulative Report Sponsored Awards University Statement

November 2010

11 12 13

I am pleased to introduce the inaugural issue of the FISK Focus. The intent of this monthly electronic publication is to keep you apprised of developments occurring throughout Fisk. Each issue will focus on academic excellence, student engagement, alumni relations, and development/fundraising. Fisk University continues to be recognized for its academic excellence - from national rankings to research & development awards. The University has launched an aggressive fundraising effort to raise $8.4 million by June 30, 2011. I am encouraged that the General Alumni Association has committed to raising $2 million of the goal. I am confident that with the

President Hazel R. O’Leary and Dr. Arnold Burger at Press Conference to Announce 3rd Research & Development Award to Fisk, the Only HBCU Ever to Receive R&D Awards

support of the total alumni community, this will be accomplished and allow the University to end this fiscal year without a deficit. I hope that you find the FISK Focus both appealing and enlightening. If you have suggestions for its improvement,

please email Vice President Shirley Range at And, I thank each of you for all you are doing to advance Fisk and ensure that Fisk not only survives but thrives. Together, we will make Fisk one of the best small liberal arts universities in the nation.

Fisk Welcomes Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Shirley Qualls Range joined the Fisk family on July 13th as vice president of institutional advancement. Prior to joining Fisk, Vice President Range

worked in several capacities in institutional advancement for more than six years at BethuneCookman University. Most recently, she was vice president for institutional advancement from August 31, 2007 until she came to Fisk. Vice President Range’s prior experiences include service as the project development director for establishment of the Bessie Smith Hall, Inc. in Chattanooga and as a board member of the Central

Florida Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. A native of Montgomery, Alabama, Vice President Range earned her B.A. in music, vocal performance and M.A. in American studies from The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. She is married to A.J. Range, a University of Central Florida administrator. They are the parents of Thomas, a high school senior.

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FISK Focus

Opening Honors Convocation

The Class of 2014 in the Appleton Room of Jubilee Hall before the Opening Honors Convocation on September 2, 2010 The day was sunny, without a cloud in the sky. It was as if time stood still as a procession of beautiful young women in white dresses and handsome young men in dark suits and ties proceeded from Jubilee Hall, down the Oval and into the Fisk Memorial Chapel. Were it not the modern lines of their attire, it could have 1890 or 1930. The Chapel clock struck ten o’clock and a Fisk time-honored tradition, the Opening Honors Convocation, began. The 218 new students experienced their first formal Convocation during which they were administered the ―Pledge for New Students‖ by University President Hazel R. O’Leary and President Jenise R. Burks of the Student Government Association. The keynote address was delivered by alumna Deaiddra Griffin Peterson ’92, award-winning anchor/reporter for WPTY/ WLMT-TV in Memphis. Provost M. Christopher Brown II introduced the 2010-2011 academic leadership team. Scholars and donors were recognized by Dr. Adenike M. Davidson, associate professor of English and director of the W.E.B. DuBois University Honors Program. Presidential Scholars for Spring 2010 who attained 4.0 semester averages were Angela Addae, Desmian Alexander, Philippe Andal, Brittany Duke*, Makelsa Jones*, Amorya Orr, Carta Robison, Debresha Shelton, and April Sherman. Eighty-two Provost Scholars, students who attained 3.5 semester averages for Spring 2010, were recognized as were more than 175 scholarship recipients and 86 honor society inductees. Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society were: Stacy-Ann Baker, Edwina Clarke, Quin Nita Cobbins, Beverly Dixon, Kaylia Duncan, Monique Ewan, Tolulope Fatokun, Liana Geddes, Brittni Jones, Quiana Lewis, Lizabeth Lowe, Joyann Marks, Ashley Payne, Trudy-Ann Powell, and Brittany Williams. * graduated in May 2010

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Volume 1, Issue 1

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Meet the Student Government Association Leaders for 2010-2011 changed. She was always a good student, but Ms. Burks excelled in her new home environment. She graduated from high school with a 4.0 grade point average, taking all honors courses, and scored 27 on the ACT. A Leadership Enrichment and Academic Development (L.E.A.D.) Program student, she is maintaining a 3.5 GPA here. Jenise Rena Brooks S.G.A. President

Jenise Rena Burks is living proof that love and support can help one to overcome any challenges that life may present. One of three children of a mother addicted to drugs, Jenise and her siblings were in and out of the Birmingham, Alabama foster care system until her aunt, now a high school principal, and her uncle, an athletic director, intervened. Ms. Burks was thirteen and her life was forever

If you ask any student on campus who is the one person among the student body that he/she thinks will hold a political office within the next ten years, one name is given — Timothy James Walker.

Ms. Burks says that she always thought about a career in mathematics, but this was crystalized when she began tutoring high school students at the ripe old age of twelve. Ultimately, she wants to become a mathematics education reformer. Ms. Burks believes that students are not being taught mathematics appropriately and wants to play a role in changing the way mathematics teachers are trained, as well as, the methodology of teaching mathematics

science. Mr. Walker was one of the few freshmen selected for entry into the W.E.B. DuBois University Honors Program.

Mr. Walker served as president of his sophomore class In his junior year, Mr. Walker and ran unopposed for the has already worked in the cam- S.G.A. vice presidency during paigns of three politicos seeking his sophomore year. This is office and interned for two unusual because the office is other elected officials. In addi- usually held by a senior stution, he was selected as a dent. Clearly what is unusual scholar by The Institute for for most students is just the Responsible Citizenship and norm for Mr. Walker. spent the summer as an intern at The Joint Center for Political He is the recipient of several and Economic Studies. scholarships: U.S. Congressman John R. Lewis Endowed Inspite of his busy schedule and Scholarship; John G. Lewis, Jr. duties as vice president of the Endowed Fellowship, Bass, Student Government AssociaBerry & Sims Endowed Scholtion, this dynamic and charisarship; and the Albert and matic young man maintains a Mary Jane Werthan Endowed 3.4 grade point average as he Scholarship. In addition, Mr. pursues his degree in political Walker is the recipient of a

in grades K-12.

away from Birmingham and while serving on a jury, she met Before she embarks on the alumnus Newstell Dowdell’s education reform phase of her daughter, who told her father life, Ms. Burks has a two other about Ms. Burks. Mr. Dowdell things on her agenda. An alum- sent her an application and nus, Steven Wolfe, introduced information about Fisk. ―He Ms. Burks to the Royal Bank of even sent newspaper clippings; I Scotland. She just accepted a bet that there are not many risk analyst position, which will persons who actually have lamibase her in London for six nated clippings about their Alma months and allow her ―to build Maters,” exclaimed Ms. Burks. a little nest egg‖ before she pursues her master’s and Ph.D. She said that Mr. Dowdell not degrees at either the Massachu- only called and talked with her setts Institute of Technology or about Fisk on several occasions, Yale University. A pragmatist, but paid for her to visit the Ms. Burks says that she needs campus. That visit sealed the the advanced degrees to be deal. Ms. Burks said that the taken seriously as a reformer. friendly, family-like atmosphere and Mr. Dowdell’s passion for This dedicated, brilliant and Fisk impressed her the most. passionate young woman was Asked how her Fisk Experience headed to Howard University has been, she replied, ―just on a full scholarship when her amazing.‖ There are great aunt again intervened. She did things in the future of this renot want her niece to be so far markable Fisk daughter.

Fisk University General Academic Scholarship. Mr. Walker, however, still works two part-time jobs and is the night duty supervisor on weekends in Jubilee Hall - all to help pay for his Fisk education. In this instance, he is typical of today’s Fisk students, most of whom are juggling work, their studies and extracurricular activities. A Navy brat, Mr. Walker was born in Naples, Italy He lived in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia before he and his mom who plans to retire from the Navy after Mr. Walker graduates, settled in Suffolk, Virginia. Like her son, Ms. Walker is also pursuing her undergraduate

Timothy James Walker S.G.A. Vice President

degree. Mr. Walker plans to attend one of the nation’s top law schools. mentioning Yale, Harvard, or Stanford, and the University of Virginia. With his track record, Mr. Walker will undoubtedly excel wherever he ends up.

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FISK Focus

Jubilee Day Celebrated For the 139th year, Fiskites and friends of Fisk gathered in the Fisk Memorial Chapel to commemorate the departure of the Original Jubilee Singers to introduce the world to the Negro spiritual and to save their beloved school. This year’s speaker, the Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson ’85, delivered a stirring address. Due to overwhelming requests, Rev. Dr. Jordan-Simpson gave permission for her address, ―Turning Darkness into Day,‖ to be posted on the Fisk blog. The Rev. Dr. Jordan-Simpson is executive director of the Children’s Defense Fund-New York. As a Fisk student, she was a member of the Jubilee Singers® for three of her four undergraduate years.

Dr. Linda Brown Coleman ’70, G.A.A.F.U. President and Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson ’85, Jubilee Day Speaker

―I chose Fisk for lots of reasons, but mostly because I fell in love with the powerful theology of the Negro Spirituals,‖ Jordan-Simpson said. ―I am still taken by the faith of these songs. Especially now as my work at the Children’s Defense Fund focuses more and more on sounding the alarm about America’s cradle to prison pipeline crisis, these songs continue to provide clarity of mission for me.‖ Following the program in the Chapel, the traditional pilgrimage was made to the graves of the four Singers who are buried in Greenwood and City Cemeteries.

The Jubilee Singers® at the 139th Commemoration of the Original Jubilee Singers’ Departure from the Campus to Raise Funds to Save Fisk University

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Volume 1, Issue 1

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Spotlight: Candace Andrea Warren, Miss Fisk 2010-2011 Charming, vivacious, talented, warm, smart, witty, energetic, determined, persistent, enthusiastic, pretty, spiritual...all describe this year’s Miss Fisk. Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia during her senior year of high school and graduated from Booker T. Washington High School. Ms. Warren indicated that she no desire to attend a HBCU, but her mentor gave her information on HBCUs and she attended a college fair. Ms. Warren learned about Fisk from alumna Linda Smith whom she met at the fair and invited her to a Fisk mixer sponsored by the Atlanta Fisk Club. She said, ―I had the most amazing experience at the mixer.‖ Although she had a 3.0 GPA and 1420 SAT score, Ms. Warren was really worried that she would not be accepted. She said that she prayed and called Dean Keith Chandler almost every day until she learned that she had been accepted. When asked how her experiences have been, Ms. Warren quickly replied, ―excellent —

the Fisk Experience gets better and better!‖ Throughout her Fisk career, Ms. Warren has worked as a volunteer at the Youth Life Learning Center in North Nashville, and during the summers, at a ―Kids Across America‖ summer camp sponsored by Kanakuk Institute. She said that this is her life’s work, ―the will of the Lord.‖ Very spiritual, Ms. Warren intends to work with youth in faith-based organizations and pursue her Ph.D. in this area. While maintaining a 3.3 GPA and volunteering with disadvantaged youth, this amazing young woman finds time to serve as a University ambassadorBrown and II ovost M Christopher editor of thethe Sociology announced I have aClub’s B.A in newsletter. A Leadership EnPsychology and i am currichment and Academic Develrently my M.A opmentworking (L.E.A.D.)onProgram in General Psychology, both student, Ms. Warren is a memDegrees willKappa be from Fisk ber of Alpha Delta SociUniversity. earned Every my B.A ology HonorI Society, Nation Ministry, in 2009Campus and i hand veryand little the W.E.B. DuBois experience prior University to Fisk, I Honors Program. was raised in Cleveland,OH

and after high school, I came Ms. Warren attributes her to Nashville, TN for college. values and outlook on life to Iher started working for Fisk in mother who was 2007 as a Resident Assis-

―instrumental‖ in shaping her. She said that her mother taught her ―to network and take advantage of every opportunity that presented itself.‖ Clearly she has done that. Like the majority of Fisk students, Ms. Warren has relied

on a combination of scholarships, grants and loans to finance her education. She expects to graduate with debt in excess of $25,000. One thing is certain. Ms. Warren will make a difference in the lives of the youth she serves.


94% of Fisk students receive financial aid (Federal grants and loans, Fisk scholarships and grants-in-aid)

58% of current Fisk students are the first in their families to attend an institution of higher learning

The Class of 2014 enrolled 218 new students vs. 154 in the Class of 2013 — a 42% increase and attainment of 97% of the Fall 2010 new student enrollment goal

36% of the Class of 2014 are males compared to 30% males in the Class of 2013

The Class of 2014 hails from 29 states and the District of

Columbia; the top states are Tennessee, Illinois, Georgia/ California (tie), Texas, and Michigan/Florida (tie)

9% percent of the Class of 2014 are international students

The combined average SAT math and verbal scores for regularly admitted students in the Class of 2014 is 100 points over the 2010 national average without regard to race or ethnic background; the average GPA is 3.31– above the national average

The Class of 2009’s graduates averaged $27,345 in loan debt, the highest of all graduates attending Tennessee institutions, according to the Institute for College Access & Success

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FISK Focus

Living Learning Centers Enhanced and Coordinators Appointed class presentations and ―Teach Me Tuesdays‖ when students are quizzed on coursework and discuss concepts that they are learning. Recognition activities are incorporated into the academic support programming to promote student achievement.

Darrin L. Sims, Jr. Prepares An Assignment in the New Livingstone Living Learning Center

The Fisk University Living

Learning Centers (LLCs) have been enhanced to assist students more effectively. Part of the University’s strategic initiative to increase the retention, persistence and graduation rates of students, the centers are designed to help students become more effective learners and to excel academically. Open until 11:00 p.m. daily, the trained coordinators facilitate a variety

of academic support services and interventions to the residents, including those assigned to the Office of Academic Excellence & Student Performance (AESP).

The coordinators pay special attention to those students who are conditional admits, and to those who are on academic warning or probation. They are committed to promoting student achievement and retention by developing independent, effective

life-long learners and supporting innovation in learning. The coordinators report to Vice President Jason Meriwether, Office of Student Engagement and Enrollment Management, and interface regularly with Ms. Ingrid Collier, AESP director, to ensure that interventions are being implemented and to keep her informed of students’ progress. The coordinators are: Crosthwaite Hall, Temetria Hargett, M.A.; Jubilee Hall, Danisha Williams ’07, M.P.A.; and New Livingstone Hall, Alexander Doyle ’09, B.A. Mr. Doyle is enrolled in Fisk’s master’s in psychology program.

In addition to tutoring, mentoring, structured study and discussion groups, academic skills workshops and coaching that the students receive, the coordinators develop specific reinforcement activities. Among these are ―Passing Public Speaking‖ in which students prepare for and present mock speeches and

Jubilee Hall is No. 1 Landmark Jubilee Hall was recently voted the number one HBCU landmark by HBCU Digest.. Funds raised by the Jubilee Singers during their 1871-1874 concert tours were used to build the imposing sixstory building that features a towering steeple.

Jubilee Hall, the first permanent structure in the U.S. solely built for the education of African Americans, and in 1976, designated a National Historic Landmark

Designed by architect Steven D. Hatch of New York, construction of Jubilee Hall began in 1873, and was completed in 1876. The Victorian Gothic structure first housed the entire college. Complementary elements near the

entrance are magnificent doors and a beautifully carved staircase created from wood sent from Sierra Leone, West Africa, by a former student. In Jubilee Hall's first-floor Appleton Room hangs a floor-to-ceiling portrait of the original Jubilee Singers. The portrait was created by artist Edward Havell, portrait painter for the court of Queen Victoria, who commissioned the portrait in the 1880s and later presented it to the University.

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Academic Excellence & Student Performance Initiative 

Devin Taylor Meets with Ms. Angela Gist, Academic Advisor, in the Office of Academic Excellence & Student Performance Collaborating units include the: Under the leadership and direction of the Leadership Enrichment and Academic Development (L.E.A.D.) Program’s founding director, Ingrid Frazier Collier, the Office of Academic Excellence & Student Performance oversees, coordinates and manages the university-wide initiative to impact student retention, persistence and graduation rates at Fisk University. Modeled after the highly successful L.E.A.D. Program’s retention model, the Academic Excellence & Student Performance (AESP) Initiative was developed with universitywide support and input to serve all Fisk students. The Office of Academic Excellence & Student Performance is responsible for the further development, implementation and evaluation of the university-wide initiative to impact retention, persistence and graduation rates at Fisk University. The Office collaborates with, oversees, coordinates and manages the diverse services to support Fisk students experiencing academic difficulty. In addition, the Office provides services for differently-abled students who may have special needs such as proper accommodations and ensures that every student receives an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of need and disability.

 

Academic Success Center provides psychological testing and counseling services; Office of Career Services - collaborates with AESP to provide Graduate School Prep series each semester,

career exploration, internship placements, and scholarship assistance; L.E.A.D. Program - provides support services for students who meet the eligibility requirements for federally funded student support services; students receive counseling, tutoring, academic workshops, grant aid, culturally enriching activities, mentoring, graduate school exploration and preparation, and have access to a lending library for supplemental course resources and books; Living Learning Centers - provide a conducive and supportive environment for study and tutoring sessions at night in residence halls; through the AESP, coordinators locate targeted students for needed follow-up and interventions, and provide enhanced direct services; Mathematics Laboratory (provides tutorial services and supervised study groups for specific courses); and the Writing Center - provides supplemental instruction in writing using individualized and small group instructional modalities.

Professor Mark Reynolds of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Conducts Mathematics Tutorial for Shelita Morris and Brandi Ballentine

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FISK Focus

Remembering A Son “Ever on the Altar”: Dr. Ronald Walters Fisk recently lost one of its sons, Dr. Ronald Walters. One of America’s top political scientists for the last half-century, Dr. Walters was ―an indispensible part of the brain trust of the civil rights movement,‖ according to Vernon E. Jordan, civil rights leader and lawyer. ―He was there for all of us, at the other end of the phone, if we needed his thinking, his synthesis of racial issues, political issues, economic issues. And he was always at the ready to get on the train to help the cause.‖ Unknown to many, Dr. Walters organized what was the nation’s first lunch counter sit-in. In July of 1958, while president of the local youth chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., he and his cousin, Carol Parks, organized a sit-in at the Dockum Drug Store in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas. For three weeks, the protesters sat silently until closing time each day. Finally, the owner relented and agreed to serve black customers. This was two years before students in Greensboro, N.C. staged the sitins that are often credited with starting the movement in many Southern cities. It was not until 2006 that the N.A.A.C.P. recognized Dr. Walters for his role in the movement. Not a person who sought recognition or accolades, these came to Dr. Walters because of his significant work in the civil rights and political science arenas. Teacher, scholar, author, television commentator, political strategist, syndicated columnist, talk show guest, advisor to activists and politicians - Dr. Ronald Walters was all of these and so much more. Ronald Walters, Ph.D. Class of 1963

Dr. Walters received his Bachelor of Arts degree in history and government with honors from Fisk University in 1963. He went on to earn a master’s in African studies in 1966, and a Ph.D. in international studies in 1971, both from American University. Dr. Walters taught at Syracuse University in the late 1960s, was a visiting professor at Princeton and a fellow at the Institute of Politics of the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. In 1969, he became the first chairman of Afro-American studies at Brandeis University. From 1971 to 1996, Dr. Walters taught at Howard University, including serving fifteen years as chairman of the Department of Political Science. When he left Howard, Dr. Walters became director of the African American Leadership Institute at the University of Maryland and served in this capacity until his retirement in 2009. He was a former member of the governing council of the American Political Science Association and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Ralph Bunch Institute at The City University of New York Graduate School and University Center. In the early 1970s, Dr. Walters played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Congressional Black Caucus. He served as campaign manager and consultant for Rev. Jesse Jackson during his two presidential bids. He also served as the senior policy staff member for U.S. Congressmen Charles Diggs, Jr. and William Gray. Dr. Walters published more than 100 academic articles and thirteen books. One book, Black Presidential Politics in America, won the Bunche Prize. At the time of his death, he was working on a book about President Barack Obama, which his devoted wife of 47 years and the love of his life, Patricia, intends to complete. This Fisk son was indeed “ever on the altar” and was an icon who will be sorely missed by the Fisk family. The impact of his life’s work will, unquestionably, continue for many years.

GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF FISK UNIVERSITY, INC. On May 9, 2010, the Eastern Regional Conference was held in New York City, New York. Officers elected were: Chair: Karen Maynard ’82 (New York Fisk Club) Co-Vice Chair: Karriem Dean ’96 (New York Fisk Club) Co-Vice Chair: Stephanie V. Williams ’72 (Washington, DC Fisk Club) The Midwest Regional Conference was held October 16, 2010, in Chicago, Illinois. Officers elected were: Chair: Gina R. Davis ’82 (Chicago Fisk Club) Co-Vice Chair: Kris Smith ’75 (Chicago Fisk Club) Co-Vice Chair: April M. Walls ’07 (Chicago Fisk Club) Co-Vice Chair: John Carruthers ’73 (Detroit Fisk Club)

The Farwest Regional Conference will be held in Los Angeles, California on December 17, 2010. The Southwest Regional Conference will take place on March 11-13, 2011 in Houston, Texas. Memphis, Tennessee is the location of the Southern Regional Conference, which will be held September 15-17, 2011. The G.A.A.F.U.’s Planning Conference will be held on July 22-25, 2011 in Nassau, Bahamas. On October 7-9, 2011, the Biennial Convention will be held in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Volume 1, Issue 1

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The 1866 Legacy Circle: Harriett Green Jenkins ’45, J.D., Ed.D. tive Award in 1980; NASA's Outstanding Leadership Medal in 1981; and the President's Distinguished Executive Award in 1983.

The 1866 Legacy Circle recognizes those individuals or families who have named Fisk University as a beneficiary of their will, trust, estate plan, life insurance policy or who have documented Fisk as a beneficiary of a planned gift. What is planned giving and why should I consider it? Planned giving is the integration of personal, financial, and estate planning objectives with philanthropic dreams and charitable goals. The idea is to maximize efficiency and enhance benefits as you support causes you are most passionate about and believe in the most. A planned gift is the result of this planning process. Planned giving consists of gifts made both during and after your lifetime. It allows you to structure the amount and timing of gifts to match most closely your needs. In many instances, these cash and noncash strategies may result in increased income for you, reduced or eliminated tax obligations, and enhanced benefits for your family and heirs.

Joining the 1866 Legacy Circle by making a planned gift to Fisk is vital to the long term fiscal viability of Fisk. Over the last two years, the number of living members has doubled and now numbers 68. A member who epitomizes the concept of planned giving using a comprehensive strategy is Harriett Green Jenkins ’45, J.D., Ed.D. Many of you are familiar with Dr. Jenkins, a devoted public servant with a variety of accomplishments and accolades. A 19-year career as a public school educator was followed by a 25-year distinguished career of service in the executive and legislative branches of our government. In 1977, Dr. Jenkins received NASA's highest award, the Distinguished Service Medal. Also during 1977, she chaired the Task Force on Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, one of nine task forces of the Personnel Management Project that led to the Civil Service Reform Act. For this work, she received the Civil Service Commissioner's Award for Distinguished Service. Dr. Jenkins received the President's Meritorious Execu-

As decorated as Dr. Jenkins career has been, this well respected alumna of Fisk University has truly distinguished herself with her Alma Mater through her philanthropic support. While honoring the public with service in many forms and professions, she has always kept Fisk a priority in her thoughts and actions. Dr. Jenkins’ foresight supplements the present as her gift planning strategy encompasses both the short and long term needs of the University and its students. She shows that a well rounded and comprehensive gift strategy can work for mutual benefit of the donor and Fisk. For the last 14 years, Dr. Jenkins has provided for an annual full tuition scholarship for one student at Fisk University through the George L. and Harriett G. Jenkins Scholarship Trust by making annual contributions for this purpose. In addition to scholarship funding, Dr. Jenkins regularly supports the Annual Fund and other specific projects of Fisk with annual gifts. While thinking about the present when establishing the scholarship at Fisk, Dr. Jenkins looked to the future of the University. Annual support was not enough. What could ensure that a young, financially needy and academically talented student at Fisk would continue to receive this scholarship support for years and years to come? The answer was in arranging her financial affairs to fund this scholarship well into the future. In arranging her affairs to benefit Fisk, Dr. Jenkins also accomplished some

personal estate and financial planning objectives. Gift planning included the establishment of the George L. and Harriett G. Jenkins Scholarship Trust, which is funded by a variety of assets during the life of Dr. Jenkins. One of the asset types chosen by her to fund the trust after her demise was a life insurance policy. Dr. Jenkins provides scholarship funding and annual fund support through current cash contributions. In the future, the life insurance policy will provide additional funding in a lump sum. Combined with other assets gifted to the trust, this source of funding gives Fisk the opportunity to offer an excellent educational experience and scholarships to outstanding students who lack the funds to matriculate. . There are many reasons for you to consider making a planned gift. A properly structured planned gift may help you and your family to maximize the use of your assets and provide certain benefits not attainable through non-charitable options. Also, it may allow you to support campus needs that are of particular interest to you. In this manner, you can plan to take care of the people and places that matter most to you, and be the one to decide for whom and for what your charitable dollars will be used. This is what planned giving is all about. For help in starting your planned giving process, please call Marcus Stamps, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, at 615-3298852 or

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FISK Focus

Alumni Fundraising Goal for 2010-2011: $2,000,000 year and the number of alumni donors has also increased. Also, we are doing well in the corporate and foundation gift category. For example, the Mellon Foundation recently awarded Fisk a $400,000 implementation grant for the Pre-College Program and a $100,000 planning grant for student recruitment. I invite you to review the Annual Fund Raising Cumulative by Month Report on page 11, which compares this year with the last three years as of November 7th in each year. Now, more than ever, alumni must unite and renew our commitment to Fisk. We must not forget that the value of our deEach year, Fisk University must raise funds grees is dependent on our reputation and for its overall operations through the Annu- status, and right now, both are high. The al Fund. By definition, the Annual Fund is a recent U.S. News and World Report, Princeton yearly appeal or annual campaign usually to Review and Washington Monthly rankings provide funds to meet the operational budg- substantiate this. If our alumni giving rate et of an organization. Sometimes, an annual increases, so will our ranking in next year’s campaign may be conducted to provide an U.S. News and World Report. organization with supplemental support above its annual budget. Along with supporting the General Alumni Association of Fisk University, Incorporated Fisk University, like many institutions, de(G.A.A.F.U.) by becoming a Life or Annual pends on the annual fund to meet its yearly Member of the G.A.A.F.U., as well as by operational expenses. When we do not joining and participating in local club activimeet the Annual Fund goal, Fisk incurs a ties, each alumna/us MUST give back to our deficit in its operating budget. Alma Mater. Adrienne Taylor Latham ’68, M.A., Director of Alumni Affairs & G.A.A.F.U. Executive Director

When we examine our performance this year versus last year’s at this point, we are doing well. The average gift per donor has increased from $387 last year to $624 this

The reunion classes’ goal is $667,000. The G.A.A.F.U. Board of Directors, during its meeting on October 9, 2010, committed to raising $2 million and adopted several initiatives to support the University’s fundraising efforts, as follows.

   

Increase alumni participation in automatic deductions (ACH) through sustained appeals ―Give 1866‖ - a fiscal year end appeal through Facebook, targeted to young alumni (graduates out 20 years or less). Fisk Clubs, Board of Directors and Regions are responsible for meeting giving goals. United Church of Christ , Fisk, G.A.A.F.U. partnership - ten cities to be selected with identified alumni liaisons to host a ―Fisk Sunday‖ within selected UCC congregations. Increase alumni participation through sustained appeals that encourage those who gave during FY 2010 to give again during FY 2011 and to bring into the donor ranks a fellow classmate who did not give in FY 2010.

We look forward to your support and assistance as we work to meet our fund raising goals by June 30, 2011. Remember, others Our theme for this year’s fundraising initia- will invest in Fisk when they see alumni tive is “Reaching Beyond the Boundaries.” Our investing. And, we are always thankful for financial goal is $2 million and the participa- all you do for our Alma Mater. tion goal is 25 percent for this fiscal year,

The Class of 1945 Presents G.A.A.F.U. President Linda Coleman Brown and University President Hazel R. O’Leary $32,750 at Reunion 2010

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Each year, the Office of Institutional Advancement tracks fund raising progress on a month-by-month basis and compares it to each of the previous three fiscal years. The graph below depicts progress toward the FY 11 goal of $8.4 million as compared to the same point in time in FYs 08, 09 and 10.

Cultivating Scholars & Leaders

Engaged Students Listen Attentively to Global and Community Lecture Series Speaker, Dr. Bradley Sheares ’78

Engaged Students Listen Attentively During Global and Community Engagement Lecture Series

Global and Community Engagement Series Lecturer Dr. Bradley Sheares ’78

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FISK Focus

Federal and State Grants 2010-2011 Awarding Agency/ Organization/ Foundation U.S. Dept. of Commerce U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Energy U.S. Dept. of Energy U.S. Dept. of Energy U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security National Aeronautics and Space Admin. National Science Foundation National Science Foundation National Science Foundation National Trust for Historic Preservation UC-Davis-National Science Foundation TOTAL

Title/Purpose National Oceanic and Atmospheric Education Center/Research TRIO/LEAD Program/Academic College Cost Reduction Access Act STEM/ Renovation Strengthening HBCUs (Title III) Strengthening Minority Institutions/Support for Master’s Programs/Academic Strengthening Minority Institutions/Support for Master’s Programs/Academic SAFRA/Academic

Award Amount

Date Funded















Material Development of High Resolution Scintillator/ Research Fisk University-Dept. of Energy Scholars/Academic





Investigation of Purity, Crystalline Perfection & Growth Yield of Strontium Iodide Perfection/ Research Systematic Approach to CdZnTe Material and Detector Development/Research Tennessee Space Grant/Research







ARI-MA Systematic Approach/Research



CREST Program/Research-Energy SBIR Phase II: Development of a Tunable Filter for Mini Hyperspectral Imager (CREST)/Research Alice Rosenwald Flexible Award PFI: Medical Technology










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Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 13

Statement from Fisk University Regarding Stieglitz Art Collection the remainder of the funds are to be placed in an endowment fund to be used solely for the costs of displaying and maintaining the art.

President Hazel R. O’Leary

Fisk University announced that on November 3, 2010, the Chancery Court in Davidson County has approved its request to enter into a sharing agreement with the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art under which that Museum would acquire an undivided one-half interest in the Stieglitz Art Collection in return for a payment of $30 million. The Court also ruled that Fisk may only have the discretionary use of $10 million of the proceeds and that

Fisk President Hazel R. O’Leary said: ―We are pleased with the Court’s ruling that we can consummate the sharing agreement with Crystal Bridges. However, the Court’s decision to restrict $20 million of the funds so that interest from the endowment is used to support the art is excessive. This is because the income from the $20 million restricted endowment is approximately $1,000,000 annually. This far exceeds the amount necessary to secure and maintain the Collection. The evidence we presented to the Court in oral testimony was that our costs to display and maintain the Collection is approximately $130,000 per year. Further, Alice Walton has agreed to fund an endowment of $1,000,000 which is to be

Stephen O. Babalola, Ph.D., the First Graduate of the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program

used for the support and maintenance of the Collection.‖ Clearly, the funds that will be produced from this endowment will generate many times the amount actually needed to maintain the gallery, support the Collection and provide for art education. President O’Leary also noted the Attorney General proposed to the Court that a $2.6 million endowment be established to generate approximately $130,000 per year for the care and maintenance of the Collection. President O’Leary indicated that she, the university’s Board of Trustees and its lawyers are studying the decision before they decide how to proceed. In response to reactions from some members of the media, alumni, and the community, Fisk Board of Trustees Chair-

man Robert W. Norton stated, ―The decision to pursue strategic options for this valuable asset was not President O’Leary’s. In light of the university’s difficult financial situation, the Fisk Board of Trustees passed a resolution in May of 2004, empowering its Chairman, to sell some or all of the Collection, well before President O’Leary began her tenure at the university. President O’Leary, upon taking office, understood the Board’s position and chose a deliberative approach to the issues. She helped lead efforts that resulted in an even better arrangement than the Board had envisioned - a sharing arrangement with the Crystal Bridges Museum of Art for an undivided one-half interest in the Collection in exchange for a $30 million consideration. In our view, this was a classic win/win for Fisk, Nashville, and the South.‖

Dean Jessie Carney Smith (left) and Librarians Preserving Archival Media

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Cultivating Scholars & Leaders One by One


Office of Institutional Advancement 1000 17th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37208

LaGrange, GA. Tuesday, November 16, 2010. Fisk Jubilee Singers® in Concert, Callaway Auditorium, LaGrange College

Atlanta, GA. Saturday, December 4, 2010, 6:00 P.M. 7th Annual Winter Scholarship Extravaganza (Silent Auction, Dinner & Dance), Special Performance by the Fisk Jubilee Singers®. Honorees: Dr. Carol Adams ’65, Mrs. Gwendolyn Campbell ’67, Dr. Judson Eneas ’67, Ms. Therrell Smith ’39, Dr. Mary McKelvey Welch, and Dr. Kevin White. Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway. Tickets @ $100. Contact Ms. Linda Smith at

Nashville, TN. Monday, December 6, 2010. Christmas Concert featuring the University Choir and the Fisk Jubilee Singers®, Fisk Memorial Chapel

Cleveland, OH. Sunday, December 12, 2010 President Hazel R. O’Leary to address the Cleveland Fisk Club

Los Angeles, CA. Friday, December 17, 2010 Farwest Regional Conference

(615) 329-8530 - Telephone (615) 329-8627 - Facsimile

We’re on the Web!

REUNION 2011 Reunion Goal: $667,000. Reunion 2011 classes are 1936, 1941, 1946,1951, 1956, 1961 (Goldens), 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986 (Silvers), 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006. The official hotel for Reunion 2011 is the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel, 2100 West End Avenue. A block of rooms has been reserved for Fisk alumni. The special group rate is $184 per night, effective until April 1, 2011. Availability is on a first come, first served basis. Remember to identify yourself as a Fisk alumna/us. To make reservations, please telephone 615-320-1700 or 1-800-336-3335.

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