1 minute read

The Essence of an Entrepreneur

Dream big, test your limits, follow your entrepreneurial heart and don't let anyone doubt your greatness.

~ Rosalidia Dubon, Marketing Specialist, Mompreneur and Publisher


Women empowerment talk at Community Boost from Facebook

6 elements to achieving your entrepreneurial goals

1. Grit

Having the mental strength and endurance to withstand the entrepreneurship rollercoaster.

2. Key People

Surround yourself with community leaders, executives and other successful entrepreneurs. Skills, experience and dedication are not enough to be successful, who you know may be more important than what you know.

Doing media coverage for Hispanicize event in Los Angeles with actor/comedian John Leguizamo and singer/entrepreneur Carmen Milagro.

3. Coachable

There is always room for improvement. Expand your mind and welcome feedback as well as criticism, these are tools to better your business.

4. Self-Awareness

You'll find that being present and "still" does your mind, soul and business good. It's not about working hard but working smart.

Rosalidia Dubon receives an award from San Mateo County District 5 Supervisor David Canepa.

5. Giving Back

It may help you feel accomplished and give you motivation to keep going. It is much more satisfying to reap the benefits of your hard work when you're making a difference in the community.

6. Pivoting

When facing "stagnation", implementing new strategies to accomplish your goals is a must. Asses often and pivot as needed.

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