The industrial activity of FITOGAL has been distributed throughout the national territory since 1990, beginning our activity outside our borders in 2005. At present, FITOGAL products are already marketed in four of the ive continents. The production and storage center is located in the Valencian Community, with a modern production plant and a logistical center for the distribution of inished products, besides having several storage points throughout the Spanish geography. In recent years, our company has been constantly improving, both technological and quality standards. Among other things, it has achieved ISO 9001: 2000 implementation, or QR code implementation in all our products, which places us among the most competitive Spain. The productive capacity of FITOGAL exceeds 6,000 tons of products that are manufactured with the best industrial technology, and the best raw materials. Since 2005, investments have been made to improve competitiveness, the safety of installations and, in particular, the application of the most advanced technologies in the ield of the environment. We have a great industrial and logistic capacity to elaborate different ranges of vegetal nutrition products, to satisfy the demands of the current agriculture. In addition Fitogal , commercializes and distributes a wide catalog of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, which complete the range of solutions for the demands of the crops.
Fitogal S.L. has developed different families of fertilizers included in the following catalog, to cover all the needs of the crops, in the different stages of phenogogical of the same, in order that these, can reach their maximum porductive yield. Choosing quality products means obtaining the best harvests. Bio-Stimulants Stimulants of physiological processes
6 -11 Soil Improvers
Soil improvers and structurants
12 -15 Micronutrition
Chelated Micro elements
16 - 21 N-P-K in Gel form, Gelestim, Terragel
Fertilizers N-P-K + TE in gel form
22 - 23 Potassium Fertilizers
Harvest Enhancers
24 Crystallyne N-P-K Solugal
Fertilizers N-P-K + Micros in solid soluble form
25 Adjuvants, PH correctors
Treatment broth conditioners
25 Special Range
Special products for different uses
26 - 30
Bio-Stimulants Growth regulators and Bio-stimulants. The family of growth regulators and bio-stimulants, includes products Which stimulate or accelerate different physiological processes; they increase photosynthesis, fruit set and fattening, or accelerate the processes of rooting, sprouting etc, so that the plant reaches its maximum development productive.
Growth regulators GALIBER** Growth regulator which in its composition contains AG3, improves the processes of growth, sprouting and fattening of fruits. Net Content Gibberellic acid............................................................1,6 % w/v
GALTHEA** Regulator of growth that in its composition contains ANA, (Auxins), improves the processes of rooting, thinning and falling the fruit. Net Content A.N.A 1-Naphthal Acetic Acid..................................... 8,5 % w/v
** GALTEMIS** Growth regulator in its composition contains AG3+BNOA , improves the processes of growth, sprouting and fattening of the fruit. Net Content Gibberellic Acid........................................................... 0,1% w/v Betha-Naphtoxyacetic Acid........................................ 3,5 % w/v
GALTENEA** Growth regulator which in his composition contains ANA Amide, (Auxins), improves the processes of rooting, sprouting, setting and fattening of fruit. Net Content A.N.A Amide................................................................. 8,4 % w/v 6
GALKANDER** Regulator of growth that in its composition contains A.N.A+A.N.A Amide (Auxins), improves the processes of curdling of fruits. Net Content A.N.A 1 Naphthal Acetic Acid.................................... 0,45 % w/v A.N.A Amide............................................................... 1,20 % w/v
GALESTIM Anti-stress stimulant, formulated with L-Amino acids (Glycine) and Organic Nitrogen (N). Net Content L-amino acids (Glycine)................................................ 6,1 % w/v Organic Nitrogen (N)................................................... 1,59 % w/v
GALESTIM PLUS** Anti-stress stimulant, formulated as soluble concentrate (SL), which contain L-amino acids (Glycine) and organic Nitrogen (N) A.A.T.C (derivative L-cysteine) and Folic acid. Increases enzyme activity and accelerates the metabolism of plants, with special emphasis on in the proceses of transpiration. NET Content A. A .T.C........................................................................ 5,0 % w/v Folic Acid...................................................................... 0,1 % w/v L-aminoacids................................................................ 6,1 % w/v Organic Nitrรณgeno (N) ................................................ 1,59 % w/v
** Marktable products only for export.
Bio-Stimulants Aminoacids AMINOGAL 50 WSP Aminogal 50% WSP is a product that in its formulation contains L-animo acids of vegetable origen, totally available and assimilable by the plants, due to its high concentration in L-amino acids characterizes it as a potent bio-stimulant, in addition to anti-stress, especially suitable for combating thermal or water processes, formulated in totally soluble powder.
Net Content L-aminoacids.........................................................42,0 % w/w Organic Nitrogen (N)..............................................18,6 % w/w
AMINOGAL 70 WSP Aminogal 70% WSP is a product that in its formulation, contains L-animo acids of animal origen, fully available and assimilable by plants, due to its high concentration in L-amino acids characterizes it as a potent bio-stimulant, in addition to antistress, especially suitable for combating thermal or water processes, formulated in totally soluble powder.
Net Content L-aminoacids..........................................................70,0 % w/w Organic Nitrogen (N)...............................................12,3 % w/w
AMINOGAL 90 WSP Aminogal 90% WSP is a product that in its formulation contains L-amino acids of animal origin, fully available and assimilable by plants, due to its high concentration in L-amino acids characterizes it as a potent bio-stimulant, in addition to antistress, especially suitable for combating thermal or water processes, formulated in totally soluble powder.
Net Content L-aminoacids.......................................................90,0 % w/w Organic Nitrogen (N)..........................................15,78 % w/w
AMINOGAL 12 Aminogal contains plant-derived L-amino acids and fully micro-elements chelated, available and asimilable by the plant.
Net Content L-aminoacids........................................................ 13,4 % w/v Total Nitrogen (N) ................................................... 8,8 % w/v Water soluble potassium oxide ( K2O ) .................. 3,3 % w/v Phosphorus ( P2O5 ) soluble in water..............................1,1 % w/v Contains chelated trace elements.
AMINOGAL PLUS Aminogal PLUS contains L-amino acids of vegetable origen, high viscosity and fully chelated micro-elements available and assimilable by the plant.
Net Content L-aminoacids................................................................ 13,67 % w/v Total Nitrogen (N) ............................................................8,83 % w/v Contains chelated trace elements.
PANTER Panter is a vegetative stimulant of animal origin, its action produces an intense vegetative reaction in all kinds of crops, applied in due course stimule the absorption of nutrients necessary for the natural cycle of plants by stimulating especially the cycles of growth, formation and fattening of fruits.
Net Content L-aminoacids.................................................................... 14,4 % w/v Total Nitrogen (N)................................................................ 9,6 % w/v Potassium oxide ( K2O ) soluble in water............................ 3,6 % w/v Contains chelated trace elements.
PANTER PLUS Panter PLUS is a vegetative stimulant of animal origin, its action produces an intense vegetative reaction in all kinds of crops, applied in due time stimulates the absorption of nutrients necessary for the natural cycle of plants by stimulating especially the cycles of growth, formation and fattening of fruits.
Net Content L-aminoacids..................................................................... 28,8 % w/v Total Nitrogen (N)................................................................5,76 % w/v Potassium oxide (K2O) Soluble in water.............................1,20 % w/v Contains micro chelated elements.
AMINOGAL AMINORGANIC Aminogal Aminorganic, is a vegetative stimulant of animal origen with high content of L-amino acids of vegetable origen.
Net Content L-aminoacids................................................................. 10,65 % w/v Total Nitrogen (N)............................................................. 8,50 % w/v Potassium oxide ( K2O ) soluble in water......................... 4,00 % w/v Phosphorus. ( P2O5 ) Soluble in water....................................1,00 % w/v Containds chelated trace elements.
Bio-Stimulants Bio - Stimulants CYTOGAL Its a natural algae Extract concentrate with high cytokinetic activity, that contributes to plants all the proper components of algae such as nutrients, growth regulators, amino acids and oligosaccharides that enhance the growth making it more resistant to both infections and stress (drought, frost, etc.).
Net Content Ascophyllum nodossum Extract ............................................. 20,0 % w/w Total organic matter................................................................. 13,0 % w/w Potassium oxide ( K2O ) soluble in water .................................. 1,8 % w/w Mannitol..................................................................................... 0,8 % w/w Alginic acid ................................................................................ 2,1 % w/w Cytokinetic activity equivalent...................................................... 250 ppm contains “phytohormones” from “ascophyllum nodossum”
AUXIGAL Product formulated with algae extract, hydrolysis amino acids enzymes, gibberellins and auxins of natural origin. The perfect proportion of its active substances potentiate the hormonal activity of the plant, fundamental from the lowering phase to the fattening and ripening stage.
Net Content Total Nitrogen ........................................................................... 3,0 % w/v Organic Nitrogen ....................................................................... 3,0 % w/v Phosphorous ( P2O5 ) soluble in water and neutral ammonium citrate.. .......... 0,11% w/v Potassium ( K2O ) soluble in water ............................................. 5,6 % w/v L-aminoacids.............................................................................. 1,9 % w/v ascophyllum nodosum extract ................................................. 19,0 % w/v Mannitol.................................................................................... 0,55 % w/v Alginic acid ............................................................................... 1,65 % w/v Contains “phytohormones” of natural origin “ ascophyllum sp”
ARRAIGAL In the ARRAIGAL composition different active ingredients of natural origin, containing amino acids, cytokinnins, betaines and auxins, as well as macro and micro-elements, which produce a rooting effect in the plants and better resistance to attacks of various pathogens.
Net Content Total Nitrogen .............................................................................. 4,9 % w/v Phosphorus ( P2O5 ) soluble in water and neutral ammonium citrate ...... 12,0 % w/v potasisium oxide ( K2O ) soluble in water ................................... 4,8 % w/v L-aminoacids............................................................................... 6,0 % w/v Total organic matter.................................................................. 30,0 % w/v Contains “phyto-hormones” from natural origen.
Recommended doses Growth regulators Product
Fruit trees
50-100 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
50-100 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
50-100 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
50-100 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
50-100 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
0,7-100 cc/Hl
0,7-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
50-100 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
500 cc/Ha
0,5-1,0 L/Ha
** Marketable products only for export. Prohibited its sale and distribution in the EU.
Aminoacids Product
Fruit trees
Aminogal 50 wsp
200 gr/Hl
1,5-2,0 Kg/Ha
0,5 Kg/Ha
2,0-4,0 Kg/Ha
Aminogal 70 wsp
100 gr/Hl
1,0-2,0 Kg/Ha
0,3 Kg/Ha
1,0-2,0 Kg/Ha
Aminogal 90 wsp
100 gr/Hl
1,0-2,0 Kg/Ha
0,3 Kg/Ha
1,0-2,0 Kg/Ha
Aminogal 12
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
Aminogal Plus
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
Panter Plus
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
Aminogal Aminorganic
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
Bio - Stimulants Product
Fruit trees
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
200-300 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-3 L/Ha
2-3 L/Ha
SOIL IMPROVERS The soil is one of the most important resources within the agricultural production systems.Salts, depletion, physical or biological degradation, inluence the soil fertility loss and, therefore, limit the potential productivity of the crops. Treatments with products that improve all these soil conditions, are essential for compliance of the objectives of quality and quantity demanded in agriculture modern.
HUMIGAL 20 It forms next to the clays the clay-humic complex, retaining much more time particles of water and nutrients. Releases macro and micro-elements, locked by the excesses of calcium carbonates in our soils. Together with the nutrients they make up a cationic radical that favors the introduction of the food particle in the plant. Stimulates greater and faster development radicular and improves the bacterial life of the soil, power chelates and prevents retrogradation of potash and phosphates.
Net Content Total humic extracts.................................................. 20,0 % w/w Humics acids............................................................. 10,0 % w/w Fulvic acids................................................................ 10,0 % w/w Potassium oxide ( K2O )................................................ 5,0 % w/w
HUMIGAL 80 WSP Concentrate of humic acids in micro-granulated and totally soluble form, which incorporates the most important and biologically active substance into the soil. Among products resulting from the decomposition of organic matter: “humic acids�. It brings unique features that make it an elemet indispensable for any fertirrigation program.
Net Content Total humic extracts.................................................. 75,0 % w/w Humic acids.............................................................. 60,0 % w/w Fulvic acids............................................................... 15,0 % w/w Potassium oxide ( K2O )................................................. 5,0 % w/w
Organic matter
39,1 %
3,0 %
3,0 %
6,2 %
26,8 %
2,9 %
3,0 %
4,7 %
62,0 %
20,5 %
* Content expressed in w/w
N (total)
2,7 %
SOIL IMPROVERS HUMIGAL FE Product combining humic acids of plant origin, “Leonardite” from of lignites oxidized over millions of years and totally potassium salts soluble, with iron (Fe) chelated in form of EDDHA, Zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn) in form of EDTA. The products synthesis process guarantees a synergistic process, which increases the beneits of both compounds separately, with an action faster and longer. It improves the root mass of the plant, incrasing the absorption surface and consequently improving the performance of fertilization.
Net Content Iron (Fe) Soluble in water..................................................4,5 % w/w Iron (Fe) chelated by EDDHA................................................ 4,5 % w/w Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA...............................1,5 % w/w Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA...........................................0,5 % w/w Total humic extract....................................................... 6,0 % w/w Humic acids..................................................................6,0 % w/w
HUMIGAL POWER Product of plant origin, “Leonardite” from lignites oxidized over millions of years and totally soluble potassium salts. With the indicated doses we contribute to the soil suficient humic acids, and organic matter for the normal developement of the plants, which, together with the potash, make an ideal product to apply as a background nutrient or stop wintry. they retain particles of water and nutriends for longer, avoiding leaching (loss of soluble or dispersible salts caused by for the water). It improves the root mass of the plant, increasing the absorption and consequently improving the yield of fertilization.
Net Content Total Humic extract..................................................... 70,0 % w/w Humics acids.............................................................. 65,0 % w/w Fulvics acids................................................................. 5,0 % w/w Potassium ( K2O ) soluble in water............................... 8,0 % w/w
SALGAL The application of SalGal greatly improves the structure of soils especially by the problem of accumulation of salts. the locculant action of calcium, associated with the chain of polycarboxylic acids, facilitates the aeration and penetration of the roots in the soil and the cationic exchange .
Net Content Calcium oxide ( CaO )............................................................ 10,0 % w/w Total Nitrogen (N)..................................................................... 3.0 % w/w Total organic matter............................................................... 27,0 % w/w Polycarboxylic acids................................................................20. % w/w It contains osmoprotectant agents
Recommended doses Soil Improvers Product
Fruit trees
Humigal 20
25-50 L/Ha
25-30 L/Ha
20-30 L/Ha
25 L/Ha
Humigal 80 wsp
6-18 Kg/Ha
8-10 Kg/Ha
5-15 Kg/Ha
5 Kg/Ha
Humigal Fe
2-5 Kg/Ha
5-8 Kg/Ha
5 Kg/Ha
Humigal Power
30-80 Kg/Ha
25-50 Kg/Ha
25-30 L/Ha
30-50 L/Ha
25-50 L/Ha
Corgal PLUS
40-60 L/Ha
75-125 L/Ha
50-75 L/Ha
Corgal M.O
40-60 L/Ha
75-125 L/Ha
50-75 L/Ha
40-60 L/Ha
75-125 L/Ha
20-25 Kg/Ha
30 Kg/Ha
50-75 L/Ha
Micronutrition Micronutrition is composed of range of products with micro-elements and secondary elements, chelated by different organic molecules. Although this series of elements is required in smaller quantities by the crops, are the basis of good fertilization. Are equally necessary and essential that macro-elements, to ensure optimum levels of growth and development that allow to reach the productive levels of plants. Optimal fertilization is based on prevention, not on correction.
Gluconate Range GLUGAL - Range Glucal Range, is intended to correct deiciencies and deiciency states of different micronutrients. The ability of gluconic acid as a chelating agent, stabilizes the ph of nutrients allowing fast and easy assimilation by plants. Formulations with acid gluconic are respectful of the environment because of their biodegradability as this acid is converted into organic matter. The speed and capacity of absorption is fast both foliar and root. Glugal- Range
Net Content
Glugal Mo
Molybdenum (Mo)
5,0 % w/w
Glugal Ca
Calcium oxide (CaO)
6,4 % w/w
Glugal Mg
Magnesium oxide (MgO)
5,0 % w/w
Iron (Fe)
5,0 % w/w
Glugal Mn
Manganese (Mn)
5,0 % w/w
Glugal Zn
Zinc (Zn)
5,0 % w/w
Glugal Citrus
Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn)
3,5 % w/w 3,5 % w/w
Glugal Citrus PLUS
Nitrogen (N) Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn)
6,0 % w/w 3,5 % w/w 3,5 % w/w
Glugal Ponic
Calcium oxide (CaO) Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn) Boron (B) Molybdenum (Mo)
0,1 % w/v 3,0 % w/v 1,0 % w/v 0,14 % w/v 0,1 % w/v 0,5 % w/v
Glugal K-20
Potasium oxide (K2O)
20,0 % w/v
Glugal Hierro-K
Potasium oxide (K2O) Iron (Fe)
22,0 % w/v 5,0 % w/v
Glugal Hierro AA
Potasium oxide (K2O) Iron (Fe) L-aminoacids
22,0 % w/v 5,0 % w/v 5,0 % w/v
Glugal Fe
**All products in the Glugal range are complexed by hepta-gluconic acid . 16
Corgal Range The Corgal range products designed and developed to correct several deficiencies of micronutrients. The complexing and chelating agents used in they are the ones that optimize the stability and the absorption of each of the elements in different types of application.The agents that complete the range are: EDDHA, EDTA, Polycarboxylic acids and Ethanolamine.
CORGAL BORO 15 Corgal Boro 15 “borated” liquid fertilizer as a soluction for foliar application. It prevents and corrects the physiopathies of this element. These physiologies usually occur in light soils and with drainage or on the contrary in calcareous soils, in times of drought or prolonged rain.
Net Content Boron (B). Etanolamine................................................... 15 % w/v
CORGAL BORO 18 Corgal Boro 18 “borated” liquid fertilizer as a solution for for soil application. It prevents and corrects the physiopathies of this elements. These physiologies usually occur in light soils and with drainage or on the contrary in calcareous soils, in times of drought or prolonged rain.
Net Content Boron (B) Soluble in water.......................................... 17,5 % w/w
CORGAL CABOR Corgal Cabor is deiciency corrector of calcium (Ca) and Boron (B), to combat and prevent nutritional deficiencies caused by lack of calcium (Ca) and Boron (B). It improves the curdling and the formation of fruit.
Net content Calcium (CaO) Soluble in water................................... 10,0 % w/v Boron (B) Soluble in water..............................................2,5 % w/v Chelating agent: Lignosulfonate. Boron: Etanolamine
Micronutrition CORGAL Fe-6 PS & Fe-6 SUPREM Corgal Fe-6 PS & Fe-6 SUPREM are fully soluble micronized WSP formulas of very high purity in ethylenediamine ferric sodium. It´s especially indicated as a corrector of iron chlorosis, iron deiciencies, for basic soils in drip irrigation or any others system. Corgal Iron & Iron Supreme are effective in fruit, horticultural, loral, tropical and ornamental crops.
Net Content
Fe-6 PS Fe-6 SUPREM Iron (Fe) Soluble in water........................ 6,0 % w/w.............. 6,0 % w/w Chelating agent...................................... EDDHA................. EDDHA Iron (Fe) Soluble in water.......................... 3,5 O-O ............... 4,8 O-O Chelated in orto-orto form.
PH stability interval in soils............................ 4-9........................ 4-9
CORGAL HIDROMIX Corgal HIDROMIX is a solid fertilizer for multiple deficiency corrector, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by different elements, for drip irration treatments.
Net Content Boron ( B ) Soluble in water...................................................... 0,7 Copper (Cu) Soluble in water..................................................0,30 Iron (Fe) Soluble in water .......................................................7,50 Manganese ( Mn ) Soluble in water.........................,............. 3,30 Molibdene ( Mo ) Soluble in water......................................... 0,20 Zinc ( Zn) Soluble in water..................................................... 0,60 Chelanting Agent: EDTA.
% % % % % %
w/w w/w w/w w/w w/w w/w
CORGAL MIX Corgal MIX is a liquid fertilizer for multiple deficiency corrector, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by different elements, for drip irration treatments.
Net Content Magnessium (MgO) Soluble in water............................................1,07 % Boron ( B ) Soluble in water......................................................... 0,89 % Iron (Fe) Soluble in water .............................................................0,87 % Manganese ( Mn ) Soluble in water................................,............. 0,86 % Zinc ( Zn) Soluble in water........................................................... 0,48 % Chelanting Agent: EDTA.
w/w w/w w/w w/w w/w
CORGAL MG-SUPREM Corgal MG-SUPREM is a deiciency corrector for magnesium (MgO) in “low” formulation , to combat and prevent the nutritional deficiencies caused by the lack of magnesium (MgO).
Net Content Magnesium (MgO) Soluble in water............................ 30,0 % w/w Chelanting agent: Polycarboxylic acids.
CORGAL DALKING Corgal DALKING is a zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) lack corrector, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by lack of zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn).
Net Content Zinc (Zn) Soluble in water.......................................... 20,0 % w/w Manganese (Mn) soluble in water.............................. 10,0 % w/w Chelating agent: EDTA
CORGAL CA-SUPREM FLOW Corgal CA-SUPREM FLOW is a calcium corrector in “ flow” formulation, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by calcium deiciencies (Ca).
Net Content Calcium (CaO) Soluble in water.................................. 17,0 % w/v Chelating agent · EDTA
Micronutrition CORGAL CA FLOW Corgal CA is a calcium corrector in “flow” formulation, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by calcium deiciencies (Ca).
Net Content Calcium (Ca) Soluble in water..................................... 14,0 % w/v Chelating agent: EDTA
CORGAL MG FLOW Corgal MG FLOW is a corrector of magnesium (Mg) in “flow” formulation, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by the lack of magnesium (Mg).
Net Content Magnesium (Mg).........................................................15,0 % w/v Chelating agent: EDTA
CORGAL CU FLOW Corgal CU is a corrector of copper (Cu) in “flow” formulation, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by the lack of copper (Cu).
Net Content Copper (Cu).............................................................. 14,0 % w/v Chelating agent: EDTA
CORGAL FE FLOW Corgal FE is a corrector of iron (Fe) in “flow” form, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by the lack of iron (Fe).
Net Content Iron (Fe)................................................................... 13,0 % w/v Chelating agent: EDTA
CORGAL ZN FLOW Corgal ZN FLOW is a corrector of zinc (Zn) in “flow” formulation, to combat and prevent nutritional deiciencies caused by the lack of Zinc (Zn).
Net Content Zinc (Zn)..................................................................... 15,0 % w/v Chelating agent: EDTA
Recommended Doses Glugal - Range Product
Fruit trees
Glugal Ca
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Mg
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Fe
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Mn
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Zn
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Citrus/Citrus Plus
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha
Glucal Ponic
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal k-20
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Hierro-k
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Hierro AA
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Glugal Mo
150-200 cc/Hl
200-250 cc/Hl
1-3 L/Ha.
Fruit trees
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
250 gr/Hl
300 gr/Hl
2-3 Kg/Ha.
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
150-200 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
1,5-3 L/Ha.
200-300 cc/Hl
200-500 cc/Hl
2-5 L/Ha.
Corgal - Range
30-60 gr/tree
2-4 Kg/Ha
2-4 Kg/Ha
2-4 Kg/Ha
200-300 cc/Hl
250-400 cc/Hl
2-4 L/Ha.
100-150 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-4 L/Ha.
100-200 gr/Hl
150-250 gr/Hl
3-5 Kg/Ha.
200-300 cc/Hl
250-400 cc/Hl
2-4 L/Ha.
200-300 cc/Hl
250-400 cc/Hl
2-4 L/Ha.
100-150 cc/Hl
200-300 cc/Hl
2-4 L/Ha.
25-60 cc/Hl
50-100 cc/Hl
0,5-1,5 L/Ha.
10-25 cc/Hl
30-75 cc/Hl
0,5-1,5 L/Ha.
100-150 cc/Hl
100-150 cc/Hl
3-5 L/Ha.
1-5 Kg/Ha Application
N-P-K FERTILIZER GEL GELESTIM GELESTIM includes fertilizer formulas N -P- K + T.E, in gel form. The purity, solubility and stability is perfectly balanced to achieve the desired results. the variety of formulations allows us to go to concentration more suitable for each phenological moment in which it is found the crop. Formulations that by their composition are designed for use by foliar applications.
GELESTIM 30 - 10 - 10 + TE
GELESTIM 10 - 40 - 10 + TE
GELESTIM 10 - 10 - 40 + TE
GELESTIM 20 - 20 - 20 + TE
GELESTIM 22 - 06 - 12 + TE
Composition expressed in w/v. All formulations include trace elements chelated by EDTA. Density ................. 10,30- 1.50* (Depends on the formula). pH ......................... 2-7* ( Depends on the formula). Color ..................... Yellow, Green, Red o Blue *(Depends on the formula) ** N-P-K concentrations can be adapted to customer needs, adding some elements as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, aminoacids o seaweed extract.
RECOMMENDED DOSES In foliar application the dose oscillates between 250-800 cc/Hl depending on the crop and the time of application.
TERRAGEL TERRAGEL fertilizer formulas N -P- K + T.E, in gel form. The purity, solubility and stability es perfectly balanced to achieve the desired results. The variety of formulations allows us to go to concentration more suitable for each phenological moment in which it´s found the crop. Formulations that by their composition and acid PH, are designed for use in Fertirrigation.
TERRAGEL - Range TERRAGEL 20 - 06 - 06 + TE
TERRAGEL 15 - 06 - 30 + TE
TERRAGEL 20 - 20 - 20 + TE
TERRAGEL 11 - 00 - 46 + TE
TERRAGEL 13 - 40 - 13 + TE
TERRAGEL SK-40 ECO Compositions expressed in w/v. All formulations include trace elements chelated by EDTA. Density.................. 1.35- 1.50* (Depends on the rmula). pH ......................... 2-7*(Depends on the rmula). Color ..................... Yellow, Green, Red o Blue *(Depending on the formula) ** N-P-K concentrations can be adapted to the needs of the customer, adding some elements as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, aminoacids o seaweed extract.
Recommended Doses In fertirigation add to the stock solution of 10 a 15 Kg/Hl with a concentration in the irrigation water of 0,5 a 2,0 gr per liter of water.
POTASSIUM FERTILIZERS POTASSIUM FERTILIZERS Potassium Fertilizers, is a range of prodcuts intended to improved the organoleptic conditions of fruits, increasing size, color and sugar content of the same.
Potassiu (K2O)
Nitrogen (N)
Other Complements
Foligal LK-50 Gel
46,2 % w/v
4,2 % w/v
Chelating agent EDTA
Foligal LK-50
50,0 % w/v
3,0 % w/v
Chelating agent EDTA
Corgal K40
40,0 % w/v
Corgal Sulfo K-40
40,0 % w/v
37,5 % w/v
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 36,8 % w/v
Chelanting agent; Citric acid
Recommended Doses Potassium Fertilizers Product
Fruits trees
Foligal LK-50 Gel
200-300 cc/Hl
250-500 cc/Hl
1,5-2,5 L/Ha.
2-5 L/Ha.
Foligal LK-50
200-300 cc/Hl
250-500 cc/Hl
1,5-2,5 L/Ha.
2-5 L/Ha.
Corgal K40
200-300 cc/Hl
250-500 cc/Hl
1,5-2,5 L/Ha.
2-5 L/Ha
Corgal Sulfo K-40
200-300 cc/Hl
250-500 cc/Hl
1,5-2,5 L/Ha.
2-5 L/Ha.
200-300 cc/Hl
250-500 cc/Hl
1,5-2,5 L/Ha.
2-5 L/Ha.
CRYSTALLYNE N-P-K SOLUGAL SOLUGAL N-P-K SOLUGAL, is a range of crystalline N-P-K fertilizers, including in their formulation macro and micro-nutrients, to incorporate in the fertigation systems.
Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorus (P2O5)
Potassium (K2O)
20,0 %
6,0 %
6,0 %
(B) (Zn) (Mn) (Mo)
15,0 %
5,0 %
30,0 %
(B) (Zn) (Mn) (Mo)
20,0 %
20,0 %
20,0 %
(B) (Zn) (Mn) (Mo)
13,0 %
40,0 %
13,0 %
(B) (Zn) (Mn) (Mo)
11,0 %
0,0 %
46,0 %
(B) (Zn) (Mn) (Mo)
All formulations include trace elements chelated by EDTA. **The formulations can be adapted to the needs of the client, adding some elements such as calcium (CaO), Magnesium (MgO), Sulfur (SO3), aminoacids o Seaweed extracts.
PH CORRECTORS PH CORRECTORS PH CORRECTORS RANGE has been developed to regulate pH levels of water used in treatments or in irrigation systems, to increase the effectiveness treatments.
Acid Net Product destined to the cleaning of irrigation pipes and equipment of fertirigation Net Content Nitrogen ( N ).............................................................. 15,0 % w/w Sulfur ( SO3 )............................................................... 40,0 % w/w
Neutro Product intended to correct the PH of the application mixtures. Net Content Phosphorus ( P2O5 ).................................................... 40,0 % w/v
Recommended Doses Producto Acid Net Neutro
200-300 cc/m3 of water 70-120 cc/Hl 25
SPECIAL RANGES SPECIAL RANGES Special Ranges of products that have both nutritional function, as prevention of different physiopathies. It covers different active substances, both organic and inorganic, and has within it, with authorized products for use in organic or ecological agriculture.
EFICAZ Eficaz is a systemic copper solution that acts on the hormonal system of the treated plants, favoring the production of substances called PHYTOALEXINS that enhance the natural defense system of plants against endoparasites.
Net Content Copper (Cu)................................................................. 8,0 % w/v Chelating agent: Gluconic acid.
OXICOBRE 50 WP BLUE/GREEN Oxicobre 50 WP is a cooper oxychloride, presented in solid form for foliar spraying. It´s characterized by its high adhesion and high resistence to washing, as well as its high concentration in copper metal. It´s effective in preventive control of many diseases, caused by endopathogenic fungi and some bacterium.
Net Content Cooper oxychloride (Cu)......................................... 50,0 % w/w
OXICOBRE 70 PLUS Oxicobre 70 PLUS is a copper oxychloride, Presented as a suspension concentrate for foliar spraying. It´s characterized by its high adhesion and high resistance to washing, as well as its high concentration in cooper metal. It´s effective in the preventive control of many diseases, caused by endopathogenic fungi and bacteria.
Net Content Cooper oxychloride (Cu)......................................... 70,0 % w/v
OXICOBRE 70 SUPER AZUL Oxicobre 70 SUPER AZUL is a copper oxychloride, presented as a cocentrated suspension for foliar spraying. It´s characterized by its high adhesion and high resistance to washing and it´s intense and persistent blue coloration. It´s effective in the preventive control of many diseases, produced by endopathogenic fungi and bacteria.
Net Content Copper (Cu).............................................................. 38,0 % w/v Cooper oxychloride................................................. 70,0 % w/v
OXICOBRE 620 FLOW Oxicobre 620 Flow is a combination of cuprocalcium sulphate and cooper oxychloride, presented as a concentrated suspension for foliar spraying. It´s content in cuprocalcium sulfate, ensures the superior ixation ofthe product, providing a good residual effect. Copper oxychloride allows obtaining an inmediate effect by the regulated liberation of the cupric ions acting about the cryptogam.
Net Content Copper (Cu)...............................................................24,0 % w/v Cuprocalcium sulphate.............................................37,0 % w/v Copper oxychloride..................................................25,0 % w/v
CALDO BORDELÉS FLOW Caldo Bordelés Flow is a cuprocalcium sulphate, presented as a suspension concentrated for foliar spraying. The fact that copper is present in the form of sulfate and the diameter of 80% of it´s particles of less than 1 micron, reduces the dose to be applied. It´s characterized by adhesion and high strength to the washing. It´s effective in the preventive control of many diseases, produced by endopathogenic fungi an bacteria.
Net Content Copper (Cu).............................................................. 20,0 % w/v Cuprocalcium sulphate............................................. 80,0 % w/v
SPECIAL RANGES SILIGAL K Siligal K is a source of Silicon and Potassium. Intervenes in the formation and production of grains. Improve the conditions of fruits in post-harvest. Increase Brix degrees in sugar cane and acts against the effects of ultraviolet radiation, prevents sterility in cereals. Intervenes in improving the structure of cell walls by improving resistance to pathogens.
Net Content Silicon oxide ( SiO2 )............................................... 30,0 % w/w Potassium oxide ( K2O ).......................................... 10,0 % w/w
SILICAL Silical is a product with high content of silicon (Si), calcium (Ca) and fulvic acids that imporves the quality of the fruits by contributing elements and facilitating the absorption and translocation of calcium.
Net Content Silicon oxide ( SiO2 )................................................... 9,0 % w/v Calcium oxide ( CaO )................................................ 8,5 % w/v Fulvic acids...............................................................18,0 % w/v
CITROGAL Citrogal is a deiciency corrector of Zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn) with adjuvant properties and as a complement to phytosanitary treatments.
Net Content **(Sweet orange extract).......................................... 23,0 % w/v Zinc (Zn) Soluble in water...........................................2,3 % w/v Manganese (Mn) Soluble in water............................. 1,1 % w/v
SUGARGAL Sugargal is a stimulating effect on the fruit so that it improves its uniformity, size ,color, consistency and content in sugars.
Net Content Total Nitrogen........................................................... 3,0 % w/w Potassium oxide ( K2O )............................................ 5,0 % w/w Calcium oxide ( CaO ).............................................. 5,0 % w/w Magnesium oxide ( MgO )...................................... 2,0 % w/w **( Polysaccharides )...............................................25,0 % w/w **( Uronic acid )........................................................ 2,0 % w/w Heptagluconic acid complexing agent. **(Component used only in exports)
PUZZLE** Puzzle** is a bio fungicide made from tree extract of te. It´s indicated in the control of differents diseases caused by the attack of the fungi as:”Oidio”,”Botrytis” o ”Sigatoka Negra” Can be used in organic agriculture according to the regulation (EC) Nº 834/2007”
Net Content Melaleuca Alternifollia extract................................... 23,0 % w/v Vegetable oils............................................................ 77,0 % w/v
NEMAGAL** Nemagal** is a root stimulant with a “ nematicidal effect” acting against eggs, larvae and adults. It´s of organic, microbial, microbotanic and nematostatic nature. Nemagal is a non-toxic, non-polluting biodegradable natural product.
Net Content Plant extract (Graminea sp.)...................................... 70,0 % w/v Phosphorus (P2O5)....................................................... 8,0 % w/v (Soluble in water and neutral potassium citrate).
Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water....................... 2,0 % w/v L-aminoácids............................................................... 2,0 % w/v Organic Matter........................................................... 18,0 % w/v
PROTECFILM Protecfilm is a protector of harmful effects that in crops can have excessively high temperatures and do damage in the form of sunburn, creating on the plant a protective white layer and relective.
Net Content Calcium oxide (CaO)...............................................55,30 % w/w Magnessium oxide (MgO).........................................0,15 % w/w
GALTRAP** Galtrap** is a hydrolyzed protein, attracting the mediterranean fly (Ceratitis capitata). It´s indicated for the preparation of traps for the massive capture of the adults.
Net Content Hydrolyzed protein................................................... 95,0 % w/v Additives.................................................................... 5,0 % w/v
ATRADIP** Atradip** is a hydrolyzed protein, attracting the mediterranean fly (Ceratitis capitata). It´s indicated for both terrestrial and airborne tratments in “ patching”.
Net Content Hydrolyzed protein................................................... 36,0 % w/v
RADIKAL PHOSPHITES** Radikal Phosphites have the particularity that phosphorus is presented as “ phosphite ion” which gives the product a reasonable fungistatic activity. The phosphite ion stimulates the growth of the culture and the segregation of natural substances called “ Phytoalexins”, that exert a natural action for the defense of parasitic fungi such as “ Phytophthora sp”. Product
Radikal -L 30 - 20
30.0 % w/w
20,0 % w/w
Radikal -S 95 Radikal Ca Radikal Cu
52.0 % w/w 20,0 % w/w 25.0 % w/w
42.0 % w/w ---
-(CaO) 10% w/w (Cu) 5,0 % w/w
Recommended Doses For the dosage of special products put in contact with the technical equipment of Fitogal. **Tradable products for export only.
FITOGAL, S.L. Avda. Valencia, 8 46870 · ONTINYENT · (VALENCIA) Telef : +34 962 383 332