Being fit in pregnancy Deborah Hazeldean explains why midwives need to encourage women to access fitness information during pregnancy
SUMMARY: There is a substantial body of evidence to suggest that exercise during pregnancy is not only safe but beneficial, yet many women remain unsure about what exercise is appropriate or indeed whether it is safe to exercise at all, opting instead for inactivity. The purpose of this article is to explore the benefits of maintaining or improving fitness during pregnancy. It explores some of the more appropriate and accessible exercise options to help encourage women to achieve the recommended level of 30 minutes of physical activity a day (National Institute of Health and Care excellence (NICE) 2010). The article also recognises the need for accessible information regarding exercise and highlights some of the resources that pregnant women might find useful. Keywords Prenatal exercise, safe exercise during pregnancy, exercise Author Deborah Hazeldean, co-founder of a company which provides resources for women regarding exercise and wellbeing in pregnancy
However, the message does not appear to be
It is widely accepted that regular exercise has a
reaching a lot of women. There seems to be
positive impact on overall health; but only 28.5
confusion not just about what type of exercise
per cent of adult women in the UK report being
is safe to continue, but whether it is safe to
active at a level that will benefit their health
exercise at all. In the face of mixed messages
(British Heart Foundation (BHF) 2012). The
regarding the safety of different activities and
picture for pregnant women is equally bleak,
any potential risk to mother and fetus, it
despite recommendations that ‘all women
appears that many women err on the side of
should be encouraged to participate in aerobic
caution and opt for inactivity.
and strength-conditioning exercise as part of a
There seems to be confusion not just about what type of exercise is safe to continue but whether it is safe to exercise at all
healthy lifestyle during pregnancy’ (Royal
Benefits of exercise in pregnancy
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Maintaining fitness during pregnancy helps the
(RCOG) 2006a: 1). The RCOG also states that: ‘A
mother both physically and psychologically. It
review of the evidence suggests that, in most
can alleviate discomfort as well as preparing
cases, exercise is safe for both mother and
the mother physically for labour and promoting
fetus during pregnancy’ (RCOG 2006a: 6). The
a speedier postpartum recovery. Regular
American Congress of Obstetricians and
exercise can help to reduce many common
Gynecologists (ACOG) supports this view,
complaints such as lower back pain, tiredness,
saying: ‘Pregnant women should be encouraged
varicose veins and swelling of feet and ankles.
to engage in regular, moderate-intensity
Blood flow can be improved; a stronger heart
physical activity to continue to derive the same
will improve circulation; and increased supplies
associated health benefits during their
of oxygen result in the feeling of enhanced
pregnancies as they did prior to pregnancy’
energy levels.
(ACOG 2002: 1).
The Practising Midwife | February 2014
The RCOG states: ‘Recreational exercise