14th June 2010

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Nursery Class Assembly This week it was the turn of our smallest children to present their assembly. They shared with a very appreciative audience of parents, Early Years and Key Stage 1 children their recent study on animals. There was a competition where the children acted and danced as the different animals the music was supposed to represent. The audience had to guess which animal the music was composed for. It was a lovely 20 minutes of activity led by Miss Meg our Nursery teacher and enjoyed by all who watched. Congratulations to everyone who took part.

Monday, June 14th 2010

On Thursday for the first time we had St Andrews international School STAR Factor. High School students had been practicing for this competition during this term. It was open to everyone but a high standard of music and performance was expected. The three groups of High Students who performed did not disappoint with some excellent performances from each of them. The judges had a very hard job separating the final winner, which was Irene and Mint performing ‘Hello�. Congratulations to them - it was a great performance. This was a great event and will be added to the school calendar and so become another tradition that will each year challenge our young people to get involved and perform.

Music Concerts This last week had two musical events on Wednesday and Thursday. First was a beginner’s concert by Year 3 and Year 6 children. These children have been playing their violins, cellos and trumpets for just one year. There was a full audience of parents and friends. Each of the classes had prepared well and achieved a high standard in the music they played. There were eight different individuals playing solos during the concert and these young performers did incredibly well in front of the large audience.

School Examinations The final examinations being sat by Year 11 students continued all week with the different subject courses students had taken. th These will finish on Thursday 17 June, Year 11 students finally being able to relax for a few weeks. There results will not be sent to school until the end of August. The rest of High School was abuzz with students revising for their end of year exams. In the coming weeks there will be lots of feedback about how everyone performed which will lead to reports being sent home at the end of term.

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Important Calendar Dates

The World Scholars Competition There will be 27 of our top Key Stage 3-5 students representing our school at this prestigious academic event. This is the first time our school has been invited and involved in this type of competition and I know everyone going is very excited about the challenges they will face over their time in Shanghai. There is lots more about this in the High School section of the Newsletter.

FOBISSEA Games Competition November 2010 Now our school is a member of the prestigious Federation of British International Schools of South East Asia ( FOBISSEA) our sports teams will have the fantastic opportunity to go and compete in their international competitions against other International School from South East Asia. The first one of these opportunities will be the FOBISSEA Games held in Vietnam in November 2010. These Games are held from 26-28th November and involve students in Yrs9 and 10 (currently Yrs 8 and 9). Our PE teachers must select students to form girls and boys teams that will participate in swimming, athletics, football and basketball, which run consecutively over the 3 days of competition. Our top 20 athletes will be selected to join this first St Andrews International School Sports team to represent us at this excellent FOBISSEA sports tournament. More in the PE section.

The next three weeks There are some fantastic events to take place before the end of term with the Primary School art exhibition on Tuesday 22nd June. The final school music concert will be on Wednesday 23rd June. This is followed by the Traditional House Dance Competition on Friday 25th June and House Music Competition on Thursday 1st July. There are several other House competitions happening before these two important events nd which will lead up to the final school assembly on Friday 2 July, 8.30am in the gym where we will announce the House Champion for this academic year. Paul Schofield Head of School

Tues 15th June

Swim meet v BKK Prep, 3.00pm

Wed. 16th June

Nursery Trip to Thonglor Pet Hospital

Thurs. 17th – 21st June

High School students to go to the World Scholar’s Cup, Shanghai

Tues 22nd June

Primary House Swimming Gala

Mon-Thurs 21-24th

House Basketball

***************************************** PTG News Dear Parents, I hope everyone is not getting too busy with all the end of year functions. I would just like to remind you about donating books to the Library. There are four boxes for each house inside the library. If you or your children have any books you no longer want you can donate them to the library by placing your books in the box provided for your house. After a certain period these boxes will be emptied by the librarian. The Librarian will be responsible for checking the condition of the books and then counting the books to determine how many points each house receives. Any adults books received will be placed in the PTG room for parents to have access to. Any unsuitable books will be given to charity. I would like to thank Operation Smile for attending our coffee morning last week. We hope you have an enjoyable week. Thanks Your PTG committee

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Dusit News The Dusit Campus reopens this week. Our St Andrews International School at Sukhumvit Soi 71 is a centre of excellence for education of Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. This high level of expertise will be at the heart of our new Dusit Campus and have the full range of all the support services and programmes we offer especially in Learning support, EAL and languages. If you have friends who live close to this area of the city and they are interested in an international education for their children the Dusit Campus would be a fantastic place to start. From August we will have classes from Nursery through to Year 2

Dusit News

Nursery Teacher Miss Catriona The Dusit Campus This last saturday was very exciting at our new campus. Families were invited from Sukhumvit 71 who have children in Early Years or Key Stage 1 to come for a fun open morning. They were joined by 15 other families with children of similar ages who want to have their children at our new campus in August. Our teachers Mr Alistair, Miss Lisa, Miss Jana, Miss Zandra Miss Catronia and Khun Dao set up lots of challenging fun activities for everyone to enjoy. Parents enjoyed watching their children getting involved with their old and new friends in the challenges set by our teachers. There were refreshments and the opportunity to look round the new campus so they could see and appreciate its potential in the coming months to become a centre of excellence for Early childhood education.

This campus is located close to the junction of Sawankhaloke Road and Rachawithi Road near the Victory monument. There is a map showing the exact location of the new campus on our web site www.standrews.ac.th. If you have the time and would like to visit our new site please contact Adeline:- 02 668 6231. Email: dusitcampus@standrews.ac.th

It was great to see the wonderful news facilities being used and enjoyed by these first children. A special thank you to the teachers, assistants and administration for organizing this event.

Do you like Cakes or any other kind of yummy stuff? House Teams of Key Stage Two Students will be running a ‘bake sale’ at morning break on FRIDAY THE 18th OF JUNE. There will be four stalls and the money raised will go to each house charity. The winner will be the house that raises the most for each good cause. The thing is we need the actual cakes! (cookies, donuts etc) So please, please can as many key stage two children as possible bring in something to sell on FRIDAY THE 18TH OF JUNE! Team Members will be waiting in the canteen before school to receive them! THERE WILL BE A TABLE SET UP FOR EACH HOUSE! Let’s see which house can raise the most! All are welcome! Any parents who would like to help please let me know! Many Thanks From Mr. Ewen, the Student Council and the House Teams!


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Art Exhibition

Homework database Thank you to all the parents who came to the homework database meeting last Friday. I hope the instructions given out were clear and that your child’s information is correct on the database. If you have any problems please contact Miss Melissa. The teachers will attach homework this week. But remember we will also continue sending out paper copies too. The newsletter and the meeting both emphasized that we are currently practicing using the database, normal homework procedures will continue. Friday also had the Nursery assembly in the shared area. Thank you to all the parents who came to watch and to the children for their brave performing in front of EY and KS1.

Transition meeting We have another parent meeting on Wednesday for those parents of children going from Reception into Y1 and Y1 into Y2. TH letter went out last week, if you intend to come please return the lsip to your class teachers.

House T-shirts Next Friday will be a busy day too as we will all be wearing our house T-shirts again and the EY and KS1 will be having their splash day.

Splash day The Nursery and KG will start off having their water fun in the small pool and the sand pit area at 9:00. 9:30-10:30 Reception will be racing in the big pool. 10:30- 11:30: Y1 will take Reception’s place at the big pool. And last but by no means least Y2 will have their swim fun from 1:00-2:00. We hope you can come and support your child during their splash day session.

Miss Charlotte has been busy organizing the art exhibition and she says thank you so much for all the entries for the House poster competition for the Art Exhibition. In Early Years Kuzuma in Reception Lions and for KS1 Sithi in Year2O won three house points each for being the best entrants in their groups. The winning posters are attached. Don't forget to join us for the exhibition on Tuesday 22nd June. The exhibition starts in the Drama Studio where refreshments will be provided in the Drama Studio. The school will be open from 3.00pm until 5.00pm for parents and visitors to look at the exhibition. We hope to see you there!

Academic 2010/ 2011 There are lots of changes afoot in EY and KS1 next year. Sadly we say goodbye to Miss Lisa, Mr Alistair and Ms Zandra. They are all off to the new Dusit campus and will be much missed on Sukhumvit 71! We are welcoming Miss Emma to Reception and Mrs Catriona into KG. Miss Emma is coming to us from Vietnam where she used to work with Ms Catriona. Ms Catriona has been settling into Bangkok life for a while now as she has been working at the Dusit campus. There has recently been lots of interest in our school and as a result, next year will see 3 Y1 and Y2 classes. This means we are adding to our teams. Y2 will have Mrs Claire, Mr Russel and Ms Jane. Mr Russel comes to us from Shanghai and Ms Jane from Vietnam. Y1 will have Ms Zoe and Ms Sarah working together, Mr Scott and Miss Sarah. This week a letter will go out with the class lists and next Monday the children will move to their new classes for the morning. Ms. Zoe

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House Dance Competition

As you walk through the corridors of the KS2 building you get a sense of preparations being made for exciting things to come. Gearing up towards the end of the year always creates a buzz in schools and this year is no different.

The Carnegie Awards This term we have been running a special club for a small group of avid readers in Key Stages 2 & 3! It is called the Carnegie Club.

The House Dance Competition auditions were held last week. Dreams came true for some happy groups and individuals who th will be performing in the competition on Friday 25 June. There were some disappointments but many have promised to have another go next year.

Early Years and Primary Art Exhibition Friday’s assembly was an opportunity for the children to show their wonderful artwork, created during art week. The exhibition will be on nd Tuesday 22 June. It will start in the Drama Studio where there will be refreshments, a short film showing the children working, and examples of work from Nursery to Year 6. The school will open from 3.00pm until 5.00pm when you will be able to have a look at the rest of the work exhibited around school.

Year 4 Assembly: Africa, Friday 18th June Year 4 will be performing their Africa assembly on Friday. Please come along to see all the wonderful things they have been learning about this term. Every year in the UK, librarians get together to run a competition called the Carnegie Award. The aim is to choose the best literature for children and young people. Our group has been shadowing the award this year. We are busy reading all of the eight books on the shortlist and making our own decisions about which book should be the winner. Soon the winner will be announced. I wonder if we will agree with the judge’s choices? Why don’t you read our blog and some of our reviews on the Carnegie website? It might give you some ideas for holiday reading!

Miss Laura’s Literacy Group Miss Laura’s Literacy groups are very busy. Year 4 will be starting a unit focusing on African Stories and writing character profiles. Year 5 will be writing non-chronological reports about Thailand.

Art Exhibition Poster Competition Competition was fierce in the house competition to design a poster the art exhibition. Hayoung 3G, Julius 3S, Naomi 3S, KK 5M and Leslie 5M all received 3 House points as runners up. Joe in 5M received 10 points as the overall winner. All other entrants will get 1 house point.

Go to www.carnegiegreenaway.org.uk and follow the link to the shadowing site. Click on the reading group link at the top of the page and find us under ‘S’! The main site will also give suggestions for books for younger children in the Kate Greenaway section. Happy Reading Miss Diane, Mr Ben and the Carnegie Club

Miss Charlotte Year 3 Teacher, Foundation Subjects Coordinator

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Year 12 The current Year 11 tutor groups will be reorganized into two Year 12 groups as many new students are joining the IB Diploma programme. Students will find out their tutor groups when they return to school for the induction programme in August. 12M Mr Matt 12S Ms Charlotte

Tutor Groups for next year The role of the form tutor is one of the most important in the High School and we are lucky to have a great team of teachers in these positions. While students can have up to 14 different teachers each week, it is the tutor who has an overview of the academic and pastoral experience of each child in their class and is able to monitor their progress and work with the students to set targets to improve and develop. Now the school is bigger, the tutor is also the first point of contact for parents who have questions or concerns about their child’s education.

Year 13 Year 13 students will stay with the same tutor and classmates as in Year 12. 13F Mr Fred 13O Mr Ollie

World Scholar’s Cup The St Andrew’s team is now well-prepared and ready for the challenges they will face as competitors in the World Scholar’s Cup in Shanghai from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th June.

In order to maintain and develop the relationship between teacher and student, tutors stay with their groups, wherever possible, as they move up the school. However, with staffing changes and new responsibilities for teachers, there are inevitably some changes each year. Below you will see the tutors for academic year 2010/2011.

Each year, World Scholar's Cup participants from around the world explore a different cutting-edge global theme. At tournaments they participate in four main events: team debate, a multiple choice challenge, persuasive writing, and a live-action quiz show, the Scholar's Bowl, in which teams race the clock to answer tough questions.

Year 7 6K and 6E will be split into 3 tutor groups in Year 7, as we have many new students joining next year. Parents will be informed which class their child will be in towards the end of next week. 7H Ms Hannah (new English teacher) 7P Mr Paul (Art and Design) 7R Mr Richard (new Science teacher)

Over the past few weeks, the 27 St Andrew’s High School students selected by their teachers have been studying: The Psychology of War; the Economics of Wealth and Poverty; Great Conflicts in Science; Art and Music of Separation and Difference; Literature: Divided Loyalties, Divided Worlds ; History: When the World Breaks. They will complete against 600 top students from over 30 countries and we all wish them the very best of luck.

Year 8 Year 8 students will stay with the same tutor as Year 7. 8J Mr Joe 8L Mrs Lynne 8S Mr Simon

You can read more about the World Scholar’s Cup on www.scholarscup.org.

Year 9 Year 9 tutor groups will be re-organised to ensure a balance of gender, ability and nationality. The tutor team will remain the same as this year. 9A Mrs Alison 9I Mr Iain 9J Ms Jo

Simon Lawrence

Year 10 and Year 11 The classes and tutor groups for Year 10 and Year 11 will remain the same as this year: 10B Mr Ben 11D Mr Derek 10J Mr John 11J Mrs Jane 10M Mr Mick

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Physical Education

TISAC Swimming

U15 FOBISSEA Games, Vietnam

Congratulations to the STA U9 & U11 teams, who both came second at TISAC. Individual race winners for the Primary TISAC Swim Competition were:

We will be sending letters home today to some of our experienced, talented athletes in Years 8 and 9 regarding the forthcoming FOBISSEA U15 Games in Vietnam next year. This is an amazing opportunity to play sport in a new setting and experience a different culture. There are 4 sports over 3 days in which we will participate. There will be a gala dinner to close the event and a little time on arrival and before departure to enjoy something of Ho Chi Minh city.

U9 Girls Medley U9 Boys Medley U11 Girls Medley U11 Girls Backstroke U9 Girls Butterfly U9 Boys Relay

- Pim - Max - Earn - Namkhing - Pim - Monty, Max, Jett, Pietro

Although we have run football and basketball tours to Hong Kong and Phuket, this will be our first FOBISSEA tournament, and we can’t wait!


@ ABC International School, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 25-29th November 2010

An exciting opportunity to participate in an international sporting competition for some of STAs finest athletes in Y8 and Y9

Keep an eye on these swimmers as they are the future champions of STA swim squad!

STA Battle o f the Sexes Also well done to the STA Swim Squad GIRLS for winning the Term 3 BATTLE OF THE SEXES!

Swimming, Athletics, Football,Basketball

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Dear Yao house members, Remember YAO, we are still collecting stationary for the children who live and learn at the Mercy Centre, in Klong Toey. Thank you to all those Yao house members who have already donated something. Remember I want EVERYONE in Yao House to donate!!! We have been asked to collect:

A4 paper, pencils, pens, colored pencils, crayons, clay, and rubbers. If EVERYONE + in Yao house donated something, we would have an excellent collection. Items can be sent to my room (R31 in the Primary building, Floor 3) Please help, Thank you for your continued support, Mr. Steve


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