7th June 2010

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Monday, June 7th 2010

Pinocchio was a small wooden puppet who was turned into a real boy by the blue fairy, acted out through children narrating a puppet show with the toy puppets they had made. The assembly finished with dancing clockwork toy soldiers and fairies controlling their movements. A great assembly - thank you to Year 1.

Graduation: Congratulations to the Class of 2010 The Graduating Class of 2010 is a group of 18 students who have taken some International Baccalaureate courses and many of which have taken the full Diploma. These young adults sat the first set of International Baccalaureate examinations in our school and so have been the lead group in the development of our Senior Studies programme and Graduation pathway for future classes of young people who will graduate and follow them into the wider world of university and work. This year marks the completion of a process we started four years ago with form filling and reports about the school. This led to two years of preparation and staff training before an inspection visit to authorize our school to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme. This programme was then taught and studied by the Class of 2010 for the last two years. Congratulations to all of them for completing this challenging programme. At the Graduation Ceremony it was lovely to meet with their families and celebrate the graduation of their sons and daughters, many of whom have been with St Andrews for many years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate each of the members of the graduating class and wish everyone in this special group - the Class of 2010 the very best of luck in all the future challenges they will take on in their adult lives. I know from how they have developed as they have grown up in our school they all have the necessary skills to make a tremendous impact in whatever they choose to do as their next step.

There were many super stars and birthdays to celebrate as there had not been a primary assembly for many weeks. There were then some very special certificate presentations to all the children who had taken part and had the highest scores in the World Maths Competition. The last one was an amazing accomplishment th by Nidish in Year 4. He was 37 in the whole world and the picture shows him proudly getting his certificate from Mr Geoff. Well done Nidish

A Crazy Little Thing called Love This was a fantastic performance High School performance. It was both funny and thought provoking about issues that all children and parents are aware of and have to deal with. In Term 1 there was an extra-curricular activity where four high Students, Natcha, Malaika, Angana and Vashini joined Mr. Neil to thrash out a story that would be both entertaining and challenging for the drama group to perform. Mr. Neil, working with the students’ ideas, wrote the script and the performers then added their own touches to give a very special edge to the performances we saw last week. Thank you to all the students who have worked so hard over the last three terms to create the special atmosphere throughout their performances and I know all performers would like me to thank Mr. Neil, Miss Shelley and Miss Jo, and the music and technical assistance of Mr. John and Mr. Matt.

Year 1 Class Assembly After several weeks of waiting year 1 parents and the Primary school was treated to the Year 1 Toys assembly. There was some great singing and great work presented on powerpoints.

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Important Calendar Dates

Example This was a Year 10 IGCSE Drama Group presentation of an extract from a very serious play about the hanging of a young British man following the murder of a police officer in Britain. Everyone was in role for the whole of the 35 minute presentation, creating an emotional atmosphere as the scene moved towards the death of this young man. These young actors showed great presence and held their audience captive for the full time clearly presenting the issues which tried to get this young man a reprieve. Thank you to everyone involved in a great piece of work. It has been a great week with some powerful presentations of the hard work that has gone on over the last weeks and months at school.

Extending Learning for the rest of this academic term We have been reviewing ways to maximize the learning time nd between now and the end of term Friday 2 July. Traditionally at the end of a school year there are opportunities for children to say goodbye to their teachers and friends who may be leaving not just for the holidays but to move to a new country. This last week is full of day trips and more fun activities which although important do not extend the curriculum being taught at this time. This year there will be no day trips during this last week and a very small amount of curriculum time given over to social activities. Teachers will be working on the core nd curriculum throughout this week up until Friday 2 July. I trust our parents will not choose to leave early for their holidays as so often happens over the last three weeks of this term. In this way more time will be directed to ensure that all curriculum targets for each year group are taught and consolidated.

Tues 8th June

TISAC Primary Swim meet 9.00am Battle of the Sexes swim meet 3.00pm

Tues 15th June

Swim meet v BKK Prep, 3.00pm

Wed. 16th June

Nursery Trip to Thonglor Pet Hospital

Thurs. 17th – 21st June

High School students to go to the World Scholar’s Cup, Shanghai

Tues 22nd June

Primary House Swimming Gala

***************************************** PTG News Dear Parents, Did you receive your emergency contact SMS from school at nd 1.30 pm on Wednesday, 2 June? Now if you didn’t receive the SMS, please contact the office and ensure your mobile number is correct. This is very important, because this system will not work if your details are incorrect. PTG Coffee Morning th

School Examinations This week we have examination week in High School and Year 6. I wish everyone taking these exams the best of luck and am sure the hard work they have put in over this last academic year and the revision they have done over the last few weeks will really help them through this stressful week.

Paul Schofield Head of School

Our next coffee morning will be held on Tuesday, 8 June, 2010 at 8.30 am. The speaker shall be Operation Smile. We look forward to seeing you there. PTG Meeting th

Our next PTG meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9 June, 2010 at 8.30 am in the Admin Office. All Parents are welcome to attend. We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable week. Thanks, Your PTG Committee

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Dusit News

The Dusit Campus reopens this week. Our St Andrews International School at Sukhumvit Soi 71 is a centre of excellence for education of Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. This high level of expertise will be at the heart of our new Dusit Campus and have the full range of all the support services and programmes we offer especially in Learning support, EAL and languages. If you have friends who live close to this area of the city and they are interested in an international education for their children the Dusit Campus would be a fantastic place to start. From August we will have classes from Nursery through to Year 2

This campus is located close to the junction of Sawankhaloke Road and Rachawithi Road near the Victory monument. There is a map showing the exact location of the new campus on our web site www.standrews.ac.th. If you have the time and would like to visit our new site please contact Adeline:- 02 668 6231. Email: dusitcampus@standrews.ac.th

Dusit News

Nursery Teacher Miss Catriona

To promote our knowledge and understanding we are starting a nursery garden. This week we have been planting sunflowers, mint and sweet basil. Getting our hands dirty was a difficult one but now our sunflowers are already 10cms tall. We swim every day and are becoming more independent and water confident. Trillian and Mapraow are developing a good, strong kick and can already ‘swim’ a width of the big pool.

To develop our physical skills further we have been learning how to balance. This is an activity that needs a lending hand initially but soon our young learners develop the confidence to traverse the stepping stones independently. Our ‘blue week’ has come to an end. Creative activities this week included blue ice cubes in the water, blue rice in the tuff tray, blue play dough, printing with bubble wrap, hand printing, gluing and sticking. This all makes for a very busy week when you are only two! Catriona

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     It was a long time coming but the Y1’s finally showed their assembly from last term. The children performed confidently and looked fantastic. Thank you to all the parents for coming and helping to practice ‘The Marvelous Toy’ song.

Click "My Study" Click "My Assignments" to see outstanding homework Click the assignment they wish to view In the "Assignment Info" section they can download the handouts (if they lost them) In the "My Work" section they will "Submit the assignment" after they have completed the task

Each phase will be putting work on the database next week, including Early Years who will be putting on the vocabulary and any reinforcement activities from their integrated session. In KS1 and 2 homework will also continue to be sent out in homework books or as sheets. At this point we are simply practicing using the database system. We are asking you to use the system so that we can identify and correct any issues that might arise. Also should we have to close again for any unforeseen circumstance you will all know how to find the additional school work. If you would like to be shown how to access this information th we will have a coffee morning meeting on Friday the 11 June at 8:30am. A letter will be sent out with an attendance slip attached. Thank you and have a great week, Ms. Zoe

Student homework database The school has created a comprehensive database which the all the staff are familiar with using. A section of this database includes homework. Teachers can download work onto the database which can be accessed by the children anywhere. The High School has been successfully using this system as well as Moodle for a couple of years already. During the school closure we realised that this system could be useful in EY and Primary. So in the last few weeks of school we will all be testing our technological skills. The teachers will upload their homework onto the database and parents please, with your children, try to access the database using the instructions below.  First go to www.standrews.ac.th/homework  Then log in using the students real first name as registered in the database, and the first two initials of their last name (For example: james.sa or pongsakorn.ru)  Leave the password section blank

Do you like Cakes or any other kind of yummy stuff? House Teams of Key Stage Two Students will be running a ‘bake sale’ at morning break on FRIDAY THE 18th OF JUNE. There will be four stalls and the money raised will go to each House charity. The winner will be the house that raises the most for each good cause. The thing is, we need the actual cakes! (cookies, donuts etc). So please, please can as many KS2 children as possible bring in something to sell on FRIDAY THE 18TH OF JUNE! Team Members will be waiting in the canteen before school to receive them! Let’s see which House can raise the most! All are welcome! Many Thanks From Mr. Ewen, the Student Council and the House Teams!

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Reception School Trip This term Reception have been learning all about dinosaurs. It has been a fantastic topic with the children really getting involved and learning lots of amazing facts about what dinosaurs ate, how big they were, and what fossils are. To continue our work on dinosaurs we went on a trip to Siam Park City to learn more about dinosaurs. First we visited ‘Dinotopia’ which was a pretend museum with lots of dinosaurs, bones and fossils inside. It was quite dark and scary but most of the children walked through and enjoyed the experience. Some of the boys even went in three times!

This week is a busy week as usual for KS 2 but especially for Year 6 who will be taking their SAT’s tests this week. I am sure it will be a week of hard work but after all the preparation Mr. Kris and Mr. Ewen have done, I am certain the children will do well. Many of the children have been busy rehearsing dance routines for the auditions to enter the House dance competition. The week of the auditions has arrived and Year 3 and 4’s is on Tuesday lunchtime whilst Year 5 and 6’s is on Wednesday lunchtime. Children should bring their music on a cd.

Our next stop was ‘Jurassic Adventure’ where we went in a jeep and traveled around the jungle searching for dinosaurs. We saw a Triceratops, Diplodocus and even a T-Rex!

Miss Diane in Year 3 tells me that her children have made Greek vases. The children designed the vases themselves and made them out of “modroc”. Having seen the vases myself I think were the ancient Greeks to come to Year 3, they would be very impressed with the results! I am sure the children are also looking forward to learning about the ancient Olympic Games as part of their Greek topic.

Year 4 are working very hard on play scripts in preparation for th their assembly on the 18 of June. th

Next Friday the 11 of June and each Friday after children should wear house t-shirts. th There will be a cake sale on the 18 of June and cakes will need to come in to school that morning. Another date to nd remember is the Art Exhibition on 22 of June. It was a wonderful day and by far the most enjoyable trip of the year. Gunster even said, ‘this is the bestest school trip I’ve ever been on!’

Mr. Alistair

Have a great week!

Mr. Lee Learning Support Coordinator

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This year’s World Maths Day was a huge success. There were lots of keen mathematicians getting involved in a variety of events across the school, as well as practising and taking part in the main event online.

“All The World’s A Stage”: Graduation 2010 th

A number of children put in a lot of hard work for the event and have proved themselves to be top mathematicians. 10 House points were allocated for high scores in the event and for answering the problem of the day each day. A further 10 points were given for being the top competitor in each key stage.

Saturday 5 June was one of the highlights of my 5 years at St Andrew’s and a very important and memorable milestone of the lives of the Class of 2010, their families and their teachers. As you will see from the pictures on this page, it was a very special occasion and, while tinged with sadness as we say goodbye to so many long-time members of the St Andrew’s community, it was a very proud moment for the 120 people who attended the event at the Millennium Hilton.

The top scorers are as follows: Classes Reception Tigers Reception Lions Year 1 Blue Year 1 Green Year 2 Orange Year 2 Yellow Y3C Y3D Y3G Y4L Y4S Y4W Y5A Y5M Y5S Y6E Y6K

Boy Gunster Nicky Sebastian Wen Wen Sithi Vasin Shnatepaporn Punn Ben Leon Posh Wishy Adam Jinyoung Billy Ake Samie Aaditya

Girl Poop Pup Julie Makoto Nymph Seo Young Mew Iffat Beauty Kunika Bhavika Naomi May Shannon Neethu Julie Neha Shirin

Mr Paul opened the ceremony by talking about how the graduation of our first IB Diploma class completes an important stage in the development of the school; graduates Nicky, Pat and Maike provided the students reflections on their experiences and Mr Adam, CAS coordinator and tutor for the group, shared his perceptions of the students during the dinner. Ashim, one of last year’s graduates who is now studying at NYIT, returned to give some helpful advice to the Class of 2010 about how to survive the first year at University.

Top scores in each Key Stage KS1 – Seo Young and Vasin Shnatepaporn KS2 – Bhavika and Aaditya A special well done goes to Nidhish in 3D, th who managed to come 37 in the world for his age group with a huge score of 22,847. We hope to see everyone trying just as hard next year. There will also be science and spelling days to look out for as well. Mr. Geoff

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Students from the graduating class will be moving on to universities in the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India and Thailand and we know that they are leaving St Andrew’s as lifelong learners who are well-prepared for the rigours of academic life and are ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Nursery: Dominick, Tyler KG: Junior, Pave Rec L: Max, Tigger, Olivia, Somgene Rec T: Milly, Kevin Y1: Everyone Y2Y: Kris, Hikraru Y2O: Adam, Attar Y3G: Non, Beam, Tiana, Ruben, Y3C: Joanne Y3D: Mos, Ben, Felipe, Ming Y4L: Felix, August, Posh Y4W: Joe, Christopher Y4S: Nathalie Y5M: Billy Y5A: Alexander, Toto, Earn Y5S: Poom, Arnav, Gabin Y6E: Anond, Neha, Pam, Prince, Four, Melina, Princess Y6K: Aina, Shirin

We will have more photographs from Graduation 2010 published in a special supplement to the Newsletter in the next few weeks.

Simon Lawrence

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