Fitzsimmons 1 Emily Fitzsimmons Dr. Wieters RCPL 5013 001 21 October 2020 Aggressive Urban Planning Toward Low-Income Residents In the fall of 1890, a police reporter named Jacob Riis published his book How the Other Half Lives with the hope of inspiring New York City’s wealthy citizens to help their impoverished neighbors. Filled with candid photographs of tenement and street life, the book conveyed the severely inhumane living conditions that the lowest classes endured, including crowded and poorly built apartments without windows, light, or ventilation; limited access to bathrooms; polluted air and water; and streets filled with waste. Coincidingly, these surroundings were coupled with long working hours, dangerous working conditions, low pay, and high rents. Meanwhile, in other parts of the city, those in the middle- and upper-classes enjoyed clean streets, spacious rooms, and higher quality of city services for the time. The difference of situations was not the fault or choice of the residents but rather that of city officials: This disparate outcome occurred because city leaders actively decided which people deserved proper quality of life. With prejudices fueling their desire to make their urban society appear wealthy, city leaders smothered the poor through city planning. This dynamic is not restricted to 19th century New York; rather, this has been the global narrative for millennia. Not only have city leaders historically prioritized affluent groups in city design and services but they have also acted aggressively in order to suppress, confine, and eradicate the lower classes. Little can be known for sure about many ancient cities, but we can still observe the prioritization of wealthy classes over the lower classes in city planning and design. For instance,