An Examination of Indigenous Cultural Keystone Species

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Fitzsimmons 1 Emily Fitzsimmons Dr. Gina Stuart-Richard NAS 3313 995 25 November 2020 An Examination of Indigenous Cultural Keystone Species In the past 500 years, colonizers have not only performed systemic genocide on Indigenous peoples but also against the natural American environment. European settlers considered it not only their God-given right but their ethical responsibility to tame the wild to their vision and exploit resources for their benefit. Such brutal campaigns often involved hunting keystone species to near extinction for various reasons. For instance, wolf populations were ruthlessly hunted, severely dwindling their numbers across the continent, even in wildlife preservations. This was done to secure high populations of livestock and wild prey for humans’ own use (Robbins et al. 184-200). Likewise, massive hunting campaigns nearly eradicated bison, an animal upon which many Native American tribes depended. This movement was even more malicious because its intent was to weaken the Indigenous peoples by taking away their primary food source (“InterTribal�). More recently, many tribes have been struggling for their rights to salmon as their numbers have been quickly decreasing due to anthropogenic climate change, dam construction, overfishing, and industrialized aquaculture (Brooks and Columbi 4, 7-8, 200). Such operations not only critically damage natural ecosystems but also social ecosystems because these animals are cultural keystone species, or species that hold great significance for a culture in spiritual, historical, or everyday means. All components of an ecosystem are interconnected, from the apex predator to plants to the smallest insects; because of this interrelatedness, a change or disappearance of one species

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An Examination of Indigenous Cultural Keystone Species by Emily Fitzsimmons - Issuu