International Strategic Planning in Education

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Cartledge, Fish, Fitzsimmons, Woodruff 1 Jacob Cartledge, Justin Fish, Emily Fitzsimmons, Daniel Woodruff Dr. John Harris RCPL 4970 001 10 May 2019 International Strategic Planning in Education Introduction To people fortunate enough have access to education, attending school is often a dreaded activity. In the continual rush of papers to write, exams to study for, and deadlines to meet, it is generally forgotten that education is, in fact, an extraordinary privilege. Whether it is kindergarten or vocational training, education betters individuals and improves communities through molding minds, strengthening economies, empowering minorities, stimulating healthier practices, and more. However, many countries are unable to provide the quality education needed to reap those benefits. Subsequently, one of the seventeen United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals revolves completely around combatting the issues associated with education so that more people can move forward. Though action is being taken, high numbers of people, especially children, are not receiving the schooling they need to succeed. This is due to many reasons, including gender and socioeconomic inequality, limited funding and overpopulation, the lack of scholastic supplies and basic services, as well as others. Specifically in the cities of Gulu and Atiak, Uganda, the kindergarten, primary, and vocational schools managed by Sister Rosemary and the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus need support. This congregation has been in the South Sudanese and Ugandan region of Africa since the 1950s. Since then, the Sisters have helped individuals and communities in fields such

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