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Emily Fitzsimmons

You can view my LinkedIn profile at I am a recent graduate of the Regional & City Planning master's program at the University of Oklahoma as of May 2023. My program concentration has been Community and Economic Development, but I also personally focus my studies on holistic sustainability, community engagement, environmental justice, and Indigenous planning. My undergraduate degree is in Environmental Design and Sustainability, also from OU. I am currently an intern at Guernsey Consultants in their environmental and planning group where I assist in community engagement events, data collection and processing, and writing for comprehensive and strategic plans, community engagement materials, and project proposals. I have previously been employed by the Institute for Quality Communities as a graduate student worker and have also had multiple opportunities to work on real-world community projects in my service-learning courses as both an undergraduate and graduate student. My immediate goals include becoming AICP-certified, improving my community engagement capabilities, and continuing to learn more about community action and environmental justice in planning. My long-term aim is to further holistically sustainable and equitable community development in marginalized communities. My strongest skills lie in writing, demographic and historical research, and community engagement, but I also have experience in Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, ArcGIS, and Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom and Illustrator.
