Arthur Tyler interview

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rnterview conducted by Larry Veselka (primary) and Tim Byrd. Purpose of investigation explained and Upjohn warnings given. A.

Matters that lead to opening of investigation: 1.

Relationship between Trustee/former Trustee Abel Davila and HCC subcontractor and prime contractor J's Quality Construction. During 2009, after Abel Davila was elected Chair of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Tyler had numerous dealings with Mr. Davila where Mr. Davila was actively pushing to obtain a role for 1's Quality as a mentee or subcontractor to Chevron on the Energy Services Performance Contract ("ESPC"); or to Alan Johnston on a discrete, separate cogeneration piece of that project; a part of the work on the Feliz Fraga Campus project; and a prime contract for maintenance painting services. When being interviewed, Dr. Tyler was trying to remember the sequence of events and specific timing off the top of his head. He subsequently ' went back and reviewed his calendar and various HCC Board records and correspondence in order to prepare a more detailed chronology. That chronology, including the backup documents on which he relied to prepare the chronology, is attached as Exhibit 19 to the Report. Dr. Tyler recalls that Abel Davila first suggested to Dr. Spangler that HCC create a contract specifically for painting services as HISD, where Mr. Davila'sr served on the HISD Board, had done recently for J's Quality Construction. Before that contract was authorized by the Board on June 25, 2009, those services could be pr~vided under anyone of the three Job Order Contractor ("JOC") contracts HCC had awarded for 2009. For example, Dr. Tyler did not know at the time that J's Quality had already been providing such service on HCC projects as a subcontractor to at least one of the HCC JOCs - Fort Bend Mechanical ("FBM"). After a meeting with Mr. Davila asking about the status of the project, Dr. Tyler instructed his staff on April 19, 2009 to prepare an RFP for a painting contract for services to be designated over three years. Mr. Davila continued to ask about the progress of the RFP . The HCC staff evaluation team recommended that the contract (Project #09-36) go to 1's Quality on or about June 16, 2009, but that recommendation was not done in time to be considered by the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 18, 2009. The award gets added to the agenda for the June 25, 2009 Board meeting. Dr. Tyler says that it is the Board Chair, i.e. Mr. Davila, who would have controlled getting t~t IT!..C!t!er added to the agenda Wi~l:lOut first going through --the' CoIillriitiee--of the Whole. The June 25, 2009 minutes reflect the Board voting to add that item and another to the Consent Agenda (which normally covers only those matters already approved at the

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