Fitz is a College unlike any other. From our founding in 1869 as the non-collegiate students board, through to our move to the present site and the granting of Collegiate status to Fitzwilliam in 1966, the challenges we face may have changed but our core objective remains the same. At Fitz, every student, whatever their background, can fulfil their potential and make the most of the opportunities a Cambridge degree offers.
I would like to thank you for your support over the 2023-24 financial year, which has enabled us to enhance and extend our provsision for the College community and to look to the future with a firm footing.
The generosity of our alumni and friends in the last academic year has been exceptional. The College received in excess of £4.1 million in the 2023-24 financial year, Fitz’s highest ever income across an academic year. Gifts ranged from generous legacies that have helped us endow Academic Posts in History and undergraduate bursaries, through to regular gifts that have helped to provide an increase in undergraduate sports funding and new graduate scholarships. We are grateful to over 1,000 alumni and friends who have come together to support us over this period.
All of this support will be recognised as part of our £40 million fundraising campaign Future Fitz, as we begin evolving, enriching and enhancing our College. We are seeking to raise £20 million for academic priorities and £20 million to enhance the College site. Further details of this can be found on the College website and will be unveiled to alumni presently. We are delighted to share this with you as supporters as we begin to unveil this ambitious campaign and strategy more widely across the alumni community.
Once again, on behalf of us all at Fitzwilliam, I want to thank you for your gift to College. We are grateful for your support, and the benefits this brings to the lives and futures of our students and on their ability to positively impact the world.
Peter O’Connor Fellow and Director of Development
The college would like to thank all donors who have made a gift from 1st August 2023 –31st July 2024 (including those who wish to remain anonymous), as well as the lifetime commitment of those who are members of the Master’s Circle, Benefactors to the College, or 1869 Fellow Benefactors. The College is grateful for the contributions of all members of the College community who support Fitz and continue to do so. Those marked with a † are deceased.
1869 Fellow Benefactors are recognised for their extraordinary commitment of making gifts of £1,000,000 or more in their lifetime to the College.
Dinesh Dhamija (1971) Ken Olisa (1971) Julia Olisa
Peter Selman (1991) Chris Xie (2006)
Benefactors are recognised for their extraordinary commitment in their lifetime to the College.
Tony Ley (1956)
John Stanley (1956) †
John Adams (1958)
Roger Graham (1958)
Robin Bell (1965)
Nigel Stapleton (1965)
Tim Martin-Jenkins (1966)
Graham Nutter (1966)
Stan Gold (1967)
Ben Gunn (1970)
Peter Bazalgette (1973)
Tom Charlton (1975)
Chris Martin (1976)
Doug Webb (1979)
Rachael Webb (1979)
Michael Loveridge (1980)
Sally Benthall (1981)
Paul Cassidy (1981)
Louis Wong (1981)
Manjit Dale (1983)
Paul Forster (1983)
Christian Purslow (1983)
Shamil Chandaria (1984)
Paul Dixon (1984)
Richard Reger (1985)
Glyn Jones (1986)
Simon Arora (1988)
Gabriel Fong (1989)
Babak Eftekhari (1990)
David Wang (1992)
Kevin Yuen (1992)
Sonny Arora (1993)
Tracy Gossage
John Keatley
Kay Kuok
Audrey Wilson
Clothworkers’ Foundation
Headley Trust
Hong Leong Foundation
Leathersellers’ Company
National University of Singapore
St John’s College
ST Telemedia Ltd
Trinity College
Wolfson Foundation
The full historic list of all College Benefactors can be found on the Benefactors Board in the Gatehouse.
Geoffrey Fox (1950)
John Gillham (1950)
John Jenner (1954)
Geoff Harrison (1955)
Kovit Poshyananda (1956)
Jaime Carvajal Urquijo (1960)
Tony Gates (1963)
Richard Meads (1963)
Ken Dearsley (1965)
Chris Gill (1965)
David Lilley (1965)
Christopher Baron (1967)
Jeremy Prescott (1967)
John Dudding (1968)
Dermot Gleeson (1968)
Duncan Ouseley (1968)
Robert Burrow (1969)
Paul Fairweather (1970)
Roger Goddard (1971)
Chris Bennett (1972)
David Dew (1974)
Alasdair McKerrell (1974)
Gary Richards (1974)
John Latham (1975)
Jonathan Couchman (1976)
Paul Day (1977)
John Wells (1977)
Iain Reid (1978)
Dick Tyler (1978)
Sarah Asplin (1979)
Zoë Fisher (1979)
Andy Evason (1980)
Houston Lowry (1980)
Paul Roberts (1982)
Rus Newton (1983)
Martin Hart (1984)
Simon Barnes (1987)
Richard Trethewey (1987)
Rahul Moodgal (1993)
Eleanor Chambers (1994)
Ted Westervelt (1996)
Michael Tong (2000)
David Bowyer
Rod Cantrill
Simon Crosby
Graham Davies
Hermann NiedersteHollenberg
Barry Landy
David Thompson
Clothworkers’ Foundation
Lee Foundation
Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation
RAB Capital
RBC Trustees (Jersey) Ltd
Alumni and Friends of the College who have informed us that they have made provision for a legacy gift in their Will are invited to join the 1869 Foundation. We are also grateful to those who have requested to remain anonymous.
For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, or about the 1869 Foundation, please contact the Development Office on 01223 761240 or email development@fitz.cam.ac.uk.
Tony Palmer (1949)
David Williamson (1949)
Humphrey Burton (1951)
James Nelson (1951) †
Philip Hudson (1952) †
Angus Clark (1953) †
Donovan Hailstone (1953)
Alan Morten (1953)
Allan Shepherd (1953)
Brian Burgham (1954)
Brian Chilver (1954)
Geoff Harrison (1955)
William Lanigan (1955)
Michael Lyons (1955)
Keith Marshall (1955)
Geoff Richardson (1955)
Geoff Walker (1955) †
Jeremy Arthern (1956)
Rodney Burton (1956)
John Delany (1956) †
Michael Reardon (1956)
David Bass (1957)
Philip Boden (1957)
Michael Briant (1957)
John Adams (1958)
Bruce Brodie (1958)
John Gamlin (1958)
Roger Graham (1958)
Tom Graves-Smith (1958)
Michael Thomsett (1958)
Hugh Wagstaffe (1958)
Vivian Anthony (1959)
Michael Bruce (1959)
Selwyn Image (1959)
Marcus Judd (1959)
David Knowles (1960)
Andrew Macalpine (1960)
Tim Vincent (1960)
Christopher Cannon (1961)
Nicholas Marshall (1961)
John Turner (1961)
Geoff Wells (1961)
John Brooke (1962)
Michael Day (1962)
Bill Grant (1962)
Michael McIntosh Reid (1962)
Terry Smith (1962)
Mike Stimson (1962)
Jeremy Ward (1962)
Tony Gates (1963)
Graham Jones (1963) †
Ken MacRae (1963)
Peter Matthewman (1963)
Jack Blackburn (1964)
Rodney Buckton (1964)
Graham Reid (1964)
David Rogers (1964)
Nicholas Scholes (1964)
David Starkey (1964)
Norman Barton (1965)
Robin Bell (1965)
Roger Blaney (1965)
Alan Dawber (1965)
Michael Foster (1965)
Chris Gill (1965)
John Herring (1965)
David Howells (1965)
John Monahan (1965)
Andrew Pocock (1965)
Ian Rickell (1965)
Nigel Stapleton (1965)
Roger Adams (1966)
Meyrick Aylward (1966)
Richard Brumby (1966)
Ken Bulteel (1966)
Peter Comley (1966)
David Humphrey (1966)
Hugh Mallinder (1966)
George Proffitt (1966)
John Roebuck (1966)
Richard Humphry (1967)
Bob Low (1967)
Richard Lyon (1967)
Jeremy Prescott (1967)
Peter Simpson (1967)
David Stewart (1967)
John Bradshaw (1968)
Ludo Craddock (1968)
Patrick Hall (1968)
Melvyn Walmsley (1969)
Peter Howard (1970)
Ian Ireland (1970)
Fred Hartley (1971)
Branden Heselton (1971)
Ken Olisa (1971)
Brian Smith (1971)
David Wurtzel (1971)
Kevin Abbott (1972)
Martin Baker (1972)
John Crampton (1972)
Simon Cross (1972)
Colin Fish (1972)
Rob May (1972)
David Miles (1972)
Colin Price (1972)
Chris Swinburn (1972)
Peter Bazalgette (1973)
Andrew Crafter (1973)
Paul Dawson (1973)
Colin Dunkerley (1973)
Geoff Gollop (1973)
David Souden (1973)
Steve Walker (1973)
Alasdair McKerrell (1974)
Gerald Parkes (1974)
Andrew Rees (1974)
Toby Widdicombe (1974)
Simon Jackson (1975)
Mark Rees Jones (1975)
John Latham (1975)
Tom Young (1975)
Chris Martin (1976)
Norman Bell (1977)
David Dyer (1977)
David Williams (1977)
Chris Wood (1977)
Ivor Beazley (1978)
Adrian Charles (1978)
Stephen Scott-Fawcett (1978)
Nick Olney (1978) †
Iain Reid (1978)
Mike Somerville (1978)
Nick Ainsworth (1979)
Charlie Avis (1979)
Zoë Fisher (1979)
Rachael Webb (1979)
Tracey Hancock (1980)
Prabhu Kashap (1980)
Houston Lowry (1980)
Sally Benthall (1981)
Isabella Harrington (1981)
Helen Bettinson (1982)
Anthony Chadwick (1982)
David Wright (1982)
David Owen (1983)
Ian Paczek (1983)
Judith Rawnsley (1983)
Melissa Allen (1984)
Paul Dixon (1984)
Lorraine Hart (1984)
Carole Wright (1984)
Ian Griffiths (1985)
Richard Reger (1985)
Ian Whittle (1985)
Marc O’Brien (1987)
Julian Washington (1987)
Tris Aspray (1989)
Andrew Gossage (1989)
Harvey Maycock (1989)
Jason Ward (1989)
Vince Gowler (1991)
Emma Fletcher (1996)
John Slater (1998)
Lucy Jones (2000)
Ed Simpson (2000)
Toby Wood (2002)
Audrey Fassi-Fihri (2007)
Jason Robinson (2007)
David Bowyer
John Cherry
John Cleaver
Tony Cross
Rodney Edrich
Peter Haggett
Barry Landy
Robert Lethbridge
Michael Lloyd
Bill McClelland
Nicholas Pyper
David Thompson
Peter Ward
Denise Bell
Fiona Charles
Anne Day
Hermann NiedersteHollenberg
Jane Image
Susan Keane
Setsuko Knowles
Carole Lessard
Sidella Morten
Penny Pocock
Mary Stewart
Layinka Swinburne
Those marked* made a Foundation Circle level gift of £1500 or more ($1,500 via Cambridge in America) in a single year within the reporting period. A significant number of donors have been making regular gifts for many years and we are exceedingly grateful for their continued support. Our thanks also to the donors who have requested anonymity.
Michael Potter
John Sertin †
Godfrey Kelly †
Tony Palmer
David Williamson †
John Gillham *
James Nelson
Donald Kimber
Alan Morten
Harold Singer
Neil Anderton
Brian Chilver
Charles Hallows
Tony Hassan
John Lewis
Alan Shellcross
John Tobin 1955
Peter Golder
Michael Greenough
Richard Gregory
Geoff Harrison
William Lanigan
Lawrence Lockhart
Tony Reynolds
Ian Stead
David Stuart 1956
Jeremy Arthern
John Delany †
Alastair Everitt
Bob Hammond
Robin Bellis
Philip Boden
Michael Bracken
Raymond Brown
David Cooper
Graham Hogg
Clive Willis †
John Adams *
Bruce Brodie †
Edward Charles
Phillip Crowson *
John Gamlin
Roger Graham
Duncan Hamilton
Bill Littlewood
Geoff Powell
Colin Ryder
Michael Simpson
Tom Graves-Smith * †
Michael Thomsett *
Hugh Wagstaffe
Peter Bartram
Peter Bates
Peter Battye *
Roger Frost
John Green
Selwyn Image
Brian Matthews
Thomas McCartan
John Rogers
Randle Theobald
Dick Yorke 1960
Edward Bacon
Phil Barnard
Ted Bates
Bob Beale
Michael Brocklebank
John Gough
David Matthiae
Barry Munn
Bob Munro
Michael Pyke
Mike Snelling
Tim Vincent
Paul Welch
Geoff Wilson
Roy Wood
Chris Bradnock †
Mike Bucher
Christopher Cannon
Tony Dent
John Ennals
Stuart Jackson
John Lansley
David Latchford
Martin Latham
Andrew Maddocks
Robert Perkins
David Sigee
David Willatts
Keith Williams
Michael Williamson
Choo Lak Yeow
Ben Allen
John Brooke *
Stephen Cheshire
Stephen Davies
Michael Day *
John Henderson
Douglas Howe
Colin Hughes
Roy Kelly
Sarwar Lateef
Michael Lumley *
Colin Morley
Yousri Okasha †
Terry Smith
Ray Wager
Jeremy Ward
Tony Barker
John Braithwaite *
Chris Brown
Peter Catton
Ian Chadderton
Tony Dale
Bob Douthwaite
Alex Fisher
Tony Gould
John Hughes
Christopher Ivory
Graham Jones †
Tony Kirkman
Michael Lee
Bob Masding
Peter Matthewman
Colin McIntyre *
Richard Meads *
David Penn
Derek Rogers
Christopher Roshier *
Tony Saunders
Alastair Sharp
Roger Angold
Chris Bagnall
Graham Berry
Rodney Buckton
Glyn Davies *
Martin Francis
Gibson Grenfell
Brian Holroyd
Paul Humberstone
David Isherwood
Nigel Pearson
Michael Sanders
Jeff Smith
Jeremy Streeten
Peter Till
Ron Tulley
Michael Turney
John Barrett
Robin Bell *
Howard Bigg
Roger Blaney
James Bradnock
Paul Carr
John Catto
Ronald Clifton †
Alan Dawber
Ken Dearsley *
Mike Dowden
Graham Drake
Ray Godwin
John Hidle
Dick Lidwell
Paul Martin
Ian Mason
David Meachin
Tom Moffatt
John Monahan
Harvey Orrock
Graham Read
John Reddaway
Stephen Roberts
Bob Rotheram
Patrick Salt
Robert Simpson
Mike Smith
Dave Steventon
Vaughn Thompson
Keith Williams
David Wright *
Chris Andrews
Meyrick Aylward
Chris Aylwin
Allan Baird
Tim Bale
Chris Batchelor
Bob Bateman
Nick Bowley
Richard Brumby
Peter Brunner
Ken Bulteel *
John Combie
Peter Comley *
John Davies
Michael Le Flufy
David Francis
John Hargreaves
Michael Harper
David Humphrey
Rod Keech
Martin Winbolt-Lewis
Ed Martin
Edmund Mohan
Peter Phillips *
Stephen Plummer *
Paul Rapley
John Roberts
Paul Sandilands
Peter Somerfield *
Derek Stansfield †
Tony Stevenson
John Sudbery
Peter Tavner
Chris Tod
Nick Whines
Michael Wilson
Bob Winfield
Richard Winterton
Ken Wright
Ian Yates
Alastair Adams
Neil Beresford
Howard Canning
Steve Cardy
David Crosby
Colin Fergusson
Stan Gold *
Peter Haigh
Kes Heffer
Andrew Hope
Chris Hughes
Richard Humphry *
Raymond Jones
Charles Kellett
Jonathan Long
Richard Lyon
Geoffrey May
David McKenzie *
Mike Mortimer
Andrew Neil
Jeremy Prescott *
Jonathan Price
Stephen Rogers †
John Sanderson
Chris Scarisbrick
David Stewart
Henry Stone
Paul Tomkins
John Venning
John Weaver
Charles Bennion
John Bradshaw
Martin Butterworth
Paul Cockle
Lawrence Coupland
John Dudding *
Stephen Elvidge
Ian Grant *
Lester Halling
Paul Heffer
Martin Hemming
Peter Hewlett
Iain Macbriar
Dave Mandle
Andrew Mascarenhas
Philip Mason
Duncan Ouseley
Christopher Padfield †
Jon Prichard
Ian Quickfall
William Rankin
Ian Smith
Andrew Stachulski *
Jim Thomson
Ian Torkington
Peter Williams †
John Wood
Harry Zavros
David Acott
Colin Anderson
David Archer
David Bendell
Roger Brawn
Iain Clark
Roger Clarke
Barry Cropper
Nigel Davis
Martin Dyke
Richard Firth
Don Fleet
Rob Greaves *
Robert Henderson
Ian Jones
Tony Lawson
Peter Middleton
Colin Reese
Tim Reucroft
George Salmon
Tim Straker
Melvyn Walmsley
Philip Yau
Christopher Allen
Julian Beare
Andrew Beckett
Kevin Bichard
Charles Britton
Mike Cobb
Stephen Cutler
Alan Davidson
Leonard Dines †
Maurice Dyson
Paul Fairweather
Graham Hollis *
Peter Howard
Stephen Jones
Nigel Jones †
Tony Meggs
Barry Moxley
Irving Oppenheim †
Ted Parton
Stephen Sorfleet
Michael Spicer
Douglas Stevens
Jeremy Thompson
John Wheals
David Ackland
Will Adams
Richard Baker
James Besley
Michael Blogg
Stuart Bostock
Dave Cahill
Piers Coutts
Ed Davies
Paul Divall
Keith Emerson
Mike Francis
Tim Gray
Geoff Hale
Chris Halliwell
Preston Hannibal
Ian Hollows
Anthony Inglese
Christopher Jenkins
Stephen Kingsnorth
David Leakey *
1971 cont
Ian Lewis
Bob Mole
Richard Newport
Robert Oakes *
David Powell
John Rankin
Barry Shorthouse
Brian Smith
Simon Tuite
David Wurtzel
Martin Barringer
Nigel Bartram
Paul Blackburn
David Boldy
Martin Broadhurst
Charlie Brown
Pat Cornell
John Crampton *
Michael Dean
Tim Dickson
Colin Fish
Chris Henderson *
Paul Housego
Rohan Lewis
Rob May *
David Miles
Chris Moore
David Reddaway
David Sharrocks
Ed Sturmheit
Garry Turkie
Roger Woods
Alistair Allender
Henry Croft-Baker
Bob Barltrop †
Chris Batterham
Edward Benson
Andrew Buckoke
Andrew Crafter
Stuart Crawford
Graham Cutting
Geoff Gollop
Mike Hamment
Mark Harrison
Robert Howarth
Ian Hughes
Ken Jacobs
David Leaman
Mark Leaning
Neil Piercy
Matthew Searle
Mike Sellers
Tom Smith
David Souden
Rob Stansbury
Paul Staten
Andrew Stracey
John Taylor
David Thompson
Mike Waterson
John Austin
Charles Broadbent
Colin Carter
David Dew
Richard George
John Goulandris
Nigel Hall
John Hare
David Johnson
Woody Mather
Alasdair McKerrell *
Richard Morris
Michael Nix
Edward Osicki
Gary Richards
John Seawright
Steve Tapping
Michael Waterhouse
Paul Banks
Bill Bellinger
John Bleasby
David Callender
Tom Charlton *
Bryan Deane
Matthew Gardiner
Andrew Goulden *
Simon Hall
Simon Jackson
Mark Rees Jones
John Latham *
Gordon McPhate
John Newman
George Plint
Crispin Salimbeni
Nigel Sheffield
Stephen Smith
Paul Smith
Chris Strong
Paul Thomas
Jerry Townhill
Gerry Tucker
Dave Whitaker
John Wombwell
Tom Young
David Barnett
Andy Burrows
Frank Chacko
Alan Creech
Alan Day
Raymond Galvin
Matthew Green
Tim Ladbrooke
Bob Lyddon
Martin Passmore
Iain Rodger
Duncan Ross
Nick Tittle
Martin Trick
Mike Wedgewood
Rick Baum
Paul Blackborow
Antony Brannick
Peter Cakebread
David Chalk *
Simon Clephan *
Mark Davies
David Dyer
Tony Fielding
Nick Francis
Neil Gardner
Adrian Gault
Dave Grimshaw
Geoff Harvey
Michael Higginson
Martin Holmes
Doug Lawry
John Lees
Andrew Nainby
Michael Page
Jonathan Pearce
Andrew Reid
William Ring
Richard Short
Clive Thompson
Simon Trevor
Chris Wood
Rick Barfoot
John Bauer
Guy Thorpe-Beeston
David Bonham *
Steven Boom
Larry Bush
Andrew Cope
Stephen Farris
Stephen Scott-Fawcett
Clive Grey
David Griffiths
David Hall
Stephen Head
Shaun Hexter *
James Howell
Malcolm Hull
Nick Johnson
Jonathan Knight
Andrew McGahey
David Ng
Tim O’Dell
James Oliver
Nick Olney †
Mike Pelton
Iain Reid *
Mike Somerville
Duncan Allen
Dean Armstrong
Geoff Ballinger
Mark Blagrove
Cheryl Chalk *
Caroline Connor
Hugh Gemmill
Liz Gemmill
Dan George
Adrian Heafford
Liz Makin
Jeremy Oliver
Martin Outram
Nigel Poole
Martin Ronis
Doug Webb *
Rachael Webb *
Michael Bach
Alex Bell
David Brown
Paul Chambers
Andy Evason *
Mark Gedrych
Tracey Hancock
Philippa Hitchen
Prabhu Kashap
Julian Lloyd
Andrew Logan
Houston Lowry *
Craig Peden
Robert Simpson
Chris Thomas
John Thorpe
Amanda Alexander *
Mary Alexander
Philip Ashling
Sally Benthall *
Martin Breddy
Terry Chan
Richard Charrington
Richard Clayton
Jeff Croome
Jo Deasey
Robert Doe
Mark Hardie
Nigel Holcombe
Jonathan Renfrew-Knight
Brian McKinney
Ian Palotai
Chris Roberts
Philip White
Helen Bettinson
Stephen Bradnock
Bruce Braithwaite
Irene Pearman
Barry Prince
David Ruzicka
Chris Tough
Paul Wallace
Roy Burrows
Steve Clayton *
Dave Edwards
Katherine Evans
Eric Fifer
Jo Giddins
Andy Graham
Martin Hall
Sarah Meyrick
Julian Morley
Ian Paczek
George Peplinski
Carl Pierce
Guy Pratt
Michaela Swales *
Neil Bacon
Paul Baldwin *
Stuart Bell
Nicholas Bird
Janet Busby
Ian Carson
Robert Crompton
Paul Culham
John Driscoll
Lorraine Hart
Richard Hooke
Patrick Hotle
Jonathan Kell *
Mark Myers
Gill Plain
Graeme Purdy
Chris Rhodes
Mark Steed
Stephen Watts
Nigel Williams
Sonita Alleyne
Paul Austin
Martin Ebert
Cathy Garland
Anne Gibson
Nick Heptinstall
Geraint Jenkins
Simon Mansfield
David Mountford
Simon Olsberg
Ian Redmond
Richard Reger *
Jonathan Scott
James Dudley-Smith
Tim Stagg
Gus Tibazarwa
Ben Ward *
Sharon White
Andy Woosey
Elizabeth Coleman
Owen Evans
Orlando Fraser
Andrew Grigg
Louise Heylen
Harriet Hill
Paul Howes
Ruth Hughes
Colin Pritchard
Mathew Rees
Paul Robbins
Michael Shewring
Andrew Singer
Richard Thomas
Chris Tingle
Richard Allsop
Iain Anderson
Paul Barber
Nick Brown
Mark Cowen
Simon Csoka
Peter Hills
Jonathan Hustler
Des Johnson
Paul Knox-Kennedy
Martin Leatherbarrow
Mark Loney
Tim Slater
Pam Watts
Sean Whelan *
Craig Woodgate
Ed Ainsworth *
Richard Booth
Simon Collett
Sally Doherty
Josephine Farthing
James Gell
Christopher Hamlin
Loona Hazarika
Rosemary Hickman
Jon Hughes
Ceri Jones
Mark Jones
Piers Kennedy
Michael Kezirian
Jatt Khaira
Nicholas Long
Robin Morgan
Vimal Shah
Ian Smith
Jane Smith
Euan Stuart
Heidi Whitelock
Joy Cousans
Andrew Gossage *
Mike Hilton
Bruce Hurrell
Jon Lomax
Richard Mackay
Sam Marshall
Harvey Maycock
Fai Ng
Dunstan Power
Lisa Simms
Jason Ward
Pauline Barnett
Stephen Borrill
Stephen Coward
Julian Griffin
Joaquin Sanchez-Hernandez
Helene Hewitt
Danny Hind
Neil McCulloch
Graeme McTait
Tim Millard
Sarah Moores
Chaanah Patton
Martin Pool
Reg Quirk
Colin Read *
Keith Richardson
Justin Roe
Andy Sederman
Alison Shakespeare
James Shakespeare
Deborah Syme
Simon Tizzard
James Tong
Stewart Brown
Phil Brown
Rob Clemmitt
Charlotte Hudson
Ceri Jefferson
1991 cont
Rich Jefferson
Dan Lott
David Harrington-Lynn
Pete Matthews
Simon Molyneux
Shamma Musthapha
Joanne Rosset
Peter Selman *
Dominique Sherry *
Jason Trumpbour
Charlanne Ward
Joanne Wilcockson
Steve Wilcockson
Mark Baker
Jason Bray
Guy Brett
Pins Brown
Beth Callen
Jonathan Cartmell
Daniel Davies
Gareth Francis
Phil Haigh
Jo Moffatt
Joe Moffatt
Kieran Morgan
Kate Murray
Eleanor Rayner
Nigel Rix
Roz Saunders
Matthew Saw
Simon Sherwin
Dominic Spiri
Emily Tanner
David Wang *
Kevin Yuen *
Tim Carter
Chad Covey
Malcolm Elkin
Sue Fleming
Ian Harding *
James Henderson
Sheena Linehan
Dan McFetrich
James Miller
Mary-Clare Miller
Rahul Moodgal *
Zoë Neill
Nicky Peters
Eric Rassbach
Matt Rogan *
Alex Tester
Bill Yost
Debbie Bardell *
Mark Bardell *
Claire Blakeway
John Boxall
Nui Chong
Philip Cowdall
Ian Duffy
Andrew Glynn
Neal Hansen
Caireen Hargreaves
Melissa Heightman
Gareth Hopkin
Vicky Kilburn
Caroline Marriage
Laura Milton
Rebecca Mitchell
Claire Rogan *
Paul Speedy
Katharine Rabson Stark
Arturo Ortiz-Tapia
Penny Wilson
Richard Wilson
Victoria Beale
David Bell
Khong Chia *
Matthew Clark
David Gartside *
Bhavna Hare
Sam Hare
Channa Jayasena
Allan Knapp
Ben Lewis
Calum Murray
Phil Read
Arjun Thawani
Min Yee The *
Sally Wheeldon
David Williams *
Pippa Archer
Daniel Auger
Peter Banthorpe
Nick Bethune
Ben Chalmers
Meline Danielewicz
Simon Dowker
Emma Fletcher
Nick Foundoukos
Philip Grant
Rob Hague
Jason Lai
Jon Maxmin
Ruth Reed
Julie Ross
Caroline Stearman
Emma Swinnerton
Ted Westervelt *
Rob Adamson
Glen Cronin
Raghu Das
Kathleen Das
Chris Denton
Lorna Dodson
Lynnette Ferguson *
Simon Fletcher
Iain Flockhart
Toby Fogg
Pippa Fowler
Alanna Fraser
Julia Goldsworthy
Allan Graham
Jon Guinness
Ben Hayes
Steve Maidment
Ed McBride
Katie McBride
Calum McFarlane
Henning Moritz
Will Perry
James Rider
Danay Sarypbekov
Pete Stevenson
Kasia Averall
Chris Barnes
Emma Bennett
Ruth Bienenfeld
Yvette Bryan
John Craven
Simon Grant
Inderpal Gujral
Iona Hine
Gareth Mawdsley
Dominic Nancekievill
Richard Rawstron
Neil Rickards
Joanne Sefton
Mike Sefton
Owain Service
Anna Welchew
Ben Cuthbertson
Adam Dickison
Liz Elliott
Sarah Finnegan
Amit Ghosh
Dan Hurst
Edward Keevil
Daniel Lambert
Dan Lehner
Leo Peskett
William Roberts
Chris Salt
Nicos Savva
Camiel Selker
Gary Wilson
Johanna Wilson
Emily Crosby
Luke Crosby
Warren Galloway
Anna Hill
Andrew Martin
Fergus McGuire
Matt Neave
Martin Purdy
David Rodrigues
Savvas Savvidis *
Mark Underhill
Richard Booth
Jason Breslaw
Faye Blois-Brooke
Vicky Coles
Claire Harbron
Elizabeth Keane
Stuart Mansfield
Chris North
David Da Rosa *
Reuben Rowe
Bunmi Abe
Laura Blake
Christopher Callaghan
James Tortise-Crawford
Jim Higginson
Mark Hopkin
Eleanor Hughes *
Paul Kellaway
Faizal Mangera
Siân Oram
Dan Parkinson
Kate Parkinson
Vijay Patel
Mei Qin
David Swienton
Lucy Taylor
Lauren Cadwallader
Tongtong Chen
Jane Clarkson
Rachel Collins
Ryan Dickerson *
Gemma Donald
Kelvin Donald
Stephen Girdler
Mark Hopkins
David Knight
Marc Kofler
Ali Luke
Saad Mian
Tara Moore
Peter St Quinton
Lizzie Radford
Amit Sarna
Jean Wu
Angus Abbot
Fiona Barton
Richard Barton
Tracy Chen
Rob McDonald
Stuart Murray
Ian Redfearn
Catherine Overed-Sayer
Jonathan Senior
Chuck Stanton
Tom Tharayil
Alessandro Turati
Elliot Bishton
Greg Chadwick
Krystal Chen
Alex Hedges
Brett Jarvis
Joe Nicholl
Michael Pickard
Amel Saadi-Shuaib
Kiran Singh
Michael Wharton
Lara Birtwistle
Simon Birtwistle
Sang Yoon Cha
Peter Cross
Tarun Gupta
Catherine Hanley
Priscilla Hetherton
Linlin Jiang
Michal Koblas *
Matt Lawes
Nadia Lees
Liam Price
Sunil Shah
Leszek Swirski
Olly West
Matt Appleton
Ajlaan Bridle
Jamie Burton
Tracy Casanova
Jess Cole
Liam Conlon
Rosie Cook
Matt Fedors *
Ailish McAllister-Fisher
Tak Ho
Alex Jenkin
Simeon Kesler
Yun Lin
James Metcalfe
Simon Parker
Nick Wood-Roe
Callum Abbot
Bill Chen
Emma Dyer
Xiang Jiang
Robin Lees
Chen Li
Charlotte Parker
Michaela Hinson-Raven
Nick Reidy
James Richardson
Emily Sexton
Josh Sumner
Beth Swingler
Gareth Tear
Ian Trzcinski
Jun Xing
Shuo Zhang
Rachel Astington
Zhao Ren Chong
Laurence Cowton
Jamie Gibson
Felix Krüger
Alexia Palacios
Tommy Palacios
Charles Ravarani
Anna Rhodes
James Rhodes
Aidan Hobson Sayers
Tymon Sloczynski
Antigone Theodorou
Rachel Aldridge
Lex Atkins
Rishi Dutta
Thomas Geh
Alistair Hamilton
Chloe Lane
Jeff Lyness
Beatrice Wallbank
Hilary Wong
Mingwei Xia
David Cui
Phil Earp
Andrew Farrer
Joshua Green
Priscilla Green
Tobias Haefele
Alex Jackman
Alex McLachlan
Jamie Muirhead
Simon Schofield
Anand Srivastava
John Wallace
Alice Watson
Annie You
Hunter Allen
Josh Briegal
Dajian Chen
Edward Chen
Lanre Fatimilehin
Matt Fogg
Jenny Huang
Annika Mathews
Shi Huan Tay
Olivia Taylor
James Hicks-Williams
Ahmed-Noor Agip
Masao Ashtine
Joanna Choules
Luke Farey
Zhi Hao Kok
Nathan Lawson
Alvin Leung
Junyan Liu
Grace Miller
Heather Thorne
George Ash
Ashton Brown
Cindy Chan-Burgess
Sze Ning Chng
Kiran Dhillon
Benjamin Haythornthwaite
Fenella Keevil
John Mason
Thomas Franks-Moore
Millie Papworth
May-Britt Rinaldo-Ronnebro
Dan Smallbone
Seb Blount
Mel Briegal
Henry Clifford
Joe Gilbert
Charlie Jonas
Oliver Longstaff
Thomas Matthews
Abi Sommers
Peng Sun
Bond Sutuntivorakoon
Vasilis Themelis
Daniel Beresford
Adam Fyfe
William Legood
Dean Patient
Zhe Wang
Timothy Ford
Kristen Shiu
Florin Badulescu
John Emsley
Jo Aldridge
Sonita Alleyne (1985)
Richard Ansorge *
John Beer
Helen Bettinson (1982)
Peter Borrows
Georgina Cannon
Rod Cantrill *
Nicola Jones
Robert Lethbridge
Peter O’Connor *
Duncan Ouseley (1968)
Nicky Padfield
Andrew Powell
Nigel Stapleton (1965)*
David Thompson *
Sharon White (1985)
John Willis
John Cherry
Bill Currie *
Janet Dines
Dufei Fang
Jane Fondiller *
Alan Gordon
Anna Green
Stephen Haffner *
Jane Image
Ken Kendall
Jackie Kennedy
Bill Kennedy
Gail Kenney
Terry Leahy *
Pam Lewis
Elisabeth Okasha
Eugene Roop
Homer Sun *
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the donor lists. We apologise for any errors.
Please contact Fitzwilliam College Development Office to alert us to any mistakes or omissions.