t he fiu fo undatio n , i n c .
2012-2013 a n n ua l r e p or t
t he fiu fo undatio n , i n c .
2012-2013 a n n ua l r e p or t
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
The pages that follow tell the story of Our FIU – a story of collaboration among FIU students, alumni, faculty, staff, community partners and donors who, through their innovation and generosity, strive to make a difference every day, in South Florida and beyond.
These stories reflect the ways Our FIU family thinks differently, exceeds expectations, and creates new possibilities for our entire community through the power of philanthropy.
Read on to be inspired by Our FIU and the donors who shape our university, our community and our world through their Worlds Ahead vision, advocacy and transformational support.
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Message from Leadership
Dear FIU Family, Our university was built on the dreams and drive of our people—our students, our faculty, our staff, our alumni and our donors. From humble beginnings, Our FIU has grown to be home to more than 50,000 students, has awarded more than 200,000 degrees and is one of the nation’s largest universities. The spirit of entrepreneurship continues to thrive at today’s FIU and is fueled by the vision, passion and support of our donors. With your help, Our FIU has become the largest majority minority university in the country, the largest producer of minority baccalaureate degrees in the country, and a national leader in the production of STEM degrees for minorities. And with your help, Our FIU awards more than $140 million dollars each year in scholarships, and was recently named one of the top 100 universities less than 50 years old. In this annual report, you will meet some of our people, those who are making a difference for Our FIU and shaping its future as a solutions center for all members of our society. Every donor’s investment in Our FIU is another step forward, bringing us closer to reaching that next horizon. Whether it’s providing life-saving health care to underserved communities or revolutionizing education here and abroad, your generosity allows FIU to be there, steadfast, with all eyes on what’s possible, just up ahead. Thank you for helping build Our FIU. Justo L. Pozo, CPA ‘80 Chair, The FIU Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors
Mark B. Rosenberg President
Howard R. Lipman
Senior Vice President, University Advancement and President and CEO, The FIU Foundation, Inc.
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Bottom row, left to right: Tiffany Roman-Biffa, International Relations (Sophomore); Nathalie M. de Almagro, International Relations and Political Science (Sophomore); Jourilenn Bustamante (Freshman); Denise Diaz, Psychology (Junior); Alexa Soley, Elementary Education w/ESOL (Sophomore); Christopher Alas, Psychology (Junior) Top row, left to right: Vanessa Pena, Elementary Education (Senior); Justo Pozo, CPA ’80; Yisel Rivera (Sophomore); David Dugard, Social Work (Senior); Mark B. Rosenberg; Stephanie Hernandez, Chemistry (Freshman); Fernando Trillo, Psychology (Junior); Howard R. Lipman; Elizabeth Diaz, Recreation/Sports Management and Minor in Theatre (Sophomore)
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Hope for Learning Ignite: Project Panther LIFE
From left to right: Ivan Cadavid, Tyrone Harris and Vanessa Suazo
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
oing to college is an exciting time: new
annually prepares a class of 16 students with
friends, new school, new adventures.
intellectual disabilities to complete a well-
Since 2011, the dream of experiencing college
rounded, structured, and individualized
life has become a reality for a select group of
students with intellectual disabilities, thanks to Project Panther LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) –
The four-year, non-degree certificate program
an ongoing partnership among FIU’s College of
allows students to participate in a variety of
Education, Miami-Dade County Public Schools,
university courses; job shadowing opportunities;
and Parent to Parent of Miami, Inc.
a supervised internship; and various activities with support from academic mentors, peer
For Tyrone Harris, a third-year Panther LIFE
coaches, faculty and project personnel.
student, FIU is the ideal place to receive an education: “FIU demonstrates its belief that
“Panther LIFE allows me to have a full college
students with intellectual disabilities not only can
experience…. It shows other colleges and
learn, but should be given the chance to keep
communities how to realize human potential and
learning – on a university campus.”
make dreams come true,” said Harris, who, like his Panther LIFE peers Vanessa Suazo and Ivan
FIU’s faculty and staff agree, supporting Panther
Cadavid, sees FIU as his second home.
LIFE through the ongoing Ignite campaign and raising more than $25,000 to date for this
Cadavid is one of the program’s full-circle success
first-of-its-kind program in South Florida.
stories. After completing the program, he earned a position working with FIU Athletics, making the
To Harris, and other Panther LIFE participants,
challenging yet rewarding transition from student
this support means opportunity.
to employee.
“It means learning in action. It means breaking
Supporting Panther LIFE through the Ignite
down barriers. It means an open door to
campaign is just one of many ways FIU faculty
preparation and possibility. It’s a legacy of
and staff can give back to the university. To find
‘Yes, I can’ in a world of ‘No, you can’t,’” he said.
out more, please visit ignite.fiu.edu.
“FIU did not count me out. Even better, FIU counted me in.” Now in its third year,
For more information about Project Panther LIFE,
this postsecondary transition program
please visit education.fiu.edu/pantherlife.
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
IU’s Alumni Center is now one step closer to
“We are so grateful for donors like the Straits
becoming the new home for the university’s
who share our commitment to realize this
alumni, friends, and visitors, thanks to a $2 million
vision,” said Bill Draughon, associate vice
planned gift from Richard W. Strait, MBA ’76 and
president of University Advancement and
Marcia L. Martinez-Strait, M.S. ’77.
former executive director of the Alumni Association, who has led the charge to create
This transformational gift is one of the university’s
the center.
largest alumni contributions to date and will support the operation of the future Alumni Center, which
A site directly east of the Blue Garage at the
is a part of FIU’s Worlds Ahead vision.
FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus will host the 30,000-square-foot Alumni Center.
“FIU continues to be a major institution for preparing professionals and leaders to function in
“What was once a dream is starting to become
the 21st century global world,” said Richard, who
a reality,” added Howard R. Lipman, senior
received an MBA from the College of Business
vice president of University Advancement and
and is president and owner of Straitshots, Inc.
president and CEO of the FIU Foundation, Inc.
“That is why we support the Alumni Center. FIU
“The Alumni Center will be a first-class facility that
is a young university, but just look at what we’ve
will celebrate the excellence of FIU Panthers around
already accomplished in almost 45 years after
the world.”
opening our doors.” Richard Strait said he also hopes this gift Richard is a lifetime member of the Alumni
inspires more alumni and friends to continue
Association, which serves more than 200,000
to build the university’s philanthropic culture.
graduates represented in every state and more
“Come to FIU, see what is going on, feel
than 30 countries worldwide. He is also a member
the vibrancy of the university,” he said. “FIU is
of the College of Business Alumni Chapter, and
becoming one of the truly great institutions of
in 2010 he joined the President’s Council. His
higher learning and achievement.”
wife, Marcia, received a master’s degree from
FIU’s College of Education and is a member of the
To learn more about the FIU Alumni Center,
Dean’s Advisory Council for the college.
please visit fiualumni.com/alumnicenter.
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
New Alumni Home Richard W. Strait, MBA ’76 and Marcia L. Martinez-Strait, M.S. ’77
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
t h e f l orida inte rnationa l u n iv ersit y f ou n dation , in c.
A Window into Cuban Jorge M. Pérez and Darlene M. Boytell-Pérez ’89, M.S.N. ’96
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
History N
o other university in the U.S. surpasses
“We are so excited to be able to contribute to the
FIU in the number of professors and
Frost Art Museum and the CRI, and to share with
students of Cuban origin. From Cuban and Cuban-
students, faculty, and the South Florida community
American history and politics to the arts, FIU offers
the importance of art throughout Cuban history,”
students, faculty, and the community a variety of
said Jorge Pérez, the chairman and CEO of The
educational, research and outreach opportunities,
Related Group, who was named one of the top 25
which leverage FIU’s location and history of
most influential Hispanics in the United States by
excellence. Strengthening this reputation, longtime
TIME magazine in 2005.
FIU supporters Jorge M. Pérez and his wife, FIU alumna and nurse practitioner Darlene M. Boytell-
Additionally, the donation includes a cash gift
Pérez ’89, M.S.N. ’96, have donated a Cuban art
of $250,000 to support scholarships; collection-
collection to FIU’s School of International and Public
related curatorial work; and complementary
Affairs and The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum.
programming, such as workshops, exhibitions, and public events.
Featuring stunning rural and city landscapes, haunting portraits and vivid graphical depictions
The Pérez’s hope the collection will offer insights
of Cuba, the collection includes works by many of
into race, gender, religion, politics, and the Cuban
the best-known masters of Cuban art and provides
diaspora, while further enhancing FIU’s reputation
a window into the historical trajectory of Cuba’s
as an international destination for the study and
national identity.
teaching of Cuban art and culture.
The in-kind gift, which includes 24 Cuban paintings
“The CRI is grateful and enthusiastic about the
from the 19th and 20th centuries, is valued at more
collection,” said CRI Director Jorge Duany. “It allows
than $315,000 and will serve as an interdisciplinary
us the opportunity to strengthen the university’s
teaching and educational resource for the museum
ties to the South Florida community and broaden
and SIPA’s Cuban Research Institute. The gift will
our engagement with other local institutions,
advance the CRI’s mission to remain a pre-eminent
including Miami-Dade County Public Schools,
academic center for the study of Cuba.
through on-campus programs.”
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Legal Matters The Judge Aaron B. Cohen Charitable Foundation
avvy law students often jump-start their
Foundation namesake Judge Cohen, 97, a
careers through valuable externships,
graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and
such as those offered through the FIU College of
New York University Law School, was admitted to
Law Legal Externship Program. Participants not
the New York Bar in 1941. He served as a family
only increase their legal knowledge, they also
court judge in New York state before retiring to
gain exposure to a real work environment and
South Florida. Named in his honor, the Judge
offer valuable support to a legal employer in the
Aaron B. Cohen Judicial Externship Program gives
corporate, governmental, or public sector.
students the opportunity to work directly with participating judges, magistrates, or referees in
Now, a milestone gift of $500,000 from The Judge
state or federal courts; conduct research; write
Aaron B. Cohen Charitable Foundation will further
memoranda of law; draft opinions; and observe
enable students to gain firsthand legal experience
and participate in day-to-day court operations.
as judicial externs. This gift was announced during the College of Law’s 10th anniversary gala in
Herrup, a practicing certified public accountant
September 2012 and is the largest to date for
for the last 30 years and the President of Laurence
the college.
A. Herrup since 1994, said he hopes to see the College of Law achieve a top 100 law school
Larry Herrup, vice president of The Judge Aaron B.
ranking in the next 10 years, as it moves toward its
Cohen Charitable Foundation, said the foundation
next horizon.
invested in FIU’s College of Law because it provides academic excellence and encourages hands-on
“We aspire to set
practice, which enables success. “Offering students
an example for
the opportunity to participate in the judicial
future generations
externship program gives them an essential
of lawyers that it is
building block for their expectation of the
important to give
profession,” he said.
back so that others have the same
Franco Bacigalupo, a second-year law student who
opportunity for
benefitted from a stipend to participate in the
success that Judge
externship, said that “working in the real world of
Cohen has had in
law was a complete eye-opener.”
his lifetime,” he said.
From left to right: Judge Adalberto J. Jordan, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and Franco Bacigalupo, Cohen Judicial Extern, second-year law student.
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Laurence “Larry” Herrup
Judge Aaron B. Cohen
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Advancing Active León Medical Centers
From left to right: Albert Maury ’96, ’02, President, León Medical Centers Health Plans; Benjamín León III, President, León Medical Centers; Benjamín León Jr., Founder and Chairman, León Medical Centers.
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Aging A
s baby boomers reach retirement, they
population, most of whom are over the age of 65,”
continue to defy the standards of what is
said Benjamín León Jr., founder of León Medical
physically possible past age 65. Their expectation
Centers and León Medical Centers Health Plans,
to live longer and more active lives has led to a
which achieved the highest possible rating
series of research studies at FIU’s Herbert Wertheim
– five stars – from the Centers for Medicare &
College of Medicine.
Medicaid Services.
This research was largely made possible through
FIU researchers are now studying the impact
a $10 million gift to the college in 2008 from the
of regular exercise and wellness on seniors in
León family and León Medical Centers, one of FIU’s
partnership with León Healthy Living Centers.
clinical partners.
“Our mission is to provide our patients with the necessary tools so they can feel empowered
The gift established the León Medical Centers
over their health and live a heightened quality of
Eminent Scholars Chair in Geriatrics and the
life,” said León Jr., who was recognized as South
Benjamín León Jr. Family Center for Geriatric
Florida Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011. “We are
Research and Education. It is also among the
seeing positive signs in patients who participate
largest contributions ever made by a Cuban-
in our healthy living programs, so the next step is
American family to a U.S. university.
to validate these findings through research with FIU’s Benjamín León Jr. Family Center for Geriatric
In 2012, León Medical Centers fulfilled its pledge
Research and Education.”
to support the center, reinforcing its impact on the community.
The geriatric center focuses on health issues that affect the culturally-diverse elderly population
As Miami’s leading Medicare healthcare
in South Florida, while continuing to develop
services provider, León Medical Centers offers
a geriatric medicine curriculum. As the U.S.
complimentary patient transportation, primary
population grows older as a whole, the center’s
health care, an on-site pharmacy, access to
research will continuously gain increased relevance.
laboratories, a disease management program, dental
“This center will continue to provide greater
care and vision care at each of its seven clinics.
opportunities to improve health care delivery for the aging population,” León Jr. said. “[I] have always
“For more than 43 years, I have been dedicated
maintained that our society is best judged by how
to serving the healthcare needs of the Medicare
it cares for its elders.”
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
IU’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
“Nurses have made a difference in my life,” said
has a new companion, the Nicole Wertheim
Nicole Wertheim. “I am overjoyed to be able to
College of Nursing & Health Sciences, recently
support them and help future generations of health
named by Dr. Herbert Wertheim in honor of his
practitioners be the best healers they can be.”
beloved wife of 44 years, Nicole. The Wertheim gift and naming were celebrated Their $10 million gift embodies a commitment to
during the college’s 2013 Nightingala, which
clinical and interdisciplinary research, preventive
honored the 30th anniversary of the founding
care, and the belief that the best health care
of nursing programs at FIU. Among FIU’s most
is delivered when doctors and nurses work
dedicated supporters, the Wertheims have made
in unison.
numerous contributions to the university since 1988 when Dr. Wertheim joined the FIU Foundation
“This gift reflects the love we have for our
Board of Directors.
community and is a pledge to create more high quality health professionals,” Dr. Wertheim said.
He also served on the FIU Board of Trustees, was
“I am a fortunate man to share these passions
named Trustee Emeritus and founding chairman
with my family and be in a position to
of FIU’s College of Medicine and received an
commemorate that commitment in honor
Honorary Degree–Doctor of Medicine. In 2009,
of the love of my life, Nicole.”
the Wertheims announced a $20 million gift to the medical school, and in recognition it was named
Through their generosity, the Wertheims will create
the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.
a lasting legacy for thousands of students, and have made FIU the only university in the nation
The Wertheim family’s leadership at FIU also
with a college of medicine and a college of nursing
extends to the next generation, with daughters
and health sciences named for a husband and wife.
Erica Wertheim-Zohar and Vanessa Von Wertheim joining the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing
The gift will also establish research and scholarship
& Health Sciences’ advisory board. Additionally,
endowments, and expand the college’s graduate
Nicole was named honorary chairwoman of
programs, while further positioning the college
the college.
as a solutions center in nursing, occupational
therapy, physical therapy, athletic training,
Ultimately, Dr. Wertheim said, his family’s support
speech language pathology, and health
“brings together two important passions of ours:
services administration.
health care and FIU.”
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
A Gift of Love Dr. Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Family Foundation
From left to right: Erica Wertheim-Zohar, Nicole Wertheim, Dr. Herbert A. Wertheim, and Vanessa Von Wertheim.
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Cultural Innovation
ore than 130,000 of FIU’s nearly 200,000
since the foundation has invested more
degree recipients live and work in South
than $86 million in the local cultural community
Florida, making a direct impact on the region’s
since 2006.
economic, cultural and art landscape. And the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation is one
“The Knight Foundation and FIU have similar
Miami-based institution that has a significant
community outreach and enhancement goals,
amount of FIU alumni ties – through 10 employees
and I am always thrilled when we can collaborate
to be exact.
for the betterment of South Florida,” Scholl said. “The Foundation’s support of FIU is aligned with
For an FIU alumnus like Dennis Scholl, Esq. ‘77,
our mission to fund transformational ideas that
the Knight Foundation’s vice president of the arts,
promote quality journalism, advance media
being able to combine his love of FIU with the
innovation, engage communities, and foster
foundation’s aim to seek
the arts.”
innovative ways to reach,
engage and increase
A recent $5 million grant from the Knight
audiences for the arts is
Foundation, in support of The Wolfsonian-FIU, is
ideal – especially
just one of many ways the Knight Foundation
Dennis Scholl, Esq. ’77
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Incubators John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
From left to right: Olga Rodriguez ’85; Lia Martinez-Machado ’10; Luis Linares ’10; Nicole Chipi ’11; Alberto Ibargüen; Juan Martinez ’93, M.Acc. ’93; Elena Stetsenko ’00; Philip Francis ’99; Elika Lopez ‘06; Alex Lopez ’12
has supported FIU over the years. Other
Alumni Association, College of Arts & Sciences,
collaborations include launching the Virtual
College of Business, Frost Art Museum, Chaplin
Frost Art Museum, establishing Creative Writing
School of Hospitality & Tourism Management,
Program Knight Fellowships, and expanding
School of Journalism & Mass Communication, and
career services for FIU alumni.
The Wolfsonian-FIU.
“The specific grant to The Wolfsonian-FIU will
“At the Knight Foundation, we value working
support the digitization of the Wolfsonian
with grantees who are willing to take big risks
collection, facilitating its use by scholars world-
and experiment in smart, well-thought-out ways,”
wide. With the grant, we also seek to support
said Juan J. Martinez ’90, M.Acc. ‘93, the
innovative design and program ideas through
vice president, CFO and treasurer of the
which the museum will engage the community,
Knight Foundation.
including an ‘ideas’ festival,” said Alberto Ibargüen, Knight Foundation’s president.
“Our relationship with FIU certainly fits that bill, and it makes me proud to be involved from both
In total, the Knight Foundation has given nearly
the perspective of the foundation and as an
$12.4 million to FIU since 1974, supporting the
FIU alumnus.”
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
IU might be a young university, but it now
the collection features Soviet, British, German and
boasts a music collection that dates back
Japanese pianists’ recordings, as well as orchestral,
to 1903.
operatic, vocal, instrumental and chamber music. Many of these original LPs are impossible to find
The university’s collection of classical music is
anywhere else in the Western world.
even more expansive today after a generous gift from Julian Kreeger and his wife, Judy. The
“This collection represents a 50-year labor of
couple recently donated an archive of more than
love and passion,” said Julian Kreeger, president of
27,000 classical music recordings to the College of
Friends of Chamber Music of Miami.
Architecture + The Arts, including albums, tapes, videos, books and sheet music.
Kreeger’s interest in music began in Manhattan when he would attend performances at Carnegie
The Julian and Judy Kreeger Collection is believed
Hall and around the city. During his time at
to be one of the largest private collections
Columbia University, he was the classical music
of classical piano music and places FIU in the
director of the college’s radio station. He then
company of top universities’ classical music
became a classical music critic, radio host and
collections around the world.
program annotator, and participated in a number of state and national boards of trustees, including
“Given the breadth and depth of the Kreeger
but not limited to the National Symphony, Miami
Collection and the lifetime it has taken to amass,
Music Project, Friends of Chamber Music of Miami
it is highly unlikely that such a collection can be
and the Miami Philharmonic.
assembled again,” said Brian Schriner, dean of
the College of Architecture + The Arts. “We are
In 1979, he co-founded Audiofon Records, which
honored to have such a rich and comprehensive
received acclaim from music critics, audiophiles
collection. Our students will benefit greatly from
and musicians. Kreeger was also a concert
having access to this wide-ranging archive.”
presenter and record producer.
The Kreeger Collection is housed in the Green
Regarding his gift to FIU, he said, “I am happy to
Library at the FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus.
see our collection provide the university with
With an appraised value of more than $631,000,
limitless educational possibilities.”
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Musical Passion Julian and Judy Kreeger
Pictured left are Judy and Julian Kreeger with Cyprien Katsaris (pianist) and William De Rosa (cellist). Both musicians are featured in the Kreeger Collection.
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Constructing a Legacy Robert Chadwick “Chad” Moss ’94 and Moss & Associates, LLC
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
rom supporting scholars, to building FIU’s
business and the construction industry, in
newest residence hall, to being a huge
particular. So it’s no surprise that his company
Panthers fan, FIU’s own Chad Moss ’94, senior vice
mirrors the qualities of FIU.
president of Moss & Associates, has been an allaround supporter of his alma mater in numerous
“We challenge and empower our employees
ways over the years.
through supportive leadership. Like FIU, we are an extremely diverse organization, both in
Moss and the award-winning, family-owned
terms of our talent and our business segments.
construction management firm based in
We are passionate about learning, teaching and
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., have supported FIU through Athletics, the First Generation Scholarship Fund, the Alumni Association, the Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, and the College of Engineering & Computing. Moss’ most recent $250,000 gift supports a computing and computation infrastructure facility for construction education and research. In recognition, the College of Engineering & Computing named the facility the Moss & Associates Built Environment Informatics Laboratory. “FIU is the cornerstone of my success and that’s
implementing new technology that advances our efforts,” he said. Moss & Associates recently constructed Parkview Hall, one of FIU’s most significant new building developments in years. The residence hall opened in August 2013 and incorporates the same costsaving technology used to build Marlins Ballpark. Parkview – also a social hub, academic learning center and gathering place – is the Moss family’s first FIU project. “This is a personal job for me. It’s my whole
why I remain involved with the university at every
life coming full circle,” said Moss, who received
level,” said Moss, a graduate of FIU’s construction
the FIU Alumni Association’s Torch Award for
management program and a member of the FIU
Distinguished Alumni in 2010.
Foundation Board of Directors. “[FIU] serves so many needs of aspiring students, “It has been a privilege to partner with FIU.
the business community and the community
Not only is it my alma mater, but it’s also the
at large, providing world-class education,
alma mater of many of Moss & Associates’
employment opportunities and training,
employees.” Moss said his experience as an FIU
community involvement, philanthropy and
student gave him the tools for success in
great athletics!”
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Impacting Education W
hat began as an inaugural training
by the once-bare classroom walls that now
session in La Romana, Dominican
proudly display student work; the care these
Republic, soon evolved into a long-term
teachers take in planning interactive learning
partnership between FIU and Mission
activities for their students; and teachers and
International Rescue Charities, thanks to a
administrators who are now forming part of a
shared interest in best teaching practices.
MIR corps of educators who work together and support each other.”
MIR Charities, founded by Lian Fanjul de Azqueta and led with support from her daughter
MIR Charities’ support is complemented by FIU’s
Lyanne Azqueta, is a non-profit organization
institutional commitment to the collaboration,
that helps the Dominican Republic’s most
leveraging the expertise and resources of faculty
marginalized families escape poverty through
and staff from the College of Education and
education, housing, medical assistance and
Center for Leadership and Service.
technical preparation. This interdisciplinary partnership also enables The organization supports three schools in
FIU students to work with MIR educators and
La Romana. In 2011, several faculty from FIU’s
students through customized service learning
College of Education led school leaders there
opportunities, such as alternativeBreaks.
in an intense weeklong professional development workshop, providing a unique learning
Grateful for the generosity of the Fanjul Azqueta
experience focused on the latest interactive
family, Delia Garcia, dean of the College of
instructional strategies.
Education, said, “This gift will ensure that MIR educators receive the guidance needed to become
To further support this growing partnership, MIR
agents of empowerment in their classrooms –
Charities pledged more than $80,000 toward the
serving as a catalyst for sustainable change.”
college’s efforts to help Dominican educators hone their teaching skills and to encourage
Rosenberg agreed, pointing out that the
students to reach their full potential.
partnership is “win-win-win: for FIU faculty, for administrators and teachers in the Dominican
“These educators want to make a difference in
Republic, and for the students in the Dominican
the lives of their students – they just needed the
Republic who benefit as their teachers gain
tools,” said FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg.
new teaching tools and approach each day with
“We can measure the success of this program
renewed enthusiasm and love for teaching.”
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Overseas MIR Charities and the Fanjul Azqueta Family
From left to right: Lian Fanjul de Azqueta and Lyanne Azqueta
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Empowering Hospitality Diageo
From left to right: Wayne Chaplin (President, Southern Wine & Spirits), Harvey Chaplin (Founder, Southern Wine & Spirits), Paul Walsh (Chairman and Chief Executive, Diageo PLC), Janelle Prieto (Manager, Learning for Life), Randy Millian (Chairman, Diageo LAC), Ivan Menezes (Chief Executive, Diageo PLC), William Bullard (Corporate Relations Director, Diageo LAC)
From left to right: Mike Hampton (Dean, Chaplin School of Hospitaity & Tourism Management), Learning for Life graduate Lateeal Broughton, William Bullard (Corporate Relations Director, Diageo LAC)
“This has been the best learning experience. I didn’t have a lot of people pushing me in my life. Here, I had people telling me every day, ‘You can do it!’ This program made everything happen.” - Reginal Jones
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
Professionals W
hen Diageo, the world’s leading
permanent employee after completing their
premium beverages company, joined
internship. In the first year alone, 135 graduates
forces with FIU’s Chaplin School of Hospitality
were placed in two-week paid internships at well-
& Tourism Management, South Florida’s service
known local restaurants, cruise lines, catering
industry received a big boost, benefitting from
companies, hotels and convention centers.
specialized training offered to underserved community members.
“We want to see individuals forge their own path and become self-sufficient contributors in the
Diageo’s Learning for Life – the free job readiness,
South Florida community. In partnership with FIU,
life skills training, certification and internship
we are supporting the long-term sustainability of
program – empowers unemployed and
South Florida’s tourism and hospitality industry,”
underemployed South Florida residents and U.S.
said William Bullard, corporate relations director
veterans seeking positions with local customer
of Diageo LAC.
service, hospitality and tourism industry partners. Since 2012, Diageo has given approximately
Developed as a U.S. pilot of the successful
$900,000 toward the program’s operation.
Learning for Life initiative, currently operating in more than 32 countries throughout Latin America
“Thanks to Diageo’s vision and generosity, this
and the Caribbean, Learning for Life at FIU has
ongoing initiative will allow hundreds of hard-
graduated nearly 250 participants to date.
working, determined South Floridians to attain
Diageo is planning to expand the program into
the tools they need for a successful future,”
New York City and other major cities across
said Mike Hampton, Ed.D., dean of the Chaplin
the U.S.
School of Hospitality & Tourism Management. By completing the eight-week training, participants
One South Florida graduate, Reginal Jones, 23,
can qualify for certification in bartending,
enrolled in Learning for Life after years of
banquet setup, restaurant serving, guest services
working in a low-paying job. He credits the
or food handling. Participants also receive life
supportive environment and staff for helping
skills training in resume and cover letter writing,
him succeed.
interviewing, personal finances, professional image and attire, and computer literacy.
“This has been the best learning experience,” Jones said. “I didn’t have a lot of people pushing
The program aims to equip graduates with
me in my life. Here, I had people telling me
the self-confidence, practical experience
every day, ‘You can do it!’ This program made
and expertise to help them be retained as a
everything happen.”
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Tropical Research Hub W
ith one of the world’s largest
and conserve tropical plant resources as a key
concentrations of tropical botany
component of building a sustainable future.
researchers, FIU has led the field for the past 25 years. Over the last decade in particular, the
“Properly harnessing the potential of tropical
university has emerged as one of the leading
plants will be critical for sustaining the expanding
major hubs for Caribbean botany.
world population, especially in developing countries,” said Michael Heithaus, executive
More than a dozen faculty members in the tropical
director of FIU’s School of Environment, Arts and
botany program include some of the world’s
Society. “Tropical plants need to be discovered,
leading experts. Their expertise recently paved the
categorized, understood and preserved.” Despite
way for the creation of the International Center for
the importance of tropical plants, there has been
Tropical Botany, a collaboration between FIU and
a reduction in the number of university botany
the National Tropical Botanical Garden – the
programs worldwide; only a handful of the existing
world-class botanical research center that has
programs have a tropical focus.
studied the Pacific for nearly 50 years. The ICTB brings together scientists from two
FIU is committed to address this gap through the
important institutions and creates a critical
creation of the center, which will be located at The
mass of global importance.
Kampong, NTBG’s garden in Coconut Grove and the historical home of economic botanist David
“The center will serve as an unparalleled resource
Fairchild. The ICTB will work closely with FIU’s
for botanical research and education,” said
research partners at Fairchild Tropical Botanical
Kenneth G. Furton, dean of FIU’s College of Arts
Garden and the Montgomery Botanical Center,
& Sciences. “Worldwide, more than 5.6 billion
initiating a new era of collaboration.
people get most of their medicines from plants. Just imagine the positive impact the center will
“We are the only university in the continental
be able to make through its research.”
U.S. that has partnerships with tropical botanical gardens,” said Bradley Bennett, an FIU associate
Thanks to a $2.5 million pledge from the William
professor of biological sciences. “I hope that we can
R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust and a matching gift
direct the focus of the ICTB so that it fulfills David
of $2.5 million from the Batchelor Foundation,
Fairchild’s vision – making Miami the premier
the center will lead global efforts to study
location in the U.S. to study tropical botany.”
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
The William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust and the Batchelor Foundation
Located on Biscayne Bay in Coconut Grove, Florida, The Kampong contains a fascinating array of tropical fruit cultivars and flowering trees. From left to right: FIU professors Eric Bishop von Wetterberg, Jennifer Richards, and Bradley Bennett
Fall 2013
For more than four decades, FIU has positioned itself as one of South Florida’s anchor institutions by solving some of the greatest challenges of our time. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of the local and global community. With a student body of more than 50,000, we are among the top 10 largest universities in the nation. We have collectively graduated more than 200,000 alumni – more than 130,000 of which live and work in South Florida, and the rest are making a difference in their communities across the nation and internationally every day.
Colleges and Schools College of Architecture + The Arts College of Arts & Sciences • School of Environment, Arts and Society • School of Integrated Science and Humanity • School of International and Public Affairs
in the nation in awarding bachelor’s and master’s degrees to Hispanic students
College of Business • School of Accounting
FIU’s dynamic student
• Alvah H. Chapman, Jr. Graduate School of Business • R. Kirk Landon Undergraduate School of Business • Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate
body reflects the % 63 Hispanic
vibrant diversity of South Florida.
College of Education College of Engineering & Computing • School of Computing and Information Sciences • OHL School of Construction Honors College Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management School of Journalism & Mass Communication College of Law Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work • School of Social Work University Graduate School University College (Continuing Education and Fully-Online Programs)
% 14 African American
% 13 White NonHispanic
Minority Groups
% 3 Asian or Pacific Islander
Number of students graduating
annualy from FIU
Campuses and Academic Centers • Broward Pines Center • Biscayne Bay Campus
Downtown on Brickell •
We award more than
Engineering Center •
$140 million dollars
Modesto A. Maidique Campus •
each year in scholarships
• Miami Beach Urban Studios
Museums • The Wolfsonian-FIU • Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU • The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum
International Campus • Tianjin Center in Tianjin, China 53 % of FIU undergraduate
More than
students are First Generation
million in research and sponsored programs
Academic Year 2012-2013
We are one of the top 100 universities
of the university’s tenured or tenureearning faculty hold doctorates or the highest degree attainable in their field.
in the world less than 50 years old
1000 th Law Grad 1000 th Grad in Tianjin
We employ 10,000 people
bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs 29
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
Snapshot of Giving for Fiscal Year Giving by Donor Type Total Donors Donor Type Alumni
Total Donors 14,116
Corporations 542 Faculty/Staff 786 Foundations 95 Friends (Individuals)
Organizations 301
Friends (Individuals)
Parents 598
Endowment Performance
(In millions)
Investment Fund Balance
Fund Balance History
Year Ended 30
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
2012-2013 Giving by Donor Type in Dollars Total Raised Donor Type
Total Raised
$ 4,949,299.73
$ 5,635,069.98
$ 24,534,921.37
Friends (Individuals)
$ 5,557,619.61
$ 1,854,639.93
Friends (Individuals)
$ 43,332,210.70
Rate of Return
FIU Foundation Investment Returns
Year Ended 31
t h e f l o r i d a i n t e r n at i o n a l u n i v e r s i t y f o u n d at i o n , i n c .
FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (A Direct Support Organization) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION JUNE 30, 2013 (WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR JUNE 30, 2012) 2012 2013 Assets: Cash and cash equivalents 4,806,843 9,358,242 Contributions receivable, net 61,536,667 69,178,385 Investments 168,514,586 194,966,098 Due from Florida International University 136,285 60,329 Bond issuance costs, net 122,590 110,120 Other assets 839,549 903,316 Fixed assets, net 12,174,916 14,824,262 Total Assets $248,131,436 $289,400,752 Liabilities: Accounts payable and other liabilities 289,652 689,993 Annuity payables 188,385 180,768 Deferred revenue 843,218 1,061,734 Due to Florida International University 673,237 677,334 Due to Florida International University Athletics Finance Corp. 56,100 Split-interest obligations 789,060 766,787 Derivative liability 432,872 264,027 Notes payable 8,180,000 7,640,000 Total Liabilities $11,452,524 $11,280,643 Net Assets: Unrestricted 21,631,305 30,070,328 Temporarily restricted 33,472,532 55,898,663 Permanently restricted 181,575,075 194,151,118 Total Net Assets $236,678,912 $278,120,109 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $248,131,436 $289,400,752
The FIU Foundation’s principal responsibilities are to channel private support to FIU and exercise fiduciary management of those gifts. Over the past five years, FIU has grown by nearly 10,000 students but lost $72 million in state funding. Today, more than ever before, the FIU Foundation makes a difference – providing critical funding as we transition from a state-supported to state-assisted institution.
The newly renovated Deuxieme Maison building courtyard features hanging planters and steel seating against a pop of blue to create an inviting space.
2012-2013 a n n u a l r e p o r t
The FIU Foundation, Inc. 2012-2013 Board of Directors Thank you to our current, ex-officio and emeritus directors who give of their time to lead the FIU Foundation to new heights. Executive Committee Justo L. Pozo, CPA ‘80 Chairperson
Richard Brilliant ‘93 Treasurer Finance Committee, Chair Investment Sub-Committee, Chair
Carlos B. Castillo, Esq. ‘88 By-Laws Special Committee, Chair Development Management Committee, Co-Chair
Noel J. Guillama-Alvarez ‘99 Immediate Past Chair Real Estate Sub-Committee, Chair
Nelson L. Adams, M.D. Vice Chairperson
Kathryn G. Chase Secretary
Carlos A. Duart, CPA ‘94, M.S. ‘99 Development Management Committee, Co-Chair
Howard R. Lipman President and CEO
Thomas M. Cornish ‘85 Membership & Board Management Committee, Co-Chair
Steven M. Berwick, CPA ‘75 Audit Committee, Chair
Veronica Cervera Goeseke Membership & Board Management Committee, Co-Chair
Albert R. Maury ‘96, ‘02 FIU Board of Trustees, Chair Ex-Officio Member
Mark B. Rosenberg University President
Directors Gonzalo Acevedo ’91, MBA ’10, Ex-Officio David S. Adler ’08
Murray H. Dubbin, Esq.
Jeffrey L. Horstmyer, M.D.
Mario Murgado
Carlos A. Sabater, CPA ’81
Kenneth G. Furton,
Neisen O. Kasdin, Esq.
Marcel L. Navarro ’93
Adalio T. Sanchez ’87
R. Kirk Landon
Marcos A. Perez ’90, MBA ’00
Ronald A. Shuffield
Jose M. Aldrich
Candice B. Gidney, Esq.
Donald E. Lefton
Jonathan E. Perlman, Esq.
Elliot Stone
Agustin R. Arellano Sr.
Francisco Gonzalez, CPA ’90
Alberto Lorenzo ’74
Danny G. Pino ’96
Oscar J. Suarez Jr.
Antonio L. Argiz, CPA ’74
Jorge J. Gonzalez ’88
Juan J. Martinez ’90,
Lilly B. Pino ’97
José J. Valdés-Fauli ’75
Victor C. Balestra,
Jill Granat, Esq. ’87
T. Gene Prescott
Jorge R. Villacampa
Carolina Rendeiro
Isaac Zelcer
Ex-Officio Leonard B. Bliss, Ex-Officio John M. Bussel
Pablo Haspel ’12, Ex-Officio Mary I. Hoelle ’77, M.P.A. ’79, Ex-Officio
M.Acc. ’93 Michael R. Mendez ’03, MBA ’10
Orlando Roche ’88
Fu W. Zhou, Ex-Officio
R. Chad Moss ’94
Jorge Rossell
Sanford L. Ziff, O.D.
Emeritus Directors Neal O. Amdur*
Catherine H. Fahringer
William M. Lehman Jr.
Ricardo Nuñez-Portuondo
Gerald Thomas Wolfe ’80, ’86
John K. Aurell
Stanley J. Glaser*
Morris Levitt
Earl W. Powell
Sonny Wright
Oscar Bustillo
Gui L. P. Govaert*
Modesto A. Maidique
Joan Peven Smith
Charles Zwick
Jordan Davidson*
J. Stephen Hudson
Albert Morrison Jr.*
Theodore Spak
Victor I. Eber *
Lester R. Johnson
W. James Orovitz*
Amancio V. Suarez
Leon J. Ell *
Roz Kovens
David L. Perlman*
Norman R. Weldon
We would like to thank FIU External Relations - Office of Publications and FIU Academic Imaging Services for their support and work on this project. Graphic Designer: Oscar Negret. Photographers: Gloria O’Connell, Ivan Santiago. Photo credit page 23: Hector Baez.
T h e FIU F o u n d ati o n , I n c . M o d e s t o A. M a i d i q u e C am p u s • 11200 S.W. 8 t h S t r e e t , MAR C 540 • M i am i , F l o r i d a 33199 P h o n e : 305-348-6298 • F a x : 305-348-3337 f o u n d at i o n . f i u . e d u