FIU - CASE Dredging

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From left, FIU marine scientists Laura Timm, Kevin Boswell and Heather Bracken-Grissom conduct research on the ecological damages done to the Gulf of Mexico as it continues to recover from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.


t has been six years since the

Mexico as an ecosystem on a broad

penetrate into the feathers of birds and

Deepwater Horizon oil spill dumped

scale,” Boswell said. “This is an

fur of mammals. Animals can easily

millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf

exciting opportunity to interface two

ingest it and be poisoned. But society

of Mexico. Plants and wildlife were

technologies in a novel way that will

is now learning not all damage to the

harmed and the ecosystems they call

allow us to fill data gaps.”

gulf was caused by the oil itself.

home destroyed. The revenue brought

Researchers shed light on reality in a post-oil spill Gulf of Mexico By Evelyn S. Perez |

Southeast Environmental Research

way of life was tarnished.

of the sea floor, marine sciences

Center found crude oil and weathered

Ph.D. student Laura Timm is diving

oil alone did not cause significant

Environment, Arts and Society are

deep to examine what life is like

adverse effects in moon jellyfish, a

focusing their efforts on uncovering

for crustaceans after the oil spill.

species commonly found there. But

the far-reaching ecological damages

Conducting her research alongside

the crude oil, in the presence of the

done to the Gulf of Mexico as it

marine sciences professor Heather

chemical dispersant Corexit 9500

continues to recover from the oil spill.

Bracken-Grissom, she is examining

used to break-up slicks, caused

Their goal is to inform future ecological

different species of crustaceans,

changes in color of the jellyfish,

assessment efforts to better monitor

including shrimp, to determine

irregularities in their bell shape, tissue

and understand changing conditions.

how the event impacted genetic

degradation and even death. Even

diversity, population connectivity

though the gulf is home to one of the

of 10 researchers from across the state

and communication. Her hope is to

most diverse populations of jellyfish,

selected by the Florida Institute of

develop a timeline of their recovery

these free swimming animals are

Oceanography to help fortify the health

and genetic sequencing protocols for

often overlooked in marine toxicity

of the Gulf of Mexico. The fisheries

future research.

assessments. According to Rand,

Marine scientist Kevin Boswell is one

ecologist is studying coral reef fish

Timm, Bracken-Grissom and Boswell

selecting a variety of animal and

communities impacted by the oil spill.

are part of the Gulf of Mexico Research

plant species native to an ecosystem

Coral reefs form some of the most

Initiative’s DEEPEND Consortium,

for toxicity assessment is critical for

diverse ecosystems on Earth, offering

an international research effort

understanding potential risks to it.

shoreline protection, commercial

dedicated to understanding the Gulf

Cleanup from an oil spill is difficult

fisheries and recreational opportunities.

of Mexico and the impacts of the oil

and it may take weeks, months or even

Seemingly rugged and everlasting,

spill on the Gulf. Their research will

years to fully recover. All too often,

reefs are fragile ecosystems under

play a role in the initiative’s efforts to

people are caught off guard not only

threat from pollution and climate

ensure scientists, first responders and

by the tragedy itself, but also by all the

change. Boswell’s Fisheries Ecology

policymakers are better prepared to

unknowns these events cause. FIU is

and Acoustics Lab is using sonar and

understand, respond to and mitigate

leveraging its depth of expertise within

remotely operated vehicle technologies

damage from future spills.

its faculty to educate researchers and

to provide baseline information on

Oftentimes, communities learn of

responders on oil spill assessment,

the damage spilled oil does to marine

mitigation and recovery. In the long-

environments — it forms slicks that

term, the hope is when disasters strike,

face when the oil spill occurred was

can be difficult to remove and can

scientists will be better prepared to

the lack of knowledge on the Gulf of

contaminate miles of water. The oil can

advance recovery. n

coral reef fish diversity and ecology. “One of the things that hit us in the

38 | Arts, Sciences & Education 2015-2016

A study led by Gary Rand of the

inside coral reefs to the depths

Researchers in the School of

Dredging through slicks

From the hidden crannies deep

in by fisheries and tourism was cut. A

Arts, Sciences & Education 2015-2016 | 39

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