Student Affairs Annual Report 2018

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Enriching students’ lives Student Affairs | Florida International University

A N N U A L R E P O R T | 2 0 1 7-2 0 1 8

Message from the

Vice President At FIU, we

In fact, this past year, division


collaborations led to Student Affairs’

learning is a

Panther Prepared, Student Learning

lifelong journey

Outcomes having its first Panthers R.I.S.E.

that leads to

(Readiness through Intentional Student

success. In

Employment) Pilot Program. Furthermore,

the Division

the Center for Leadership and Service was

of Student

the recipient of the 2017 Florida Campus

Affairs, we strive, above all else, to make

Company Engaged Campus of the Year.

sure our students have opportunities

Our Women’s Center successfully hosted

to grow as individuals, develop critical

Tina Tchen, lawyer and former chief of

thinking and problem-solving skills, and

staff to Michelle Obama and executive

build collaborative relationships with

director for the White House Commission

individuals representing diverse cultures,

on Women and Girls, as keynote speaker

races, ages, genders, religions, lifestyles

for the 12th Annual Women Who Lead

and viewpoints.

Conference and provided programming and events for over 11,000 FIU students

We are committed to the academic

and community members. The Wellness

mission of the institution. We believe

& Recreation Center at the Modesto

that student learning produces both

Maidique Campus completed a $25

educational and developmental

million expansion, increasing the facility’s

outcomes and that students learn

space to 120,000 square feet, while

both in the classroom and through

FIU Housing completed a $5 million

their engagement in the co-curricular

renovation project. Additionally, our

experience. Our unique division

Graham Center hosted the U.S. State

supports these experiences by engaging

Department Conference on Prosperity

students outside of the classroom

and Security in Central America.

through its 23 departments. We are excited to share our A student’s journey no longer ends

accomplishments with you in the

at graduation. It’s a continuous road

following pages and look forward to

that may include different degrees,

continuing to build collaborations

certificates or competencies. Focused

that are committed to putting our FIU

on student growth and development,

students first.

Student Affairs’ departments, in partnership with academic and other


units, ensure students are successful and engaged throughout their college career and beyond, preparing them to become

Larry Lunsford, Ph.D.

active contributors in their communities.

Vice President for Student Affairs

Annual Report 2017-2018


Who we are The Division of Student Affairs at Florida International University is comprised of 23 departments and over 300 employees serving students on multiple campuses. Student Affairs actively supports the university’s mission by engaging students in becoming active contributors to an evolving global and technological society. Our priority is to supplement students’ academic learning through quality programs and services that teach civic responsibility, leadership, commitment to service, nurture an understanding of diversity, and provide experiential learning opportunities that foster an enduring connection to the university.

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2017-2018 In 2017-2018, Student Affairs identified and committed to four key strategic priorities. These key strategies aligned with the university’s BeyondPossible2020 plan and were designed to enrich and enhance students’ lives at Florida International University.






Advance the academic success and personal development of students

Foster a quality university experience

Commit to engagement

Position the division to capitalize on university growth

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs employed 728 students during the 2017-2018 academic year. Annual Report 2017-2018



Student Affairs

Student Learning Outcomes (Panther Prepared) At the Division of Student Affairs, we believe students learn both in the classroom and through their engagement in co-curricular activities. To help us measure student learning, we created our divisional learning outcomes by combining the eight competencies associated with career readiness developed by the National Association of Colleges together with industry employers, and the Student Leadership Competencies created by Seemiller (2014). Our divisional learning outcomes effectively provide a common language which helps students connect and communicate their skills and experiences to future jobs and employers. Consequently, when students choose to get involved in our programs and services, they become more competent in these eight learning outcomes, and are more prepared for a successful transition into the workplace.

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving


Understands the value of making decisions appropriate to each situation

Motivates and empowers others

Solves problems effectively

Utilizes others’ contributions effectively

Conducts research and analyzes information for more thorough understanding

Oral & Written Communication •

Effectively communicates verbally with others oneon-one, in groups, and/or in front of large audiences

Competently communicates in written format, demonstrates a clear organization of one’s thoughts, using words that reflect one’s intended meaning, and delivers the information in a readable, clear, and concise manner

Teamwork with Collaboration

Professionalism/Work Ethic •

Effectively communicates non-verbally

Takes responsibility for personal behavior and acts in an ethical manner

Places a value on taking initiative

Follows through on responsibilities

Articulates the value of reflecting on experiences to apply learning in the future

Career Management •

Understands the value in acting in alignment with personal values

Collaborates successfully

Engages in self-development

Negotiates conflict effectively

Possesses the will to enhance understanding of self

Understands the process of group development

Digital Technology

Global/Intercultural Fluency •

Utilizes appropriate technology to accomplish a given task

Promotes diversity and understanding of others’ circumstances

Engages in inclusive behavior

Solves problems through computing skills

Actively encourages one’s own and/or others’ exposure to people from a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and/or experiences in an effort to enhance group effectiveness and/or group functioning

Annual Report 2017-2018


Get Involved Orientation & Family Programs

Residential Life

Whether it’s through orientation, Panther Camp, family programming, or various other exciting initiatives, Orientation and Family Programs (OFP) serves as a valuable resource to help students transition to FIU and embark on a successful and rewarding college experience. Through academic and co-curricular endeavors, OFP provides opportunities and experiences that lead to student retention and affinity.

Residential Life is committed to providing an environment for students that is both enjoyable and educational. Staff members promote the personal and academic success of students living on campus via services, programs, tutoring, and activities that are focused on student growth and success.


Residential Life offered several signature programs to increase retention and promote a 4-year graduation, including Knock Knock, a faculty and staff engagement program with our first-year residents, and the Annual Dean’s List Gala.

Residential Life staff offered more than 1,524 programs tracked via online proposal and evaluation forms. Top programming areas included: Academic & Career Development (80 programs), Diversity (77 programs), Global Learning (87 programs), and Safety and Sexual Assault Awareness (79 programs).

In response to Hurricane Irma, the entire Residential Life Staff assisted more than 400 FIU residents in Parkview Hall (on-campus Evacuation Center) for the out-of-area Housing residents and FIU students who had no place to shelter.


During the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop held at the University of Central Florida, the 2018 Peer Advisor Team was chosen by fellow orientation leaders from schools within NODA Region VI as the recipient of the Large Delegation Spirit Award for displaying outstanding school spirit, fellowship, commitment to learning, and respect.

The 2017 Peer Advisor Team won 2018 Outstanding Student Life Awards in the Spirit category.

Through a collaboration with Transfer and Transition Services, OFP hosted the first Transfer Advising & Registration Day specifically for students majoring in STEM fields and continued to do so every semester since.

Student Affairs


92.7% of residents who lived on-campus were satisfied with the performance of their staff members in the Residence Halls.

Annual Report 2017-2018


15,700 students completed 528,000 service hours, which equates to $12.3 million in economic impact to our community.


Student Affairs

Get Involved Campus Life MMC

Campus Life BBC

Through programming that integrates diversity, leadership, and personal development, Campus Life at Modesto Maidique Campus (MMC) provides students opportunities to make meaningful connections and become leaders in our global community.

Campus Life at Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC) offers programs and services that support student engagement and enhance students’ academic education.

Campus Life MMC oversees all student councils, organizations, and clubs on campus including the Student Government Association, the Council for Student Organizations, the Student Programming Council, and more.

The department advises the Student Government Council, Student Programming Council, Student Organizations Council, and Panther Power. It also provides support for the Black Student Union, Homecoming Councils and all registered student organizations at BBC.



The department participated in the redesign of graphics and wayfinding for the first floor of the Wolfe University Center.

To increase student reach, Campus Life BBC and the BBC Councils partnered with academic units and hosted programs in new areas including an event held at the Chaplin School of Hospitality patio and two Late Day Latte events in the Hubert Library.

Campus Life BBC participated in the Panthers Readiness through Intentional Student Employment (R.I.S.E.) program and integrated the Division of Student Affairs’ Student Learning Outcomes (Panther Prepared) into its programs, signature events, student leader training, and front desk staff training.

Campus Life staff supported over 91 events and engaged 12,881 participants.

Worlds Ahead DC Fly-In was a success, yet again, this year. This collaborative effort with the FIU DC Office and Governmental Relations grants student leaders from all academic backgrounds jobs and internship opportunities. This year, out of the 20 participants, nine received offers and three others received pending offers. SummerFest 2017 had over 3,600 individuals in attendance. This event has seen significant growth from the 400 attendees in 2013.

Roar it Forward raised $3,000 to assist students in crisis and in need.

Campus Life staff supported over 222 events and engaged 57,333 participants.

Annual Report 2017-2018


Get Involved Multicultural Programs & Services Multicultural Programs and Services (MPAS) celebrates diversity and promotes inclusion by creating a campus community that encourages social responsibility, honors equality, and fosters student success. Through intentional programs and services, the department strives to engage, retain, and guide students to graduation and become civically responsible members in our global society.

Highlights •


MPAS/Golden Drum students had 29 percent more credits toward graduation and an 8 percent higher GPA (3.34 vs 3.08) than their matched cohort at the university.

The department’s total fundraising efforts (including grants) totaled over $315,619.

Through various programs and events including National Trio Day, First Generation Day Celebration, LGBTQA initiatives, Holiday Celebration for Children, Student Groups Advising, Mentoring Programs, and Excellence Awards, MPAS successfully engaged with over 13,428 students and community members.

Student Affairs

Student Media Student Media offers independent student-created news, sports, opinion and music programming for the university community. It’s comprised of Panther Press, a newspaper produced by undergraduate students, and The Roar, a student-run radio station. Student Media offers internships granting students hands-on experience to help them prepare for jobs in the industry after graduation.

Center for Leadership & Service The Center for Leadership & Service (CLS) prepares and inspires students to become lifelong, socially responsible leaders. Through programming focused on leadership education, service, and social innovation, students become active citizens on-campus, in their respective communities and globally.



WRGP was rebranded as The ROAR, FIU’s student-run radio station committed to vibrant student programming in music, news, sports, and the arts.

CLS was the recipient of the 2017 Florida Campus Compact Engaged Campus of the Year Award in the public sector.

Student Media debuted PantherNow, a newsletter available to student subscribers every Wednesday.

Student Media hosted three student forums: The First Amendment forum, the elections forum, and the #MeToo forum. Attendance increased by 320 percent from the first forum (35 students) to the last forum (112 students).

The department successfully relocated the Student Food Pantry at MMC to the Graham Center and upgraded its infrastructure by utilizing the One Card System.

CLS supported the FIUstrong initiative by creating relief effort opportunities at local community organizations and encouraging the FIU community to help sort hurricane relief items or donate critical items of canned food, toiletries, and other basic needs.

The Student Food Pantry at MMC & BBC had 2,486 visitors and distributed over 15,937 pounds of food.

Annual Report 2017-2018


1,046 military affiliated students received support from Veteran and Military Affairs. 2,331 students received accommodations from the Disability Resource Center.


Student Affairs

Get Support Veteran and Military Affairs

Disability Resource Center

The Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) is the campus advocate for veterans, active duty, reservists, eligible dependents and spouses enrolled at FIU. The department is committed to students’ successful transition from the military environment to campus life, and ultimately to a civilian career. The VMA provides opportunities for peer-to-peer support, mentoring and social networking.

From transitioning into FIU to graduating from our university, the Disability Resource Center (DRC) aims to guide and support students with disabilities. The DRC’s goal is to assist students’ success by fostering a campus culture where students, faculty, and staff have the resources to work together in a barrier-free learning environment.



Veteran and Military Affairs partnered with the FIU Office of Engagement to usher in an era of coordinated collaboration and partnership in support of our military connected students.

A total of $260,764 was awarded to student recipients of DRC scholarships, including Accessing the World Scholarship, Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship, and Dr. Fareed Haj Scholarship Endowment.

Together with the Office of the President, VMA organized the FIU Inaugural Memorial Day Reflection held at Felsberg Veterans Plaza.

Veteran and Military Affairs collaborated with the Student Veterans of America to host FIU Diversity Week events, “Boots to Books” and the film screening “Served Like A Girl.”

The Disability Resource Center recognized service dog Kali as the first FIU service animal to receive a certificate of completion for helping her human, DRC student Tiffany Ascanio, complete her degree in mechanical engineering.

The DRC participated in the Student Affairs takeover of FIU’s Instagram account, engaging the FIU audience with 5,079 total story views.

Additionally, the VMA office sponsored and collaborated with the Student Veterans of America in support of the Ruck March from FIU to UM to raise awareness of veteran student suicide.

The support and efforts Florida International University (FIU) Veteran and Military Affairs Office has provided me are endless, and these gems have been the cornerstone of my success academically, personally, and professionally. — Travis Dozier, Senior, International Relations and Latin American Caribbean Studies

Annual Report 2017-2018


Get Services Counseling and Psychological Services Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers mental health services and educational initiatives designed to improve emotional well-being and enhance academic skills development and success. All registered FIU students have access to same-day consultations, crisis intervention, individual and couples’ counseling, group counseling, comprehensive psychological and psychiatric assessment, as well as psychological and educational testing.

Women’s Center The Women’s Center provides students with programs and services that offer intellectual, professional and personal growth. The center collaborates with other university departments and student organizations to enhance the lives of the diverse female population on campus. The center educates and advocates for systemic change that improves the lives of everyone in the FIU community.

Highlights •

Highlights •


CAPS launched Therapist Assisted Online (TAO) Self-Help (an online self-help program) which allows students to self-select issues of concern and complete modules that provide psychoeducational information to improve their functioning and sense of well-being.

The department assisted numerous students in the aftermath of the 8th Street bridge collapse, helping them to develop greater resilience and coping skills.

CAPS doctoral interns and peer educators presented eight large-scale, prevention-oriented outreach events addressing suicide prevention, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, identifying anxiety, and disordered eating and body image awareness.

Student Affairs

The Women’s Center hosted Tina Tchen, lawyer and former chief of staff to Michelle Obama, and executive director for the White House Commission on Women and Girls, as keynote speaker for the 12th annual Women Who Lead Conference. Ms. Tchen hosted four sessions with students and interacted with over 300 students. The center successfully relocated from Graham Center 2200 to Graham Center 212 and secured funding for furniture, computers, and other equipment and supplies required in the new space. The Women’s Center provided campus events and programs for over 11,000 FIU students and community members.

Children’s Creative Learning Center The Children’s Creative Learning Center (CCLC) is a State Educational Research Center for Child Development and a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Nationally Accredited Program, which serves as a demonstration site for interested departments of the university to conduct educational research, observations or training and internship programs. The center provides an educational preschool program for children of FIU students, staff, faculty, alumni and the local community.

Highlights •

The Children’s Creative Learning Center facilitated student success by increasing collaborations throughout the university. CCLC partnered with 12 departments to enhance student learning projects, support student course completion and graduation.

CCLC served more than 120 students by enhancing educational hands-on learning opportunities through on-campus employment of FIU students and by providing access to conduct research, and complete volunteer hours and service-learning projects in an early childhood setting.

Over 11,000 FIU students and community members attended programs, services, or workshops hosted by the Women’s Center. 12,962 clinical hours were provided by Counseling and Psychological Services. Annual Report 2017-2018


Get Services Housing FIU Housing boasts a vibrant and bustling community of students who live, work and play at FIU’s Modesto Maidique and Biscayne Bay campuses. Housing’s facilities and services provide a supportive and safe environment, offer unique opportunities for personal growth and development, and present leadership experiences through student participation in programming and activities.

Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution promotes community, civility, and accountability by educating university members about the Student Code of Conduct and the value of respecting others. The student conduct process ensures students are held accountable for their behavior in a fair and developmental manner while upholding the rights of the community.

Highlights •


FIU Housing produced $30.3 million in revenue, which was 3 percent higher than the previous year through higher occupancy, increased collection rates, and increased conference business. The department implemented Salesforce to improve communication with students and increase partnerships with One Stop, Admissions, Financial Aid, and Student Financial Services. Thanks to the completion of a $5 million renovation project, FIU Housing now features a new lounge, kitchens, and showers in Lakeview South and North; ID card access on unit doors in Parkview Hall and Everglades Hall; and new furniture, flooring, lighting, and paint in Everglades Hall.

Student Affairs

Highlights •

The department updated the Student Code of Conduct and Title IX Regulation to reflect changes in state and federal laws as well as to improve the overall conduct process.

Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution transitioned the Dean Certification and Transcript Request processes to online in order to facilitate improved tracking and provide better service to students.

The department conducted the investigation and adjudication process of various Greek Life organizations and individuals, as well as participated in the Greek Reinstatement Process.

Panthers Care & It’s On Us Panthers Care is an initiative to promote, foster and sustain a campus culture grounded in the values of care, support, and help. Panthers Care seeks to create a university community where students support one another and speak up on behalf of those who may need assistance. It’s On Us is a marketing campaign that aims to heighten awareness about sexual violence, challenge social norms, decrease misperceptions about sexual assault, and provide skills that increase one’s confidence to intervene when someone needs help. Through educational programs, events, social media outreach, and resource referrals, the It’s On Us campaign engages students in the conversation of sexual violence.

Highlights •

Social media accounts were created to enhance campaign effectiveness, expand educational content to online learners, and increase visibility.

Collaborations with various Student Affairs departments were created to provide additional educational programs and events for students.

New videos, promotional items, flyers, physical and electronic banners were created and used across campus to promote campaigns and related resources.

Additional informational sections were added to the It’s On Us and Panthers Care websites.

All of us play a role in preventing sexual & gender-based violence on our campuses.

Annual Report 2017-2018


Get Services Wellness & Recreation Wellness & Recreation Healthy Living Center at MMC Center at BBC Program The Wellness & Recreation Center at the Modesto Maidique Campus boasts 120,000 square feet of gym space and a multitude of fitness programs for students, faculty, staff and alumni. Extracurricular activities offered through the Wellness & Recreation Center provide opportunities for leadership, camaraderie, physical activity, and stress reduction.

From cardio to kayaks, the Wellness & Recreation Center on Biscayne Bay Campus is home to a skilled staff, stateof-the-art gym equipment, outdoor running tracks, and aquatic, tennis and basketball centers. The department offers an environment that enhances students’ academic experiences by providing opportunities for the development of a healthy lifestyle and lasting friendships.

The Healthy Living Program offers a holistic and preventative approach to health by encouraging FIU students to engage in everyday healthy lifestyle practices. Through on-campus services and online education, the department promotes the Seven Dimensions of Wellness: physical, intellectual, occupational, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental.




The Wellness & Recreation Center at BBC worked in partnership with a graduate student from the social work program to complete their practicum experience in Health Promotion. The graduate student intern focused on the development and research of recreational therapy and adaptive aquatics programs.

The Health Promotion Services Health Compliance (HC) office implemented the use of the Florida State Health Online Tracking System (Florida SHOTS) database to search for students’ immunization records, allowing HC the ability to assist some students who have not complied with the Board of Governors (BOG) immunization requirements.

The center identified knowledge, skills, and abilities for the department’s student development program. Areas included service excellence, accounting, health and safety. Each student met with Career and Talent Management and participated in the Executive Protégé Initiative (EPI+) program.

Students administered a peerto-peer student development program, focused on teaching swimming lessons and Water Safety Awareness to other students as a life skill, mode of recreation, and rehabilitative exercise.

The Health Promotion Services computer support unit improved departmental efficiency by working with PantherSoft on the development and design of the Health Compliance Chatbot on the Student Health website. In addition, computer support implemented self check-in stations in the clinical areas, to expedite the check-in process in the Student Health Services clinics.


The Wellness & Recreation Center at MMC completed a $25 million expansion increasing the facility’s space to 120,000 square feet. The center now houses four indoor basketball courts, two outdoor basketball courts, an outdoor volleyball court, a matted group fitness room, a cycling studio, a functional fitness room, an indoor track, an athletic training room, and over 200 pieces of strength and cardio equipment. The Multi-Purpose Fields consist of one natural grass field and one artificial turf field, plus a 3,000-square-foot shared storage facility with restrooms, vending machines, and two covered pavilions.

Student Affairs

32,977 unique patrons utilized services at both Wellness & Recreation facilities. Annual Report 2017-2018


Get Services Wolfe University Center

Graham Center

From beautiful, renovated multi-purpose ballrooms, to a video game lounge and world-class exercise and aquatics facility, the Wolfe University Center at Biscayne Bay Campus offers a diverse and inclusive environment that promotes the exchange of ideas. Offering support to a variety of student services, the Wolfe strengthens the university community and enhances the student experience.

As the gathering hub of the Modesto Maidique Campus, the Graham Center (GC) is an integral part of FIU. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, GC enhances the student experience and enriches the campus community by providing dynamic learning opportunities, premier programs, quality services, and outstanding facilities for students and the university community.



The Wolfe University Center increased services rendered to the university community with an additional 500 hours dedicated to events and facility usage.

Through collaboration with Campus Life, Wellness and Recreation Center, Student Government Council, and the assistant vice president for Student Affairs, the Wolfe University Center enhanced the first floor primary-use entrance, located at Academic 1, through a redesign initiative that included new paint, installation of student engagement and involvement images, wayfinding signage, and the creation of a multi-purpose space.

GC hosted several VIP events including the Department of Justice Conference “Combatting MS13: A Discussion on Transnational Organized Crime,” led by the U.S. Acting Assistant Attorney General, Kenneth Blanco, and Central American Ministers of Justice and the Congressional forum on Latin America, featuring US Ambassador Nikki Haley, Senator Rubio, Congressmen Diaz-Balart and Curbelo, and Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen.

Several renovations were accomplished in the Graham Center to meet priority needs. These included expanded space to accommodate the Student Government Association, a new general use meeting room on the third floor (in GC 355), and offices to house Student Affairs Health administrative personnel so that space in the Health building could be used for newly hired psychologists.

The Graham Center IT team successfully installed and launched the third electronic message board on the Modesto Maidique Campus, at the corner of SW 117th Ave. and SW 17th St. This board provides FIU with another venue to message the FIU community, and enhances the university’s emergency notification system.


The Wolfe facilitated the creation of a new multi-faith space for students to engage in reflection, spiritual practices and interfaith dialogue while on campus. Additionally, Orientation and Family Programs moved to a premium location in the facility that aligned with national best practices and allowed for better student support.

Student Affairs

The Wolfe University Center hosted more than 1 million visits from patrons and the Graham Center more than 3.6 million.


Florida International University Modesto A. Maidique Campus 11200 SW 8th Street, GC 219 Miami, FL 33199 305-348-2797

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