FIU Worlds Ahead Graduates Fall 2019

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Florida International University Ocean Bank Convocation Center Modesto A. Maidique Campus, Miami, Florida Fall 2019

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Ernest R. Graham University Center, left, and Steven and Dorothea Green Library 19973_12/19

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Dear FIU Family, The following pages tell the stories of the Worlds Ahead graduates who are receiving diplomas during fall 2019 commencement ceremonies. A diverse group of men and women in background, nationality, interests and ambitions, these individuals are shining examples of what makes FIU students so special. They have accomplished extraordinary things during their time at the university – often against great odds – and have shown us what it means to take responsibility and be truly Worlds Ahead. Congratulations to our graduates and welcome to the Panther alumni family. We wish you continued success in your careers.

Mark B. Rosenberg President

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Table of Contents Ceremony 1 Nour Elsayad............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Patricia Quintela......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Aditya Sundararajan.................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Ceremony 2 Maria Flores................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Adrienne Bolden......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Kiara Samuels............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Ceremony 3 Amelia Leon.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Amanda Estevez........................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Daphne Sugino Souffront.......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Ceremony 4 Barbara M. Sorondo.................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Vicky Mir-Rodriguez................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Amanda Rodriguez.................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Ceremony 5 Frances Zengotita...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Star Belnap................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Bianca Maderal......................................................................................................................................................................... 18


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Ceremony 6 Jessica Mobassaleh..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Renee Smith.............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Melissa Bassett.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Ceremony 7 Ana Perez.................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Kimberly Carvalho.................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Ceremony 8 Meryem Mekouar...................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Tianyu Pan................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Ariel Huguet............................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Cristina Moguel........................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Ceremony 9 Claudia Char............................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Linda Armstrong....................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Nicte Orozco............................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Ceremony 10 Josh Goodwin........................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Raquel Fernandez...................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Peculiar Awa.............................................................................................................................................................................. 33

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Nour Elsayad Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering & Computing CEREMONY 1 Saturday, December 14, 2019 3 p.m.

Nour Elsayad turned a childhood interest in electronics into a life of research that could result in more efficient, cost-effective systems and devices. Nour grew up in Cairo, Egypt, the son of an electrical engineering professor. Nour earned a master’s degree in hardware design from Ain Shams University and joined the Egyptian space program as a power electronics engineer, designing power subsystems for satellites and solar arrays. At FIU, his research focused on making power converters more lightweight, along with other projects with his mentor Professor Osama Mohammed for the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Department of Energy. Nour has designed a number of novel power converters for renewable energy systems and electric vehicles that give them a longer range and reduce costs by being more lightweight and efficient. He also holds four patents with Professor Mohammed. They’ve invented converters that make power systems on electric vehicles and various energy back-up systems more efficient. Nour has published 20 conference papers and authored or co-authored 10 articles in top peer-reviewed electrical engineering journals. A mentor, he has been a teacher’s assistant, helped students with their senior projects and participated as a judge for the National Engineers Week Future City Competition. After graduation, Nour will work as a senior research and development engineer in Andover, Massachusetts at the R&D center for Schneider Electric, a leader in electrical power engineering. There, he will be working on backup systems for the power grid in case of blackouts. By Millie Acebal Director of Marketing & Communications College of Engineering & Computing


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Patricia Quintela Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering College of Engineering & Computing CEREMONY 1 Saturday, December 14, 2019 3 p.m.

Patricia Quintela is the daughter of Cuban immigrants who earned their degrees at FIU. She followed in her father’s footsteps by pursuing a degree in civil engineering and is graduating at the age of 19. Growing up, Patricia would participate in Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, where she’d learn about her father’s job in the Florida Department of Transportation. Patricia excelled at math and science. In 7th grade, she took 9th-grade math courses. In 11th grade, she transferred to the School for Advanced Studies, where she took dual-enrollment and AP classes, all counting as college credits. In 12th grade, Patricia transferred to FIU’s Early Admissions program. By the time she graduated from high school, Patricia had completed half of the civil engineering curriculum. Patricia was recognized for her achievements with FIU’s National Hispanic Scholar Scholarship, fully covering her tuition, room and board. She credits engineering professors Ramon Sierra, Cora Martinez and Ton-Lo Wang with helping her acquire the knowledge needed to become a well-rounded transportation engineer. Patricia completed two internships. Her first was at Jacobs Engineering Group, where she took part in an Okeechobee Road reconstruction project. She also interned at Gannet Fleming as a transportation designer. Gannet Fleming offered Patricia a full-time position, which she has accepted. She will be creating roadway designs to improve Miami’s infrastructure. Patricia is graduating with a 4.0 GPA and, has already passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, the first step towards becoming a professional licensed engineer. By Diana Hernandez-Alende Account Manager College of Engineering & Computing

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Aditya Sundararajan Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering & Computing CEREMONY 1 Saturday, December 14, 2019 3 p.m.

Born in Hyderabad, India, Aditya Sundararajan developed a passion for writing, starting with small journal entries at the age of 10. He always admired his father and sister, both Ph.D.’s. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in computer science with aspirations to pursue a career in animation, he moved to the U.S. for research opportunities and to earn a doctorate in engineering. At FIU, Aditya met Arif Sarwat, associate professor and director of the FPL-FIU Solar Research Center. Sarwat’s area of research is in artificial intelligence and machine learning applications for the nation’s critical infrastructure of smart power grids. Aditya saw an opportunity to apply computer science to smart grids and began conducting research in the Energy, Power & Sustainability Group (EPS), led by Sarwat. Since then, Aditya has authored and co-authored 42 technical papers, and a U.S. patent to maximize renewable energy production in a cost-efficient manner. He was instrumental in the partnership between FIU and FPL, primarily in the solar power plant installation project at FIU’s Engineering Center, where he served as a project lead. Through advanced research, Aditya provided recommendations to FPL for their future solar projects. He also contributed in expanding the EPS Group. Aditya interned at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), where he provided utility companies with assessments to evaluate existing security controls and improve cybersecurity for the smart grids. Aditya has received multiple offers from federal labs and, in his spare time, he writes thrillers. By Diana Hernandez-Alende Account Manager College of Engineering & Computing


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Maria Flores Master of Arts in Architecture College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts CEREMONY 2 Saturday, December 14, 2019 7:30 p.m.

When Maria Flores was 11, her father was robbed at gunpoint in Venezuela. Her family packed their bags and moved to the United States with only four suitcases, some money, and no plan of returning. Coming to the U.S. with a clean slate, Maria was encouraged to “dream big” by her parents – and she did. She quickly learned English, became a straight-A high school student, and earned a full scholarship to FIU. She enrolled in FIU’s architecture program and continued to push boundaries. During her junior year, Maria founded The Archi|ologist, a platform for architecture students worldwide that includes digital and print media journals, a website, and a blog. The platform currently has thousands of subscribers. In 2018, Maria earned a professional Master of Architecture degree at FIU. She then returned to complete her second master’s degree while continuing to work as the director of The Archi|ologist. Maria also joined the FIU family as a faculty member, teaching design and graphic communication to first- and second-year architecture students. Maria earned her post-professional Master of Arts in Architecture to expand her research on urban resilience in Miami and prepare for a career in urban design and architecture. After graduation, she plans to work in a local architecture firm while also teaching design on the side. She then plans to apply to Harvard or MIT to earn another degree in urban planning or technology. By Sarah Hernandez Account Manager College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts

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Adrienne Bolden Master of Science in Mass Communication College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts CEREMONY 2 Saturday, December 14, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Award-winner. Entrepreneur. Champion of diversity and inclusion. These are just some of the roles Adrienne Bolden has taken on during her time at FIU. Graduating with her master’s degree in global strategic communications plus a graduate certificate in conflict resolution and consensus building, Adrienne, an FIU employee, is guided by a personal mantra – “Go where there is no fire and be the flame.” In the world of public relations, she has led the premier international student group, the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), as their inaugural vice president of diversity & inclusion. And during her first PRSSA national event, she and a team of students entered the prestigious “Day-of Competition” sponsored by Edelman, one of the leading PR firms in the world. Her passion, knowledge and skill earned the win and the recognition and praise of top PR industry leaders. In the business world, she launched her own company – providing communication consulting services to small businesses. And in academia, she was awarded the FIU SGA Graduate Scholarship and has been serving as an FIU Wilson Scholar Mentor for three years. She has served as a spark for change, volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and has motivated audiences by speaking at the Plank Center for Public Relations Diversity and Inclusion Summit. After graduation, she looks forward to continuing to brighten the world with her flame, contributing to the communications profession as a leader in the area of internal/external communications, engagement, and crisis management. By Sarah Hernandez Account Manager College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts 8

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Kiara Samuels Master of Science in Mass Communication College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts CEREMONY 2 Saturday, December 14, 2019 7:30 p.m.

As a soldier, Kiara Samuels embodies bravery, dedication, and patriotism. But she is also kind, hopeful, and most of all, grateful. Kiara is no stranger to challenges - as an undergraduate student at FIU she unexpectedly lost two close family members. She survived domestic violence and went through a divorce. But she concentrated on her studies and earned her bachelor’s degree in communication arts. She then returned to FIU for a master’s in global strategic communications, excelled in her graduate coursework, and was a member of the Tau Sigma National Honor Society. With experience in several professional fields and as a member of a military family, Kiara was inspired to enlist in the U.S. Army last year. She knew that she would be tested physically and mentally while she served her country, and she was. She endured the grueling military training, and she was twice hospitalized with non-combat related issues that came from the very real pressures and strain of active duty. According to Kiara: “I’ve faced abuse and depression. However, though these things were meant to end me, they in fact motivated me, and for that I’m grateful.” Building on past experiences she had as one of four students in the state selected for a WSVN internship in the summer of 2017, she looks forward to completing her military obligations and pursuing a career in news and communication that will allow her to engage others, make a difference and continue to live in a place of gratitude. By Sarah Hernandez Account Manager College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts

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Amelia Leon Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences School of Environment, Arts and Society College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 3 Sunday, December 15, 2019 10 a.m.

Amelia Leon struggled with her identity and sexuality her entire life. Eventually, the questioning became deafening. Decades of repression led to depression. After going to FIU’s Counseling and Psychological Services, Amelia was referred to the LGBTQA Initiatives Office. Suddenly, everything clicked. She knew she couldn’t hide who she was anymore. Amelia came out as bisexual. Not wanting other students to go through what she did, Amelia became an activist for the LGBTQA community. She founded Simple Pleasures, a sex education club focused on having conversations about sexuality and gender. She also led an initiative to open FIU’s first Pride Center and raised over $1,000 for the Queering Sexual Assault Program through a special benefit concert. Always wanting to be a lifelong learner, Amelia fell in love with research. A McNair scholar, Amelia worked in FIU’s Memory and Development Lab helping conduct neuroscience research. She’s also held internships at Harvard and the Scripps Research Institute, studying Alzheimer’s and cancer. Through the Honors College, Amelia took on leadership roles in the Honors Education in the Arts (HEARTS) Connecting Cultures Club and Art Club. As an intern at the Office of Sustainability, Amelia also created a plan for an arboretum at FIU. Amelia was recently nominated for the prestigious Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships. After graduation, Amelia dreams of pursuing a career in infection and immunology research to find cures to diseases that plague the LGBTQA community. By Angela Nicoletti Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education


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Amanda Estevez Master of Arts in English Literature School of Environment, Arts and Society College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 3 Sunday, December 15, 2019 10 a.m.

Amanda Estevez has always been a bookworm. Before she started elementary school, Amanda would go to the library and check out armfuls of books. She made such an impression on one of the librarians that she gave Amanda a special nickname – ‘Matilda,’ after the Roald Dahl character who loves reading. This Matilda almost gave up her love for literature. She tried her hand at nursing and then law before realizing these weren’t the careers she wanted. Feeling uncertain about her next move, she talked to her mother, who always encouraged Amanda’s love of reading. They stood in front of Amanda’s overflowing bookshelves when her mother said: “I wonder what you could study?” Soon after, Amanda applied to FIU and began pursuing what she really loved. But in 2015, her dreams were almost derailed. Amanda and her mother were rearended by a driver going 70 mph in a 30 mph zone. The car accident left them in excruciating pain. Amanda required four surgeries. Her mother needed 11. They took turns helping each other recover, alternating between patient and caregiver. During this time, Amanda stayed true to her nickname from childhood. Like Matilda, she found solace and escape in literature. At FIU, Amanda pursued her passion for Victorian and Romantic-era poetry, focusing her thesis on the poetry of John Keats. After graduation, Amanda wants to pursue her Ph.D. and one day become a professor who makes literature accessible to everyone. By Angela Nicoletti Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education

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Daphne Sugino Souffront Master of Sciences in Environmental Studies School of Environment, Arts and Society College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 3 Sunday, December 15, 2019 10 a.m.

In July 2017, Daphne Sugino Souffront moved back home to Dorado, Puerto Rico. Two months later, Hurricane Irma hit the island. When it passed, Daphne and her family cleaned up debris and waited for power to be restored. Ten days later, Hurricane Maria made landfall as a Category 4. Daphne’s family rode out the storm for 12 hours in their home of 23 years. Strong winds ripped the roof off in sections. A wall fell. The second floor flooded. At the time, there was no time to process what was happening. There was only time to survive. After the storm, communications systems, water service and electricity were wiped out. When Daphne’s family ran out of food, they stood in long lines for bread, rice or milk. During this difficult time, one of the few things that kept Daphne going was the hope she’d get into FIU. When there was enough gasoline to spare, Daphne would drive an hour to a parking lot near the capital – one of the only places she’d get a signal on her phone – to check if her acceptance letter arrived. One day, it did. Under the guidance of Krishnaswamy Jayachandran, Diego Salazar Amoretti and Amir Khoddamzadeh, Daphne conducted groundbreaking research using one of the world’s most underappreciated recyclers: earthworms. She discovered vermicompost – earthworm waste – is a sustainable, cheap and affordable solution to pesticides that helps plants make chemical changes to repel pests. Next, Daphne will pursue a Ph.D. in natural resources management at FIU and continue conducting research that benefits both people and the environment. By Angela Nicoletti Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education


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Barbara M. Sorondo Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction School of Education and Human Development College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 4 Sunday, December 15, 2019 3 p.m.

For many people conducting research in the health fields, Barbara M. Sorondo is their first stop. As the health sciences librarian at FIU, Barbara helps students and faculty from the College of Arts, Science & Education, Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work and the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences find sources and data that could inform their own studies. To further her career, Barbara enrolled in the curriculum and instruction doctoral program focusing on the science, mathematics and learning technologies track. For her dissertation, Barbara researched what students, faculty and librarians each expected of each other during information literacy sessions held at FIU libraries. She learned that students wanted to learn how to access information quickly. Faculty wanted students to learn to use peer-reviewed articles for their research. And librarians wanted students to learn to apply the research skills they learned from course to course. Despite expecting different outcomes, each group achieved the outcomes they all had for each other. But Barbara might not have become a librarian had it not been for a volunteer stint at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. That’s where she was mentored by a medical librarian who helped Barbara discover a passion for librarianship, a career that married Barbara’s interests in reading, research and biomedical science. By Chrystian Tejedor Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education

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Vicky Mir-Rodriguez Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education School of Education and Human Development College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 4 Sunday, December 15, 2019 3 p.m.

Vicky Mir-Rodriguez has always been a go-getter. She is an author, business owner, full time student, volunteer, wife and proud mother of two. Born in Miami to Cuban parents, Vicky learned the value of education at an early age. She was 11 years old when her parents founded AcadeMir Preschool. Growing up, Vicky would spend her spring, summer and holiday breaks at the school. Today, she spends her days at AcadeMir. Vicky and her husband own AcadeMir Preschool. Vicky started as a journalism major at FIU and interned at NBC and Telemundo. She also volunteered for Radio Lollipop, the radio station based within Nicklaus Children's Hospital. That’s when she decided working with children was her calling and switched to FIU’s Early Childhood Education Program. Vicky discovered a passion for writing while taking an emergent literacy course with professor Silvia La Villa. She credits La Villa and Professor Elizabeth Altare for teaching her to love the art of education. But her family is the impetus behind her determination to succeed. Her husband has supported her every step of her journey to becoming a published author and college graduate. Vicky says her degree is a testament to her daughters, showing them that they never have to settle for anything less than what they dream to be. After graduation, Vicky wants to pursue two master’s degrees — one from FIU in curriculum and instruction and the other from Harvard’s School of Extended Studies in journalism. By Ayleen Barbel Fattal Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education


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Amanda Rodriguez Master of Science in Higher Education Administration School of Education and Human Development College of Arts, Science & Education CEREMONY 4 Sunday, December 15, 2019 3 p.m.

Disability comes in all shapes and forms. Amanda Rodriguez is working to make the lives of those with disabilities easier. Her passion is personal. Her father was a camp counselor for kids with disabilities and her mother worked with special education students. Amanda left Miami to attend college in Connecticut. Working three jobs and juggling school work, she felt exhausted and started to get migraines. She started seeing shadows and also developed strange spasms in her body. Doctors couldn't diagnose the symptoms. Turns out, they were signs of a stroke. In 2014, Amanda had two strokes simultaneously. In the hospital, she was diagnosed with Dr. Hughes syndrome, an autoimmune condition that affects the way blood cells clot. She returned to Miami and was admitted to Jackson Memorial. She learned she had Lupus, as well as three other autoimmune diseases. Despite these challenges, Amanda wanted to continue her studies. She transferred to FIU and started volunteering at FIU’s Disability Resource Center (DRC) and FIU Embrace. At DRC, Amanda was part of an initiative to enhance accessibility on campus for students with disabilities. At FIU, Amanda also reconnected with a high school friend and it was love at first sight. Today, they are engaged and planning on growing their family. Amanda is looking toward the future, not looking back. After graduation, Amanda will continue volunteering to provide her knowledge, expertise and experience and dreams of working for FIU’s DRC. By Nathalie Medina Junior Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education

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Frances Zengotita Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Bachelor of Arts in English School of Integrated Science and Humanity College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 5 Sunday, December 15, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Frances Zengotita always dreamed of being a scientist. Her father inspired this love. After he became ill and passed away when she was in 8th grade that love went away. As much as she wanted to honor her father and her childhood dream, studying science became a painful reminder of him. At FIU, Frances decided to study English. During her second semester, she read Silent Spring – a groundbreaking novel by Rachel Carson that brought attention to the harmful effects of pesticides on humans and the environment. It reignited her passion for science. Frances realized she wanted to promote environmental awareness and conduct environmental chemistry research. She decided to pursue chemistry as a second major. Frances was a Department of Energy Fellow, a program that supports the largest environmental cleanup challenge in the world – working towards safe disposal of the nation's legacy radioactive waste. Her research focused on tracking the transport of radioactive waste, in order to update risk assessment models and prevent the release of harmful nuclear waste into the environment. She has two peer-reviewed publications, including a publication in Chemosphere, in which she’s listed as the first author. A McNair scholar, Frances has presented her research at national conferences. She’s also received more than 12 honors or awards, including the Hispanic Scholarship Fund and the American Chemical Society Scholars Program. After graduation, Frances will pursue her Ph.D. in Chemistry. By Nathalie Medina Junior Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education


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Star Belnap Ph.D. in Psychology School of Integrated Science and Humanity College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 5 Sunday, December 15, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Star Belnap put her education on hold to start her family and raise her three sons. As her boys grew up, Star finished her bachelor’s degree in Idaho. At 38 years old, she moved her family across the country to study at FIU. Star was driven to understand the unknowable. She wanted to see how the time a child spent in their mother’s womb affects motor coordination after birth. So, she turned to quail for answers. As the small game birds developed behind their protective eggshell, Star could ethically control their exposure to movement, light, temperature and sound. The insights Star gained from these tiny birds will inform additional research on mammals and could one day provide insights into how the movement, language, cognitive ability and school readiness of children are all influenced by their nine months in the womb. Pursuing her doctoral degree and conducting this research was a balancing act. In her first conversation with psychology professors Robert Lickliter and Eliza Nelson, Star made one thing clear: family comes first. At FIU, Star trained 25 undergraduate researchers to help with parts of her research. At home, she focused on her children until they went to bed and she could study some more. Sundays were for family. Just two months before commencement, Star, 43, accepted a clinical research administrator position at Baptist Health. She is applying what she learned at FIU to help improve outcomes for people who have had strokes, epilepsy or spinal injuries. By Chrystian Tejedor Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education

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Bianca Maderal Bachelor of Arts in Psychology School of Integrated Science and Humanity College of Arts, Sciences & Education CEREMONY 5 Sunday, December 15, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Bianca Maderal was in her high school Spanish class talking to a friend when she suddenly had a seizure. Rushed to the hospital, Bianca underwent hundreds of medical exams, including a 7-inch craniotomy biopsy. The doctors diagnosed her with stage three brain cancer – one of the rarest and most aggressive forms typically found in 30-to-50-year-olds. In her brain, she had eight tumors. After traveling across the U.S. in search of treatment, Bianca moved to Baltimore for her initial radiation and chemotherapy treatments at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Determined to not be afraid of cancer, Bianca completed high school online and graduated with her class. After eight weeks of treatment at Johns Hopkins, she returned to Miami and enrolled at Miami Dade College. She balanced going to class while undergoing chemotherapy. In the months after her diagnosis, Bianca created Fight Like A Kid. Through her nonprofit, Bianca sends care packages to hospitals with pediatric cancer units, while organizing fundraisers for research and clinical trials. She also hosts local parties for patients in the hospital and participates in toy drives. Bianca is graduating with a 3.9 GPA. She’s also a member of Psi Chi, Phi Beta Kappa and the Golden Key Honor Society. Today, seven of Bianca’s eight tumors are gone. After graduation, she wants to attend FIU’s new program in natural and applied sciences and dreams of becoming a pediatric oncologist to help children battling cancer. She also wants to continue her work with Fight Like A Kid. By Nathalie Medina Junior Account Manager College of Arts, Sciences & Education


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Jessica Mobassaleh Master of Business Administration College of Business CEREMONY 6 Monday, December 16, 2019 10 a.m.

To Jessica Mobassaleh, her older brother Fouad was Superman. But when he died suddenly – at the age of 23 – from heart disease that doctors had insisted was benign, she vowed to prevent others from such tragedy. Jessica and her family partnered with the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Foundation, which now offers free pediatric electrocardiogram testing and has donated thousands of backpacks to children. The backpacks include informational pamphlets that encourage testing. The family’s efforts have increased the chances of identifying children with electrical heart issues and making sure they are referred to an electrophysiologist for treatment. Jessica didn’t stop there. The foundation created a medical symposium hosted by Nicklaus Children’s Hospital to educate professionals and raise funds, and Jessica has spoken at every conference. The symposium was selected to be a part of the World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery in Washington, DC in 2021. Jessica, with the help of the foundation team, has reached out to local schools to educate staff and make sure that there are plans in place for students and athletes in case of an emergency. A member of two honor societies, a graduating class representative and a member of the MBA Advisory Board, Jessica aspires to be a chief executive of a Fortune 500 company. Currently, she’s assistant vice president of Elegant Beauty Supplies, which has raised almost $500,000 for the cause her brother inspired. Jessica might have called her brother Superman, but today she personifies the character in her own right. By Lauren Comander Writer College of Business

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Renee Smith Master of Science in Health Informatics and Analytics College of Business CEREMONY 6 Monday, December 16, 2019 10 a.m.

A self-described perfectionist, Renee Smith began high school at age 10 and graduated when she was 14. Renee completed high school and two years of college in her native Jamaica. In 2000, when Renee arrived in South Florida, she was 17 years old. Financial difficulties forced Renee to put her college education on hold for nearly two years. She married and had two kids. Renee always wanted to be a detective. However, an early job in medical records led her to make correction centers the hub of her career. She’s been working in correctional healthcare since 2005 and is now a health services administrator at Broward County’s main jail. In 2017, she completed her undergraduate degree in supervision and management, while working in the jails. Over the last eight years, Renee has managed health information for four South Florida correctional facilities, totaling 3,500 beds. She was a part of the medical team that led the facility to be awarded “Facility of the Year” by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care. Professor Cynthia LeRouge, director of the master’s program in health informatics and analytics, encouraged Renee to “go for it and not be afraid.” It gave Renee the strength to apply for her current position and ask for a higher salary. She got both. Renee also credits the Consumer Health Informatics course with providing skills critical to think outside the box and apply the knowledge to different segments of the correctional healthcare industry to make changes happen. By Cynthia Corzo Assistant Director of News, Publications & Communications College of Business 20

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Melissa Bassett Master of Science in Health Informatics and Analytics College of Business CEREMONY 6 Monday, December 16, 2019 10 a.m.

When Melissa Bassett was a teen, her best friend was pronounced brain dead and passed away. The experience left Melissa wondering why her friend couldn’t get better, spurring her interest in neuroscience. Melissa went on to earn her bachelor’s degree from the extremely competitive neuroscience program at the University of Miami. There, she sought out practical experience and conducted her own research to study the neuroplasticity of neurons so she could better understand the potential for neurons to regenerate. Knowing she wanted an advanced degree and to merge her interests in medicine and research, Melissa enrolled in FIU’s health informatics and analytics program. Meantime, last fall, she co-founded a health informatics company, Storm Informatics Inc. Based in Nashville, Melissa manages and analyzes confidential healthcare data for clinical research trials, delivers HIPAA-compliant communications, oversees business operations and conducts ongoing market research. Melissa also has turned her best friend’s tragedy, which led her down this path, into good, forming a nonprofit foundation to advocate for suicide awareness. She organizes and attends local youth outreach events and speaks to at-risk youth in high school. Melissa also endowed the Emily Elizabeth Walker Memorial Scholarship, a four-year scholarship to Martin Methodist College that she awards to two students every year. Through it all, Melissa, a member of Beta Gamma Sigma honor society, has maintained a 3.96 GPA. By Lauren Comander Writer College of Business

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Ana Perez Bachelor of Business Administration College of Business CEREMONY 7 Monday, December 16, 2019 3 p.m.

Ana Perez has always been driven. She asks questions, seeks opportunities, and imagines a future without limits. She credits her mother, who always told her: “Others may say ‘no’ to you, but don’t ever say ‘no’ to yourself.” Ana traces her determination to 7th grade, when she faced and overcame a lifethreatening medical condition. Since then she’s pursued excellence. Interested in digital advertising, she met FIU alumnus Mauricio Angarita – founder of digital communications firm, The Thumb Fighter – through the College of Business mentorship program. He became her mentor. After an informal internship, he tapped Ana to collaborate on work for eMerge Americas, the annual tech event held on Miami Beach. Meanwhile, she landed an internship in NBC Universal Telemundo Enterprises’ marketing department. When that ended, she applied for one in the network’s internal communications office. Asked if she knew Photoshop, she replied, no, but vowed that, if chosen, she would master it by her start date. She did. She credits Honors College experiences with revealing new avenues. That was especially true in a class where students role-played members of various factions from the French Revolution. Putting herself in the shoes of someone whose ideas and opinions differed from her own was eye-opening. Ana also says Melissa Silveira, manager of Academic Advising Services in the College of Business, helped guide her from the start. After graduation, Ana hopes to stay with NBC, join their West Coast team and work with scripted dramas. By Karen-Janine Cohen Writer College of Business


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Kimberly Carvalho Bachelor of Business Administration College of Business CEREMONY 7 Monday, December 16, 2019 3 p.m.

At the age of 12, Kimberly Carvalho’s world changed abruptly. She was living in Florida, the daughter of two successful Brazilian-born entrepreneurs, when her parents received the final denial of their green cards. Kimberly, who was born in the U.S., moved to Brazil with her mother and had to put her Portuguese to the test in school for the first time. At age 15 she sold chocolate at school to help make ends meet at home – the first of many entrepreneurial efforts. Determined to return to the U.S. for college, she moved in with an uncle during her last year of high school. She slept on an inflatable mattress, cleaned the house, and worked as a waitress, babysitter and deli clerk to provide for herself. With the help of her guidance counselor, she received admission to FIU, along with three scholarships. During her time at FIU, Kimberly studied abroad and joined Alpha Kappa Psi, a business fraternity. Among her jobs, she worked at StandardAero, an aviation company, HBO Latin America and as a tour guide in Lisbon, Portugal. Her job at Officine Gullo, an Italian kitchen company, spurred her to major in logistics and supply chain management, which aligned with international business, her other major. Thanks to hard work and frugal living, Kimberly married her childhood sweetheart, saved money and backpacked through Europe. After graduation, Kimberly hopes to use her entrepreneurial skills to build her career and run an international business of her own. By Ellen Forman Associate Director of News, Publications & Communications College of Business

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Meryem Mekouar Master of Science in Hospitality Management Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management CEREMONY 8 Monday, December 16, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Meryem Mekouar is a Worlds Ahead hospitality researcher. While completing her master’s degree, Meryem conducted research on various aspects of the hospitality industry. Along with her husband Khalil Tazi, she researched factors that students consider when applying for a job in the hospitality business. She hopes this research will help career and talent development departments at universities guide students toward their ideal jobs. Inspired by her current job as a spa concierge at the Mandarin Oriental hotel, Meryem is also researching the influence of higher education on the student-manager relationship in the hospitality and tourism industry. She noticed that her managers put more stock in her work experience than her university education. This drove Meryem to learn about the perceived value of education in the industry and the perspectives of other hospitality and tourism students. Meryem and Khalil will present both research projects at the upcoming Graduate Conference in Las Vegas. Meryem is also working to publish her research in the International Hospitality Review Journal. After graduation, Meryem, who has a passion for education, is considering pursuing a Ph.D. in business administration and becoming a university professor. By Lourdes Perez Media Relations Specialist Office of Media Relations


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Tianyu Pan Master of Science in Hospitality Management Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management CEREMONY 8 Monday, December 16, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Tianyu Pan has always been an over-achiever. Being in the U.S. for a short time hasn’t deterred her from following her dreams. In fact, she has led several research projects and published and presented to professional conferences. Tianyu’s research on the preferences of Chinese cruise travelers could have an impact on cruise companies’ bottom lines and how they attract new travelers. Her research was so impressive that her professor, Jinlin Zhao, chose her to lead the FIU team at the Cruise Sales and Marketing Strategic Project in Shanghai. The team was awarded nearly $10,000 in research funding and the project is currently under review and awaiting publication on the Chinese cruise industry’s annual report. As a result of her success with tourism market studies, Tianyu was one of four graduate students from the Chaplin School recruited to take part in the STR Student Market Study Competition in New York City in November. Her team spent months researching and analyzing the Ft. Lauderdale tourism market and presented their analysis at the competition. Their team won second place among more than 30 national teams. Tianyu plans to continue her education and dreams of getting her Ph.D. in international business from FIU. She hopes to become a university professor and focus on global business strategy and the tourism industry. By Lourdes Perez Media Relations Specialist Office of Media Relations

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Ariel Huguet Bachelor of Business Administration College of Business CEREMONY 8 Monday, December 16, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Ariel Huguet developed a plan to convert gas-and-propane dependent food trucks to sustainable electric technology. It helps the environment and lowers entry barriers for food entrepreneurs. With a background in restaurant work, the idea was a natural for Ariel, who once thought college wasn’t his path. But at age 26, working in the hectic New York City restaurant scene, Ariel suffered a stroke. Three months later he was back training for Brazilian Jujitsu, determined to regain his health. He and a friend started a business providing martial arts training to school kids from an underserved neighborhood. Yet, the stroke changed how he thought about life. He realized his earlier choices no longer reflected what he wanted. So, he came back home to Miami, where his Cuban-born parents had put down roots, and he enrolled at FIU. A rocky first semester wasn’t encouraging. But Ariel persevered, was accepted to the FIU Honors College and is graduating with a 3.6 GPA. FIU gave him a sense of home; professors helped revive his love of learning, and opportunities opened up. Hortensia Sampedro, adjunct lecturer in the Department of International Business, helped guide the food truck research. Ariel’s hard work paid off and he has been accepted to a master’s program in computer science at NYU. By Karen-Janine Cohen Writer College of Business


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Cristina Moguel Master of Science in Hospitality Management Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management CEREMONY 8 Monday, December 16, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Cristina Moguel was working as a bartender, to help pay for her undergraduate college expenses, when she realized she belonged in a career where all her efforts could go into creating the perfect guest experience. Cristina had to take the bartending job because her family bakery – El Brazo Fuerte – was struggling. After having her epiphany from behind the bar, she spearheaded the opening of the S Sports Bar & Grill. That opened the doors to opportunities for other grand openings, including The Lucky Clover, Mare Nostrum, and Hoops Sports Bar & Grill. Cristina enrolled in the master’s program at the Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management and put her education into practice by managing the family business. While working on her master’s degree, Cristina had her oldest son, Logan, who was diagnosed with autism. Dedicating more than 20 hours a week toward special care for Logan made it difficult for Cristina to focus on her studies. In addition to her motivation and persistence, Cristina credits her success to support from friends, family and FIU professors like Joel Feigenheimer. After graduation, Cristina plans to work on expanding El Brazo Fuerte by shifting its business model from commissary bakery to a storefront bakeries throughout South Florida. Cristina also plans to earn a Ph.D. in business and one day become a professor at the Chaplin School. Cristina also hopes her achievements inspire Logan by showing him you can accomplish your dreams, no matter the obstacles in your way. By Gabriela Aguirrechu Media Relations Representative Office of Media Relations

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Claudia Char Bachelor of Science in Nursing Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences CEREMONY 9 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10 a.m.

Claudia Char and her family moved to Miami from Cuba when she was nine years old. The land of opportunity held promise, but challenges as well: her family of five living in a one-room apartment; being a target for school bullies; and precious little time with her beloved mother, who worked two full-time jobs to support her family. Claudia’s mother, formerly a pharmacist, would treat and care for her children when they were ill, especially since they could not afford health insurance. This spurred Claudia’s passion for healthcare. She earned a bachelor’s in biological sciences from FIU and returned for the accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. A life-jarring misdiagnosis during midterms in junior year cemented her decision. Claudia was experiencing severe abdominal pains and was initially told by her physician it was a tumor. Thankfully, a follow-up visit three weeks later confirmed the condition as gastritis. But her doctor’s aloof reaction to his misdiagnosis did not sit well with her. As a patient herself, she recognized that practitioners must accept accountability for how they communicate with and inform patients, and the need to do so with respect and empathy, regardless of their socio-economic background. Claudia plans to pursue her Doctor of Nursing Practice at FIU and hopes to someday lead the charge in providing the less fortunate with healthcare opportunities through monthly free clinics, bringing her story full circle as someone who had difficulty affording healthcare to providing it to those who can’t. By Daniel Zayas Communications Account Executive Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences


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Linda Armstrong Bachelor of Science in Social Work Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work CEREMONY 9 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10 a.m.

Linda Armstrong grew up in Miami Gardens in a single-parent household with nine siblings, two of whom were foster siblings. Her father, whom she describes as her best friend, passed away from cancer when Linda was 16 years old. Although her father only had a 2nd grade education, he shaped her life and instilled in her the importance of education, telling her: “Books first, boys later!” After his death, Linda went through dark times and even attempted suicide. But she turned her life around and decided to study social work so that she could help others like her survive and thrive. Earning her degree was not easy. She was an unemployed single mother to a son with autism. Linda would go to sleep in tears, not knowing how her bills would be paid and doubting she would be able to make it to graduation. With the help of grants such as the Stempel Scholarship, Braman Family Completion Scholarship, Opportunity Grant, Upper Division Grant, Differential Grant, and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Linda made ends meet. She is now graduating with a 3.8 GPA. She completed her field practicum at the Miramar Police Department Victim Services Unit, where she received praise for her commitment to social justice and interventions to improve clients’ lives. Linda’s goal is to earn a master’s degree in social work at FIU and eventually become a licensed clinical medical social worker, certified in forensic interviewing. By Jessica Drouet Senior Account Manager Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work

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Nicte Orozco Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences CEREMONY 9 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10 a.m.

As a child in Nicaragua, Nicte Orozco observed first-hand how her mother cared for her grandmother, who lost most of her mobility to arthritis. Little did she know that helping her grandmother with everyday tasks would be the precursor for a career in occupational therapy. Nicte’s interest in healthcare grew while volunteering as an intepreter with “Save a Generation,” a Christian ministry nonprofit that sends medical staff and services from the U.S. to help rural families in the remote areas of Nicaragua. With her parents’ blessing and her oldest son’s encouragement, she made the hard decision to leave her three children to come to the U.S. to study, in hopes of a better future for all of them. Along the way she faced more adversity, including losing her mother to cancer and an unstable living situation that had her living in her friends’ parents’ homes while she put herself through school. Still, she persevered. After receiving her associate degree from Miami Dade College in 2015, Nicte graduated with her bachelor’s in health services administration from FIU which led her to pursue a master’s in occupational therapy. Recalling her grandmother’s struggles, she was drawn to the profession’s mission to help people manage their health conditions to maintain their functional independence. Today, Nicte is closer than ever to her goal of reuniting with her children here in the U.S., and her dream of starting a nonprofit of her own to serve underprivileged families around the world. By Rachel Carpio Communications Assistant Account Executive Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences


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Josh Goodwin Bachelor of Arts in History Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs CEREMONY 10 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3 p.m.

When Josh Goodwin was 27 years old, his father was diagnosed with cancer. During their last coherent conversation, Josh – who was working two jobs and had dropped out of college – promised he’d finish his degree. Three months later, his father passed away. Josh set out to make good on his promise. He earned his associate degree from Tallahassee Community College and came to FIU for his bachelor’s in history. Josh became a passionate advocate for history, unofficially mentoring students who’d ask him questions about work-life balance and pointing them to one of his own mentors, Senior Instructor Tovah Bender. He became a writing assistant at FIU’s Center for Excellence in Writing, where he guided students through their writing process and worked with Faculty Administrator Charles Donate, who became a mentor to him as well. Josh also participated as a peer writing mentor for the Humanities Edge Program, supporting students transitioning from Miami Dade College. Currently working three jobs, including as a writing assistant at FIU and as a manager at a retirement home, Josh says he owes his success to mentors like Bender and Donate, who saw excellence in him – even when he didn’t see it in himself – and to his father’s memory, which has kept him going. Josh’s goal is to earn his master’s degree in history and become a professor, both at FIU. By Gisela Valencia Junior Account Manager Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

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Raquel C. Fernandez Bachelor of Public Administration Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs CEREMONY 10 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3 p.m.

Raquel C. Fernandez has a calling to serve. To meet that call, her goal was to earn a degree in public administration. But the road wasn’t easy. In 2000, her father was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia while battling Parkinson’s disease. Shortly after, her mother – who had both diabetes and congestive heart failure – passed away. Raquel, an accounting specialist at FIU Facilities, took up the role of primary caregiver to her father years before his death. Earning her degree seemed a distant dream. But her supervisors encouraged her to persevere, and thanks to the university’s tuition waiver for full-time employees, she started the program at FIU. Raquel got involved in the Global Learning Medallion program, where she learned about Paper Airplanes – a nonprofit organization that provides free, virtual tutoring to individuals affected by conflict. Through this organization, she has been working as an English tutor for students all across the globe. She also participated in an “asset mapping” of Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, collecting information about health clinic locations, visa assistance, work permit assistance and legal services for people in those regions. This information was distributed to Syrian refugees in Arab countries. She says her professors and mentors – Agatha Caraballo, Valerie Patterson and Keith D. Revell – along with her loved ones, have inspired her to discover her true essence and follow her dreams. Part of the combined BPA/MPA program, she looks forward to graduating with her master’s in public administration in Fall 2020. By Alexandria Rodriguez Communications Intern Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs 32

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Peculiar Awa Ph.D. in International Crime and Justice Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs CEREMONY 10 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3 p.m.

As a young woman growing up in Nigeria, Peculiar Awa witnessed frequent gender discrimination and even gender violence. She lost friends to the terrorism and tribal clashes that plagued the West African nation. She learned to flee when danger was approaching. In spite of many challenges, Peculiar pursued her education, graduated law school and became a practicing attorney. In 2016, a visit to a hospital to see a sick friend would change her life – and her career path. She met women and girls suffering serious disabilities and incontinence brought on by early childbirth. She began to see child marriage as a major public health concern that warranted further study. Peculiar followed her passion to a doctoral program in international crime and justice at Florida International University. She began investigating how women and girls become involved in terrorism through kidnapping and forced marriage. To complete her dissertation she returned to Nigeria to interview kidnapping victims of the terrorist group Boko Haram. Because of the political climate between the U.S. and Nigeria, Peculiar worried she might not be able to return to the U.S. She was ready with letters from her professors documenting the reason for her visit. Fortunately, she was able to return and complete her dissertation. Next year, she will begin a position as assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Central Missouri. She hopes to continue her work to help women and children in Nigeria. By Amy Ellis Senior Communications Manager Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

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Florida International University is a vibrant, student-centered public research university, ideally located in Miami, that is WorldsAhead in its commitment to learning, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity so that our graduates are prepared to succeed in a global market.

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