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A message from the Chief of Police
FIU Police Department 305-348-2626
A MESSAGE FROM THE Chief of Police
We would like to welcome you to the University. Our department strives to provide a safe and secure environment for the entire University community. Our officers are well trained and certified through the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. Our mission is to provide service and to enforce state laws and University regulations and policies in a courteous and professional manner. Our officers take a community-oriented approach to their jobs. Maintaining an environment where everyone feels safe and secure requires a cooperative and collaborative effort between all members of the University community. We are involved with all aspects of life at FIU. As demonstrated throughout the University, we too value diversity and strive to treat everyone with respect and dignity. We are committed to providing fair and impartial law enforcement services.
Please familiarize yourself with this safety guide. It provides information on a variety of security-related services, programs, policies and statistics. Should a situation arise which may impact the University community, the FIUPD will alert the community in a timely manner.
We wish you success in your endeavors at FIU whether it is as a student, faculty, staff member or visitor. Please feel free to contact us at 305-348-2626. One of our professional staff members is ready to address your questions or concerns. If you have any suggestions about how we can provide better police service, let us know online at police.fiu.edu.
Alexander D. Casas, Chief Florida International University Police Department
Emergency Phone Numbers 24 Hours – 7 Days a Week Modesto A. Maidique Campus: 305-348-5911 Biscayne Bay Campus: 305-919-5911 Telecommunications Relay Services: 711