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Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA
FIU Police Department 305-348-2626
Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA)
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA) addressed and investigated all complaints related to harassment and discrimination in a fair and equitable manner. The investigation will include interviews of the person bringing the allegations (complainant/ third party), witnesses and the accused party (respondent), as well as analysis of documents and other relevant information.
After a review of the information and facts of a complaint, the individual who made the report and the accused individual will be advised of the results of the investigation. Any discipline issued to a student will be subject to procedures as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and Honor Code. Any employee who is found to have engaged in conduct prohibited by University policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
In addition, appropriate corrective measures will be taken when a consultant, vendor, contractor, visitor or other person is found to have engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy. In addition individuals may be subject to criminal charges.
How to file a complaint:
Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA)
The CRCA Discrimination Complaint Form can be found at https://hr.fiu.edu/.
Complaints may also be filed through the Student Conduct Incident Reporting Form, found at http://conduct.fiu.edu/
Gender-based Harassment is based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identify, or gender expression, including acts of aggression, intimidation, or hostility, whether verbal or non-verbal, graphic, physical, or otherwise, even if the acts do not involve contact of sexual nature. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination.
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, including Sexual Misconduct or Exploitation when: • submission to such conduct is a condition for employment, promotion, grades, or academics;
• submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment or academic or other decisions affecting an individual; • such conduct is so severe or pervasive that it substantially interferes with the individual’s employment, education or access to University programs, activities and opportunities.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
• Pressure for sexual activity
• Requests for sexual favors
• Unwelcome patting, hugging, or touching of a person’s body, hair, or clothing
• Sexual innuendos, jokes, or comments
• Disparaging remarks to a person about her/his gender or body
• Sexual graffiti or Visuals
• Asking about a person’s sexual fantasies, sexual preferences, or sexual activities
• Repeatedly asking for a date after the person has expressed disinterest
• Making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements
• Offensive letters, email, text messages, posts on social networking sites, internet images or transmissions or voicemail messages.
Sexual Misconduct is a severe form of sexual harassment, and refers to physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent, including but not limited to rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual coercion or similar acts in violation of federal and state laws. • Dating violence, sexual assault, sexual battery and rape
These examples are not all ininclusive of the types of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment & sexual violence. This behavior can occur regardless of the relationship, position and respective sex of the parties. Same-gender harassment violates FIU’s policy just as harassment by a subordinate employee of his/her supervisor.
Florida International University defines Consent as a clear, knowing, and voluntary agreement to engage in specific sexual activity at the time of the activity. Consent can be communicated by words or actions as long as those words or actions create mutually understandable permission regarding willingness to engage in (and the conditions of) sexual activity. Consent must be ongoing throughout the sexual activity and can be withdrawn at any time. Sexual contact must cease immediately once withdrawal of consent is clearly communicated. • Consent must be active, not passive.
• Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent has been granted, nor does silence mean consent has been granted.
• Within each sexual encounter, there may be separate individual sexual acts involved, and consent to one act and/or person(s) by itself does not constitute consent to another act and/or person(s).
• The existence of a dating relationship between the persons involved, or the fact of past sexual relations, should never, by itself, be assumed to be an indicator of consent for any current or future sexual encounter even in the context of a relationship, there must be mutual consent.
• If coercion or force is used, there is no consent.
• If a person is incapacitated so that the person cannot understand the fact, nature or extent of the sexual situation, there is no consent. This may be affected by conditions due to age, alcohol or drug consumption, unconsciousness, being asleep, physical or developmental disabilities.
• Whether one has taken advantage of a position of influence over another can be a factor in determining whether there was consent.
• In order to give consent, one must be of legal age.
• The question of what the Charged Student should have known as to whether the Complainant was incapacitated is objectively based on what a reasonable person, sober and/or exercising good judgment, would have known about the condition of the Complainant.
Acts or words taken against an individual because of the individual’s participation in a protected activity that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging in protected activity. Protected activity includes an individual’s good faith (i) participation in the reporting, investigation, and/ or resolution of an alleged violation of this Code; and/or (ii) opposition to policies, practices, and/or actions that the individual reasonably believes are in violation of the Code. Retaliation may include intimidation, threats, Coercion, physical harm, and/or adverse employment or educational actions. Retaliation may be found even when an underlying report made in good faith was not substantiated. Retaliation may be committed by the Respondent, the Complainant, the Reporting Party, or any other individual or group of individuals.
Revenge Porn is to publish a sexually explicit image of a person, including any depiction that contains or conveys the personal identification or information of the depicted person by any electronic, digital or other means, including to an internet website, by text, by email, and/ or by or through social media without the depicted person’s consent.
Retaliation in any form against an individual who reports a violation of this policy or who provides information in the course of an investigation of a reported violation is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated
Reporting Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
FIU is committed to providing a campus climate free from illegal discrimination and/or harassment. Anyone within our campus community