2021 FIU Campus Security Booklet

Page 25

FIU Police Department 305-348-2626

Civil Rights Compliance and

How to file a complaint:

Accessibility (CRCA) The Office of Civil Rights Compliance

interferes with the individual’s University programs, activities and

Form can be found at https://hr.fiu.edu/.


Complaints may also be filed through

and equitable manner. The investigation

the Student Conduct Incident Reporting

will include interviews of the person

Form, found at http://conduct.fiu.edu/

bringing the allegations (complainant/ third party), witnesses and the accused

employment, education or access to

The CRCA Discrimination Complaint

harassment and discrimination in a fair


party (respondent), as well as analysis

such conduct is so severe or pervasive that it substantially

Accessibility (CRCA)

and Accessibility (CRCA) addressed and investigated all complaints related to

Civil Rights Compliance and

Gender-based Harassment is based

Examples of Sexual Harassment •

Pressure for sexual activity

Requests for sexual favors

Unwelcome patting, hugging, or

of documents and other relevant

on gender, sexual orientation, gender


identify, or gender expression, including

touching of a person’s body, hair, or

acts of aggression, intimidation, or


After a review of the information and facts of a complaint, the individual

hostility, whether verbal or non-verbal,

who made the report and the accused

graphic, physical, or otherwise, even

individual will be advised of the results

if the acts do not involve contact of

of the investigation. Any discipline

sexual nature. Sexual harassment is a

issued to a student will be subject to

form of gender discrimination.

Sexual innuendos, jokes, or comments

Disparaging remarks to a person about her/his gender or body

procedures as outlined in the Code of

Sexual Harassment is unwelcome

Sexual graffiti or Visuals

Student Conduct and Honor Code. Any

sexual advances, requests for sexual

Asking about a person’s sexual

employee who is found to have engaged

favors, and other verbal, non-verbal,

fantasies, sexual preferences, or

in conduct prohibited by University

or physical conduct of a sexual nature,

sexual activities

policy will be subject to appropriate

including Sexual Misconduct or

disciplinary action, up to and including

Exploitation when:

termination of employment.

In addition, appropriate corrective consultant, vendor, contractor, visitor or other person is found to have engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy. In addition individuals may be subject to criminal charges.

submission to or rejection of such

Making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements

promotion, grades, or academics; •

Repeatedly asking for a date after the person has expressed disinterest

submission to such conduct is a condition for employment,

measures will be taken when a

Offensive letters, email, text

conduct is used as the basis for

messages, posts on social

employment or academic or other

networking sites, internet

decisions affecting an individual;

images or transmissions or voicemail messages.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2021


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