FIU Magazine Fall 2019

Page 11

A Canopy

Grows in Miami Researchers are calculating the scientific value of trees in one lush neighborhood By Chrystian Tejedor ’04, MBA ’15


erhaps more than anywhere else in

collaboration between FIU and the National

estimating residential savings in cooling

Miami, the streets of Coconut Grove

Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG). The

costs. They are also looking at how much

are dappled with sunlight and shadow. Look

Kampong is the historic home of famed

mitigation the trees’ roots provide for flooding

overhead and you’ll see why.

botanical explorer David Fairchild and now

and even sea level rise.

Here, the tree tunnels that stretch over

an urban oasis with more than 1,000 species

Knowing that all trees are not created

highways and streets are the fabric of

of fruit trees, palms, plants and teaching

equal, they also tally the negatives. Does

the community. They’re like the cafecito

collections for botanical study.

the tree produce messy fruits? Might it

windows of Little Havana. Or the beaches that line the coast. These green sentinels have seen Miami

Like Fairchild, Baraloto and the team

fall during a storm? Do its roots threaten

of FIU botanists are focused on studying,

infrastructure? Is it a nonnative species?

preserving and finding innovative uses for

Is it invasive?

grow from backwater village to major

tropical plants. It is work that is carried out

metropolis. Sometimes they’ve been spared

in South Florida, in the jungles of China

determine which trees merit protection and

from the bulldozer and the winds of a

and South America, and other biodiverse

which trees should replace those that fall

hurricane. Sometimes they haven’t. The fate

hotspots throughout the world.

in a hurricane or are removed during

of Coconut Grove’s lush canopy seems to be constantly hanging in the balance. FIU biologist Christopher Baraloto is

As part of the ReLeaf project, the researchers are calculating how much carbon

City officials need these details to

construction projects. “We are excited to partner with a coalition

trees remove from the air and researching

of government and community partners to

leading the Miami Urban ReLeaf Coalition,

possible medicinal value. They are currently

work together and learn about the amazing

a network of local partners mapping and

mapping trees in Coconut Grove, dutifully

resources we have in terms of tree canopy

monitoring trees in Miami’s verdant enclaves.

measuring the circumference of each tree and

in the city,” Baraloto said. “All citizens with

The initiative recently launched in Coconut

estimating its height.

whom we have spoken agree that this is vital

Grove, where the International Center for Tropical Botany is based at the Kampong, a

The researchers are also determining how much shade each tree provides and

work that needs to be completed as soon as possible.” Continues FALL 2019 | 9

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