
our First 5o
Florida International University opened September 14, 1972, on an abandoned airfield at the edge of the Everglades. We opened with a historic enrollment of 5,667 students and a committed group of faculty and staff. The occasion marked the beginning of a new era, one in which we made a pact with our community to deliver on the promise and purpose of higher education.
The seeds of the impact on our community and higher education were planted more than 50 years ago by FIU Founding President Charles E. Perry. It was the 32-year-old President Perry, after being appointed in 1969 to lead FIU, who said, “In a changing world, the role of the university is changing also. It must equip itself to meet all of the new and varied challenges for which higher education must find answers.”
Our vision remains driven by a seemingly simple question: What do our students, our community, our state and our world need us to be? Fifty years after opening, we are a leading 21st century American public research university because we have never stopped asking ourselves that question.
The success of our students and graduates has its foundation in the hard work and dedication of faculty and staff who create an environment that encourages those who pass through our halls. Our valued faculty and staff are the portals through which our learners soar as innovators and leaders in the world and on the global stage.
The Next 5o
We’ve learned a few things in 50 years. FIU is bigger than our individual dreams and greater than our differences. Our journey is one of hope, opportunity and excellence.

Today our physical presence has grown to include multiple academic locations from the Florida Keys to Port St. Lucie to Washington, D.C., and beyond. Our student enrollment is one of the largest in the country and reflects our community’s vibrant diversity. Our researchers are working on therapies to save lives and scalable solutions to ensure the sustainability of our precious natural resources. Our faculty and students are thriving by every measure of academic success. Our alumni are igniting industries, educating our children, healing the most vulnerable and contributing to the greater good. Our faculty and staff are a testament to our collective belief that through collaboration, a shared commitment to excellence and a prevailing atmosphere of respect, we elevate our student body, institution and community.
We have become one of the most innovative public universities in the country and a leader in 21st century higher education. Our name is now found at the top of consequential rankings and respected indicators of excellence, alongside prestigious public and private universities. We are the fastest-rising university of the past 10 years in U.S. News & World Report’s public university rankings and a top employer according to Forbes and the Great Colleges to Work For® program.

We enter our next 50 years with clarity and confidence, knowing we will face every challenge and meet every moment together as we continue rewriting the narrative of American higher education.
Thank you for being part of something that is making a real difference in the lives of so many.
El pagnier K. Hudson
Senior Vice President, Division of Human Resources

Vice Provost, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Kenneth A. Jessell President
Florida TaxWatch Productivity Awards
Generations Ahead Scholarship
FIU Community Award
FIU Torch Award
FIU Opportunity Award
FIU Sustainability Award
FIU Service Excellence Award
FIU Safety & Loss Prevention Award
President’s Access & Equity Award
Presidential Excellence Award
Kenneth A. Jessell President
Arlet Maria Acanda De La Rocha
Sandra M. Adorno
Emily N. Afre
Giancarlo Aguero
Andrea Aguirre Ramos
Abderrahman Akhiyat
Alberto Alberto Jr
Lletielth R. Aleman
Elsa M. Alfonso
Fernando C. Alfonso
Elias A. Alwan
Teresa Amador
Steve A. Anderson
Christine N. Angel
Yesim Anter
Alejandro C. Arana
Trevor F. Atkins
Alejandro R. Avalos Gonzalez
Alejandro Baez
Latisha C. Barfield
Tylor E. Barnhart
Maylin Bermudez
Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan
Anthony R. Bolanos
Nancy Bonny
Camilo E. Borrajero
Samira Boulahia
Lilia Y. Bourzac
Marina A. Brillas
Deborah R. Brooks
Sofia Burgos
Christina A. Burns
Catherine B. Busatto
Rodolfo Cabrera Jr
Mustafa O. Caglayan
Michelle D. Caldera
Garamis S. Campusano
David Capote
Yvonne Capote
Leonardo Carbajo
Justin H. Carmel
Mitzi L. Carter
Francisco A. Castellon Molina
Reynaldo F. Castilla
Adam J. Castillo
Eymi P. Castillo
Susana V. Castillo
Alessandro M. Catenazzi
Dimitry Chamy
Lidson M. Charite

Yan Chen
Michelle L. Chernicoff
Rachel D. Clarke
Jose F. Colon
Andrea S. Cuadra
Michelle M. Cumming
Grisel d’Elena
Andre L. Da Costa Da Silva
Sophie A. Dargoltz
Benjamin A. D’Avanzo
Michael P. Davidson Jr
Donna E. Davis
Lazaro L. De Armas
Atria De la Cruz Montejo
Tony Dennis
Yelena Diaz
Marcia Diaz Gonzalez
Ana Diez Sampedro
Shelly A. Dominguez
Remy Dou

Bill J. Duffin
Amal M. Elawady
Eduardo J. Enriquez Lazo
Mylin K. Espinoza
Christopher M. Esposito
Cory A. Fairfield
Dana A. Fernandez
Sofia B. Fernandez
Denise Fernandez Moris
Yanara Ferreiro
Massiel Ferro
Patrick J. Fleming
Dana A. Foligno
Laura L. Fothergill
Carl-Frederick Francois
Trudy R. Gaillard
Ravi Gajendran
Gina M. Gallian Oubrar
Amy K. Galpin
Tatiana Gaona Narvaez
Erick Garcia
Amarillys E. Garcia-Perez
Luis A. Garibaldi
Kianoush Gholamiboroujeni
James F. Gibson
Megan M. Gillespie
Tracy A. Goetz
Deborah L. Goldwasser
Cristina Gomes
Jorge H. Gomez
Fabiola A. Gonzalez
John R. Gonzalez
Lydia M. Gonzalez
Natalie M. Gonzalez
Victoria Gonzalez
Hannah Gorman
Michael G. Grafals
Justin T. Gramling

Kirk M. Grates
Dollie D. Green
Erica H. Gregoire
Carlos W. Grenier

Chelsey L. Grenier
Jay J. Grossman
Dulis V. Grullon
Diana C. Gutierrez
George A. Guzman
Jeanely Guzman
Fereshteh Hamidi Toosi
Colette M. Harrington
Dirk F. Hart
Shane D. Haughton
Timothy B. Hayes
Lotfi Hermi
Antonio Hernandez
Dariel A. Hernandez
Nasreen J. Hidmi
Eric L. Holmstrom
Brantanique C. Homicil
Amy R. Huseby
Samuel Hyppolite
Ivone J. Ildefonso
Oliver G. Ionita
Jeffrey D. Isgrigg
Diego Jacome
Marc C. Jean
Evelyn Jimenez
Karla D. Kennedy
Donna R. Kiley
Nagesh Kolishetti
Graciela D. Lacombe
Laura Lamour
Luther D. Lancaster
Claudia B. Larramendi Ferras
Lisa P. Lee
Cynthia M. LeRouge
Erin K. Loeb
Anabel Lopez
Jenille Lopez
Brenda I. Lopez Ortiz
Yessenia Lopez Reyes
Kevin L. Lothridge
Lorena Lozada Villena
Marie Luque-Oster
Xuan Lv
Jacqueline S. Lynch
Margarette Mahotiere
Javier Maldonado
Adele J. Mann
Michael A. Martin
Emely A. Martinez
Israel Martinez
Rodrigo E. Martinez
Yucymy C. Martinez
Janet Martinez Padron
Christine D. Martorana
Mark X. Masters
Andrea N. Matamoros
Marshal A. Maurice
Caitlin L. Maxcy
Steve P. McDowell
Adjua M. McGill
Armin B. Mehrabi
Julian L. Mendel
Javier J. Mendoza
Ana M. Menendez
Vilma Mesa
Gregory W. Miller
Lizeth Miralda Guerra
Tanya A. Mishra
Rebecca Mojica
Maria J. Monje Ramos
Alberto Morales
Bismarck Morales
Merlyn Morales
Jose M. Morcillo Gomez
Federico L. Moscoso
Rima Mullins
Juan C. Murata
Jeffrey A. Napier
Tamara Nathai
Daniel R. Nichols
Merary D. Nieves
Mabelly Nino
kelvis E. Noa Melo
Brandon S. Norton
Robert I. O’Brien
Jan H. Ocampo
Jessica B. Oliveira
Brian J. Oliver
Akorede K. Oluwo
Kathleen E. Oneal
Julian Ospina
Hugo H. Ottolenghi
Miguel Pachon
Claudia M. Packer
Cristina Palacios
Julia H. Parker
Randall W. Parkinson
Devin M. Parra
Casey C. Pastor
Bridget A. Pelaez
Josefa Pena Leonard
Anelys Perez
Betsy A. Perez
Camila Perez
Julia E. Perez
Lilien Perez
Jimmy Pertil
Alexandria M. Pipitone Schworn
Ryan W. Pontier
Tonia L. Porter
Stephanie Price
Markondeyaraj Pulugurtha
Gilbert Ramirez
Helen A. Ramirez
Neil D. Ramsay
David W. Ramsey
Alexander F. Ravelo
Rachel L. Reed
Luis F. Restrepo
Laura G. Reyes
Monica Reyes
Shabnam Rezapour Behnagh
Kimberly R. Rickenbrode
Alice E. Ricketts
Kimberly E. Rivera
Melanis Rivera
Camilo C. Roa Penarete
Estefania Roberts
Carlos R. Rodas
Cristina V. Rodriguez
Ivan A. Rodriguez
Jonathan M. Rodriguez
Kettia Romage
Emillia V. Roque
Francesca L. Rosario
Ricky J. Ruckman
Yudania Salas Navarro
Katherine P. Salgado
Steven M. Samartino
Natalie M. San Martin
Laura Sanchez Diaz
Ivonne Sarria
Stefan Schmitt
Jorge Seijas
Yio C. Selva
Matthew H. Shirley
Alfred E. Simpson Jr
Monica S. Smith
Susan M. Solman
Rebecca D. Solomon
John P. Sotham
Christopher J. Soto
Jorge E. Sotolongo
Jacob T. Stay
Maria C. Stevens
Cynara Suarez
Lori L. Sullivan
Fiorella A. Suyon
David L. Sylvester
Ashley B. Taylor
Anthony G. Teague
Tony Thomas
Elizabeth Torres
Abraham J. Trewin
Alejandro Troetsch Jr
Marlies K. Tumolo
Jolan J. Uber
Laura M. Ucros
Alexa N. Urra
Jorge Valdes
Gisela M. Valencia
Melonie E. Vanderpool
Wendy P. Vargas Morua
Jennely M. Vasquez
Michael S. Vela
Victor L. Velazco
Icxe Vidal
Carolina Villalba
Leopoldo Villar
Jason J. Villarroel
Annelise Villiers
Anna J. Virani
Octavio J. Visiedo
John Volakis
Charity N. Watson
Jacqueline R. Wittenstein
Nivia T. Woodard
Linda G. Woolfson
Marie A. Wray
Kunie Yoshinaga Sakurai
Charles W. Young II
Elizabeth H. Yourkievitz
Irene B. Abad
Lillian Abreu
Yasbel Acuna-Borrero
Jennifer Aguiar
Iqbal S. Akhtar
Enna Alcaine
Maikel J. Alendy
Paula A. Alger
Sergio N. Allende
Jacqueline H. Alonso
Nancy Alonso
Wilfredo J. Alvarez
Frederick W. Anderson
Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai
Esther B. Aserraf
Jennifer M. Barajas
Robert L. Barnum
Sybille S. Baylard
Tovah L. Bender
Sonia O. Benitez
Judith D. Bernier
Sarah I. Bisono-Gonzalez
Liliana Blanco
Benjamin P. Boesl
Dayanis Borges
Heather D. Bracken-Grissom
Nancy M. Bradbury
Janet S. Branch
Randee G. Breiter
Andres Brito
Stephen A. Bromfield
Kathleen A. Bulger
Angel Burgos
Enrique Caboverde
Hilda C. Callahan
Helcio Camargo
Ana M. Canetti Valdesuso
Yesenia Capi
Agatha S. Caraballo
Mary A. Carabeo
Diana C. Cardenas
Ivan E. Carrandi
Flavio Carrillo
Amilcar A. Castellano Sanchez
Juan C. Castillo
Elizabeth A. Catalan
Natacha Cesar
Paule L. Champagne
Leep-Mien Chan
Mido Chang
Calvin S. Cheng
Jaclyn M. Coello
Darcy Cosano
Rebecca J. Covey
Stefany J. Coxe
John F. Cozza
Bridgette E. Cram
Kristin E. Cundle
Christian Curbelo
Kaleena M. Czaykowsky
Leslie Dallemand
Donna J. De Cordova
Paulo H. De Hendonca Chaves
Grizelle De Los Reyes
Irene C. Delano
Pierre W. Delerme
Jessica Delgado
Mark D. Demello
Newsoul Deus

Veronica Diaz
Alberto J. Diaz Jr
Ricardo J. Diaz Rubio
Rebeca A. Diep-Kondla
Jiali Ding
Dailyn Docina
Gricel Dominguez
Charles A. Donate

Xiaofen Dong
Jorge L. Duany
Sandra M. Duran
Eliza L. Eccles
Bilal M. El-Zahab
Ming Fang
Beatrice Farnsworth
Eric M. Feldman
David E. Felix
Amarilys T. Fernandez
Claudia Fernandez
Francisco Alberto Fernandez Lima
Cristine Figueroa
Jannette P. Fleming
Daniela F. Foerch
Emily G. Furton
Ronny Gadea
Elizabeth Garami
Arlene Garcia
Maria D. Garcia
Maria M. Garcia
Rogelio Garcia
Rolando Garcia
Mark L. Gardiner
Armel Garzon Carrillo
Sat Gavassa Becerra
Nicholas R. Gelpi
Timothy M. Goddard
Drew S. Golburgh
Jacqueline M. Goldstein
Juan C. Gomez
Vanessa Gondar
Shara W. Gonzalez
Raul Gonzalez Jr
Teresairis Gonzalez-Serrano
Alialy Guillaume
Paulette M. Gulke
Ali Gungoraydinoglu
Daniel A. Gutierrez
Gloria A. Guzman
Janessa Guzman
Matthew D. Hagood
Katie C. Hart
Ariel Hernandez
Pedro P. Hernandez
Michael A. Holness
Katrina L. Holts
Martha R. Horta Garcia
Jeremiah K. Hower
Francisco H. Hoyos
Debaro D. Huyler
Stephen G. Jefferson
Shuliang Jiao
Myrtha Jocelyn
Shivani Joshi
Barbara A. King
Priya Kirpalani
Jeremy Kiszka
John S. Kominoski
Maria Krol
Angela M. Laird
Robert W. Laird
Amalia M. Landa Galindez
Jason A. Lashbrook

Kingsley Lau
Gregory A. Lebowitz
Gali M. Lefkowitz
Claudia E. Leiva
Olema M. Leon Gonzalez
Rhesia C. Lewis
Jiehua Li
Tan Li
Ileana J. Lindsay
Yu Liu
Timothy J. Long
Yasmira L. Lopez
Cristina Lopez Yakimenko
Rosario Lozada
Lynette Luis
Stephanie H. Luis
Miriam C. Machado
George M. Marakas
Jackelyn Marcos
Arlein Marin
Mark A. Marine
Luis H. Marrero
Yamile G. Marrero
Aileen M. Marty
Paul A. Masforroll
Osmel Matos
Koumba N. McKinnon
Megan C. Meeks
Maria D. Melendez-Vargas
Ashley Mendez
Gabriela Mendez
Ronald Mesia
Marissa K. Miles
Silvia Molleda
Marco A. Moreno II
Nodalys Mosquera
Gisela Muniz
Shivaun M. Naylor
Christopher Necuze
Kristin A. Nichols
Manuel A. Nino
Elisama Nunez
Karina A. Ocampo
Monica N. Ochoa
Lisardo J. Ortiz
Julia Y. Osei-Tutu
Okezi T. Otovo
Ozde Oztekin
Mark B. Padilla
Christina E. Pajon Ascanio
Jessy L. Palma
Carlos E. Pareja
Tudor V. Parfitt
Carlos M. Parra
Ebonie N. Parris
Angelica M. Paz
Alexandra M. Pecharich
Erasmo M. Perera
Kaitlyn S. Pereyra
Luisa M. Perez
Katarina Petrovic
Darel C. Ponce Fernandez
Deidre G. Portela
Thomas A. Potts
Dipesh Pradhan
Anthony J. Prandi
Yun Qian
Wanda S. Raiford
Adolfo R. Rassi
Natalie M. Rassi
Andrea D. Raymond
Clony Raymonvil
Joshua T. Rees
Amy D. Reid
Jennifer L. Riccardi
Jorge J. Riera Diaz
Jessica Robb Mazzant
David B. Roberts
Ernesto F. Rodriguez
Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod
Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty
Raymond C. Rody
Margarita M. Romaguera
Milton R. Ron Arias
Alex Ronquillo
Jan Pierre Ruiz
Otto C. Rutten
Paola Salavarria Romero
Nathalie N. Salgado
Mariana Sanchez
Mario E. Sanchez
Venkadesh Sarkarai Nadar
Arif I. Sarwat
Yusimi Sayus
Helena Schmidtmayerova
Derrick A. Scott
Jennifer M. Sheran
Cinthya R. Silva-Cruz
Hock-Peng Sin
Sherryma S. Smith Chow
Michael A. Sohan
Vanessa K. Sohan
Juan C. Sosa
Jessica M. Sotomayor
Kirk L. Staley
Sandra R. Stojanovic
Travis L. Stokes
Yuanchang Sun
Matthew T. Sutherland
Stephanie Tadal
Kwesi A. Tarradath
Rashida L. Taylor
Fiorella Terenzi
Tami L. Thomas
Assali N. Torres
Lizvette Torres
Malena Torres
Sofia C. Trelles
Leslie-Anne Triana
Ines R. Triay Melendez
Yukching Tse Dinh
Carlota C. Valdes
Ileana L. Varela
Ariel Vecino
Joliett Vega-Klucevsek
Horatiu V. Vinerean

Julie M. Wade
Melissa K. Ward
Marcie R. Washington
Maria C. Wilkinson-Diaz
Nara N. Williams
Ning Xie
Lidu Yi

Wendy Y. Zepeda
Lian Zhang
Adam G. Zimmerman
Ioannis Zisis
Emanuela Alexander-Rolle
Ana M. Alfaro
Hilda A. Alfaro
Diana M. Alfonso
Jimmy E. Almansa
Julio A. Alvarez
Marlene Alvarez
Rosaivys Alvarez
Dongmei An
Shahana Anis
Monique A. Archibald
Lori A. Arroliga
Rosa Babino
Hyejin Bang
Sofia T. Baralt
Madeline Baro
Beatriz Barzaga Sanchez
Judith Basualdo
Jose A. Batista Cabrera
Randall E. Beaver
Claudia S. Benitez
Jose R. Bermudez
Mabel R. Berrios
Reina Berrios
Edward J. Blanco
Rita Borre
Emmanuele A. Bowles
Rita Brito-Rodriguez
Ellen L. Brown
Emily Burtt
Jacqueline R. Cabrera
Elena B. Cabrera Menendez
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Hector D. Cadavid
John M. Cal
Helen E. Cantos
Ivette Capote
Joan M. Carney
Joel D. Carton
Linda Carty-Dumitrescu
Margarita Casas
Mabel M. Castaneda
Danilo A. Castillo
Melissa A. Castriota
Jorge L. Castro
Aura L. Cerda
Jiuhua Chen
Vivian Y. Chen
Allyn L. Childress
Jorge L. Chirino
Cyra A. Choudhury
Michael C. Christie
Yisell Cirion
Claudia M. Collado Vides
Kristine L. Colunga
Aymee M. Correa
Gilda Y. Corzo
Ernesto J. Crucet
German M. Cruz
Maria De Armas
Mairelys De La Guardia
Maria I. De Los Santos
Alessandro M. De Oliveira
Marlene Delgado
Sanjay Dhawan
Alexis Diaz
Vernon G. Dickson
Diana Dizon
Lucie Dlugasch
Kinte Dolceme
Karelia Dominguez
Pelagia M. Dominguez
Desiree Elias
Darrel R. Elmore
Daisy Enamorado
Martha Espino
Marlene Espinosa
Gail B. Excell
Ana M. Fabregas
Stephanie C. Felisme
Daisy D. Fernandez
Maria I. Fernandez
Maria L. Fernandez
Violeta E. Fernandez
Idelmis Fernandez Perez
Jamie L. Flexon
Rosa A. Flores
Gloria Florez Aguirre
Maria I. Frias
Francisca Fuentes
Dagoberto Fuentes Ferreiro
Julia A. Galeano
Carlos F. Galindo
Felipe Garcia
Francisco R. Garcia
Manuel E. Garcia
Maria I. Garcia
Nancy M. Garcia
Stavros Georgakopoulos
Florence George
Carole Gilot
Andrew P. Golden
Jairo J. Gomez
Manuel A. Gomez
Rosana Gomez
Efigenia A. Gonzalez
Isabel Gonzalez
Martha B. Gonzalez
Michael Gonzalez
Yrania Gonzalez
Rene Gonzalez Alderete
Rosaida Gonzalez Ramirez
Scott C. Graham
Monica I. Grandal
Jesus Grisales
Dora Guerra
Magaly Guerra Doria
Barry H. Gump
Lesbia P. Gutierrez
Matt A. Halfhide
Garth D. Headley
Blanca O. Hernandez
Maria de las Mercedes Hernandez
Vladimir Hernandez
Yanelis Hernandez Valladares
Johanna A. Hodgson
Laurie J. Holmes
Michelle M. Hospital
Kai Huang
Sharon J. Jackson
Andrea D. Jay
Xiaoquan Jiang
Johanna Jimenez
Veronica Jimenez
Cameron W. Jones
Jaclyn G. Jonusas
Mark D. Kershaw
Wayde J. Klipper
Naoko Komura
Noelle F. Laforest
Linda Lara
Edward Leao
Margie Leonard
Barry S. Levitt
April F. Lewis
Lisa Li Celorio
Christine Lisetti
Jason X. Liu
Israel Lopez
Ana I. Lorenzo
Maria K. Lovett
Stephen P. Loynaz
Alaa Maaliki
Caridad M. Machado
Gretter Machin
Leslie A. Marine-Marill
Lourdes Martin
Adelfa Martinez
Antonio J. Martinez
Lilian C. Martinez
Lilliam E. Martinez
Diana Medina
Dolores Medina
Ana Y. Mejia Garcia
Suyapa Mencia
Danay Menendez
Maria J. Miguez
Jaroslava Miksovska
Mayra Mireles
Keyla Misas
Alina Morales
Deliana M. Morales
Melanie A. Morales
Laura M. Morales Calderwood
Ricardo A. Moran
Joelle A. Moreno
Pallab Mozumder

Javier A. Munoz
Alexander Murga
William E. Newburry
Michelle L. Odai
Elizabeth A. Olafson
Sara M. Ormaza
Margoth K. Osco
Ebru Ozer
David Paan
Deng Pan
Richard J. Pareja
Vrushali B. Patil
Ciara Perez
Katherine Perez
Lourdes C. Perez
Marianne Pineda
Norma Pizarro Marin
Melissa M. Pozo
Bianca C. Premo
Evangelia M. Prevolis
Alma P. Puerto
Eva M. Ramirez
Jesus Ramirez
Reynaldo M. Ramirez
Mercedes I. Ramirez Patino
Norma H. Ramos
Ian Rand
Thomas G. Reio
Caridad M. Reyes
Andres M. Rico
Nilvia Rios
Jennifer E. Rivera
Gonzalo A. Rodriguez
Jason J. Rodriguez
Tatiana Rodriguez
Cinthya C. Rojas
Alireza Rostamian
Jeremy D. Rowan
Arcecio Rubio
Seema Sah Prasad
Juan M. Saiz
Esther Saldarriaga
Alexander Sanchez
Alina Sanchez
Marina Sanchez
Sara M. Sanchez
Maria G. Sandigo
Roberto U. Sandoval
Hilda Santamarina
Ileana Santamarina
Ana T. Santos
Carlos A. Santos III
Jannette S. Sawzak
Saara Schwartz
Sigal Segev
Concepcion Selva
Joshua B. Shear
Maria Shpurik
Beatriz M. Sigler
Renee M. Silverman

Joe L. Simpson
Lilian Solorzano
Alfredo L. Soto
Maria I. Sotolongo
Fabian V. Stallworth
Georgette Stille
Kerri L. Stone
Andrew T. Strycharski
Maria Suarez Gil
Grisel Suarez Martinez
Thomas J. Tarangelo
Paige Telan
Nathalie J. Theodore
Felson S. Thomas-Watson
James T. Todd
Jonathan A. Torrey
Christopher M. Townsend
Ira L. Turner
Wendy C. Turner
Jessica Ugaz
Barbara R. Valdez
Juan M. Valle
Noemi Valle
Carlos E. Varona
Shahin Vassigh
Malena Y. Vergara
Consuelo Vergara Henao
Ana M. Villafana
Maria Elena Villar
Carleen Vincent Robinson
Herman L. Watson
Marc G. Weinstein
Gayle A. Williams
Hugh E. Willoughby
Paulette Wilson
Weidong Xia
Michael P. Yawney

Franklin Zambrana
Angela Zapata Arbelaez
Jin Zeng
Jorge N. Zumaeta
Arvind Agarwal
Thomas E. Baker
Kerry S. Ball
Isbel M. Basulto
Laura I. Benavides
Jesse L. Bull
Angela L. Bullard
Ana N. Cabrera-Luna
Charmaine P. Cave
Sanya Checo
Anu T. Chirinos
Elizabeth D. Cramer
Tamara R. Cratit
Laura De Carli
Enrique Del Rio
Jessy G. Devieux
Rachel S. Duchastel de Montrouge
Gustavo A. Echeverri
Jorge L. Esquirol
Jorge C. Estay
Dawn M. Fagnan
Ahiza M. Fernandez
Carlos M. Fernandez
Rafael Figueroa
Elizabeth P. Foley
Maria A. Garcia
Ofelia M. Garcia
Jeffery M. Gonzalez
Gueo V. Grantcharov

Danilo R. Guerrero
Roberto M. Gutierrez
James J. Hardiman
Ya Li Hsu
Kerland Jacques
Michele M. Jean-Gilles
Audrey M. Johnson
Yelena P. Katsenovich
David B. Lajes
Hilary C. Landorf
Meira A. Langsam
Angelique R. Lawrence
Jorge R. Leniv
Juan C. Lopez
Peng Lu
Ivan L. Macchi
Tatayana Maltseva
Yusimit Martinez
Jose C. Mencia
Matthew C. Mirow
Rajamani S. Narayanan
Oscar E. Negret
Karla Y. Ortega
Rebeca Payo
Hiselgis Perez
Anna M. Pietraszek
Luis Quintana
Thaddeus S. Randall
Nelson Ripoll
Jose A. Rodriguez
Nanett A. Rojas
Ediberto Roman
Rhonda K. Rosenberg
Angela K. Salmon
Oliver Y. Setien
Kateel G. Shetty
Maria T. Sierra
Anezka M. Sousa
Deanna H. Sydnor
Ricardo Tijero
Sailaja Tumrukota
Lisaidy Turino
Silvia R. Valdes
Pushyamitra Veeramachaneni
David D. Walter
Leanne M. Wells
David A. Wernick

Jingying Zhou
Jesus J. Arias
Ana O. Arteaga
Caridad Babot
Angelo E. Barrios
Ruben Bermudez
Francisco G. Cabrera
Gisela C. Cabrera
Yong Cai
Erik Camayd-Freixas
Terese P. Campbell
Lauren Christos
Jeannette Cruz
Robert Davidovici
Sharon V. Duchatelier
Robert B. Dundas
Marylin Fontanilles-Cast

Steve Forero Paz
Mariela V. Gabaroni
Piero R. Gardinali
Jerry N. Haar
Steven Heine
Gail M. Hollander
Mark R. Kelly
Winny Lau
Stephen P. Leatherman
Thomas G. Leness
Bao Qin Li
Francis X. Luca
Raul Martinez
Jeffrey A. McNamee
Sonia Meneses
Richard C. Miltner
Priscilla Muniz
Richard S. Olson
Sulaiman Paperwalla
Aixa J. Perez-Prado
Elizabeth Rizo
Steve Rodriguez
Carmen Rosado
Joslyn A. Smith
Tiana Solis
Michael A. Stuart
Theodore Tachim Medjo
Mandayam O. Thirunarayanan
Ivy Torres Morales
Yvonne Vina
Nicole A. Wishart
Stanislaw F. Wnuk
Margarita Zabalo
Abraham N. Zuriarrain 25 YEARS

Patricia M. Barbetta
Pascale S. Becel
Maureen M. Braham
Bobby L. Cain
Maryann Camps Gato
Sandra B. Caprioli
Garry L. Catlin
Jennifer L. Cooper
Maria E. Corrales

Mary K. Cruz
Tiffany A. Forsberg
James W. Fourqurean
Hector R. Fuentes
Eva Marie Gasson
Marta A. Lee
Cristobal R. Molina
Frederick A. Moss
Roderick P. Neumann
Camilo Rosales
Philip K. Stoddard
Carlos M. Suris
Lesley-Ann Timlick

Lynne M. Barrett
Yesim Darici
Maneck H. Daruwala
Evelyn B. Enrione
Orlando J. Garcia
Janice H. Lopez
Dario Moreno
Maria C. Purvis
David Quesada
Naphtali D. Rishe
Van R. Robinson
Fausto M. Romero
Althea M. Silvera
Richard S. Tardanico
Felecia D. Vines Townsend

Mark A. Weiss

Mary Helen Hayden, Jainendra K. Navlakha Ali M. Parhizgari

Michelle C. Beer
Ronald P. Fisher
Julio E. Ibarra

Kenneth E. Johnson
Asher Z. Milbauer
Ali M. Parhizgari
James M. Quirke
F. B. Seaton
Mary Helen Hayden
Steven V. Moll
Sponsored by Gabor Financial Solutions
Supported the university’s mission by promoting high quality teaching, state-of-the-art research and creative activity or collaborative engagement with our local and global communities during the past year. This award is being sponsored by Gabor Financial Solutions.
Agatha S. Caraballo
Marie Alexandra Cornelius
Melissa M. Howard
Gabriela M. Izaguirre
Anjana Mishra
Cristina Palacios
Raquel E. Perez
Jamie L. Rogers
Jorge N. Zumaeta
Exemplified FIU’s institutional values of truth, freedom, respect, responsibility and excellence by exhibiting the highest standards of character and ethical behavior.
Talina Almonor
Stephen Thomson Moore
Evangelia M. Prevolis
Louis Roder Tcheugoue Tebou
John A. Zweibel
Computer Information Sciences (CIS) Mentors
Peter J. Clarke
Raju Rangaswami
Promoted FIU’s vision of being a leading urban public research university by contributing outstanding service with a focus on student learning, innovation, and collaboration.
Jacqueline H. Alonso Bernadette L. Chung Janice H. Lopez
Promoted FIU’s respect for the environment by providing knowledge, education and modeling ways to achieve climate preservation as well as capitalize on the economic opportunities of the solutions developed.
Todd A. Crowl
Marianne Pineda
Gregory Reis
Media Technology Services

Stephen A. Bromfield
Christian Dauden
Stephen Escudero
Martin E. Kupferman
Celvin A. Marquez
Jocelyn Martinez
Leon O. McNeil Jr
Oscar G. Rios
Milton R. Ron Arias
Jason O. Webster
Possessed the job knowledge, people skills, motivation, and drive for continuous improvement that provides a level of service excellence that exceeds the expectations of FIU customers and colleagues. They are known for service excellence beyond their mandated job responsibilities. Consistently sought opportunities for collaboration and cross-functional improvements to better serve the university community.
Alberto Alberto Jr
Diana M. Alfonso
Elizabeth A. Alvite
Jean Michel G. Andre
Jessica M. Arguello
Magali Autie
Annie Brigido
Odelvis Brito Acosta
Gilda E. Castillo
Jessica I. Castro
Henry K. Cheng
Vasilka S. Chergarova
Bernadette L. Chung
Ines D. Companioni
Donald D. Corbitt
Kristian J. Cosculluela
Laura E. Creel
Ricardo A. Del Valle
Yelena Diaz
Eric M. Feldman
Mabel Fernandez
Javier R. Franco
Brittny M. Freire
Edward A. Furnas
Brenezza D. Garcia
Milagros Garcia Chica
Christian M. Gomez
Jacqueline Gonzalez
Kizzy Gonzalez
Maria D. Guiribitey
Dirk F. Hart
Jose H. Hemen
Steven V. James
Eric S. Johnson
Linda Lara
Suzanne N. Lebin
Cindy Lopez
Luz S. Maharaj
Samantha E. Martin
David A. Miranda
Vanessa Morera
Nancy Napolitano
Natalie M. Naranjo
Natalie K. Nunez
Jennifer N. Osejo
Robert R. Parhizgari
Rebeca Payo
Erasmo M. Perera
Iliana R. Perez
Jose A. Perez
Linda Perez Valenzuela
Ana J. Pineda
Lucila J. Pineda
Douglas T. Pitts
Elizabeth Ponce De Junco
Sean A. Prospect
Alexis Puentes
Jordan E. Quintana
David M. Ramirez
William Ramirez
Mercedes I. Ramirez Patino
Indira K. Reyes
Elise P. Rodriguez
Maria A. Rojas
Robert J. Romano
Martha E. Rosa Rundlett
Nika M. Salemi
Gaitree Seepersaud
Bernadette B. Sexton
Sandra Solis Hazim
Aaron L. Thompson
Anthony A. Ulloa
Sandeep Varry
Jennely M. Vasquez
Ana M. Villafana
Gerald C. Waugh
Margarita Zabalo
Advising Brown Bag Series
Christine N. Angel
Gina M. Bretos
Genesis Dieguez
Brantanique C. Homicil
Gabriela M. Izaguirre
Jennely M. Vasquez
African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) Program
Valerie L. Patterson
Andrea J. Queeley
FIU Athletics Trainers Team
Jeffrey R. Birchell
Kelsey L. Greenwald
Michael A. Walker II
Dustin C. West
Athletics Facility Department
Sergio N. Allende
Andrew B. Auguste
Jean M. Byron
Chelsey L. Grenier
Aaron A. Gutierrez
Kate E. Lopez
Richard J. Pareja
John R. Reynolds III
BBC Facilities Team
Ramon A. Chavez Abadin
Edward A. Furnas
Matthew M. Mielke
Abel Rodriguez Dicks
Central ProcurementIT Contracts Team
Pamela L. Johnson
Yakov Pinas Zade
College of Business
Office of Academic Advising
Jennifer Aguiar
Christine N. Angel
Esther B. Aserraf
Gina M. Bretos
Angela L. Bullard
Isabel F. Capella
Genesis Dieguez
Judy G. Echeverria
Kelly G. Ferguson
Darren M. Hargrove
Justin T. Helton
Elaine M. Hodge
Brantanique C. Homicil
Gabriela M. Izaguirre
Margie Leonard
Wanda Petit Louis Pena Davila
Angeline J. Pierre
Alan G. Raudez
Estefania Roberts
Fidencia R. Sanchez
Melissa Silveira
William A. Solis
Ira L. Turner
Jennely M. Vasquez
Commodity in Life Science
Purchasing Team
Cheryl A. Cobb
Donald D. Corbitt
Compensation Support Team
Claudia E. Morales
Paola Tatiana Rodriguez
Education Technology Services
Bruce A. Duffy
Brenda I. Lopez Ortiz
Mabel Morales
Marco A. Moreno II
Arden Napier
Rafael A. Perez
Rafael Perez Jr
Karina Rodriguez
Robert J. Romano
Mariel A. Romero Guerra
Ashley E. Rosario
Ivan E. Santiago
Engineering Advising Team
Maria J. Monje Ramos
Sacha Perez
Lilian Sanchez Monterde
Facilities Custodial Services
Aymee Alfonso Gonzalez
Gloria Angel
Verena Baca
Nidia Castillo
Gilda Y. Corzo
Martha Espino
Francisca Fuentes
Carlos F. Galindo
Maria I. Garcia
Rosana Gomez
Adolfo A. Gonzalez
Rosaida Gonzalez Ramirez
Maria R. Guarin
Magaly Guerra Doria
Ivone J. Ildefonso
Maria D. Lopez
Madays Matos James
Ana Y. Mejia Garcia
Juan C. Murata
Eduardo R. Perez Menendez
Misseleine Pierre
Norma Pizarro Marin
Yamile Ramirez
Mercedes I. Ramirez Patino
Horacio Sanchez
Marina Sanchez
Maria G. Sandigo
Concepcion Selva
Aurora M. Sosa Ozoria
Maria Suarez Gil
Marlen Urquiza
Jorge H. Velasquez Buitrago
Margarita M. Wray
Financial Aid Team
Diana Clavijo
Katharine A. Conrad
Jessica Y. Ly
FIU Online Recruitment Managers Team
Marija Forster
Teresairis Gonzalez Serrano
Rafael F. Gutierrez
Kathleen E. Oneal
FIU Online Success Coach Team
Jaclyn M. Coello
Janessa Guzman
Global Sales Program
Gabriela Alpizar
Guethshina V. Altena
Google to Microsoft 365 Migration
Odalys Diaz
Robert J. Ferrer
Rafael Figueroa
Michael R. Kirgan
Winny Lau
Chak S. Leung
Barbara I. Peres Furones
Maria C. Purvis
Juan J. Quintanilla
Mariel A. Romero Guerra
Jason J. Villarroel
Jessica Elliot Parra
Humanities, Health, and Society’s Green Family Foundation
NeighborhoodHELP Outreach
Talina Almonor
Hansel Frias
Lazaro A. Guzman
Zipporah Hayes
Samuel Hyppolite
Kerland Jacques
Myrtha Jocelyn
Erma L. Johnson
Sophia Lacroix
Aaron I. Mitchell
Ingrid P. Moss
Nancy Napolitano
Virama Oller
Jimmy Pertil
Sujay C. Rodriguez
Paulina Saldarriaga
Housing & Residential Life Human Resources Team
Natalie M. Rassi
Ashley B. Taylor
Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences (KFSCIS) Grant Administration
Scott C. Graham
Lian Zhang
Media Technology Services

Stephen A. Bromfield
Christian Dauden
Stephen Escudero
Martin E. Kupferman
Celvin A. Marquez
Jocelyn Martinez
Leon O. McNeil Jr
Oscar G. Rios
Milton R. Ron Arias
Jason O. Webster
Operations & Safey Sign Shop
Bus Wrap Team
Geikel Cabrera Diaz
Silvio Machado Alfonso
Malkia L. Panthier
Outstanding Service Excellence Professionals
Javier A. De La Llama
Richard Del Forn
Jose Lopez Varela
Larry Misrahi
Jorge L. Sanchez
Tashaun A. Williams
Post Award Billing Team
Veronica Garcia
Gabriela L. Gonzalez
Maria L. Mejia
Christian M.Gomez
Holistic Professional DevelopmentInitiative EranArbel
MarielA.Romero Guerra
Robert J.Romano
Talel Issa
Promoted safety by demonstrating proactive efforts to reduce accidents and promote safety-related initiatives. Reported unsafe work conditions, promoted safe behaviors, a safe environment and a stronger safety culture. They are instrumental in resolving unsafe work conditions and/or safety deficiencies.
Birgitta M. Rausch Montoto Fire Safety Team
Alejandro Baez
Armando R. Garrido
Demonstrated efforts exceeding their mandated job responsibilities to support the goals and objectives of diversity and inclusion. A demonstrated commitment to the spirit of diversity through participation in extracurricular activities and/or formal or informal initiatives at the institutional, community, state, regional, or national level; shown leadership through positive interaction among persons of different cultural backgrounds; and behavior which illustrates commitment to inclusion of persons within the institution who are members of traditionally under-represented groups.
Estefania C. Delgado
Trina L. Fletcher
Garth D. Headley
Glenn C. Hutchinson Jr
Kenia Z. Junco
Meredith A. Newman
Susan M. Solman
Mark A. Weiss
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(DEI) Fellowship Program
Trina L. Fletcher
continued SpecialThanks:
Supported institutional, strategic, and operational excellence by restructuring processes to improve efficiency, productivity and quality; and/or implementing critical programs; receiving recognition from peers in the academic community for excellence in research, scholastic, or creative activities.
Arvind Agarwal
Jeronimo Aguiar Bezerra
Amy B. Aiken
Christine N. Angel
Reginald Belizaire
Jessica I. Castro
Darcy Cosano
Shlomi Dinar
Karen S. Fuller
Jorge H. Gomez
Julio E. Ibarra
Sundararaj S. Iyengar
Mark D. Kershaw
Yusimit Martinez
Nestor E. Mateus
Sara Moats
Katherine R. Perez
Nanett A. Rojas
Svetlana A. Roudenko
Hoshang J. Unwalla
Center for Advancement of Teaching (CAT) Team
Erica Caton
Leanne M. Wells
Education Technology Services
Bruce A. Duffy
Brenda I. Lopez Ortiz
Mabel Morales
Marco A. Moreno II
Arden Napier
Rafael A. Perez
Rafael Perez Jr
Karina Rodriguez
Robert J. Romano
Mariel A. Romero Guerra
Ashley E. Rosario
Ivan E. Santiago
FIU Online Quality Management Team
Jacqueline Cruz
Gladys Diaz
Herminia D. Lezcano
Google to Microsoft 365 Migration
Odalys Diaz
Robert J. Ferrer
Rafael Figueroa
Michael R. Kirgan
Winny Lau
Chak S. Leung
Barbara I. Peres Furones
Maria C. Purvis
Juan J. Quintanilla
Mariel A. Romero Guerra
Jason J. Villarroel
Jessica Elliot Parra
Media Technology Services

Stephen A. Bromfield
Christian Dauden
Stephen Escudero
Martin E. Kupferman
Celvin A. Marquez
Jocelyn Martinez
Leon O. McNeil Jr
Oscar G. Rios
Milton R. Ron Arias
Jason O. Webster
PantherSoft and University Graduate School
Marina A. Brillas
Brandie D. Course
Ernesto J. Crucet
Jiali Ding
David W. Driesbach
Lidia Kos
Ashley Mendez
Karla Y. Ortega
John R. Vargas
PantherSoft Business Intelligence Unit
Alejandro Camacho Gonzalez
Jorge M. de Varona
Adriana Korin Mendez
Tomas D. Mendez Romeo
The TaxWatch Productivity Awards program is a major government improvement initiative co-sponsored by Florida TaxWatch, The Florida Council of 100, and the state of Florida to recognize state employees whose work significantly and measurably increases productivity and promotes innovation to improve the delivery of state services and resources.
Division of Human Resources
Eran Arbel
Division of Information Technology
Stephen A. Bromfield
Matthew D. Hagood
Environmental Health and Safety, Division of Information Technology, and Enterprise Services Group
Sybille S. Baylard
Alejandro A. Carreno
Gina M. Gallian Oubrar
Irina Rabinovich
Noemi Valle
Environmental Health and Safety, Division of Information Technology, and Media Technology Support
Alejandro A. Carreno
Tamece T. Knowles
Robert J. Romano
Mariel A. Romero Guerra
Florida International University Health Care Task Force
Eneida O. Roldan
Office of Business Services
Kenia Z. Junco
Sponsored by Gabor Financial Solutions
Exclusive to FIU faculty, staff and their dependents, the Generations Ahead Scholarship recognize students who have excelled academically and are also making a difference in our communities. These scholarships are sponsored by Gabor Financial Solutions.
Diego E. Aguila Nunez (Susan Nunez)
Catarina V. Vale (Catharine D. Vale)
Elysse C. Viena (Tatiana D. Viena)
Francisco N. Castro
Eric S. Raslich

Jeanette Martin Basulto Data Analyst III College of Arts, Sciences and Education
Daniel B. Cormany Clinical Assistant Professor, Events Management & Entertainment Management Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Liesel I. Diaz Fernandez Enrollment Process Officer I, Office of Admissions Operations Enrollment Services
Megan A. Fairlie Professor College of Law
Anna M. Glitzer Office Coordinator, Center for Translational Science Research
William F. Humphrey Jr. Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Logistics College of Business
Chengxian Lin Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering College of Engineering and Computing
Peter Machonis Professor, Modern Languages
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs
Alejandra Parra Executive Director, Office of Global Mobility Office of Regional and World Locations
William H. Perez Police Service Technician Library Operations
John F. Stack Founding Dean
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs