Alcohol withdrawal (2)

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17 Million People with AUD (alcohol use disorder)

85,000 people die from alcohol related causes in the U.S. (NIaaa)

500,000 epidodes of withdrawal requiring medication per year

15-36% people admitted to hospitals have auds

8% general hospital admissions get withdrawal

16% post surgical patients get withdrawal

Symptoms appear within 6-36 hours of last drink

13-71 % of alcohol dependent patients experience symptoms

Caused by autonomic hyperactivity

Occur within 12-48 hours of last drink

3-10% people in withdrawal develop hallucinations

Duration varies

Usually visual (pink elephants

Occasionally auditory, tactile (fornication), or olfactory

Occurs within 6-48 hours of last drink

3-15% of untreated suffer grand mal seizures

Rish increased by duration of alcohol abuse

40% are single, (home alone)

30% of untreated go on to delirium tremens (dts)

Begins 3-5 days after last drink

Occurs in less than 5% of withdrawal

Marked by disorientation and global confusion

Mortality 2-10%

Death—cardiovascular, metabolic, or infection

Reduce symptoms

Prevent seizures

Prevent delirium tremens

Prevent medical complications

Taken from: NIAAA

By: Raging Alcoholic

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