Dear Members, Although it’s a little sad to say goodbye to summer, I can’t help but be excited about the change of seasons and the cooler temps heading our way. The month of September usually delivers great golf weather and, with the greens aeration already behind us, we’re sure to enjoy perfect golf conditions, too. There is nothing quite like fall golf at The Deuce! We’ll cap off the summer with a few Labor Day Weekend events including a DJ at the Pool on both Saturday and Monday from 2p to 6p. We’re also having a FIREWORKS display on Sunday, September 7th around dusk. No … it’s not our traditional end-of-summer bash but, under the circumstances, it’s a safer alternative for everyone. We hope you’ll be able to spend some time with us over the holiday weekend. Please keep our take-out service in mind and remember that you’ll be able to view the fireworks display from the Practice Facility if you don’t have dinner reservations. We’re looking forward to a great fall at The Deuce! Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to the Club.
Steve Shrawder President
Please welcome our newest members: Matt Bartowski Rachel Carpenter Trace Hernandez Craig & Gina James Josh Ketchmark Jacob Vanderweel Aaron & Jessica Wright
ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS PAGE Procedures & Protocols ................... 2 Couples Night Golf ........................... 5 The Shark & Dagger Open ............ 5 Golf Instruction with Josh Nahm ... 6 DJ at the Pool .................................... 7 Cocktail of the Month ..................... 7 Fall Tennis......................................... 10
On this page you’ll find the most up-to-date information regarding the procedures and protocols in place for Club operations. We appreciate your support and commitment to the health and safety of one another and our associates. By working together and adhering to county ordinances and CDC recommendations, we are optimistic that we are doing everything possible to keep members and associates safe. Please contact the Clubhouse at 816.746.0200 if you have any questions. THE NATIONAL AND DEUCE CLUBHOUSE DINING The National Dining Room and Veranda will be closed on Saturday, September 12th for a private wedding. The Mixed Grill will be open regular hours. The National’s Mixed Grill, Dining Room and Veranda are open for member dining, BY RESERVATION ONLY, in twohour windows of time. Limited dining is available and the Watson Library is closed. Please check in at the Concierge desk no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your reservation time. No reservations are required for The Deuce Grill. Togo orders must be placed no later than 30 minutes prior to closing so that our staff has time to prepare your meal. National Clubhouse Hours Deuce Clubhouse Hours Monday: Closed Monday: Closed Tuesday: 11a to 8p Tuesday: 11a to 7p Wednesday: 11a to 8p Wednesday: 11a to 9p Thursday: 11a to 9p Thursday: 11a to 9p Friday: 11a to 9p Friday: 11a to 9p Saturday: 11a to 9p Saturday: 11a to 7p Sunday: 11a to 7p Sunday: 11a to 7p PROTECTING MEMBERS AND STAFF The following protocols are in place at both The National and The Deuce. These procedures will be strictly enforced: Mandatory daily temperature checks for all associates,
members and guests entering the facilities. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be denied entry. All associates will wear face masks at all times. Members and their guests are required to wear a mask in accordance with Platte County's mask ordinance while inside the buildings (except while eating or drinking). Associates will wash and sanitize their hands frequently throughout service. Tables and chairs will be sanitized after each seating. Linen tablecloths at The National Clubhouse will be changed after each seating. Disposable menus will be used. Straws and condiments available upon request. Only contact-less payment via member charge is allowed Clubhouse restroom touch-points are sanitized regularly throughout the day, according to CDC guidelines. All members and their guests must maintain proper social distancing while in the buildings and on the patios. Members must also maintain proper social distancing while in line for the Snack Bar or restrooms at the Pool. If you are sick, please stay home. Practice diligent personal hygiene. Wash your hands.
Page 2
GOLF OPERATIONS The Deuce Golf Shop and golf facilities are open with the hours of operation and procedures in place: Golf Shop hours: Tuesday through Sunday 7a to 7p. Practice Facilities hours: Tuesday through Sunday 30
minutes prior to first tee time until 7p.
Access The Deuce Golf Shop through the entrance closest
to the first tee.
All members and their guests are required to wear a
mask in accordance with Platte County's mask ordinance.
All members and their guests must maintain proper social
distancing while in the buildings.
All members and their guests will have their temperature
taken upon arrival. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be denied entry.
for Deuce Activities Members
The following procedures will be strictly enforced: Pool hours: 10a to 8p daily, weather permitting through
Labor Day (Monday, September 7th); the Dive Pool may be closed if we have less than three lifeguards on duty. Snack Bar hours: 11a to 7p daily, weather permitting. Monday-Thursday only grab-and-go items available; Friday-Sunday, the full menu will be available. No guests are allowed in the Pool area. Mandatory temperature checks for all associates and members, taken at the check-in desk. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be denied entry. Reservations are required using the Calendly website: You may sign up for only one three-hour block of time per day (10a-1p; 1:30p-4:30p or 5p-8p), no more than 48 hours in advance. To cancel a reservation, click the CANCEL button found in your reservation confirmation email. Members leaving the Pool during their three-hour block will not be allowed back into the Pool area. Before and after facilities open and during the 30-minute break between reservation blocks, staff will clean and sanitize all public areas and empty trash. Chairs, loungers and tables are present with groupings spaced six feet apart. Furniture must not be moved . Cabanas are for parties of four or more. Rafts and float devices are allowed. No inflatable balls or other pool toys are permitted. Ice and water machines are turned on but members are asked to fill up their own containers. No towel service is provided. Please bring your own towels and be sure to take them with you when you leave.
Dear Members, After a long hot summer, fall is right around the corner. As we start to see a few changes to the golf course during our transition to fall, I’ll explain a few of the most noticeable changes to come. This is the time of year when we see the Zoysia grass fairways start to slow down and lose a little color. This is mainly due to the shorter day length and cooler nights. We typically raise the mowing height in September in order to put on a little extra growth while the Zoysia is still growing to provide an added layer of insulation and protection for the upcoming winter months. The growth on the greens will start to slow down a little as well. The color is still the same, but the cooler, drier weather affects topical (upward) growth and we typically see green speeds increase much easier. Root growth is much more active during this time for cool-season grasses.
The rough and native areas are similar to the greens as far as declining upward growth and increased root growth. This is also the time of year we mow down the native areas. Late summer weeds are prominent so we will start mowing these areas to eliminate the weeds and remove old growth. I believe this is the best season for golf. The weather is more tolerable, we still have our color, and golf course conditions as far as firmness and turfgrass growth are more conducive to optimum playing conditions. So get out and enjoy it while you can! I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can on the golf course. Regards, Gary Sailer, CGCS Director of Golf Course Maintenance
Sunrise on #8
Beauty shot of #3
Assistant Superintendent, T.J. Ridge, checks moisture levels Page 3
Nic Ingram Director of Golf Dear Members, Cooler temperatures are just around the corner, football season is here, the golf course is in amazing shape … it must mean it is fall at The Deuce! It is difficult to believe it is already September and we are winding down the 2020 golfing season. Even though we are approaching the end of our season, there are still great events remaining. This month we will host our Couples Night Golf and our annual fundraising event on Patriot Golf Day to benefit Folds of Honor. We’d like to congratulate Tabb Reese and Paul Neuburger on their victory in the Shark & Dagger Open, The Deuce’s annual member/member tournament. See the following page for complete results. Thank you to everyone who participated! Thank you for supporting the golf operations. We hope to see you at the Club soon. Best, Nic Ingram
Saturday, September 5th and Sunday, September 6th
PATRIOT GOLF DAY at The Deuce Golf Club
On Saturday, September 4th and Sunday, September 5th, The Deuce Golf Club will proudly participate in the Folds of Honor nationwide fundraiser, "Patriot Golf Day." Of the one million-plus dependents adversely affected by deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, nearly 9 out of 10 do not qualify for federal scholarship assistance. Folds of Honor seeks to meet this need by providing annual educational scholarships to the military families of those who have been killed or disabled while in active duty. Over 89% of all donated funds go directly to the recipients, an efficiency that is rare in the world of charity. Folds of Honor has provided more than 24,000 scholarships since the organization's inception.
Page 4
The Mission of the Folds of Honor: Honoring Their Sacrifice. Educating Their Legacy.
Volunteers will be on the first tee at The Deuce on September 4th and September 5th to collect contributions. You may also contribute by calling the Golf Shop at 816.505.0650. All proceeds will be donated to Folds of Honor. Please do not dismiss this wonderful opportunity to come to the aid of our many military families which have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Help The Deuce give back to the families of our nation's heroes. It is through great American companies and patriotic individuals that we can ensure no family is left behind on the field of battle.
Our freedom isn't free. For more information about Folds of Honor and Patriots Golf Day, please visit:
Sign up now for our most popular couples golf event of the year!
DETAILS 5:30p Shotgun 4-Person Scramble
Friday, September 11th 5:30p Shotgun
TEES Men—Turnberry Ladies—Muirfield INCLUDES 14 Holes of Golf (5 Holes in the dark after dinner) On-Course Member Charge Drink Station Dinner and Awards ENTRY FEE $125 per couple for members (plus applicable cart fees); no guests allowed
Register through ForeTees or call the Golf Shop: 816.505.0650
THE DEUCE 2020 MEMBER/MEMBER THE SHARK & DAGGER OPEN We had an exceptional weekend of weather for The Shark & Dagger Open, held during the first weekend of August! The golf sure didn’t disappoint either. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the event. The weekend ended with an exciting Horserace with Tabb Reese and Paul Neuburger outlasting a stacked field to claim the championship. Congrats gentlemen!
2020 Member/Member Champions Tabb Reese (left) and Paul Neuburger (right)
1st Flight............. Chuck Rock & Ben Sumada 2nd Flight.......... Frank Booth & Bryan Risley 3rd Flight........... Bob Brunker & Brent Ravenscraft 4th Flight........... Ben Dietz & Jonathan Patton 5th Flight ........... Chris Simon & Rick Simon 6th Flight........... Darren Lea & Jeff Wichman 7th Flight ........... Paul Neuburger & Tabb Reese 8th Flight ........... Bob Lock & Tom Stahl 9th Flight........... Bill Gambel & Russ Wolfe 10th Flight ......... Duke Daughtery & Gregg Givens 11th Flight .......... Monica Randall & Tricia Lincoln 12th Flight ......... Cindy Rupp & Jenny Musgrave Wildcard #1 ...... Scott Mehman & Rob Cowan Wildcard #2 ..... Jon Ficken & Craig Hurley Wildcard #3 ..... Karen Hass & Lisa Van Proosdy Page 5
THE CLUB AT IMPACT The golf ball only knows and responds to one thing: the club at impact. At impact the ball collects all the information it needs to determine which direction, what distance and what trajectory to take, no matter who is swinging the club! One of the most common faults with beginning and intermediate players is their lack of ability to create a divot in the correct position. Every great ball striker will always hit the ground in the correct place in relation to the golf ball. Every good player will hit the ground, with the exception of driver and putter. Some players take deep divots; others barely touch the ground and pick the ball cleanly. But each of these players is hitting the ground, either a lot or a little. Although there is no correct way to touch the ground, each way will cause a different outcome of the golf ball. Someone who takes a deep divot will do well in bad lies and tend to have a lower ball flight. On the other hand, someone who takes a more shallow divot and brushes the grass will tend to see more of a consistent ball strike, but could struggle with different lies and grasses.
Incorrect Low Point
Josh Nahm Director of Instruction
Correct Low Point Descending Blow
In order to be successful, hitting the ground is not enough on its own. You have to hit the ground in the correct location. The major mistake people make when taking divots is to make the divot too far behind the golf ball. The ideal place for a divot to start is after the ball and continuing a few inches in front of where the golf ball was sitting. There are several ways to practice this idea. The first is to draw a line and place a few golf balls on that line. The line will give you an idea of where your divot is starting after you hit the golf ball. If you are struggling with hitting behind the ball, you can place a thin towel about five inches behind the ball to start the drill. Then, do your best to take swings without touching or moving the towel. As you improve, you can start to move the towel closer to the golf ball at the start of the drill — but be sure to always leave enough room for the sole of your club to hit the ground (about two inches). ADDITIONAL HELPFUL TIPS Check out Josh’s videos at to improve your swing and distance and sign up for online lessons! SCHEDULE A PRIVATE LESSON Josh is available for private member lessons: One-hour lessons are $150 Junior one-hour lessons $125 Please call or email Josh to schedule your lesson: 910.610.7094 Page 6
Dear Member, Although we’re not able to host our traditional Grog Party this year, we’re bidding farewell to summer with a DJ at the Pool on Saturday, September 5th and Monday, September 7th from 2p to 6p. We also have a FIREWORKS display scheduled for Sunday, September 6th, starting around 8:20p. Dinner reservations for Sunday, September 6th are SOLD OUT. Take-out service for Sunday, September 6th is available with orders due by 4p and picked up by 4:30p that day. The Clubhouse will be open on Labor Day (Monday, September 7th) from 11a until 7p with our full regular menu available. Our Chefs are also whipping up some DINNER SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday. Our new Dinner for Two program has been wildly popular so we plan to continue offering weekly specials throughout the month of September. These specials are available Wednesday through Saturdays for dine-in or take-out service. We won’t be including a complimentary bottle of wine with the program in September so we’re lowering the price from $45 to $40 AND featuring FIVE WINES FOR $15 EACH throughout September! See the list of wines below and be sure to take advantage of this special pricing. In addition to our FIVE FOR $15 wine offerings, we are bringing back our COCKTAIL OF THE MONTH starting this month. Our first offering is the APPLETINI. See the description of this refreshing libation below! We hope to see you at the Club soon. Thank you for your support! Jack Meyers Director of Food & Beverage
DJ at the POOL
Saturday, September 5th and Monday, September 7th
Throughout the month of September, your Food & Beverage team is offering our DINNER FOR TWO SPECIAL for $40 at The National Clubhouse. Simply choose two entrées from the week’s specials … entrées change weekly to keep things fresh and fun. The special is available Wednesday through Saturday from 5p to close for dine-in or take-out. Please call 816.746.0200 for dinner reservations or to place your to-go order.
FIVE WINES FOR $15 EACH Broken Cloud Pinot Noir/Sonoma Coast, California Century Cellars Merlot/California Gabbiano Toscana “Dark Night”/Tuscany, Italy Cline Farmhouse Red Wine/Sonoma Coast, California Washington Hills Riesling/Washington No substitutions allowed. Take-out orders are due no later than 30 minutes prior to close to ensure our staff has time to prepare and package your meal. Tax and service fees are additional.
.….. APPLETINI …... Enjoy this sweet/tart libation at The National Clubhouse throughout the month of September for $7++. Absolut Apple Vodka DeKuyper Sour Apple Pucker Liqueur Caramel Drizzle and Apple Garnish
Available for dine-in only; not for take-out. No substitutions allowed.
Page 7
Dear Members, I would like to commend our regular Fitness Center patrons for the great job you have been doing with regard to the utilization of the Center while being cognizant of our COVID-19 guidelines. The recognition of and adherence to these procedures demonstrate that our members are putting the health and safety of fellow members and staff at the forefront. It has been a group effort and for this, we thank you.
Drew Tanner Director of Fitness
As we head into the fall and kids go back to school, changes in schedule and routine typically means that some members will begin using the Fitness Center again for the first time in a while, and for some perhaps for the first time since the pandemic. As you may be considering utilizing the facilities, I would just like to take a moment to revisit the protocols in place and provide an update on some changes. FITNESS CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION
FITNESS CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday 5a to 10p Saturday - Sunday 5a to 2p
The Fitness Center hours have been extended during weekdays. The facilities will be open from 5a
to 10p Monday through Friday; 5a-2p Saturday and Sunday.
GROUP EXERCISE CHANGES Vinyasa Yoga will now take place at The National Clubhouse on Mondays at 9a. Equipment is
provided but bringing your own mat and equipment is encouraged.
Bootcamp will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:15a at The National Tennis Courts. WaterFit classes will continue until the Pool is closed for the season. Classes meet at 7:30a on
Tuesdays and Thursdays at The National Pool.
As we move into cooler weather, we will explore all possible indoor venues to move our group
exercise classes inside. FITNESS CENTER RULES AND GUIDELINES The minimum age to use the Fitness Center is 14. All children under 14 must be accompanied by
an adult.
Proper athletic attire and closed toed athletic shoes must be worn. Bathing suits and sandals will
not be permitted. Sign in at the front desk and log your temperature upon arrival. This will be strictly enforced. Members only; no guests allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS. Members may access the Fitness Center using their key fob. Showers, water fountain and towel service will not be available. The water bottle filling station is still active. Please bring your own water and towels and be sure to take them with you when you leave the facility. Members must maintain a six-foot radius between other members at all times. Due to Platte County ordinance, masks must be worn when social distancing is not possible. All equipment must be wiped down before and after each use with the provided wipes. Contact Drew at 401.316.5659 to schedule personal training sessions.
Thank you for taking the time to review these changes and guidelines and for sharing them with your family. I hope to see you at the Fitness Center soon! Drew Tanner Director of Fitness 816.505.4254
Page 8
DAY and TIME: Mondays 9a to 10a
DAY and TIME: Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30a to 8:30a
LOCATION: The National Clubhouse
LOCATION: The National Pool
Join Yoga Instructor and National member, Jenny Musgrave, for Vinyasa Yoga. This class focuses on a variety of poses, proper alignment and linking movement with breath. All levels welcome!
Instructor Kelly Hrisak uses pool noodles, water weights and kickboards to warm up your muscles and cool you off during the hot summer months. Please bring your own towel and drinking water to stay hydrated. (Classes will continue until the Pool closes for the season.)
Drew Tanner Director of Fitness
Sarah Stout Personal Trainer
Wes Buntenbach Jenny Musgrave Personal Group Exercise Trainer Instructor
DAY and TIME: Wednesdays & Fridays 7:15a to 8:15a LOCATION: The National Tennis Courts Bootcamp will keep your heart rate and your calorie burn high! Julie Brookings, Group Exercise Instructor and National member, leads this efficient workout mix of total body strength exercises with fat-blasting cardio intervals.
Julie Brookings Group Exercise Instructor
Kelly Hrisak Group Exercise Instructor Page 9
Carolina Mayorga-Perry Tennis Professional 816.746.0200, ext. 196 Cell: 816.550.0475
Game-based clinic with focus on strategy and positioning for the game of doubles. High school players welcome! Minimum 4 players required. $20 per class or $75 for 4-week session. Must register in advance. Fall Session: September 29th through October 26th (register by September 23rd) Wednesdays 9:30a-10:30a
High-intensity workout to start your weekend. All levels welcome. Minimum 4 players required. $20 per class or $75 for 4-week session. Must register in advance. Fall Session: September 29th through October 26th (register by September 23rd) Saturdays and Tuesdays from 9a-10a Dates are subject to change.
Private and semi-private lessons available. Fees: $59 for one-hour private lesson $40 for 30-minute private lesson $220 for package of four one-hour private lessons
OPEN PLAY Saturdays at 11a
Racquet stringing is available with prices ranging from $30-45, depending on string selection. Please contact Carolina at 816.550.0475 to make arrangements.
In order to provide better service to our members, the following policies will be adhered to: Clinics can no longer be pro-rated. Your account will be charged prior to the start of a session; no refunds can be made. You must cancel your private lesson at least 24 hours in advance or your account will be charged. A minimum number of participants is needed each time for an event to be held. A $10 fee applies for late event/clinic registrations. Times and days may be subject to change. If there are less than three participants in a clinic, it will be cancelled or rescheduled. Rain outs may be rescheduled during weekends. Page 10
USTA NET GENERATION PROGRAM Scaling the game down to their size (court, racquets and special balls) helps make the learning process easier and a lot more fun! The kids will develop motor skills and strengthen physical ability while they have fun, learn teamwork and acquire leadership skills. To ensure proper development, students must sign up for at least two days per week. Based on skill level, groups work 25 minutes on skills and 25 minutes on instructional match play.
Four-Week Sessions: September 29th-October 26th Register by September 23rd Fee: $150 for two classes per week for the entire four-week session
LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS PER CLASS Little Stars — ages 5 to 6 Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:05p-6:40p
Red Ball on 60x18-foot court with 35-minute lessons Rising Stars — ages 8 and under Mondays and Wednesdays from 5p-5:50p
Orange Ball on 60x18-foot court with 50-minute lessons Orange Crushers — ages 10 and under Mondays and Wednesdays from 4p-4:50p (advanced) Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15p-5:05p
Orange Ball on 60x36-foot court with 50-minute lessons Green Smashers — ages 12 and under Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:05p-6:55p
Green Dot Ball on full-sized court with 50-minute lessons To register, please contact Carolina Mayorga-Perry 816.550.0475 Minimum of four children per clinic needed with a maximum of six children per coach. If you are interested in registering your child for the fall tennis program but the times or days do not work with your schedule OR if your child will be attending virtual school in the fall and you prefer mid-day tennis classes, please contact Carolina at 816.550.0475
Page 11
STAFF DIRECTORY The Deuce Golf Club The Deuce Golf Shop: 816.505.0650 The Deuce Grill: 816.505.0697 Ryan Dodd PGA Head Golf Professional The National Clubhouse Information or reservations: 816.746.0200 Steve Shrawder Club President 816.505.4250 Lori Pillatzke Controller 816.505.4289 Gary Sailer, CGCS Director of Golf Course Maintenance 816.505.4262 Nic Ingram Director of Golf 816.505.4251 Josh Nahm Director of Instruction 910.610.7094
These Deuce and National associates are celebrating a company anniversary this month. Please help us congratulate these team members! Jane Chandler — 19 years Benjamin Mach — 4 years Mark Adams — 3 years Nathan Halstead — 3 years Erik Hansen — 2 years Alberto Howard — 2 years Ciji Greenawalt — 1 year Jessica Hiscox — 1 year Trevor Reid — 1 year
Jack Meyers Director of Food & Beverage 816.746.0200, ext. 137 Tammy Halstead Assistant Director of Food & Beverage 816.746.0200, ext. 134 Andrew (Drew) Tanner Director of Fitness 816.505.4254
Carolina Mayorga-Perry Tennis Professional 816.550.0475 Jill Saura Licensed Massage Therapist 816.820.5455 Matt Bashara Chief Operating Officer Page 12
Thanks to Director of Golf Course Maintenance, Gary Sailer, for taking and sharing this bird’s-eye view of The Deuce! If you have a “cover-worthy” photo of the course or Clubhouse that you personally took, please email it to: Diana Miller Cooper Communications and Marketing Leader