Dear Members, We have reached the half-way mark of 2020. Although some of us are ready to “chuck” the entire year and start over, I believe we need to remain optimistic and focus on the positives we have experienced throughout these challenging first six months. Golfers are enjoying the course, getting exercise, fresh air and seeing friends and neighbors (at a distance). There is a palpable sense of comradery and community among the players which gives us a great deal of pride and a sense of continuity. Members have been extremely supportive and kind to each other and to our staff. Despite the Clubhouse being closed these past few months, the Club continues to serve as a hub for our community. Whether you’re playing golf, picking up curbside to-go orders, using the Sechrest Nine for exercise and dog walking, enjoying a game of Tennis or Pickleball, working out in the Fitness Center or simply strolling through the neighborhood ... it seems most of us have found solace within the Club and the gates of our community. For that, I am thankful. I hope that you and your family have a relaxing, safe and memorable 4th of July weekend.
Chris Brems President
Please welcome our newest members! Travis & Katie Allen David & Stephanie Blakesley Cathy Cisetti Brent & Lanie Draper Andrew & Whitney Edgar Jeff & Julie Farrell Steve & Jacquelyn Harrison Ben & Cinnemon Hilmes Joel & Jennifer Houser Joey & Brooke King Andrew & Audra Morris Steve & Cathy Weatherford
Procedures & Protocols: Clubhouse Dining ....................... 2 Folds of Honor................................ 3 Hole-in-One Club.......................... 4 LLLGA Update .............................. 5 Golf Course Maintenance ............ 6 Fitness Center News ...................... 8 Trunk Show featuring Alivia ..... 13 Wildlife Photo Pages ............. 14-15
Dear Member, With our continued pursuit of a safe, healthy and complete re-opening of The Country Club at Loch Lloyd, we turn our focus to the final step of re-opening the Clubhouse. Opening the Clubhouse comes with significant risk against the less-thanfavorable trend that Missouri is currently combating. Therefore, our approach will remain tactfully stingy, always distinguished, and overly protective of our associate body, our membership and their guests. Important for all of us to remain aware of is the possibility of a local outbreak, resulting in subsequent adjustments to Clubhouse operations. We will continue to monitor this situation and stand prepared to shut down and/or reevaluate our restrictions as necessary. Beginning Friday, June 19th, the Formal Dining Room, Fireside Grill and 20th Hole will be open for member dining, BY RESERVATION ONLY. Reservations will be available in two-hour windows of time. Limited dining will be available in each of these venues and the 19th Hole and Main Bar will be closed until further notice. All drinks will be ordered from your dining table. Tables will be spaced apart to ensure safe social distancing in each of these dining venues. Members and their guests will be asked to check in at the Fireside Grill host stand no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your reservation time. Please see the hours of operation below: Thank you for your patience and your support. After such a long departure, we are eager to welcome our members back into the Clubhouse to better make use of the amenities of which we are all so proud. We appreciate your commitment to the health and safety of one another and our associates. By working together and adhering to CDC recommendations, we are optimistic that we will be able to keep the doors of the Club open indefinitely. Should any questions or concerns arise, please do not hesitate to contact a Club executive at 816.322.1022. Chris Brems President CLUBHOUSE DINING HOURS Monday: Clubhouse Closed Tuesday: 11a to 8p Wednesday: 11a to 8p Thursday: 11a to 9p Friday: 11a to 9p Saturday: 11a to 9p Sunday: 11a to 7p
Megan Hanrahan Director of Food & Beverage PROTECTING MEMBERS AND STAFF With re-opening our in-Club dining, new protocols have been put into place to ensure that members, their guests and our associates are as safe as possible. The following procedures will be followed: Food & Beverage associates will wear face masks at all
times and we encourage members and their guests to follow CDC guidelines.
OUTDOOR DINING VENUES The 20th Hole Patio and Formal Patio will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, with no reservations needed. Limited seating will be available for these areas. The Lower Patio will be closed until further notice.
Associates will wash and sanitize their hands frequently
TO-GO SERVICE AND GROCERY ORDERS We will continue to offer to-go service featuring our entire menu for curbside pick-up during the hours of operation listed above. All to-go orders must be placed no later than 30 minutes prior to closing so that our staff has time to prepare and package your meal. Delivery service to residents will no longer be available. Grocery service will no longer be offered.
Disposable menus will be used.
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throughout service.
Tables and chairs will be sanitized after each seating. Linen tablecloths will be changed after each seating.
Paper-wrapped straws and condiments will only be
available upon request.
Only contact-less payment using member charge will
be allowed
Clubhouse restroom touch-points will be sanitized
regularly throughout the day, according to CDC guidelines.
#1 Tee — Watson Course 8a to 4p Contributors can receive merchandise and win prizes on the course
What is Folds of Honor?
Honoring Their Sacrifice, Educating Their Legacy Folds of Honor provides scholarships to military families of those killed or disabled while on active duty. Since its inception in 2007, FOH has awarded almost 25,000 scholarships. Folds of Honor is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit that proudly boasts an 85% efficiency. Please take a few moments to see how the Folds helped a local family by clicking this link: If you are unable to participate in the Golf Fundraiser, there are other ways you may contribute to this wonderful charity: Member Charge — Make a donation charged to your member account by contacting the Golf Shop at 816.322.2117 or stop by the Golf Shop to talk with one of our Golf Professionals in person. Check Donation — Send your donation via check made payable to “Folds of Honor” to Larry Dillon, 16687 S. Country Club Drive, Village of Loch Lloyd, MO 64012.
Thank you for making a difference!
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Dear Members, Please join us on Friday, July 3rd for our annual Folds of Honor Patriot Golf Day. Members Larry and Kathy Dillon have been instrumental in organizing a successful fundraising day at Loch Lloyd. Please come out, make a donation and let’s make our Club a great supporter of Folds of Honor. You may also call the Golf Shop to make a donation. The annual Men’s Gross Club Championship is scheduled for July 17th-19th. This three-day event is a marathon and often comes down to who plays the best golf on Championship Sunday. If you have some free time, come watch the competitors play for the Men’s Title. SEAN HANNA DIRECTOR OF GOLF
JULY HOURS OF OPERATION Golf Shop: 6:30a to 8p Tuesday-Sunday Practice Facility: 7:30a to 7p Tuesday-Sunday FIRST TEE TIMES Tee times will begin one hour after the Golf Shop opens, weather permitting
Wednesday, July 15th 12p-3p featuring Cleveland Golf XXIO Srixon
Please call the Golf Shop to sign up for your 30-minute appointment: 816.322.2117
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The Whummle, our men’s member/guest is scheduled for July 22nd-25th. Thank you, in advance, to all who are participating. We are looking forward to a great event. Don’t forget to order your Adidas shoes if you are participating in this year’s Scotty. Many of you have already done so but, if you haven’t, please do so before the online shopping closes on July 5th. The golf course has remained very busy during this worldwide pandemic. Please continue to be aware of daily cart rules. With all the players, the increased number of carts can and will cause unnecessary damage if you are driving anywhere you want. If we are cart-path only, please stay on the path! It’s also very important for everyone to fix their ballmarks on the greens. Finally, I would like to say thank you to everyone who is continuing to support the Club and the Golf Shop. We greatly appreciate it! Stay safe and see you on the first tee! Sean Have you joined our Hole-in-One Club yet? When you enroll, a $10 fee is charged to your account anytime a member in the Hole-in-One Club aces a hole. If YOU ace the hole, your member account is credited the full amount from all Hole-in-One Club members. The more members we get to join ... the more $$$ you win ... so sign up and get your friends to do so, too! Half the winnings are applied as a credit in your Golf Shop credit book; the other half may be used on the day of your hole-in-one to ease the burden of the time-honored tradition of buying everyone a celebratory drink. Any leftover winnings are applied to your Golf Shop credit book. To sign up, call the Golf Shop: 816.322.2117. Let the games begin! Congratulations to these members who recently shot a hole-in-one!
JOEL LANE ................ Hole #2 ....................... June 21st, 2020 JIM MALARKEY ....... Hole #13...................... June 21st, 2020 Friday, July 3rd ................. Folds of Honor/Patriot Golf Day (all day) Monday, July 6th .............. Clubhouse and Golf Facilities Closed Wednesday, July 8th ........ LLLGA Solheim Cup (Day 1, 8:30a) Thursday, July 9th ............ LLLGA Solheim Cup (Day 2, 1p) Monday, July 13th ............. Clubhouse and Golf Facilities Closed Wednesday, July 15th ...... Cleveland, XXIO and Srixon Demo Day (12p-3p) Friday, July 17th ................ Men’s Gross Club Championship (Day 1, 1p) Saturday, July 18th ........... Men’s Gross Club Championship (Day 2, 8a) Sunday, July 19th .............. Men’s Gross Club Championship (Day 3, 8a) Monday, July 20th ........... Clubhouse and Golf Facilities Closed Wednesday, July 22nd .... The Whummle Skirmish (3p) Thursday, July 23rd .......... The Whummle (Day 1 Matches) Friday, July 24th ............... The Whummle (Day 2 Matches) Saturday, July 25th .......... The Whummle (Day 3 Matches) Monday, July 27th ............ Clubhouse and Golf Facilities Closed Dates subject to change
It’s exciting to have our Partnership Challenges well underway. Sixteen participating teams are busy scheduling matches. These matches provide an opportunity to play with a variety of ladies and we are all experiencing some stimulating competition! Check the locker room bulletin board for match updates.
Sign up on ForeTees for this enjoyable annual event where players are divided into two teams: Red vs Blue. Each player has a partner of similar handicap and plays against similar handicaps. Day 1 — Four Ball Match Day 2 — Single Match
2020 LLLGA Golf Committees Ruth Newby President Teri Thomas Vice President
Participation in the Solheim Cup is a two-day commitment, played on two consecutive days.
Informal Guest Day August 12th
Save the date for our Informal Guest Day on August 12th. Secure a guest and signup on ForeTees.
Red, White, Blue Extravaganza
Helen Scott Secretary
This annual event was originally scheduled to be held on June 18th. It will be rescheduled once the Sechrest Nine re-opens for golf. Watch for the new date!
Patty Merlie Treasurer
Hope to see you on the course soon! Ruth
Beth Nichols Team Play Coordinator Amanda Schlup 9-Hole Coordinator Linda Boice Representative at Large Melinda Baty Care and Concern Laurie Lind Elizabeth Edwards Co-Chairs Special Events Pam Hamer ISWGA Representative Ann Carlson WGAKC Representative
18-Hole July Play Day Schedule 7/1 ............First In 7/8 ...........Solheim Cup 7/9 ...........Solheim Cup 7/15..........Straight Golf – Low Gross/Low Net 7/22.........Putting Around 7/29 ........Pick a Number
9-Hole July Play Day Schedule 7/2 ...........Flag Gimmie 7/9 ...........Straight Golf – Solheim Cup 7/16 .........Tee to Green 7/23.........Partners (Best Ball) 7/30 ........Low Putts
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Dear Member, At the time of writing this letter for the July newsletter, I had recently sent out a communication piece regarding the work being done on the Zoysia fairways. The team put in a lot of hard work to replace sod patches throughout the golf course. We also aerated all fairways, top dressed extensively and continued with our regular maintenance programs as well. During this busy time, we asked golfers to keep carts on the paths so that our team could take care of these important projects. We want to thank everyone for their cooperation in making this happen. We greatly appreciate your help and understanding.
Over Father’s Day weekend, many of you reached out asking what was up with all the tire tracks on fairways! I actually asked the same question! Unfortunately, during an application on June 19th, we had a mishap which caused the undesirable tracks. I assure you, we will recover from this! Once the grass grows out and we continue to mow, the tracks will simply be mowed off. By the time you’re reading this newsletter, the tracks should already be gone. I take full responsibility for any and all of my teams’ errors; if you have any questions, please reach out to me directly. A young eaglet was spotted on a path below its nest on #12.
The Golf Course Maintenance Quarterly Insight report was recently sent via email. Please check your inbox or call the Clubhouse and we’ll gladly email you a copy. Please let me know if you have questions or comments about the content. I truly appreciate your feedback.
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I’d like to offer a friendly reminder about ballmarks and adhering to cart directional signs to help us mitigate unnecessary damage to the course (see diagrams below.) Fixing more than one ballmark per green at the time of incident helps more than you realize. On average, it takes only a couple of days to recover from a properly fixed ballmark vs. weeks (and sometimes longer) if not taken care of right away. On behalf of the entire GCM team, we wish you and your families a wonderful 4th of July! Best Regards, Jeff Steen, CGCS Director of Golf Course Maintenance The Country Club at Loch Lloyd
Do Not Enter
Enter Here
Scatter Carts/Remain in Fairway
Exit Fairway at Cart Signs NOTE: #3, #18 and all par 3s remain cart path only Page 7
Dear Member, With restrictions lifting on some of our Club operations, we wanted to provide you with an update regarding Fitness Center hours, services and procedures. HOURS OF OPERATION The Fitness Center is now open daily from 5a to 10p with key fob access. GUEST POLICY No guests are allowed in the Fitness Center at this time.
MAIN WORKOUT AREA Reserve a time slot to use the main workout area using this link: GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES Group exercise classes require advance registration, accepted on a week-byweek basis. Sign up for group exercise classes using this link: SAFETY PROTOCOLS Our team will continue to keep the facilities as safe as possible for members and staff. Safety protocols throughout the summer months will include: Hand sanitizer and wellness wipes will be provided. Member touch points (handles, equipment, restrooms, etc.) will be cleaned and sanitized regularly throughout the day. Showers will be open although Club towels will not be provided. Locker room amenities will not be provided. Dry saunas will remain closed.
Dive into fun at our Water Aerobics classes, taught by Dawn Adams. Days and Times Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7a to 7:45a Monthly Fees Fitness Center members = $65 Non-Fitness Center members = $100 Registration Please call or email Lance to sign up: 913.206.4343 * Classes subject to Pool re-opening
TOTAL YO-GOLF CONDITIONING Looking for a golf-specific program that’s offered in person or online through Zoom? Total Yo-Golf Conditioning is a fun fitness experience that includes the flexibility training, golf-specific strength training, core strength for a powerful swing and balanced hip rotation along with aerobic conditioning to improve cardiovascular endurance. You do not need to be a golfer to participate. SCHEDULE:
Monday 5:45p-6:30p at the Fitness Center Thursday 5:45p-6:30p online through Zoom Saturday 9:15a-10:00a at the Fitness Center
Three-year participant, Barb Tonnies, shares her experience: “Joni’s class is the
best I have ever taken. We work the entire body every time, including a mix of cardio, weights, balancing and yoga. It is extremely challenging and yet, both young and old can take it without injury. Joni is enthusiastic, joyful and an expert of fitness. I look forward to going and my body and spirit feel younger when it’s over. We celebrate what our minds and bodies are capable of at each Fitness Happy Hour.” To sign up, please contact Joni Van Horn at 913.226.4688 or by email at
Fitness Center Instructor, Callie Katz, offers small group training sessions for two or more persons. Workouts are fun, relevant, customized to your needs and you’ll NEVER experience the same session twice! To sign up, please contact Callie at 913.271.7857 or at Tuesdays 9:15a to 10a 10:15a to 11a 11:15a to 12p Page 8
Thursdays 10:15a to 11a 11a to 11:45a 11:45a to 12:30p
ONLINE CLASSES WITH JENN LEE We are proud to announce we are still offering two online classes per week for those who can’t make it to the Fitness Center. Jenn Lee will be downloading the classes each week to view anytime during the week, at your convenience. See the class description and the Dropbox link on the next page.
Keep moving! Exercise improves our bodies, mental health and mood! Lance Darling Fitness Center Director 913.206.4343
Classes require advance registration. Registration will be accepted on a week-by-week basis. Please click on the link below to sign up for classes: Sun
1 7a Water Aerobics 8:15a FUNctionally Fit 9a Restorative Yoga
2 8:15a TRX Iron + Sculpt 9a Strength & Stretch 9:45a Core Yoga
3 7a Water Aerobics 7a H.I.I.T FIT 7:30a Power Performance
6 7a Water Aerobics
7 8:15a Kettlefusion
8 7a Water Aerobics 8:15a FUNctionally Fit 9a Restorative Yoga
9 8:15a TRX Iron + Sculpt 9a Strength & Stretch 9:45a Core Yoga
10 7a Water Aerobics 7a H.I.I.T FIT 7:30a Power Performance
13 7a Water Aerobics
14 8:15a Kettlefusion
15 7a Water Aerobics 8:15a FUNctionally Fit 9a Restorative Yoga
16 8:15a TRX Iron + Sculpt 9a Strength & Stretch 9:45a Core Yoga
17 7a Water Aerobics 7a H.I.I.T FIT 7:30a Power Performance
20 7a Water Aerobics
21 8:15a Kettlefusion
22 7a Water Aerobics 8:15a FUNctionally Fit 9a Restorative Yoga
23 8:15a TRX Iron + Sculpt 9a Strength & Stretch 9:45a Core Yoga
24 7a Water Aerobics 7a H.I.I.T FIT 7:30a Power Performance
27 7a Water Aerobics
28 8:15a Kettlefusion
29 7a Water Aerobics 8:15a FUNctionally Fit 9a Restorative Yoga
30 8:15a TRX Iron + Sculpt 9a Strength & Stretch 9:45a Core Yoga
31 7a Water Aerobics 7a H.I.I.T FIT 7:30a Power Performance
* Water Aerobics classes subject to Pool re-opening
with Fitness Instructor Jenn Lee These free workouts change each Monday and may be viewed any time during the week.
Gentle and easy on the joints! We’ll use light weights with fluid motion with no jumping or heavy lifting. Grab a chair and let’s begin!
A workout designed to give you the ultimate challenge for your total body. Sweat through 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of strength training and 20 minutes of stretching or core work.
LINK: Page 9
PICKLEBALL NIGHTS Tuesdays and Sundays (every Tuesday and Sunday in July!)
5:30p to 7:30p
AT THE TENNIS COURTS Whether you’re an experienced Pickleball player or have never picked up a paddle, we want you on the court! Bring a partner or come solo and we’ll match you up. If you have your own paddle, please bring it as the Club only has a limited number of paddles.
Tennis shoes and comfy clothes are recommended. The tennis courts are open for TENNIS and PICKLBALL daily. Please make your court reservations using the ForeTees mobile app or call Sarah at 816.322.1022 to reserve your court. The courts are lighted for evening play.
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Our team is very excited to welcome you back to the Clubhouse for in-Club dining! We will absolutely continue to offer our popular to-go services with curbside pick-up but, for those of you who want a change of scenery, please make a reservation and join us in the Clubhouse or on the patio for lunch or dinner. As outlined on page two of this issue, we have procedures in place to keep you (and our staff) as safe as possible. Please keep in mind that reservations are required for in-Club dining (in two-hour blocks of time). You may make dining reservations (or place your to-go order) by calling 816.322.1022. This pandemic has certainly caused a ripple effect in some of our operations. You may have noticed that some of your favorite beverages have not been available at the Club lately; this includes Fresca, Sprite Zero, Tito’s, Bud Light, Stella, Sam Adams Seasonal, Coors Light and others. Unfortunately, a COVID-19 outbreak at a main distribution facility has caused a huge shortage of many high-demand items. These shortages won’t last forever but, in the meantime, we really want to thank you for your continued support and patience during these unusual times! Please contact me if I may be of any assistance to you. Megan Hanrahan Director of Food & Beverage 816.322.1022, ext. 330
Dear Members, With our dining rooms now open, we’re excited to announce that our weekly specials are available for both in-Club diners and those who order take-out service. These specials change weekly, giving our culinary team the opportunity to try some new ideas, be a little more creative and use fresh, local produce and seasonal favorites. Our team is also getting creative with recipes for our Gelato machine. Like our weekly specials, our featured Gelato specials are also available in-Club or to-go. And, don’t forget to check your Gelato container as we are purposely mislabeling a few containers (don’t worry … you’ll still get the flavor you order!). If your Gelato has a different label, take a picture of the lid and send it to me at You’ll receive a quart of Rocky Road Gelato for being observant and “playing” along!
We look forward to seeing you soon! Executive Chef Damian Lehman
Page 11
UPDATE: Deck Crawl and Hidden Gems Tour After much consideration and deliberation, we have decided to postpone our Deck Crawl until next summer. Under the circumstances, we are sure you will understand that the decision is for the best. We have also been notified that The Loch Lloyd Home & Garden Club has cancelled their Hidden Gems Tour for this summer and will reschedule the event for summer of 2021.
CATERING from The Country Club at Loch Lloyd With many of us entertaining from our own decks and patios, please keep in mind that the Club can help with catering, bartending and serving at your soirée. Let us do all the work so you can relax, visit with your guests and enjoy time with friends and family. Please call Director of Food & Beverage, Megan Hanrahan, at 816.322.1022 to discuss your catering needs.
We’re inviting all book lovers to join us for a lively discussion on our July and September selections:
Thursday, July 9th 7p Meeting Location
Invite your friends. We look forward to seeing you! For more information About the Loch Lloyd Ladies Book Club, please contact our Book Club Organizer: Anastasia Thompson 913.530.4855 (call or text)
The lanai at the home of Book Club Organizer Anastasia Thompson 17120 S. Stonehaven Drive
“The Only Woman in the Room” by Marie Benedict Discussion Leader: Ellie Behrmann
Thursday, September 10th 7p Meeting Location
The Country Club at Loch Lloyd
“The Sound of Gravel” by Ruth Wariner Discussion Leader: Jackie Olson
Page 12
Every garment includes a hidden, scannable tag. This allows you to see, experience, and most importantly share the complete human story behind your clothes — and the direct impact you made.
Join us for a trunk show featuring unique designs and fabrics with New York Fashion Designer (and Kansas City native) Jovana Mirabile Mullins. While spending time volunteering, Jovana experienced a vibrant world of people with differing abilities creating bold, expressive art inspired by their dreams and colorful imaginations. With her partner, Brandon, Jovana set out to create a brand that would inspire with every stitch, giving conscious consumers the chance to deeply connect with their clothes. Standing at the intersection of fashion and people, Alivia connects the beauty of the silhouette with the beauty of a mind that thinks unlike any other.
Kansas City native Jovana (Mirabile) Mullins is co-founder of Alivia, a social-impact women’s wear brand inspired by the artistic expressions of people with developmental disabilities. Although her career to date has centered around fashion, her true passion is volunteering — using art as a vehicle for empowering individuals with disabilities. In 2019, she founded Alivia with the mission of providing purpose and voice to the previously unheard, showcasing the many talents and abilities of people with disabilities, and pushing the fashion industry further toward inclusivity.
Ten percent of every purchase is donated directly to the local collaborator’s non-profit where the piece originated, creating a lasting impact for generations of creators to come.
Jovana holds a BFA from Parsons School of Design, and has spent the past 10+ years designing for luxury and contemporary fashion brands such as Matthew Williamson in London, Alice + Olivia, Sam Edelman, and Coach. She currently resides in New York City, but will forever be a KC girl at heart!
Please RSVP 816.322.1022
For more information about Alivia, visit Jovana’s website:
Alivia aims to give purpose and voice to the previously unheard, showcasing the many talents and abilities of people with disabilities — and pushing the fashion industry further towards inclusivity.
Enjoy complimentary appetizers and a specialty drink while you browse through this amazing collection.
Member charge bar available
To keep attendees and staff safe and to adhere to recommended social distancing, a limit of 30 attendees will be allowed in the Trunk Show at a time. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Page 13
Jeff Steen’s eaglet (page 6) isn’t the only wildlife seen around the neighborhood lately! It seems there’s an abundance of wildlife at Loch Lloyd! Sally Anderson took the photo of the owl (left) and the heron (next page) by the Lake. Beth Seitzer captured the eagle family and their nest in the photo above. Marie Haggard shared the photo below of pesky Pileated Woodpeckers (the largest of which she named “Woody”).
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The Deer Family captured the photo above of the deer (how fitting!) and Frank Janoski photographed this parade of wild turkey near the #10 tee box. Keep those photos coming everyone. We love to see them and share them! Please send your photos to: Diana Miller Cooper at
Page 15
HOURS OF OPERATION Clubhouse dining is available by reservation only during the following hours of operation:
CLUBHOUSE 816.322.1022 Monday Clubhouse Closed Tuesday-Wednesday 11a to 8p Thursday-Saturday 11a to 9p Sunday 11a to 7p The Clubhouse will be closed July 23rd through July 25th for The Whummle. No in-Club dining or to-go orders will be available during this time. Thank you for your support of this annual member/guest event!
GOLF SHOP 816.322.2117 Tuesday-Sunday 6:30a to 8p Practice Facility Tuesday-Sunday 7:30a to 7p
COVER PHOTO Thanks to Jeff Steen, Director of Golf Course Maintenance, for this beauty shot of our meticulously landscaped Clubhouse. Do you have a coverworthy photo that you personally took? Please send photos to: Diana Miller Cooper Communications & Marketing Leader Page 16
Matt Bashara
Chris Brems
Director of Golf
Sean Hanna
Head Golf Professional
Jeremy Dear
Director of Golf Course Maintenance
Jeff Steen
Golf Course Superintendent
Grant Suderman
Fitness Center Director
Lance Darling
Executive Chef
Damian Lehman
Sous Chef
Bradley Brown
Director of Food & Beverage
Megan Hanrahan
Assistant Director of Food & Beverage
Sean Terry
Assistant Director of Food & Beverage
Kerianne Nunez
Club Administrator
Sarah Deaton
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Golf Shop: 816.322.2117 Carry-Out Orders: 816.322.1022, ext. 322 Security Front Gate: 816.322.1201
THE COUNTRY CLUB at LOCH LLOYD 16750 Country Club Drive Village of Loch Lloyd, MO 64012 816.322.1022
This Loch Lloyd associate is celebrating a company anniversary this month. Please help us recognize and congratulate our team member:
Aaron Spradley — 1 year