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Swim Lessons at The National

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PXG Fitting Day

PXG Fitting Day

Drew Tanner Director of Fitness


5a to 10p

Dear Member, We’re diving into summer with WaterFit exercise classes at the Pool with Group Exercise Instructor Kelly Hrisak. See the next page for details and the schedule. WaterFit is a great way to stay healthy and keep cool during the summer months. College swimmer Madison O’Donnell returns to The National for her second summer of teaching swim lessons. She will be offering private one-on-one lessons for kids ages four to 14 and small group lessons for two to four children, provided the children are around the same age and skill level.

Private Lessons Small Group Lessons

30 minutes: $20 30 minutes: $12 per child 60 minutes: $35 60 minutes: $20 per child


Here are the protocols in place at the Fitness Center to keep everyone safe:  Masks are no longer required for those members who have been fully vaccinated.  No social distancing is required for those members who have been fully vaccinated.  No temperature checks are required upon arrival; simply sign in at the front desk.  Minimum age to use the Fitness

Center is 14; children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.  Proper athletic attire and closed toed athletic shoes must be worn.

Bathing suits and sandals will not be permitted.  Guest fee is $10 per person.  Towel service and showers are now available at the Fitness Center.  The water bottle filling station is active.  All equipment must be wiped down before and after each use with the provided wipes.  Staff will continue to clean and disinfect equipment and member touchpoints on a regular basis.

Meet Madison O’Donnell — Swim Instructor

Madison O'Donnell is a graduate of the University of St. Mary where she studied nursing and was a member of the swim team. She has been swimming since she was four years old and competing since she was seven! Madison’s favorite event is the 500-meter freestyle. When she is not in the pool, Madison enjoys listening to music, hiking, lifting weights and hanging out with friends. She is excited to draw on all her experience in the water to help your children improve their swimming skills!

How to Sign Up: To sign your child up for private swim lessons with Madison or to make arrangements for small group lessons, please email Drew Tanner at andrewt@thenationalgolfclub.com. Hope to see you at the Fitness Center or in the Pool soon! Drew Tanner Director of Fitness 816.505.4254 andrewt@thenationalgolfclub.com

Jennifer Newcomer Licensed Massage Therapist massage@thenationalgolfclub.com 816.666.7327


30 minutes ........$45 60 minutes ........$80 90 minutes ........$115 120 minutes.......$145


15-minute seated, clothed ...$15




Mondays 9a Fridays 8a LOCATION: Ladies’ Locker Room The National Clubhouse

Join Jenny Musgrave, Yoga Instructor and National member, for Vinyasa Yoga, focusing on a variety of poses, proper alignment and linking movement with breath.

All levels welcome!


Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30a LOCATION: The National Pool

Group Exercise Instructor Kelly Hrisak uses a combination of pool noodles, water weights and kickboards to warm up your muscles and cool you off during the hot summer months. Be sure to bring your own towel and drinking water to stay hydrated.


NEW TIMES! Wednesdays & Fridays 6:30a LOCATION: The National Tennis Courts

Keep your heart rate and calorie burn high! Group Exercise Instructor Julie Brookings leads this workout mix of total body strength exercises with fatblasting cardio intervals.

Drew Tanner Sarah Stout Jenny Musgrave Julie Brookings Kelly Hrisak

Director Personal Group Exercise Group Exercise Group Exercise of Fitness Trainer Instructor Instructor Instructor

Carolina Mayorga-Perry Tennis Professional 816.746.0200, ext. 196 Cell: 816.550.0475 carolinam@thenationalgolfclub.com

6-Week Session: June 7th-July 17th

Register via email to carolinam@thenationalgolfclub.com Minimum four players  Maximum eight players

USTA Net Generation Program

Scaling the game down to their size (court, racquets and special balls) makes learning easier and more fun! The kids develop motor skills, strengthen physical ability, learn teamwork and acquire leadership skills.

Little Stars — ages 5 to 6

Players develop motor skills and coordination in a fun, game-based setting. Kids are introduced to the game in a team environment of cooperation and fun competition. Saturday 9:15a-10a (FULL); Thursday 10a-10:45a (FULL)

NEW SESSION: Tuesday 9:15a-10a

Red Ball; 60x18-foot court with 19-21 inch racquets 6-WEEK SESSION FEE: $120 once/week; $240 twice/week

Rising Stars — ages 7 to 8

Players learn basic stroke techniques/purpose of the game. Tuesday 10a-11a; Thursday 9a-10a Red Ball; 60x18-foot court with 21-23 inch racquets 6-WEEK SESSION FEE: $120 once/week; $240 twice/week

Orange Crushers — ages 8 to 10

Players learn to rally, serve and play a match. Based on skill level, this group works 30-60 minutes on skill and 30 minutes on instructional match play. Monday 10a-11a (FULL); Tuesday 9a-10a (FULL); Wednesday 10a-11a (FULL); Friday 10a-11a (JTL; FULL); Saturday 10a-11a (FULL)

NEW SESSION: Thursday 11a-12p

Orange Ball; 60x36-foot court with 25-inch racquets 6-WEEK SESSION FEE: $120 once/week; $240 twice/week

Green Smashers — ages 12 and under

Players work on consistency, ball placement, footwork and strength while playing games. Based on skill level, this group works 30-60 minutes on skill and 30 minutes on instructional match play. Intermediate/Advanced (for kids with some match experience plus the ability to serve and rally): Monday 9a-10a; Friday 9a-10a (JTL; FULL)


Thursday 11a-12p (FULL) Green Dot Ball; full-sized court with 25-26 inch racquets 6-WEEK SESSION FEE: $120 meets once/week

Teen Tennis — ages 13 and up

Game-based clinic for kids with tennis experience. Players work on improving stroke technique and developing better consistency and footwork. Based on skill level, this group works 30-60 minutes on skill and 30 minutes on instructional match play. Tuesday 5p-6p; Friday 11a-12p (JTL; FULL) Yellow Ball; full-sized court 6-WEEK SESSION FEE: $120 meets once/week

Kansas City Junior Tencap League

6-week season begins June 7th Sign-Up Deadline: June 5th

Be part of the National Junior Tennis Team this summer! KCJTL offers organized team match play for beginning and novice tennis players in the KC area. Players compete weekly at home or away matches at set times and days. To be eligible, players must be able to keep score, serve 50% of their serves in the box and understand and follow the rules and etiquette of the sport. Parents may be called to volunteer, help organize team rosters and act as team parents in a home or away match. The season begins June 7th and ends with a city-wide tournament the week of July 19th. Register by contacting Carolina at carolinam@thenationalgolfclub.com or visit the KCJTL website and register under The National ADS Team.


10 and Under, 12 and Under and 13 and Up; Boys, Girls or Coed


$250 fee include league and tournament registration, 6-week once/ week practice, league matches, challenge days and team shirt


13 and Up...........Thursday 12:45p to 3p; Practices Friday 11a 12 and Under.....Tuesday 12:45p to 3p; Practice Friday 9a 10 and Under....Monday 12:45p to 2:30p; Practice Friday 10a


Play matches and move up the ladder. Friday, following practice times


6-Week Session: June 7th-July 17th


Wednesday 9a-10a Game-based clinic for players with some tennis experience. Focus on strategy and positioning for the game of doubles. Minimum 4 players required 6-WEEK SESSION FEE: $120 PAY-AS-YOU-GO FEE: $25 per clinic


Wednesday and Saturday 8a-9a Must RSVP by Monday of each week High-intensity workout for players of all levels. Come join the fun! Minimum 4 players required


June 1st, 2nd and 4th

Get ready for our KCJTL season by playing practice matches and working on your footwork. COST: $20 per day


June 1st, 2nd and 4th 10 and Under....10a to 11a 12 and Under.....9a to 1a 13 and Up...........11a to 12p Minimum 4 players per session Maximum 8 players per session

Carolina Mayorga-Perry Tennis Professional

Cell: 816.550.0475 carolinam@thenationalgolfclub.com THE BALL MACHINE: Our Playmate Ball Machine has the capacity for 250 balls with variable topspin and backspin settings and will help you take your skills to a new level. You must be 18+ to reserve the machine unless accompanied by an adult. For safety reasons, ages 10 and under should not use the machine. The machine must be reserved 48 hours in advance. Tennis courts must also be available when reserving a time slot. Fee: $15 per hour


Private and semi-private lessons available Fees: $59 for one-hour private lesson $40 for 30-minute private lesson


Three students play alongside Carolina for one hour at a rate of $25 per player. RACQUET STRINGING: Racquet stringing is available; prices range from $30 to $45, depending on string selection. Contact Carolina to make arrangements.


To provide better service, the following policies will be adhered to:  Clinics cannot be pro-rated.  Your account will be charged prior to the start of a session; no refunds can be made.  Private lessons must be cancelled 24 hours in advance or you will be charged.  A minimum of six participants is needed each time for an event to be held.  A $10 fee applies for late event/clinic registrations.  If there are less than three participants, a clinic will be cancelled or rescheduled.  Rain outs may be rescheduled during weekends.  Times and days may be subject to change.


 Ladies’ Happy Hour Pool Party

Thursday, June 10th from 5p-8p  Glow-in-the-Dark

Pool Party

Friday, June 18th

from 7p-10p

Family fun with a DJ, glow sticks, glow rings and drink specials; $15 per person  Pool Parties

and Pavilion Rental

To make arrangements to host a Pool Party or to rent the Pavilion, please contact

Nathan Halstead at: halstead.nathan@gmail.com.


The Pool is open daily from 10a-8p, weather permitting. The Snack Bar will be open from 11a-7p. No advance Pool reservations will be required.


Our guest policies have changed starting this season. Please review the following policies and share this information with your family.

 Weekday Guest Fees: $5 per person, charged to your member account

 Weekend and Holiday Guest Fees: $10 per person, charged to your member account. Holidays include

Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.

 Holiday Weekend Guest Limits: Only one guest per member will be allowed during holiday weekends (including Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor

Day weekends).  Bulk Guest Passes: The Club will not be selling bulk guest pool passes in advance this year.

 Nanny/Babysitter Pass: You may purchase a

Nanny/Babysitter Pass for $125, valid for the entire season. Please contact Rachel at 816.746.0200 and allow three week days for processing.

 Towel Rental: Towels may be rented for $1 each, billed to your member account.

FREE CLASSES FOR MEMBERS! Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30a at The National Pool

We’re diving into summer with WaterFit exercise classes at The National Pool.

Group Exercise Instructor, Kelly Hrisak, uses a combination of pool noodles, water weights and kickboards to warm up your muscles and cool you off during the hot summer months.

Be sure to bring your own towel and drinking water to stay hydrated. Welcome college swimmer Madison O’Donnell back to The National for her second summer of teaching swim lessons. She will be offering private one-on-one lessons for kids ages four to 14 and small group lessons for two to four children, provided the children are around the same age and skill level.

College swimmer

Madison O’Donnell

returns to the Club to teach swim lessons.

Private Lessons

30 minutes: $20 60 minutes: $35

Small Group Lessons

30 minutes: $12 per child 60 minutes: $20 per child

Read more about Madison on page 9 of this issue.

How to Sign Up:

To sign up for swim lessons with Madison or to make arrangements for small group lessons, please email Drew Tanner: andrewt@thenationalgolfclub.com

POOL RULES Always Obey Lifeguards!

 No running, horseplay, sitting on ladders or climbing on guard stands. No diving allowed except in the diving well.  Children ages 10 and under must be attended to by an adult at all times.  No outside food or drink is allowed; no gum is allowed; no coolers or glass containers are permitted.  The Club is not responsible for lost articles.  Adults have priority for chairs and cabanas.  Children over 7 years of age are not permitted in the wading pool. Toys are not allowed in the slide pool.  The Adult Lap Lane is for adults only; children are not to use this lane.

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