June 2021 at The National Golf Club of Kansas City

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Dear Member,

We’re diving into summer with WaterFit exercise classes at the Pool with Group Exercise Instructor Kelly Hrisak. See the next page for details and the schedule. WaterFit is a great way to stay healthy and keep cool during the summer months. College swimmer Madison O’Donnell returns to The National for her second summer of teaching swim lessons. She will be offering private one-on-one lessons for kids ages four to 14 and small group lessons for two to four children, provided the children are around the same age and skill level. Drew Tanner Director of Fitness

Private Lessons 30 minutes: $20 60 minutes: $35

Small Group Lessons 30 minutes: $12 per child 60 minutes: $20 per child

Meet Madison O’Donnell — Swim Instructor

RULES & SAFETY PROTOCOLS Here are the protocols in place at the Fitness Center to keep everyone safe:  Masks are no longer required for

those members who have been fully vaccinated.  No social distancing is required for those members who have been fully vaccinated.  No temperature checks are required upon arrival; simply sign in at the front desk.  Minimum age to use the Fitness Center is 14; children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.  Proper athletic attire and closed toed athletic shoes must be worn. Bathing suits and sandals will not be permitted.  Guest fee is $10 per person.  Towel service and showers are now available at the Fitness Center.  The water bottle filling station is active.  All equipment must be wiped down before and after each use with the provided wipes.  Staff will continue to clean and disinfect equipment and member touchpoints on a regular basis.

Madison O'Donnell is a graduate of the University of St. Mary where she studied nursing and was a member of the swim team. She has been swimming since she was four years old and competing since she was seven! Madison’s favorite event is the 500-meter freestyle. When she is not in the pool, Madison enjoys listening to music, hiking, lifting weights and hanging out with friends. She is excited to draw on all her experience in the water to help your children improve their swimming skills! How to Sign Up: To sign your child up for private swim lessons with Madison or to make arrangements for small group lessons, please email Drew Tanner at andrewt@thenationalgolfclub.com. Hope to see you at the Fitness Center or in the Pool soon! Drew Tanner Director of Fitness 816.505.4254 andrewt@thenationalgolfclub.com

Jennifer Newcomer Licensed Massage Therapist massage@thenationalgolfclub.com 816.666.7327


30 minutes ........ $45 60 minutes ........ $80 90 minutes ........ $115 120 minutes ....... $145


15-minute seated, clothed ... $15

LIFE COACHING $60 per hour

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