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Golf Bags & Tail Wags
We invite you to participate in the inaugural fundraiser to benefit Missouri's largest no-kill, open-admission animal shelter, the KC Pet Project!
Sign up to compete any time between October 5th-19th in this individual stroke play competition between: The Country Club at Loch Lloyd The Deuce Golf Club Shadow Glen Country Club and Milburn Country Club
Registration is $50 per player with 100% of the fee going directly to this worthy non-profit organization which saves more than 11,000 homeless, abandoned and injured pets each year!
The country club with the most registrations will get a special one-year kennel sponsorship at the shelter, as well as additional social media recognition to KC Pet Project’s followers (130,000 Facebook followers; 60,400 Instagram followers; and 8,132 Twitter followers).
Prizes will be awarded to winners at each club.
Let's do this! Let's take on the competition and help save some animals!
To register, please follow the instructions listed on the right or call the Golf Shop at 816.741.0634.
CONGRATULATIONS TO WADE ROSENQUIST for his HOLE-IN-ONE September 25th, 2020 on #4 at 176 yards, using a 6-Iron! and DAVE VANDE VEN for his HOLE-IN-ONE September 16th, 2020 on #14 at 108 yards, using a Pitching Wedge!

Hole-in-One Celebration! (pictured from left to right) Jim Ecton, Jim Bray, Wade Rosenquist and Lee Hoffman

Dear Members,
As we head down the stretch to the end of 2020, there are still some tasks to complete, and the month of October is our last opportunity to accomplish some of these items. Here are a few things on our fall “to-do” list:
This is the best month to address sod work in our rough/cool-season areas of the course.
Our focus will be cart path edges, enter/exit areas around greens and fairways, and greens surrounds. These areas will be roped off after being laid so please avoid them if possible as they will be wet from frequent watering which will make them very soft.
The majority of our seeding was completed in September, but we may be finishing up in a few areas around the course. We try to complete our seeding in the earlier part of this month since it becomes more difficult for seed to germinate as it gets cooler and frost becomes more frequent.
Mowing down native and trimming our creek beds is also something we focus on this month.
Pre-emergent applications in our rough and native areas will start later this month and into November. This depends more on soil temperature, but typically this is when we start these applications. This is for the prevention of grassy weeds in these areas.
October is also a great month to play golf before the weather gets too cold. The trees on the course will also be changing colors which is always a pleasant sight this time of the year. Enjoy your month and I look forward to seeing you around the Club!
Gary Sailer, CGCS Director of Golf Course Maintenance garys@fivestarlifestyles.com
#5 Green

Holes #10 - #12
The body responds to the club face and path. Stephen, shown below in a series of photos, would get the club laid off and the club face open at the top. From there he would have to stop rotating and flip the club to try and square the face. He could do this fairly consistently and was a good player, but didn’t know when the big foul ball was coming. By getting the shaft pitch and club face in a better position going back, Stephen was able to get into a better impact position without having to save the club face with the flip. The results were better dispersion and much better starting lines.
Check out Josh’s videos at joshnahmgolf.com to improve your swing and distance and sign up for online lessons!
Josh is available for private member lessons: One-hour lessons are $150 Junior one-hour lessons $125 Please call or email Josh to schedule your lesson: joshn@thenationalgolfclub.com joshnahmgolf.com 910.610.7094 Josh Nahm Director of Instruction
Because the club face is in a more closed position at the top and shallowing now instead of steepening, Stephen now gets more forward shaft lean with less “flip.”

We never talked about his release during the lesson, this happened naturally because it was the most effective way for him to hit the ball, just like the “flip” was the most
effective way for him to hit the ball with his old backswing.