Dear Members, As discussed in the letter sent on April 30th, The National has started phasing operations back into form effective May 5, 2020. With authorities lifting the shelter-inplace order that we all have patiently observed, it’s now time for us to put into effect all of our newly formed habits that we have been practicing. Please see the plan for each area of Club operations on the following two pages. The Club would like to extend its sincere gratitude to those members that supported the team, our amenities and services during the past month. We understand that circumstances have been less than convenient for golf, food and fitness ‌ but to see our membership engage with such a supportive spirit has truly defined what makes this Club and community so special and so unique. While the future remains uncertain, this lack of forward visibility will keep us as Club operators distinctly and keenly focused on the health and safety of members and associates as our top priority. Thank you for your trust and belief in your Club ownership and executive team to make the right decision for your membership. As we navigate our way through the first phase of reopening, we will continue to keep you apprised of changes to our operating mode. We look forward to seeing you, socially distanced, at the Club over the next several weeks. Be safe. Be smart. And be healthy.
Steve Shrawder, President The National Golf Club
INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE Club Re-Opening Plan .......2-3 Member Rewards .................. 4 Match Play ............................ 4 Golf Instruction ..................... 5 Course Maintenance .............. 6 NEW Cocktail Kits ................. 8 Clontarf Virtual Tasting ........ 8 Virtual Fitness Classes ......... 10 Tennis and Pickleball ........... 11 Staff Directory ...................... 13
Valued Member, We are pleased to announce that The National Golf Club of Kansas City has begun phasing Club operations back into form effective Tuesday, May 5, 2020. With local and state government authorities lifting the shelter-in-place order that we all have patiently observed over the last month plus, the time has come for us to put into effect all of our newly formed habits that we have been practicing. Considering our alternatives, the past month has been a supreme success for the community and Club with all of our members, associates and residents maintaining positive health and significant activity with the Club. The positive narratives include maintaining our full-time associates, exceeding expectations with golf course conditioning and expanding the use of our talented food and beverage team to meet all of the community needs during such an uncertain time in life. The Club would like to extend its sincere gratitude to those members that continued to support the team, our amenities and our services during the past month. Nearly all categories of memberships utilized the Club; whether for golf or for their food and beverage needs. Just a small 17% of the full golf membership rested dormant during this shelter-in-place. We understand that the circumstances have been less than convenient for golf, for food and for fitness, but to see our membership engage with such a supportive spirit has truly defined what makes this Club and community so special and so unique. The future remains uncertain for our region, and this lack of forward visibility will keep us as Club operators distinctly and keenly focused on our constituencies’ health and safety as the first and top priority. Our commitment and objective remains to inculcate our staff with a new standard for safety in an evolving situation. Social distancing and limiting touch-points will remain the narrative. Our operation and daily lives will continue to be challenged with decisions that weigh risk benefit. Of course, in this pandemic the risk of infection is actually unknown without testing, but the consequences are potentially lethal ... even in younger people. The benefits are actually trivial. So most resistance or debates/arguments become inane. Perhaps with time and with widespread testing, we will be better equipped to field questions from members regarding the potentials associated with contracting this disease from our location or amenities. What we do know is that our forthcoming operating mode will be slightly different than before the pandemic as we seek to bring our venues and business units back on slowly and cautiously. We will let our success to date be the guiding and confident compass to lead our daily decisions as to how and when we phase elements of each business back to full strength. Please pay attention to the information and bullet points that follow. It is what you need to know about the operational changes at the Club as of Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The executive team and the ownership group feel assured that our compliance and adhered-to recommendations made by local government and the CDC will continue to offer you and the membership at-large total confidence in our environments with the knowledge that they are being managed with health and safety as our top priority. We are committed to this for the potential long-term impact that this pandemic could have on our region. We want you to know that we don't enjoy these inconveniences any more than another and truly desire for our community to unite by supporting one another, respecting one another’s priorities, and trusting and believing in your Club ownership and executive team to make the right decision for your membership. As we manage and navigate our way through the first phase of reopening, we will continue to keep you apprised of developments and government notifications or changes and adjustments to our operating mode. We look forward to seeing you SOCIALLY DISTANCED at the Club over the next several weeks. Be safe. Be smart. And be healthy. Steve Shrawder President The National Golf Club of Kansas City
Page 2
CLUBHOUSE HOURS OF OPERATION The Clubhouse will be CLOSED on all Mondays. The Clubhouse will be OPEN Tuesday-Saturday 11a-8p The Clubhouse will be OPEN Sunday 11a-7p ACCESSIBILITY To better limit points of contact for members and staff, there will be one primary entrance and exit: the main entrance to the Golf Shop (lower level, back side of the Clubhouse), which will remain open during Golf Shop hours. GOLF OPERATIONS HOURS Golf Shop: 7a-7p Practice Facility: 7:30a-7p GOLF RULES, REGULATIONS & SOCIAL DISTANCING Members are required to practice SAFE social distancing, keeping a minimum of six feet of separation. Guests are not allowed. Do not touch flagsticks. Rakes, water coolers, cups, lids and trash receptacles will remain off of the golf course. Refrain from shaking hands, hugging, fist bumping, etc. post golf rounds. Continue to limit social gatherings before and after golf. A maximum of five (5) people at a time will be allowed in the Golf Shop, while keeping social distancing. National golf carts will be rented to members on the tee sheet only; not available for those wishing to practice only. Do not arrive more than 15 minutes in advance of your tee time to the first tee area. There will be less associates working; guest experience and expectations will not be what we are used to. Associates will not touch golf bags. We will not offer bag storage. Unapproved member-owned golf carts are NO longer permitted on the golf course. GOLF CARTS National carts are for those on the tee sheet for that day only (one person per cart unless the two riders cohabitate). National golf carts are available on a first-come basis. Golf carts will be assigned by a National associate and documented as to what member uses a particular cart. In the event of a golf cart shortage, the Club will attempt to produce a clean and sanitized cart in a timely manner. Golf carts will be sanitized before and after each use. There will be a designated area in the main parking lot for sanitized carts; another for used carts coming off the course. Members must remove debris or trash from their golf carts. ALL play will start on hole #1. PRACTICE FACILITY The north side (Clock Tower) of the Practice Facility will be the only side open. Golf ball pyramids will be set up to indicate areas in which you may hit balls. There will be NO tees provided; NO bag stands, club washers, trash cans or water coolers will be available. If you are playing golf, we ask that you do not arrive more than thirty (30) minutes of your tee time to warm up. If you are wanting to practice, we ask that you limit your practice time to no more than thirty (30) minutes. If you want to use the Practice Facility, park your vehicle in the main parking lot and walk to the Practice Facility. National golf carts are for members on the tee sheet only.
LOCKER ROOMS All showers will be closed; accoutrements will be removed. Lockers/restroom facilities will be available and accessible by request through the Golf Shop Professional Staff. Shoe service is available on a limited basis and will need to be scheduled through the Golf Shop Professional Staff. FOOD & BEVERAGE RULES, REGULATIONS & SOCIAL DISTANCING BRICK PATIO — open for post-golf seating and to-go dining IN-CLUB DINING CLOSED AT PRESENT TIME Members are required to practice SAFE social distancing,
keeping a minimum of six feet of separation. Patio tables will be placed a minimum of six feet apart. Maximum occupancy per table not to exceed 10 members. To-Go orders are available Tuesday through Sunday. Orders must be placed at least 30 minutes prior to closing. Grocery orders placed by noon Mondays will be available for pick-up between 3p-7p on Tuesdays. Grocery orders placed by noon Thursdays will be available for pick-up between 3p-7p on Fridays.
ON-COURSE FOOD & BEVERAGE The National will position an associate at the Snack Bar for grab-and-go items, drinks and items pre-ordered from the main Dining Room for pick-up. FITNESS CENTER RULES, REGULATIONS & SOCIAL DISTANCING Fitness Center hours of operation are as follows: MondayFriday 6a-11a and 4p-7p; Saturday & Sunday 8a-12p. Members are required to practice SAFE social distancing, keeping a minimum of six feet of separation. Guests are NOT allowed. Maximum occupancy not to exceed eight members. Use of facility is by reservations only, in one-hour time slots using this link: Members must use the provided wellness wipes before and after use of each piece of equipment. Free weights are now in the group exercise room; no more than two members allowed in the room at any one time. Group exercise classes will continue online. Showers are closed; no hand or shower towels provided. Massage service has been temporarily discontinued. All locker room accoutrements will be removed. POOL & TENNIS RULES, REGULATIONS & SOCIAL DISTANCING We are preparing to open the Pool on schedule (Memorial Day weekend) or as authorities prescribe in their response, recovery and reopening phase protocols. In keeping with social distancing, we must remind members of safety expectations regarding the Tennis/Pickleball courts: NO guests allowed. Reservations required through Tennis Professional, Carolina Mayorga-Perry at Water and towels will not be provided. Lessons are available by emailing our Tennis Professional. The Ball Machine will not be available for use. Page 3
Dear Members, It is great to have seen so many of you take advantage of the warm days this spring to get out and play golf. It is one of the only activities we were able to do during this unprecedented time. As we transition to reopening some of our facilities, please see the important information pages 2 and 3 regarding the procedures and safety measures in place for Golf Operations, effective May 5th. Thank you for your support of these additional guidelines we have had to implement to allow the golf course to remain open. Please contact the Golf Shop at 816.741.0634 if you have any questions about these procedures or if we may be of any assistance to you. With numerous events canceled and postponed, we are looking at future dates for all of our events and will inform you of any additional changes to our tournament schedule. Hope to see you at the Club soon. Please continue to stay and play safe! Best, Nic Ingram Director of Golf
It’s time to sign up for Individual and Four-Ball Match Play. Following are the details to participate. Please contact the Golf Shop at 816.741.0634 if you have any questions.
Format — Individual and Four-Ball Match Play:
If there are not enough teams to fill brackets, open matches will receive a bye. The defending champions in each division receive an automatic #1 seed and all other players will be seeded by handicap index.
Divisions: Gross Net
Senior Gross Team Gross
Team Net Senior Net
May 25th revision date to determine seeding 100% of current handicap with strokes being allocated
based on lowest handicap
Entry Fee and Registration:
Page 4
$30 per player Includes winner payouts and trophies Cart fees not included Must register by May 24th Brackets will be posted by June 1st Register on ForeTees or call the Golf Shop: 816.741.0634
Join The National’s Member Rewards Program virtually free! For only $200 you can save on ALL your purchases in the Golf Shop and receive $200 in credit.
$200 in Golf Shop credit 10% off clubs, gloves and golf balls 20% off clothing 40% off one-time clothing purchase with no shopping limit!
Interested? Call a member of the Professional Golf Staff to sign up today! Call 816.741.0634.
Discounts may not be applied to items already on sale.
Dear Members,
Hit the ball farther ...
We all watch in amazement as we see guys on the PGA Tour hit drives over 300 yards with ease. We think how much better we would score if we could drive the ball like Rory and hit it 330 down the middle of the fairway every time. While I can't promise you 300-yard drives, I can promise you that you can easily pick up 25 yards or more with just a few tips. Distance is a huge part of the game, if you could hit the ball 25 yards longer it means that you would be hitting at least two less clubs into every green. It means that you would essentially be playing a course that is almost 400 yards shorter than you normally do and, in the next few minutes, you'll find out how to hit it longer, maybe even 40 or 50 yards longer.
Josh Nahm Director of Instruction
Three reasons WHY you don’t you hit the ball as far as you should:
The faster you swing the club, the farther the ball will go (all things being equal). I'm sure this isn't shocking news to anyone, but who practices swinging the club as fast as they can? Two big mistakes that I see a lot of amateurs make is swinging the club too slowly in the backswing and trying to restrict the hip turn. The idea of taking it back "low and slow" is killing your distance. In order to pick up club head speed, you must speed up the backswing so that you speed up the downswing. I've heard from a lot of players that they are trying to quiet the lower body, or restrict their hip turn. Doing this robs you of speed and distance. Look at the picture on the left; does it look like Dustin Johnson is restricting his hip turn? No chance Dustin is trying to restrict his hips here. He is turning as much as possible while staying in his posture. No quiet lower body here!
We have to be hitting the ball in or very close to the center of the clubface. Every 1/4 inch off center is costing us about 15 yards. The center of contact is crucial to gaining maximum distance. As we can see from the graphic below, mishits rob us of yardage, especially as we hit the ball lower on the face which tends to decrease the launch angle and increase the spin.
Effect of Off-Center Impacts Ball Speed Loss in MPH
When it comes to distance, launch angle and spin are key! To gain distance, we need to launch the ball fairly high with minimal spin. To do this, we need a driver that fits our swing. If your driver doesn’t fit you, the ball will spin too much or launch too high or too low. Whether it's the shaft’s fault, the clubhead, the overall weight of the club or the swing weight, if one of these is off, it's costing you distance. If you are looking for distance, make sure you get fit for your driver!! Just buying one off the rack, hoping that it works, almost never does.
Check out Josh’s online videos at to improve your swing and distance and sign up for online lessons!
Josh will be available to offer private member lessons starting Friday, May 8th. One-hour lessons are $150; junior rate is $125. Please call or email Josh to schedule your lesson: 910.610.7094 Page 5
Dear Members, Hopefully you are safe and well during this turbulent time that we find ourselves in. Speaking of which, the weather has been rather turbulent as well … with temperatures in the 80s one week and back to the 30s the next. As crazy as this may seem, it’s typical for our area this time of the year as we see this tug of war between spring and summer. I get many questions about how this temperature fluctuation effects the turf. The cool-season grasses, like our greens and rough, do just fine. They do not grow as much in cooler weather, but they don’t mind it either. The Zoysia grass is a little different. Zoysia is a warm-season grass, so cool weather with some frosty nights, after it has greened up, will put it into shock. It will lose some color and growth will halt. Once we get consistent warm temperatures in the 80s with temperatures in the 60s at night, it usually takes right off again and does just fine so I’m not too worried as we see this happen almost every spring. The GCM team has been busy with pre-emergent applications for weed control in our roughs and sodding worn areas along cart path edges. Our mowing frequency is also starting to increase as the weather continues to improve. We have started our PoaCure trials on the chipping green and the back of #7 green. These applications will take place in the spring on both areas and we will do two additional applications in the fall on just the chipping green. This will give us good data on which application procedure will best suit us for our poa situation. Have a great month and hopefully we can enjoy some great weather and some great golf! Best regards, Gary Sailer, CGCS Director of Golf Course Maintenance
Spring is greening up all over!
Cart path sod project on #5 BEFORE
AFTER Page 6
Dear Member, Thank you for supporting our to-go services! With your help, we have been able to keep many staff members working. We all truly appreciate the opportunity to serve you and enjoy waving hello as you drive up for curbside pick-up! As the Club begins transitioning to reopen some of our facilities, we want to make sure you’re aware of the changes taking place within the Food & Beverage operations, effective May 5th. Our to-go and grocery services will continue but our hours of operation will change and we will resume being closed on Mondays. Thank you for reviewing the information on pages 2 and 3 of this newsletter and please contact the Clubhouse if you have any questions or concerns. We’re excited to roll out our SPRING MENU which features new offerings and more healthy choices that members have been requesting. See the menu on the member portal or call the Clubhouse at 816.746.0200 and we will be happy to email you a copy. Our Spring Menu is not the only new thing we’re rolling out. Our new “Cocktail Kits” feature fresh ingredients, flavorful mixers and alcoholic beverages. You’ll be making cocktails like a pro! See the next page for details and look for more Cocktail Kits coming soon. Read about our Clontarf Virtual Tasting on May 14th as well. What a fun way to try something new! Be assured that the high level of safety measures we had in place last month to keep our members and associates safe are STILL in place today. We remain vigilant with regard to social distancing, working in staggered shifts, disinfecting work stations frequently and using extreme care in preparing and packaging your orders. Continue to stay well and please contact me if I may be of any assistance to you. Jack Meyers Director of Food & Beverage
What a great response we received for Easter Dinner To-Go this year. With 110 orders, it was “all hands on deck” to safely prepare and package your Easter holiday dinners. The Easter Bunny wanted in on the action, too, and enjoyed waving hello to everyone as they picked up their orders. Thank you very much for your support! We hope we added to your holiday enjoyment … you certainly added to ours!
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COCKTAIL KITS TO-GO exclusively from The National! Order anytime throughout the week by calling 816.746.0200 for curbside pick-up!
MOSCOW MULE $10 4 Western Son Vodka mini bottles, 2 cans Goslings Ginger Beer, 1 Lime JACK & COKE $16 4 Jack Daniel’s Whiskey mini bottles, 2 cans of Coke, 1 Lime RUM & COKE $12 4 Bacardi Rum mini bottles, 2 cans of Coke, 1 Lime GIN & TONIC $14 4 Tanqueray Gin mini bottles, 2 bottles of Tonic, 1 Lime “SIDA SLINGER” $10
4 Western Son Vodka Watermelon mini bottles, 2 cans of Fresca, 1 Lime
Clontarf Trinity Pack Virtual Tasting
Thursday, May 14th
Pick up a bottle of Clontarf’s Trinity Pack Irish Whiskey and join in the fun at a virtual tasting on May 14th, hosted by Clontarf’s Tony Carroll. Have you tried our “Groceries & More” service yet? Our list contains 70 items (meat, cereal, potatoes, toilet paper, beer, wine and more)! Orders placed by noon Monday will be available for pick-up between 3p to 7p Tuesday. Orders placed by noon Thursday will be available for pick-up between 3p to 7p Friday. If you need a copy of the grocery list, please call the Clubhouse at 816.746.0200. Page 8
These unique bottles actually “break” apart to create three 200ml bottles of Clontarf Single Malt, Reserve and Classic Blend. When you pick up your bottle, you’ll get instructions on how to participate in this online tasting (plus a special video you may watch at your leisure). Call 816.746.0200 to order your bottle today! $30++
Dear Members, The National Fitness Team is excited to announce the reopening of the Fitness Center! We began our first phase of reopening the Fitness Center on Tuesday, May 5th. To keep members and staff safe, some restrictions have been put in place, per the guidelines outlined by the CDC and Platte County. You’ll find the list of restrictions on pages 2 and 3, along with the May hours of operation. We appreciate your help in observing and adhering to these rules as we begin to return to normal operations.
Drew Tanner Director of Fitness
Although we will not yet be able to offer classes inside the Fitness Center, we will be continuing our Virtual Fitness Classes. Many members are taking advantage of these free programs and are getting the whole family up and moving. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to check out these classes, we welcome you to join in the fun. Our schedule of virtual classes appears on the next page. Keep moving! Exercise improves our bodies, mental health and mood! Stay well! Drew Tanner Director of Fitness
Drew Tanner Director of Fitness
Sarah Stout Personal Trainer
Wes Buntenbach Jenny Musgrave Personal Group Exercise Trainer Instructor
Julie Brookings Group Exercise Instructor
Kelly Hrisak Group Exercise Instructor
Page 9
Vinyasa Yoga Mondays 9a to 9:40a Join Yoga Instructor and National member, Jenny Musgrave, for Vinyasa Yoga. This class focuses on a variety of poses, proper alignment and linking movement with breath. All levels welcome!
LINK: j/2183390117
Bootcamp Wednesdays & Fridays 9a to 10a Bootcamp will keep your heart rate and your calorie burn high! Julie Brookings, Group Exercise Instructor and National member, leads this efficient workout mix of total body strength exercises with fat-blasting cardio intervals.
Mind-Body Balance Tuesdays & Thursdays 9a to 9:40a
Experience a completely different class each week with Kelly Hrisak, Group Exercise Instructor. Class includes yoga poses, yoga with weights, Pilates mix, toning exercises and lowimpact cardio to boost your cardiovascular health and keep your mind young!
576 091 5545
218 339 0117
ID NUMBER: 658 001 910
Who is eligible to take the virtual fitness classes? The National is proud to offer these classes, free of charge, to EVERYONE . We believe it is extremely important for all of us to keep moving and get plenty of exercise for our physical and mental well-being during this stressful time.
It has it been a while since I've worked out. Can I still participate?
Absolutely. Each instructor will show you how to modify the class to meet your experience level. Based on what size weights you use, you may personally tailor the workout to make it as easy or as difficult as you would like.
What equipment will I need?
It is ideal to have a yoga mat, light weights (2-15 pound weights are recommended, depending on your fitness level) and a hand towel. If you do not have weights, use water bottles or canned goods. Instead of yoga blocks, use a small book or box.
What if I do not have the right equipment?
If you do not have weights, use two full water bottles or canned goods. Instead of yoga blocks, use a small book or box.
How do I join a class?
The website address for each class will need to be typed into your web browser address panel. Once you enter the website address, you should be directed to the ZOOM website. Then, enter the appropriate ID Number.
What if I have problems joining a class or the link won’t work?
If you are experiencing any problems joining a class with the link provided, please contact Director of Fitness, Drew Tanner, at 401.316.5659 or email him at Drew will help “troubleshoot” your problem. Page 10
Carolina Mayorga-Perry Tennis Professional 816.746.0200, ext. 196 Cell: 816.550.0475
Game-based clinic with focus on strategy and positioning for the game of doubles. High school players welcome! Minimum 4 players required. $75 for 4-week session. Summer Session: June 1st-June27th or June 29th-July 25th Wednesdays 8a-9a; register by May 15th
For players with some experience or just starting out. Focus on stroke technique and practice consistency. Minimum 4 players required. $75 for 4-week session. Summer Session: June 1st-June 27th or June 29th-July 25th Mondays 9a-10a; register by May 15th
High-intensity workout to start your weekend. All levels welcome. Minimum 4 players required. $75 for 4-week session. Summer Session: June 1st-June 27th or June 29th-July 25th Saturdays 8a-9a; register by May 15th
Thursday, May 21st and Thursday, June 25th from 6p-7p Gentlemen, come play, meet other tennis players and enjoy a beer courtside! Register by Monday prior to the event.
Friday, June 19th from 5:30p-7p Tennis and drinks courtside with singles and doubles rotating partners. $10 per person. Register by Monday prior to event.
KANSAS CITY JUNIOR TENNIS LEAGUE (KCJTL) Organized team match play for beginning and novice players. This six-week program starts June 1st. Fee of $245 includes weekly practice, matches, dynamic warm-ups for home matches, challenge days and team shirt. A minimum of six players is required per team. Deadline to register is May 10th.
KCJTL DATES TO KNOW Last day to register .................. May 10th JTL League play begins .......... June 1st JTL Tournament ....................... July 13th, 15th and 17th
PRE-CAMP: May 26th, 28th and 29th
Get ready for our novice team tennis season as we practice scoring, rallying and learning the rules of tennis. Register by May 18th. Ages 12 and Under: 9a-10a Ages 10 and Under: 10a-11a Fee: $20 per junior per day (must register for at least two days)
PRACTICE AND MATCH SCHEDULES Ages 13 and Up Tuesday Practices 11a Thursday Matches 12:45p-3p Ages 12 and Under Friday Practices 10a Tuesday Matches 12:45p-3p Ages 10 and Under Thursday Practices 10a Monday Matches 12:45p-2:30p Challenge Matches Wednesdays and Fridays 11a
Contact Carolina to register: 816.550.0475 Page 11
USTA Net Generation Program Scaling the game down to their size (court, racquets and special balls) helps make the learning process easier and a lot more fun! The kids will develop motor skills and strengthen physical ability while they have fun, learn teamwork and acquire leadership skills. To ensure proper development, students must sign up for at least two days per week. Based on skill level, groups work 30 minutes on skills and 30 minutes on instructional match play.
JUNIOR TENNIS CARNIVAL Saturday, May 23rd from 10:30a-11:30a A FREE MEMBER EVENT! Fun tennis games for kids ages 7 to 10 of all levels. Register by May 18th. THE NATIONAL SINGLES JUNIOR TOURNAMENT Saturday, August 8th starting at 8:30a Orange Ball coed event; short format; Round Robin. Minimum of 2 matches. No ad scoring. Fee: $10.
choose from two sessions:
4-Week Session I: June 1st-June 27th Register by May 15th 4-Week Session II: June 29th-July 25th Register by June 15th Cost per Session: $150 twice per week Little Stars — ages 5 to 6 Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15a-10a
Red Ball on 60x18-foot court with 45-minute lessons Rising Stars — ages 8 and under Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9a-10a
Orange Ball on 60x18-foot court with hour-long lessons Orange Crushers — ages 10 and under Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10a-11a
Orange Ball on 60x36-foot court with hour-long lessons Green Smashers — ages 12 and under Wednesdays and Fridays from 10a-11a
OPEN PLAY — Saturdays at 11a April-October PICKLEBALL MIXER — Saturday, July 3rd at 4:30p
Come try this fast-growing, very fun sport! Singles and doubles rotate partners. All levels welcome. Register by Monday prior to the event.
Save the date for these Pickleball events:
Pickleball Mixer..................September 17th at 5:30p Family Championship .....September 5th at 9a
Green Dot Ball on full-sized court with hour-long lessons Teen Tennis — ages 13 and up Wednesdays and Fridays from 10a-11a
Yellow Ball on full-sized court with hour-long lessons Contact Carolina to register: 816.550.0475
TENNIS INSTRUCTION Private and semi-private lessons available. Fees: $59 for one-hour private lesson $40 for 30-minute private lesson $220 for package of four one-hour private lessons RACQUET STRINGING Racquet stringing is available at The National with prices range from $30-45, depending on string selection. Please contact Carolina at 816.550.0475 to make arrangements.
Page 12
CANCELLATION POLICY In order to provide better service to our members, the following policies will be adhered to: Clinics can no longer be pro-rated. Your account will be charged prior to the start of a session; no refunds can be made. You must cancel your private lesson at least 24 hours in advance or your account will be charged. A minimum of six participants is needed each time for an event to be held. A $10 fee applies for late event/clinic registrations. Times and days may be subject to change. If there are less than three participants in a clinic, it will be cancelled or rescheduled. Rain outs may be rescheduled during weekends.
STAFF DIRECTORY The National Clubhouse Information or reservations: 816.746.0200 Golf Shop 816.741.0634 Steve Shrawder Club President 816.505.4250 Matt Bashara Chief Operating Officer Lori Pillatzke Controller 816.505.4289 Gary Sailer, CGCS Director of Golf Course Maintenance 816.505.4262 Nic Ingram Director of Golf 816.505.4251 Josh Nahm Director of Instruction 910.610.7094 Kyle Golos PGA Head Golf Professional 303.808.0869
These National associates are celebrating a company anniversary this month. Please help us recognize and congratulate these team members! Diana Miller Cooper — 7 years Jasmine Jones — 5 years Richard Partridge — 4 years Andrew Tanner — 4 years Michael Cardiff — 3 years Taylor Osborn — 3 years Elizabeth Eastin — 3 years
Meyer Parsons — 2 years Jack Meyers — 2 years Geraughty Badger — 1 year Tyler Klee — 1 year Ana Perez — 1 year Lori Pillatzke — 1 year Fola Robinson — 1 year
COVER PHOTO: Thank you to Gary Sailer, Director of Golf Course Maintenance for this amazing view of The National. If you have a “coverworthy” photo of the course or Clubhouse that you personally took, please email it to: Diana Miller Cooper Communications and Marketing Leader
Jack Meyers Director of Food & Beverage 816.746.0200, ext. 137 Denise Mahon Senior Sales and Event Planner 816.746.0200, ext. 111 Andrew (Drew) Tanner Director of Fitness 816.505.4254 Carolina Mayorga-Perry Tennis Professional 816.550.0475 Jill Saura Licensed Massage Therapist 816.820.5455
Here’s a look at what’s coming up at the Club: Summer Tennis Session I Begins ......................... June 1st-June 27th Kansas City Junior Tennis League Begins ........ Monday, June 1st Tennis Doubles Mixer ............................................ Friday, June 19th Men’s Tennis Night ................................................ Thursday, June 25th Summer Tennis Session II Begins ........................ June 29th-July 25th Pickleball Mixer ..................................................... Saturday, July 3rd Dates are subject to change
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