Dear Whummle Participant,
On behalf of the members and staff, welcome to Loch Lloyd Country Club and the 2024 Whummle! The history of this event dates back to an early Scottish tradition.
In an era of territorial fights and bloody battles, ancient Scottish clans from numerous isles ceased violence and came together to compete in challenges of athleticism and strength. After one clan achieved supremacy, the competition concluded and the celebrating and feasting commenced. This gathering, known as the “Whummle Oer d’Loch,” or “war across the lake,” became a tradition in ancient Scotland and replaced the bloody fights between the warring clans with celebration and goodwill.
Our Whummle Oer d’Loch has taken on the old Scottish tradition of competition, celebration and friendship. The 2024 Whummle marks the 32nd edition of the Club’s signature event and we are excited that you could join us for three great days of golf, fellowship and fun.
If we may be of service to you or fulfill any request during the event, please allow our staff to assist you. Play well and thank you for competing!
See you on the 1st and 10th tee,
Sean Hanna Director of Golf Jeremy Dear Head Golf ProfessionalThe field will be divided into clans (flights) of six teams. Each team will compete in five nine-hole matches (two matches Thursday, two matches Friday, and one match Saturday), against the other teams in their clan … earning points for each match. The best net ball will be scored on each hole.
All matches must play the full nine holes. Teams will earn one point for a hole that is won, zero points for a hole that is halved, and minus one point for a hole that is lost. A maximum of five points can be earned or lost in each match. The clan (flight) winner will be determined by the team with the highest point total.
In the event of a tie for first place within a clan, head-to-head points in the match played between the teams will be the first tie-breaking method. If there is still a tie, then the result of the match against the third-place team will determine the winner. If there is still a tie, teams will proceed to the fourthplace team, etc. If a tie still exists after all tie-breaking procedures, a chip-off will determine first place in the clan. All other ties will stand and monies will be split.
If a team is late for their starting time and the match is underway, loss of points will be one per hole not played. If one player is late, his teammate will play and score for the team. When the missing team or player arrives, they may join the match after the hole that is underway has been completed.
Any ball within 18 inches is considered to be “good.” There is a piece of green tape affixed to all flagsticks. If your ball is touching or inside the tape, the putt is good.
If a team drops out of the event, there will be a maximum win or loss of two-and-a-half points if a replacement team is not found. If a member or guest drops out, the Rules Committee will attempt to replace the player with one of comparable handicap.
In the event of an uneven number of teams within a clan, it will be deemed necessary to play a match versus “Par.”
If play is suspended due to unplayable course conditions or inclement weather, the Rules Committee will decide whether play will resume within one hour from the time it was suspended. If play cannot be continued, the equivalent number of holes completed by teams in a given clan will be used for scoring. Side wagers with teams from outside the clan will be cancelled if equivalent matches are not completed.
If at any time a match falls behind the group in front of them by more than a hole and a half, the match will be considered out of position by the Rules Committee. If a match is out of position, the match will be asked to skip the following hole and that hole will be halved.
The Whummle Champion will be determined Saturday afternoon by the Donnybrook Shootout, featuring the winning team from each clan. The format for the Donnybrook Shootout will be alternate shot sudden death playoff from the 18th fairway. Qualifying teams may not substitute players.
USGA rules shall govern all play with the following exceptions for local rules:
Tees: The tournament tee will be the green (member) tees. Gentlemen 60 years or older have the option to play the green/white combo tees. Gentlemen 70 years or older have the option to play the white tees. White stakes mark out-of-bounds and red stakes/paint define Penalty Areas.
Putts may be conceded for match play purposes; balls counting for day money and/or skins must be holed. Yardage devices are permissible. Please turn in scorecards to the Professional Golf Staff immediately following play.
In the event of a rules question, play a second ball and the Rules Committee will make a decision immediately following play.
All members and guests with USGA indices are slope-adjusted to our course, using their handicap, according to their May 29th, 2024 index. Teams with a handicap differential greater than eight strokes will have their course handicap adjusted by 10%. The Rules Committee will review the handicaps of all players and reserves the right to adjust players at their discretion. A maximum course handicap of 36 will be allowed for the event.
Golf Shop credit will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place teams within each clan. In the event of a tie, please refer to the tiebreaking method in the Rules of Engagement section.
Sal Belfonte & Johnathan Dold
MacAndrews Clan
Sal Belfonte & Johnathan Dold
MacBarkley Clan
Sean McGrevey & Bryant Crouch
MacCarter Clan
Jerry Schaefer & Dave Newman
MacDowd Clan
Doug Gaumer and Scott Coons
MacErnie Clan
John Walczuk & Michael Walczuk
MacFarland Clan
Michael Coughlin & Chris Dowdy
MacGregor Clan
Brent Draper & Sean McNicholas
MacHeath Clan
Brent Elder & Card Sappington
MacIntyre Clan
Jordan Dreiling & Bob Underwood
MacJoseph Clan
Justin Mahoney & Derek Fricke
Closest-to-the-Hole: #2, #5, #11 and #13
Payout: $100
One winner will be paid out on each hole Thursday and Friday. The tee shot must be on the green to qualify.
Payout: The remaining money in the pool will be used to pay Winners of the shootout.
Each team may enter an optional Player’s Pool for $200 per team. There will be three places in each clan paid each day, based on the best team points for the day within the clan. All ties will be split and the monies will be distributed at the Saturday evening party. In the event of inclement weather and should the round not be completed, that day’s purse will be rolled into the following day’s purse. If the final round cannot be completed, that day’s money will be refunded to the players.
Round 33%
12PM - 5PM 3PM 5PM
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Registration is Open in the Formal Dining Room
The Skirmish Shotgun Starts Dinner on the Event Lawn
Calcutta Auction on the Event Lawn
7AM - 9AM
8AM - 10:30AM
9:30AM - 11:50AM
10:30AM - 3PM
12PM - 2:10PM
4PM - 8PM
5PM - 10PM
Breakfast at the Practice Facility
Stretch Zone at the Practice Facility
First Match at Holes #1 and #10
Food Trucks - Smoke & Soule at #1 and Twisted Taters at #10
Second Match at Holes #1 and #10
Putting Contest and more
Stag Dinner on the Event Lawn
7AM - 9AM
7:30AM - 10:30AM
8AM - 10:30AM
9:30AM - 11:50AM
10:30AM - 3PM
11AM - 3PM
12PM - 2:20PM
Breakfast at the Practice Facility
IV Drip Stations in the Clubhouse Foyer
Stretch Zone at the Practice Facility
Third Match at Holes #1 and #10
Food Trucks - Irvzilla at #1 and Bryce’s
Food Truck at #10
Spouses Day at the Pool
Fourth Match at Holes #1 and #10
7AM - 9AM
7:30AM - 10:30AM
9:30AM - 11:50AM
10:30AM - 3PM
2PM - 4:30PM
6PM - 7:30PM
7:30PM - 9PM
Breakfast at the Practice Facility
IV Drip Stations in the Clubhouse Foyer
Fifth Match at Holes #1 and #10
Food Truck - Dispatch Pizza at #1
Donnybrook Shootout on the 18th
Cocktail Hour in the Clubhouse
Celebration Dinner in the Clubhouse
Concert on the Event Lawn Featuring Issac Harris