Mõ Ventus House - Combined Wind Power & Shape Shifting Transformative House - by FIXd

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{Mōtus} mōtus , ūs, m. moveo, I. a moving, motion (freq. and class.). I. Lit. A. In gen., motion, movement, moving, move, inspiration, “orbes, qui versantur contrario motu,” Cic. Rep. 6, 17, 17: “deus motum dedit caelo,” id. Univ. 6: “natura omnia ciens et agitans motibus et mutationibus suis,” id. N. D. 3, 11, 27: “motus astrorum ignoro,” Juv. 3, 42.—Poet.: “futuri,” departure, Verg. A. 4, 297: “sub Aurorae primos excedere motus,” Luc. 4, 734: “crebri terrae,” i. e. earthquakes, Curt. 4, 4, 20; 8, 11, 2.—

B. In partic., artistic movement, gesticulation, dancing: “haud indecoros motus more Tusco dabant,” gesticulated, Liv. 7, 2: “Ionici,” dances, Hor. C. 3, 6, 21: “Cereri dare motūs,” to perform dances, dance, Verg. G 1, 350: “palaestrici,” the motions of wrestlers, Cic. Off. 1, 36, 130. —Of the gestures of an orator, Cic. Brut. 30, 116.—Of military movements, evolutions: “ut ad motūs concursūsque essent leviores,” Nep. Iph. 1, 4.—

C. Transf., a stage in the growth of a plant: “tres esse motūs in vite, seu potius in surculo, naturales: unum quo germinet: alterum quo floreat: tertium quo maturescat,” Col. 4, 28, 2.—

{Ventus} ventulus -i, m. a wind. ventus -i, m. wind. ventito : to come often, to visit frequently. ventosus : full of wind, windy, breezy. ventulus : breeze, soft wind.

ventus, i, m. Sanscr. vā, blow; vatas, wind; Gr. root α-, ω, ημι, to blow; whence ήρ, αρα, etc.; Goth. vaia, to breathe; vinds, wind

I. wind (syn.: aura, flamen). I. Lit.: “ventus est aëris fluens unda cum incerta motus redundantia, etc.,” Vitr. 1, 6; cf. Quint. 12, 10, 67; Plin. 2, 47, 46, § 120;

II. Trop., the wind, as a symbol of fortune (favorable or unfavorable), fame, applause, etc.: quicumque venti erunt, ars certe nostra non aberit, however the winds may blow, i. e. whatever circumstances may arise, Cic. Fam. 12, 25, 5: alios ego vidi ventos; “alias prospexi animo procellas,” id. Pis. 9, 21; cf.: “cujus (Caesaris) nunc venti valde sunt secundi,”




+ M MĹ?tus





= MV MĹ? Ventus

+ M Mōtus




= MV




M� Ventus House copyright © 2012 - 2023

Mō Ventus






MŌTUS: Characteristics




VENTUS: Characteristics








MŌ VENTUS: Site Plan




GALLERY: topography types









details, project team, materials and sources


engineer - arup


architectural agent - ryan ole hass


M MĹ?tus

{Mōtus} mōtus , ūs, m. moveo, I. a moving, motion (freq. and class.). I. Lit. A. In gen., motion, movement, moving, move, inspiration, “orbes, qui versantur contrario motu,” Cic. Rep. 6, 17, 17: “deus motum dedit caelo,” id. Univ. 6: “natura omnia ciens et agitans motibus et mutationibus suis,” id. N. D. 3, 11, 27: “motus astrorum ignoro,” Juv. 3, 42.—Poet.: “futuri,” departure, Verg. A. 4, 297: “sub Aurorae primos excedere motus,” Luc. 4, 734: “crebri terrae,” i. e. earthquakes, Curt. 4, 4, 20; 8, 11, 2.—

B. In partic., artistic movement, gesticulation, dancing: “haud indecoros motus more Tusco dabant,” gesticulated, Liv. 7, 2: “Ionici,” dances, Hor. C. 3, 6, 21: “Cereri dare motūs,” to perform dances, dance, Verg. G 1, 350: “palaestrici,” the motions of wrestlers, Cic. Off. 1, 36, 130. —Of the gestures of an orator, Cic. Brut. 30, 116.—Of military movements, evolutions: “ut ad motūs concursūsque essent leviores,” Nep. Iph. 1, 4.—

C. Transf., a stage in the growth of a plant: “tres esse motūs in vite, seu potius in surculo, naturales: unum quo germinet: alterum quo floreat: tertium quo maturescat,” Col. 4, 28, 2.—

{Ventus} ventulus -i, m. a wind. ventus -i, m. wind. ventito : to come often, to visit frequently. ventosus : full of wind, windy, breezy. ventulus : breeze, soft wind.

ventus, i, m. Sanscr. vā, blow; vatas, wind; Gr. root α-, ω, ημι, to blow; whence ήρ, αρα, etc.; Goth. vaia, to breathe; vinds, wind

I. wind (syn.: aura, flamen). I. Lit.: “ventus est aëris fluens unda cum incerta motus redundantia, etc.,” Vitr. 1, 6; cf. Quint. 12, 10, 67; Plin. 2, 47, 46, § 120;

II. Trop., the wind, as a symbol of fortune (favorable or unfavorable), fame, applause, etc.: quicumque venti erunt, ars certe nostra non aberit, however the winds may blow, i. e. whatever circumstances may arise, Cic. Fam. 12, 25, 5: alios ego vidi ventos; “alias prospexi animo procellas,” id. Pis. 9, 21; cf.: “cujus (Caesaris) nunc venti valde sunt secundi,”

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"Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their attention on the building as a static object. I believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces and environmental condition." Enric Miralles Moya

"There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind." Annie Dillard

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M� Ventus House copyright Š 2012 - 2017

M�TUS CHARACTERISTICS This private residence has two definitive characteristics: 1) (Mõ; Mõtus - moving, movement, motion) External transformation of the main living area through movement of screens and insulated shells that allow for control over day-lighting, heat gain, openness, and privacy. 2) Offers the choice of immersion in nature by creating a transformative all-glass (glass walls, floor & ceiling) enclosed main living area. A challenge to maximize sustainable features while not losing the soul of the house. Many sustainable homes are super insulated and as a result are super opaque -- with limited glazing and therefore limited views out and interaction with the surrounding environment. This house attempts to find a new balance of spatial quality, embracing nature and using mechanical means to alter exposure and heat gain when needed.



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"A house is a machine for living in." Le Corbusier



Transformative environments via large retractable screens and shells at living and dining areas.

(Mõtus: moving, motion, movement) The operation of the moving screens and shells of the two highly glazed areas of the office and the living/dining area are best understood as analogous to removing layers of clothing with regard to change in weather; both of these areas feature moving shells, screens and glass panels that provide variable levels of privacy, day-lighting, heat gain and air flow. The living/dining area has virtually unlimited combinations of screen and shell positions. The screens and shells ride on tracks and are automatically retracted as desired, producing a completely transformative environment at the owners whim or can be set automatically to adjust to changing climatic variables. The cantilevered office/studio also has unlimited configurations of screen and shell positions. The glass sides can also be rolled back creating a virtual open-air office. Adjusting the office's climatic and privacy control systems will be analogous to and as convenient as adjusting the comfort settings on one's office chair.

"I don't like definitions, but if there is a definition of freedom, it would be when you have control over your reality to transform it, to change it, rather than having it imposed upon you.You can't really ask for more than that." Mark Knopfler

"Architecture begins where engineering ends." Walter Gropius

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V Ventus

M� Ventus House copyright © 2012

“Cereri dare motūs,” to perform dances, dance, Verg. G 1, 350: “palaestrici,” the motions of wrestlers, Cic. Off. 1, 36, 130. —Of the gestures of an orator, Cic. Brut. 30, 116.—Of military movements, evolutions: “ut ad motūs concursūsque essent leviores,” Nep. Iph. 1, 4.—

C. Transf., a stage in the growth of a plant: “tres esse motūs in vite, seu potius in surculo, naturales: unum quo germinet: alterum quo floreat: tertium quo maturescat,” Col. 4, 28, 2.—

{Ventus} ventulus -i, m. a wind. ventus -i, m. wind. ventito : to come often, to visit frequently. ventosus : full of wind, windy, breezy. ventulus : breeze, soft wind.

ventus, i, m. Sanscr. vā, blow; vatas, wind; Gr. root α-, ω, ημι, to blow; whence ήρ, αρα, etc.; Goth. vaia, to breathe; vinds, wind

I. wind (syn.: aura, flamen). I. Lit.: “ventus est aëris fluens unda cum incerta motus redundantia, etc.,” Vitr. 1, 6; cf. Quint. 12, 10, 67; Plin. 2, 47, 46, § 120;

II. Trop., the wind, as a symbol of fortune (favorable or unfavorable), fame, applause, etc.: quicumque venti erunt, ars certe nostra non aberit, however the winds may blow, i. e. whatever circumstances may arise, Cic. Fam. 12, 25, 5: alios ego vidi ventos; “alias prospexi animo procellas,” id. Pis. 9, 21; cf.: “cujus (Caesaris) nunc venti valde sunt secundi,”



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VENTUS CHARACTERISTICS This private residence has four definitive characteristics: 1) (MĂľ; MĂľtus - moving, movement, motion) External transformation of the office/studio through movement of screens and insulated shells that allow for control over day-lighting, heat gain, openness, and privacy. 2) Functions as a zero-energy design capable of being built in remote, on- or off-the-grid locations, with wind (Ventus) and sunlight being the major energy suppliers. 3) Offers the choice of immersion in nature by creating a transformative all-glass (glass walls, floor & ceiling) enclosed main living area and office. A challenge to maximize sustainable features while not losing the soul of the house. Many sustainable homes are super insulated and as a result are super opaque -- with limited glazing and therefore limited views out and interaction with the surrounding environment. This house attempts to find a new balance of spatial quality, embracing nature and using mechanical means to alter exposure and heat gain when needed. 4) Provides a contemplative and quiet yet stimulating home office/studio that is physically isolated (via an open air cantilever bridge) while visually and psychologically connected to the rest of the house.



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VENTUS: SUSTAINABLE FEATURES (Ventus:Wind, Breeze) This private residence is organized so as to embrace and utilize the features of a unique landscape and dramatic sloping site. The topographically integrated cup form is sited towards prevailing winds and is designed to increase wind speed and resultant energy five-fold. The resultant wind-produced energy is stored for later use via hydrogen fuel cells. A 218’ pool of water is situated at the edge of the house along the ridge and two other pools provide micro-climate cooling. A pergola of photovoltaics run the length of the house, and the decking on the face of the cup is constructed of composite photovoltaics. A vegetative rooftop garden and other sustainable building systems and materials are integral to the design. Heating, cooling and day-lighting of the fully glazed “home office” and main living area can be actively micro-managed with fully retractable insulated shells and sunscreens. The photovoltaic array, four embedded bi-directional wind turbines, and fuel cells provide power to meet all operational needs enabling the house to be remotely located off the grid.

Cross sections through wind turbines.

What is a sustainable development? A. “Sustainable means using methods, systems and materials that won’t deplete resources or harm natural cycles” (Rosenbaum, 1993).

Roof, Lap & Lounge Micro-Climate Pools and Photovoltaic Pergola

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B. Sustainability “identifies a concept and attitude in development that looks at a site’s natural land, water, and energy resources as integral aspects of the development” (Vieira,1993) C. “Sustainability integrates natural systems with human patterns and celebrates continuity, uniqueness and placemaking” Sustainable developments are those which fulfill present and future needs while [only] using and not harming renewable resources and unique human-environmental systems of a site: [air], water, land, energy, and human ecology and/or those of other [off-site] sustainable systems (Rosenbaum 1993 and Vieria 1993). Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment and this philosophy is at the heart of Ventus.

UNIQUE FEATURES Among the innovations and unique features of this home, the most identifying and perhaps iconic feature of the house is the huge wind (ventus) cup, which captures wind energy for fuel cell storage. In the spirit of the most rigorous modern design manifestos it’s elegant curve is both beautiful and supremely functional. A one of a kind residential form without precedent. Also prominent and exclusive to this house is the cantilevered office space (a nostalgic nod to Frank Gehry’s Venice Beach Home and Office for screenwriter and director Bill Norton). Ventus’s office is again a one of a kind office space without precedent in regards to the cantilever and tranformative apparatuses. This office space is an unusual workspace, allowing one to be literally and fully in the world while simultaneously, via cantilever, isolated from its distractions, creating an inspirational yet highly productive working environment. A few extra and somewhat atypical house features are: beach access via a fun yet functional interior tube slide (cp. Carsten Holler's 5-story Tate Modern tube slide, London). Proposed commission from Carsten Holler and integrated from the upper most reaches of the house to the beach with several entry points between. Another feature is an outdoor amphitheater built into the lower half of the Ventus cup with radiant

heat step seating and a hydraulically risen weatherproof 25' diagonal flat screen for group movie screening or other digital media events with a stunning ocean/water backdrop (cp. Zurichhorn; Open Air Cinema) This deck area also contains cooking pits and a built-in dining table and seating for entertaining. On account of the floor plan’s linear configuration of bedrooms along the top edge, the footprint of the residence can range between 5,000-12,000 square feet depending on the owners desired final configuration and actual site conditions. The house is designed to be holistically balanced and technologically driven, but seductively designed, sited, and detailed.

Zurichhorn; Open Air Cinema

Tate Modern Tube Slide, London



Tate Modern - London

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Cantilevered open-air walkway to Office/Studio

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Transformative environments via large retractable screens and shells at office/studio.

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(Mõtus: moving, motion, movement) The operation of the moving screens and shells of the fully glazed area of the office is best understood as analogous to removing layers of clothing with regard to change in weather; this areas features moving shells, screens and glass panels that provide variable levels of privacy, day-lighting, heat gain and air flow. The screens and shells ride on tracks and are automatically retracted as desired, producing a completely transformative environment at the owners whim or can be set automatically to adjust to changing climatic variables. The cantilevered office/studio also has unlimited configurations of screen and shell positions. The glass sides can also be rolled back creating a virtual open-air office. Adjusting the office's climatic and privacy control systems will be analogous to and as convenient as adjusting the comfort settings on one's office chair.



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= MV MĹ? Ventus

Mďż˝ VENTUS CHARACTERISTICS This private residence has four definitive characteristics: 1) (MĂľ; MĂľtus - moving, movement, motion) External transformation of the main living area and office/studio through movement of screens and insulated shells that allow for control over day-lighting, heat gain, openness, and privacy. 2) Functions as a zero-energy design capable of being built in remote, on- or off-the-grid locations, with wind (Ventus) and sunlight being the major energy suppliers. 3) Offers the choice of immersion in nature by creating a transformative all-glass (glass walls, floor & ceiling) enclosed main living area and office. A challenge to maximize sustainable features while not losing the soul of the house. Many sustainable homes are super insulated and as a result are super opaque -- with limited glazing and therefore limited views out and interaction with the surrounding environment. This house attempts to find a new balance of spatial quality, embracing nature and using mechanical means to alter exposure and heat gain when needed. 4) Provides a contemplative and quiet yet stimulating home office/studio that is physically isolated (via an open air cantilever bridge) but quite visually and psychologically connected to the rest of the house.

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Living Room

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Living Room toward Kitchen



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Living & Dining Area



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Screened Porch looking from Kitchen

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Screened Porch



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Todd Fix's architecture will often blend high technology features with quality of life sensitivities -- incorporating technology to enhance human habitation, interpersonal interactions and personal comfort, while fostering a greater sense of place. Mõ Ventus is an attempt to create intimate human scaled spaces while being simultaneously open to the expansiveness of nature -- as seen in the fully glazed cantilevered office/ studio and living areas of this project. Fix’s observations of landscapes, combined with his interest in natural systems, sociology, philosophy, evolutionary science and art, has resulted in a commitment to humanity and the environment, which he is demonstrating in the field of architecture. He is fascinated by the potential of designed buildings and their landscapes to reconnect, express and teach about the natural systems that sustain them. In the broadest sense, his work is committed to the ideal that architecture is a material and social art that cunningly engages with the visual, social and political history and culture of which it is an active part. Designing environments that explore the interface between the social and physical, between convention and invention, between art and construction. The underlying thesis for MõVentus is that great architecture should deepen human experience, engage our most rudimentary rituals, while also elevating our awareness of a larger, evolving world. This project acknowledges “architecture” as an act of relations, as a relational and deeply situational art where symbolic and real space can meet.Toward these ends, the project seeks to produce or uncover moments of doubt and mystery that mark experience as unique and authentic, as more than mere understanding and presence, where deeper confrontations and conflicts and new social-cultural possibilities, ways of seeing, might emerge.



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LIST OF SOME SUITABLE INTERNATIONAL SITES for M� VENTUS The house is best suited for fresh- or saltwater beachfront locations with moderate slopes and temperate climates, but can be easily modified for inland mountain topography with tropical or alpine climates. Coastal California Paradise Valley, Arizona Lake Tahoe Sonoma, California Palm Springs, California Trancoso, Brazil Ibiza, Spain Capri, Italy Crete, Greece Punta Del Este, Uruguay Maldives Parrot Cay, Turks & Caicos Islands Harbour Island, Bahamas Oracabessa, Jamaica Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica (Four Seasons) Barbados Turtle Island, Fiji Bora Bora, Tahiti Anguilla St. Tropez, France Allen Island, Washington, US Beverly Hills, California Hawaiian Islands Scotland Hong Kong Krabi, Thailand Aspen, Colorado Telluride, Colorado Jackson Hole, Wyoming Stowe, Vermont Hainan Island, China Davos, Switzerland Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Mexico City

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TODD FIX & Mďż˝ VENTUS Todd Fix is known by his colleagues for his ability to think unconventionally and for creating innovative one-off solutions for projects with complex programmatic criteria. His strength lies in his ability to see beyond an accepted paradigm and to discover new uses for old technologies as well as a continuous search for interesting implementations of new technologies. Learning about the art of architecture from educators at Harvard, MIT, University of Nebraska (Lincoln), Architecture Association (London) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH (Zurich) has given him an uniquely broad perspective. He has worked for and learned from many of the most influential architects in New England and Switzerland. While working in these distinguished practices Fix has garnered a range of architectural experience including public infrastructure projects, multi-family housing, museum & exhibit design, mixed-use commercial buildings, urban design, and single family residential designs. He utilizes his more than twenty years of experience in architecture to inform his current research. Research that spans the areas of design, construction methodologies, healthy construction practices, material research and green technology. MĂľ Ventus is the most current embodiment of these research ideas.



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The project is heavy in green technology and is designed to function as a zero-energy house.

*All firms and manufacturers listed are those currently proposed and are subject to change.

Construction costs are estimated at $3,500,000 to $10,000,000 USD. (dependent on client needs, modifications, site configurations, and local costs)

Architect of Record: Sebastian Mariscal Studio, sebastianmariscal.com Electrical, fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, and structural engineer: Arup, arup.com Civil engineering and stormwater management: Nitsch Engineering, nitscheng.com Code consultant: Philip R. Sherman Cost estimator: Faithful+Gould, fgould.com Geothermal engineer: Haley & Aldrich, haleyaldrich.com Façade engineering and thermal performance: Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, sgh.com Landscape architect: Carol R. Johnson Associates, crja.com Materials handling: SEA Consultants, seacon.com Specifications consultant: Kalin Associates, kalinassociates.com Sustainable design: Atelier Ten, atelierten.com

Building Gross Floor Area: 5,000 -12,000 square feet. Existing & Potential Spaces: (Dependent on Client Desire and Site Limitations) · 1 - 6 bedrooms · 3-8 bathrooms · office/studio · au pair suite · 3-10 car garage · 1-2 bedroom guest house w/ independent 2-car garage · lap pool · lounge pool · tennis court · dog run · indoor climbing wall · indoor basketball half-court · gym with an attached sauna · steam room and shower · beach shower · outdoor movie screen, disappearing hydraulic flat screen @ beach · terraced amphitheatre/deck seating · outdoor grill · screened porch/outdoor room · wine cellar · rooftop deck & pool · spa with overlook towards water · rooftop garden.

The website url mo-ventus.com will take you to the temporary website which provides additional visual information, including nearly 50 renderings and 3 videos showing animation of screen & shell movement.


MATERIALS AND SOURCES Carpet: InterfaceFlor, interfaceflor.com Ceilings: Rulon International, rulonco.com, 9Wood, 9wood.com Concrete, masonry, and stone: The Briar Hill Stone Co., briarhillstone.com Curtainwall: Kawneer, kawneer.com, Schüco, schueco.com Exterior wall systems: Cascadia Windows, cascadiawindows.com Furnishings: Bernhardt Design, bernhardtdesign.com; Fairhaven Furniture, fairhaven-furniture.com; Kusch+Co, kusch.com; Pompanoosuc Mills, pompy.com; Steelcase, steelcase.com Glass: Viracon, www.viracon.com, PPG Industries, ppg.com HVAC: Menerga, menerga.co.uk; Silenceair, silenceair.com Lighting: Access Lighitng Co., accesslighting.com; Gammalux Systems, gam malux.com; Nessen Lighitng, nessenlighting.com Photovoltaics: Spire Corp., spirecorp.com; SunPower Corp., us.sunpowercorp.com Paints, finishes, and sealants: Benjamin Moore & Co., benjaminmoore.com Plumbing: SolarUK, solaruk.com Roofing: Follansbee Steel, follansbeeroofing.com; Goodlam, a division of Goodfellow, goodfellowinc.com Windows: Marvin Windows and Doors, marvin.com, Schüco; Kawneer, kawneer.com * All data is estimated.



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ARUP (Project Engineering) Right from the start, Arup was known for its close and exceptionally productive collaborations with leading and avant-garde architects. In its first two decades, the firm expanded rapidly, and earned a formidable reputation for devising advanced and economical solutions for buildings – a reputation it still enjoys today. Arup people are driven to discover new ways to turn ideas into tangible reality. This passion is behind many of the world’s iconic architectural, engineering, infrastructure and planning projects. It is also behind the firm’s relentless pursuit of technical excellence and willingness to invest in research and innovation. Arup’s operating principles and commitment to sustainability are also paramount. In 1946, philosopher and engineer Ove Arup set up his consulting engineering business in London. In the more than 60 years that have followed, the business has grown into an international consulting firm of unparalleled scope. The firm’s portfolio today is broad and wide-ranging. Many of the world’s most iconic sports stadia are Arup projects – such as Beijing’s Water Cube and Bird’s Nest and the Melbourne Rectangular Stadium. Arup now has over 90 offices across Europe, North America, Africa, Australasia and South East Asia. It has tripled in size in the last ten years, and now has over 10,000 people worldwide. 13 Fitzroy Street London W1T 4BQ United Kingdom +44 (0) 20.7636.1531 (p) 12777 West Jefferson Boulevard Suite 200 Los Angeles CA 90066 USA 310.578.4400 (p) www.arup.com

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RYAN OLE HASS Broker | MBA A native to Los Angeles, Ryan began his Real Estate career in 2004 after a successful corporate & private consulting career in Marketing & Business Development. He earned his MBA at the University of Arizona’s acclaimed Center for Entrepreneurship at age 23 with the goal to own a successful business, which he accomplished with his consulting business and now again with his Real Estate business. Ryan’s fun loving personality, witty humor, clear/consistent communication, and no-nonsense approach to business, keep his clients continually referring him business. Ryan truly believes that all his combined business/life experience along with sincerely caring about his clients and their investments/happiness is what makes him successful, and the Best Choice for All of Your Real Estate Needs. Along his journey, Ryan is most proud for the opportunities he has had to serve others, his community, and the Realtor organization. He has served as a mentor for over a decade to those in and outside the real estate community. Ryan’s philanthropic spirit is sincere & unmatched, and you will know that about him if you have spent any time around him. He says he feels best when he can improve the happiness, success, and quality of the lives of others. Current/Recent Servant Leadership * 2020 President | Greater Los Angeles Association of Realtors Vice-Chair – President’s Leadership Forum | California Association of Realtors Political Advocate & MLS Policy Ctte | National Associations of Realtors Board of Directors & Committee Co-Chair | Santa Monica Chamber Young Professionals (2018-2020) Lead Volunteer | Santa Monica Homelessness Steering Committee (2018-2020) Local Business Political Advocacy Liaison | BizFed Los Angeles (2018-2020) * 2019 President-Elect | Beverly Hills Greater Los Angeles Association of Realtors Vice-Chair MLS Policy & Board of Directors | California Association of Realtors Cadet | Santa Monica Police Department, Community Police Academy Chairman’s Award Recipient | Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce

323.893.7253 (mobile) CA BRE #01417826




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FIXd Architecture/Design Todd Fix

Boston, USA Bangkok, Thailand Zurich, Switzerland 391 Walnut Street Newton, MA 02460 United States 72 Rama 6 Soi 7 Patumwan, bkk Bangkok, Thailand 10330 781.591.2117 (p) info@moventus.com www.moventus.com




Mõ Ventus House Copyright ©2012 - 2023 by FIXd Architecture/Design (Todd Fix). All rights reserved. Warning: This design is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties.

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