0999 WSD coping mechanisms

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Fri ends& Fami l y


depres s i on

Spendi ngti mewi th goodf ri ends i sguaranteedto bri ngas mi l eto myf ace. You mi ghtnotf eell i ketal ki ng, butgoodf ri endswi l lunders tandthat. Bei tgoi ngf orameal , goi ngto theci nema, s hoppi ng, meeti ngupf oracof f ee, havi ngaduvetdaywatchi ngDVDs , j us tenj oys omes oci alti me!

I fyou ors omeoneyou know i scopi ngwi th problemsi nvol vi ngmentalheal th greatadvi ceand helpcan befound at: www. mi nd. org www. helpgui de. org www. depres s i onalli ance. org F i x e r s i s a c a m p a i g n t h a t h e l p s y o u n g p e o p l e ‘ u s e t h e i r p a s t t ox t h e i r f u t u r e ’ a n d i s p a r t f u n d e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l L o t t e r y t h r o u g h t h e B i g L o t t e r y F u n d T h e s e a r e t h e v i e w s / e x p e r i e n c e s o f a y o u n g p e r s o n a n d s h o u l d n o t b e r e l i e d o n o r s u b s t i t u t e f o r f o r m a l m e d i c a l a d v i c e .


cooki ng &baki ng

DO YOU EVERFEEL. . . *l i keas i tuati on i stoo s tres s f ulto copewi th? *s o anxi ousthatyou cannotdo anythi ng? *l i kethewhol eworl di scras hi ngdown on you? *underpres s uref rom thepeopl ei n yourl i f e? *you j us tneeds ometi meoutto breathe?

You arenotal one! Pl eas ebel i evemethatyou arenotal one. Ihavef el tal lofthes ethi ngs ,andmore. I tmademei ncredi bl yi l l ,to thepoi ntof di ppi ngi n andoutofhos pi talf oradecade. Ihadnooneto turn to,Ihadno i dea whatacopi ngmechani s m was . So mywayto ‘ cope’ ,s ubcons ci ous l y, wasbynoteati ng,s el f harmi ng andi s ol ati ngmys el f .

Ihavef oundthat cooki ngorbaki ng i sagreatwayto keep yours el fdi s tracted, Keepi ngbus yi sagreatway to di s tractyours el f omethi ngnegati ve. From s you s tartto concentrate on thecooki ng,whi ch means thatyou’ renotconcentrati ng on whateveri ti s that’ sbotheri ngyou.

When l i f egi vesyou l emons . . . Reci pef orLemonade: 4l emons 100gf rui ts ugar 1l i tres ti l lor s parkl i ngwater Cutthel emonsi n hal f s queezeoutthei rj ui ce. ui ce Putthel emon j &s ugari nto aj ug, addthewater. Sti rto mi x. then s ervewi th thei ce.

Mygoali sto preventthi s f rom happeni ngto you, whi ch i swhyIam s hari ngwi th you s omeheal thyand f un waysto cope.

Wal ki ngi sthe bes tmedi ci ne Wal ki ngoranyf orm ofexerci s ei sgreatf or themi nd.I treal l ydoes , ‘ cl earthecobwebs ’ asI havedi s covered! You can wal kf ors ome oneti me,orwi th al f ri endsf orf un company. Whynotgi vei tago? Go f orawal k,maybel i s ten to s ome mus i c,perhapsbri ngbacks omethi ngi nteres ti ng tha i ndon yourtravel s ! h tyou mayf

Mus i c-Moonli ghti n theni ghtofli fe Il ovemus i c;Myl i f ewoul dbes o awf ulwi thoutmus i c. Il ovehappymus i c,s admus i c,cl as s i calmus i c, gol den ol di esmus i c,choralmus i c… Il i s ten to mus i cthrough everythi ngIdo.

Turn i tupandl etal l yourworri esand s tres s esoutthrough mus i c!

Thankyou, I ci ngon theBi s cui t:

Couragei n Creati vi ty

Angharad 250gi ci ngs ugar 45teas poonswater Spri nkl es ,chocchi ps , s weets ,mars hmal l ows Bi s cui tse. g.di ges ti ves Thoroughl ymi x thei ci ngs ugar wi th thewater. Decoratethebi s cui ts howeveryou l i ke

Il oveanythi ngcraf tythat keepsmymi ndbus y. You namei t,I ’ l lwantto tryi t– ori gami ;col ouri ngi n; pai ntbynumbers ;f oi ls cratchi ng; Cel ti cdes i gn;watercol our; s s ti tch;crochet; cros acryl i cpai nti ng;charcoaldrawi ng; gl as spai nti ng;cardmaki ng…

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