Depression || The Truth & Signs

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n o i s s depre h o w I l o o k ed

h o w I f e lt

The Truth & Signs

Are you showing symptoms of depression?

I am a youn g pers on who has deal t wit h depr essi on. The only way t o desc ribe it was like a big, bum py r ol ler coaster of emot ions . I went t o t he doct ors and star ted coun sel ling , and now I’m a comp lete ly dif fere nt pers on - I can enjo y life like any youn g pers on shou ld be able t o. W it h t he help of Fixe rs, my gr oup and I want t o rais e awa rene ss of depr essi on; how it can af fect youn g peop le and way s t hat you can deal wit h it.

what depression is

? ?

Depression is a disorder that is best known for low mood, with other symptoms that vary between people.

It can develop gradually or quickly, depending on the individual, and can even be brought on by changes in someone’s life.

Depression isn’t something an individual can “ snap out of ”.

t at p e c c a o t e m E or it w a s ith a rcda mfe o ut o f N O W H ER f i r st a s

Factual content from: /

nearly 80,000 children and young people in great britain suffer from severe depression

signs depression of

I w a s n ’ t s le e p i n g o r e at i n g at a l l!

Loss of appetite

Less or more sleep than normal

Being overly self-critical

Avoiding situations or not wanting to meet with friends Feeling hopeless

Possible feelings of self-harm

Feeling isolated Not wanting to do things you used to enjoy

Feeling tired or not having energy

I felt SO alone. I just wanted t o RUN AWAY fr om my pr oblems and evapor ate fr om realit y Factual content from:

how depression to cope with

I w as ab le t o get t hi ng s ch est , w hi ch re al ly he lpofedf m y !

1 Be Active 2 Give 3 Connect

Talk to someone instead of sending them a text. Maybe speak to someone new?

Try taking the stairs instead of the lift, or going for a walk at lunch time.

Try participating in social and community life - helping others can help you! Factual content from: /

Some of my tips


Maybe tr y taking notice of how t hose ar ound you are feeling.

Research somet hing you’ve al ways been curious about , or lear n a new word! For more information, visit: || ||


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