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pe{or}s {lpeorq srq 'Ecr{y qUoN Jo suesep eql uo pue ado.rng ur reai Iecqeqq€s€ roJ ldecxg 'selsel paruE^PB rar{]o PuE srofetu u€ 'looqcs ursrleurno{ aql ul spuol{ ,{q pepneldde ,{1pe13}nq scltlrc lecol etuos fq urepout .{11rylq8g;pouaap 'saducspuelJo sA\aIAInJroloc u,{\o srq palured uosqocef s.{ep11oq pue srauruns Surrnq '{ro^ ur onbeeT .sluoPnls uY eLIl tuo{ ossnu rol€^les ^\eN pue '8urlured roJ el€I uro{ {c€q SUIETIIIA\ ecuerneT '.uorl€cnpgUv roJ (leqsog) uoxlrf, sepecreq 'uorlerocaq rorrelul :o3 (uo1sar4)1"rry .{qloroq '8ut1etu -lurrd roJ (8uurg) elleuuv eu1 'u8tseq loJ pu€lPunod -,{\eN uro{ (dorp1er11)xne4 ua.{\C 'tolocrals6 pu€ buL4^€rc rlcBal ol EuErsno.Iruo{ eur€c raIIiBN tlllPg 'slepou a^IT rxo{ 8urryo.tr ro3 pue 1q311 Jo slcese Sur8ueqc .{1lue}suocrepun srooplno Surlured roJ rusersnqluasrq per€qs ol{.tt reeu pue reJ uor; fi1n,te'; 1.reEuorls € palquasse peq eq 966I ig 'uoll€rolor ..i,terB u.{\orq PIo,, ueq] lse.{\pltu aql ol pellns ralleq qcnul os suraporu qcuard 3o epaled 1{3uq 'reelc eql pecnp -orlur aq lxeN 'srolJnrlsur rerlrlte .{q lq8ne1 1ro.,'r,{doc snorpel eql lno .t\arl{} eq }srld 'eutoqe116 ut ,{pnls uosqoce{ssaulq8rr Ue Jo esrnoc aql pa8ueqc ,,(1ela1duroc -quoJ a^Islcap rll1.t\ 'eurospuerl pue snorno8l^ 'llPJ 'ueleH .,lraN ur Sur.rar.lerd ,{1en1rqeqslecul€eql Uaq -nqrs eq] roJ ueuacrlod saqlolcureld e se palqBquootu pue {qderSoloqd lercreruruoc parrl 'qqce.{ arnseald e paureldec 'sre.{e14uee;uedsele{S leerS ueg eql qlp\ Palc€ oq alrq.{\Alrsra^run elBI ulo$ Y'd'N slq Paur€o pur sertuepeceqcuerd l€ palrqrqxe pue pelured peq eH 'secu€ruro;redSurua,tour replr ,,{oq.toc€ sBpelqnop osF ar{ eroq,{\ srnoT ls ur rr€d s.Plroa 706I eq} roJ ,{eldsrp qsrpe,r\Seql pasr,rrednspu€ Sroqspurl ur a8al -1o3 iueqlag l€ ue pelpnls petl uosqocef 'utre; s€sue) '{l^lelse^\ lB 6ggl ur urog E uo pesrBr puB '<uapa,r\s ' l E l urnl Jul , {18ut zeue auecaq pue lsp,Jarar8 leql luaulredep pu ue pauro; .,{1 aq uotr8urqser11 ->1crnb 3o .{lrsre.rlun eql uro.t;acuarredxe lerrosse;ordqll.,lr ueruroN l€ Surlurv 'roleJnpa enbrun € pu€ lsrp€ Inyepuo,r\ e 'u€ur learB e se,tt eq srea{ .Qrrq1lxeu aql roJ uV Jo rrnrsn6 nO rql Jo pu€ try Jo looqcs s.€utoqeploso ,{lrsra.trun rqlJo rolcerrq sV ...y,, lelrdec € ql1a\ U€ roJ raeuord E se.,lr, aH 'adf1 uazop-e-eurp uoruruoc erll lou ,{1e1rugepse.lt uosqoc€{ recsg lng 'raauord € se,{\al€}s r{l9t Sunoi aql ro .fuo1rJra; aql olul pe^ou pBq oI{^\ ,,{poq,,fua,rgsreauord3o .Que1dp€rl gI6I ur Bnror{Eplo
I N O RE CO N . 1 9 1 4 . Colored Pencil. 6% x I inches. Collection of John A. Merril. Shawnee, Oklahoma.
'€uloqPl{o'^trc €uloq€Plo 'uorl€punod {crr}ed{rrx eql Jo uoqcafloc 'saqcur gI vAz6 'se^uec uo IIo x .916I 'V CS'IJIINN
WINTER FOREST IN SWEDEN. Oil on Canvas. 18 x 24 inches. Gift of Hal Johnson. Norman, Oklahoma.
c. 1919-1920.
DJEDJELLI, ALCERIA. 1926. Oil on Canvas. 28 x 36 inches. Collection of the Melton Park Gallerv. Oklahoma Citv. Oklahoma.
'€trlorFl{o'^]rc etuoqePlo uorl€punod {culBcr{rrx eql Jo uoqcefloc
'seqcur96 x z,7roz_ _rri:1?_:: Ig 966r 'lO\.Vg'IS
BLUFFS BEYOND A DRY RIVER. 1925. Pencil on Colored Paper. }Yz x l2h inches. Collection of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Good. Chickasha, Oklahoma.
IN O RE G O N. 1 9 1 4 . Colored Pencil. 6Y, x g inches. Collection of John A. Merril. Shawnee, Oklahoma. UNT I T LE D A . 1 9 T 6 . Oil on Canvas. 22% x 18 inches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. WI NT E R F O RE S T IN S WE D E N . Oil on Canvas. 18 x 24 inches. Gift of Hal Johnson. Norman, Oklahoma.
c . 1 9 1 9 - 1920.
GRAND CANYON. c. 1920. Oil on Board. 26 x 34 inches, Gift of Shirley McMillan, UNTITLED LANDSCAPtr. 1921. Oil on Canvas, 16 x 20 inches. Collection of the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art. St. Gregory Abbey and College, Shawnee, Oklahoma. 1922. SUPERSTITION MOUNTAIN. Oil on Canvas. 28% x 36 inches. CIANT CACTI. 1922, Oil on Board. 20 x 26 inches, Collection of the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art. St, Gregory Abbey and College, Shawnee, Oklahoma. CO A S T O F S W E D EN . ELE CY O F T HE SE A. 1 9 2 3 . Oil on Canvas. 30 x 34 inches. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Good Chickasha, Oklahoma
COL DE SFA SAHARA. 1926. Oil on Canvas. 20 x 26 inches. Collection of Mrs. Frank A. Melton. Norman, Oklahoma. E N C H A N TE D R OC K S . 1926. Oil on Board. 19% x 26 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Bridges. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. DJEDJELLT, ALCERTA. 1926. Oil on Canvas. 28 x 36 inches. Collection of the Melton Park Gallery. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. rN MOR OC C O (L' OU E D OU N E R REBBTA). 1926. Oil on Board. 20 x 25Vzinches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, EL BAADJ. 1926. Oil on Canvas. 20Vz x 26 inches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. uNTrrLED. (AR{B WrTH CAMEL). 1920-27. Oil on Canvas. 20% x 26 inches. Collection of the Oklahoma City Art Museum. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. PURPLE WATERS. T927, Oil on Canvas. 32 x 25'A inches. Collection of Jim Gasaway. Norman, Oklahoma.
SA ND A ND W I N D , c . 1 9 2 4 . Oil on Board. 18 x 24 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs, David H. Bridees. Ok lahom aCit y . O k l a h o ma .
CHATEAU D'IF. c. 1927. Oil on Board. I\Vz x 25% inches. Collection of Jim Gasaway. Norrnan, Oklahoma.
UNTITLED LANDSCAPE, 1925. Oil on Canvas. 18 x 23 inches. Collection of the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art. St. Gregory Abbey and College, Shawnee,Oklahoma,
UNTITLED LANDSCAPE. c. 1928. Oil on Board. 20 x 26 inches. Collection of the Mabee-Cerrer Museum of Art. St. Gregory Abbey and College, Shawnee,Oklahoma.
OR,A.BAIWASH. c. 1925. Oil on Board. 28 x 2l% inches. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Good. Chickasha.Oklahoma
CLOUDS IN THE ATLAS. 1928. Oil on Board. 20 x 26 inches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma Cit1,, Oklahoma.
' E ruor lEl Jau,r\E t{s {o' 'lrrret{ 'Y uqof Jo uoqcelloc seqcur 96 x 06 'Pr€og uo IIo ,T96T 'NVICIVNYC HJNOS 'eluoqeplo',Qr3 euoqe116 'tunesnry uy ,qlC €iuoq€plo Jo uoqceiloC .seqcur %96 x tAz6 s€^uEc uo llo .196I'I S'I TYA UNO S S' IS N OU J 'Euroqeplo',{1r3 euoqellg 'se8pFg 'H pl^ec srtr{ pue 'rN Jo ulc .soqcur gz .sBAu€3uo x 0z {lo .I96I ' S S Y d
uu^Iu tt":;l'"t'
)til' [::T::il
. 196I ' I9. JIN N N S 'r?uloqello 'eru,/\\eqs 'lrrretr,1'V uqol Jo uoqcefioC .llcued peroloc .soqcur 6 x %g
'096r 'ocYuo'roc 'SNIAJ uHr .fo sNo
'sB^u€cuo llo 'seqcur gz x 6z '096I 'N N .dN.ITYC UVSN'IYUCSHJYC OIVAYN 'eLuor-lE[{o 'ueuiloN
'uolleN 'Y 'srtr{Jo uor}celloc {u€rd .saqcurg6 x 96 .se^uecuo {lo
'816r 'sof JNrod
'eLuoqEl{o'.iloruPrv 'etelsg dl.C 'C '711erp Jo uoqcelloC 'seqcur96 x 06 'sB^u€cuo llo '876r 'VINUO,{ITVC 'SJNON TSO 'seqcurgz 'sB^u€cuo llo x 6z .LV6I 'S'I'IY^\ SJINWC 'seqcurg6 x gv .s€AuBcuo llo '976I 'SUSJV^AgnTs '97. SXY'I Zvd.OL 'seqcur%It x %92 's€Auecuo [o '976I 'SAAONS NIYJNOOI^I UUAIU CINIA 'USICVTC CINV )Ygd JNOIAISU.{ seqcurgz x 66 .sB^uecuo llo
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'euroqel{o'^}rc Bnror{EPIo 'sa8pl.rfl'H pl^eq sr4 pue 'rN Jo UIC 'seqcur86 x 27, 'se^uEcuo llo ' tt6l 'sN N VSf 'seqcur 'sE^uecuo llo g6 x zz .176I' CN IN OA A A IU IN N OC scNYu 'IurNnoS scNYu cNII IOI'A\ '€ruoqel{o 'ueurol\J '.{luorog €lag €turueCJo uoqce[oC Iqd .saqcur 'Pr€og uo {IO 7AL6 x .0T6I 'S)NYS %I7, CISU HJIA\ CINOd 'Etuoqel{O',{1r3 euroqellg '3uo1 srrrell lare8rey,rg ;o iroureu ur 3uo1 1reqogJo UIC .saqcur tAg6 tAIz 's€AuBcuo llo x .0'6T 'TOOd 'XNYJ CISU SHI NYICINI '€ruoq€Plo'ueurro51 ',{1r-rorog e}ag Ir{d eturrreCJo uollcello3 'seqcur%gz x %6I 'pr€og uo {lo .076I 'NVICIVNY3 sHJ SSOUDV CSg )SSUC CSU 'seqcurgz g7 'se^u€cuo llo x .686I 'NISVS CITIA\ SHJ NI '€ulorlBPlo'u€urroN 'uolleN 'Y {uBrd 'srl{ Jo uorlcalloc 'sar{rurII x ,48 'rolorra}€^A '8t6I c (opero1o3 ur urqe3 3o1) 'CISTJIJNO .seqcurgz x .se^uBcuo 06 llo '8t6I 'c 'IUJNnOC OIYAVN SHr NI saqcurytgz x yL6I 's€Au€cuo llo '9t6I 'gCCIU .SONYTdN TIWJ SHJ hIOU.{ 'OCIVuOTOC 'Buroq€plo'.Qr3eruoqeqg 'se8pl.rg'H pl^ec 'srN PUB'rN Jo ulc 'sarlcur9z x 06 pr€og uo [o '9t6I 'ISUC CINY NA\OUS NI 'eruor{Eplo',fir3euroqeplg 'saSpFg'H 'rN 'srtr{ pl^€c pu€ ulc .saqcurgz x .Pr€ogJo uo llo 96 '986r '(OAWOTOC) US)SSI{ 'JW 'euor{Bl{o 'ueurroS 'uolleN 'Y luerg 'srtr{Jo uoqcelloc .saqcur .llcuedperoloC 0I x g .6T6T 'USJNIAA OHYCII
RABBIT BRUSH. 1953. Oil on Canvas. 22 x 28 inches. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shead. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. SHADOWS AMONC THE NAVAJOS. 1953. Oil on Canvas. 22h x 28% inches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1954. FALL IN OKLAHOMA. Oil on Canvas. 18 x 24 inches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. IN NEVADA, 1954. Oil on Canvas. 20 x 26 inches. Collection of the W. C. Culp Estate. Ardmore, Oklahoma. ENGINEER'S MOUNTAIN NEAR SILVERTON,
coLORADO. 1958. Oil on Canvas. 20 x 26 inches. Collection of the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. CALIFORNIA COAST. 1960, Colored Pencil, 7 x 8Yzinches. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Good. Chickasha, Oklahoma. GO LDE N A S P E N S , C OL OR AD O . Oil on Canvas. 28 x 22 inches. Collection of Mrs. Charles Suggs. Norman, Oklahoma. UNTITLED. I964. Oil on Canvas. 20 x 26Yl inches. Collection of Mrs. Frank A, Melton, Norman, Oklahoma. WINTER, 1965, Colored Pencil. 6 x 8% inches. Collection of Jim Gasaway. Norman, Oklahoma.
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ACKNOWLEDCMENTS It has been a great pleasure putting this exhibition together and has allowed me to acquire a greater insight into the birth of the Museum and the visual arts at the University. The willingness and enthusiasm of all those who have provided assistancehas been greatly appreciated. A special thanks to Leonard Good, Professor Emeritus of Art, for providing the excellent essay that details his remembrancesof Oscar BrousseJacobsonand his tireless assistanceboth with valuable advice and encouragement for the project. I would also like recosnize the assistanceof Professor Emeritus Emory Lindquist of Wichita Kansasauthor of a soon to be published biography of Jacobson'steacher and friend Birger Sandzen. Professor Emeritus John O'Neil of Houston provided expert editorial assistance to the catalog and gave me some insight into what it must have been like during the tenure of Jacobson. The JacobsonFoundation was of great assistanceespecially Carol Whitney for providing the list that had been assembledof Jacobsoncollectors. This compilation was a valuable resource and saved a great amount of time in putting the exhibition together. The Kirkpatrick Foundation of Oklahoma City and the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company through their continued support of cultural endeavors in the State of Oklahoma, their improving and enriching the lives of the citizens of the state. These two institutions provided partial financial support in the form ofgrants to the museum to assist in the realization of the project. The University of Oklahoma Western History collection deservesour appreciation for providing the archival information that contributed greatly to our understand-
ing and knowledge of Oscar B. Jacobson.We would like to thank Dr. Don De Witt and his fine staff for their assistance. And finally, I have acquired a special appreciation of the man that is the subject of all of this; he must truly have been a giant of his time to have accomplishedthe monumental task that he set for himself upon his arrival in 1915 and to have left us with such a legacy to build upon. Oscar B. Jacobsondeservesa monument to his memory as much as any and has something of one in the first museum building Jacobson Hall. The Museum wishes to thank the lenders to the exhibition and those many others that offered Jacobson paintings from their collections. So many responded to our request for paintings by Oscar B. Jacobson that there was a greater number of works to choose from than we had ipace allocated. We tried to represent the most important periods of his career in this exhibition. Some areas are rather light and others are more plentiful. We hope that we have at least represented in the exhibition the growth and maturity of one of Oklahoma's important pioneers in the visual arts. I saw him in the buildins on one or two occasionsbut did not at that time have pr"r"tr"" of mind to cultivate his acquaintance;a lost opportunity whether by youth's lack of appreciation of the preceding generation or plain feeling of inadequacy. I now feel a great opportunity was lost.
E . J . D.