contents Greeting of Prime Minister
Program Guide
Program Tuesday
Program Wednesday
Speakers, Chairpersons, Advisory Board Members
Call for Papers 2017
Information about the symposium
Registration fees
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ISS2016 | 03
welcome message winfried kretschmann What is it that has elevated the Stuttgart International Symposium – hosted by the Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS) – to a real can’t-miss event for years now? Is it the broad range of current and important topics that line the agenda? The expert presentations guiding the way for the future? Or is it because the event takes place in Stuttgart, the heart of the automotive state, Baden-Wuerttemberg, and is attended by prominent participants from both the business and research sectors? The answer is: All of the above! For the 16th installment of the Conference, I am glad to be assuming patronage for the event and welcome all the participants and speakers. This year’s focus topic, “Global products versus non-global requirements”, addresses the challenges facing both the economy in general and the automobile industry in particular: What are the consequences resulting from the contrast between global sales and adaptation to country-specific norms? How can these be overcome? The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that is currently being negotiated between political decision makers in the US and the EU is intended to resolve exactly these issues, such as this conflict of interests in the automotive sector. One of the key intentions of this agreement is to standardize the respective national regulations and requirements for products sold globally on both sides of the Atlantic – such as: side mirrors, blinkers and crash tests – and introduce a unified, high standard of safety and security. This will lead to the removal of expensive duplicate standards, which, despite nearly identical safety norms, have up to now required redundant development and certification processes. Consumers ultimately stand to benefit once this burden is lifted. Such a development will likewise be significant for the automotive industry in Baden-Wuerttemberg – and for the associated machinery, metal and electronic industries – in that Germany, as an export country, will be able to set the standards according to which our worldwide trading partners will have to adapt – not the other way around! Our high level of precision, reliability, quality and safety together present a strong sales argument. As such, these high standards should not be weakened in the course of the TTIP negotiations. The Government of Baden-Wuerttemberg fundamentally supports the TTIP agreement, but also insists that the high safety standards associated with products “made in Baden-Wuerttemberg” are not lowered in any way. I would like to thank all those who have been involved in organizing and executing this event. I hope that all the attendees will benefit from the exciting discussions, interesting presentations and also gain new ideas for their own work.
Winfried Kretschmann Prime Minister of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Prof. Dr. Michael Bargende FKFS/IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauernhansl Fraunhofer IPA
Prof. em. Dr. Ulf Essers FKFS/IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Wolfgang Hatz Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Dietmar Goericke FVV e.V.
Dr. Reiner Künzel MAHLE International GmbH
Dr. Rolf Leonhard Robert Bosch GmbH
Franz Loogen e-mobil BW GmbH
Dr. Harald Naunheimer ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Reuss Alfred Weber MANN+HUMMEL GmbH FKFS/IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber Daimler AG
Dr. Wolfgang Wenzel BorgWarner Engine Group
Prof. Dr. Jochen Wiedemann FKFS/IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Wolfgang Zahn ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG
Dr. Martin Wierse Modine Europe GmbH
ISS2016 | 05
a warm welcome Demands on the automotive industry in terms of research and development are constantly in flux. Producers and suppliers are forced to create global solutions while also considering individual customer needs as well as the legislative requirements in each market. Even emissions regulations are anything but unified globally. Starting in September 2017, Europe plans to implement a measurement termed “real-driving emissions” (RDE). Evaluating pollutant emissions will be done on the street rather than at a testing station, with far-reaching consequences for engine development. Many regions around the globe are, at the same time, calling for localized zones with emissions-free traffic. This all overlaps with the ongoing process of reducing CO2 limits for vehicle fleets, with all world regions having defined various steps to achieve reductions in this area. This is topped by rising demands in terms of the comfort and emotionality of cars. How will the automotive industry respond to the growing conflict between increasing globalization and maximized global product marketing, on the one hand, and diverse, particular regional requirements for vehicles, on the other? What are the technical impacts of this? Industry and research experts will report on and discuss these issues and many more at the 16th Stuttgart International Symposium “Automotive and Engine Technology” on 15–16 March 2016. In six parallel sessions with over one hundred presentations, leading experts will address the current state of technological development, their most recent research findings, and concepts for the future. The program spans the entire process of vehicle creation, from research and development through to production. This year, we have also been able to invite excellent keynote speakers and participants for the subsequent podium discussion. This will be supplemented by numerous opportunities for exchanging ideas, be it in relation to technical discussions, at the accompanying trade exhibition, or in the social context of breaks and the evening event. We look forward to seeing you in Stuttgart, the birthplace of the automobile!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bargende
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Christian Reuss
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Wiedemann
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Pfaffenwaldring 12 70569 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 685 - 65888 Fax +49 711 685 - 65710 info@fkfs.de www.fkfs.de
ISS2016 | 07
Create your very own program any time you like with the new FKFS app. Get the App!
TUESDAY, 15TH MARCH 2016 8:00 Registration/Signing-in KÖNIG-KARL-HALLE 2ND FLOOR
9:00 Welcome Prof. Dr. Jochen Wiedemann, Chairman of the Board FKFS, Managing Director IVK, University of Stuttgart Opening Adress Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ressel, Chancellor of the University of Stuttgart
9:15 Sports car of the future Dr. Michael Steiner, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG A Marriage of Convenience or A Love Match? Collaboration of Production and Development as Success Factor Markus Schäfer, Daimler AG
10:30 Coffee break KÖNIG-KARLHALLE 2nd floor
Exhaust Gas Battery Aftertreatment pg. 8 pg. 8
PhD Course pg. 8
11:00 Testing for WLTP
REUTLINGEN ROOM KARLSRUHE ROOM MANNHEIM ROOM 2nd floor 1st floor 1st floor FVV Projects pg. 9
Lightweight Construction II pg. 9 pg. 9
12:30 Lunch break 13:30 RDE I 15:30
Vehicle Technology pg. 8
Electric Powertrain pg. 8
Tires pg. 8
Software and Development pg. 9 pg. 9
pg. 9
Coffee break
16:00 RDE II
Vehicle Concepts pg. 10
Electric Vehicles
pg. 10
Engine Process I
pg. 10
pg. 11
Ergonomics in Automotive pg. 11 Production pg. 11
18:00 End of the parallel sections 18:30 Social evening to take place in the »Alte Reithalle Stuttgart« pg. 11
WEDNESDAY, 16TH MARCH 2016 KÖNIG-KARLHALLE 2nd floor 8:30 Hybrid I
AMBER-ULV Lightweight Thermal Charging of Electric Engines a story of future light urban Construction I Vehicles Components I Management I pg. 12 pg. 12 pg. 12 pg. 13 pg. 13 electric vehicles pg. 13
10:00 Coffee break 10:30 Hybrid II
ADAS pg. 12
pg. 12
Driving Dynamics
Engine Process II
pg. 12
pg. 13
Automobile & Big Data pg. 13 Start: 11:00 pg. 13
12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Chassis of the Automated Future Driving pg. 14
Thermal Management II pg. 14 pg. 14
Engine Charging
Engines E/E-Architecture Components II pg. 15 pg. 15 pg. 15
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Panel discussion »Car of the future – global products versus non-global requirements«
Participants: ›› Carla Bailo, The Ohio State University ›› Dr. Stefan Kampmann, Robert Bosch GmbH ›› Anke Kleinschmit, Daimler AG ›› Dr. Harald Naunheimer, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Moderation: ›› Johannes Winterhagen, Redaktionsbüro delta eta
16:30 Keynote Silke Krebs, Minister in the State Ministry Baden-Wuerttemberg 16:45 Closing remarks Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Reuss, Board of Directors FKFS, Professor of Automotive Mechatronics IVK, University of Stuttgart 17:00 End of the event
PROGRAM TUESDAY, 15TH MARCH 2016 KÖNIG-KARL-HALLE 2nd floor 9:15 Plenary session (see Overview pg. 7) 10:30 Coffee break
Testing for WLTP
Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment
11:00 WLTP and its relevance to the future aerodynamic development of road vehicles Thomas Schütz, BMW AG
11:00 The novel SCR and PNA exhaust gas aftertreatment systems for diesel passenger cars Nebojsa Milovanovic, S. Hamalian, MAHLE Powertrain; M. Lewander, K. Larsen, Haldor Topsoe
11:00 Automotive Li-ion batteries – Quo vadis Holger Fink, Lithium Energy and Power GmbH und Robert Bosch Battery Systems GmbH; J. Fetzer, Robert Bosch GmbH
11:30 Test Bench Technologies for Improving WLTP Measurement Results Victor Senft, J. Gleason, MTS Systems Corporation
11:30 Experimental investigation of heat transfer characteristics of UWS spray impingement in diesel SCR Yujun Liao, P. D. Eggenschwiler, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
11:30 How long will an electric car’s propulsion battery last? Detlef Hoffmann, SGS Germany GmbH
12:00 On- and off-cycle energy efficiency technologies of a global supplier Ulrich Schulmeister, A. Lang, M. Johannaber, Robert Bosch GmbH; F. Schürg, Bosch Engineering GmbH
12:00 From laboratory to road – PEMS testing of passenger cars Helge Schmidt, J. Badur, TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG
12:00 Increased efficiency in the calibration process of automotive lithium-ion battery systems Lukas Behr, U. Zimmermann, F. Bröckel, S. Trinkert, Robert Bosch Battery Systems GmbH; T. Kruse, ETAS GmbH; S. Rees, Robert Bosch GmbH; J. Xie, EWS, Universität Ulm
Vehicle Technology
Electric Powertrain
13:30 Mercedes-Benz Diesel Technology OM654 – close-coupled SCR system for WLTP and RDE Tillmann Braun, P. Lückert, F. Duvinage, A. Mackensen, Daimler AG
13:30 A multiscale approach to simulate multiphase fluid flow on total vehicle level Frank Hermsdorf, C. Jahn, G. Prokop, TU Dresden
13:30 Holistic Approach for the Design of Electrical Powertrains for Electric and Plug-In-Hybrid Vehicles applying the Methodology Multi-Criteria Optimization Adam Babik, T. Reuschlé, A. Schönknecht, Robert Bosch GmbH
14:00 The Gasoline Engine and RDEChallenges and Prospects Günter Fraidl, P. Kapus, P. Schöggl, K. Vidmar, AVL List GmbH
14:00 Investigation of visibility properties through wetted glass planes on vehicles Thomas Landwehr, IVK, Universität Stuttgart; T. Kuthada, FKFS; N. Widdecke, J. Wiedemann, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
14:00 Electric Drivetrain Modular Layout Based on Range Specifications Markus Orner, T. Riemer, FKFS; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
14:30 Solutions to Fulfill “Real Driving Emission (RDE)” with Diesel Passenger Cars Dirk Naber, A. Kufferath, M. Krüger, S. Scherer, H. Schumacher, M. Strobel, Robert Bosch GmbH
14:30 The new Porsche 911 Carrera – Evolution in Aerodynamics, Thermal Management and Heat Protection Matthias Klingbeil, J. Weissert, M. Yilmaz, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
14:30 Combined Power Train and Thermal Management Optimization Using an Extended Dynamic Programming Mike Liebers, R. Kloß, B. Bäker, TU Dresden
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Jochen Wiedemann
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Georg Wachtmeister
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Hettich
12:30 Lunch break
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Bargende
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maier
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Nejila Parspour
15:00 Analysis of the effects of high coil temperature on performance and drivability of electric sports cars Tobias Engelhardt, A. Heitmann, S. Oechslen, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart 15:30 Coffee break
ISS2016 | 09
KÖNIG-KARL-HALLE 2nd floor 9:15 Plenary session (see Overview pg. 7) 10:30 Coffee break
PhD Course
FVV Projects
Lightweight Construction II
11:00 HEV Concept with Lean Operated SI-Engine Optimized for Fuel Consumption and Emissions Jing Cheng, Universität Stuttgart; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; F. Altenschmidt, C. Ley, Daimler AG
11:00 Fast predictive burn rate model for Gasoline-HCCI Mahir Tim Keskin, IVK, Universität Stuttgart; M. Grill, FKFS; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
11:00 Quality assurance of CFRP components in the automotive industry Manuel Schuster, M. Soutschek, Fraunhofer IPA
11:30 Software tool to create a hybrid operation strategy for the simulative generation of load spectra Dan Keilhoff, Universität Stuttgart; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
11:30 Transient Simulation of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions on Diesel Engines Benjamin Kaal, M. Grill, FKFS; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
11:30 High volume production of lightweight automotive structures Clemens Buschhoff, C. Brecher, M. Emonts, Fraunhofer IPT
12:00 Iterative Grid Refinement in Dynamic Programming Andreas Haag, Kooperatives Promotionskolleg Hybrid; P. Antony, Daimler AG; F. Panik, Hochschule Esslingen; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
12:00 RENEWABLES IN TRANSPORT 2050 – Scenarios for Sustainable Mobility Futures with Zero Emission Fuels Patrick Schmidt, W. Zittel, W. Weindorf, T. Raksha, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH; D. Goericke, FVV e.V.
12:00 Thermoplastic Composites for High Volume Production Stefan Epple, C. Bonten, IKT, Universität Stuttgart
Software and Development
13:30 Experimental validation of the Maxwell model to describe the transient force behavior of a tyre Andreas Hackl, W. Hirschberg, C. Lex, TU Graz; G. Rill, OTH Regensburg
13:30 Software-in-the-Loop at the Junction of Software Development and Drivability Calibration René Linssen, F. Uphaus, Daimler AG; J. Mauss, Qtronic
13:30 Research campus ARENA2036 – lightweight design through functional integration and implementation of a digital prototype Peter Middendorf, IFB, Universität Stuttgart
14:00 Measuring a reference friction potential by anti-lock braking tests Thorsten Lajewski, J. Rauh, Daimler AG; S. Müller, TU Berlin
14:00 Continuous Delivery for Simulation-Model Development Marius Feilhauer, J. Häring, J. Buchner, ETAS GmbH
14:00 Plug&Produce for Highly Versatile Assembly Systems Stefan Junker, M. Vorderer, J. Aichele, Robert Bosch GmbH
14:30 Parametrical approach for modeling of tire forces and torques in TMeasy 5 Ronnie Dessort, C. Chucholowski, TESIS DYNAware GmbH; G. Rill, OTH Regensburg
14:30 Generic development of softwarecomponents and resulting Re-Use for projects and variants Walter Nagler, J. Habenschaden, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
14:30 Digital Reality – a revolution for Planning and Scheduling of the Smart Factory Bernd-Dietmar Becker, D. Wohlfeld, FARO
15:00 Agile processes in automotive industry – Efficiency and quality in software development Axel Schloßer, J. Richenhangen, J. Schnitzler, T. Sentis, FEV GmbH
15:00 Innovative concepts and machinery for changeable and flexible production logistics Karl-Heinz Wehking, IFT, Universität Stuttgart
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Oliver Zirn
Chairperson: Dr. Karl Kollmann
Chairperson: Dr. Marco Schneider
12:30 Lunch break
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Thomas Vietor
15:30 Coffee break
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Tobias Flämig-Vetter
Chairperson: Peter Froeschle
Vehicle Concepts
Electric Vehicles
16:00 Analytical Challenge on Real Driving Emission Hiroshi Nakamura, HORIBA Ltd.
16:00 Methodological development from vehicle concept to modular body structure for the DLR NGC-UMV Marco Muenster, M. Schäffer, R. Sturm, H. E. Friedrich, DLR Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte
16:00 Electromobility in daily life – are you still exploring or riding already? User experience from the largest fully electric long-distance fleet. Matthias Vogt, bridgingIT GmbH
16:30 Introducing a method to evaluate RDE demands at the engine test bench Jan Gerstenberg, S. Tafel, H. Hartlief, Bosch Engineering GmbH
16:30 Approach for the quantification of car packaging Arthur Frick, T. Blauß, R. Müller, Daimler AG; D. Schramm, Universität Duisburg-Essen
16:30 System-integrated data acquisition for validation and usage of electric vehicles Katharina Bause, F. Munker, N. Reiß, M. Behrendt, A. Albers, IPEK, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; A. Rupalla, RA Consulting GmbH
17:00 Model based calibration process for future RDE requirements Dirk Neumann, V. Kassem, T. Kutzner, A. Lehmann, M. Dreiser, IAV GmbH
17:00 Analysis of hydraulic brake systems with regard to the requirements for future vehicle concepts Christian Riese, Robert Bosch GmbH; F. Gauterin, FAST, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
17:00 Optimized operating strategies for electrified taxis by means of condition-based load collectives Raphael Pfeil, M. Grimm, FKFS; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
17:30 Formula Student – A succesful part of engineering education Helena Ortwein, S. Heußner, Rennteam Uni Stuttgart e.V.
17:30 Vehicle simulation of an electric street sweeper for substitution analyses Rene Budich, M. Hübner, HTW Dresden
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Peter Eilts
18:00 Finish
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Lutz Eckstein
Chairperson: Prof. Karl-Ernst Noreikat
ISS2016 | 11
Engine Process I
Ergonomics in Automotive Production
Chairperson: Prof. em. Dr. Günter Hohenberg
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Clemens Gühmann
Chairperson: Urban Daub
16:00 Reliability-oriented simulation in the engine development process Stefan Jetter, F.-O. Müller, R. Weller, M. Zöllner, Daimler AG; B. Bertsche, IMA, Universität Stuttgart
16:00 Steering angle control for an electric power steering system for Autonomous driving Vivan Govender, Daimler AG; S. Müller, TU Berlin
16:00 Ergonomical sequencing with state of the art Tube lifter Tilmann Hilbert, J. Schmalz GmbH
16:30 Var. valve timing of intake valves of a heavy duty Diesel engine as way to improve fuel consumption Simon Schneider, S. Naujoks, MAHLE International GmbH
16:30 Identification and Evaluation of the real-life temperature load on steering system electronics Ulrike Weinrich, G. Baumann, FKFS; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; S. Walz, Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH
16:30 Future ergonomics tools – the move from prototype to series production successfully within integral product optimization Matthias Keil, T. Schembera, AUDI AG
17:00 Optimized air intake system for low end torque enhancement Vincent Raimbault, J. Migaud, MANN+HUMMEL France SAS; H. Bühl, H. Fuchs, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH; D. Chalet, École Centrale de Nantes
17:00 Fully Automated and Haptic Test of EPS in a Virtual Environment Jörg Paschedag, M. Scherer, ITK Engineering AG
17:00 Loading of the musculoskeletal system in automotive assembly – the potential of an applied biomechanics analysis concept Christian Lersch, Velamed GmbH; L. Hausmanninger, AUDI AG; W. Potthast, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
17:30 Real-Time Simulation of the effects of Catalysts on Automotive Engines performance Agostino Gambarotta, M. Crialesi Esposito, E. Campanini, University of Parma; P. D. Eggenschwiler, F. Lucci, EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
17:30 New approaches for analysis in ergonomics: from paper and pencil methods to biomechanical simulation Florian Blab, O. Avci, U. Daub, U. Schneider, Fraunhofer IPA
18:00 Finish
STARTING AT 18.30: FESTIVE EVENING RECEPTION IN THE “ALTE REITHALLE” Tuesday, 15 March 2016 | 18.30 in the “Alte Reithalle Stuttgart” at the Maritim Hotel | Seidenstrasse 34 | 70174 Stuttgart Experience an extraordinary evening with enjoyable entertainment. Program: 18.30: champagne reception 19.00: welcoming speech by Professor Michael Bargende, FKFS Board and Professor of vehicle propulsion of The Institute for Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering, IVK University of Stuttgart Followed by: dinner
Live Act: The Sound Of Classic Motown The Sound of Classic Motown show is an homage to the legendary label and it’s unforgettable hits, including: Stop! In the Name of Love, Dancing in the Streets, Papa Was A Rollin´ Stone, Let’s Stay Together, and more. Boasting over 50 years of soul music experience, the 10-member band and 8 vocalists take the golden era of Motown to the stage and bring the history of this legendary label to life. Evening concludes around 23.00
Hybrid I
Lightweight Construction I
Charging of Electric Vehicles
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl
The Potential of 48V HEV in Real Driving Mark Schudeleit, C. Sieg, F. Küçükay, IfF, TU Braunschweig
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Horst E. Friedrich
Online optimization based energy management of hybrid electric vehicles using direct optimal control method Raja Sangili Vadamalu, C. Beidl, TU Darmstadt
Rapid Multi-Physics approach to the development of drive systems for hybrid and electric vehicles Christoph Leser, V. Aronovich, R. Hejny, J. Wattleworth, MTS Systems Corporation
Material and energy efficient processing of composites for automotive lightweight parts Marcus Schuck, HBW-Gubesch Thermoforming GmbH Forta H-Series – Ultimate lightweight solutions with high strength austenitic materials Stefan Lindner, Outokumpu Nirosta GmbH
Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites for Hot Gas and Fire Retardant Applications Patrick Weichand, R. Gadow, M. Jimenez, IFKB, Universität Stuttgart
Chairperson: Prof. Johann Tomforde
Future Generation for DC Fast Charging Systems – Challenges and approach for potential solutions Ursel Willrett, IAV GmbH Regression test requirements for the charging communication of electric vehicles Johannes Unser, M. Fischer, D. Großmann, Vector Informatik GmbH; F. Brosi, FKFS Automatically robotic charging system for battery-electric vehicles Jürgen Fabian, B. Walzel, C. Sturm, TU Graz
10:00 Coffee break
Hybrid II
Driving Dynamics
10:30 48 Volt Technology – More than a Mild Hybrid Bernd Mahr, Continental
10:30 Validation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) with continuous, comprehensive in-vehicle measurements Joachim Loechner, A. Fernandez, M. Wolter, ETAS GmbH
10:30 Improvements on availability and comfort of electric drives for electric power steering application Nick Trümmel, T. Pötzl, Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
11:00 PLUG-IN Hybrid by Mercedes-Benz – The technology kit for future consumption targets Daniel Görke, S. Schmiedler, J. Strenkert, T. Fesefeldt, Daimler AG
11:00 Predictive Motion Cueing Algorithm for Development of Interactive Assistance Systems Jürgen Pitz, T. Rothermel, M. Kehrer, IVK, Universität Stuttgart; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
11:00 Creation of Driving Cycles with Lateral and Longitudinal Dynamics for Analyzing Chassis Losses Andreas Schultze, M. Hauck, M. Lienkamp, TU München
11:30 Development of Simulation Test Benches to Calibrate and Evaluate Hybrid Vehicle Components Hikaru Mizuno, R. Elbers, P. Pfeilmaier, Toyota Motorsport GmbH; T. Naono, H. Oyobe, H. Hanada, K. Shirota, Toyota Motor Corporation; J. De Smet, Toyota Motor Europe
11:30 Safety and Security: Integrated and Consistent Development Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services GmbH; E. Metzker, Vector Informatik GmbH
11:30 Assesment of the vehicle performance utilized by the driver in near-limit handling of racecars Florian Goy, IVK, Universität Stuttgart; J. Wiedemann, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; T. Völkl, G. Delli Colli, AUDI AG; J. Neubeck, W. Krantz, FKFS
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Bargende
12:00 Implementation of an intelligent operating strategy for a P2-powertrain using the example of Schaeffler China Concept Car Shen Wang, T. Kersting, M. Rohe, Schaeffler Engineering GmbH 12:30 Lunch break
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Klaus Dietmayer
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Ferit Küçükay
ISS2016 | 13
Engines Components I
Thermal Management I
AMBER-ULV – a story of future light
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Geringer
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Frank Gauterin
urban electric vehicles
Chairperson: Gian Mauro Maneia 8:30
Residual Heat Utilisation in Vehicles by Thermochemical Energy Storage Peter Hofmann, M. Jakobi, S. Dvorak, B. Geringer, IFA, TU Wien
Introduction to AMBER-ULV and its different business models Gian Mauro Maneia, Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali; M. Stie Laugesen, NTU
9:00 Crank Angle Resolved FloatingLiner Friction Measurements on Microstructured Cylinder Liner Surfaces Henning Pasligh, K. Oehlert, F. Dinkelacker, ITV, Leibniz Universität Hannover; H. Ulmer, Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Holistic thermal management in electric vehicles Srdan Milakovic, FKFS; J. Haug, MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG; M. Hartinger, Robert Bosch GmbH; J. Maue, Daimler AG; J. Rothfuss, sitronic GmbH & Co. KG
An innovative Energy Management System acting on multiple battery packages Stefano Schiavitti, Resp. Elettronica Automotive
Technology change to fully synthetic air filter elements in engine air filtration Thilo Müller, T. Batt, M. Heim, A. Pelz, G.-M. Klein, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH
Thermal simulation of an electric motor in continuous and circuit operation Stefan Oechslen, A. Heitmann, T. Engelhardt, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG; H.-C. Reuss, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Achievements with Model-based Development on the Innovative traction system Claudio Rossi, D. Pontara, University of Bologna; P. Fiani, Sherpa Engineering; M. Alirand, Siemens Industry Software; A. Galli, P. Antonini, S. Schiavitti, EOS
Inlet Swirl Throttle for Boosted PassCar Engines Wolfgang Wenzel, U. Hanig, J. Song, BorgWarner, Inc.; M. Miclea-Bleiziffer, BorgWarner Turbo Systems; B. Bareis, BorgWarner Emission Systems
10:00 Crash structure design, modelling, virtual sign-off for physical crash testing Roberto Papalia, NOVA SRL
10:00 Coffee break
Engine Process II
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Horst Harndorf
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Hermann Rottengruber
10:30 10:30 Investigation of the Mixture Formation Process with Combined Injection Strategies in High-Performance SI-Engines Daniel Koch, G. Wachtmeister, LVK, TU München; M. Wentsch, M. Chiodi, FKFS; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; C. Pötsch, Volkswagen AG; D. Wichelhaus, Volkswagen Motorsport GmbH 11:00 11:00 Online-Methods for Engine Test Bed Measurements Considering Engine Limits Benjamin Hartmann, P. Heuser, Bosch Engineering GmbH; E. Kloppenburg, R. Diener, Robert Bosch GmbH
11:30 Simulative development of thermal management for warm-up Björn Meyer, IVK, Universität Stuttgart; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; I. Kutschera, M. Gruber, S.-F. Haas, AUDI AG 12:00 Analysis of Working Processes and Efficiency Assessment of Hand-Held Power Tools Stephan Meyer, A. Kölmel, T. Gegg, U. Dawin, ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG; R. Kirchberger, S. Schmidt, A. Trattner, P. Piecha, IVT, TU Graz 12:30 Lunch break
Automobile & Big Data
Chairperson: Dr. Bernhard Budaker
Impact of the jet shape of an outward-opening nozzle on mixture formation with CNG direct injection Dimitri Seboldt, D. Lejsek, Robert Bosch GmbH; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
3D-CFD Analysis on Scavenging and Mixture Formation for CNG Direct Injection with an outward opening Nozzle Marlene Wentsch, M. Chiodi, FKFS; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; D. Seboldt, D. Lejsek, Robert Bosch GmbH 11:30 Analysing the penetration gradient of Diesel jets using spray force measurement Hans Römisch, T. Hergemöller, F.-P. Gulde, Daimler AG; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
11:00 IT architectures for Big Data in the automotive field Andreas Bildstein, Fraunhofer IPA
12:00 Effects of new Nozzle Hole Configurations on Air Utilization and Soot Emissions of Diesel Engines Klaus Hielscher, R. Baar, TU Berlin; M. Brauer, IAV GmbH
12:00 Big Data in Automotive Production – Concepts and Experiences Thomas Bauernhansl, Fraunhofer IPA
11:30 Digital realms in production planning – safety through virtualization Ulrich Odefey, M. Pfeil, V. Fäßler, TWT GmbH Science & Innovation; T. Bär, Daimler AG; H. Zipper, Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg
Chassis of the Future
Automated Driving
Thermal Management II
13:30 Honda’s philosophy on vehicle dynamics performance and future technology direction Yasunori Oku, Honda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbH; H. Shibue, J. Nakahara, Honda R&D Co., Ltd Automobile R&D Center
13:30 Safety Argumentation for Automated Driving Systems Michael Helmle, P. Sautter, F. Hauler, F. von Zeppelin, Robert Bosch GmbH
13:30 Optimization of an Engine Coolant Radiator for Vehicle Thermal Management Lothar Seybold, I. Lazaridis, W. Filsinger, A. Seryi, Adam Opel AG; F. Gruber, B. Taxis, MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG
14:00 E-Mobility and Driver Assistance: Will Driving Dynamics and Driving Pleasure stay behind in the Future? Peter Schäfer, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
14:00 The Connected Car – a System-of-Systems: Exploration of challenges in development from experts view Armin Kurrle, A. Albers, S. Klingler, IPEK, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
14:00 Simulation in Thermal Management: Looking back, Status and Outlook of an Exciting Discipline Andreas Koller, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
14:30 Automotive Gamechangers and their Challenges from Chassis Perspectives Andreas Wagner, AUDI AG
14:30 Connected Efficiency – A Paradigm to Evaluate Energy Efficiency in Tactical Vehicle-Environments Jochen Kramer, M. Hillenbrand, K. Müller-Glaser, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik; E. Sax, ITIV, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
14:30 Design and development of a component test bench for the investigation of automotive ORC systems Holger Mai, D. Nascimento, Kratzer Automation AG; H. Rätz, H. Kunte, O. Willers, J. Seume, TFD, Leibniz Universität Hannover; S. Weigl, UFT GmbH
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Jochen Wiedemann
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Reuss
15:00 Coffee break
KÖNIG-KARL-HALLE 2nd floor 15:30 Plenary session with Panel discussion (see Overview pg. 7) 17:00 End of Conference
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttinger
ISS2016 | 15
Engine Charging
Engines Components II
13:30 The hot end of the new 4-Cylinder Diesel engine of Mercedes-Benz Jochen Schmid, H. Herwig, Daimler AG
13:30 ecoCasting: Development of lightweight crankcases made of cast iron Wilfried Wolf, W. Steinberg, Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG
13:30 A development method for distributed functions in driving dynamics and driver assistance systems Matthias Wiese, W. Schrüfer, H. Kerscher, M. Hambauer, A. Kron, BMW Group
14:00 Experimental Investigation of Operating Parameters on ConstantTone-Noise of Turbochargers Marco Leonetti, FKFS; M. Bargende, FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart; M. Kreschel, IHI Charging Systems International; C. Meier, H. Schulze, Mercedes Benz
14:00 Tailored Crankshaft Design from early Development Phase on Julius Perge, VKA, RWTH Aachen University; R. Beykirch, J. Lehmann, M. Gast, FEV GmbH; A. Piccaglia, A. Almini, N. Parenti, VM Motori S.p.A
14:00 Cross-Domain Vehicle Control Units in modern E/E architectures Waldemar Haas, P. Langjahr, Bosch Engineering GmbH
14:30 Air path concept for NOx reduction during transient engine operation Mike Lau, R. Suteekarn, Eaton Germany GmbH; T. Tietze, G. Lautrich, IAV GmbH
14:30 Concept for Diesel Particulate Filter Monitoring based on BOSCH Particulate Matter Sensor (PMS) Jörg Linke, D. Konrad, Bosch Engineering GmbH
14:30 Intelligent sensor layout of PVDF structure-borne sound sensors to gain signals mechanically Klaas Hauke Baumgärtel, K.-L. Krieger, Universität Bremen
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Helmut Eichlseder
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch
15:00 Coffee break
KÖNIG-KARL-HALLE 2nd floor 15:30 Plenary session with Panel discussion (see Overview pg. 7) 17:00 End of Conference
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Karl-Ludwig Krieger
Prof. Dr. Tobias Flämig-Vetter Duale Hochschule BW Stuttgart
Benjamin Kaal FKFS
Carla Bailo The Ohio State University
Dr. Günter Fraidl AVL List GmbH
Dr. Stefan Kampmann Robert Bosch GmbH
Prof. Dr. Michael Bargende FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Arthur Frick Daimler AG
Dr. Mathias Keil AUDI AG
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauernhansl Fraunhofer IPA
Prof. Dr. Horst E. Friedrich DLR Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte
Dan Keilhoff Universität Stuttgart
Klaas Hauke Baumgärtel Universität Bremen
Peter Froeschle ARENA2036 e.V.
Mahir Tim Keskin IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Katharina Bause Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Agostino Gambarotta University of Parma
Anke Kleinschmit Daimler AG
Bernd-Dietmar Becker FARO
Prof. Dr. Frank Gauterin Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Matthias Klingbeil Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Lukas Behr Robert Bosch Battery Systems GmbH
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Geringer TU Wien
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl TU Darmstadt
Jan Gerstenberg Bosch Engineering GmbH
Daniel Koch Technische Universität München
Andreas Bildstein Fraunhofer IPA
Dietmar Goericke Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V.
Andreas Koller Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Daniel Görke Daimler AG
Jochen Kramer FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Vivan Govender Daimler AG
Silke Krebs Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg
Florian Goy IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Karl-Ludwig Krieger Universität Bremen
Prof. Dr. Clemens Gühmann TU Berlin
Prof. Dr. Ferit Kücükay TU Braunschweig
Andreas Haag Kooperatives Promotionskolleg Hybrid
Dr. Reiner Künzel MAHLE International GmbH
Waldemar Haas Bosch Engineering GmbH
Armin Kurrle Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Andreas Hackl Technische Universität Graz
Thorsten Lajewski Daimler AG
Prof. Dr. Horst Harndorf Universität Rostock
Thomas Landwehr IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Dr. Benjamin Hartmann Bosch Engineering GmbH
Mike Lau Eaton Germany GmbH
Wolfgang Hatz Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Marco Leonetti FKFS
Dr. Michael Helmle Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. Rolf Leonhard Robert Bosch GmbH
Frank Hermsdorf Technische Universität Dresden
Christian Lersch Velamed GmbH
Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Hettich EAST Consulting
Dr. Christoph Leser MTS Systems Corporation
Klaus Hielscher Technische Universität Berlin
Yujun Liao Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Florian Blab Fraunhofer IPA Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttinger Universität Hohenheim Tillmann Braun Daimler AG Dr. Bernhard Budaker Fraunhofer IPA Rene Budich HTW Dresden Clemens Buschhoff Fraunhofer IPT Jing Cheng Universität Stuttgart Urban Daub Fraunhofer IPA Ronnie Dessort TESIS DYNAware GmbH Prof. Dr. Klaus Dietmayer Universität Ulm Prof. Dr. Christof Ebert Vector Consulting Services GmbH Prof. Dr. Lutz Eckstein RWTH Aachen University Prof. Dr. Helmut Eichlseder TU Graz Prof. Dr. Peter Eilts TU Braunschweig Tobias Engelhardt Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Stefan Epple IKT, Universität Stuttgart
Tilmann Hilbert J. Schmalz GmbH
Prof. em. Dr. Ulf Essers
Detlef Hoffmann SGS Germany GmbH
Dr. Jürgen Fabian Graz University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Peter Hofmann TU Wien
Marius Feilhauer ETAS GmbH
Prof. em. Dr. Günter Hohenberg IVD Prof. Hohenberg GmbH
Dr. Holger Fink Lithium Energy and Power GmbH & Co. KG und Bosch Battery Systems GmbH
Stefan Jetter Daimler AG Dr. Stefan Junker Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. Karl Kollmann
Mike Liebers TU Dresden Stefan Lindner Outokumpu Nirosta GmbH Jörg Linke Bosch Engineering GmbH Dr. René Linssen Daimler AG Joachim Loechner ETAS GmbH Franz Loogen e-mobil BW GmbH
ISS2016 | 17
Dr. Bernd Mahr Continental
Walter Nagler ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Henning Pasligh ITV, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Holger Mai Kratzer Automation AG
Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura HORIBA Ltd.
Julius Perge VKA, RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. Thomas Maier Universität Stuttgart
Dr. Harald Naunheimer ZF Friedrichhafen AG
Raphael Pfeil FKFS
Gian Mauro Maneia Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali
Dirk Neumann IAV GmbH
Jürgen Pitz IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Björn Meyer IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Karl-Ernst Noreikat NorCon
Vincent Raimbault MANN+HUMMEL France SAS
Dr. Stephan Meyer ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG
Dr. Ulrich Odefey TWT GmbH Science & Innovation
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ressel Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Peter Middendorf IFB, Universität Stuttgart
Stefan Oechslen Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Reuss FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart
Srdan Milakovic FKFS
Yasunori Oku Honda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbH
Christian Riese Robert Bosch GmbH
Nebojsa Milovanovic MAHLE Powertrain
Markus Orner FKFS
Hans Römisch Daimler AG
Hikaru Mizuno Toyota Motor Corporation
Helena Ortwein Rennteam Uni Stuttgart e.V.
Claudio Rossi University of Bologna
Marco Muenster DLR Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte
Roberto Papalia NOVA SRL
Prof. Dr. Hermann Rottengruber OvGU Magdeburg
Thilo Müller MANN + HUMMEL GmbH
Prof. Dr. Nejila Parspour Universität Stuttgart
Raja Sangili Vadamalu TU Darmstadt
Dirk Naber Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. Jörg Paschedag ITK Engineering AG
Dr. Peter Schäfer Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Go GREEN with MODINE Climate change, noxious effects caused by particulates, dwindling oil reserves – there are many good reasons why governments around the world introduce increasingly stringent regulations for fuel consumption and emissions. Using the latest technologies Modine worldwide supports vehicle manufacturers therefore to develop vehicles for the future.
Dimitri Seboldt Robert Bosch GmbH
Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber Daimler AG
Stefano Schiavitti Resp. Elettronica Automotive
Victor Senft MTS Systems Corp.
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Wehking Universität Stuttgart
Axel Schloßer FEV GmbH
Lothar Seybold Adam Opel AG
Patrick Weichand IFKB, Universität Stuttgart
Jochen Schmid Daimler AG
Dr. Michael Steiner Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Ulrike Weinrich FKFS
Patrick Schmidt LBST – Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH
Prof. Johann Tomforde Competence & Design Center für Mobility Innovations
Marlene Wentsch FKFS
Helge Schmidt TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG Dr. Marco Schneider Fraunhofer IPA Dr. Simon Schneider MAHLE International GmbH Dr. Marcus Schuck HBW-Gubesch Thermoforming GmbH Mark Schudeleit Technische Universität Braunschweig Ulrich Schulmeister Robert Bosch GmbH Andreas Schultze Technische Universität München Manuel Schuster Fraunhofer IPA Dr. Thomas Schütz BMW AG
OUR PARTNERS in cooperation with
premium partners
main partners
Nick Trümmel Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH Johannes Unser Vector Informatik GmbH Prof. Dr. Thomas Vietor TU Braunschweig Matthias Vogt bridgingIT GmbH Prof. Dr. Georg Wachtmeister TU München Dr. Andreas Wagner AUDI AG Shen Wang Schaeffler Engineering GmbH Alfred Weber MANN + HUMMEL GmbH
Dr. Wolfgang Wenzel BorgWarner, Inc. Prof. Dr. Jochen Wiedemann FKFS/ IVK, Universität Stuttgart Dr. Martin Wierse Modine Europe GmbH Dr. Matthias Wiese BMW Group Ursel Willrett IAV GmbH Johannes Winterhagen Redaktionsbüro delta eta Wilfried Wolf Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG Wolfgang Zahn ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG Prof. Dr. Oliver Zirn Hochschule Esslingen
MAHLE E-POWER FOR EFFICIENT URBAN MOBILITY High efficiency, excellent power density, and minimal maintenance requirements—these are the features of the electric MAHLE traction motors for low-voltage applications. They are specifically adapted to the urban mobility requirements of recreational and road vehicles, and additionally offer the possibility of energy recovery. MAHLE actively participates in the design of current and future powertrain technologies and offers a broad spectrum of electric traction motors for low-voltage applications, in which the motor and control electronics are perfectly coordinated together with their numerous additional functions. Interested? We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information. www.letrika.mahle.com
CALL FOR PAPERS Are you interested in giving a presentation related to one of the named topics? We gladly invite you to submit your presentation proposal. Proposals can be submitted starting 1 March 2016 on the event symposium website at www.stuttgarter-symposium.de. Proposals should contain: ›› Presentation title in German and in English (max. 100 characters incl. spaces) ›› The name of the presenter and any co-authors, company address, phone number and e-mail addresses ›› Short summary (abstract, max. 1,500 characters) ›› Assignment within one of the named topic areas ›› Short entry about the innovative value of the presentation
DATES Submission of proposals by: 31 July 2016 Notification of acceptance: October 2016 Submission of presentation manuscript by: 20 January 2017 The symposium program will be available in November 2016
ISS 2016 THE SYMPOSIUM APP The latest information about the 16th Stuttgart International Symposium is available at any time on the new FKFS app. Get the App!
INFORMATION FKFS Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart | Uta Fuchs | Pfaffenwaldring 12 70569 Stuttgart | Phone +49 711 685-65628 | uta.fuchs@fkfs.de www.fkfs.de
PAPER SUBMISSION Proposals can be submitted starting 1 March 2016 on the symposium’s website at www.stuttgart-symposium.de
Global success Filtration by MANN+HUMMEL Our aim is to bring motivation, passion and energy into providing tomorrow’s ideas today. Worldwide – tailored according to the individual needs of our customers. As a long-term development partner and system supplier to the international automotive industry, we have been finding the best solutions in air and fluid management for our customers for over 70 years. www.mann-hummel.com
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One measurand above all others is critically important when developing combustion engines – cylinder pressure as a function of the crank angle. Cylinder pressure indication allows analysis of the combustion process, carburetion and engine gas exchange. This makes it possible to assess and compare engine parameters for research and development purposes. The objectives: enhanced efficiency and power, improved comfort and reduced emissions. Backed by over 50 years of experience, Kistler is the global market leader for highest-quality solutions in cylinder pressure and gas exchange sensor technology. www.kistler.com/engine
FKFS is an independent institute and provedes research and development services for the international automotive industry. The Institute offers highly specialized test stands and test facilities with a unique range of self-developed measurement and testing, years of experience with the development of simulation tools and excellent know-how of the employees. www.fkfs.de FKFS – Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 12 | 70569 Stuttgart | www.fkfs.de Phone +49 711 685-65888 | symposium@fkfs.de Scientific Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bargende, Managing Board Automotive Powertrains Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Christian Reuss, Managing Board Automotive Mechatronics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Wiedemann, Managing Board Automotive Engineering
The Fraunhofer IPA is engaged in the fields of production organization, surface technology, automation and process technology. Our research and development work focuses on organizational and technological issues in the manufacturing environment of advanced industries, including Automotive, Machinery and Equipment Industry, Electronics and Microsystems, Power Industry, Medical Engineering and Biotechnology. The R&D projects aim to enhance production processes and make products more cost-effective and environmentally friendly by identifying and exploiting the potential for automation. This helps to maintain jobs and to strengthen international competitiveness. The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA Nobelstraße 12 | 70569 Stuttgart | www.ipa.fraunhofer.de Institute Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bauernhansl
IN COOPERATION WITH FVV – Research Association for Combustion Engines The FVV – founded in 1956 – has developed itself to the world’s unique network of research in engines and turbomachinery. It promotes the collective, precompetitive research in the industry and joins industrial efficiency and emissions of engines and turbines continuously – for the benefits of the economy, environment and society. www.fvv-net.de
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ISS2016 | 23
EXHIBITION EXHIBITION On Tuesday and Wednesday, an accompanying exhibition will take place in the foyers of the event facilities. Manufacturers and suppliers to the automotive industry will present the latest developments in vehicle, engine and measurement technology. Exhibition maps and detailed exhibitor profiles are available on site. Find out more about the exhibitors www.stuttgarter-symposium.de Exhibition opening times: Tuesday 15th March 2016 | 8:00 – 18:00 | 16:00 – 19:00 »Meet the Expert«, bonding event for students Wednesday 16th March 2016 | 8:00 –15:30 If you are also interested in attending the Symposium as an exhibitor at the symposium, please contact Philipp Sautter | Phone +49 711 4605376-7 | p.sautter@emendo-events.de
LIST OF EXHIBITORS 16TH SYMPOSIUM 2016 FEV GmbH Forschungsinstitut für Kraftfahrwesen und Fahrzeugmotoren Stuttgart (FKFS) Fraunhofer IPA Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG gfai tech GmbH Greenteam Uni Stuttgart HEAD acoustics GmbH IAV GmbH IPG Automotive GmbH
AVL List GmbH BorgWarner Ludwigsburg GmbH CD-adapco Controlled Power Technologies Ltd. D2T Daimler AG DLR Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte dSPACE GmbH e-mobil BW GmbH ETAS GmbH
Kistler Instrumente GmbH Kristl, Seibt & Co. GmbH MAHLE International GmbH MANN + HUMMEL GmbH MICRO-EPSILON Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Rennteam Uni Stuttgart Schaeffler Engineering GmbH Semcon Holding GmbH & Co. KG TESIS DYNAware GmbH Vector Informatik GmbH As at: October 2015
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Haus der Wirtschaft | Willy-Bleicher-Straße 19 | 70174 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 123-0 | www.hausderwirtschaft.de
Questions about the event symposium@emendo-events.de | Phone +49 711 4605376-8
Overall organization, exhibition, sponsoring: Philipp Sautter p.sautter@emendo-events.de | Phone +49 711 4605376-7
Information on arrival www.hausderwirtschaft.de/anfahrt
Registration, invoicing, speakers: Sonja Sautter s.sautter@emendo-events.de | Phone +49 711 4605376-8
By public transport: ›› Tram: lines S1 to S6, stop estelle city center (Stadtmitte) ›› Metro: U9 and U14, stop Friedrichsbau/Exchange (Börse)
Press, publicity: Susanne Jenisch susanne.jenisch@fkfs.de | Phone +49 711 685-65612
Information on arrival by public transport, please visit www.vvs.de
Program: Uta Fuchs uta.fuchs@fkfs.de | Phone +49 711 685-65628
PARKING Hofdienergarage: Access via Schellingstraße. The maximum daily rate is €12. Address for navigation system Schlossstraße 28 | 70174 Stuttgart TAXI PHONE NUMBERS TaxiAutoZentrale Stuttgart | Phone: +49 711 5510000 Taxi fare between Stuttgart Airport and Haus der Wirtschaft: approx. € 36 Taxi fare between Stuttgart Main Train Station and Haus der Wirtschaft: approx. € 12
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ISS2016 | 25
Hotel Maritim Reservation-Code: Stuttgarter Symposium
With friendly support of AUDI AG, Daimler AG and Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, you may take advantage of a free shuttle service and be driven to your hotel, the airport or train station. Please book your travel request at the Information Counter on the 2nd floor in front of the König-Karl-Halle. In the morning there is a shuttle service from the Maritim Hotel to the Haus der Wirtschaft. Please consider that only transfers in the Stuttgart area are provided.
Maritim Hotel Stuttgart | Seidenstraße 34 | 70174 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 942-0 E-Mail info.stu@maritim.de
During the break times you are welcome to use one of the three catering stations: in the exhibition area of the Eyth- and List-Saal and next to the König-Karl-Halle.
The official symposium language is German. All presentations will be simultaneously interpreted in both directions.
REGISTRATION The registration desk is located in the foyer on the 1st floor. Opening times: Tuesday 15th March 2016 | 8:00 – 18:30 Wednesday 16th March 2016 | 7:30 – 17:30 Phone +49 711 4605376-8
ROOMS & HALLS Conference Office RAUM ULM
Foyer Reception | Coatroom
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MAIN ENTRANCE Willy-Bleicher-Straße 19
Symposium participation fee Participants with university discount Doctoral candidate
€ 995 excl. VAT € 495 excl. VAT € 360 excl. VAT
Day ticket Day ticket with university discount Day ticket doctoral candidate
€ 595 excl. VAT € 395 excl. VAT € 260 excl. VAT
The participation fee includes:
›› Access to all events on both days and with a day ticket respectively for the day booked ›› Conference documentation ›› Lunch, cold drinks and coffee at break times ›› Access to the formal evening reception on15th March 2016 Students
€ 119 including VAT
For students of the University of Stuttgart a limited number of free tickets are available. These can be collected upon presentation of the certificate of enrollment of: Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering IVK Further information: symposium@fkfs.de
After your online registration, you have the choice of online payment (by debit, credit card or PayPal), as well as payment by invoice. The payment on site is only possible by credit card or ATM card, cash can not be accepted.
PARTICIPANTS The Stuttgart International Symposium is aimed at managers and employees of car manufacturers and their suppliers in the fields of research and development, manufacturing, aerodynamics, simulation, drive and transmission, as well as development service providers, software companies and universities.
REGISTRATION Sign up now: www.stuttgarter-symposium.de
5 Participation fee and conditions of payment
The Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart FKFS, Pfaffenwaldring 12, 70569 Stuttgart is organising the 16th Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology 2016.These Terms & Conditions apply for the registration of the 16th Stuttgart International Symposium. Other agreements must be confirmed in writing by FKFS.
We ask for payment within 14 days after receipt of invoice. The participation fee for the complete conference includes access to all events on both days, the conference documentation, lunch at the venue each day, refreshments and participation in formal evening reception. When booking a day ticket the admission is limited to all events on a particular day. Students (including PhD candidates) are excluded from receiving the conference documents and from participating at the evening reception. The remaining services are not affected by this restriction.
2 Registration and Confirmation You can check the registration portal or register via email. After your registration you will receive a written confirmation.Your data will be electronically stored in a database for internal purposes. It will not be passed on to third parties. 3 Cancellation of a participant
6 Copyright The conference documentation may not be reproduced or distributed to third parties without written consent from FKFS. Audio and video recordings of the event are not allowed.
If cancellation occurs before 15th February 2016 a processing fee of € 50.00 will be charged. In case of cancellation before 1st March 2016, a processing fee in the amount of 50 % of the bill will be charged. Subsequently the processing fee is equivalent to the amount of the registration fee. The same applies if the participant fails to appear. The cancellation must be in written form. Relevant for the term protection is the date of the postmark. We are happy to accept a substitute participant at no additional cost. This excludes free passes for students.
7 Filming and photography
4 Cancellation by the organizer
8 Applicable law and jurisdiction
For short-term default of a speaker due to force majeure, illness, accident or any other circumstances the FKFS is not responsible for, another qualified person is appointed to the exclusion of any claims for damages. FKFS reserves the possibility of a final cancellation of the event due to technical or organizational reasons, such as failure to achieve the minimum number of participants, force majeure or other circumstances the FKFS is not responsible for. Already paid participation fees will then be refunded. Any further claim for reimbursement of expenses shall not exist.
German law applies. Jurisdiction is Stuttgart. These terms and conditions exist in German and English. In the event of a discrepancy or ambiguity, the German version is binding.
At the Stuttgart International Symposium photographers contracted by FKFS will take pictures of the event as well as of participants and presenters. Images and pictures in which participants are visible in their entirety or in part are property of FKFS and may be reproduced for publication. This authorization can be revoked at any time, though this shall only apply to any future publications, not for material already published.
9 Other provisions Should one or more provisions of the conditions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining terms and conditions remain unaffected.
ISS2016 | 27
With the title “Meet the Expert”, students will have the opportunity to come into direct dialog with experts from leading companies in the automotive industry. Experts will advise students about possibilities for student term papers, bachelor and master theses, dissertations, internships and also career and entry opportunities. The range of exhibitors ranges from global players to medium-sized enterprises. Additionally, students can find out about participating companies’ exciting research and development fields during short presentations in our CampFire events – with a corresponding atmosphere. More information at: www.stuttgarter-symposium.de
Stay on top of your working day during the Stuttgart International Symposium by making use of our business center, complete with all the essentials.The space is complete with WiFi, power connections and mobile phone charging stations.
LOUNGE Allow yourself a break and take a seat in our lounge area. Here you can converse with clients, partners, colleagues, speakers and other symposium participants.
Get to know the Stuttgart International Symposium by having a look at our new event video.
15 2016
Enhance the prospects of your post-graduate career. Experts of the automotive and supplying industry give you advice and inform you about your opportunities at the beginning of your career. 15 March 2016 · 16:00–19:00 h, Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19, 70174 Stuttgart Admission free for students. Contact: karin.sutter@ivk.uni-stuttgart.de www.stuttgarter-symposium.de