Service Repair Manual
416B Backhoe Loader
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Shutdown SIS Previous Screen Product: BACKHOE LOADER Model: 416B BACKHOE LOADER 8SG Configuration: 416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine
Disassembly and Assembly 3054 Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines Media Number -SENR6241-13
Publication Date -01/08/2008
Date Updated -04/08/2008
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove SMCS - 1161-011
Removal Procedure Start By: a. Remove the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Flywheel - Remove".
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
NOTICE Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products. Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Engines with 14 Bolt Housing Assembly
Illustration 1
The flywheel housing has been removed for photographic purposes only.
1. Remove bolts (1) from housing (3). 2. Remove socket head bolts (2) from housing (3). 3. Remove the crankshaft rear seal, the gasket, and housing (3) from the dowels in the cylinder block.
Engines with 10 Bolt Housing Assembly Note: The 10 bolt housing assembly is manufactured as a one-piece assembly. The 10 bolt housing assembly is NOT adaptable to engines that have the 14 bolt housing assembly.
Illustration 2
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
1. Remove the bolts in reverse order of the numbered sequence. Refer to Illustration 2. 2. Remove the one-piece housing assembly from the cylinder block. Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc.
Wed Dec 4 23:42:55 UTC+0800 2019
All Rights Reserved. Private Network For SIS Licensees.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Shutdown SIS Previous Screen Product: BACKHOE LOADER Model: 416B BACKHOE LOADER 8SG Configuration: 416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine
Disassembly and Assembly 3054 Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines Media Number -SENR6241-13
Publication Date -01/08/2008
Date Updated -04/08/2008
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install SMCS - 1161-012
Installation Procedure Table 1 Required Tools Tool
Part Number
Part Description
Rear Seal Installer
Driver Group
Alignment Tool
A 1P-0510 B
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
Engines with 14 Bolt Housing Assembly 1. Inspect the condition of the gasket. Replace the gasket, if necessary. 2. Clean the areas of the parts that will contact each other.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Illustration 1
3. Use Tool (A) and a suitable press to install the crankshaft rear seal into the housing. Make sure that you install the seal to the correct depth in the housing. Refer to Specifications, "Crankshaft Seals" for additional information. 4. Lubricate the crankshaft flange and the lip of the crankshaft rear seal with clean engine oil. 5. Install Tool (A) onto the crankshaft flange. 6. Put the new gasket for the housing in position on the dowels in the cylinder block.
Illustration 2
7. Carefully place housing (3) and crankshaft rear seal (4) over Tool (A) . 8. Position housing (3) on the dowels in the cylinder block. 9. Remove Tool (A) .
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Illustration 3
The flywheel housing has been removed for photographic purposes only.
10. Install bolts (1) and socket head bolts (2) that fasten housing (3) to the cylinder block. 11. Tighten all of the bolts to a torque of 22 N¡m (16 lb ft).
Engines with 10 Bolt Housing Assembly Note: The 10 bolt housing assembly is manufactured as a one-piece assembly. The 10 bolt housing assembly is NOT adaptable to engines that have the 14 bolt housing assembly. 1. Ensure that all parts and surfaces of the engine block are clean and free from oil, grease, and dirt.
Illustration 4
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Note: The crankshaft rear seal is lubricated. There is no need to lubricate the seal or the crankshaft flange before installation. 2. Place housing assembly (3) on crankshaft flange (1) until the housing assembly contacts the cylinder block face. Plastic sleeve (2) will push out of the housing assembly. Discard the plastic sleeve after the housing assembly is installed. 3. Place Tool (B) over housing assembly (3). This will center the housing assembly onto the crankshaft flange.
Illustration 5
4. Install the bolts with Tool (B) in position in order to fasten housing assembly (3) to the cylinder block. Tighten bolts 1 and 2 to a torque of 22 N¡m (16 lb ft). 5. Remove Tool (B). Tighten the remaining bolts in sequence to a torque of 22 N¡m (16 lb ft). End By: Install the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Flywheel - Install". Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc.
Wed Dec 4 23:43:52 UTC+0800 2019
All Rights Reserved. Private Network For SIS Licensees.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Shutdown SIS Previous Screen Product: BACKHOE LOADER Model: 416B BACKHOE LOADER 8SG Configuration: 416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine
Disassembly and Assembly 3054 Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines Media Number -SENR6241-13
Publication Date -01/08/2008
Date Updated -04/08/2008
Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install SMCS - 1157-010
Removal Procedure Table 1 Required Tools Tool
Part Number
Part Description Link Bracket
Qty 2
Start By: a. Remove the electric starting motor. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install". b. Remove the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Flywheel - Remove".
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
NOTICE Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products. Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.
1. Support the engine with blocks or with a suitable lifting device on a flat level surface.
Illustration 1
Typical example
2. Remove mounting bolts (1) from the top of flywheel housing (2).
Illustration 2
Typical example
3. Attach Tooling (A) and a suitable lifting device to flywheel housing (2). 4. Remove mounting bolts (3) that attach the flywheel housing to the cylinder block.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
5. Remove flywheel housing (2). If necessary, hit flywheel housing (2) with a soft faced hammer in order to separate flywheel housing (2) from the cylinder block. The weight of flywheel housing (2) is approximately 32 kg (70 lb).
Installation Procedure Table 2 Required Tools Tool
Part Number
Part Description Link Bracket
Qty 2
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
1. Clean the rear face of the cylinder block and the mating surface of the flywheel housing. Inspect the felt seal on the rear flange of the engine oil pan. Replace the felt seal, if necessary. Inspect the dowels in the cylinder block that align the flywheel housing. Replace the dowels, if necessary.
Illustration 3
2. Use Tooling (A) and a suitable lifting device to position flywheel housing (2) on the dowels that are on the cylinder block. The weight of flywheel housing (2) is approximately 32 kg (70 lb). 3. Install mounting bolts (3).
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Illustration 4
Typical example
4. Install mounting bolts (1) that attach flywheel housing (2) to the cylinder block. Tighten the bolts for an aluminum flywheel housing to a torque of 70 N·m (52 lb ft). Tighten the cast iron flywheel housing bolts to the following torque: M10 "8.8" ... 44 N·m (33 lb ft) M10 "10.9" ... 63 N·m (46 lb ft) M12 "8.8" ... 75 N·m (55 lb ft) M12 "10.9" ... 115 N·m (85 lb ft) 5. Remove Tooling (A) from the flywheel housing. End By: a. Install the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Flywheel - Install". b. Install the electric starting motor. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install". Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc.
Wed Dec 4 23:44:49 UTC+0800 2019
All Rights Reserved. Private Network For SIS Licensees.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Shutdown SIS Previous Screen Product: BACKHOE LOADER Model: 416B BACKHOE LOADER 8SG Configuration: 416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine
Disassembly and Assembly 3054 Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines Media Number -SENR6241-13
Publication Date -01/08/2008
Date Updated -04/08/2008
Crankshaft Pulley - Remove and Install SMCS - 1205-010
Removal Procedure Start By: A. Remove the V-Belts. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "V-Belts - Remove and Install".
Illustration 1
Typical example
1. Remove three bolts (2) that hold thrust block (3) in position. 2. Remove thrust block (3) from the end of the crankshaft. The thrust block holds the crankshaft pulley in position on the end of the crankshaft. 3. Remove crankshaft pulley (1) from the engine.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Note: Some engines have a water immersion seal that is placed on the front cover. The seal has a flexible lip on the front. The plastic mandrel that is supplied with the seal must be installed in the seal when the crankshaft pulley is removed. This will ensure that the lip maintains the correct shape.
Installation Procedure
Illustration 2
Typical example
1. Remove the plastic mandrel, if necessary. 2. Put crankshaft pulley (1) in position on the crankshaft. 3. Apply 9S-3263 Thread Lock Compound to the threads of three bolts (2) . 4. Put thrust block (3) in position and align the holes with the holes in the end of the crankshaft. Note: It may be necessary to keep the crankshaft from rotating while you torque bolts (3). Use the appropriate tools in order to keep the crankshaft from rotating. 5. Install three bolts (2) that hold the thrust block in position. Tighten bolts (2) to a torque of 115 N¡m (85 lb ft). End By: Install the V-Belts. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "V-Belts - Remove and Install". Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc.
Wed Dec 4 23:45:45 UTC+0800 2019
All Rights Reserved. Private Network For SIS Licensees.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Shutdown SIS Previous Screen Product: BACKHOE LOADER Model: 416B BACKHOE LOADER 8SG Configuration: 416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine
Disassembly and Assembly 3054 Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines Media Number -SENR6241-13
Publication Date -01/08/2008
Date Updated -04/08/2008
Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove SMCS - 1160-011
Removal Procedure Table 1 Required Tools Tool
Part Number
Part Description
Drill Bit
Slide Hammer Puller
Start By: a. Remove the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Pulley Remove and Install".
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
NOTICE Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products. Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.
Illustration 1
Typical example
1. Use Tooling (A) to drill three evenly spaced holes in crankshaft front seal (1). 2. Place Tooling (B) in the holes in order to remove crankshaft front seal (1). Use Tooling (B) in each of the three holes to evenly remove the crankshaft front seal. Note: Do not damage the flange of the crankshaft during the removal process for the crankshaft front seal.
NOTICE Ensure that the main lip is used in order to remove the crankshaft front seal. Do not damage the edge of the housing for the crankshaft front seal.
Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc.
Wed Dec 4 23:46:42 UTC+0800 2019
All Rights Reserved. Private Network For SIS Licensees.
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416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Shutdown SIS Previous Screen Product: BACKHOE LOADER Model: 416B BACKHOE LOADER 8SG Configuration: 416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine
Disassembly and Assembly 3054 Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines Media Number -SENR6241-13
Publication Date -01/08/2008
Date Updated -04/08/2008
Crankshaft Front Seal - Install SMCS - 1160-012
Installation Procedure Table 1 Required Tools Tool
Part Number
Part Description
Front Seal Installer
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
1. Clean the housing for the crankshaft front seal and inspect the housing for damage. 2. Lubricate the lip of the crankshaft front seal with clean engine oil.
416B Backhoe Loader 8SG12000-14798 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3054 Engine(S...
Illustration 1
3. Place crankshaft front oil seal (1) into the housing.
NOTICE Ensure that the lip of the crankshaft front seal that is spring loaded is facing toward the inside of the front housing and that it is square with the bore of the housing for the crankshaft front seal.
Illustration 2
4. Use Tooling (A) to install crankshaft front oil seal (1). 5. Apply clean engine oil on the area of the crankshaft pulley that will be in contact with crankshaft front seal (1). End By: a. Install the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Pulley Remove and Install". Wed Dec 4 23:47:39 UTC+0800 2019