Flac accessing justice in hard times from printwell

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Accessi n in Hard g Justice Times This FLAC report illu strates ho the civil le w gal aid sc h e m e in Ireland wa s impacte d b y the economic crisis, the c h anges made to t he schem e in response to the rec ession an the conse d quent effe c t s o n those see king acce s s t o justice. In particular, FLAC analyses whether t he State complied with its obligation s under d omestic and intern ational hu man rights law to ensure equal access to justice fo r those on low incom es during the economic downturn . The repo rt also expla ins the ne ed for maint aining funding o f civil leg al aid servic es in time s of econom ic crisis and formu lates recommen dations for impro ving access to justice.

13 Lower Dorset Street, Dublin 1 Tel Admin/policy: +353-1-887 3600 LoCall Info Line: 1890 350 250 | Fax: +353-1-874 5320 e-mail: info@flac.ie | Web: www.flac.ie fb.me/FLACIreland | @flacireland

Acce ssing Justi in Ha ce rd Tim es

The eco impact nom of t he on t ic d o h civi e sche wnturn l leg m in Ir al a e of id elan d

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