November 2016
landlord & tenant basic rights & duties
l a n dl o rd & tena nt – basic rights & duties
l a ndl o rd & te na nt – basic rights & duties
private rented housing sector and to operate a national tenancy registration system. Its dispute resolution service replaces the courts in relation to the majority of landlord and tenant disputes. Any disputes that arise in a tenancy that cannot be resolved informally by the parties must be referred to the RTB through their online facility or by post.
The rights and obligations of The main law in this landlords and tenants are based area is the on law and on any written or Residential verbal agreement made between Tenancies Act 2004 the two parties. This leaflet sets out the law, highlights several issues that may arise during the course of a residential tenancy and explains how to follow the correct legal procedure to resolve any disputes. A tenancy is an agreement between two parties, where one party (the tenant) undertakes to occupy a property owned by another party (the landlord) for a specified length of time (called a lease or tenancy period) and for a specified amount of money (rent).
Landlords are legally required to register tenancy agreements. Landlords must also be registered in order to avail of the RTB dispute resolution service. Tenants will have access to the service regardless of whether or not the tenancy is registered.
Are there minimum standards for rented accommodation?
Important: If you rent a room in a house where the house-owner is resident, you are not covered by landlord/tenant legislation in Ireland. In this case, your status is that of a lodger or licensee and the information in this leaflet will not apply to you. In such cases, you can take a case to the Small Claims Court if your deposit is withheld, or to the District Court for breach of contract or breach of licence agreement.
Yes. All privately rented Housing properties must meet the (Standards for Rented minimum standards set out in Houses) the Standard for Rented Houses Regulations Regulations. These include 2008 & 2009 private bathroom facilities, private cooking and food storage facilities and control over the heating of the property for almost all tenancies as well as other matters.
What state body is responsible for residential landlord and tenant matters?
There are also minimum legal standards for the property's structural condition, ventilation, lighting and fire safety. There are further standards set for the provision of waste disposal facilities as well as electricity and gas. Responsibility for enforcing these
Established in 2004, the main role of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) is to provide a dispute resolution service for landlords and tenants of the public and