Not fair enough final

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Making the case for reform of the social welfare appeals system

Glossary AO: An Appeals Officer is a civil servant from the Department of Social Protection appointed by the Minister for Social Protection to decide social welfare appeals. Appeal: A request to a higher authority, in this case an Appeals Officer, to overturn the initial refusal of a social welfare payment. Appellant: A person who makes a social welfare appeal against a refusal or negative decision on his or her social welfare claim.

CAO: The Chief Appeals Officer is a civil servant, appointed by the Minister for Social Protection, with responsibility for overseeing the social welfare appeals system. Claimant: A person who makes an application for a social welfare payment. CWO: “Community Welfare Officer” was the name given to officials employed by the HSE responsible for administering the SWA scheme. These officials transferred to the DSP in October 2011 where they are now called Department of Social Protection representatives. DAO: The Decisions Advisory Office is a section of the Department of Social Protection which provides assistance and guidance to decision-makers while monitoring decisions by Deciding Officers and Appeals Officers for consistency and quality. DO: A Deciding Officer is a civil servant working in the Department of Social Protection who makes decisions on a claimant’s entitlement to a social welfare payment. DSP: The Department of Social Protection, formerly known as the Department of Social and Family Affairs, is responsible for developing policy and legislation in relation to the State’s provision of social welfare to those in need of assistance. It also administers social welfare payments.

Making the case for reform of the social welfare appeals system

Beneficiary: A person who benefits from a social welfare payment, although he or she does not receive that primary social welfare payment his or herself. This might be a partner or child who is dependent on the person who receives a primary payment plus an additional sum of money for the dependent person.

NOT FAIR ENOUGH sets out the operation of the Social Welfare Appeals Office and charts the increase in the workload of the office as well as looking at the challenges facing it in terms of limited resources and delays. The report also summarises some of the main difficulties facing appellants and their advocates when they come into contact with the appeals system. These include the perceived lack of independence of the Appeals Office as a section of the Department of Social Protection, as well as the need for greater transparency, consistency and even-handedness. FLAC examines the process in light of domestic and international human rights law to which the State is committed even in times of austerity. The report outlines various perspectives on the appeals system, from advocates representing clients at appeal stage to the views of the Chief Appeals Officer on behalf of the Appeals Office. FLAC makes the case for reform of this key institution which plays an ever more critical role as more and more people seek state support in a fair and timely manner.



ECHR: The European Convention on Human Rights is a Council of Europe human rights instrument which has been incorporated into Irish domestic law through the ECHR Act 2003.

FOI: The Freedom of Information Acts 1997 – 2003 require certain public bodies to keep records and to make these records available to members of the public on request.

HRC: The Habitual Residence Condition is a qualifying condition which those seeking a means-tested social welfare payment or Child Benefit must satisfy.

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FLAC 2012

HSE: The Health Service Executive is a state-funded body responsible for the delivery of health and personal social services through medical professionals, hospitals and a network of Heath Offices and health centres at community level. It is divided into four regions countrywide. The HSE was responsible for administering the Supplementary Welfare Allowance scheme until October 2011 when this responsibility was transferred to the Department of Social Protection.

NOT FAIR ENOUGH Making the case for reform of the social welfare appeals system

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