Annual Report 2006

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2006 Annual Report














Museum Mission The mission of the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum is to preserve, research, and interpret: Whitehall, the associated collections, and materials related to the life of Henry Morrison Flagler, as unique and important elements of Florida’s history and America’s Gilded Age.

Trustees & Executive Director

President George G. Matthews Vice President G.F. Robert Hanke Treasurer William M. Matthews Secretary Thomas S. Kenan, III Trustee Alexander W. Dreyfoos Trustee Kelly M. Hopkins Trustee Jesse D. Newman Trustee John B. Rogers

Executive Director John M. Blades

front and rear cover Gold Telegram Box The Flagler Museum recently unveiled a replica of the Gold Telegram box created by Tiffany & Co. to commemorate the completion of the Over-Sea Railroad in 1912.

President’s Letter May 2007 Dear Members and Contributors: Two thousand and six was yet another year of remarkable accomplishments at the Museum. I hope you will share my pleasure in the Museum’s many accomplishments during the past year as you read this Annual Report. The Museum continued to produce excellent programs in 2006, including: two original exhibits, Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition and The Blue God and the Silver King: The Origins of Sportfishing on Florida’s Southeast Coast, the Whitehall Lecture Series focusing on Heroes and Villains of the Gilded Age, and the critically acclaimed Flagler Museum Music Series. In addition to these wellregarded programs, I hope 2006 will be remembered as the year the Museum added many new and innovative programs, like the Newspapers in Education Tabloid - Flagler’s Florida, the Bluegrass Concert to benefit the Southern Arts Federation, the Easter Egg Hunt, and the Palm Beach County History Day Student Project Competition, to name just a few. This past year the Museum was honored to host a number of prestigious meetings, such as the planning retreat for the Board of the Preservation Society of Newport County, Rhode Island, a tour and dinner for the Association of Art Museum Directors, the Palm Beach Civic Association’s Annual Meeting where the Palm Beach Mayor delivered his State-of-the-Town Address, Palm Beach County Historical Society’s Annual Meeting, and a tour and tea for the Concierge Association of Florida - and to be the recipient of the 2006 Judge Knott Award. As a Trustee of the Museum for more than a quarter century, Judge Knott will always occupy a special place in the Museum’s history. On behalf of my fellow Trustees, the Museum staff, and myself, thank you for your support during the past year. It has been essential to making the many impressive accomplishments of 2006 possible. Sincerely,

George G. Matthews, President Henry Morrison Flagler Museum


Executive Director’s Report Beginning in 1995, the Flagler Museum embarked on a massive restoration and facilities improvements campaign that lasted for a decade. With new state-of-the-art climate control and security systems in place, Whitehall’s historic interiors impeccably restored, and the new Flagler Kenan Pavilion, by 2005 the Museum was ready to turn its full attention to program development for 2006. The result was the most ambitious series of programs the Museum has produced in its 46-year history. With the number of new programs introduced in 2006 it became clear that a comprehensive Season Program Guide was needed to communicate not only the schedule of the various long-standing programs throughout the Season, but also to describe the new programs as well, and to recognize the many sponsors that make the Museum’s programs possible.

Exhibits Both the winter and fall exhibits this year were curated by the Flagler Museum staff. Each was unusual, imaginative and completely original. The year began with Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition, an exhibit of some of the very best American silver work ever produced, but not seen as a group since 1893. The Flagler Museum was able to track down and reassemble many of the fantastic silver objects made by Tiffany & Co. for the greatest world’s fair of all time, the World’s Columbian Exposition. And, in conjunction with the exhibit, the Museum published the catalogue raisone, and only reference work, on the subject. The New York Times described the exhibit as, “Against all odds, John M. Blades, the director of the Flagler, has reassembled about 20 percent of the major pieces in Tiffany’s original 1893 silver display.” The year ended with The Blue God and the Silver King, an exhibit that explored the origins of the mega sportfishing industry in South Florida using the early and rare photographs, equipment, guides, and artwork to illustrate the extreme nature of sportfishing in south Florida during the late 19th and very early 20th centuries. The Blue God and the Silver King was picked by the Palm Beach Daily News as one of the “Season’s” highlights.


Programs and Member Events Since they were introduced in 1997, Holiday Evening Tours at the Museum have remained popular. Based on continuing research using historic photographs and contemporary accounts, the Museum staff continued to make Whitehall’s Christmas decorations more authentic. Palm fronds and Spanish Moss were added to the garlands along the Grand Staircase and Spanish Moss and boxes of Animal Crackers were added to the tree decorations in the Grand Hall. Few people today know that Animal Crackers were introduced the year Whitehall was completed, 1902, or that the box was fitted with a string so that boxes of Animal Crackers could be used as Christmas Tree decorations, or that palm fronds and Spanish Moss were commonly used in Christmas decorations in Florida during the Gilded Age. Reviving the Christmas traditions of the time period when Whitehall was built serves not only to educate visitors about the Gilded Age, but makes the experience of visiting Whitehall during the Christmas Holidays unique, interesting, and fun.


Music and Lecture Series “The Flagler Museum... with close-up intimacy, admirable clarity and a nice ambient bloom... may well be the best space for chamber music in South Florida.” South Florida Sun-Sentinel In its Seventh season the Flagler Museum Music Series again wowed audiences and reviewers responded with, “Nokuthula Ngwenyama’s recital in January at the Flagler Museum was another all-around high point of this season” - Palm Beach Post, “The Haydn piece is compelling and holds an audience’s attention when played with the combination of brilliance and intensity the Colorado String Quartet brought to this performance” - Palm Beach Daily News, “Those who made it to Thomas Gallant’s performance were rewarded with one of the best concerts Palm Beach County will see this year” - Palm Beach Daily News, “Few Venues in South Florida offer a more civilized environment for chamber music than the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach. The Gryphon Trio’s concert Tuesday night made a fine match of musical excellence in an intimate space.” - Sun Sentinel, and “The Borealis Wind quintet presented a program that was delightful and surprisingly effective. The quintet played it particularly well, with great lightness and lift.” - Palm Beach Daily News. Likewise, the 21st annual Whitehall Lecture Series continued to intrigue audiences while furthering our understanding and appreciation of the Gilded Age through lectures presented around the theme of “Heroes and Villains of the Gilded Age,” including lectures on Jack the Ripper, Andrew Carnegie, Christopher Columbus, Buffalo Bill, Thomas Edison, and George Washington.


Bluegrass Concert The rising popularity of Bluegrass music and the unique venue of the Flagler Kenan Pavilion somehow seem made for each other, and the audience seemed to agree when two of the best Bluegrass bands, the Krüger Brothers and the Mark Newton Band played to a full house. The Museum will host an annual Bluegrass Concert to raise funds for the Southern Federation of the Arts as a way of assisting in the recovery of artists and arts organizations devastated by hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.

Museum Café In 2006 the Museum’s Café moved to the new Flagler Kenan Pavilion to further enhance the Café experience by taking advantage of the Pavilion’s unique environment and its outstanding views across Lake Worth. As a result, the Café enjoyed an outstanding season. Café business went up 41% and over all satisfaction increased from 93% to 97% over the previous season.


Education Programs A new initiative was launched in 2006 that by 2008 will project the Museum’s mission of education about America’s Gilded Age and Henry Flagler’s impact in Florida out to about 500,000 fourth and fifth grade students throughout the state of Florida. Working with the Palm Beach Post and the Palm Beach County School District, the Museum’s Education Department produced a 32page Newspapers in Education Tabloid (NIE Tab for short), titled Flagler’s Florida that was distributed to all fourth and fifth graders in Palm Beach County. When the Flagler’s Florida is distributed statewide in 2008, it will be the most widely distributed NIE Tab ever produced. The distribution of the new NIE Tab is made possible by funds raised through a new Museum support group formed in 2006. The Whitehall Society seeks to develop a new generation of Museum Members who share an interest in history and preservation, through activities, programs, and fund-raisers. The Whitehall Society’s annual fund-raiser Dancing After Dark was launched in 2006. Dancing After Dark immediately drew substantial sponsorship support and a significant following making it an instant success. Reviving a tradition from the Gilded Age, the Whitehall Society also launched an annual Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Egg Roll on the Museum’s South Lawn, and it too was an immediate success. And, in November the Whitehall Society partnered with Hollywould and designer Holly Dunlap for Cocktails Under the Stars a reception at the Museum celebrating the opening of a new Season in Palm Beach. Throughout its 46-year history, the Museum has worked with the Palm Beach County School District in a variety of ways. Each year thousands fourth and fifth grade students visit the Museum as part of their education about Florida history. For the past 20 years the Museum Mentor Program has paired Docent Mentors with students to develop their creative writing skills. In 2006 the Museum further expanded its partnership with the School District to serve students by beginning an annual tradition of hosting the Palm Beach County History Day Student Project Competition in the Flagler Kenan Pavilion.


Carnegie Hero Lecture Many of our Nation’s most cherished traditions and institutions were established during America’s Gilded Age. Founded in 1904, the Carnegie Hero Fund was established to recognize and support heroes among us. “We live in a heroic age,” Andrew Carnegie wrote in the founding documents for the Hero Fund, “not seldom are we thrilled by deeds of heroism where men or women are injured or lose their lives in attempting to preserve or rescue their fellows.” Each year a special few individuals are awarded the Carnegie Hero Medal. Over the years many medal winners have been from Florida. In 2006 an annual Carnegie Hero Lecture was added to the Museum’s programs as a way of reminding us all of the heroes among us and the great traditions of the Gilded Age. Joseph Anthony Alaimo helped to save Abigail P. Slade from drowning off of Palm Beach on March 21, 2004. Abigail, 10, and her cousin were swimming in the Atlantic Ocean when they were caught by a strong current which pulled them far from shore. On the beach, Alaimo, 24, saw them struggling and swam to the rescue. The girls’ uncle and several other men also went into the water to help rescue the girls. The uncle reached the victims first and was overcome by exhaustion while towing them to shore.The uncle lost consciousness and he did not survive. Alaimo pulled Abigail a great distance, and before succumbing to exhaustion pushed Abigail safely to shore. Abigail was rescued from the surf and Alaimo was taken to the hospital where he was held six days in treatment for near drowning, from which he fully recovered. Abigail and her cousin were also were taken to the hospital, and they too recovered.


Founders Day The Museum’s annual celebration of the anniversary of its founding on June 5th, and its founder, Jean Flagler Matthews drew more than 2,000 visitors who patiently waited to tour the grounds, Whitehall, and Railcar No. 91.

Fourth of July With the completion of the Flagler Kenan Pavilion Museum Members have an even better view of the Fourth of July fireworks over Lake Worth from the Museum grounds, making this annual tradition at the Museum even more memorable.

Website Redesign The Flagler Museum was the first major cultural institution to post a web site in Palm Beach County and over the years, with the increasing popularity of the Internet, the Museum has expanded the information available through its web site. In 2006 the Museum’s web site was completely redesigned to make even more information available and the web site easier to navigate. In addition, the on-line store for the Museum was redesigned and more of the products not found anywhere but the Flagler Museum Store have been added.

Conservation and Restoration

Each year for the past four years, the Museum has worked with a conservator to restore and rewire Whitehall’s many sconces and chandeliers. These elaborate light fixtures were produced by Caldwell and Company of New York, the pre-eminent American designer of light fixtures. In 2006 the chandeliers that light the alcoves of the Grand Hall were restored and rewired. Over the past century, the floor of what is now the Changing Exhibit Gallery, located on the second floor above the Grand Ballroom, became deflected resulting in a difference in level from the middle of the floor to the outer walls of as much as four inches. During the summer a level sub-floor was installed and a new broad-planked Oak floor installed over that. In addition, all of the baseboard and door surrounds were removed and reinstalled to making them level and plumb. The result is that the Gallery floor is stronger and better suited for the exhibition of sculpture and other kinds of three-dimensional objects.


Collections and Acquisitions Over the years the Flagler Museum has been fortunate to acquire significant objects and materials relevant to Henry Flagler and Whitehall and in many cases repatriate objects original to Whitehall. In 2006, a painting original to Flagler’s collection, Martin Johnson Heade’s Great Florida Marsh, was put on long-term loan to the Museum and now hangs in Whitehall’s Library. When, after more than a decade of work when the Over-Sea Railroad was nearly complete, in 1912 thousands of Florida East Coast Railway workers contributed to have Tiffany & Co. produce a beautiful vermeil presentation box to house an 18kt gold telegram of congratulations from the workers to Henry Flagler. Unfortunately, that important historical artifact was stolen from the Museum early in the Museum’s history and the only remaining documentation of the box and telegram was a single vintage photograph in the Museum’s archives. Working over more than five years, using digitally enhanced copies of the historic photograph, the Museum and Tiffany & Co. recreated the design for the box and then fabricated a replica that was completed in 2006. While elaborate silver and gold commemorative pieces were produced relatively often during the Gilded Age, there are very few craftsmen in the 21st Century capable of producing commemorative pieces of the quality of the Gold Telegram Box, making the restoration of this important historical artifact to the Museum all the more impressive and important. Other objects added to the Museum’s collections in 2006 were: a silver Bon Bon spoon and a Wine Taster made by Tiffany & Co. for the World’s Columbian Exposition, a variety of flatware produced by Greenleaf & Crosby during the Gilded Age, rare books from the time period, and an evening fan made of black Ostrich feathers with a tortoise shell handle, purchased in Paris in the very early 20th Century by the wife of an American Cultural Attaché.


Leadership and Recognition Each year the Flagler Museum hosts numerous prestigious groups. In January the Museum hosted two events: the Board of Directors of the Preservation Society of Newport County, Rhode Island, for their annual planning retreat and, as has been the tradition for years, a public meeting with the Legislative Delegation of Palm Beach County. In February about 150 members of the Association of Art Museum Directors visited the Museum. In April the Museum hosted events: the Palm Beach Civic Association’s Annual meeting and the Palm Beach Mayor’s State-of-the-Town Address and the Annual meeting of the Palm Beach County Historical Society. And, in September the Concierge Association of Florida met at the Museum. The Museum was honored to receive the Judge Knott Award in 2006 “in recognition of the institution’s decades of contributions to preserving, promoting and sharing the rich, diverse history of Palm Beach County. The Flagler Museum is the quintessential icon of Palm Beach’s Gilded Age grandeur. It offers a glimpse into the life of famed railroad and oil magnate Henry Flagler, who was responsible for transforming Palm Beach into the thriving resort community present today.” The award is particularly meaningful to the Trustees and staff of the Museum because in addition to playing a key role for decades in the Palm Beach County Historical Society, Judge James Knott was a Trustee of the Flagler Museum throughout most of its history, from 1973 until his death in1999. Whitehall may be the site most connected with Henry Flagler in most people’s minds, but as the “inventor” of modern Florida, Henry Flagler’s legacy is everywhere. In recognition of Flagler’s essential role in the development of Miami, on July 28th, the 110th anniversary of the incorporation of the city of Miami, the Flagler Museum dedicated a replica of the statue of Henry Flagler commissioned during his lifetime by his wife, Mary Lily Kenan Flagler. The statue of Flagler was gift to Miami from Colonel G. F. Robert Hanke, a great grandson of Henry Flagler and the Vice President of the Flagler Museum. The statue’s location on the MiamiDade County Courthouse steps on Flagler Street in downtown Miami, is particularly significant as the land for the Courthouse was given to Miami by Henry Flagler.


As its reputation grows, the Flagler Museum attracts more media attention, receiving more national, and international media attention than any other Florida Museum. In 2006, the Flagler Museum was featured in the following publications and programs: Art & Culture of Palm Beach County Art & Entertainment Network Florida Keys Keynoter Florida Sportfishing Magazine Group Tour Magazine History Channel Industry Magazine Keys News Miami Today Outdoor Florida Palm Beach Society Palm Beach Young Society Quest Magazine Silver Magazine South Florida Sun-Sentinel The International Herald Tribune The Knoxville News Sentinel The New York Times The Palm Beach Daily News The Palm Beach Post Wellington Magazine WPBT Channel 2’s “Art 360” WPBT Channel 2’s “State of the Arts” Clearly, 2006 was another banner year for the Museum, made possible through the support of the hundreds of Members, Contributors, Sponsors, and Grantors recognized in this Annual Report. On behalf of the Flagler Museum staff, thank you all for your continued support. John Blades, Executive Director Henry Morison Flagler Museum


In Memoriam to Henry Flagler Harris Great Grandson of Henry Morrison Flagler Henry Flagler (Nick) Harris, 77, of Wyndmoor, great grandson of Henry Morrison Flagler, died suddenly Dec. 22 at Chestnut Hill Hospital. Nick Harris was raised in Philadelphia and attended Chestnut Hill Academy, the Pomfret School and the University of Virginia where he was a member of Delta Phi (St. Elmo Club). In 1952 he left the University of Virginia and enlisted in the Army. As a sergeant with the 235th Field Artillery Observation Battalion, he fought in the Korean War and was decorated for his service. After the war, he worked on Wall Street at R. W. Pressprich & Co. In 1964, Nick married Penelope Parsons. In addition to his wife of 42 years, Mr. Harris is survived by sons, Lamont and Henry; a daughter, Elizabeth Harris Mellon; a brother, John A Harris IV, and five grandchildren. Nick Harris had a life-long commitment to his community. He served on the boards of Chestnut Hill Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Bar Harbor Hospital (Bar Harbor, Maine), Chestnut Hill Academy, Springside School, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the Thuya Garden of Mount Desert Island, Maine. In addition, Nick Harris was a trustee for 38 years of the Millbrook School, Millbrook, N.Y., which his grandfather, Henry Harkness Flagler, co-founded and he was a life-long supporter of the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum, which was founded by his aunt, Jean Flagler Matthews in the former winter home of his great grandfather, Henry Morrison Flagler.


Operating Revenue & Expense Report 2006

Revenues admissions membership dues museum store revenue special events fees music series revenue contributions other revenue endowment support

579,000 324,000 431,000 188,000 39,000 709,000 74,000 2,260,000

Total Revenues


Expenses educational programs: exhibits lectures & events tours, summer camp, education support curatorial support personnel & payroll taxes maintenance & conservation museum store expenses insurance utilities membership activities advertising & marketing other expenses administrative support debt service

348,000 212,000 107,000 70,000 1,566,000 372,000 310,000 282,000 277,000 264,000 242,000 123,000 62,000 369,000

Total Expenses





Contributors Individual & Corporate Contributors

Contributions from Foundations, Trusts & Funds

Flagler Kenan Pavilion Donors

$20,000 and above

$150,000 and above

$5,000 and above

Flagler Systems, Inc. (Mr. Thomas S. Kenan, III) WPTV-Channel 5 †

Palm Beach County Cultural Council TDC Grant

$15,000 and above

William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Blades Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Hopkins, III Mrs. Betsy K. Matthews Northern Trust U.S. Trust

$50,000 and above


$25,000 and above

$10,000 and above Col. & Mrs. G.F. Robert Hanke Mrs. Betsy K. Matthews Mr. George G. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews The Estate of Ms. Clara Nevai $5,000 and above

Anonymous Randleigh Foundation Trust $10,000 and above Mark W. & Paula J. Cook Fund of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties Thomas S. Kenan Foundation

“The Tiffany exhibit at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 was the greatest display of Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Amling Mr. & Mrs. John M. Blades $5,000 and above 19th century American silver the Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Henry Abraham and Beverly Sommer world has ever seen…The current Flagler Systems, Inc. (Mrs. Sterling H. Kenan) Foundation show at the Flagler Museum is the Ralph B. Rogers Foundation Seth Sprague Educational and second greatest.” $2,500 and above

Charitable Foundation Wise Foundation

Ms. Helen Harting Abell Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Sharf

Atwater Kent Foundation Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge Foundation Richard S. Johnson Family Foundation

Mr. James G. Kenan, III Mrs. James L. Wiley $200 and above

$1,000 and above

Donald M. Ephraim Family Foundation Mosaic Foundation Raymond John Wean Foundation Rodman Foundation Wrightson-Ramsing Foundation $500 and above The de Peyster Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, Inc. Herndon Foundation Ponagansett Foundation $200 and above The Garden Club of Palm Beach

† Denotes a full or partial in-kind contribution 14

The New York Times, February 24, 2006

$2,000 and above

$1,000 and above

Ms. Kathleen Pacetti Mr.& Mrs. Leslie Rose Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Longo

“Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition displays some of the most beautiful objects made to support the American Case.” The Palm Beach Daily News March 12, 2006

Program Sponsors Whitehall Society “Dancing After Dark”

“Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition” Exhibit

Flagler Museum Music Series

$20,000 and above

$25,000 and above

$15,000 and above

Tiffany & Co. †

Northern Trust $10,000 and above

Palm Beach Daily News †

AXA Fine Art Insurance Palm Beach Post †

Bluegrass in the Pavilion

Wachovia Wealth Management $10,000 and above Discovery Land Company † Anonymous

$5,000 and above

$5,000 and above

Mr. Bruce Gendelman

The Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. Charitable Foundation, Inc. Discovery Land Tours † “The Blue God & the Silver King: Grey Goose Vodka † The Origins of Sport Fishing on Mrs. Betsy K. Matthews Florida’s Southeast Coast” Exhibit $1,000 and above Dewings † Palm Beach Parking † Ms. Annice H. Kenan & Mr. Jesse W. Smith

$15,000 and above Anonymous

Whitehall Lecture Series $5,000 and above Palm Beach Post †

$10,000 and above Northern Trust

$300 and above Mr. & Mrs. John Crompton Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Fanjul, Jr. Ms. Dee-Dee Harris Lily Holt, Inc. † Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Orthwein † Mr. Mrs. John Cater Randolph, II † Mr. Jack Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William T. Seed $200 and above Mr. John J. Brogan Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John C. Oxley Table Sponsors Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Amling Mr & Mrs. Robert Butler Ms. Lily Holt Dillon Discovery Land Conpany Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Hopkins, III Tiffany & Co. Ms. Elizabeth Titcomb Goelet Cup, 1884, Schooner From the New York Yacht Club ©2005 The Metropolitan Museum of Art

† Denotes a full or partial in-kind contribution 15

Corporate Members

Chairman ($10,000) Akerman Senterfitt Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Fidelity Investments Goodrich Corporation Lehman Brothers Marathon Oil Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. MBIA Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC PDX, Inc. TIAA-CREF Wachovia Corporation WCI Communities, Inc.

CEO ($7,000) Bank of America Bernadotte Foundation for Children’s Eyecare Equipment Leasing, Inc. JP Morgan Private Bank Lilly Pulitzer  President ($5,000) The Coca-Cola Bottlers Association The Florida Bar Association Proctor & Gamble Shionogi USA U.S. Trust Company Wilden Pump & Engineering, LLC Youngs Construction Executive ($3,000) Florida East Coast Industries, Inc. McKinsey & Co. Massachusetts Financial Services Meyer, Brown, Rowe & Mawe Northern Trust - Chicago Northwood University Palm Beach Daily News PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP .

Globe Clock Courtesy of the National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia, PA; photographed by Lori Stahl

“Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition displays some of the most beautiful objects made to support the American Case.” The Palm Beach Daily News, March 12, 2006


Annual Members

Flagler Associate Members ($5,000)

Benefactor Members ($2,500)

American Association of State College & Universities Ms. Ewa Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Carleton F. Allen, III Mr. Michael Belisle & Ms. Linda A. Gary Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bergquist Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bolton Mr. Donald Burns Mr. & Mrs. Robert Butler Mr. & Mrs. John K. Castle Dr. Patricia Chidiac Mr. & Mrs. Robert Denenberg Mr. & Mrs. Russell Dise Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ever Mr. Stephen Finn & Mrs. Kim Linthicum Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fornaserio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallo Mr. Brian Griffin Ms. Linda Hoffman Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County Mr. Robert A. Krissell Mrs. John C. LaMonte Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder Mr. Robert Leidy Mechanical Contractors Association of Chicago Mr. & Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr. New York Presbyterian Hospital Palm Beach Opera, Inc. Palm Beach Symphony Mrs. Tracy Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Harold Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Dairell J. Snapp Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taeger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vanhellemont Mr. & Mrs. Brett Zimmerman

Mrs. Cecile Draime Mr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Gaines Mrs. Alexander Raywood Mr. & Mrs. John Rinker Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Sharf

“If you like your chamber music on a grand scale then the Flagler Museum is where you needed to be on Tuesday evening” The Palm Beach Daily News, January 26, 2006

denotes addtional contribution to the Annual Fund or Whitehall Society

“The Ensemble demonstrated great restraint and taste in not peaking too soon, but letting the drama unfold very gradually, all the while playing with great precision and tone.” The Palm Beach Daily News February 16, 2006

Patron Members ($1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Boyle Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Brower, II Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Buch Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. DeGeorge Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Eaton Mr. & Mrs. James J. Edwards Mrs. Lois Bachman Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Feher Ms. Mary Scott Guest Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hallac Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hummel Mr. & Mrs. James C. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel Mr. Douglas M. Kinney Sir Geoffrey & Lady Leigh Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Miller Ms. Linda P. O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Oren Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pagliari Mr. & Mrs. William G. Pannill Ms. Theresa Rizzo Mr. William J. Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schochet Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Schott Mr. & Mrs. E. LeRoy Swindell Ms. Nancy Telese Mr. & Mrs. Leo Vecellio Mr. & Mrs. George Williamson

The Trio’s performance is marked by high levels of energy and passion. The interpretations are free from exaggeration. The players are sensitive to one another, especially the violinist and cellist, who were in close visual contact much of the time. Palm Beach Daily News March 16, 2006

“ it is compelling and holds an audience’s attention when bladed with the combination of brilliance and intensity the Colorado String Quartet brought to this performance.” The Palm Beach Daily News February 16, 2006

“That full-bodied tone and her refined, ever-graceful playing label her as one of the most musical string players of her generation. The Palm Beach Daily News, January 26, 2006


Annual Members Sponsor Members ($500)

Sustaining Members ($200)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Brenstein Mr. Bill Bone Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm G. Bourne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Boyle Mr. & Mrs. William J. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Alerio Cardinale Mr. & Mrs. David O. Charland Mr. Thomas Davis, Jr. Ms. Diana B. Denholm Ms. Isabelle de Tomaso Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Fennell Ms. Ellen Fox & Ms. Lacey Fox Mr. & Mrs. Keith Frankel Mr. Peter N. Geisler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold S. Goldin Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hennessy, Jr. Ms. Jo Ann Hoffman Ms. Hayden Hosford & Mr. Barney Bakken Palm Beach Post Ms. Elsa Mosse Hvide Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Jones, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. John Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Peter I.C. Knowles, II Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larmoyeux Mr. Norman E. Mack, II Mrs. Jack C. Massey

Mr. Ramin M. Abdolvahabi Mr. & Mrs. Joyce T. Alban Mr. Donald Alducin & Dr. Sharada Alducin Mr. & Mrs. Percy Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Andrews, Jr. Ms. Ann Appleman Mrs. Grace W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Frederic B. Asche, Jr. Mrs. Lexye Aversa Mr. & Mrs. E. William Aylward Mr. Bernard Baker Mr. David Baker & Mr. Carlos Perez Mr. & Mrs. Ettore Barbatelli Ms. Carla Barron Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bateman Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Beaty Ms. Pamela Bechill Mr. & Mrs. Dean Becker Mrs. Frank S. Bell & Mrs. Margery Bell Mr. Herman Bender Ms. Patricia Benditt The Honorable & Mrs. William E. Benjamin, II Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bernard Mr. & Mrs. A. Max Beverly Mr. George C. Bitting Ms. Yvonne S. Boice Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Boisselle Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Boltz Mr. Thomas E. Bonetti Mr. Erik Borgen-Larssen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Braunschweiger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Breskman Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Brizel Mr. & Mrs. Laverne S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Bylin Mr. & Mrs. John S. Call, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Felix F. Callari Ms. Phyllis Callaway Mr. Norman Caplan & Ms. Maxine Witt Dr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Carabasi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Colin Cashel Ms. Kathryn A. Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Cherry Mr. Pei-Yuan Chia & Ms. Katherine Shen Mr. & Mrs. Jean Pierre Chovet Mr. & Mrs. John Christlieb Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Christman Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clark Mr. Vincent T. Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Coda Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Collins Mr. & Mrs. Don Conrad Mrs. Trisha Consunji & Mr. Brian Cheguis Mr. & Mrs. J. Patterson Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cornacchia

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Orthwein

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Richter Mr. & Mrs. Shouky Shaheen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Shlora Mrs. Selma Terner Slater Mr. & Mrs. Bailey B. Sory, III Mr. & Mrs. Moses Sternlieb Mr. James Swope & Mr. Scott Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Henry Vander Plaat, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. James E. Weber Mr. Philip A. Whitacre Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zenko

denotes addtional contribution to the Annual Fund or Whitehall Society 18

Rev. & Mrs. Richard M. Cromie Mr. & Mrs. Lee Cruz Mr. & Mrs. John D’Arcy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dahlberg Mr. & Mrs. John A. Daniels Ms. Susan Dearborn Mr. Joseph Deflora Ms. Ann DiLella Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Dimm Mr. Mary Sloneker Donahue Ms. Penelope E. Donnelly Mrs. Jack R. Dorman Ms. Pia Dorrin Ms. Ganka Dover Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Drucker Mr. & Mrs. David C. Drysdale Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Dunnan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Ehrenclou Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ehrlich Mr. & Mrs. James M. Engel Ms. Elaine Fabrikant Ms. Esther Feldberg Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Karczynski Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ferrin Ms. Lois S. Field Ms. Cindy Findley Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fischer, III Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Flucke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Foley Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Forsythe, III Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Frazier Mr. Charles Freeman Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Freudenthal Mr. Robert Ganshorn & Mr. Robert J. Bielecki Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Geisler Ms. Sara E. Gilbane Mr. Jonathan S. Gilbert Mr. Alan Duane Gillette Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Gordon Mr. John C. Gorsline Ms. Elaine Gossage Mr. Peter U. Graefe Mr. & Mrs. Steven Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Groves Mr. & Mrs. William M. Guttman Ms. Maryann L. Hajduk Mr. H. Bert Hallock Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Hanley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. W. Gibson Harris, II Ms. Rita Hassenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heck Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Helfrich

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Henry Mr. & Mrs. Raford Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Higgins

Annual Members Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Hochstin Ms. Judith Matthews Hodge Mr. Charles Holman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wenford Hood Mr. & Mrs. James H. Howe, III Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Horowitz Ms. Barbara L. Hyman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Imbrogno Mr. & Mrs. C. Morgan Jackson Ms. Theresa Jannacone The Honorable Eric M. Javits & Dr. Margaretha Espersson Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie J. Johns Mr. & Mrs. Karl W. Kalassay Mrs. Jeanne Kanders Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaufman Mr. Patrick Killian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Kirchhoff Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kirkbride Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson R. Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Dana Koch Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kolt Ms. Betty Kovach Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Krakoff Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Lahner Ms. Stacey K. LaMotte & Ms. Danielle LaMotte Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lawrence Ms. Kelly A. Layman Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lazzara Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Leavy Mr. Harrison T. LeFrak Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Lehman Mrs. Dorothy Levy Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Levy Ms. Elaine M. Lewis Mrs. Joan M. Lewis Ms. Marian Lewis Mr. Robert A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Si Liberman Dr. & Mrs. Jack L. Liggett Mrs. Robert Linton Dr. & Mrs. Eli Lippman Mr. Merrill C. Lochmaier Dr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Lorber Mr. & Mrs. Matt Lorentzen Ms. Fran Luckoff Mr. Kenneth E. Macey & Ms. Betty Yaeger Mr. Benjamin Macfarland Ms. Anita E. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marino Mr. & Mrs. George Marshall Ms. Cynthia L. Martin & Ms. Carole Martin Dr. Mary Martin Mr. Kent A. Martinson Mrs. Jack C. Massey Mr. & Mrs. Pier P. Mazza Mayor & Mrs. Jack McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. McLean Mr. & Mrs. T. Bragg McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Meek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Meeks Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Meisenzahl Ms. Tanya M. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. William John Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Ross D. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Moonie Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morris, Jr. Mr. Erik Moskowitz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey I. Mullens Ms. Genevieve L. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. John T. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Murray Ms. Dorothy Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Nicklaus Mr. Rob Nottingham Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. O’Brien Miss Clare O’Keeffe Ms. Virginia Oatley Mr. & Mrs. David T. Owens Ms. Elizabeth Matthews Paton Mr. Bill Pearl & Dr. Joann Hendelman Mrs. Annette Perini Ms. Catherine A. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Petersen Mrs. Robert L. Peterson & Mr. William Peterson Dr. Henry J. Petraki Mr. & Mrs. John Pickett, III Mr. & Mrs. James Pizzagalli Mr. Warren N. Ponvert Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Porreco Mrs. Christina F. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Presley Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quinn, III Mr. Oliver Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Raffo Mr. & Mrs. John Cater Randolph, II Ms. Mary Jane Range & Mr. Frank Hammerstrom Ms. Marjorie Raskin Dr. & Mrs. G. David Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Raymond Mr. David V. Reese Mr. Warren Resen Mr. & Mrs. Rob Reveley Ms. Nancy N. Richardson Mrs. Ruby S. Rinker & Mr. Andrew Bytnar Ms. Lynne Romeo Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Royce Dr. & Mrs. Garth S. Russell Dr. Melody Sanger & Dr. Jospeh Saponaro Mr. & Mrs. Todd Savage Mr. & Mrs. David H. Scaff Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Scarborough Mr. & Mrs. S. Lawrence Schlager

Ms. Faith Z. Schullstrom Ms. Stephanie W. Seed Ms. Barabara A. Selecman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Sexton The Reverend & Mrs. Grant R. Sherk Mr. & Mrs. Howard Silverman Dr. & Mrs. Franck Simon Mr. & Mrs. Harold Singer Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Slaydon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slocum Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Small Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Small Mr. Albert Smith & Mrs. Marcella Hyde-Smith Mrs. Page W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Eliot Snider Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Perry J. Spencer Ms. Patricia Squires Mr. Peter C. Steingraber Ms. Susan Stroman & Ms. Diane Evans Ms. Linda Katzen Swartz Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Swillinger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szalay Mr. & Mrs. Dom Telesco Ms. Judith Teller & Mr. David Kaye Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Theis, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Thompson Mr. & Mrs. James F. Tice Mr. William A. Torry Mrs. Jan Utterback Mr. & Mrs. Leni M. Valens Mr. & Mrs. Allen Valentine Mr. & Mrs. Leon R. Vedovato Ms. Bettie Vogel & Mr. Simone Desiderio Mr. & Mrs. David L. Voneida Ms. Gisa I. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Wallshein Dr. James C. Walsh Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Watson Mr. & Mrs. Joel Weiser Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Weiss Dr. & Mrs. Richard R. Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Caleb C. Whitaker, III Mr. & Mrs. William F. Whitehouse Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Whitford Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wilkey Mr. & Mrs. Jere H. Williams Ms. Rhonda Williams Ms. Betty S. Yaeger Mr. Mark Yard Ms. Starrett Zenko Mr. & Mrs. David Zylstra Marques & Marquesa de San Damian


Charter & Life Members

Charter Members

Life Members

Mrs. James Adams Mr. John W. Anderson, II Mrs. Henry Barkhasen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Burck Mr. Harrison K. Chauncey , Jr. Mrs. Harry V. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Getty Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gordon Mrs. Frances Hufty Ms. Rosemarie Leonhardt Miss Kenan Lewis

Ms. Rosalie Altman Ms. Margaret J. Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Longo

Miss Christina Claire Matthews Mrs. Eugene W. Murphy Ms. Patricia W. Owen Mrs. Richard C. Pietrafesa Mr. Roy A. Povell The Honorable Paul G. Rogers Mrs. Robert Salisbury Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schlang Mrs. Barnet Sorkin Ms. Jane L. Swing Mr. Richard T. Taylor Mr. Charles Turner Ms. Fortunata Yannacone

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Annan

Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Apfel Mr. Robert B. Baker Mrs. Nelle Ball Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Bantle Mr. & Mrs. William Barfknecht Mrs. Porter Batko Ms. Anne K. Beatty Ms. Anita Beck Mrs. Elise Bedle Ms. Diane Belfer Ms. Betty Bench Ms. Caroline J. Bennett Mr. Paul H. Bennett Ms. Betsy Berkshire Mrs. Harold Bernstein Mrs. John H. Birdsall Ms. Grace Blackwell Ms. Edith G.H. Bliss Mrs. Concey Bonfanti Ms. Janice Branyan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Braun Mrs. J. Porter Brinton , Jr. Ms. Mary Brockman

Mr. John J. Brogan

Ms. Gale Sorensen Brophy Mrs. Albert Brown Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bryan Mrs. A. Parker Bryant Ms. Jean R. Bryde Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Bussey, Jr. Mr. Frank O. Butler, II Mrs. Theresa Callahan Mrs. Dorothy M. Campbell Mr. Thomas M. Chastain Ms. Joan Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Coffman Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Comerford Mr. Lawrence H. Connelly Ms. Wynne Cook Mr. & Mrs. William W. Crawford Ms. Dolores G. DeArmas Mr. & Mrs. J. Simpson Dean Mr. & Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Dreyfoos Ms. Betsy Dyals Mrs. Harriett M. Eckstein Mr. Jim Edward


denotes addtional contribution to the Annual Fund or Whitehall Society

Ms. Ellen Ellis Mr. & Mrs. George T. Elmore Mr. Jose P. Fanjul Mr. & Mrs. William J. Farnbauch Dame Celia Lipton Farris Mrs. Claire Finnefrock Mr. & Mrs. Max M. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. William E. Flaherty Mrs. Jerre Foley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Forst Mr. & Mrs. John N. Foster, Jr. Mrs. Frank Fritz Mrs. Christine Fryer Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Gaudet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Geller Mrs. Melvin Gelman Mrs. John Gerretsen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gilbert Ms. Ruth Girardi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Glennon

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Murray H. Goodman Miss Jane-Fenwick Goodwin Mrs. Norman J. Gorringe , Jr. Mr. Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Gough Mrs. Harriet R. Gould Mrs. Kay Graham Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Grant, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gross, II Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Gross Miss Phyllis K. Guy

Col. & Mrs. G.F. Robert Hanke Mr. Matthew S. Hannon

Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Harris Ms. Charlotte Hennessey Mr. John D. Herrick Mrs. Jack Hight Mr. Roland Hill Countess Henrietta de Hoernle Ms. Jane Holzer

Mrs. Kelly M. Hopkins

Mr. Cass S. Hough Mrs. Philip Hulitar Mr. Gerhard M. Hutter Mrs. Paul Ilyinsky Mrs. Howard E. Imhof Ms. Mary Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Judson Mrs. Marie Kagan

Charter & Life Members

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Kalen Mrs. Simone Karoff Ms. Annette Karp Ms. Lorraine Kasper Mr. & Mrs. Arch A. Katcher Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Katz Dr. & Mrs. William L. Kemp, Jr. Mrs. Frank H. Kenan Miss Holt DeBose Kenan

Mrs. Sterling Kenan

Miss Roberta Sterling Kenan

Mr. Thomas S. Kenan, III

Mrs. Joseph Kerbel Mr. Frank L. Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Koff

Mrs. John C. LaMonte

Ms. Sharon Labovitz Mrs. Robert Lahey Mr. Edwin L. Lamont Mr. John Lang Ms. Elsa Lansdowne Ms. Grace G. Leabu Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lippert Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Little Mr. Joseph Livingston Mrs. William C. Longstreet, Jr. Ms. Elisabeth P. Mackintosh Mrs. Judith Maddock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Magill Mr. & Mrs. Egidio Majorana Ms. Eugenie E. Marron Ms. Virginia S. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Masek Master Alexander W. Matthews Ms. Elizabeth Matthews

Mr. George G. Matthews Mrs. Betsy K. Matthews

Mr. & Mrs. George G. Matthews, Jr. Mrs. Mark Stanley Matthews Miss Natalie N. Matthews Ms. Renee Matthews

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. McIntosh, IV Mr. & Mrs. Samuel McLendon Mr. & Mrs. Milton Meador Miss Amelia B. Michaels Miss Donna Michaels Mrs. Harry Milchin Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Misselhorn Ms. Deborah B. Moncrief Mr. & Mrs. John Mongell Mrs. Carolyn Moran

Mrs. George E. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. William J. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Munson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Myers

Mr. & Mrs. Jesse D. Newman Mrs. Charles Noell Mrs. Juanita Nowlen Miss Mary Obradovich Mr. W. James Oelsner Ms. Gloria Osborn Mr. Howard F. Ostrout, Jr.

Ms. Kathleen R. Pacetti Mr. Oscar Patoka

Mr. & Mrs. James A. de Peyster Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phillips Ms. Giovanna G. Phillips Mr. Stephen Pierce

Mr. Lewis B. Pollard

Mr. Nelson Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Porter Miss Margaret L. Powers Ms. Bettina Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Pugh

Mr. & Mrs. Thor H. Ramsing Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Randall Ms. Audrey Rauterkus

Mrs. Christine Raywood

Mr. & Mrs. George Rebholz Ms. Marjorie W. Redburn Ms. Addie Reddick Mr. & Mrs. A. Lachlan Reed

Mr. Warren Resen

Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Reynolds Ms. Mildred Rich

Mr. & Mrs John B. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William Rokos Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roth Ms. Trudy Ruddy Mrs. Alberta Rugh Mr. Donald E. Runge Mr. & Mrs. David Runkel Mr. Donald F. Russell Ms. Jane Russell

Mrs. Kathryn J. Rybovich

Ms. Rose Sachs Mrs. Floyd Samer Mr. Marc Sanders Mr. & Mrs. George Saxtan Ms. Armenia B. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Ernst R. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Scott

denotes addtional contribution to the Annual Fund or Whitehall Society

Mrs. Elizabeth Scripps-Harvey Mrs. Barbara Buchanan Seed

Dr. & Mrs. William T. Seed Ms. Denise Selz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Shore Ms. Mary M. Shriner Mr. Charles B. Simmons Mrs. Garnet M. Sliker Dr. Margaret D. Smith Ms. Roberta G. Smith Mrs. William D. Sohier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Soleliac, Jr.

Mrs. Beverly Sommer

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sprung Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Stern Ms. Mary E. Stewart Mrs. Arnold Stichman Dr. Marilyn E. Stone Miss Lorraine Strauss Dr. Ronald Strickman Mr. Harry A. Striebel Mrs. Ty Szczepanski Ms. Jean Tailer Ms. Dorothy Tanzman Mr. Scott Targer Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tower Ms. Helen Louise Tracy Mrs. Milton Turner Mrs. Edgar Ulsamer Ms. Eleanor D. Unger Mr. Malcolm W. Vallance Mr. & Mrs. William L. Van Alen Mr. Paul Vicari Ms. Georgia Wagner Mrs. Anne C. Washburn

Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Wean, Jr.

Mrs. Jane Wendel Mr. & Mrs. William Whipple Ms. Mary Lou Whitney

Mrs. James L. Wiley Ms. Joyce Williams

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wister, Jr. Ms. Eva Wolff Mrs. Nat Wolinsky Ms. Charlotte Wolpert Bishop & Mrs. Thomas H. Wright Mr. F. Richard York


Professional Staff

Executive Secretary

Emily Imbrogno

Business Manager Assistant to the Business Manager

Huide Modica Holly Panagacos

Chief Curator Registrar Exhibit Technician Collections Care Manager Custodian Custodian Custodian Custodian Public Affairs Director Public Affairs Assistant

William Doelle Amanda Wilson

Member Services Director Member Services Assistant

Sarah Brutschy Teresa Davis

Education Director Education Assistant Audio Tour Attendent Reservation Coordinator Visitor Services Director Assistant to the Visitor Services Director Cashier Grant Writer Chief of Security Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Lead Groundskeeper Painter Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker


Tracy Kamerer Rachel Bradshaw William Humphreys Gayle Clements Nathan Bishop Martha Mitchell Dadlanus Morelus Nancy Rodriguez

Holly Hughes Allison Goff Patricia Hartman Jeanne Rumble Lori Geiger Teresa Imbrieco Melana Rodriguez Victoria Giller William Fallacaro Kevin Blanchet Pierre Dubreil George Dunbar Idan Lopez Wisly Monelus Augustin St. Preux Jimmie Wrisper Roberto Bonilla Donald Lauda Andy Pierkiel Lynn Bastion

Docent Staff General Tour Docents

Docents In-Training

Docents Emeriti

Nelle Ball Betsy Berkshire Ethel Bob Janice Branyan Jean Braun Hella Buch Dorothy Cabarle Sue Comerford Lorraine Christensen Ellen Ellis Jacqueline Epling Eline Ford Marvin Gross Mindy Gross Mim Hall Roland “Slim� Hill Patricia Hillgardner Eileen Hinkson Cindy Hopkins Ann Ingram Barbara Jones Agnes Kirby Betty Kovach Chyna LaMonte Ron LaPorte Ed Lamont Ann Logsdon Mary Magill Nancy Munson Dee Nygren Marge Powers Mary Alice Pugh Christine Raywood Joan Runkel Don Russell Beverly Scanlan Faith Schullstrom Linda Sellers Niki Silvers Betty Sorge Florence Soss Ty Szczepanski Ron Vaughan

Don Bottaro Debbie Hazelwood Shirley Leffler Lenore Orlowska-Warren Cindy Steele Holly Strogoff Donald Warren Sally Welch

Nancy Bass Jane Batko Caroline Bennett Pal Bennett Christine Fryer Kay Gerretsen Joseph Glennon Ethel Greene Louis Gross Phyllis Gross Miriam Katcher Florence Kieff Camille Lahey John Lang Marion Little Shirley Longstreet Ruth McKenty Mary Nielsen Juanita Nowlen Audrey Rauterkus Garnet Sliker Teddy Speser Mary Stewart Shirley Stichman Helen Louise Tracy Lucy Ward Joyce Williams Muriel Wolinsky


2006 Year in Review January 13 17 19 20 24 30 31

Website redesign for both the museum and the museum store The Preservation Society of Newport County Board of Directors retreat Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition exhibit opened Opening Reception for Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition exhibit The Flagler Museum produced the 2006 Annual Catalog featuring Museum Store items The Flagler Museum presented violinist Nokuthula Ngwenyama in concert The Flagler Museum hosted the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation public meeting American Association of Museum Directors dinner

February 5 Whitehall Lecture Series: Christopher Columbus by Martin Dugard 8 Gallery Talk for Tiffany at the World’s Columbia Exposition featured a book signing by John Loring 12 Whitehall Lecture Series: George Washington by Laura Dove & Lisa Gurnsey 14 The Flagler Museum Music Series presented the Colorado String Quartet in concert 19 Whitehall Lecture Series: Jack the Ripper by Paul Begg 24 Whitehall Society hosted the Dancing After Dark inaugural event 24 The New York Times reviewed Tiffany at the World’s Columbian Exposition 25 First annual Bluegrass Concert held in the Flagler Kenan Pavilion 26 Whitehall Lecture Series: Thomas Edison by Dr. Paul Israel 28 The Flagler Museum Music Series presented oboist Thomas Gallant in concert March 5 12 14 27 28

Whitehall Lecture Series: William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody by Dr. Paul Fees Whitehall Lecture Series: Andrew Carnegie by Les Standiford The Flagler Museum Music Series presented the Gryphon Trio in concert The Flagler Museum hosted History Day for Palm Beach County student’s The Flagler Museum Music Series presented the Borealis Wind Quartet in concert

April 3 The Flagler Museum received the prestigious Judge Knott Award from the Historical Society of Palm Beach County 10 The annual Carnegie Heroes Lecture and Book signing recognized recipients of the Carnegie Hero Medal 10 The Flagler Museum hosted the Palm Beach Civic Association Annual Meeting, and the Mayor’s State-of-the-Town Address in the Flagler Kenan Pavilion 15 Whitehall Society hosted the first annual Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Egg Roll 29 The Flagler Museum and area cultural intuitions participated in Drive to Support the Arts


May 12 Restored Grand Hall Alcove Chandeliers were reinstalled 22 Flagler Museum is featured in an episode of WPTV Channel 2’s “State of the Arts” program June 5 Over 2,000 visitors attended the Flagler Museum’s Founder Day July 4 The Flagler Museum invited Members and their families at the Sustaining level and above to enjoy Fourth of July Fireworks over the Intracoastal Waterway 15 Work began to install new sub floor and oak flooring in the Exhibit Gallery 28 A statue of Henry Flagler was dedicated at the Miami Dade County Courthouse

September 6 The Flagler Museum welcomed the annual Concierge Association of Florida Meeting 19 The Blue God and The Silver King: The Origins of Sport Fishing on Florida’s Southeast Coast exhibit opened 28 The Orange County Library System (OCLS) held an online discussion with Museum Education Director Holly Hughes about Henry Flagler’s influence on the state of Florida November 24 Whitehall Society hosted Cocktails Under the Stars with Hollywould and designer Holly Dunlap 24 The Pavilion Café opened for the 2006/2007 season serving the Gilded Age Tea 28 Members at the Sustaining Level and above attended the annual Trustees Reception December 3 The Annual Christmas Tree Lighting 5 The Gallery Talk for The Blue God and The Silver King: The Origins of Sport Fishing on Florida’s Southeast Coast exhibit with Tim Eaton of Eaton Fine Art, Inc. 17-23 Flagler Museum holiday evening tours, featuring carolers, refreshments, and a Christmas themed tour of Whitehall took place in December The Flagler Museum produced Flagler’s Florida, a Newspapers in Education publication, and distributed the 32 page newspaper to 25,000 students in Palm Beach and Martin County schools.


A National Historic Landmark Accredited by the American Association of Museums

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