Chairmen Susan Malloy, Tracy Smith, Sterling Kenan, and Nicole Munder and the
Whitehall Society of the Flagler Museum Remind You to Please
Save the Date Saturday, February 23, 2013 for the
Whitehall Society’s Bal Poudré Commemorating Henry Flagler’s Legacy in Palm Beach and Florida
I would like to make a reservation as follows: Sponsorships: _____ Event-Name Sponsor ($50,000) Includes two reserved tables for ten, plus additional benefits. _____ Grand Benefactor: ($25,000) Includes one reserved table for ten, plus additional benefits. _____ Benefactor: ($10,000) Includes one reserved table for ten, plus additional benefits. _____ Patron: ($5,000) Four tickets to the dinner, plus additional benefits. _____ Supporter: ($3,000) Two tickets to the dinner, plus additional benefits. Individual tickets: _____ Dinner in the Grand Ballroom, After-Dinner Dance, and VIP Lounge access: $750 _____ After-Dinner Dance and VIP Lounge access: $350 _____ After-Dinner Dance: $250
Name(s) (as you wish to be listed)______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip ___________________________________________________________ Telephone (Day) __________________________(Evening)_________________________ e-mail _____________________________________________________________________ _____ I would like to make a reservation as indicated _____ I am unable to attend but wish to make a contribution of $ ___________________ _____ Enclosed is my check for $ _____________ _____ Please charge $___________ to my: __ Mastercard __ Visa __ American Express Account number _______________________________________ Exp. date ____________ Name / signature (as it appears on your card) ___________________________________ Please make checks payable to the: Flagler Museum
My Guests Will Be: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________